"Arrow" Lost Canary (TV Episode 2019) Poster

(TV Series)


Juliana Harkavy: Dinah Drake, Black Canary



  • Black Canary : What are you doing here?

    Black Siren : Yeah. Same question. Aren't you supposed to be on your little spaceship or something?

    Sara Lance : I took a break to clean up your mess.

    Black Siren : What is this, some kind of intervention?

    Sara Lance : I know you're not my sister, but in another world or another life, you could have been, and my father believed in you.

    Black Siren : Well, he was wrong, but you're right about one thing. You're not my sister

  • Dinah Drake : You cannot seriously think she's still capable of redemption after what we just saw.

    Felicity Smoak : That is harsh, especially coming from the person who wrongly accused her of murder.

    Dinah Drake : So you're saying what Laurel's doing is my fault?

    Felicity Smoak : *Our* fault. Maybe if he had been a better support system to her.

    Dinah Drake : Laurel did not become Black Siren because we were bad friends, Felicity. That is a choice she made on her own. It is not some inevitable consequence of something we did. Everything that has happened since she was fired is on her!

    Felicity Smoak : I think you're being hard on her because you feel guilty.

    Dinah Drake : And I think you need to drop the blinders.

  • Felicity Smoak : A manhunt? Don't you think that's a little harsh?

    Dinah Drake : Laurel killed someone.

    Felicity Smoak : Allegedly.

    Dinah Drake : Her DNA and fingerprints were found all over the scene.

    Felicity Smoak : Laurel is smart. You really think that she'd leave evidence behind if she really did kill the guy?

    Dinah Drake : She had a pretty strong motive. Hernandez's death was imperative in her winning her case.

  • Felicity Smoak : She hasn't killed anyone since she's been the D.A. Why would she start now? You've seen how hard she's worked, how much she's changed.

    Dinah Drake : Except she obviously hasn't. Look, I know she's your friend, and for a while, I actually thought the two of us were doing good work together, too, but the truth is Laurel is Black Siren. She is a ruthless murderer, and we are all fooling ourselves thinking she is anything like the real Laurel Lance.

    Felicity Smoak : We should be helping her, not hunting her.

    Dinah Drake : Laurel is a criminal, and we are going to bring her to justice. Something we should have done a long time ago.

  • Dinah Drake : Hey, are you okay? Your message made it sound like the bunker was on fire.

    Felicity Smoak : Laurel didn't kill Gustavo Hernandez. Emiko did.

    Dinah Drake : What are you talking about?

    Felicity Smoak : This is his toxicology report. There were tracesof hydrogen cyanide found in his blood, which is the go-to poison of the Ninth Circle. The SCPD had no reason to trace it back to them. Emiko framed Laurel because Laurel told Oliver her secret. Boom.

    Dinah Drake : Well, it still doesn't change anything.

    Felicity Smoak : Of course it does. Did you hear what I just said?

  • Dinah Drake : Even if Laurel didn't kill Hernandez, she's back to being Black Siren. There was just a robbery at Pinky's Dry Cleaner.

    Felicity Smoak : What'd they steal, bubbles?

    Dinah Drake : Pinky's is run by Walter Santorini. He's a money launderer for the Mob. They took over a hundred grand.

    Felicity Smoak : Whoa.

    Dinah Drake : Yeah. Maybe she needs the money because she's planning on leaving town again. She also now has a partner.

    Felicity Smoak : Well, there has to be an explanation.

    Dinah Drake : Santorini's actually part of a case Laurel and I have been working for the last few months, a case which is now nonexistent thanks to this last little stunt.

    Felicity Smoak : So she's using her D.A. resources to identify targets. That's clever.

    [seeing Dinah's look] 

    Felicity Smoak : Bad. Very bad.

  • Felicity Smoak : To ladies taking down ladies.

    Dinah Drake : Hmm. And to Laurel. Thank you for the assist. And I am very, very sorry that I doubted you.

    Laurel Lance : That means a lot. I just wish we got Shadow Thief.

    Dinah Drake : We'll get her next time.

    Laurel Lance : So does this mean you're not gonna arrest me?

    Dinah Drake : I don't see why I would. This new evidence proves you didn't kill Hernandez, and you went undercover to bring down the Shadow Thief, so I am as surprised as anyone.

  • Felicity Smoak : Do you know what Shadow Thief is planning to do with that device?

    Black Siren : Yes. Sell it for a lot of money, of which I get half.

    Felicity Smoak : Who do you think she's gonna sell it to, the Girl Scouts? That device is gonna be used to kill people.

    Black Siren : Well, that's not really my concern now, is it? Move.

    Felicity Smoak : No.

    Black Siren : Seriously? Felicity, don't you think you're just a little bit out of your element?

    Felicity Smoak : That is correct. I know that, but so are you.

    Black Siren : Oh, for the love of god, would you give it up already? This is who I am! Do you not see that?

    Felicity Smoak : Who I see is someone that I believe in and someone that I really care about.

    Black Canary : [approaching with Sara]  Felicity, what are you doing?

    Felicity Smoak : Forget living up to Laurel's legacy, and forget about who Lance wanted you to be. What do you want?

    Black Siren : I want you to get out of my way.

    Felicity Smoak : I guess if you're okay with that device killing people, you may as well start with me.

    Black Canary : [stepping forward]  Me, too.

    Sara Lance : And me.

  • Black Siren : We have to get out of here.

    Sara Lance : Look, is the payload device big enough to clear out the building?

    Felicity Smoak : Yes, but the problem is we're inside the building.

    Black Canary : That's exactly why they won't be expecting it. How long do you need to arm it?

    Felicity Smoak : Ninety seconds, but how are we gonna get out?

    Sara Lance : Birds fly, don't they? Let's buy her some time.

  • Shadow Thief : That's got to be $10 million worth of diamonds.

    Black Canary : [standing behind them]  It's too bad it doesn't belong to you.

    Black Siren : And what? Are you gonna stop us?

    Black Canary : Don't do this, Laurel.

    Black Siren : Oh, I thought you'd be happy. You were right about me all along. Oh, and it's too bad you don't have your cry anymore.

    [canary cry] 

    Sara Lance : But I still have mine.

  • Dinah Drake : I appreciate you wanting payback for what happened to the Canaries, but not like this. Mia, if you go out there on your own, chances are you will not make it back alive.

    Mia Smoak : Galaxy One found all of your safe houses, Dinah. They'll find this one, too. I'm not gonna sit around and wait for them to massacre the rest of us.

    Dinah Drake : Believe me, there is nothing I would love more than to see those sons of bitches pay for what they did to my girls.

    Mia Smoak : So why don't you?

    Dinah Drake : Because I know I can't do it alone, and neither can you.

    Mia Smoak : Then come with me. Instead of hiding in the shadows, let's take this fight to Galaxy One, make them pay for blood with blood.

    Dinah Drake : Sometimes, I don't know who you sound more like - your mother or your father. Do you know why I started the Canaries, what is represents? This is more than just some rebellion group. It's a support system. This is a way for women to know we have each other's backs no matter what happens, whenever we need it most, something I failed to do for a friend once, but ever since that happened with her, I made a promise to myself that I would never make that mistake again. That's why we wear these. To honor that promise and the bravery and the sacrifice shared with these amazing women, who somehow - no matter how many times they get knocked down - they always find the strength to get back and fight again and that is exactly what the surviving Canaries are going to do together but when the time is right.

    Mia Smoak : It's too bad I'm not a canary.

  • Felicity Smoak : You know, maybe if I could've helped more, or...

    Dinah Drake : Felicity, you have to stop blaming yourself. Laurel had every opportunity to make the right decision, and she didn't. Laurel has not changed; she is the same monster who killed Vinny.

    Felicity Smoak : What Laurel did is unforgivable. But she is just on this path and she doesn't know how to get off of it.

    Dinah Drake : Do you know how many times in my life I could've gone down the same path, including killing Laurel last year, and I didn't?

    Felicity Smoak : Yeah, you didn't because you had us. I mean, when Oliver brought you on the team, you weren't exactly a saint.

    Dinah Drake : I was protecting women who couldn't protect themselves.

    Felicity Smoak : Yes, but even in your darkest of times, even when you were hell-bent on killing Laurel, we still had your back. I mean, we gave you a second chance. And look where you are now. You're... you're captain of the SCPD, you're a deputized vigilante. I mean, you couldn't possibly have imagined that this is where you would have ended up.

    Dinah Drake : No, that's true, but I... I'm grateful for Oliver and for the whole team, but I don't think it matters with Laurel. I don't think she ever even wanted that kind of support.

    Felicity Smoak : Or maybe she wanted it more than any of us and didn't realize it until it was gone.

See also

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