Breaking Fast (2020) Poster


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Sweet romantic movie
krpfszhd6 January 2021
Being a straight English non Muslim woman I may not be the target audience for this film but seeing all the new negative reviews for this film, I felt that I had to stand up for this sweet movie as someone who has actually seen it. I am not usually one for romcoms either but a pandemic can do weird things to a person. This has been a go to for me during lockdown, being a gentle funny film to pass the time with. Not having a lot that I recognise in my actual life ie. the LA gay scene or Muslim life I found it to be quite respectful of the ideas of Islam in the way it shows a very demure love story with the American character having respect for the traditions of the Muslim character, calling him out on some of his assumptions but never disrespecting Islam itself, just sometimes questioning Mo's rigid ideas of how others should behave and to see things from their point of view. The idea of this being set in Ramadan has upset some reviewers but honestly it is a framework for the idea of making a connection and sharing an important part of your life with them.
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Fun and sweet
rrobison-565-71160017 February 2022
It's refreshing to see a Muslim gay themed movie that not about oppression and corrupt Middle East persecution. It's a rom com so the story has just enough depth to be sweet, but not so much that it's weighed down with seriousness.

And Herbie, your review sucks. It's easy to crack insults and critiques from the anonymity of the internet but listen up dear, the rest of us have never heard of you. We have heard of Haaz and he's a damned fine actor. And he's a significant improvement over the original actor in the short film who played the character as a bumbling dork.

I have read several reviews on here and wonder why the vitriol? Anti Muslim or just lazy? It's lazy to paint 1 billion people with a broad brush because you over index on the radicals among them. Grow up.
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Breaking the fast each evening
Red-12531 October 2020
Breaking Fast (2020) was written and directed by Mike Mosallam. The title is a pun, because it's not the action that's breaking fast. It's the fast that Muslims are breaking each evening during Ramadan.

Haaz Sleiman plays Mo, a sincere gay Muslim who breaks up with his long-term Muslim partner. He then meets Kal, portrayed by Michael Cassidy .

The plot of the movie is not whether Mo's family knows that he's gay. They know and accept this. The plot is whether Mo's family will accept a non-Muslim as Mo's partner.

We saw this movie as part of Rochester's outstanding ImageOut LGBTQ Film Festival. It has a solid IMDb rating of 7.6. I agreed, and rated it 8.
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Another predictable Rom com
amheba7 December 2020
Technically a well made film and good acting too, but nothing new. The level headed slightly cranky guy who has an annoying effeminate best friend that always gives him advice and asks about him but is shown no interest in return meets the only other normal guy in the whole film and almost by the end they have an unexpected argument that puts in jeopardy their relationship... And don't want to give up the ending... But I think it's not hard to figure it out.

New is that some main characters are gay Islamics but I think the film would have been much more interesting if they had explored that side more than the typical straight acting guy with queeny best friend meets straight acting guy part. Overall, a no brainer but well shot and acted.
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Different & Nice
atractiveeyes23 January 2021
This is a beautiful different special gay rom-com because it includes a gay muslim character and this kind of representation is usually not so common, and it's interesting. The script is nice with many interesting deep lines, and sometimes it's both hilarious and emotional. Performances are all very good. Cinematography is awesome too with many beautiful shots. Breaking Fast is a unique important light funny touching rom-com.
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Stretching Credulity
ozjosh032 February 2021
Not too far into Breaking Fast I wondered if the film was created and funded by some Gays For Mohammed lobby group I somehow hadn't heard about. The narrative certainly seems determined to put a positive spin on the Muslim faith and on Muslim attitudes to gays, despite all the real world evidence that the Muslim religion is deeply - indeed, murderously - homophobic, and not much interested in changing. Nevertheless, we're treated to a story about the unfeasibly Pollyanna-ish Mo, his impossibly down-with-it gay-friendly family, and his ludicrously chaste budding romance with the conveniently Muslim-savvy Kal through the holy days of Ramadan. And since Mo's not allowed any impure thoughts through Ramadan the romance must be more chaste than a Disney musical. Indeed, Mo is a musicals enthusiast - I'm guessing with tastes than run more Rodgers and Hammerstein than Sondheim. (The Sound of Music is mentioned A LOT). As with much about Breaking Fast, this feels like a clumsy construct to make Muslim Mo as sweet and wholesome and non-confronting as possible. To be honest, the effort to make Mo likeable mostly backfire, and the character quickly becomes a sanctimonious, insensitive prig, and deeply annoying with it. And Kal comes off as a complete doormat for putting up with him. There's one commendably feisty scene towards the end in which some of the characters actually confront Mo with the realities of Muslim homophobia, but most of this just bounces off Mo. Seconds later he's serenading Kal in a gay bar with a particularly awful rendition of Climb Ev'ry Mountain. Any politically aware homo who doesn't regurgitate his popcorn at this point is beyond help. Who knows, maybe there will be those (gay, straight or whatever) who will watch Breaking Fast and go away thinking "Hey, those Muslims are not so bad, after all". In which case I suppose Breaking Fast will have done its job. But we live in a world where people genuinely believe vaccines cause autism and Donald Trump is the greatest president ever, so what can you do?
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Heartwarming film that shatters stereotypes
amandajawad7 February 2021
Finally! A film about Arabs that doesn't involve tired tropes and stereotypes. And a beautiful love story at that. This film has everything-its romantic, funny, and clever. It thoughtfully explores what it means to be both Muslim and gay, without assuming those two identities are in conflict with one another. The writing, acting, and directing is top notch. The music is incredible and adds so much to the story. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite films!
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Cliché, Cliché, Cliché!!!
herbie-1723 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that I LOVE the Muslim setting of this movie. I actually chose to watch this because I wanted to learn more about Ramadan. If only this had been a cute take on that and the lovely sorry.

Unfortunately it fell prey to every bad movie Cliché, bad writing and horrible acting. Let me just say that this perspective is from a gay man who teaches professional actors and performs musical theatre....

First of all let's take the super annoying over the top gay best friend. Please stop portraying us all like this! You could play a drinking game with the amount of times someone says "girl" or screams when someone they know walks in a room. Of course he has to have a big gay party with all of us hot, gay, shallow friends. (Of course we can't not have the gym scene where the gay friend makes his friend walk because he wants to do it with the hot DJ)

The writing, "keep saving those patients" "you've been watching too much Grey's Anatomy." Really??!! The pacing is horrible. Things come from nowhere. Sob stories

People awkwardly singing or breaking into song where the actor is clearly uncomfortable (you can throw in movie quotes into that too). Yes we get it you like musicals ...I do too! But not that much.

Acting...Aw man..the guy playing MO is not a good actor. If he were in my class I'd say "no charisma." No believability..lines feel forced.

This is labeled as a "comedy" funny that it's not funny at all!
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This movie is an absolute delight!
QueenT_7355122 January 2021
BREAKING FAST is everything I love in a romcom. It's funny, sweet, and heartwarming, with completely relatable characters. It's an old school premise (2 characters fall in love over the holidays amidst a backdrop of shenanigans from friends and family), with a modern day twist (it's Ramadan instead of Christmas and the lead role is a gay, Arab, Muslim man!). Amin El Gamal (the best friend) and Rula Gardenier (the mom) are absolute scene stealers! And the chemistry between the 2 leads, Haaz Sleiman and Michael Cassidy, is palpable and sizzling. This movie is an absolute delight!
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if you want ...
ops-5253525 January 2021
Something new and revelutionary blockbusting gay movie youll not find that here. its the generic take on gay men that cant step out from the darkness and tell mum and dad, or omma and appa because they are afraid of thems reaction stuff, and a whole lot of walking around the golden nugget not daring to touch it and a lot of rather incosequent dialouges and stuff that weve seen before.

the one exeption is that the main caracters a muslims , a religion not so friendly on sexual ''outsiders''. talking of actors, there are some nice facial acting here and there, and some of the archetypival gay behaviour are done with brilliant moves, but its drowning itself in a bad script and generally bad direction. also the casting crew hasnt chosen the sweetest sugar canes for the small roles, some very uncomfy and amateuristic, and doesnt fill in the environment at all.

so its a film that rolled straight through my eyes and ears, and will be forgotten really soon. the grumpy old man acknowledge the try, but not the execution.
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Love, love, love this film
lanie-zipoy22 January 2021
Breaking Fast is the type of film that if you watched it in a movie theater you would stay until the very last end credit because you wouldn't want to leave a second earlier. It is a perfect, heartfelt rom-com of the highest order with genuine, lovely performances, wonderful writing and terrific directing. It is exactly the film we need right now, tomorrow and into the future. One of hope, love and learning to be your best self with someone else. Highly recommend it. Prepare to swoon,
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Is this really the Gay, Muslim thing? Are you sure?
tamosoeka17 March 2022
If sitting on a time bomb is your thing, this movie is for you. Otherwise, skip it.

The film lures the Muslim, liberal audience into believing there is a good work, expectation shatters when one starts watching it.

My breathing literally stopped for two hours. I think the director was aware of it, what it could do to people. So came the dialogue, a woman choking on popcorn in a movie theater.

Let me say a thing or two about myself here. I stayed away from gay films for nearly a year & then returned to them again, discovering some wonderful works. 'Breaking Fast' is not one of them.

It is billed as a rom com, while throughout the time, if I'm not wrong - all it sounded like was a theological argument. I did not find one tiny drop of romance here.

Quite frankly, all it felt like is a well-familiar Islamophobic tirade. It pretends to be something else, but achieves the exact opposite. Is this your way to justify the Gay Muslim's existence?

Of course being gay & Muslim is no easy thing. Gays are executed in Middle East, there's no denying that. One can clearly see why the character Sam hates the religion he was supposed to inherit.

At the same time, the story is taking place in a completely different universe where there's barely reasons to weep for it or do all those overacting. It brings to the mind what happened after Iraq war, the liberator US army liberated a gay in Iraq at the cost of genociding the bloody straight people.

This was, of course, 'saving' people. The ultra-liberal director, easily forgot that one cannot save somebody from their own culture. Nothing can be more nonsensical than this.

Guess what? Now homophobia is thriving in all these countries. Every countries that the US has touched. What was already a taboo that no one spoke of, parents would know but pretend not to see, has now become an issue everybody is talking about. Does this help the persecution scenario?

Even as a comedy, it did not do a good job. The only thing I found remotely funny was when Mo started singing.

Plus, no one should have such a wrong idea of world's people, whatever their race or religion is, that juxtaposing vagina and hijab together the way it did would be very digestive. Except, the rapists.

The question that comes here is, who are your target audience?

I tried to figure it out. Is it the Americans? If so, allowing them to watch (and further confirm) their prejudices on screen is not a disservice. If it is gay, Muslim audience around the world, you have blundered.

For the entire film, Mo was an outsider, guinea pig in a laboratory - where everybody is attacking his faith. This, nevertheless, starts with 'respect my culture'.

What could be bigger joke than this? What could be more bullying, either? A bullying that lasts one and a half hour.

Everybody knows there are people who'd find it funny, still. It's not their fault.

But here, you are in Hollywood, you have good money funding your project, and your concern is homophobia in Muslim lands. Why'd you waste it this way?

The film managed to become overwhelmingly foody while talking about Ramadan & offering the basics of do's and don'ts during the month - in the guise of cultural representation.

The eyesore was the scene of Mo praying. By that time, I already went to the balcony & started telling Mo : don't pray! You don't have to. Do your stuff. You don't have to pray. If you are praying, you are causing even more damage.

Nobody should pretend to be what they are not. This film is a very prejudiced version of how things are in the Muslim world around its gays, and it perfectly manages to alienate the Muslim audiences devoted to their religion.

But what more one could expect, after all? It literally ended with a death kiss, that was too boring to watch.

Please try better.

The only good news is, this film is not the end of the world. And of course, better things are possible.
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mrjohnwilliam29 January 2021
A fantastic feel-good movie well worth watching. Funny, touching and enjoyable from beginning to end. It's so good to find a gay film with such a decent story, great acting and believable characters.
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Poor writing ruins what could have been a very charming film
bn22931 October 2021
The set-up of the film is certainly interesting enough: a gay muslim meets a non-muslim man and, in spite of himself, begins to form a bond with this man. I cannot recall ever seeing a film with a gay muslim main character, let alone a gay muslim main character whose devoutly muslim family actively support him in his gayness, so that aspect was also fresh for me.

Sadly, the poor writing and overacting conspired to sink this film. I lasted 30 minutes but just could not continue beyond that.

The gay best friend is unbearable. He flits around, completely self-absorbed, and at times is quite dismissive of his supposed best friend.

Additionally, the patter between Mo and Kal struck me as often quite awkward, but not in the natural way that occurs when two people are getting to know each other. Kal comes across as a bit pushy in the beginning. For me, that is a turn-off. Had I been Mo, I would have left the party alone.

All that is to say: this film had a fine set-up but it needed better writing. Perhaps then the actors would have had something more to work with.
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Let Love And Light Win
kigaiyuuto23 January 2021
Ok so the 10 I give is just to negate the 1s by the "peaceful and loving" people

Having said that I enjoyed the movie. It's flawed and mostly because of the writing. It reminds me of the last decade, the good ol'days before all the craziness. Also I recognised the main actor from Nurse Jackie in which he played a gay nurse called Mo'Mo and I still remember the blindingly bright smile of Michael Cassidy from the underrated Privileged. I'm so glad to see both of them again. Takes me back to an era which romcoms are still being shown regularly on the big screen.

Unfortunately the scenarios are unrealistic, IMO IRL Sam and Mo wouldn't be friends unless they're best friends since childhood. And it's labelled a romcom so I shouldn't expect anything realistic but there's not much romance and comedy in it (instead so many awkward moments), I only LOLed once from the facebook post from Mo's mom late into the movie . And the escape clause is the ramadan/fasting month that forbids impure thoughts. So it is very demure, although this means that this movie is safe to watch with your parents. But not really because it shows the gay world as 100% hedonistic/impure *sigh*. Also the promo shots show Mo's bare @$$ so it's misleading.

I think the movie would work better as a TV show. It did say what it wants to say but I wished it has more romance and sweetness (more time to cook the ingredients/the topics that it want to touch on) It's a shame that it's set during ramadan. Gay movies are often very low on entertainment value (so much death and misery) so I guess this will do for the weekend. One last note: it's a hopeless situation between the two communities thus Venus herself must come down here to convince her worshippers to stop hating on us.
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A Disney type movie
cekadah4 July 2021
First read the review titled "Stretching Credulity" and you will get a most insightful perception of this movie!

For me the only beliveable character is Sam. He alone brings to light the delusional path Mo and Kal have wrapped themselves in. And Mo's family is just corny.

Stretching Credulity hits the nail squarely.
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A Queer Muslim Must-See
jacqueline-wilton26 January 2021
This movie has heart and represents a group of people not seen on the screen very often. It's beautiful and happily romantic
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Bad Bad Bad
jackrlarson-7267924 February 2021
Bad story. Bad acting. Bad Bad Bad Stereotypes beyond belief. This movie should be an outrage to every average gay person.
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Love this movie!
sarahrandall-hunt22 January 2021
So thrilled to see a movie like this. I learned a lot by watching it, it left me thinking, it left me feeling hopeful and happy. Bravo to the whole team for a job well done.
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Loved it!
paul_eatherton24 February 2021
A break from the normal gay dramas, this one actually had heart and soul. Amazing script and excellent actors. Just the right amount of comedy too. Loved every minute, and I'm glad there were some loose ends left open. I demand several sequels!! Lol
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xvxsbfus10 February 2021
This movie slaps. I'd say more but I don't wanna spoil anything. You should probably stop reading and go purchase it on iTunes or wherever movies are sold in your area. Renting is fine too. You'll laugh, you'll cry. You'll feel all the things. I mean, what are you still doing here!? You could be knee deep in a fantastic film right now.
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IMDB rating is way underrated, at elast for this one.
call_dip2 March 2021
..seriously? 5.8 ? It should more than 7.

Yeah, we have seen your 8 and damned it. Smooth yet intense. If this doesn't entertain you, god knows what will.

But, this is harsh reality of well made gay movie. Goes unnoticed.
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Great movie
swaqmk21 December 2020
Great movie and a very touching story one of my favs this year
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Nice story of muslim guy and an American guy
narothbo15 May 2021
Such a good movie i have ever seen. Story from the beginning they start to know each other really well without showing of any sexual activity at all. All the time is showing how the gay couple want and some part also explains about life and family. Good movie recommended to LGBT who looking for romantic movie.
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Touching, a fun watch and finally...a realistic story about a Muslim character!
marysadeghy27 April 2021
Love wins! This is a sweet, fun romcom with entertaining and warm characters, a loving family, great friends and the joy of love.
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