The Devil Conspiracy (2022) Poster

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Could Have, Should Have Been an 8 Star Movie
fatfil-414-4517976 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a sucker for any movies depicting hell, or related to fallen angels. And the premis of this sounded great, sort of Jurrasic Park meets Rosemary's Baby via The Omen.

A cult steals the Turin Shroud so they can use Jesus' DNA to crate a baby capable of hosting lucifer's ressurection. Cool right?

The production values are actually pretty good for a movie of this type, the special effects are also more than acceptable. But one of the things that disapointed me, and I guess I really shouldn't be surprised was the publicity blurb, which hinted at so much more.

I Think the promo I read was something like, "When a cult steals the Turin Sroud to use Jesus' DNA to ressurect Lucifer, all hell breaks loose. Which it didn't. Not really.

Don't get me wrong, I did actually enjoy this, but it had the feeling of a missed opportunity from a really, really great idea. Some of the actiing and dialogue was also sketchy at times, but if you are in to this sort of "War in Heaven" type movies, worth a look.
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Glad I ignored the bad reviews...
Wikkid_Gamez19 August 2023
I mean no, its not award worthy, but I found it entertaining enough. Granted I went into it not expecting anything good. I actually expected to end up turning it off after a bit. I only gave it a shot because of 2 things.... Peter Mensah, and a weird scifi tastic sounding storyline.... While I was disappointed that Mensah didn't have more screen time I still found myself watching the whole thing and enjoying it. The music fit, and wasn't distracting and yes a lot happens in the dark... That's what TV settings are for people! Those are usually not set to optimal levels out of the box and almost always have to be adjusted. I had no problems seeing anything that happened. All in all it is definitely better than the low 4.5 rating. Is it a 10? Nope, although I was tempted to rate it as such to try and offset so many unjustly bad reviews... But I didn't. I did go ahead and give it a 6 although i really think its about a solid 5. For me ratings of 4 or less should be reserved for things with cringe worthy acting and/or cartoonish effects. They could have done more with the script, true. But all in all it was an entertaining watch that didn't run slow, it kind of hit the ground running and kept moving the whole time which works for me. It takes a special movie that can keep me engaged at a slow burn speed.
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hampersnow-413696 March 2023
Considering it's current score of 4.5 I thought this would be a big boring mess. Instead it's a very entertaining film with an interesting plot, some great special effects and I was never bored. This is about on the level of a well done supernatural television show, not a big budget Hollywood film, but it's enjoyable and had me wondering what was going to happen next. Not only that but I had no idea how it would end and have to admit that I'm not sure exactly how it did turn out as they seem to leave a bit of a question on that point. Different viewers are going to come away with various interpretations of the ending. Not a classic but worth watching once.
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somewhatarian5 June 2023
This movie is silly.

This movie had its moments. I thought it would be mythology focused but makes the mistake of trying to move the story through humans.

It has all your tropes and no scene really outdoes the first one.

The hand to hand combat scenes between Michael the Archangel and demons are eyerollingly boring. The main character, who you just know survives this, is likeable but everything that happens to her is so boring and predictable.

They don't do a good job of explaining the mythos or the requirements.

Idk its a semi-interesting premise that just lacks imagination in its execution. I actually clicked on the movie because I thought the imagery of Lucifer and Michael was really inventive.

It was disappointing honestly, but its not worse than other movies these days that take themselves way too seriously.
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Bonkers Plot Executed Poorly
etool20 January 2023
This movie has an absolutely bonkers plot but it's not even fun to watch due to the poor execution. The lighting is so dark and the editing is so frantic during the "action" scenes that you can't tell what is even going on. The special effects used for the demons and the design of Satan is lame, when you somehow are able to see them. The gore effects are just downright lazy. The bad direction leads to cheesy performances from the entire cast. The score is bland. Every time this movie seems like it's going to go crazy and do something fun with its premise, the movie almost stops itself. The movie is only 111 minutes yet it feels bloated. Also the movie takes itself too seriously, even though there are scenes that are unintentionally funny, and it would work a lot better as an action horror comedy. I don't know why whatever studio put this stinker out decided to release this in theaters.
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Hitting Streaming in 6 Weeks
michaelheidank15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was pretty ridiculous throughout the entirety of the movie. The main character had the personality of an atheist shell and nothing more. Nothing establishes their back story, and yet it's supposed to mean something later on? The random Italian woman screaming at her in the line to the Cathedral and then also screaming at her in Italian in the cell (without subtitles of course) was ridiculous. The voice acting also sounded like something out of a Chef Boyardee commercial. This woman screamed for a solid 2 minutes and none of it had anything to do with the plot. The VFX was absolute trash considering you see St. Michael as an Angel for all about of 90 seconds of the almost 2 hour screen time. The story ending was so self defeating. "Oh it's Jesus' body, so you were doomed all along! The Scooby Doo van got you!". I've never walked out of a movie and I considered it multiple times.
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It knows what it is.
RickBrands7 March 2023
As it happens, I watched this preposterous B-movie immediately after one of the most recent Marvel flicks, and honestly: it turned out to be far better regarding editing, soundtrack, and screenplay - not that that's necessarily saying much.

Of course, the effects aren't on nearly the same level, but at least the filmmakers knew exactly what they were going for, and communicated their intention from the get-go. Really: I enjoyed this schlocky spectacle a whole big bunch, and Alice Orr Ewing is a star to keep an eye on, as she acts the Hell out of her role - pun obviously intended.

It's been a long time since I was able to just sit back and enjoy the overt ridiculousness of the entire Biblical spiel, and for me, it wasn't even a 'guilty pleasure' or anything - just entertaining fun.
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I give it a 5 for comedy.
HotDoggyBoomBooM10 March 2023
" lucifer possessed woman on giving birth: my water broke.

St. Michael : huh.

Lucifer possessed woman : proceeds to shower him with hot steamy water giggling hahaha.

St. Michae: screaming with pain"

that's how it is .movie was good for having a few laughs . It looks like someone wanted to take a different route of the movie LEGION but ended up making a mess with budget hitting cgi and actors with relevance becoming so irrelevant with punchlines and endless chase . Its not a bad movie afterall if you enjoy the comedy in it but i do feel bad because the story had nothing to support with it just so happens like yeah we are gonna do this today and release lucifer just like that .
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I went to the theater expecting laughable schlock, and instead got...a pretty good movie??
mac_gere15 January 2023
I saw the trailer for this and thought it would be the perfect way to blow time before dinner plans. I thought "oh cool, a Syfy channel original that's probably also secretly some kind of 'God's Not Dead' sermon-wrapped-in-a-movie. I love schlocky B-movies, and I was down for a bad time.

So wasn't I surprised when this movie is just like... pretty good??? The acting is not cringe or embarrassing like I was betting on, the SFX are not any worse than the worst Marvel SFX (Thor 2 anyone?), it's got some pretty gnarly action/gore, REALLY cool and original concepts, serviceable and not distracting music... What kind of B-Movie is this?? Even the sets were pretty good! The storyline is of course a bit ridiculous but it's also fun, and most importantly for movies in this lane, SALIENT. The story is like... ya know... cogent the whole time, which is refreshing for this kind of thing. I never felt lost, and I never felt bored.

Not to say it was all flawless or anything, there were a couple distracting establishing shots that were clearly someone's nephew messing around in Blender, some of the child-acting was a lil rough around the edges, a couple physical performances from minor characters/extras were a little less than convincing, but if you compare this to similar projects in its genre/budget, The Devil Conspiracy is basically the Citizen Kane of Tubi movies. I would be genuinely excited to see a higher budget sequel to this, and I'll definitely be on the lookout for Frankowski's next movie.

It has heart! It was clearly made with intention and care. Yes, at times it feels a little cheap, but it never ONCE feels lazy. Worth your time if you want a Supernatural Horror/Action movie.
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Comical ignorance.
pbowen-216786 March 2023
There are times it was great, and times it was very poor. It was easy to tell when the writer either lacked knowledge or had bouts with writers block... and lost that bout. Its sad to see something that has such great potential fall to either rushing to get done or just impatient to do just a little more research on areas they failed. I really hate laughing at something that is supposed to be a serious moment.

The production was pretty good, but somebody definitely lacked touch with either the story they based this on, and even reality itself sometimes. "Your my prisoner and I demand respect!"... What?
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I often wonder
mentiramivida63 June 2023
Do people know how to use their televisions? Y'all know there are settings to adjust just about anything from brightness to sound and then some (if u have a "smart" tv)... smh.

On my television the brightness is set perfectly so that I can see what I view (mainly "dark" horror/thrillers) and hear the sounds surround me via my JBLs.

This movie, although lame for being religious, was a very decent sci-fi, fantasy genre. I was interested enough to want to know more and never disinterested enough to get (fully) distracted. I do wish they used the actor Mensah (Michael) rather Doyle (Marconi) as the main character. The archangel Michael not only looked better on screen but their acting gave the movie much needed life. Not that father Marconis acting wasn't good, it just greatly lacked stage presence. I really enjoyed the spin on this drab fiction with the angel Lucifer being locked within its creation.
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Visually and musically delightful
FeastMode14 January 2023
I went into The Devil Conspiracy knowing nothing about it, without watching any trailers. This is a perfect example of why I love that strategy. The movie starts with a breathtaking opening scene that made me think, "omg, what am I watching?" And it's filled with really weird and different scenes, things I feel like I've never seen before.

By far the best qualities are the music and the visuals. I love the musical score. It's not just one or two themes, it's awesome from beginning to end. And it's featured prominently. The visuals are frequently stunning. Numerous shots had my jaw dropped.

This movie is also flawed in many ways. There are a few stupid parts, even a couple that unintentionally made me laugh. Not everything works or feels smooth. I wish Peter Mensah had more screentime, I feel like he could have brought more to the role after loving what he did in Spartacus.

But the biggest downside by far is the lack of escalation to a climax. There is barely a climax to speak of. The entire movie is cranked up to turbo mode, but it stays at that level through to the end. It never kicks into overdrive. It would have taken the movie to another level for me.

I still had a good time with this unique and fun experience. I'll probably watch it again at some point and hope to see continued attempts at crazy movies like this. (1 viewing, opening Saturday 1/14/2023)
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A brain dead, but oddly entertaining, B-movie actioneer
nicolasroop24 January 2023
They definitely had my attention in the first half. I was enjoying the story set up and the film had this fun 90's action movie feel to it, which was working for it in a way I hadn't expected. The only thing at that point that wasn't working for me was the acting. Ranging from standard all the way to ridiculous and over the top, but a lot of that can be blamed on the film's dialogue. Some it sounded like it was written by a high school drama club it was so bad. However fun and entertaining that first have may have been, it does nothing to save itself from tedium and bad story direction in the last half. The twist at the end negates everything we saw previous, made Michael's mission pointless and made me feel like I had just wasted my time. One of the worst movie endings I think I've ever seen if I'm being honest. It ruins the film. My only other complaint with the movie is it's length. Some of the material could have been cut as it is extremely redundant and makes the film start to drag at about half way through. In all honesty, I couldn't recommend this film, but if religious movies are your thing, you might get a kick out of it.

1.5 archangels out of 5.
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abisio18 January 2023
Taking hints from ROSMARIE BABY and THE PROFECY with added some genetic elements (using Christ DNA to recreate the Devil) seemed interesting; but sadly that was all. The rest of the script was very poorly made.

It is a pity; acting is not Oscar worthily but is decent.; actions scenes are not espectacular but decently filmed and some gore shots were well made. Not so much the digital effects.

I do not think it was budget issue; but the lack of imagination to finish what was originally a good idea.

In brief; do not lose you time; is not boring but not terrifying either; just a failed attempt to do something that could have been far better.
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Could have been wayyy better
sinmoybycosmoy-8961314 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like mythological movies. So a movie with this kind of story line attracted me.

Movie is not bad. Editing could have been lot better. Unnecessary background scores could have been removed.

Story continuity is bad. Michael's journey to hell is pretty shoddy.

The transformation in the male protagonist is simply disjointed. A ton of questions are left unanswered. Michael and Lucifer are depicted in a strange way. God seems to favor Lucifer while Michael is left to his ow luck. The supporters of Lucifer are pretty laughing stock.

If you are looking for a remotely authentic storyline, this is not the one. But see this for a campy experience. No NSFW at all.
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A Surprisingly Good (But Not That Good) Movie
dylanpcrawford15 May 2023
The Devil Conspiracy has a lovably insane plot, great costume design and practical effects, and it has the cinematography and CGI of a modern Marvel movie while only being made on a budget of $5 million. Sadly, the movie is held back by bad writing, boring characters, and flat villains. It tries too hard to be like its quippy action movie counterparts rather than form its own identity. All of this is wrapped up with incredibly stale and overlong second and third acts, and a very unsatisfying ending. I think this movie was made by a lot of talented people who will go on to make great movies, this just isn't one.
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Worst second half of any movie
degrees-3336510 March 2023
This first half of the movie was honestly really good - the concept and execution/build-up had me interested and hooked. I wanted to see more!

If the film had 'ended' the half-point mark I would had given what I'd seen a solid 8/10. Much of it because of the great story/plot/concept.

But...then comes the second half....oh my... The twists and plot now changes to something very confusing, disappointing and near juvenile in writing. Such a shame this could have been a 7-8/10 rated movie for sure. Now...I'll net it down to a 6 - again, the plot is rather ingenious and the acting is really not too bad.

This first half of the movie was honestly really good - the concept and execution/build-up had me interested and hooked. I wanted to see more!

If the film had 'ended' the half-point mark I would had given what I'd seen a solid 8/10. Much of it because of the great story/plot/concept.

But...then comes the second half....oh my... The twists and plot now changes to something very confusing, disappointing and near juvenile in writing. Such a shame this could have been a 7-8/10 rated movie for sure. Now...I'll net it down to a 5.
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Don't waste your time
drijc18 May 2023
The concept was poorly developed and it had so many ridiculous moments that it left me feeling irritated. I love horror movies and give room for the inevitable inadequacies of many but that is to be expected in the genre...but this could not have been thought through by anyone with the intent to make a good movie. There were 2 actors that did a good job, the main bad woman and Michael in his angel form. There were predictable moments and others that left you speechless not because they were good but because it was hard to believe the movie received enough funding to be completed. If you feel you must watch it do so when you are too tired to pay attention or while working on something that keeps your attention away from the screen.
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Such a genius script and storyline
willandcharlenebrown14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The fact we know cloning is here and no longer a thought, combined with the storyline (if you believe in God and the Devil and Jesus) of cloning Jesus makes your mind open up to a whole new world. Whoever thought of this script should be commended! In a world of remakes and super hero bombardment, this is so refreshing and an authentic thought. I do wish the storyline had been more coherent and some cheesy parts taken out, but that's ok. They had me at SCRIPT. I don't foresee a sequel coming out and the ratings will most likely settle around 4.5-5.5 but I am giving it a 6 because it deserves it on originality alone!
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A Mess
stevendbeard14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw The Devil Conspiracy, starring Alice Orr_Ewing-Andor_tv, Atonement; Joe Doyle-A Call to Spy, Run; Peter Mensah-Snake Eyes, Jason X and Joe Anderson-The Grey, Across the Universe.

This movie is a mess. It has an interesting plot idea-concerning the DNA-but a lot of the time, things just don't make sense. The country of origin of the movie is the Czech Republic. Peter plays the Archangel Michael that imprisons Joe A-as Lucifer-down in Hell after a big fight at the beginning of the movie. A biotech company is experimenting with clones using the DNA of long dead people-these are the bad guys, they are financially backed by Satanists. Alice is a reporter that is visiting a church that is displaying the Shroud of Turin-with the DNA of Jesus-when she and the Shroud are kidnapped by the Satanists. The cult wants to use the DNA to make a baby for Joe A to inhabit and they want Alice to incubate the baby. Joe D plays a priest that tries to save Alice but is killed in the process. Peter then inhabits Joe D's body to fight the cult but sometimes he has powers and other times he doesn't, with no explanation as to why.

It's rated R for violence, gore and language and has a running time of 1 hour & 51 minutes.

I wouldn't buy this one on DVD. It's not a good one to stream, either but if you really want to see it, I'd wait until it comes to basic cable tv.
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If it's your kind of movie, it's great!
AmyHarrisonRRNC25 August 2023
The acting was good, the story was interesting. The guy who played Father Marconi/Michael did a really good job. I would watch a second movie if it came out.

The graphics now, they were awesome! I don't understand why all the low star reviews were given, but hey, that's just me. I couldn't believe I just now found it today! All in all it was enjoyable to watch. The twist at the end made it even better. Was not the way I expected the movie to end, it was actually way better. I hope they do write a second movie, they kinda leave you hanging at the end to make you believe there will be another one.

Watch it. Make your own opinion.
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subxerogravity14 January 2023
I literally had no idea what to expect when I went in on this one, but I expected more CGI demon fighting based on the poster, but what I got was really good as it was. For a second, I thought I was going to be watching a faith film, but then the plot was revealed in which a science firm backed by Satanists steal a shroud with enough of the blood of Christ on it to build a host for the fallen angel Lucifer using the hard Science fiction plot of cloning. That was a pretty good plot. So good I wish the film had better production quality. It had the feel of an early 80s horror movie in its format but plot good enough for a hundred-million-dollar budget. I hate to see this one get lost in an ocean of Amazon Prime Videos.
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Diabolical !
mathiassorrow6 March 2023
Casting, dreadful. Acting, dreadful. Script, dreadful. Effects, dreadful. Story, had potential but everyone involved with this screwed up any redemption that might have given this movie.

Worst of all though is the absolute arrogance of the people responsible for this garbage. There's a reason that heaven, hell, God, Satan etc are rarely portrayed in movies, they are just too absolute to be conveyed to the viewer. But these guys thought they could pull it off with this low budget abortion of a movie. Spoiler alert, they didn't.

Things to consider doing instead of watching this... do some ironing, ask your friends or neighbours if they have any ironing they want doing, sit down with a notepad and plan a schedule for your next months worth of ironing.

So sad that there are actually people who would front the budget for this crap.
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Wow.... how dissapointing.
jangelor7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The concept of this movie (cloning ancient figures with DNA) is genius and fascinating, which is why I am forced to give this movie such a low review. There are SO many directions and atmospheres that concept could have been utilized in, but instead it was wasted on a poor acting, low budget, horrible script, anti-climatic movie such as this.

Please bury this thing under a rock and find a better writer and producer to make another movie with the same concept. Lucifer was too talkative, loud, and stupid looking. Not scary at all. Arch Angel Michael was too familiar with some modern day objects and concepts but completely ignorant to others. Didn't even make sense.
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bad movie
prolazniknamernik5 March 2023
The film is a big failure both as a horror genre and in relation to any interpretation of the Bible.

The depiction of Devils and Demons is not scary at all, but rather similar to already seen aliens from Marvel's Avengers.

According to the Bible, demons are spirits and the use of bodies is a big mistake, because immediately the genre becomes SF.

The way the script was made is blasphemous in relation to the Bible, and therefore to someone who understands Christianity, the script is stupid and boring.

I don't know what he would say about the depiction of the angel Michael and his role.

I think that a well-trained military unit of any country on earth would do better with such Devils and demons.

I am very sad that an actor of Peter Mensah's caliber was even cast in this failure of everything.

I would only add if I hadn't seen a more stupid depiction of hell as a place of horror.

Hell in the movie is like some kind of semi-bad conditions on Earth and I think it's depicted even better than, say, the conditions in the Arctic or Antarctic.

The atmosphere of fear in the film does not exist at all, and in the beginning of the film (with that professor) there are even comedy interjections, which is a disaster.

So, apart from the fact that the film is blasphemous and unoriginal, it is also neither scary nor artistically interesting.

I would absolutely not recommend this movie to anyone.
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