The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre (2021) Poster

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marinaant-3621724 November 2021
I really predicted this movie was gonna be bad and unfortunately I was right, in most of the film I got to watch a lot of stupid dialogues until it got to it's point, the zombie makeup was kinda okay, the acting though was terrible so I'm giving it a 3 for the effort because I'm generous.
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Essentially just another generic zombie movie...
paul_haakonsen8 October 2021
Right, well as an avid zombie fan, I must admit that I just had to sit down and watch this 2021 horror comedy titled "The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre", as it was a movie that blended zombies with pro wrestling. And yeah, having been a kid in the 1980s, I grew up watching wrestling on TV, so of course there was something nostalgic about this project from writers Mike Carey and Chris Margetis.

Now, the title itself sort of made me wonder about the contents of the movie, as I was thinking about old Charlie Manson, so I had a flickering doubt about what I was going to be in for here.

And while "The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre" definitely was watchable, it just wasn't an outstanding movie. Why? Well, first and foremost, the pacing of the movie. It took director Max Martini forever to set the stage, and by the time things actually started to uppen the pace, it was just about an hour into the foray, and by that time too much time had passed by with little fun or zombie action. So it was somewhat of an ordeal to sit through "The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre".

Sure, the concept idea of zombies and wrestlers does have some appeal to it, but if you look at it afterwards when the movie is finished, then you're not going to be finding yourself clapping your hands in glee, because the mixture was just a bland and mundane end result.

The acting performances in "The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre" were adequate. Sure, I wasn't expecting to be in for a Shakespearian experience here, but I will say that the performers put on adequate enough performances given the limitations of the storyline, plot, script, dialogue and character gallery. I will say, though, that the performers definitely had a wrestling-feel going on, because that was spot on.

Visually then "The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre" was actually fair. The zombie make-up and effects were actually good. They weren't as amazing as what you would see in a Romero movie or the TV series "The Walking Dead", but they were good enough. It definitely was a couple of steps above the typical rubbish that tend to flood the zombie genre.

All in all, then "The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre" was watchable, but it was a generic and bland venture into the zombie genre. The potential was there for something outstanding, but it just ended up being just another drop in the rotting ocean of zombie movies. And while it is watchable, this is hardly a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time.

As such, then my rating of "The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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Watch COCKNEY vs ZOMBIES instead.
galuwatra30 April 2023
I wasn't expecting a whole lot from this movie but my goodness I could barely get through the first five minutes. Number one is the terrible and I mean terrible, fake southern accents. It seems as is any filmmaker who wants to show people who are uneducated and borderline poverty level always resort to a southern accent. I get it I live in the south, but this one was just about unbearable. If you want a fun and I mean fun film to watch watch Cockneys versus Zombies, at least that movie provides good, and I mean good acting, great writing, and a beautiful, cockney accent that is legitimate, avoid this one and watch that one- you'll be glad you did!
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don't waste time finding this one
GSK2323 July 2022
Dead center average zombie film with a "wrestler twist".

The acting is from the usual "straight to video" camp, the directing is from the "uh, is this thing on" camp and the film itself from the "there's still gold in this genre" camp. All of it adds up to be mildly entertaining, but nothing more.
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Neither too bad nor too good!!
sauravjoshi8513 May 2024
The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre is a horror comedy film directed by Max Martini. The film stars Chris Margetis, Mike Carey, David B. Meadows, Randy Couture, D. B. Sweeney and Jayden Lund.

Two brothers compete in a wrestling match on the eve of Halloween as a raging zombie apocalypse infests the people outside the arena.

This film is a typical example of a mix bag film. There are some of the scenes which are very entertaining and some of the scenes which irritates.

Acting in the film is good and all the characters were entertaining. The screenplay of the film is decent to average and climax of the film is good.

There are some of the hilarious comedy dialogues. Overall the film is a decent one time watch horror comedy film.
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Go ahead and have some fun here!
blameline5 April 2023
OK so you KNOW you're not going to be watching "Lawrence of Arabia" here, and this doesn't have Daniel Day-Lewis or Meryl Streep appearing in it so don't expect something which needs higher end accents. I will say that I believe DDL or Meryl would have enjoyed appearing in this film as it just looks like everyone is having some fun. Why wouldn't they? There are Wrestlers versus Zombies. You don't see that often, but it's right up there with Cowboys versus Aliens. Alien versus Predator. King Kong versus Godzilla. Kramer versus Kramer even! Give this film a shot and just enjoy the fun you're having.
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Aren't we putting the horse before the ox?
nogodnomasters30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Stone (Chris Margetis) and Skull Manson (Mike Carey) are aging tag team wrestlers who wear leather and play the "bad" guys. Skull is similar to Curly, the Stooge. He frequently coins words that sound similar to what he should be saying. He is a hoot and the reason to watch the film in spite of Mindy Robinson showing off her cleavage for a few seconds. They end up in Santa Fe for a remote cage match. Unfortunately there is a severe storm that is not fake news. Many in the group have taken a Chinese growth hormone with zombie like consequences. They are trapped inside.

It was a fun film for those who don't take their zombie films too seriously. It was too funny when Carlos, aka Skull discovers he is half Mexican.

Guide: frequent F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Worth a watch!
DidYouZThat5 October 2021
This is a movie that KNOWS what it is and the dynamic of the Manson Brothers is fantastic and the showcasing of the wrestling matches / backstage sections is great.

The zombie action is great in the 3rd act.

The family who's reading this story at the beginning isn't great, unfortunately.

If you want to know more, check my YouTube channel: Did You Z That!
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Why the low ratings
arrmeen28 September 2021
C'mon seriously, why are people so uptight these days? Can't they take a little fun anymore? It's not a bad movie at all, has some good comedy dialogue, decent acting, fun and good zombie gore. What else does one want to get entertained. It's low budget, but who cares, the actors did a good job, movie does lag in pace and it doesn't bore.

Just take a chill people, don't be so critical of everything and start trolling. Enjoy.
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allenzombie12 May 2023
I have to admit the title drew me in. This movie was like a strange dream I had after eating gas station Sushi. No real cohesive plot but there's jokes galore and a few zombies and decent fx. Heck they even have a leprechaun! Randy Couture. Bas Rutten, DB Sweeney and Adrian (Near Dark) Pasdar make for an eclectic cast. The guys that play the Manson brothers are very likable. There's also a zombie in a turd costume . Good times. I liked this movie. It was fun and better than expected. If you're looking for a straight up zombie flik this ain't it. But if you're looking for some goofy fun this is it.
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This is a fun zombie movie!
wilson-0637210 May 2023
Ok, if you don't go into this one expecting an Oscar winning acting performance, you'll have fun!

This movie is a great B horror movie. Lots of biting, hitting, and violence. The brother adds a lot of comedic relief. And now I need to fill the rest of the space with stuff.....zombie, zombie, zombie, argh, ahhhhhh, bbbblllooodddd, space, gore, aaaarrrrggggghhhh, splatter, hitting, punching, biting, 196 characters to go, yelling, agony, grief, ahhhhhhrrghhh, grunts, huffs, blood, Uufffff, uffff, ufffffdgriffff, oooifff, uggfhh, uuuhhhfgh, snort, aaarrrrghggg, snort, ahghg, sniff, sniff, eat you.
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Funny & lots of fun!
chad-errio19 September 2021
There are a ton of zombie movies out there and most of them follow the same old tired storyline. But the Manson Brothers have taken zombie flicks to a whole new level! The movie has its own interesting take on zombies. The leads, Skull and Stone, are hilarious together, and their chemistry on screen really shines through. The supporting cast plays off each other and make the Manson Brothers look even better as a result. This is a fun movie that kept me smiling the whole time I watched. I really hope they follow up with a sequel really soon!
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This is a fun, little low budget movie! Rody fun for guys!
jbar1916 February 2022
This is a silly, funny, relatively predictable movie that truly exceeds expectations.

Now, just by virtue of the title, you should know not to expect 'The Shining' or 'Night of the Living Dead'. This is a movie that does not take itself too seriously and therein lies its charm.

It starts off a little slow and then builds into a funny, absurd romp. There is a lot of snappy and witty dialogue. If I had any issue with the movie it is that the dialogue was spoken too quickly and sometimes hard to decipher.

MMA superstars Randy Couture and the great Bas Ruttan add to the fun. There are a lot of inside Professional wrestling jokes so WWE fans should get a kick out of it.

This isnt really a 'date movie' or a movie than girls will enjoy, unless they are fans of horror-comedy. There is some gore, but it kind of silly-gore so it's not too realistic.

I truly hope they make a sequel. It is just a fun movie where you effortless cheer on the good guys and hiss at the villains. Rowdy Fun!
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Fun movie!
piccolojason19 September 2021
Listen. It's a fun movie without a Hollywood budget. Ton of laughs and some good zombie kills. Nice to watch a movie with zero politics and get away from life for a bit.
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fibreoptic20 September 2021
A woke-free film! Something of a rarity these days, at least with my luck in movie choices. Like another reviewer said, it has no political anything in it, which is true. No wokeness, no box ticking and no agenda which the movie goes out of its way to do and do well.

It is a super fun film with some laughs and good dialogue. Decent effects and gore too. Some of the jokes didn't quite land right but that doesn't get in the way too much. For me, most of the characters are likeable. The movie never dragged and is something I could watch multiple times easily. You could do worse.
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Great fun flick, excellent cast and well written jokes...
connolley-12 October 2021
Just a fun movie, good chemistry between the brothers. Got a lot of value out of an indie budget.

Not cliche heavy for a cliche heavy genre, which is quite the feat these days...
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I never knew I wanted Redneck Tales From The Crypt so bad.
cthalwell26 September 2022
This movie is an underrated comedic gem, in my opinion.

The movie, on the face of it and with the trailer, seems like another by-the-numbers 'Zombies + Unusual Situation,' in this case pro-wrestling. It is that, but honestly more than that. For starters, the main characters are likeable and flawed, something most zombie movies lack. The duo have some real chemistry.

The wrestling angle is interesting. There's discussion of a lot of back-room wrestling stuff, done without explanation to the audience but still somewhat easy to understand. And the actual wrestling is pretty good, though admittedly there isn't that much. Really, it's more about the general bad times of being an indie wrestler for two thirds of the movie, which is kinda cool.

The effects are good, though not the best, which is fine for what it sets out to do. Solid gore effects and the zombies are sufficiently creepy. So A-plus there.

The actual plot is mildy ehn, like still good but not amazing. It feels like the actual plot is a bit thin and relying on the character interactions, which is ordinarily a negative but the characters all gel well. But it's the 'twist' that really elevates it to gold.

I say 'twist' but it's revealed early in the movie, like first scene early. The story is essentially a redneck Dad telling his Son about a comic the son found. It feels very 'Tales From The Crypt,' which sort of explains or excuses some of the narrative flaws. Even without that I think the movie is a good watch for zombie and wrestling fans, but with it? It elevates it to an entertaining time, as even my pendantic, realism-driven behind could thus ignore some of the minor flaws. After all, it's a comic book in the movie universe.

Either way, I feel this is worth a watch if you enjoy wrestling, zombies, or character-driven horror comedies.
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hd_wolff26 October 2021
Entertaining front to back , from the opening credits to my tripping on the way out of theater from laughing so hard. Top notch acting and production. The Mansons killed it.
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A wrestling zombie gem
kyriakos-ath11 September 2021
What a zombie-ish film did I just see? It was awesome, hilarious, unpredictable funny, an extra gory fest with absolutely great performances -- some of them from a bunch of wrestling dudes. The writers/actors Mike Carey and Chris Margetis, they're giving a killing performance. Great directing and edit -- I just loved it. Easily a 9/10. Now I'm looking forward for the #2, the Satanic Vampire Death Match.
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