"Arrow" Lost Canary (TV Episode 2019) Poster

(TV Series)


Emily Bett Rickards: Felicity Smoak



  • Dinah Drake : You cannot seriously think she's still capable of redemption after what we just saw.

    Felicity Smoak : That is harsh, especially coming from the person who wrongly accused her of murder.

    Dinah Drake : So you're saying what Laurel's doing is my fault?

    Felicity Smoak : *Our* fault. Maybe if he had been a better support system to her.

    Dinah Drake : Laurel did not become Black Siren because we were bad friends, Felicity. That is a choice she made on her own. It is not some inevitable consequence of something we did. Everything that has happened since she was fired is on her!

    Felicity Smoak : I think you're being hard on her because you feel guilty.

    Dinah Drake : And I think you need to drop the blinders.

  • Sara Lance : You've come a long way from the I.T. girl secretly crushing on Oliver Queen.

    Felicity Smoak : Apparently, it wasn't much of a secret. Everybody knew. Zero poker face, and I always wondered, you know, were you flirting with me all those times you said I was cute?

    Sara Lance : Why? Were you into it?

    Felicity Smoak : Of course. It's you.

  • Felicity Smoak : Hey, Laurel, it's me, again. I just had a craving for French fries, milkshakes, and really cold fruit. Are you in? Look, I know this is probably gonna get buried between the many, many, many messages I have already left you, but I'm just trying to make sure you are okay, so if you could call me back, please.

    Oliver Queen : [she hangs up]  Still trying to get in touch with Laurel?

    Felicity Smoak : Yeah. It's taking an alarming "Swingers" amount of time. Not proud, and my go-to way to find her would be Archer, but that is taking an annoyingly long time to get back online, so...

    Oliver Queen : She doesn't want to be found, Felicity. Her whole life has been flipped upside down. I know what that's like. Just...

    Felicity Smoak : Speaking of, are you sure that you are okay now that you know that your sister's evil and tried to kill you?

    [seeing his look] 

    Felicity Smoak : Too soon?

  • Felicity Smoak : Emiko's bullet led me to Andrew Thornton's rifle, which led me to twelve different shell companies, which led me to the buyer.

    Oliver Queen : And it's not weird that she hasn't found the buyer herself with the resources of the Ninth Circle at her disposal?

    Felicity Smoak : Okay, well, not to toot my own horn, but Emiko is more of the "Karate Kid", Hilary Swank version, and I am more of the "Mr. Robot" version, but prettier.

  • Felicity Smoak : A manhunt? Don't you think that's a little harsh?

    Dinah Drake : Laurel killed someone.

    Felicity Smoak : Allegedly.

    Dinah Drake : Her DNA and fingerprints were found all over the scene.

    Felicity Smoak : Laurel is smart. You really think that she'd leave evidence behind if she really did kill the guy?

    Dinah Drake : She had a pretty strong motive. Hernandez's death was imperative in her winning her case.

  • Felicity Smoak : She hasn't killed anyone since she's been the D.A. Why would she start now? You've seen how hard she's worked, how much she's changed.

    Dinah Drake : Except she obviously hasn't. Look, I know she's your friend, and for a while, I actually thought the two of us were doing good work together, too, but the truth is Laurel is Black Siren. She is a ruthless murderer, and we are all fooling ourselves thinking she is anything like the real Laurel Lance.

    Felicity Smoak : We should be helping her, not hunting her.

    Dinah Drake : Laurel is a criminal, and we are going to bring her to justice. Something we should have done a long time ago.

  • Dinah Drake : Hey, are you okay? Your message made it sound like the bunker was on fire.

    Felicity Smoak : Laurel didn't kill Gustavo Hernandez. Emiko did.

    Dinah Drake : What are you talking about?

    Felicity Smoak : This is his toxicology report. There were tracesof hydrogen cyanide found in his blood, which is the go-to poison of the Ninth Circle. The SCPD had no reason to trace it back to them. Emiko framed Laurel because Laurel told Oliver her secret. Boom.

    Dinah Drake : Well, it still doesn't change anything.

    Felicity Smoak : Of course it does. Did you hear what I just said?

  • Dinah Drake : Even if Laurel didn't kill Hernandez, she's back to being Black Siren. There was just a robbery at Pinky's Dry Cleaner.

    Felicity Smoak : What'd they steal, bubbles?

    Dinah Drake : Pinky's is run by Walter Santorini. He's a money launderer for the Mob. They took over a hundred grand.

    Felicity Smoak : Whoa.

    Dinah Drake : Yeah. Maybe she needs the money because she's planning on leaving town again. She also now has a partner.

    Felicity Smoak : Well, there has to be an explanation.

    Dinah Drake : Santorini's actually part of a case Laurel and I have been working for the last few months, a case which is now nonexistent thanks to this last little stunt.

    Felicity Smoak : So she's using her D.A. resources to identify targets. That's clever.

    [seeing Dinah's look] 

    Felicity Smoak : Bad. Very bad.

  • Oliver Queen : So you found Laurel, but you said goodbye to her already?

    Felicity Smoak : Well, yeah, after we stopped her from going on a killing spree.

    Oliver Queen : Hmm?

    Felicity Smoak : Dinah and Sara and I.

    Oliver Queen : Hmm?

    Felicity Smoak : Yeah. That Sara. And we did it, supereasy, you know. It was like "Charlie's Angels" without the feathered hair and casual sexism.

    Oliver Queen : So that whole "taking it easy" thing?

    Felicity Smoak : Well, you know I'm not good at that.

    Oliver Queen : Well, I'm here now, so I'll take care of you.

    Felicity Smoak : Well, you could start with foot rub.

  • Felicity Smoak : I have something for you.

    Laurel Lance : It's Laurel's Black Canary costume.

    Felicity Smoak : Yeah. Yeah, I thought you could use it here, but, you know, maybe Earth-2 needs a Black Canary. You are still planning on being good, right?

    Laurel Lance : I'm planning to try, yeah.

    Felicity Smoak : Good.

    Laurel Lance : [Felicity hugs her goodbye]  I just really hope one day I'm actually worthy of it.

  • Felicity Smoak : Now that Laurel Lance, upstanding citizen is back, everything can do back to normal.

    Laurel Lance : Actually, it can't.

    Felicity Smoak : Say what, now?

    Laurel Lance : I am so tired of running. It's time for me to go home now.

    Felicity Smoak : Home? As in Earth-2 home?

    Laurel Lance : Yeah. Someone in similar shows told me if I wanted to be one of the good guys that I needed to right my wrongs, and the only way to do that is to go back to where it all started.

  • Felicity Smoak : To ladies taking down ladies.

    Dinah Drake : Hmm. And to Laurel. Thank you for the assist. And I am very, very sorry that I doubted you.

    Laurel Lance : That means a lot. I just wish we got Shadow Thief.

    Dinah Drake : We'll get her next time.

    Laurel Lance : So does this mean you're not gonna arrest me?

    Dinah Drake : I don't see why I would. This new evidence proves you didn't kill Hernandez, and you went undercover to bring down the Shadow Thief, so I am as surprised as anyone.

  • Felicity Smoak : Do you know what Shadow Thief is planning to do with that device?

    Black Siren : Yes. Sell it for a lot of money, of which I get half.

    Felicity Smoak : Who do you think she's gonna sell it to, the Girl Scouts? That device is gonna be used to kill people.

    Black Siren : Well, that's not really my concern now, is it? Move.

    Felicity Smoak : No.

    Black Siren : Seriously? Felicity, don't you think you're just a little bit out of your element?

    Felicity Smoak : That is correct. I know that, but so are you.

    Black Siren : Oh, for the love of god, would you give it up already? This is who I am! Do you not see that?

    Felicity Smoak : Who I see is someone that I believe in and someone that I really care about.

    Black Canary : [approaching with Sara]  Felicity, what are you doing?

    Felicity Smoak : Forget living up to Laurel's legacy, and forget about who Lance wanted you to be. What do you want?

    Black Siren : I want you to get out of my way.

    Felicity Smoak : I guess if you're okay with that device killing people, you may as well start with me.

    Black Canary : [stepping forward]  Me, too.

    Sara Lance : And me.

  • Black Siren : We have to get out of here.

    Sara Lance : Look, is the payload device big enough to clear out the building?

    Felicity Smoak : Yes, but the problem is we're inside the building.

    Black Canary : That's exactly why they won't be expecting it. How long do you need to arm it?

    Felicity Smoak : Ninety seconds, but how are we gonna get out?

    Sara Lance : Birds fly, don't they? Let's buy her some time.

  • Sara Lance : Why are you so concerned with saving this Laurel?

    Felicity Smoak : I mean, she's more like our Laurel than you realize. She helped Oliver get out of prison the legal way, and she... stopped me from killing Ricardo Diaz.

    Sara Lance : Felicity Smoak is killing people now? I really have missed a lot.

    Felicity Smoak : The point is, is that I didn't kill anyone because Laurel pulled me back from the edge. That's what I want to do for her now, you know, send her out a lifeline.

    Sara Lance : Even if there was a way back for Laurel, she has to want it. You can't force redemption on people.

    Felicity Smoak : Oh, that I know. Well, it's all theoretical, anyway, since I have no idea where Shadow Thief or Laurel are operating out of.

    [her phone beeps] 

    Felicity Smoak : Hold that thought. Dinah just got a location on Shadow Thief's secret hideout. Turns out - of course, of course - it's at shady warehouse in a shady part of town.

  • Felicity Smoak : You know, maybe if I could've helped more, or...

    Dinah Drake : Felicity, you have to stop blaming yourself. Laurel had every opportunity to make the right decision, and she didn't. Laurel has not changed; she is the same monster who killed Vinny.

    Felicity Smoak : What Laurel did is unforgivable. But she is just on this path and she doesn't know how to get off of it.

    Dinah Drake : Do you know how many times in my life I could've gone down the same path, including killing Laurel last year, and I didn't?

    Felicity Smoak : Yeah, you didn't because you had us. I mean, when Oliver brought you on the team, you weren't exactly a saint.

    Dinah Drake : I was protecting women who couldn't protect themselves.

    Felicity Smoak : Yes, but even in your darkest of times, even when you were hell-bent on killing Laurel, we still had your back. I mean, we gave you a second chance. And look where you are now. You're... you're captain of the SCPD, you're a deputized vigilante. I mean, you couldn't possibly have imagined that this is where you would have ended up.

    Dinah Drake : No, that's true, but I... I'm grateful for Oliver and for the whole team, but I don't think it matters with Laurel. I don't think she ever even wanted that kind of support.

    Felicity Smoak : Or maybe she wanted it more than any of us and didn't realize it until it was gone.

See also

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