Mostly 4 Millennials (TV Series 2018) Poster

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jaredthered7 September 2018
This show is getting a lot of hate but if you watch with friend a i guarantee you will be laughing your ass off, ironic comedy and a good time.
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Didn't laugh even once...
lilyhund2 July 2018
This is the worst show I have seen in my entire life. I like a lot of shows on Adult Swim so I watched this show and was expecting to laugh and laugh but was horribly disappointed. Not only did I not laugh even once, I was grossed out and just annoyed by the "humor". This is the kind of "comedy" that had zero thought put into it, they just resort to "ha ha ha farts and poop are funny" style of jokes. If you are into the kind of humor that a 13 year old horny boy would be into, then this is your show. If you have grown up even a little bit in life you will not find this funny. This show is apparently supposed to be pandering to millennials but I have no idea who they thought they were writing for...
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More important than you think
fraserw-3126317 July 2018
This show is painful. It's hard to watch, anxiety-inducing even. But it's supposed to hurt. You're bearing witness to our darkening future, the end point of our intellectual pursuit for both greater knowledge and higher aesthetic experience. It makes you think, why are we still watching TV for entertainment at this point? Why do we scroll feeds online? Is it because our ability to focus on our own progress is as degraded as our minds feel after watching this show? While satirizing late capitalism's cultural paradigm, it could be that the standard set by this show will actually further spur 'authentic' entertainment. However at this point I'm also not sure if I care.
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It's pretty good if you like awkward, crazy fast humor
tysonthebananaramas10 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This show isn't as bad as people say. This show is made for specific people with certain typs of humor if you liked the Eric Andre show there's about a 70 percent chance you'll like it because it's basically just a season 5 to Eric Andre except slightly worse. As where the Eric Andre show has darker and more subtle backgrounds this show is extremely flashy and bright which is ok if your into that but I'm no. In the Eric Andre Show there were 2 hosts one Eric Andre the crazy one and hanibal burrs the straight man to the situations but in this show there is no striaght man. The reason this show exists is because Eric Andre was getting to well known to make prank interviews so they couldn't do a season 5 of his show so he now write for this show instead and that's why there so similar, but I would just of rathered Eric come back this shows fine but there's a huge gap that can't be filled in this show I wouldn't recommend if you didn't like the Eric Andre show
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It's No Hot Package re-packaged!
bigbarry-881302 July 2018
Don't get me wrong, I love Eric Andre, but it looks like a less funny, Eric Andre Show. Adult Swim takes a lot of chances with new comedy shows and I may grow to like. Derrick Beckles was a lot funnier in "Hot Package", maybe he's just testing the waters.
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The show I never knew I wanted
rnpauls2 March 2020
This show is fantastic in every way. It's even more of a fever dream than the Eric Andre show. The jokes are so well thought out, the guests are fantastic, and the absurd aesthetic is hilarious.

A lot of people think this show is making fun of millennials, but that isn't true. It's just a satire; it jokes about people who dislike millennials just as much as with millennial culture.

Derrick Beckles is an outstanding host, rivaling Eric Andre. The inclusion of the studio audience adds a ton, and the pranks are sincerely absurd.

I have watched season 1 at least ten times, and cannot wait for many more seasons to come. The show seems cheap and low effort at first, but if you give it a chance you'll find it's the most fresh material you've seen in a long while.

Think about it
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People liked Million Dollar Extreme, this is no replacement.
negroslim-455693 July 2018
It's flat, hollow and cringe. I'm sure some 12 year olds will get some giggles but it lacks any kind of appeal across any kind of mildly broad demographic. It's loud, obnoxious and over the top in all the wrong ways while cribbing some aspects from MDE but this is like a freeware doom clone compared to doom, there is no comparison.
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It was funny - like Eric Andre's little bro
dbryant-838474 July 2018
I enjoyed the show and found the humor outrageous, in the same vein as Eric Andre show. The man on the street bits were great, especially the mannequin scenes. Beckles sounds a lot like Eric Andre, so it's like watching an episode of Andre's show, mixed with a little bit of Stevie! from Check It Out. In fact, the audience is the real star of this show. Comprende?
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Not funny at all
mikedegroot18 July 2018
I've never really understood the appeal of these types of shows but have found some of them to at least have funny moments in them. As a Millennial, I have not found even one single funny moment in this show at all. Being as annoying as possible, just to be as annoying as possible is not funny, it's annoying. Adult Swim completely missed the mark on this one. I really hope that this show does not get a second season. Hell, I hope they stop playing this season. Worse new show to come out on Adult Swim in years. 0/10
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Watching for 3 weeks. Wish I was blind!
bigbarry-8813023 July 2018
I previously reviewed Mostly for Millennials, and this show has gotten worse. I am sure this is a direct version of Eric Andre, only MUCH, MUCH worse.w Why would Adult Swim spend the money to make such a stupid rip-off of some of the most original shows on their line up. All I can say is DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!
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Spot on satire
Induna17 July 2018
I guess the negative reviews are from people who are under 30. The millennials hate not being taken seriously and they sure get a kicking here.

The key to this show is that it's only lasts for 10 mins but they pack a whole lot into that 10 mins. Lots of puns, pranks and just craziness. I love the hidden camera prank shows that aren't hidden camera prank shows lol.

Derrick Bickles is a genius. He's got this spot on.
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Just sad
DrPostman9 July 2018
Do even Millennials like this show? I couldn't stand it, and I'm a big fan of what Adult Swim usually puts on. What were they thinking? Millennials aren't as immature as this apparently aimed for. The humor just wasn't there. Avoid this show at all costs. I hope they don't waste time making many episodes.
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utgardaloki18 July 2018
The brilliant minds of Derrick Beckles and Eric Andre collide again and create something greater than themselves. The future of comedy is hilarious.
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Too bad there's no choice for 0 stars
nfinn1022064 August 2018
This is the most disgusting and degrading show ever put on TV....period! Definitely hope this show is not renewed for Season 2.
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Best Shower Ever
animallover03-123 July 2018
This is not to be taken seriously in any way. It it is satire, and should be treated as such. In much the same way that Professional Wrestling is. While it is gross, it still really funny. I'm a 33 year old female who thinks that poop jokes are where it's at. It takes a special type of person to like this type of a joke. While this is not for everyone, I find it funny. If you don't like it watch something else.
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Knock off eric Andre
jackuss14 April 2021
Nothing beats the real thing. Just watch the Eric Andre show.
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Tied for worst show ever with the Eric Andre show
rudegirl-1717419 July 2018
This is the absolute worst show ever. I've been watching twisted shows on cartoon network since my teen years when space ghost coast to coast first came out. They've had some awesome shows & shows horrible enough to make you feel like your brain leaked out your head & your whole life has been a complete waste. This s**tshow ties with the Eric Andre show to completely beat out all those other worst shows ever. It's like real bottom of the barrel material for both shows. So far deep into the bottom of the barrel that's it's scraped through the stone cellar floor below into earth's bedrock while holding Eric Andre's show's hand. They really need to take this off air asap. There's no actual humor involved even though they try so hard... really way too hard... so hard it's painful how awkwardly this show trudges along. 10 minutes of waste management that feels like an hour had passed. This show has no flow whatsoever. No clue what a flow even is. It's so all over the place that it puts ADHD to shame. It's like a slow boy who retained his feverish obsession with gross/immature/psychotic imagery & poop/vomit/sodomy jokes/pranks far, far beyond acceptable boundary levels & now he's just this obliviously obscene pity charity that is actually so gross you cringe when he's nearby & avoid contact at all costs. Complete bull & Adult Swim needs to make better choices (like Bob's Burgers & Rick and Morty) before their viewer base makes better choices.
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Great Show should watch
headcoach-3049415 August 2018
This show is great! It is really simillar to the Eric Andre Show. I think if you like that show then this show is for you.
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Eric andré really?
sonicshiloh14 July 2018
This show is just loud and obnoxious and disturbing at some parts. Not much to say but this is not really the worst adult swim show ever but there are far worse shows like king star king, mr. pickles, and 12 oz. mouse
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This show is funny and it's a shame it was canceled.
SpaceOctopus14 March 2023
I don't know why every one has lost their minds and their sense of humor. Its really a shame. This show has everything. It's actually very creative. I don't even think people realize that even if it's not trying to be creative, and it's a joke. Everything in the show is really on point.

The weird and surreal things that they do on the show are so fun to watch and they have me just bursting with laughter at times. The jokes are perfect and the show is one of the few things that I have found in a long time that I liked this much but it's too bad that it's yet another thing that's been canceled.

The fact people dont understand is even more sad. ☹ I really wish there had been more of this.
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