Roe v. Wade (2019) Poster


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The persons and events in this motion picture are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons or events is unintentional
mjmayerhofer-272292 April 2021
At the end of the movie reads a disclaimer "The persons and events in this motion picture are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons or events is unintentional".
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judithvictoriam29 May 2021
This movie has some very good performances mixed in with mediocre ones. We needed this movie to be made but we also needed this movie to be made Exceptionally well as the bias media would not be moved otherwise. Sadly this movie is not. It had so much potential but it comes short and I am not exactly sure how it could have been made better. It is still worthwhile to watch and if it even opens the minds & hearts of one person then it is worthwhile. We need to have another movie about Dr. Mildred Jefferson, a true hero who does not get enough credit & attention, many do not even know her name. Watch it and enjoy it but do not expect to be impressed, just mildly entertained and perhaps if you are not well informed on the topic you will learn some new facts.
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So bad it's not even good to watch for laughs
Ithilfaen29 June 2021
I don't know what's worse about this "movie"
  • the appallingly amateurish directing
  • the high school level writing
  • the Youtube parody acting

or the number of alt-right reviewers falling over themselves in the reviews trying to make this pass for a masterpiece.

Look, pro-choice or pro-life, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when you try to pretend that a movie" which makes SNL parodies look like Scorcese movies, with nutjob conspiracy that makes Charlie Sheen sound sane and reasonable, is the best thing ever, you just embarrass yourself.

I have seen more convincing pro-life arguments from FOX News, and that's saying a lot.
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Taking liberty with the facts
mkconway-0298023 March 2021
At the end of the movie reads a disclaimer "The persons and events in this motion picture are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons or events is unintentional". So what did I just watch?
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Analog_Devotee28 April 2021
All bias aside, this is still an awfully made film. Value your time more than I do mine and skip this mess.
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propaganda of first grader level
jjr-7647417 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is history re-writing. But, if you take the time to source the real facts before you watch it, then it becomes incredibly funny! It's like a beginners course in propaganda, so heavy handed, massively manipulative, degree zero of finesse, that it actually made me laugh out loud a couple of times.

No attempt here to even pretend not to be one sided. Everybody is stereotyped to the max, and history is re-scripted with utter disregard for actual events. It even goes as far as to reference the holocaust in the dialogs to define the pro-choice side, and that is only one of the multiple antisemitic gratuitous jabs in this movie.

Here is one example of how the movie works: it is bookended by two reasonably effective, even if cheap, emotional moments: the dreadfully moving rendition of "the diary of an unborn child" and the "who will give voice to the silenced" supreme court plea, two really strong speeches of the pro-life side. Well, obviously the voice of the pro choice will be shown with similar respect... of course not, in between the voice of the pro-choice is a chant praising abortion as money for succion, and an overall scam orchestrated to make money off the ignorance of women. This gives you a sense of how balanced the view of the issue is.

The justice who supported pro choice are obviously shown as corrupt throughout the film, and decide on politics rather than merit or conviction. Or worse, if they're not corrupt, they vote pro choice for being badgered by their wives and daughters,

And of course the pro-choice characters evidenced during the movie end up in one of three ways: Either their « despicable hypocrisy » is outed, either they see the error of their ways and find god, or they sink in despair and eternal grief over the « horrible acts they are guilty off »! Aaaah the suavity of the nuance.

Well if you hoped for a movie that could be watched by many on both sides, a movie to open and inform the debate, that's not the one.
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Heavily biased and poorly made
missjennyo4 April 2021
The writing, acting, and directing were wildly inconsistent. The movie was told from one (very biased) side by one (very biased) writer/director/producer/actor. If you are anti-abortion, can overlook serious production flaws, and wish to see movies that pander to you, you might enjoy this movie. If you are pro-choice or undecided and/or are looking for an unbiased account of events or a well-made film, you will be sorely disappointed.
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"Roe v. Wade" Is Absolutely Awful on So Many Levels
einnoc101 April 2021
"Roe v. Wade" follows Dr Bernard Nathanson (Nick Loeb), the narrator of the 1984 anti-abortion film The Silent Scream, from his first interaction with abortion in 1949 - when his girlfriend at the time terminated her pregnancy - to his conversion to a virulent anti-abortion stance in 1985." .

The 2020 "Roe v. Wade" is co-directed by Nick Loeb and Cathy Allyn. The writing credits go to those two and Ken Kushner. Vewers are subjected to 112 minutes of poorly staged treacly, unconvincing monologues, delivered by a motley crew of actors from a very bad script.

Among the veteran actors are Robert Davi ("Die Hard") as Justice Brennan, Jamie Kennedy ("Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell") as Larry Lader, Steve Guttenberg ("Three Men and a Baby") as Justice Powell, William Forsythe ("Cold Pursuit") as Justice Stewart and Jon Voight ("Midnight Cowboy") as Justice Warren Burger. Former Fox news personality Stacey Dash ("Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens") appears as Dr. Mildred Jefferson.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the lead, is portrayed by Nick Loeb (Loeb is also the writer/director and producer). It seems to be Loeb's vanity project for personal and philosophical reasons.

The character of Larry Lader (Jamie Kennedy) convinces Dr. Nathanson, who is, at first, very enthusiastic about earning blood money by providing abortions on demand, to perform them. The script unwisely has Nathanson (Loeb) and the others in the room sing a song about abortion as follows: "There's a fortune/In abortion/You never bother/The real father."

None of the people in the scene can sing and Loeb can't act. The scene is excruciatingly bad, but it's not the worst in the film.

The writer/director/producer and actor are all Loeb. Loeb's tuneless off-key serenade was just a small taste of the bumpy road ahead. It was really a chore to get through the scene with the actor reading as though he were an unborn fetus.

Speaking of "determining when to bear children" and having a pro-choice right to determine what happens with your own body, there has been speculation that Nick Loeb's desire to make this film stemmed from his failed 4-year relationship with Sophia Vergara ("Modern Family"), which ended in 2014. (A year later, she would marry Joe Manganiello).

Vergara and Loeb, when a couple, froze her fertilized eggs, undergoing IVF together in 2013. In 2017 Vergara filed legal documents to block Loeb from being able to use the embryos without her written consent. Loeb fought for the right to bring the embryos to term via a surrogate. Recently, a California judge has permanently blocked Loeb from using the embryos without Vergara's permission. The entire dispute embodies, in a microcosm, the film's main theory about who should have total reproductive control.

Despite my Catholic upbringing, I think women deserve a choice in what happens to their bodies (and their eggs). The ultimate decision should be between the woman and her physician, with strict guidelines (as has always been the case), not a decision by a group of old white men like those portrayed in this film, or by just one party in an IVF scenario.
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A Far-Right Fever Dream Disguised As Fact
herteld19 April 2021
For a movie with a tag line that promises "truth" coming out, this thing plays out like the screen writers did zero research and just speculated on what things might have looked like, from the perspective of a particularly ignorant alt right troll.

It's not just a bad movie, it's a bad movie filled with outright lies, misrepresentations and thinly-veiled political soap box speeches.

Unless you give them credit for having the names of the people involved correct, there's basically no truth to any of this, and if you're going to completely abandon reality, just make your own movie. Don't represent your utterly fiction as a docu-drama.

Also, these people actually WANTED to be associated with the likes of convicted felon Roger Stone and professional bully Milo Yianopolis. If that doesn't tell you all you need to know to pass on this, you should be ashamed of yourself.
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The opposing view...
ezgolucky4 April 2021
One of the few movies that lean the more conservative view of the controversial subject. Out of the sea of overwhelmingly liberal leaning flicks, this is one adds the conservative voice. You may not agree with it, which I mostly do not, we as Americans should welcome a counter view...
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A lot of bias in the reviews.
rogersmith-1207819 May 2021
There is a lot of bias in the reviews of this film which says more of the political leanings of the reviewers than the film. Having said that: from the view of the film itself, some of the acting was well below 'professional', the dialogue was at times stilted and artificial. The filming and script did give a real sense of the time of Roe V Wade and the political landscape that drove it. This is always going to be an emotional subject, but one I feel needs to be addressed. I have no doubt there is nothing black and white about the decision and this film gives a legitimate perspective. If one is honest it helps inform. Well done to the filmakers for making this.
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Even worse than I was told
thetallbrow21 April 2021
There really isn't a redeeming quality to this movie. The cast is made up of a bunch of Hollywood has beens who people long ago decided they didn't want to watch anymore because their content was almost as bad as this movie. Meanwhile, the story they seek to be telling is that Jewish people (they make a point to mention they're all Jewish several times) were behind abortions and were doing it for money, or simply because they're evil. I expect nothing less from the Catholic League though.

Just utterly trash and completely uninspiring. They're entire concept is simply "everyone lied to you!", "the Hollywood elite want to murder children!" And of course the classic "The rabi's want to kill children" I really just say clearly enough how anti-Semitic this nonsense is. From the fake scream video, to the buckets of gore, the representation of the Jewish community, and more... there is nothing here. It doesn't deserve one star, it deserves to be destroyed.
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Piece of trash and inaccurate
matthewjlowe25 April 2021
Speaks for itself. Full of falsehoods and omissions to push a narrative based on a made up story.
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Lies, more lies and nothing but lies
Galop_Inferno16 April 2021
I'm actually quite surprised this wasn't the doing of Pure Flix or a similar company. Nick Loeb may as well be the new Fred Phelps the way he's brainwashing the easily manipulated.

The entire narrative is built on not just outright lies but also by an array of has-been talent who clearly needed money. You don't need to even be well-versed in the decision to know when the movie's spewing nonsense.

In a similar manner to last year's Never Rarely Sometimes Always (except that film is extraordinary, Roe v. Wade is extraordinarily bad), it's inspired me to give back... to Planned Parenthood.
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F# Movie
RainbowVic24 June 2022
Thanks to the ignorant sheeps that have viewed this piece of s# propaganda now America is the country where an abortion can't be right, but owning a gun yes. Pro-Life my ass, Pro-Choice forever!
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Revisionist History
kenwood-5410616 April 2021
This movie lies to advance a position. Oh wait, I mean "the events are fictitious", so they are not lies if they are telling you that is invented claptrap. I think that Roe V. Wade lies on shaky underpinnings, the 'right to privacy' which was fabricated from the fourth amendment. But hell, couldn't they have presented this from a factual retelling of the events, and made this a more factual (and more cerebral) movie? Nope. Bad guys are just murdering children to advance their specious aims and good guys are fighting for humanity against satan. Sigh.
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Terrible, poor and very biased
rogeriogodinho2 April 2021
Terrible acting, poor production values and a very biased POV.

I'll the NYT sum it up for you: "Roe v. Wade" paints pro-life rights activists as "the masterminds of a mercenary anti-Catholic conspiracy. They were in cahoots, we're told, with Hollywood, the news media, Protestant clergy and rabbis, with the latter singled out in a caricaturish scene."

What else you need to know?
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Absolutely great movie
david-214-5327953 April 2021
Really makes you think about Roe Vs Wade. After fact checking the movie my stance on abortion changed 360 degrees, it made me completely rethink my previous views on abortion. Don't believe me watch the movie and check the facts yourself.
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kthickman-565125 June 2021
The most biased movie I've ever seen. It distorts facts with its pro-life point of view*, and makes no apologies for it! This movie isn't based on a true story, it's based on a story they want everyone to believe! Unbelievable and tasteless.

* I'm not a strong supporter of either view.
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Rewatchable, but nothing special
soccer_goalie_sports4 October 2021
These reviewers are trashing the movie because it's based off of Bernard Nathanson's recounting of events surrounding Roe v Wade, after he changed his position on abortion.

There were some rough spots, don't get me wrong, but Voight, and Bernson put up some good acting, as did Stacey Dash. Loeb tried to be actor/director, but it's rarely a great performance when you make yourself the lead.

Editing was decent. There wasn't choppiness that I noticed. And sound did a good job balancing. (There have been cringeworthy Christian movies that have done awful).
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Not historically accurate
vgalluppi26 January 2022
Not trying to be political here, but when most of the cast and writers, directors are far right, then this movie becomes completely biased. Dash was a Fox news pundit, Voight is a Trumpet loyalist. Why would you believe this if there is no input on both sides? There is no middle ground here. This certainly is a tough subject to tackle, but please do something and debate in real life, not movies.
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Creepy counterfactual fare crammed with has-beens
Hagar714 May 2021
John Voight, Stacey Dash, and a slew of other Hollywood washouts pay their light bills by delivering hilariously bad performances in a movie selling a QAnon-level conspiracy theory about abortion. According to this "film," there's big money to be had in the abortion industry and women wouldn't even care about it except for the fact that two men manipulated their minds back in the 1970s. It's embarrassingly bad propaganda, with a script written by Captain Exposition and performed by at least three actors you thought were dead, but it takes itself very seriously and thinks that you should too.
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Complete garbage
cwhitehead-483394 April 2021
When the man who's terrorized his ex girlfriend for years to force her to use their embryos against her will so he can control her for life is in it, you know it's garbage. Biased, untrue, terrible acting (worse than a school psa) and just complete waste of film...and that was the first 10 mins.
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Very bad
CrimeChauncey11 April 2021
Aside from the blatant propagandizing, the film is just poorly made. Clearly they didn't feel the need to spend much money on it because they knew that the dumb hogs that like this kind of garbage would lap it all up regardless of how it looked.
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There is a reason this isn't a documentary
briezyg7725 April 2021
This Movie is full of bias & I guess with the current hate in this country spend by social media these writers and directors thought Hey Let's make and entire Movie of our opinions & feelings! A women's body is hers and if you watch this Movie remember it's a movie not a documentary!! You should watch it because you need to be able to understand what people other then you think... even IF it is false! All women should be able to choose for themselves and if you beliefs say no then for you that is your choice. Each women deserves to choose for her body and herself!!!
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