Verotika (2019) Poster


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Danzig's Directorial Debut is Too Boring to Be So Bad it's Good
devonsterling109 March 2020
I'm a huge Danzig fan. His era of The Misfits is one of my favorite bands of all time. I went to two of their reunion shows: Madison Square Garden and Wells Fargo Center. Glenn is a very talented musician and I was interested in what's to come of his directorial debut based off his series of comics. After all the negative reviews and people comparing it to "The Room", I was hoping for it to be entertainingly bad...and it wasn't even that.

i can't even say it's so bad it's good like the room sure there's unintentionally funny moments but i did not enjoy watching this movie. i was bored and uninterested the entire runtime. by the second story, i nearly fell asleep. the writing is awful, the acting from everyone is atrocious, the CGI used especially in the spider scenes looks like a ps1 game, not even the gorier parts of this movie caught my interest. they were so boring just like this movie. hopefully Glenn improves as a director cause if his next movie is anything like this count me out. when i heard Glenn got directing tips from rob zombie i did get worried. i'm a big rob zombie fan but his movies don't do much for me aside from devil's rejects. the only positive to this movie for me is the soundtrack. i got to hear eyes ripping fire which is a badass song.

in conclusion, verotika is one of the worst horror anthology movies I've sat through. it's poorly written, acted, and is a boring slog to get through. i wanted to like this movie but i was left disappointed. as awful as the room is at least it's memorable. verotika was very forgettable, boring, poorly acted, written, directed and unintentionally hilarious in all the wrong ways.
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I want to say thank you to this film
baileyturner-7134311 March 2020
Thank you for showing me that anything I make no matter how low budget, how weak it is! It will never be as bad as this movie! It's not even the acting that's the worst part! The directing and editing is some of the worst I've ever seen! This is trash but good trash, trash that reminds you that you have hope because anything is better then this!!!
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There are bad movies, and then there's "Verotika."
grey-7335726 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As a lifelong fan of Danzig's music, I was looking forward to his first time behind the camera, but it becomes pretty evident pretty quickly that the man can write a song, but he can't write or direct a movie. At many intervals, I had the urge to let loose a series of patented Danzig "Whoa's!" to assuage the pain of the nonsense I was seeing unfold before me. I only stuck around for the whole thing to properly review it and to see if there was anything redeeming about it. There wasn't.

This is listed as having a $1 million dollar budget, and I'm still trying to figure out where it all went, because I see none of it reflected on the screen. All of the sets look very, very cheap, like those you'd find in a high school play. The visual fx, which most of the time, should be any horror movie/anthology's bread and butter, are laughably awful. A cg spider that looks like it crawled out of the early 90s, static eyeballs slapped on to a pair of equally horrible with what look like silly putty, and a six armed monster whose crotch seam has broken and the open gape is clearly visible in one scene are just some of the ones that got the loudest laugh from me.

In several interviews, Danzig has spoken of his love for the genre; what he likes, what he's influenced by, and that's what I was hoping to see, but had I not watched those clips, "Verotika" would have led me to believe that he had never seen a movie in his life or had the slightest understanding of the process of how to make one. He has a lot, and I mean A LOT to learn about directing, writing, continuity, lighting, staging, pacing, and editing if he ever wants to make something watchable, let alone enjoyable.

"Verotika" is an amateur bore, not worth the hour and a half of your life that you can't get back. Comparisons to "The Room" are apt as this is equally inept, even more so I feel. It clearly shows Danzig had no one telling him it was a sh.t show as production moved along, but he's got his defenders that will gladly die on the Hill of Danzig, praising everything he does with no discernment while enabling him to continue making terrible things. Hiring Ashley Wisdom to be the lead in the first of the three things he calls stories was a huge mistake. Her fish lips are grotesque and extremely distracting. I guess Glenn didn't want to take the time to find any talented actors or actresses for this. While everyone here does a poor job, she does a REALLY poor job, showing no range, ability, or understanding of the craft of acting.

Yes, I know horror movies by and large are plagued by these very things I'm criticizing, but the great ones always have something memorable in them; something that people take with them even if it's just a cool concept, piece of makeup, character, or character in a mask. This has none of those things, and if I could give it a zero on here, I would.

It's online for free if you know where to look. That's how i saw it, and I still feel ripped off.
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kirbylee70-599-52617926 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get this straight up front. I am an avid horror fan. If there is a horror movie made that I have some access to I will do my best to see it. If there is a comic based on horror I will try and read it. And my love of horror has crossed over to music as well; I've always been a huge Alice Cooper fan and found Rob Zombie through my son. With that in mind let me talk about the new movie written and directed by Glenn Danzig.

If you're not familiar with Danzig he began as the lead singer and one of the founders for the band The Misfits before moving on to other bands and finally as a solo artists. His songs "Dirty Black Summer" and "Mother" popular enough to find themselves on MTV, back when they actually played music. He took the fame from those items and began his own comic book company in 1994, a group of comics aimed at adults that contained imagery of a sexual and/or violent nature.

Eventually it was announced that Danzig would be writing and directing a film based on the comics he was behind. Fans were ecstatic to learn that these images would find their way to the silver screen. But the movie didn't quite play across the country that way as hoped and now finds its way to disc for fans to rush out and buy. My suggestion to those fans is don't do so or your love of Danzig may disappear.

Trying to describe just how bad this movie is will be painful for me, even more so because I enjoy Danzig's music. But this movie is so below so many movies I've watched over the years that to tell you just how bad the movie is troubles me. I could tell you that the movies made by Rob Zombie, with the exception of his first two films, have felt uninspired and similar to me but that every single one of them was like watching GONE WITH THE WIND compared to this one. I could tell you that this movie would be the worst thing you ever saw even if you watched it in fast forward. It really is terrible.

The set up for the film is our horror hostess Morella (Kayden Kross) taking out the eyes of her first victim, a woman hung up nude for her to indulge, before she introduces the first of three stories. Yes this is an anthology film but not like those made in the past that were enjoyable. Oh how you will wish your own eyes had been removed before this film ends.

The first story involves a woman whose day time job is posing for pornography with a kinky bend with eyes where her nipples should be whose tears fall on a white spider that then grows into a spider type man with six arms who kills prostitutes when she falls asleep. Oh and she's French and it takes place in France. How do I know? Because everyone in it speaks with the worst of all French accents you are likely to ever hear in a movie and because when the police finally show they're wearing French uniforms. The sets are lousy making high school production sets look amazingly realistic by comparison. The lighting is terrible and done for cartoonish effect that is poorly achieved. The acting, if you can call it that, shows why when you hire someone to act you shouldn't hire your stripper friends no matter how well-endowed they might be. And the effects...oh my. I am honestly sitting here shaking my head. If you have a man-spider make sure all of his arms move and 4 don't just sit there. And when they do move and that only happens when he's up against a wall it looks bad. But worse than that when you can see the edges of the costume, especially around his face, you've done a bad job.

The second story I forgot after I watched it but later remembered when I looked it up. A facially scarred stripper roams the streets where she carves off the faces of her victims to wear. Here again, do not, I repeat, do not hire your stripper friends to be in your movies just because they are willing to take off their clothes. This story was pointless and far too long. And yet it wasn't the worst.

That was saved for the third story involving a Countess Bathory type woman who roams the countryside with her soldiers taking young virgin girls hostage so she can bathe in their blood and remain young. This one is boring as all get out and felt like it was the longest of the three. It might not have been but the lack of a forward moving story made it feel that way.

I had heard this movie was dreadful but I wasn't quite prepared for how bad it actually was. I've seen some terrible movies in my day but this one was among the worst I've ever experienced. With his name on the film as writer, director and executive producer the one person that deserves the blame for this atrocity is Danzig. It all falls on his shoulders and with any luck no one will ever give him another dime to make anything else.

A few years back a video surfaced online showing Danzig confronting someone after a show backstage, getting in the face of the man who then knocked him out with one punch. When this film ended I wanted to start a go fund me page to make enough money to track him down and pay him to do it one more time. Danzig should be ashamed for releasing this piece of drek on the world. If every copy were to be burned it would be less damage to the world than allowing it to exist.
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D Movie Garbage
IKnowGoodFilms25 February 2020
I have 0 doubt in my mind the '10 star reviews' are from people involved with this movie in some way. There is no way any person on earth enjoyed this movie; let alone thought it was a 10 star film. The acting is utterly atrocious, the 'special efx' highlight was a guy in a rubber suit, the lines oh my gosh the lines. It is some of the worst drivel Ive ever heard. And its not one of those movies so bad you laugh; its just BAD.
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Tits and Gore Couldn't Redeem the All-around Awful Amateur Execution
TwistedContent25 February 2020
The Misfits is a great band, and so is Danzig. Glenn Danzig is an icon, a legacy, a talented musician, and also the main "Verotika's" selling point for me. Sadly, after 90 minutes of considerably excruciating movie watching experience I have to conclude that Glenn doesn't know much about making movies. Tits and gore alone couldn't redeem the all-around undoubtedly objective mess that "Verotika" is.

"Verotika" is littered with a variety of filmmaking errors, bad or questionable creative decisions, sub-par or just plain bad acting, awful accents, awkward editing and cinematography solutions, drab lighting, bland score & the list goes on. There are multiple scene continuity issues already in the first of the three stories, corpses with flinching eyes (and even a moving hand) and other basic mistakes. Even though distracting, those problems could be brushed off if everything else was on a decent level. It's not though, far from it. Most of the performances are stale, emotionless, the dialogue is amateur-hour and the quite often used accents are very questionable. The stories have zero depth and end up nowhere before repeating their respective shticks five times in a row - all three of them (stories) are structurally pretty much the same and equally flawed. The Framing segment eventually turns out pointless, empty and repeatitive. The production values are low, the gore doesn't impress and neither do the naked bodies. Wherever cgi or green screen is used, it can be noticed fast and easily. In the second story there are at least 10 to 15 minutes worth of striptease scenes, in theory you may not think so, but it turns into a bore fest fast. "Verotika", having no twists, turns or layers, stretches out big-time and ultimately is the exact opposite of what we call a "rewarding experience". Cinematography's hit & miss, the bad parts are either bland and uninspiring or present, once again, minor errors. Maybe it's the editing, likely both. Glenn Danzing fails in directing, writing & cinematography, so it's even more disappointing that the original score is also underwhelming.

They say that "Verotika" could become a cult midnighter and is the horror equivalent to "The Room". Even though I'm a horror buff myself, I have to admit I enjoyed "The Room" more. It'd help a lot if the viewer could tell if the awfulness and hilarity of "Verotika" was intentional or not. To sum it up, it's, well, very bad, with a few laughs. My rating: 2/10.
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Glenn wrote a song about this a long time ago
kapetandzonpiplfoks7 April 2020
It went: 'Mother... Tell your children not to watch my film'.
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Couldn't finish it
umimelectric25 February 2020
The fact that there are a couple 10/10 reviews for this film just proves the problem that IMDb has with shill reviews. If I produced this film, I would at least try and be realistic about it, instead of pretend it's some legendary piece of cinema by giving it a perfect score. Let's be clear here, 10/10 means masterpiece, and while I know there are plenty of legit moviegoers who exaggerate and give movies they like a perfect score every time, it's movies like this one- cheap cinematography, very poor acting, and awful writing that can have their perfect scores explained only by fake reviews generated by somebody close to the film, who has only ever reviewed this one film. I'm not blaming the movie itself- look, Danzig or not, if a person wants to make their own movie, make it as campy or low budget as you please...but let's not pretend like it's good. This film should only be shared with the friends and family of the production team, and not released to the public...even if people find a way to see it for free, our time is priceless.
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One of the worst movies i have ever seen
mfvanderwijst10 March 2020
The title says it all. This was atrocious. The acting, the special fx,the story...this is another level of terrible.
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Very disappointing
leszek410925 February 2020
Very clumsy, amateurish, missing all targets. It is not a comedy, thriller, soft porn or a horror - not even a spoof. First few minutes were not that bad, but it went down like a lead balloon quickly. One would be much better served watching an episode of "Twilight Zone". This one does not deserve your time.
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Verotika film premiere. Chicago 6/13/19
parose-9279916 June 2019
First off, this isn't a plot summary. There is plenty of shock and gore with some pretty cool cinematography and pretty bizarre story lines throughout this anthology film. In true Glenn Danzig fashion, there is a lot that the mainstream just won't get. He openly told the audience in Chicago that he wouldn't try to make an academy award winning film which is why he went with the production team that he went with. He said that they let him do whatever he wanted, otherwise he would not have done it at all. Alot of the critics out there are bashing the film calling it an unintentional comedy because when Glenn came out for a QnA after the film, he said that he thought it was funny how the audience was laughing during some scenes that he didn't expect people to laugh at. What the critics lack to lell you is that he said this while in "good spirits" and laughing about it, comparing the crowd to his younger self and friends that would go to horror movies and do the same thing. Over all, it was a blast. Not quite as dark and demented as one might think coming from Glenn Danzig but definitely bizarre and twisted. If that's what you're into then you'll probably enjoy it. I know I did!
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Hilariously awful yet still better-than-expected anthology
kannibalcorpsegrinder29 April 2021
Hosted by the demon Morella, a trio of stories coming from the pages of the Verotika comic-book series.

The Good Stor(ies): Change of Face-Roaming the streets at night, a stripper begins a reign of terror slicing the faces off of women she deems attractive in order to replace her own scarred face. When a detective realizes what's going on, he sets out to stop her rampage. This one wasn't that bad and was somewhat decent. Despite working with a premise seen dozens of times over with a figure looking to physically scar others because of her own deformity, the changeover here to the idea of a stripper doing it to maintain her looks and keep her career is serviceable enough for an anthology entry like this. Given enough encounters and cheap gore to satisfy with the removal scenes as well as a series of bizarre surrealism surrounding the growing collection of faces attached to her dressing-room wall or the faceless victims appearing during her stripping performance, it has some enjoyable aspects. The detective investigating everything, however, is completely laughable and the lack of realization over what's happening to them makes the encounters underwhelming for the most part though.

Drukija Countessa of Blood-In charge of a remote peasant village, a vile contessa takes away scores of young women and keeps them in her castle to feed on them and bathe in their blood in an effort to remain young forever. As she carries on her rampage on the citizens, her hubris eventually gets the better of her. Overall, this segment was quite enjoyable. The old-school Gothic atmosphere of the castle and the living conditions of those inside which serves to highlight her own extravagant persona are all well-handled and gives this some of its enjoyable atmosphere. Given a sleazy make-over with the copious nudity and gruesome bloodletting that emerges, including the bathing in blood sequences or nearly orgasmic glee with the blood on her body, they manage to hold up the general familiarity with the storyline directly and overtly copying other legends in the genre wholesale which renders much of the shocking acts rather pointless. Likewise, the comically awful effects here with atrocious gore-gags and make-up do knock this one down immensely.

The Bad Stor(ies): The Albino Spider of Dajette-Living with her boyfriend, a woman grows frustrated when a night of passionate lovemaking turns off another man when he sees her naked. When it grows so bad it manifests in the form of a murderous spider-person who begins killing her friends, she tries to understand how to stop it in order to keep them alive. This one wasn't too bad but it serves the film wrong as the lead-in entry. This one generates a fascinatingly bizarre overview of the physical ailment she suffers from and the utterly freaky emergence of the spider-creature through highly unconventional means is a fine way of getting this going. As well, there's a fine semblance of a relationship brewing between the two where his obsession with her and staying devoted to her manages to work well enough as a setup but the overall lack of explanation for what caused the creature to appear, the general inability to be disgusted by the illogical nature of it's being there and a wholly unsatisfying conclusion are big obstacles to overcome. Add a sluggish pacing onto it and this one is a tough one to open on.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Nudity and Graphic Language.
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saint_brett6 March 2020
Bullcrap comes in many textures - Lumpy, sloppy, soggy, firm, dry, compressed pellets or in liquid form but there's none more degrading, defiling or decomposed as Danzig's Verotika, which smells to high hell. The saddest thing about this movie is that they want you to pay for the privilege to view this abysmal bullcrap. Like somebody else on here, I watched a bootleg copy and even then I want my money back as well. The acrid aftertaste this movie leaves in your mouth approximates to a virtual upchuck of disgust which surmounts to a jaw dropping climax of disappointment by film's end. It's upheaval of disappointment cascades into a river of bullcrap. The pins & needles you may experience in your brain while watching this bullcrap is more entertaining than what Danzig has dished up here. (Lookout for signs of numbness while viewing this movie.) Normally a movie can only be two-minutes in and the wheels start to fall off but this movie started with no wheels to even begin with! It's a vessel of bullcrap masquerading as entertainment. But the way it is, and from reading other's reviews, this movie almost draws on our sympathies and we'll have to pity all involved and give it favorable comment the way it's going. Come on everybody, let's all feel sorry for Danzig and this movie. Should we take pity and go easy on poor 'ole Danzig? Seriously, I'm embarrassed for all involved. You've made fools of yourselves globally. Was this your answer to Creepshow, Danzig? Well, your movie is the equivalent of handing in a term paper written on used 2-ply toilet paper and if you're the future of film then that's bullcrap.
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G For Garbage
GDS741010 March 2020
Why? Why? Really, why?? I really don't know what the purpose of making a film like this one, but I can assure you that the result was the opposite of what was expected, because it ends up being tremendously hilarious. Do not waste your time and especially your money, believe me it is a complete garbage
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well.......if you need a laugh!
danmcneil-6599413 March 2020
This abosoulty horrible lol. Not like Toxic Avenger good bad, but just regular garbage fire bad. That being said, get together with some friends, have a few of what ever you enjoy, sit back and have a good laugh with your friends at Glen Danzigs expense! To sum up this movie accurately if you took all the acting prowess and cinematic excellence of no budget 80s porn and it jerked off on a Tales from the crypt comic written by someone with severe brain damage, this would be its extremely ugly lovechild.....
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Amateur Hour
saint_brett5 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, the decline of film continues to slide down the slippery dip. How'd it come to this? Who directed this - Neil Breen? Personally, I'm not a fan of musicians tampering with the movie industry. You got into music to make music not film! So make music! Just because you shoot some video clips to accompany your music doesn't qualify you as a movie maker. All while watching this trash all I could think of was how good Dee Snider pulled it off with his Captain Howdy movie. (That I didn't mind.) Some times the odd musician can mix the potion and produce an okay movie but very rarely. (Pledge Night.) Look how bad Corey Taylor was in that Fear Clinic garbage. Whoever the writer was should be ashamed of themselves. Give your actors something to work with. Direction? What direction? Story line? What story line? That third act about Contessa was aimless & pointless. Gee, you even used the castle from Army of Darkness in the background which makes you unoriginal. Your French actors were so wooden they would have been better off portraying Pinocchio or Woody Wood Pecker. The Face Stealer had promise but it was just a compilation of nudie bars and Danzig's pals with their rock songs all mashed together. Do you think you could have "masked" the fact that you stole that whole face wearing idea off Ed Gein? Again - you're unoriginal. Boy, I hope we don't see any follow ups from this washed-up Danzig person whoever he may be. Throw this trash in the pile with the rest of the modern day horror. Poor.
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Might be the movie the world deserves right now?
Jeremy_Urquhart16 April 2020
Things are bad right now, what with political division, societal conflict, and a brand new pandemic making people incredibly sick and sometimes dead. This movie is out now and is bad. Extremely bad. Maybe it's a match made in heaven, to be honest. Maybe when we look back on 2020, and the incredibly low number of movies that will likely be released during it, Verotika will be the one we remember; the one that defined the terrible year that was. Verotika for Best Picture, even? Or at least a nomination as the film that potentially defined the year more than any other? Even though it's terrible, given how it fits the terrible year that will be, I'd say it fits.

Overall, it reminds me of Movie 43, and no: that's not even close to a good thing, as that movie is one of the worst comedies I've ever seen. Verotika might be a comedy? Or a horror movie? Or both? But it's not funny, and it sure isn't scary, and so whatever it's going for, I think it fails. It's not even really bad in a fun way, and I say that as someone who watched Grown Ups 2 immediately before, and while I don't know if that movie's good in the traditional sense- being as full of jokes that don't work as jokes that almost kind of do- it was at least somewhat entertaining, in a surreal, shallow way (sharreal? Sullow?)

After an awkward opening scene and credit sequence with some truly shoddy music, we get to our first story, which seems to sort of rip off A Nightmare On Elm Street, in a way. There's a demonic being that manifests and seems to murder people every time the central character sleeps. Said character also has let's say "extra" eyeballs on her, for no clear reason? There's just no rhyme or reason in general within this segment. None of the rules, logic, or filmmaking craft from the original Nightmare On Elm Street is here; just a shallow imitation of the basic plot. And the ridiculous French accents don't help, and the stupid conclusion to a story that meanders on pointlessly did not give a good first impression. It takes up the first half hour, and it felt at least twice that long.

When we get to the second story, things don't improve. To be honest, they probably worsen. Around the time this part started, I realised the movie as a whole was just an excuse to show girls the director found attractive doing "provocative" things... yet even in this regard it failed. They're not particularly attractive or alluring in general, thanks in part to the ugly, leering way they're shot and lit, and the seediness plus lack of classiness to the entire ordeal. And speaking of this second story: it's incredibly repetitive. The main villainous character cuts off someone's face, dances at a seedy club, then we see the police investigate a crime scene, then the main girl cuts off another face, dances at the gross club again, then we're back to the detectives, etc. And on top of that, it somehow has even less of a conclusion than the first story too, with the director seemingly running out of motivation to continue the story and abruptly ending it after a pointless time jump?

There's a third story but thinking about this movie exhausts me, so I don't want to go into it too much. It's about a woman in a medieval setting sacrificing other young women and bathing in their blood to maintain her youth... so not too dissimilar to the second story with all the tedious face-cutting. Way to make a repetitive segment of your film feel even more repetitive. It has even less characters and less of a story than the second segment, which in turn has less of a story and fewer character development (if you could even call it that in the first place) than the first segment.

In general, this film contains many awkward shots that go on for too long, like they were absolutely struggling to hit the hour and thirty minute mark. There's also repeated uses of terrible looking zooms; they often zoom in and then zoom out within the same shot and it looks bad EVERY SINGLE TIME. The movie contains literally some of the worst acting I've ever seen, and has awful editing filled with awkward cuts and fades, and little in terms of flow between scenes. There's also some terrible audio, noticeably in a café scene within the first story where even the background chatter sounds so far from convincing that it completely stuck out. How many movies even manage to stuff something like that up? That kind of thing has to be really bad for me to notice it.

There's nothing here to recommend. This is bad from start to finish and I disliked every single minute of it. I enjoy bad films often, but this one I couldn't; it was too seedy, too repetitive, too dull, and somehow too amateurish (this is from a guy who even sort of got an ironic enjoyment out of Birdemic and would happily watch it again one day). I've seen people say this multiple times- and I think it usually sounds unnecessarily over-the-top- but I genuinely wish I could give this less than 1 star.

Avoid at all costs, please. It's not an amusing or fun bad movie. It's tedious and repetitive and gross and boring and even the kills and gore effects aren't done particularly well. It fails as comedy and horror and everything in-between. Watch literally anything else out there, I beg of you. Do it for your own sanity.
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Can I give it less than a 1?
marcferrantejr11 March 2020
I watched this movie hoping it would be at least entertaining, but I'll gladly say it was far from that. This movie sucks in every way possible. Horrible direction, horrible script, horrible acting, horrible production. And if you do choose to watch this movie you'll ask yourself "it's supposed to be this bad, right?" Well the answer to that is no, if you watch interviews with Glenn Danzig you'll realize he wanted to make a masterpiece, but failed in every aspect. Don't waste your money on this film and save an hour and a half of your life
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Tough decision.
kepeb10 April 2020
On the face of it. Verotika appears to achieve exactly what it was going for... There are big breasted, scantily clad porn stars in a dark and bloody setting. Monsters and gore split into an appealing anthology format. Unfortunately it misses the mark on almost every level.

Were it not for the final installment, this movie could have made it into the 'so bad, it's good' category. In the end it became just frightfully boring nonsense. As others pointed out, it has some value as a lesson in what not to do in film making.

The worst part is the way it was put together technically, ticking every cliche amateur box to almost comedic effect. The fact that this seems genuinely unintentional is what might warrant the consolation merits.

With this in mind, the tough choice is a rating. Various schools of thought dictate how you should show your appreciation, but not wanting to go against the flow with a middle rating of 2-4, and as it is undeserving of higher, I think the best accolade Verotika could achieve at this stage is making it onto a 'Worst Rated Movies" list. So I'm giving it a 1. Any higher rating seems a little spiteful as it would relegate it to mediocrity. Where as, it is, in fact, Bad.
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Danzig is the new Ed Wood
gorgorothchris31 August 2020
Verotika got more genuine laughter out of me than many films that actually were trying to be funny. This is a hummer for fans of quality cinema, but this fits in the same category as films like Plan 9 From Outer Space, Gymkata, and The Room. I laughed so hard at some points that I had to pause the film to catch my breath.
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Ghouls night out
nrosshudson19 September 2019
Anyone with an understanding of Danzig and his illustrious musical and graphic novel publishing career will get something from this.

To the uninitiated this might be too much
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"The Room" of horror movies, watch it with friends and alcohol.
venturesagogo7 March 2020
Verotika is The Room of horror movies. Laughable, terrible, over the top acting from stars and b movie actors. Awful special effects. Rediculous, nauseating camera work. Terrible opening credits. Awful CGI. Though we laughed the entire time and will watch it repeatedly for years to come. The anthology style stories go from fantastic, to good, to boring as hell. This would be a solid 10/10 review if the film kept the energy and over the top-ness of the first story. The accents are awful, we laughed the entire time. The 2nd story is ok and actually has some promise but there's TWO overly long, boring strip club scenes. The last story drags on and on and (other than the clear as day Danzig reference) is completely boring. Give it a shot, watch it with friends, drink, smoke, what have you...
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Don't worry Rob Zombie, you still got him beat at film
RudeArtAndDesign_Com25 September 2020
I'm gonna say I doubt Zombie is shivering with fear at the prospect of his musical hero supplanting him as the top horror rocker turned filmmaker... atleast if Verotika is the best Danzigs got to offer.

If there is an older, crankier, more out of touch and or more out of his depth old fart trying to create anything new or cool or anything nearly as good as he made nearly 40 years ago (and still milking that past greatness) other than Glen Danzig it may be his old band mate Jerry Only.

But this isn't about the Misfits, this is about "Verotika" an absolute turd of a movie.

Danzig has truly lost all sense of what made him such a good and bright spot... err umm oops, I mean evil and dark spot for so many of his fans back in the early 80s. I don't know how he could even put his name on this thing

Coming in with a 1.9 rating (I honestly think the lowest I have ever seen on IMDB) I'm gonna say is maybe even a bit high for a movie that is so pretentious and boring no amount of boobs and gore could save it from stinking like the dog-park garbage can of a movie that it is. It's that bad it's not even worth watching for HOW BAD it is.... seriously don't make that mistake, I'm spending time to write this review to save you from your own curiosity.

Oh well, you've been warned.

One more thing about this movie's 1.9 rating to put it into context. "Plan 9 From Outer Space" widely considered the worst movie ever made, is clocking in currently with a mighty 4.0 rating, that oughta tell ya how bad Verotika is.
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marmar-6978010 March 2020
Verotika all i can say about this film is that it has one of most horrible acting i ever saw,i mean everyone in this film is bad and worser,all three stories are so poorly made and without talent that it was paintful to watch and just to witness that something was approved to be made,even small staff like some details of scenes and plot holes are so obvious that i coudnt but to roll my eyes every few seconds,cgi and special effects are as much as horrible as story and acting it is even maybe more atrocitius but that is hard to tell when everything is garbage,verotika is just very bad film without zero talent behind camera and everyone else that worked on this so called project
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Don't watch this stinker! You have been warned.
psxexperten24 March 2020
Anybody who manage to absorb this garbage more than 5 minutes need an evaluation of they're brain. It is truly unbelievable how this movie managed to get released. There is no way any person on earth enjoyed this garbage. This was just awful. The writer deserves a the year award for writing this POS.
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