"Arrow" You Have Saved This City (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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When you cry with your favorite character, you know it's true love
amanollahia14 May 2019
I don't care what everybody might say and would say in future, i don't care if it is really good or bad, well written or awful, I only know that i watched Arrow from 2012 and through all of its rise and falls i enjoyed it and now that it is getting closer to its ending my love for it, is growing the highest and when i know i can feel what characters are feeling and i cry when they are crying, i am so sure nothing can be above that for me and i will never forget it, isn't that all we are searching for, founding something memorial to love and cherish, i found it easy for me to express my feeling and i hope it won't be hard for you to understand it, i never want to compare Arrow with anything because it is so special to me that i can't be absolute reasonable about it so i will never say it is the best show or one of the best shows but i ,for one, was a boy who grows with it and became a man and enjoyed it the most, so i want to thank everyone involve and wish the best of luck for last season, i will never forget my hero, the person who changed my life and let so many more people and characters in my heart, i will swear to the tears i shed for this episode that i will try so hard to become someone else, a better person, a better human, like Oliver did.
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"Legend of The Arrowverse,The Green Arrow Himself."
niharbadheka16 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The episode titled with "You have saved this City." I think that was the best title in Arrow all over season.The best entry of The Monitor at the end which lead to the crisis on infinite earths.I think it would be better if the monitor would say to Oliver that You have saved this city, Now it's time to Save Multiverse....that would be great but The episode was the best in all Rivalry episode ,the Emiko accepted her fate and said her wish to Oliver that she wanted to be 'Queen' but I think eventually she was. I love that episode that was the greatest in Arrowvesre in My opinion.
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Oliver Queen is the Tony Stark of the DC
theos-0202315 May 2019
I really connected to Oliver Queen in this episode, some of his best Acting in my opinion :)
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robertogarzozipuig14 May 2019
Last 5 minutes of the episode is better than the whole arrow series combined!
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The Power
necro177514 May 2019
My God what a heart wrenching episode. Seldom do I get brought to tears, but when you're so invested in the characters, how could you not. I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
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😢😢😢 This was the end and the beginning of new era
mayurrajbagul15 May 2019
Last 5 to 10 minutes are the best as well as most emotional part of the complete arrow verse
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The legacy of Oliver Queen
highmarksreviews14 May 2019
Reflecting back on season seven of Arrow, I can see that there were a lot of themes going for it. Redemption, family and heroism all stood high as threads for the writers to explore. In a way, they never got around to fully committing to either, which raised some questions entering the finale as to how it can all connect. While there were still inconsistencies of note, "You Have Saved This City" was a beautiful way to end a lot of other unfinished storylines.

Perhaps this episode's biggest flaw was not being subtle enough with its script. Too often did I find that exposition and setup was being done to connect past and present. Sea Shimooka's Emiko Queen was also a waisted opportunity, as was the Ninth Circle. That's not to say that it didn't work in other places though as I will point out later.

Because an Arrow finale screams for action scenes, it was fitting for fight scene master and veteran director James Bamford take the reigns. You always know when a Bamford fight scene kicks in. It's fast, brutal, creative with the camerawork and is done to a killer score. Ever since his debut in season four, he has been a prominent creative force that I think should garner more appreciation.

Oddly enough, it wasn't the action in 2040 Star City or the present day that sold me on this finale. It was the interactions between characters during the restful moments that truly elevated it. The way the episode was written clearly showed that several storylines are to be concluded in a couple of months. Maybe a few of them were a little too ominous, but time will tell.

Now comes the part that really get's you. You could argue that the final 10-15 minute-stretch is a little rushed and I will not defend that. What I will stick out for is the sheer amount of emotion conveyed throughout those moments. Arrow introduced two big cliffhangers, one tragic and one more bittersweet.

The somber conversation between Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) brought me to tears. Never in the show's seven year history has that happened. It was natural, superbly written and reflected the long, bloody journey they have made together. It was a tragic ordeal that hurt. I may not remember this finale for everything that came before this moment, but I certainly will for that dialogue.

"You Have Saved This City" had big action scenes to drive home that finale feel, but ultimately, it was Oliver and Felicity that brought a tearful ending to a good year of Arrow. This was an important finale that was imperfect in some areas, but balanced those flaws out with one hell of an ending.
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Near the End
athleticteen14 May 2019
I feel like I just got punched in the gut with this episode. I loved this show and have watched it from the very beginning. I have watched every season up to now and I have to say, despite its ups and downs, this will forever be one of the best shows on tv IMO. I will miss it after season 8...
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What an ending
khloodyxz17 May 2019
One of the best if not the best of episodes cant say more you just need to watch it
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Goodbye felicity. A solid finale, but a bit disappointing.
EddyTheMartian00714 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like this season of Arrow ended off with a bang like I wanted it to, but it doesn't mean it wasn't a good episode. Overall it was a solid finale.

The best part of the episode was probably the director James Bamford. It was just great to see Laurel and Bronze Tiger back for the finale with some cool action scenes. Unfortunately Emiko is by far the worst main Arrow villain. Sea Shimooka just doesn't give a good enough performance for the character, and her development feels extremely rushed. Her redemption just isn't set up well enough. She dies anyways, so there was really no point. Despite this being worse thematically, I do think this was the best choice. Her character just hasn't been developed well enough, and the actress has proved that she isn't good enough for this role, so to kill her off is better than to have her taint the last 10 episodes of the series. It does seem like they might be setting up the Ninth Circle to continue being the villain of the next season with a new character being introduced, which is hopefully better than Emiko.

Despite having some really good action, and the final confrontation between Emiko and Oliver actually being really good, I do feel like the episode feels way too rushed. The flashforwards coupled with the last 15 minutes setting up the next season and giving farewells to characters just doesn't give this episode enough to breathe. The flash forwards just ruin the pacing of the episode, and I honestly just didn't care about them. They did have some good moments, but I just still don't like he flashforwards.

The last 10ish minutes were everyone is leaving and they leave the bunker is honestly a pretty good send off to the characters. However it feels a bit too sudden. I never thought I'd say this considering these series usually suffer from longer episode counts, but this needed the last 23rd episode that these seasons usually have to really properly pace the episode. Regardless of that we get Felicity's send off, which was quite sappy, but Stephen Amell brings a great performance which honestly had me quite sad as well, and finally we get the Monitor! It is revealed that Oliver is going to die in Crisis on Infinite Earths, and that he needs to leave to help the stop what's coming. It's a pretty great scene, and it's hineslt pretty sad how Oliver has to leave yet again and can't catch a break. I mean damn Oliver has sacrificed so much, and he still ends up dying. Hopefully the future forwards find a way to persevere his legacy, because it's honestly depressing that Oliver did all of this for nothing.

In Conclusion this was a good finale. It was great to see returning characters, and had some great action. It sets up the future, whilst being a great send off to the show. Unfortunately though, what could've been an amazing finale is really held back by the rushed storyline, and the jarring pacing the flash forwards create. I'm a big fan of the show. I've been watching it since the beginning, and only recently started reviewing it, I really do hope next season gives us a final great season to give Oliver Queen the send off he deserves. It is an end of an Era.

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Great season finale, tying up the storylines but the villain was lacking
Holt34414 May 2019
In this episode we get to see Team Arrow save Star City yet again in both the present and the future and it was a great season finale but not as great as I was thinking it was gonna be and the main problem was that it wasn't actually a big threat, they succeeded and I felt Emiko wasn't a strong enough villain in terms of writing to lead the season finale. The episode was directed by James Bamford and he didn't let down, making it great and entertaining from start to finish. The episode brought us back Mister Terrific, Laurel and Bronze Tiger back and seeing Bronze Tiger was the highlight of all three, delivering one of the coolest fight scenes of the episode.

The whole ending was perfect, giving us the send off of Felicity that we got promised but even better than I expected, seeing all the storylines tie together was just perfect. An amazing finale and I can't wait for the final season, it's gonna be interesting and amazing.
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Underwhelming at some point.. (rushed)
chubbysupreme14 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Cons :

-bringing bronze tiger and laurel back looks rushed (Laurel just disappeared and came back?) (Turner be like 'here to help' outta nowhere)

-emiko's death was so underwhelming I mean 'talia rip-off character' just showed up and shoots a dagger to emiko's stomack and she didnt even flinch. And then when she got kicked to 1 layer of wall and gets killed?!

-flashfowards (cringey mis-leading)

Mia saying 'take care of mom', we all know she's not going die. And i literally dont get the plot in the flashfowards.

-again, the final battle was underwhelming Roy, diggle and turner battles some ninja-alike members, and oliver uses talk-no justsu to emiko in some ways and building collapses - TA 'we won'

-this series finale left us more questions unanswered.

Pros :

-roy's stunts

-mostly action-packed for first 20 minutes

-oliver's emotional moments

-crisis's tease

-OTA moment

-some storylines connect with future storyline

Overall - 7.6/10 Not disappointing but underwhelming
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Sad end to a once promising show
luislast16 May 2019
Does anyone remember the first year of "Arrow?" If you're a late comer, or just nostalgic for actual, good writing, I'm sure that there are some places where the old shows can be still found. Sigh.

It would be difficult to tell when this show started to go off the rails. The first glaring stupidity I can remember was the end of Season 2, when Thea went off with Malcolm, whom she supposedly 'wanted nothing to do with,' to get to know him better. It was also around that time that the citizenry, rallied by a speech from Oliver, managed to defeat a heavily armed force by sheer gumption (Lou Grant: "I hate gumption.") I should not have been so generous and let those huge gaps in logic escape me. It would have saved me years of disappointment. These were followed by (and I am just covering the worst of many moments in the series) the time when the team disbanded because they resented Oliver surveilling all of them to find who the traitor was talking to the DA. Then Mad Dog almost kills Oliver. Then everyone overreacts to Oliver going to extremes to stay alive. Then later they all get back together and everything is hunky-dory again, with few recriminations, explanations, or apologies. And it goes on and on, culminating in Emiko's unfathomable, last minute conversion to Oliver's side at the twelfth hour.

It hasn't all been bad, of course, but the massive gaps in logic nullify all the rest of the efforts. Cause and effect just goes out the window at every convenience. You might as well go by the logic: "Oliver, why did you kill the Mayor?" "Because, the moon was blue, of course?" "Oh, OK"

It was only by exerting terrific self-control (and probably poor judgment), and thinking that this would be the last season, that I was able to hold on and see the last few episodes and finale, hoping against hope that there would be sufficient justification to stay with the show.

The last scene promised a possibly totally new direction for "Arrow," and that gives me some hope, but if I don't see that promise fulfilled by anything I see between now and September, I will not be back.
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I never thought I would say this.
lordmichaelrahl17 May 2019
Arrow actually made me cry. That's astonishing to me.

No matter how much mediocrity sometimes infuses the show, how many bad moments, there are still moments like these. This is why we are still watching.

Being invested in these characters makes episodes like this immensely satisfying and cathartic. In fact, the last 10 minutes of this episode must be among the best Arrow has ever done.

Let's go out with a bang.
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Great Episode
bass_97202014 May 2019
Great episode and great ending of Arrow, the best season finale of this series.
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A finale as described
Truly amazing episode, more like ending! Bravooooo!
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This episode broke all of us.
kralcars_kerem14 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't think this episode will be so emotional. So he really died to save everyone...
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Good but could be better
Ftme-th14 May 2019
I really cried in the last minutes!!which happens rarely about me...but i think that things happened really fast at the first parts...in a bad way...anyway the episode deserves 9/10
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Most emotional season finale of the entire series!
RahulM00714 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The season 7 finale of Arrow was emotional, action packed, fun, surprising and unexpected. It ended with a huge cliffhanger that will immediately propel us to the eight and final season.

The season finale brought back some familiar faces. Bronze Tiger, Earth 2 Laurel Lance, Curtis Holt and the Monitor all returned this episode.

The finale concluded the feud between Green Arrow aka Oliver Queen and Red Arrow aka Emiko Queen. Although, I found it quite anticlimactic how they ended Emiko's storyline, it was still an amazing fight scene. How she suddenly had a change of heart about her brother and the Ninth Circle felt rushed, but at the end it worked. Introduced as the new Green Arrow, Emiko Queen built quite a reputation in a short amount of time. For me, it wasn't surprising that Emiko died, as she was not mentioned in the flash forwards nor did she appear in them. I can honestly say Emiko Queen was a great character that got enough character development this season.

It was revealed that Emiko Queen put Oliver Queen's family in jeopardy. Could this mean that will be seeing more of the Ninth Circle next season? The Ninth Circle weren't pleased how Emiko Queen acts as their leader and do not believe she is capable of destroying the city and murdering her brother. Due to this, the Ninth Circle chose a new leader and Emiko Queen dies in the arms of her brother.

The flash forwards were without a doubt amazing this week. Mia Smoak aka Blackstar is exactly like her father. She is ruthless, a badass and the moment she jumps off the building with a trick arrow is fascinating. I am excited to see how the flash forwards will play out next season, now that Felicity, Roy, Dinah and Rene are on the run and leaving the city. That leaves William, Mia, Zoey and Connor to protect Star City on their own.

The montage where Oliver and Felicity are living their secluded life was emotional and satisfying. Unfortunately, nothing stays that way on Arrow when the Monitor shows up to take Oliver Queen and reveals his fate in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

To conclude, the season 7 finale of Arrow was incredible and the fight scenes were amazingly choreographed. I am excited to see what will happen in season 8. Season 8 is a mystery to me. I honestly do not know what will happen. Hopefully the eight and final season :( does not disappoint!
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Arrow should have ended on Oliver, Not Felicity
akituln15 May 2019
For seasons now this show has become less about the title character and more about Felicity. They should have killed her off when she got shot in the back.

Amell has played this character amazingly. It's not the humour of the green arrow comics as he is something else, he is someone else...(c wut i did ther) But the fact they exited on Felicity only shows that this has become the Felicity Show, and Amell doesn't deserve that. He is the RDJ of this universe(multiverse). He started it and has helped bring it to the expanded one with over 4 shows. It started with him, and it should have ended the same way.

Can you imagine if Marvel had ended Ironman 3 on Pepper going off to meet Tony? Instead of THE TITLE CHARACTER!

I feel sorry for Amell. He deserved better for someone who saved this city.
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Oliver says goodbye
ninjaboyballer14 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was really great. It had the return of two characters I really enjoy, that being the monitor and bronze tiger. It also had a really interesting interaction with Oliver and Emiko, which ended with Emiko betraying the Ninth Circle and getting killed, dying in Oliver's arms. Before Emiko dies she tells Oliver to go into hiding with the Felicity and the baby because the Ninth Circle will be after them. So that is what Oliver decides to do, shutting down the bunker and seemingly disbanding the team. It is a really emotional scene knowing it might be the last time we are in that bunker.

Afterwards, I really liked the montage of Felicity and Oliver having a normal life with Mia in a secure off the grid house. But the monitor shows up and tell Oliver that it was time for him to hold up his end of the bargain he and the monitor made back in Elseworlds. What we get is a really emotional goodbye scene, with Stephen Amell giving an excellent performance before he has to leave his wife and daughter behind to go save the multiverse. In the flash forwards we see that after Felicity takes Mia and William to Oliver's grave before leaving them to go see the monitor, seemingly to go see Oliver in a place of no return. Overall this episode was a episode that pulled at the heartstrings and is the beginning of the end for arrow. I will be reviewing the last 10 episodes of Arrow when they air, but for now, this is a really great conclusion to a good season of Arrow. Final rating: 9.2/10
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The Beginning of the End
ThomasDrufke14 May 2019
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There's no real reason for me to waste energy like I usually do ranting about this show every week. Tonight's episode certainly wasn't great, but I did at least feel the weight of the last 20 minutes - and how this episode truly is the end of an era.

Being that it was Emily Bett Rickards final performance as Felicity, the episode was bound to give her a big send off. While she didn't die in the future storyline like some may have thought, she did leave her daughter Mia and adopted son William so that she can go see Oliver with the Monitor, wherever he may end up after this coming year's crossover.

Seeing the OTA together one last time down in the bunker was a particularly impactful scene, especially since you can clearly see Stephen Amell's real life emotion seep through the character. That certainly got me a little bit, even if the rest of the episode is the most forgettable finale this show has ever had. It truly begs the question, how exactly does this show end this fall? If Oliver is already with The Monitor, is he not going to appear in the present day storyline until the crossover? Is he going to be "training" to stop the crisis from happening? No matter, it still incredibly hard to believe this show is coming to an end.

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It's just awful
larosaj-2666614 May 2019
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At least it's over for now and Felicity is gone for good. Thank the Gods. I had no idea what was happening this episode. 142 superheroes running around doing their signature, ad nauseum moves. Only Jai White offered some fresh moves. Season started well but just went downhill with secret siblings all over the place. The future stuff was an abomination and the Mia actress is just terrible. No more of her I beg you. Her 90 pound body taking scores of literally twice her size men was vomit inducing. At least it's mercifully ending next year. This series has had its up and downs but it's time to go. And Oliver please bring back the Hood. You look like a jogger. Bleahhhhhhhh!!!!
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jps122715 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Can we fast forward to this fall to see season 8. Between losing Tony stark and Oliver queen this is too much
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Thank you so much for this
aguscontreras3 November 2019
This episode is the real Arrow's finale. I can watch it so many times and I still need to cry! Thank you so much for this episode! It's a love letter to all the old Arrow's fans!
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