The Village (TV Series 2019) Poster

(I) (2019)

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Feel Good series
jim-man24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's a story about an urban apartment building where the residents bond together. Yes, it is a sentimental piece about 'the village'.

That said, the writers have done a great job. Touching on hot button issues in the pilot episode. The returning cripple veteran who gets thanked for his 'service'. The senior who witnessed another passing away. The nurse who is a single mother with a pregnant teenage daughter. The immigrant mother being arrested by immigration officers.

I liked it because it has 'heart'.
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Don't listen to the negativity!
smellis71120 March 2019
10 minutes into the show and I was hooked. This is a true heartfelt drama that I hope lasts on tv for years. This is the kind of show that we need more of on tv.
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Aptly Named!
bohioprop21 March 2019
This will have to be the Spring season 'sleeper'. The show addressed so many important subjects in such a manner that it all melded together and the hour was gone in an instant! Watch it and you will be quickly 'hooked'. Excellent start. Kudos to all who produced this new show!
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Can't say enough about The Village!
sarahm-6323718 April 2019
First, I'll start by saying that NBC better keep The Village and not cancel it! Lol Everytime I find something I like to watch, it gets canceled. :/ The Village is so well written! It flows beautifully and I absolutely love it! I was addicted with the 1st episode!
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Really heart warming show!!!
sunnysarkar-8321723 March 2019
Just watched the first episode,really loved it. Might give "this is us" run for their money. This is a keeper.
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Must Try!
brieellak24 May 2019
Honestly my favorite show on NBC! If you like a million little things or This is Us you HAVE to try The Village! A heartfelt and relatable story with very talented actors! Once you start it you will be hooked.
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Very touching
robinparker31122 May 2019
Right now we all need some feel good stories of people who simply 'love first' - that's what you have with this group of characters. It's a lovey show & I, for one, sure hope to see a second season.
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The best thing since sliced bread!!!
katzmeow1123 March 2019
This show is awesome and the storyline is amazing, if you've given this show bad reviews something is definitely wrong with you. The cast is amazing, I only wish the best for this phenomenal ensemble.
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the TV village
SnoopyStyle1 June 2019
In a Brooklyn apartment building, Sarah Campbell is a struggling single mom to artistic pregnant teen Katie. Her ex and Katie's secret father Nick Porter is an one-legged military vet with an one-legged military dog. Ron Davis is the super and his wife social worker Patricia tries to save Iranian refugee Ava Behzadi and her son from deportation. She recruits Gabe Napolitano to be her lawyer who lives with his grandfather in the building. These and others connected to them form the village.

There are some compelling characters. There are some compelling stories. There are too many lead characters. There are too many A plots. An apartment building may not be the combining glue to a TV drama as much as a police precinct, the emergency ward, a classroom, or a single family home. The show needs something to tie these people more precisely together. Without an overarching story, the show becomes a labyrinth of loosely connected elements. Some are more intriguing than others. The melodrama can push too far but the characters are always appealing. It's nice but doesn't really grab the audience.
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I love it
bbfrmrp21 March 2019
After the first 5 minutes I was hooked. I really like the characters maybe a little soapy but nice. I can't wait to see what happens next
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Television at it's best
boggie475827 March 2019
Just finished the first two episodes. I was very impressed with this new series. I love these human stories. This deals with human lives and the stories that go with that. This has a lot of the This is Us type of story telling. I think I will really like this new series. I have already invested in all of the characters. They all are good actors. No silliness or stupid comedy just a story about the human condition. Very well done...this is television at it's best.
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Going downhill
chiluvr12289 May 2019
I loved the first few episodes and while I know this is a drama, it packs almost too much drama into a show that is less than an hour. I liked Nick a lot in the beginning, not so much now. Ditto for the pregnant daughter. I had high hopes for this show in the beginning but now I'm quickly losing interest.
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Melodramatic, Over-manipulated Concept
Jonas202111 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are many drama series that attempt to foster a feel-good, love-conquers-all, we're-in-this-together, united-we-stand atmosphere. The recently-departed Parenthood is one. This is Us is another. Most of the hospital dramas, I imagine, are like that (I've only watched New Amsterdam, and it is a third example). These shows make us feel good about ourselves and help restore our faith in the goodness of people. Whether it is reflective of reality or not, it's a world we all want to believe in: humanity over profit, good over greed, love over ambition. The aforementioned series have done a better job at striking that fine-balance between idealism and reality such that we really care about the outcomes to the characters and want to tune in the following week to see how the narrative unfolds.

The Village fails on all of these accounts.

As a preliminary matter, I imagine the title is taken from the old saying, "It takes a village . . . .", and so over the course of the (now four aired episodes) we learn about the entanglement and support and interconnections among the residents of an apartment building in New York. Despite their personal circumstances and dramas, everyone cares about everyone else's welfare, and they stick together through thick and thin. It's a nice premise, and in and of itself - as unrealistic as such a premise may be in New York - it's one that I could watch and enjoy if executed property. In the case of The Village, however, the drama is smacked in one's face. Every single character has a major dilemma and challenge to face - from war-induced PTSD, unplanned pregnancy, deportation, family reunification, terminal illness, etc., etc., etc. - it's every major social drama one could expect thrown into a 40-minute show. The only thing missing is a character who is dying from late-stage AIDS and its complications.

This is not to say that there is no entertainment value in these sorts of dramas, but the writers and the showrunners have to hit the right balance. The Village is so overblown, so melodramatic, so manipulative and overbearing that it could cause a diabetic coma from its syrupy saturation. There's not enough heart in The Village to make it work. The characters have so little development; rather, they are defined primarily by their circumstances. There is little self-reflection or awareness on the part of the characters to help us identify and appreciate their circumstances, their decisions, and their dilemmas. I'll give an example unrelated to the show - to avert spoilers - to make this point. Let's say that one character is a flamboyant homosexual whose father is an evangelical priest who believes that homosexuality is an abomination against God. Another character is a Nobel Laureate in Math or Physics whose child is an illiterate high school dropout, addicted to drugs, and living in an abandoned tenement. A third is a gang leader married to the District Attorney whose number one priority is to stamp out illegal sex and drug-related crime that her spouse regularly engages in without her knowledge. Lets throw them all in one building and despite these conflicts and differences make everything work out. Love conquers all. Family above everything else. The radius of plausibility is just too great. How about toning it down? How about one issue or two instead of ten or twenty? How about building the characters such that natural conflict arises out of more realistic plot devices that help us appreciate the humanity that these people bring to their lives? Instead, each characters' circumstances are maxed out at a "10" (on a 1-to-10 scale) and by virtue of that plot manipulation alone, we are supposed to care. Well, I don't. After four episodes, I feel manipulated. Earn my care; don't beat me over the head demanding it. I don't like or dislike any of the characters. I'm rather indifferent. None of it matters. It's all just gross manipulation anyway.

Juxtapose this with, say, This is Us (which The Village replaced after the This Is US' season finale), whereby we care about the characters because of their histories and how they've remained close despite their differences in attitude and upbringing. Or, compare to New Amsterdam, which follows The Village, in which the hospital director, suffering from his own medical challenge, wants to do everything he can to help people no matter what. In my personal experience, I have never been to a hospital that put my needs above profit nor have I encountered a doctor (who treated me) who has ever seen me as a three-dimensional person with circumstances that extend beyond the appointment's window. Rather, it's typically wham-and-bam, prescription, next. But I can get behind an image of a hospital that makes its priorities what I believe they ultimately should be. I can watch how the writers construct a world where people rise above profit and the collective concern is one that everyone seeks to rally behind. There needs to be a singular thematic focus instead of a buffet of everything. With The Village, the buffet boasts Italian food, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Greek, Armenian, Turkish, Peruvian, American, and Japanese. Plus, there is bakery bar, a sandwich station, and made-to-order omelettes. Everything on offer means that nothing is done right. Welcome to The Village.

It could be redeemable. It is possible that if those in the writing room or the showrunners or the network get their heads screwed on that in subsequent seasons, once the underlying predicates are established, can dial the drama back and allow nature to take its course. It is possible. I hope they figure it out. I would not hold my breath.

Truth be told, I want an unrealistic drama that makes me feel good about humanity. Truth be told, this isn't it.

After four episodes, I cannot in good conscience recommend.
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Great Show!
camwalter23 March 2019
This is my favorite pilot I've ever seen for a tv show! The acting was great, the characters are all relatable, and the story lines all hooked me. The editing was also great, I felt like the show flowed really well. I can't wait to watch more of this show!
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Enjoyable show
jsmith-3267522 May 2019
It's a bit melodramatic, but I enjoy the characters and the story lines.I hope the show continues for next season..
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notabug-6673822 March 2019
I love this show already! I said I wasn't going to watch it but I saw that Warren Christie was in it and my fate was sealed! I had to have tissues!
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Policially Charged, Script Needs an Overhaul, Interesting Enough
laughterislovely18 April 2019
The bad: Katie is a pregnant teenager. If we're going to talk about abortion in the same old hollywood cliche way, could it at least be with an adult character? The way this is handled kind of makes me sick. On that line, the morher daughter dynamic between the two characters is frustrating. Lack of character dimension in the morher character, Sarah, leaves a lot to be desired. The way they portray her leaves a religious taste in my mouth. Could be fine if it didn't make for such a phony one-sided character. Sarah's life is getting upended, she should be feeling something or dealing with it in a way that's realistic and dynamic.

The show comes off as fluffy from all the cons.

The script is pretty terrible. The directing isn't that great. A few of the actors should have been cast better (though the good ones are actually pretty good).

What keeps me watching this show is the community aspect. I like the idea of the show. I like how is follows journies on multiple characters. Sticking with it on an episode by episode basis. I'd be surprised if this gets a second season. We'll see how it goes.
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A bit cheesy but good
Elizabethchivers19 May 2019
I think because the show tries to tell too many storylines, it takes a bit to get involved in the stories or characters, but once you do, there are a lot of good and touching stories being told. At times it's so unrealistic it's borderline cheesy, but it you just get past that, I think it's a good and very entertaining show. I don't want to see it canceled so soon.....
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Had potential deserved more than one season
shangsta18 October 2019
I wanted to like this show more -- it had some issues like too many uninteresting characters. With so many stories going on (duh it's a village) I found episodes to be crowded and difficult to follow.

It's worth it to watch though -- even as a single season it holds it own
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Too... everything
gdump4 April 2019
I watched 2 1/2 episodes of this before I couldn't take any more. There is simply too much going on with too much hyper-drama. At this point, it looks like the mother-daughter pair are going to be the main characters and I simply find both characters intolerably annoying.

I'm sure that there are people who will love the pace of this show, and the unrealistically snappy dialog, but it doesn't work for me. Life is not like this.
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Love this show. Bring it back NBC!!!
asd-592007 June 2019
This is a really enjoyable show. I looked forward to each new episode. I am really disappointed in NBC for cancelling it after just one season! You guys need to bring it back already!
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christa-pelc30 August 2019
Yes, the stories are relevant, but so overly dramatic. Aren't there any families today that can have rational conversations without yelling and walking out on each other? Aren't there any teens with cute romances who don't have to sleep together on the first date? Plus, the whole Nick - Katie - Sarah storyline is ridiculous. Not only is Katie the most selfish and rude child, but she's a wooden actor.
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Had me in tears
yankeedoo20 March 2019
I'm 47 bloke but had me in tears at some part Looks grt
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Awesome show..
ocean_breeze1ca27 March 2019
I watched the pilot tonight. The cast and show are fantastic.I wish I lived in a place like that.I hope more episodes are ordered..Its heart warming and thought provoking.
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Love the Village
janet-hatch22 May 2019
The Village had me hook from the beginning. The writing is great. They make us feel as if we are part of the group living there. The actors play their parts beautifully. I hope it continues and isn't one of those shows that 10 and out.
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