
6 Reviews
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Re: Terrible, but filled with that D'Amato charm!
23 January 2001
I finally obtained a copy of this very obscure D'Amato film. After successfully tolerating both "Erotic Nights of The Living Dead" and "Porno Holocaust," I found it necessary to further push the limits of my tolerance with this, another D'Amato porno/horror galivanting-in-paradise film. First off, I don't speak German, and since this film only exists in a German dubbed print I had to get what I could out of the body language, of which there was quite a lot, albeit of the sexual kind. I couldn't help but snicker at myself about what I have become. Here I am watching a more than likely 8th generation bootleg in a language I don't even speak. Yet I am intent on seeing it and have no inclination to stop it. Have I gone insane? Has the awesome power of Italian Horror Sleaze turned me into one of its own zombies? Though this film is terrible, it possesses a charm that I can't resist. It is the same charm that has afforded me the will to watch about %50 of D'Amato's output. The beautiful Caribbean scenery, the sexy women, the pig slaughter, the leg-crossing oral castration that opens the film, all culminate into one rediculous, schizophrenic movie. I guess that is what most of D'Amato's horror/porn films are...schizophrenic. Worth watching if you are a hardcore D'Amato fan, otherwise don't buy into those video bootleg companies who try to promote it like its some crazy, gory, sex filled cannibal romp Because its not. There is plenty of softcore sex, some gore but not much. There is only one scene of cannibalism (not counting the castration scene). This film can be sometimes found under the title "Papaya: Love Goddess Of The Cannibals." From what I could tell, this film had more to do with Voodoo then cannibalism. Nonetheless, I liked the film, I love D'Amato and I don't apologize for indulging in this kind of sleaze. Cheers Joe! May you rest in peace!
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Super violent cop film from acclaimed savage director Ruggero Deodato
7 June 2000
This is one of Deodato's earlier films. Deodato is best known as the director of the notorious film "Cannibal Holocaust". With a script by Di Leo and masterful direction by Deodato, you get a film that is violent, ruthless and exciting. One can easily see the influence on contemporary directors like Tarantino (a huge Di Leo fan). This film also has a lot in common with movies like Dirty Harry, where a cop uses extreme measures to deliver justice and always has his boss coming down on him for being too violent in doing so. Except in this film it is two guys who team up to clean the streets. The viewer will be surprised at the amount of violence in this film when considering the year it was made. If you can locate this film, its worth watching.
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One of the best giallos
15 May 2000
I just picked this little gem up recently and had the pleasure of finding out what a great film this is. I was unfamiliar with the director, and wasn't sure what to expect. The film is filled with clever camera work and symbolism. The soundtrack too is wonderful. I did not miss the mighty Morricone while watching this giallo. Morricone has scored many films like this and has created a style all his own for these sort of films. Even though I noticed some Morricone-like melodies, the score overall was original, with well placed moments of Tchaikovsky's piano concerto. If you have already seen all the Argento, Fulci and Bava giallos, then by all means do not miss this one!
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A Must for D'Amato fans
30 March 2000
I've heard a lot about Porno Holocaust and its twin film Erotic Nights Of The Living Dead. Both films are interchangeable and were filmed at the same time on the same location with the same actors changing clothes for each film (and taking them off). If you are expecting the D'Amato genius displayed in films like Buio Omega or Death Smiles on Murder, you won't find it here. Nonetheless this film has a charm that exploitation fans will not be able to resist. Where else will you see hardcore sex mixed with a zombie/monster and his enormous penis that strangles and chokes women to death? Only from D'Amato. There is some amount of gore in which many of the men are bludgeoned to death. The film is set on a beautiful tropical island. As far as I know there is no subtitled version, so if you don't speak Italian you wont know what is going on...but who cares right? In all honesty, Gore fans will probably fast forward through the hardcore sex. And if anyone is actually watching this for the sex only, will for sure be offended instantly. I can just imagine modern day porn fans tracing back through D'Amato's output and coming across this atrocity! Out of the two I find Erotic Nights Of The Living Dead far superior. But, don't bother watching either if they are cut. Porno Holocaust is extremely low budget as expected. Even the monster looks no where as good as George Eastman's character in Anthropophagus. The film is worth watching for laughs and to complete your D'Amato film quest.
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A powerful and shocking film
30 March 2000
After reading the many comments concerning this infamous title I felt I needed to jump in and defend it. I expected trash, but I was surprised at how powerful and moving this film is. The beautiful cinematography (which greatly contrasts the brutal nature of the film)is well done. I thought the story did much to humanize the female lead by showing a spiritual side. She visits a church before going on a justified murder spree. I feel that this film is challenging in that it is confrontational. I found myself wanting to see these men die, even after realizing that one had a wife and kids. I was surprised by the amount of animosity that I had developed during the first half of the film where the lead female is raped. But this is how these "revenge" films are made. Not unlike Craven's Last House On The Left (a far superior film), the first half the viewer is confronted with transgressive violence, the last half is where the viewer vicariously releases this anger and frustration through the lead character (much like the parents in Last House). I thought the characterization in I Spit was slightly weak. But, this didn't hold the film back at all. In the end I was drained, disturbed and moved. I don't feel misogynous. I am not psychotic. I do allow myself to get completely lost in cinema and let films take me where they go. If this is with films like I Spit On Your Grave or Fellini's 8 1/2, it does not matter. Give I Spit a chance if you haven't and decide for yourself.
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Wonderful treat for fans of the late D'amato!
16 March 2000
I was very excited to see a documentary on one of my favorite Italian directors. D'Amato has dabbled in everything from Horror, post-apocalyptic to hardcore Porn. He has touched upon genius a couple of times with films like Buio Omega and Emmanuelle & The Last Cannibals. This documentary is a lenghty and informative guide to the films of D'Amato. He is interviewed throughout with English subtitles rolling across the bottom of the screen. The excerpts from his films are narrated by a narrator (with english subtitles). The documentary proved extra interesting when it analyzed the often censored "Emmanuelle In America". Here D'amato explaines the faked "snuff" scenes in detail and recalls some funny stories. In fact, good ol' Joe is very warm and funny throughout, always wearing a smile and smoking a cigarette. The one disapointing aspect of this documentary is that it spends little time on D'amato's Horror films like Anthropophagus and the brilliant Buio Omega. It spends too much time on the erotic cinema and hardly touches the post-apocaplyptic films. But, I can't complain. It is wonderful to see D'amato get the respect he deserves. Highly recommended for fans of D'amato. May he rest in peace.
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