Far Cry 5 (Video Game 2018) Poster

(2018 Video Game)

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Sometimes Ubisoft Nails It.
colorthekid7 October 2019
This game is great and all, but why the heck is Jared Leto trying to kill me?
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Amazing Villain
giticomi12 October 2021
An amazing game with various mechanics,a good progression system and amazing story with well written villains especially Joseph Seed. With beautiful graphics and its first person Open World it really immerses you in the gameplay.
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Tons of Choas and an Interesting Characters Trade Off for a Thin Plot and a Disappointing Ending
CANpatbuck366430 May 2018
The concept of Far Cry 5 was the primary reason I picked up Far Cry 5 but a friend of mine recommended highly as well. I wasn't familiar with the Far Cry series but having played Far Cry 5, I loved the open world mechanics of it. I think it stacks up to the best in the genre (Rockstar's titles, Ubisoft's other franchises etc.). There's a chaotic nature to it that's a lot fun and there's always something going on. This is true of other open-world games, but I also loved the setting. Setting it in Montana, the lush forests and American Midwest setting offer a lot of unique wildlife and creative environments to travel through. It added to a different feel than other sandbox games I've played.

The plot of Far Cry 5 is best looked at one of two ways. The plot has a good setup, you're trying to dismantle the cult piece by piece (even if you have to ignore the plot hole that your character should be high-tailing it out of the state for help the first chance he/she gets) and take care of the villainous Joseph Seed and his lieutenants John, Jacob and Faith. You get the choice of which area to go to (its divided into 5 areas, each of the lieutenants controls a portion of the map then Dutch's island and the actual compound for Eden's Gate cult) and the game plays out in the same way no matter where you go. Other than taking these people out and saving your friends, there is no progression until you hit the ending conflict. This is too bad, but I think the game compensates by giving you interesting friends (my favourites being Cheesburger the bear, Peaches the cougar and Boomer the dog) and interesting villains. John, Jacob and Faith are all vile in different ways but they all suffered from various forms of abuse and Joseph preyed on that to indoctrinate them into his twisted way of thinking. You fight them, but I did find that I could either relate to them or sympathize with them even if it was just for fleeting moments. Joseph is a monster, but he was formed to be that as opposed to just being born that way. This is a trade off, but it was more than enough to keep me going.

The reactions to Far Cry 5 have been mixed and while some of that can be chalked up to the "politically" charged nature of it, I have to agree that the criticism of the ending is valid. The game offers 2 endings depending on a final choice (there's also a hidden ending that you can get at the beginning) and I picked the "true" ending. They leave you some bread crumbs to hint at it if you're listening to the radio, but I found it to be such a shock. I thought about it for a while and I do like the dark nature of it, but it doesn't seem to fit the rest of the game. It nullifies most of the story and while it didn't wreck the total experience, I didn't enjoy it and I agree with the negative reviews on this point. My final reaction was: "Did they really think this was the best way to end it?"

This is one of those games that comes down to a simple calculation for me. The pros outweigh the cons by a decent margin, even if it wasn't everything I wanted it to be. As someone who hadn't played any of the previous Far Cry games, this was fairly easy to pick up, it played in a different environment and gave me interesting friends and foes to bounce off of. The variation in the missions helped keep things fresh and I liked how I could do anything I wanted at any time. The trade off for the characters is that there isn't much progression in the plot and while I thought the ending is unique and very dark, it didn't work for me and I felt like I got sucker punched by it. I would still recommend this game, I'm going to be playing it again and while it wasn't the whole package, I'd grade it at around an 8.5/10. I'm rounding down because of the sour note it ended on.
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GrantMoyer2328 March 2018
I'm still playing the campaign, but so far this game is breathtaking. The darkest Far Cry out of all of them. It's very disturbing and it will give chills by the opening introduction. This game is a winner.
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Five years down the road , and it's still a very good and fun game to play.

I had my doubts at first, but with gamepass on the XboxX we all can play this nice game .

Graphics hold up very well, after 5 years in the market it still looks very nice.

Voices are pretty good, some funny comments as well.

Characters are great, water looks like water, nice done.

Big open world with a lot of things do, secret doors, hidden chests etc I like it.

What wasn't that good is the Ai, sometimes the enemies run by or don't know what to do.

Also a few bugs, at some point I couldn't open the door, you have to do it all over again at the last savepoint.

But overall a great game, worth your time and money.
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mjusse-462357 April 2018
This is a great, deep and dark story with awesome voice acting! The Father character is ingeniously created. Just follow the campaign thru and thru or do some sidesteps here'n'there, either way you're in for a treat! Highly recommended! Love it!
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Great game but if you are religious I strongly suggest avoiding it
Rayofsun7112 September 2022
Yes if you do happen to be religious this game may hit a little too close to home or even offend you but boy I gotta say I'm having so much fun with it, I may be playing as someone who's going on a full blown rampage but that just adds to the thrill, the action is the best part and if you do happen to like open-world games or first person shooters I highly recommend checking this one out. A rather disturbing story behind it too and funny enough this has better graphics than 6 but I have a feeling that 6 was meant to look more arcadey compared to this. Nonetheless the Far Cry games are great, this one though has to be my personal favorite.
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By the dawn's early light.
Pjtaylor-96-13804427 March 2020
'Far Cry 5 (2018)' marks the first time that a game in the series has been set in the USA. As such, it has come under fire for its politics. However, the game isn't saying anything particularly controversial; whatever political musings there may be, they're entirely perfunctory. The story puts you in the shoes of a rookie police officer tasked with bringing in the leader of a notorious local cult. When all hell breaks loose, you must rally your allies and, essentially, enforce a form of home-grown martial law to bring things back to the way they used to be. The narrative is delivered in a less straightforward way this time around, with the majority of the game taking place within three distinct districts that can be played in any order. The occasional cut-scene will move things along without you having any input, but for the most part you are in control of the story's progression. This incidental kind of vibe is appropriate for the game-loop, as it allows you to undertake your own mini adventures while you progress towards the greater overall goal. That goal is, as usual, to reclaim the map. This time, though, there are no towers to climb. Instead, the world simply reveals itself as you move through it, meeting all manner of quirky character and delirious foe as you go. The map is chock full of content, most of which is driven by specific characters and, therefore, feels more important than the busywork it actually is. The 'buddy' system does a great job of making you feel like you're really having an impact; when you save certain people, they become available as AI co-op partners. Though the thing has a good sense of progression, the actual plot is segmented and ultimately unfulfilling - thanks, in no small part, to a cheap, supposedly 'clever' rug-pull of an ending. The sections which remove your control are clearly the worst parts of the entire affair, feeling frustrating and jarring, to boot. It takes a while to for the game to get into its own groove, but once it does it's an entertaining time. It feels like a slight step down for the franchise, but it's an enjoyable open-world experience nevertheless. 7/10
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A picture That sticks
krikkedominick134 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I Played this game through as much as I could, the ending was a little dissappointing but the Journey was breathtaking, even on playing it 5 to 6 times. Never Played an FPS seriously, it was a Far Cry for me, Far cry 5 however kept me engaged to the end, love ubisoft (mainly playing the AC Franchise through the years) even though their games are little too difficult, I am still in their fanbase and always curious whats next.
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Great gameplay, awful story.
audeconn7 May 2018
The game is a blast to play. Exploring the wilderness and taking outposts with your followers is insane fun. You can have a pilot bomb your enemies from above, a sniper take them out from a nice vantage point, or have them all slapped to death by a diabetic grizzly.

The worst part of the game is the story and having to listen to any of the main characters talk about their "deep dark philosophical principal"

The ending is absolute trash writing.
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Amazing story with beautiful gameplay
brandonadams035 April 2018
Has a compelling story that keeps you sucked into the game from the jaw dropping start to the insane ending. Would definitely recommend for a returning Far Cry player and new players to the series.
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Cutscene Incompetence
vippinftw14 October 2018
Let me introduce you to the plot device cutscene incompetence.

The Protagonist is amazing. They can defeat hordes of monsters, perform feats of superhuman strength, solve complex puzzles no one else can, answer the most baffling riddles, and is always just in time for the action... that is, as long as they are being controlled by the player.

Once a cutscene starts, or the player otherwise loses even the tiniest bit of control over their character, however, things tend to go south quick.

That is Farcry 5 in a nutshell. Need to move the story on? Cue the mind control music into cutscene! Walking into a church to confront a big enemy? Cutscene and you're knocked out! Played for a few hours and enjoying yourself? Bliss cutscene!

It's bad storytelling. You don't need to be forced into capture each time you want to progress the story with the main bad guys of the game. Such a bad trope, IN MY 2018? It's happening more than you would like to admit.

Like all next-gen Farcry games, the best story ending is to stay still at the start of the game and let the credits roll.
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Mixed bag
viper1693 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The graphics are pretty good. Ground combat is good. Air combat not so much. The endings totally suck which matches a lot of the story line anyway. It seems like Ubi spent all their time developing the scenery and forgot to do things like give your guns for hire some simple skills (like getting into the vehicle when you do or not taking off in the helo without you), 4WD vehicles that can climb something steeper than a gentle slope, maybe a slightly wider variety of weapons (and not 4 different versions of one weapon and each with the same sats), better story line. I could get around all of that if they had just made the endings better. But they didn't. So you go through so much pain and frustration...for nothing. I had to replay the game to get Ending 2, thinking it had to be better but I was so wrong. In reality, as another review stated, your best choice is to do nothing. And that takes all of 10 minutes of your time so you can get back to playing FC4 or something else that lets you kill the bad guys that need killing.
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As good as a video game can get.
ShaggyZoinks26 September 2018
The campaign is amazing and offers hours of addicting and thrilling gameplay. The story is gripping and there are so many amazing characters you meet throughout your adventures. Even without the amazing campaign the hundreds of things you can do in the open world also help solidify this game as an all time great. The villain is compelling the missions are extremely fun and the Guns for Hire system is a really good addition for the far cry series. The vehicle mechanics and controls are perfect. The game as stunning graphics and any console and the open landscape is simply beautiful.
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As far as 'Far Cry 5' goes, it's fun to play, but could had been a little bit better. I'm not as blissful as I should had been.
ironhorse_iv29 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Taking place in the fictional open world of Hope County, Montana. The game developed by Ubisoft, has you played, as an unnamed rookie, law enforcement agent, whom job is it to arrest, a dangerous religious cult leader, Joseph Seed (Voiced & Motion Capture by Grey Bryk) & return him to justice. However, once your helicopter goes down in the middle of the cultist stronghold, you have to do whatever's necessary to survive & complete your mission, even fight back from those who wants to save your soul. Without spoiling the game, too much; a great deal of the first person shooter is very similar to the previous titles; in the way, you destroy outposts, free up settlements, and rescue locals help who've been taken hostage. The main different is, for the first time in 'Far Cry' history, the player can customized, their character through look, gender, and style of clothing. However, it rarely makes a different, as the player never see themselves in the third person. That means cosmetic rewards for your avatar, doesn't really matter. It's also sucks, that your character isn't given any background, defined personality or even a name. Thus, it makes them, kinda bland. Another thing, playing, either a male or female deputy doesn't play much to the main plot; which is a shame. The game could had two different storylines with that. While, it's true, that the player can go to any region & take any mission, they want, for unique take of smaller sub-stories. Nevertheless, the main plot still fall in a repetitive, yet tiresome familiar pattern of capture & escapes with many mission obvious being traps. It's really hard to avoid the triggers, and to compound the player's frustration, many of the cut scenes that follows, are not skippable. While, the voice actors for the Seed family did a hell of a job, making the villains seem real, by fleshing out, their backstories. Their preachy mindless ramblings about future, just doesn't hold any real weight. It's monotonous & flat. Also, downright confusing. I won't get into specifics, but the supernatural stuff, are very silly. The cultist concept could had a lot to promise, but sadly, it doesn't bear much fruit. This game wasn't smart or complex. It's was a little far fetch, muddy, & a bit jarring at times. Its need to be more organic grounded. Still, it's cool that the game has three possible ambiguous endings; two during the climax and the other in the opening sequence. Who knows, if Joseph Seed get his comeuppances or not. Regardless, all of the endings are awfully depressing. Look, I know, it's supposed to represent, the surrealism & separatism nightmarish dogmatic heightened political and ideological state, which the US was in, when this game came out. However, that isn't what most Americans wanted for an escapism game. People were hoping for something, a little more exotic to get their mind off, the harsh reality, rather than forced social commentary. Regardless, I don't understand, why rightwing conservatives are mad about this game. There are so many decent God-loving Americans characters here than villains. It's shown in the friendly 'Guns/Fangs for Hire' AIs. They're well written, fleshed out individuals. Still, they tend to have a repertoire comprises no more than four or five lines each. Sadly, if there is conflict, nearby, you'll start over, and you will be hearing the same banter again & again until it's resolved. For the most part, they're somewhat useful. The chances of getting a game over is impossible. They always revived you even the animals. Still, the friendly AI characters are remarkably stupid, at times; getting run over, by vehicles, you're driving, standing still in areas that are on flames, or getting in front of your line of fire, while shooting. CO-OP is a better choice. The only drag is host player will get credit for completing missions, not the guest. If you play by yourself, you can now freely unlock your all of your own advanced abilities by accomplishing tasks with certain weapons, instead of paying micro transactions to access certain perks that has been blocked off. It makes the game, a lot more challenging to play, even if certain weapons are not that enjoyable or useful. Sadly, skins and attachments don't really play a factor, as they don't normally match, what the item truly needs. Because of that, the arsenal feels a bit light. Looting enemies is troublesome, at times, as you might accident drop your weapon, rather than look for cash and supplies during battle. It makes ammo management far more tedious. As for the hunting/fishing system, it's alright, but it's not very beneficial, as most of the specific upgrade is now gone. As for the transportation perks; it's useful. However, getting the wingsuit and airdrop perk goes a very long way, at a much faster rate, than anything else. Much of the other transports, are highly weaken vehicles with limited ammo. Trust me! You don't want to have to slowly repair your mode of transportation, while waiting for ammo to be instantly refilled for a small fee, during combat. It's not fun. It's better to use that time, crafting explosives & health products. Regardless, every location now works as a fast-travel destination, which spares you an enormous amount of time for other things like Far Cry Arcade. It adds more gameplay, allowing players to build and share small maps that have single player, two player cooperative, and multiplayer objectives, using assets from past 'Far Cry' games, as well, as from other game franchises such as 'Assassin Creed' & 'Watch Dogs'. There will also be DLCs (Dead Living Zombies, Hours of Darkness, & Lost on Mars) & a live-action short film 'Far Cry 5: Inside Eden's Gate', and creepy, but beautiful album by composer, Dan Romer to look forward to. All of this material, shows 'Far Cry 5' is far from over. Altogether, this is one solid game that will make you come back for more.
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Fantastic half way and it is great
bossietrope28 March 2018
Only half way but it is great better then 4 and primal
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Great game
jakestern-9846329 March 2018
I have enjoyed playing this game the story is great and graphics are good too
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The ending alone brings this from an 8 to a 7.
DanSchneiderLovesKids4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like every Far Cry game, this one starts off with a HUGE bang, and you truly do feel super vulnerable. A religious cult has taken over an entire county, and your attempts to capture the leader fail, and you're stranded with no help and no back-up. What a premise!

The gameplay is 10x better than Primal. Guns and vehicles make stealth a necessity. In Primal, you could just walk into an outpost, lure all enemies outside, let them chase you in a circle like zombies, and pick them off one by one. It was super played out. This game allows you to use guns for hire while clearing outposts, but they're so pointless and counterproductive that it's easier to do it by yourself.

The soundtrack is amazing. Sometimes I just open the menu and map to listen to the music. And the map is a huge step up from Primal's 2D map. You can see where things are with little models to see what they look like instead of just icons. Very helpful.

For the first half of the game, I was convinced they had learned from the mediocrity of Primal in terms of story, too. John Seed's region was AWESOME. He was undoubtedly the most grounded and believable of the 3 siblings. His methods involved pure torture and persuading people to just say one word: "yes". The characters in that region felt like real people as well like Pastor Jerome and Grace.

And then the other 2 regions were just nonsensical.

Jacob Seed used brainwashing to sway people to his cause. But his ideology has literally nothing to do with Joseph's. He's saying that only the strong survive, and the herd needs to be culled like any respectable fascist would say. That directly clashes with Joseph's "you are not too far gone" beliefs.

Faith Seed was probably the worst. We don't even get to see her in person, and then she dies because we killed her in the bliss. She doesn't even have a motivation other than indulging in drugs because her life sucked beforehand.

Since all your time is spent hunting Joseph's siblings instead of Joseph, you never actually feel like he's the bad guy, and you don't have anything really personal with him except for what happened at the start of the game.

This is all besides the fact that your original plan was to leave the county to go get help from the national guard, which there are PLENTY of helicopters and airplanes lying around for you to fly away in. This massive plot hole is painfully apparent throughout the game.

And then the ending... the dumbest climax of all time.

He predicted that the world was ending through a nuclear war... and he blames it on us because we didn't listen to him? As if us listening to a guy had anything to do with other countries nuking each other? And 3 nukes go off in the middle of nowhere in Montana... because that's TOTALLY the first place you would launch nuclear missiles to.


This game fell apart so quickly and so avoidably. I was going to give it a 9 because of how good John's story was, and the other regions brought it to an 8, but that awful ending has to bring it down to a 7 (which is still pretty generous).
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ardith7231 March 2018
They did it again. The best game series delivers another great game. Farcry continues to do things no other game can, or will.
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Mediocre game with some highlights.
grimreaper25517730 July 2019
Let's start with the positive things:

Hope County is an interesting place to discover The AI companions are fun Joseph Seed is a good character conceptionally, as is the story of a cult taking control of almost everything

But that is basically it. Everything else is either mediocre or annoyed me.

Gameplay, weapons, travelling and collecting things are all fine, really. Nothing to complain about, but nothing special either.

Things that were really bad were the amount of glitches. Some were minor and just an inconvenience like button prompts not being correct, mission markers not working properly, ammo not displayed correctly and such. Every now and then I had to restart the game though.

But the thing that really makes this game less than a good game for me (which would be an 8 on my scale) is the horrible disconnect. The protagonist is mute and I am not allowed to react in any way to basically anything. Basically there are two actual story choices in the game, everything else boils down to play or not play (a mission, but the game as well of course). Worse and making me angry is the fact that the plot allows my character to be captured without any chance to avoid it. It happens a dozen times. For one story arc, I get it, although it still annoys me, for two others there is a certain explanation, which theoretically makes sense, but is still kinda flimsy and so very frustrating and lazy. It is basically a way to have the enemies getting away with their monologues. But even when you are the one in control they are allowed to spew their nonsense.

It is a frustrating game, but if you buy it for around 30 bucks it may be worth it. I don't begrudge giving them my money, although the trajectory since FC3 is barely going upwards.
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dunderhamleo19 April 2018
The graphics were high quality, The shooting was intense and realistic, The story is well-written, The enemies are creepy
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Still a Fun Game.. but..
markd-226 April 2018
I usually give the FC games a 10/10 (except for Primal - sorry, I gave up on that after about 2 hours). This one was seriously ambitious, with beautiful scenery and all the usual crazy violent stuff that makes a Far Cry game. However, I gotta take three points off for this one. Every game on this scale has glitches of course, but the AI in this (on single-player) is just plain stupid, especially when you have a partner (even worse with two) assigned to your squad. First, they don't shut up - and when there's two of them and you're piloting a vehicle (car, boat, plane, etc), the convo-glitch between them is in full effect - repeating the same lines over and over. Second, they'll see a "Peggi" (bad guy) or hostile animal seemingly long before the hostile indicator lights up on your HUD and go ballistic. Same issue happens when talking to a character that you're trying to get a mission from. They'll be talking to you and suddenly see a bear just grazing in the grass 500 yards away and go into "conflict" mode and start running around being stupid - or worse, they'll jump into the vehicle you drove/flew up in and disappear into the void - leaving you to go seek another mission, by foot. Third, you waste plenty of time trying to get the AI partner(s) to get into your vehicle with you, especially a helicopter. They'll stand there or run around in circles forever before suddenly clicking and running into the seat. Like I said, every game has glitches, but these particular ones slow the flow of the game and make it frustrating - like continuously having to get out of your vehicle and back in it before the AI realizes it's time to go. And whatever you do, don't let your AI partners fly anything you're in. You'll never be able to get back into the plane or helicopter once you get out of it. no matter how many times you instruct them to land. As soon as your feet hit the ground, they'll immediately take off and just hover above you and you're stuck walking.

Another point mark down for the 20+ minute unskippable and barely playable intro (every few minutes or so, you might get to push a button or slowly walk around during the opening sequence). The story-line really isn't that deep to force you to have to sit that long through the intro. It's Far Cry man.. I get it.. bad bosses got armies of bad dudes doing bad things.. let's get to slaying!

And finally a point mark down for those stupid "Capture Squad" sequences, especially the "bliss" ones when in the female boss' territory. As you continue to wreak havoc in a boss' territory, eventually the boss gets pissed and sends his whole army to not kill you, but capture you so you can do some drug-induced shoot-em-up sequence, only to let you go to do more damage to their sanctioned area. This makes no sense.. if the boss has this capability, why not just end you 10 seconds after you cross into their territory? I know, a 5-minute game wouldn't sell that well, but still.

But on good notes, fun, funny, and over-the-top violent as usual, sans the boring fishing missions. It's worth your dime and I'm sure some DLCs are yet to come. The final boss showdown is not as climatic as the sequence that happens after you do prevail - once you are able to save four or five of your people, it's not that hard to get through, but what happens afterwards is eyebrow raising. But the story-telling, main missions, graphics, and weapon-play are the usual Far Cry fun-time madness.

Two notes: Gone are the radio-tower climbs. After the intro, there's one mission to climb a radio tower which is needed to open the full map, but that's the only required climb. There's some side missions that involve radio tower climbs, but not necessary to further the story line. Weapon variety is good, but really no need to load up/spend on all of them. Once I was able to afford the .50 cal sniper rifle and the high-powered scope, silencer, and extended mag, I was pretty much set. Taking down outposts hidden on a hill or rock-top was a breeze with that thing. You will need a good machine gun or rocket launcher to take down planes attacking you from the sky.
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Biggest lack of character
teo-rado30 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The game feels as if you are performing various tasks without any point. The protagonist is mute and never during the entire game expressed any emotion. As a result the game feels like you are doing random people favors as the protagonist is completely apathetic.

The game does not give you any freedom with the Jacob Seed missions. From time to time you are forcefully captured wherever you are and you find yourself in a cage where Jacob Seed will put you through a kill course. I was intrigued at first but after being captured for the millionth time and playing the course I really wasn't at the edge of my seat. It was painfully obvious that you would at the end have to kill one of your own but even if you did figure that out, there was no reward, yet I wouldn't have been in shock if I had prefired my ally as there was no character depth. I just got disappointed and moved on.

The one sole reason why I did not give Far Cry 5 1/10 stars is because of the combat and outposts. It was really much more interesting capturing outpost when you had so many ways to approach. Bullet drop and bullet time made head shots far more satisfying than just screen centering, though this could not possibly weigh up the fact that the story was extremely lacking.

I am in honest awe at how good reviews this game has gotten especially crediting the story and its depth and "darkness". I am late to review this but I hope I have persuaded someone to pass up this game as there are millions of games that are more worth to play.
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Masterlook1234565 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The chills it causes are crazy.... You'll be captivated by eyes which are so piercing it'll make you shriek..... The music, the ambiance, the SFX.... Certainly way above it's time.

The theme with religious fanaticism is crazily on point and I'm a real Christian.

Most forgot the Jacob Seed part, I couldn't have imagined it, the wiring makes you will your own, and you never think of it until you've pulled the bullet.

Couldn't have made it any better... The nuclear explosions were a welcome treat, you'll be amazed at what unfolds, no one would have believed that'll happen, those moaning want the normal average stuff they see everyday... This is beyond normal, it'll get your blood pumping.
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The best antagonist I ever seen
meamitkverma21 October 2023
Far Cry is known for its antagonist and Far Cry 5 has given the best villain you can hope.

Joseph Seed! I can't appreciate much, he don't need to act he can make you fear with his words. The best villain you will ever see in the game.

The storyline and graphics are good enough to make you lost in the game for hours.

The only thing I would criticize that Far cry5 should have given some backstory some presence for the deputy, It just feels like we have no part in the game. Deputy is only a moving camera no interaction to the world. And similarly to other Joseph seed should have been given more time to fight against him, after defeating his 3 siblings we have to directly fight against him in small and easy battle.

Overall the game is good enough but should have improved much giving more depth to its villain and the protagonist.
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