The Return of Godzilla (1984) Poster

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A transitional course correction for the Godzilla series
MlleSedTortue6 October 2020
After nearly a decade of silence, the Godzilla series makes a return with a film that sought to resurrect the thematic potential seen at it's inception. While Terror of Mechagodzilla was never intended to end the series, it would serve as a send off as the series succumbed to a struggling film industry. Producer Tomoyuki Tanaka sought to revive the series in the modern era with a more thoughtful and politically driven film that attempts to harken back to the original. With this film I'd say that Toho was overall successful.

The moody tone is were the strength of the film lies as it attempts to bring back the horror element of Godzilla. Th slower pace gives the monster a more grandiose entrance and makes his rampage feel like an actual disaster. The characters express disbelief that Godzilla has returned, showing that despite all the economic prosperity Japan has achieve, the shadow of Godzilla and what the monster represents still looms. This is emphasized by the first half of the film with a strong focus on the response of the Japanese government as well as the involvement of the United States and Soviet Union. It's very much a tactical film that allows for build up. The side-effect however is that this takes away some of the development for our main characters. There are some interesting ideas given to them, but they aren't full explored as deep as they should be. Still, there are some stand out performance such as Keiju Kobayashi as the Prime Minster. Despite his limited role, he gives the film some much needed pathos. Some of the foreign actors aren't that good but I don't hold it against film aimed first and foremost to a Japanese audience.

Special effects director Teruyoshi Nakano is finally given a budget to showcase his talents. The towering landscape of the Tokyo skyline is recreated in wonderful miniaturized detail. There are so many small details to appreciate like signs, billboards and the lights inside windows. Another thing to note is the scale as the modern skyscrapers of Tokyo manage to tower over Godzilla in size. The design is also quite nice, with Godzilla having large expressive eyes and sharp dragone-sque fangs. There are a few hiccups such as the use the giant animatronic that doesn't match the suit, as well as the giant life-size Godzilla foot. Sill it doesn't detract from all the effort and hard work shown on screen. Another issue is that there are moments where Godzilla feels rather aimless. Still, he does have a great presence and the musical score from Reijiro Koroku really helps accentuate the tone the film is going for. It is menacing as well as tragic.

While it is often cited as the birth of the Heisei era, it just as easily could be viewed as a final hurrah for the Showa era. It was technically made in the Showa era, and much of the crew were holdovers from the prior films. It really serves as a transitional point caught between two eras as the Godzilla series would be taken on by a new generation of filmmakers. While it may be slow at times, for anyone who enjoys the tone and artistry of these films, they will find plenty to appreciate here.
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A Return to Form
Musashi945 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Return of Godzilla is the first film that in the second series - or Heisei era - of Godzilla films and functions as a direct sequel to the original 1954 film, ignoring all other films in-between. The film tries to emulate the potent anti-nuclear allegory of the original, updated to reflect then-contemporary nuclear fears and anxieties - namely the tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union that threatened to break out into a full-scale nuclear war. In many ways, it is just as somber as the original film due to its moody atmosphere and darkly lit cinematography with deep shadows.

The overarching plot concerns Godzilla being awoken by volcanic activity and returning to menace Japan 30 years after its initial rampage with the main focus being on a scientist, his assistants and the Japanese government attempting to navigate the geopolitical ramifications and determine a means of stopping the monster. It's a strong premise, and for the first time allows the series to explore the real-life implications the appearance of a giant radioactive monster would cause. The segments with the politicians discussing the impact of Godzilla's activities are actually my favorite parts of the movie, even more so than the parts featuring Godzilla himself, as it allows for some interesting political commentary on Japan's role in global politics and feel like a spiritual predecessor to Shin Godzilla in many ways.

However, while I found the scenes with the politicians compelling, the scenes following the main human characters are a bit of a letdown. Goro Maki (Ken Tanaka), Naoko Okumura (Yasuko Sawaguchi) and her brother Hiroshi (Shin Takuma) are all a bit bland and forgettable; particularly disappointing is Tanaka as Maki, a reporter, as his role starts off interesting but the script runs out of things for him to do in the second half of the film once his character's main conflict - his frustration over the government's decision to keep Godzilla's return a secret - is resolved. There's also a half-hearted romantic relationship between Maki and Naoko that isn't developed well or all that consequential to the story. It's the supporting cast, namely the Prime Minister (Keiju Kobayashi) and Prof. Hayashida (Yosuke Natsuki) who are carrying the weight acting-wise in the film and their characters have much more depth as a result. Kobayashi's performance makes the pressure the Prime Minister feels over his country's situation tantalizing real. Natsuki as Hayashida is essentially a rehash of the Dr. Yamane character from the 1954 film although his backstory - both his parents were killed by Godzilla in 1954 - adds an interesting twist to his character. Fans of classic Japanese cinema may also note many prominent actors from other Japanese films making small appearances in the movie, such as Hiroshi Koizumi as a geologist, Kei Sato as a newspaper editor and Eitaro Ozawa and Mizuho Suzuki as cabinet ministers.

One final review note on the plot, I admit to becoming a bit confused trying to figure out if this Godzilla was the same Godzilla that attacked in 1954. The script seems to imply that it is the same Godzilla, despite the fact that the Godzilla in the 1954 film was killed by the Oxygen Destroyer. The final film in the Heisei era, Godzilla vs. Destoroyah retcons this to state that this was in fact the second Godzilla to attack Japan. It's a minor quibble all things considered.

Koji Hashimoto is the director of the film and while his work is a bit dull and workmanlike at times, he doesn't really do anything wrong from a technical or artistic point of view either. Suffice to say, direction isn't one of the movie's strengths but it's hardly a detriment either.

In terms of the special effects and Godzilla himself, there are some high highs but also a few disappointing aspects. In terms of highs, the miniature work is fantastic as are the optical effects. However, the decision to use a large cybertronic Godzilla for several shots looks a, especially when compared with shots of the actor in the suit. And while the effects used to show the aftermath of an attack by a mutated sea louse on the crew of a fishing boat are eerie and striking, the sea louse itself does not really convince.

Another major positive in the film's favor however is the music by Reijiro Koroku. It gives off a mournful vibe that strongly invokes a sense of tension and dread, especially whenever Godzilla shows up. The only minor blemish in terms of the film's soundtrack would be the song used for the closing credits which I feel clashes a bit tonally with the rest of the film. The cinematography by Kazutami Hara is fantastic, complimenting the dark feel of the movie very well. In terms of editing, Yoshitami Kuroiwa's work is satisfactory though I due think the sequences of the human leads trying to escape from a skyscraper damaged during Godzilla's rampage could have been shortened without sacrificing much, as they become somewhat problematic from a pacing point of view.

Overall, I feel like The Return of Godzilla is as a whole greater than the sum of its parts. While several aspects of the film are a bit of a mixed-bag, the highlights - namely the character of the Prime Minister and Kobayashi's performance - elevate the whole movie. It gets a solid 8/10 from me and is well worth seeking out if you are a fan of Godzilla, monster movies or science fiction in general.
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Definitely better than the American version
Jeremy_Urquhart15 October 2021
Was very excited today to realise that there was a Japanese Godzilla film I TECHNICALLY hadn't seen.

When I was churning my way through the franchise in 2017-2020, I came across Godzilla 1985, and I guess I thought it was just a dubbed version of The Return of Godzilla. At the time it was the only version I could find, and so I thought it was good enough (even though I much prefer subtitles over dubs) and watched it, ultimately finding it decent but definitely not great.

Recently I learnt Godzilla 1985 and The Return of Godzilla were actually quite different, and today when I realised they were both listed separately on IMDB and had quite different runtimes, I figured I needed to watch Return ASAP.

Long story short, it's definitely not the best Japanese Godzilla film, but it's also far from the worst. I liked the political focus for the most part (though this approach was ultimately handled better - and in a more satisfying/satirical way - in 2016's highly acclaimed Shin Godzilla) and a lot of the monster action is highly satisfying, despite some inconsistencies in the special effects.

Pacing isn't always great, and the human characters are typically thin (it's a Godzilla movie; the human characters are like that 80-90% of the time) but I still enjoyed it a lot.

I've missed watching the adventures of my scaly boi, and I think I will rewatch the entire series soon. Picked up that glorious Criterion set on Bluray a couple of months ago, so am looking forward to seeing those older ones in better than DVD quality.
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It's good to have the moody atomic beast back!
hitchcockthelegend7 June 2019
After an extended break, Godzilla as a movie force made its comeback with this the 16th Godzilla film and the first of what would be the Heisei series. It's a reboot that basically follows on from the original Gojira film of 1954. Plot has Godzilla back as a destroyer of mankind, setting its eyes on stomping Tokyo into oblivion. As Zilla goes about its destructive way, and Tokyo attempts to repel the onslaught, there's a backdrop of a diplomatic crisis reaching boiling point as the Soviets and the Americans get ready for nuclear war. Thankfully the Japanese are able to convince the sane politicians that it is in fact Godzilla at the crux of things. Can the world powers join together to defeat the mightiest of lizards?

If a Godzilla fan you could be forgiven for going into this one fearing the worst, and yet it ticks many of the boxes for those who prefer Zilla as the destroyer of mankind as opposed to the saviour of mankind that the Showa period ended up as. There's the standard amount of miniatures and sets destruction, splendidly constructed as usual, nifty effects work and a whole bunch of iconic images to take from the experience (Zilla atomic breath destruction, stomping through the city, nuclear reinvigoration, back from the dead with awesome carnage following). There's good sci-fi within as well, such as the Japanese scientists having created a super fortress known as Super X, while sometimes all you need is to hear that brilliant roar followed by lizard devastation.

This was a return to the dark roots of Godzilla, complete with anti-nuclear sentiments. It didn't reinvent the wheel, but it did restart it successfully. 7/10
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Original's follow up
paradiddle1618 August 2019
It's pretty much a sequel to the original. Much darker in tone and that's the way I always envisioned it. I think there are a bunch of versions of this with some scenes added and product placement. Try and find the english dubbed version of it with no alteration to the plot.
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Godzilla at his best
falconaviat18 October 2020
This and the 89(Biollante) film are the best in the series. They actually had a budget and you can see what happens when you invest in the film the product is amazing
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Fairly entertaining
DanteRiggs1 March 2021
The highlight of the movie has to be the Godzilla costume. Compared to the first 15 Godzilla movies, this movie is an improvement in the special effects department.

The story, however, is nothing special. It's not bad, but it's not something you will remember after watching this movie.

The characters are ok, but I think I prefer the characters from the original movie. Also, it lacks the classic Godzilla theme song.

Overall, with the exception of some moments, it's a pretty entertaining movie. I just wish it had something more to it, to make it more memorable.
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Best Godzilla since the original
Jithindurden5 December 2023
Almost after a decade of no Godzilla films comes a legacy sequel/reboot to the original with all the seriousness that was missing all those years between this and the original. Starts off as an 80s horror movie and then gets into the political landscape of the Cold War. The original was about the fear and the public consciousness surrounding the nuclear threat that was something the people witnessed. This is the next generation for whom nuclear threats are more of accidents or the egos of America and Russia in the Cold War. The various political conferences between experts and representatives of different countries are deliberately included to remind the threat is real and to highlight the policies and principles that should be upheld during such times. Of course, more ground-level characters to relate to are also there and those characters represent fear, hope and tenacity of the people to overcome this by relying and believing in each other. The last shot of Godzilla with just the music speaks a lot more than what could've been said. This is definitely the best one since the original one.
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a good film that makes Godzilla a little more serious again
y-0231117 February 2020
Here Toho tried to go back to the roots of the origina; 1954 Gojira film and make Godzilla more serious again, not as serious as Gojira but more serious than All Monsters Attack, its also just a good movie
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Remarkably average
Leofwine_draca13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
THE RETURN OF THE GODZILLA saw the return of the ultimate Japanese kaiju franchise after a decade of inactivity following the release of the final film of the original series, TERROR OF MECHAGODZILLA. This film was posited as a remake of sorts of the original film, seeing Godzilla himself returning to form as the villain of the hour, a blood-hungry and destructive force of nature bent on wiping out Japan. Truth be told, it's something of a disappointment, a remarkably average and almost bland kind of movie that simply goes through the motions.

It starts off very well, with the crew of a ship attacked by a Facehugger-style parasite in scenes straight out of a horror film, but the film then becomes very ordinary, offering just the kind of thing we've seen before without updating it in any way. The lengthy climax is particularly inert, with Godzilla standing around for ages and the writers seemingly at a loss for what to have him do. There are fun escape-the-ruins shots which reminded me of a '70s disaster flick as our human heroes strive to avoid the destruction, but the rest is entirely routine. Thankfully the series would return properly, with a bang, once the 1990s hit.
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Great Effects
coconutkungfu-3070417 February 2020
This is far from my favorite Goji film but it is a decent remake of the first film and it does have some very cool practical effects and a memorable Goji design that still makes this recommended to genre fans.
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Not a particularly impressive "Godzilla" movie...
paul_haakonsen29 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This 1984 movie titled "Gojira", which oddly enough carries the English title "Return of Godzilla" (makes no sense in translation terms) wasn't really one of the better titles in the "Godzilla" franchise.

The storyline was actually rather pointless, to be bluntly honest. It was essentially just about the people in the movie, as Godzilla came to snatch a nuclear reactor, went on a half-hearted rampage, and then was swallowed up in a volcano. Yeah, that was essentially it. Godzilla wasn't even fighting any other kaijus in this movie.

I must admit that the storyline was really, really weak, and I was actually dozing off a couple of times throughout the course of the movie. It just felt like a shameless cash-in on the "Godzilla" fame and harvest some money quick and easily.

The effects in the movie were adequate. Take into consideration that the movie was made in 1984. Funny to see that they still were using miniature scale models in the "Godzilla" movies in the mid-1980s.

"Return of Godzilla" was a flaccid movie experience, hence I am rating it a mere four out of ten stars. It is a "Godzilla" movie, after all, so that does count for something in favor of the movie.
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The Return of Godzilla 1984 Review
chandean-6976212 April 2021
The first installment for the Heisei Era and it was ... alright.

The Return of Godzilla introduced us to a brand new, amazing looking Godzilla, the return of a more darker and serious tone, and some of the best miniatures and sets we've seen yet.

Even though this film does have some stuff going for it, the majority of it didn't hook me, from the characters to the score it all felt pretty lifeless and dull. And the ending is just ... underwhelming.

Overall I was disappointed by this film, it's far from the worst Godzilla film i've seen, I just feel like it's lacking substance.

Also, what was really the purpose of those Sea Louses in the beginning?
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Return of Gojira
BandSAboutMovies24 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
He 16th film in the Godzilla franchise, this was the last film produced in the Showa era and the first film in the Heisei series. It is at once a sequel to the original 1954 Godzilla and a reboot. The King of the Monsters would return to his roots as an enemy of human beings, if only for a few movies, and it was jarring for kids who grew up with the cute and cuddly version.

Directed by Koji Hashimoto and written by Shuichi Nagahara with a story by Tomoyuki Tanaka, this begins with the Yahata Maru caught in strong currents off the shores of Daikoku Island and a creature that makes its way out of a volcano. Godzilla is not the only creature, as there are also gigantic sea lice called Shockirus.

In the universe of this movie, the Godzilla attack of 1954 happened and people are aware of the kaiju. They are not, however, in the know that it may be back. People are in total fear of Godzilla, with an example being that Professor Hayashida refers to him as a living, invincible nuclear weapon. The Japanese government finally has to reveal that there is another kaiju when it destroys a Russian submarine and almost starts World War III.

Other countries want to nuke the monster but the Japanese government asks them to keep from doing that and allow them to use their new SUPER X weapon and its cadmium shells, which can slow down the nuclear reactor inside Godzilla. Of course, the Russians have set their nuclear weapon to fire automatically on Tokyo but can't stop the countdown. The American counter-missile destroys it, an EMP pulse stops SUPER X and brings Godzilla back to life. That said, you can always defeat a kaiju - at least for the end of the movie to happen and before it comes back - by blowing it up inside a volcano.

Special effects director Teruyoshi Nakano said, "We went back to the theme of nuclear weapons, since that was the theme of the original film. Japan has now learned three times what a nuclear disaster is, but at that time Japan had already had two. The problem was that Japanese society was gradually forgetting about these disasters. They were forgetting how painful it had been. Everyone in Japan knew how scary nuclear weapons were when the original movie was made, but it wasn't like that by the 1980s. So in those meetings, we decided to remind all those people out there who had forgotten."

This was the first Godzilla movie since 1975's Terror of Mechagodzilla. There was a rumored color remake in 1977, The Rebirth of Godzilla, as well as Godzilla vs. The Devil and Godzilla vs. Gargantua. There was a push in Godzilla's 25th anniversary to make a new movie and series creator Tomoyuki Tanaka wrote Resurrection of Godzilla that had Godzilla fight Bakan, a shapeshifting monster and dealing with nuclear waste. Steve Miner and Fred Dekker almost made a stop-motion 3D movie as well, but budget kept getting in the way of these new movies. It took the 10,000 members of the Godzilla Resurrection Committee to make the movie happen.

Godzilla was back, even if it wasn't exactly a box office success. There's always America, right?
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Unpopular Opinion, I Hated this Film
jamiepick-160428 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This Godzilla Film is Probably the Worst Godzilla Movie from The Heisei Era. That Being Said, It might even be one of my least favourite Godzilla movies of all time. WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THAT THIS MOVIE IS GOOD? IT'S NOT! (Ok, well I did watch the American Dub, lmao) The only good Thing About this awful movie is when Godzilla fell into the Volcano, and that's it. The Godzilla Suit Looked Awful and Goofy. It looks like Showa Godzilla Had taken Drugs after battling Mechagodzilla and Titanosaurus. The Movie is long and Boring. The Cast was so boring and awful, that I actually fell asleep during the movie, ON A GODZILLA MOVIE!! Also, This movie was not an amazing Sequal as it fails to its Classic predecessor Godzilla 1954. I mean I get it, it's Meant To be Godzilla's Grand Return, but really it isn't, Literally even the OST Of this movie was Unsettling and awful. Overall, Without compelling characters or heart, The Return Of Godzilla stomps on everything that made the original a classic. Final Score: 1/10, Grade F+, 1 Star, This movie May Bear the Distinction of being the Dullest Movie Ever Made About a Giant Beeg Boi Lizard.
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A return but not a return to form
Daviddavecavemave28 April 2020
The first film of the Heisei era was meant to be a Godzilla film that returns to it's roots but sadly, It is not a return to form. The incredibly unoriginal plot is something we have seen nearly half a dozen times before this. The primary focus of the plot is Godzilla's return (duh...) and the humans attempt to stop him from his destructive rampage.

It is essentially a rehash of everything we have seen before, a reintroduction of a classic character and that was their biggest mistake making this film. There was no risk and no real reward. They played it safe and ultimately delivered a bland movie that failed to live up to expectations.
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A Nostalgic Return for Godzilla, But One That Misses the Mark
visualsbyalan12 March 2024
The Return of Godzilla." Marketed as a return to the franchise's roots, promised a grittier Godzilla alongside Cold War tensions. What I got was a curious mix - a lumbering near-docudrama that felt closer to the original 1954 film, complete with vintage effects and a dash of cheese.

"The Return" acts as a direct sequel to the 1954 film, conveniently forgetting everything in between (alien invasions, time travel, you name it). This could have been a fascinating exploration of the lingering trauma from the original Godzilla's attack. However, the film fails to capitalize on this. We encounter characters who seem completely oblivious to Godzilla's past rampage, which stretches believability.

The attempt at political intrigue also falls flat. The Soviet and American representatives are caricatures, demanding Godzilla's nuclear annihilation. The Japanese Prime Minister's counter-arguments, while somewhat justified, lack depth. The whole debate feels like a missed opportunity for a thought-provoking exploration of Cold War anxieties.

Visually, the film is a mixed bag. The practical effects and miniatures hold up well, and the pyrotechnics are impressive. However, the human scenes lack visual flair, relying on static shots and uninspired framing. The pacing is equally uneven, with stretches of exposition punctuated by Godzilla's attacks.

Speaking of Godzilla, our atomic leviathan looks a The half-lidded eyes and goofy demeanor don't inspire awe. His battles, while featuring the awesome maser tanks and the Super X, lack the dynamism seen in later films.

Ultimately, "The Return of Godzilla" is a film stuck between eras. It jettisons the camp of the Showa era in favor of a more serious tone, but fails to deliver a truly compelling narrative or characters. The nostalgia factor is undeniable, but the film itself feels hesitant and unsure of its own direction. It's a decent monster mash, but one unlikely to leave a lasting impression. The beautiful score, however, deserves mention.

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