"Arrow" Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2 (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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They Killed Tommy (Again)
ThomasDrufke27 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Part 2 of the Arrowverse epic crossover played a bit slower for the first half, as we got into some important romantic material involving our favorite characters, but quickly picked up and managed to be just about as good as the first hour. It doesn't hurt that it kicked off by giving us one of the coolest and unexpected reveals in which none other than Colin Donnell was under the mask of Prometheus. Yes, that's right, the writers taking the biggest wink at the audience (whom just about half of them thought Donnell aka Tommy Merlyn was Prometheus just last season on Arrow). He's been a fan favorite ever since season 1 and I'm always glad to see him return, especially considering he was only shooting for a few hours and then flew immediately back to Chicago for his other show. How can you not love that?

For the next few chunks of the episode, we dealt with a lot of emotional-romantic drama, including a much needed sit down between Oliver and Felicity. I'm glad that the two of them finally got to address the elephant in the room of why they haven't at least talked about getting engaged again. And if the showrunners know what's good, then they will take the approach Felicity suggested, which is to hold off on the wedding for a while. She had some good points and while I obviously want the two of them to not be constantly deal with Olicity drama on a week to week basis (like in season 4), I'm glad that we got these few scenes.

Heck, we also got some nice Iris-barry moments, funny banter between Sara and Alex, and a surprisingly moving speech from Jax towards Stein being his only father figure. As I said in part 1's review, the writers really did a nice job of mixing in a little bit of everything tonight.

Even though I know the answer (just not enough screen time), isn't it worth asking where Diggle, Nate, Ray, Amaya, Zari, Dinah, Curtis, Rene, and Wally are for the majority of the episode? Granted, the last 4 did have brief appearances, but shouldn't they have chipped in a little more? At any rate, I know they will play a part tomorrow night, so i guess it isn't entirely worth complaining about. The real importance is that the writers managed to take the screen time that would have been used on the heroes, and given some depth to Earth-X's team of baddies. Ollie-Kara romance is a little weird don't get me wrong, but I'll take that over the randomness to the Dominators invasion last year. Plus, the action sequence with Ollie, Kara, and barry vs. Evil Kara, Evil Ollie, and Reverse Flash is about as cool as you're going to get.

Luckily, that wasn't all the action the episode provided as there was yet another big budget and well choreographed action set piece towards the end with a good chunk of heroes and villains, which ended in the capture and imprisonment of Ollie, Kara, Barry, Alex, Sara, Jax, and Stein on Earth-X. A great way to end the episode and set-up tomorrow night for sure, also providing us some reasoning for the invasion in the first place. Evil Kara is dying and needs a new heart. Not what I expected, but definitely original enough for me not to complain. Overall, tonight's 2-parter was capped in exciting fashion. Seeing these episodes come together truly makes sitting through hours of just halfway decent television all worth it. And I mean that in the best way possible.

A few other tidbits worth mentioning: +They literally killed Tommy (AGAIN!) +Kryptonite Arrow! +Nazi Lance! +How the heck is Eobard still alive?

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A rarely strong Season 6 entry
highmarksreviews27 January 2018
Last years crossover episode that aired on this show was fully Arrow centric and with good reason, it being the 100th episode. It was an emotional romp through the 5 years it accomplished. This years is more focused on moving forward the great story that spans four episodes. Thankfully, Arrow played its part and improved upon the previous entry with the surprising return of fan favourite characters, James Bamford's action and the progression of the Earth-X storyline.
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Pure awesomeness
hawkins_saints_rock29 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Just like part 1, part 2 was completely bada*s! Once again we get some great character interaction, hilarious jokes, and kicka*s fight scenes.

We open up with the reveal of Earth X Tommy as Prometheus, which leads to a very emotional chat between him and Oliver, which ends with Tommy killing himself. Was great to see Tommy back on Arrow, and I love how the writers made him Prometheus as that was a big fan theory for season 5.

Jax and Stein, and Oliver and Felicity take up most of the in depth character interaction for this part of the crossover. Jax confesses to Stein that he doesn't want to lose his powers, and more importantly he doesn't want to lose him. He sees Stein as a father figure and that is something he doesn't want to lose, will be interesting to see how that pans out. Will they still break up firestorm? Meanwhile, Felicity doesn't want to marry Oliver because she fears it will break them up just like last time. Felicity saying no to Ollie's poor attempt at a proposal really takes an emotional toll on him, and I have no doubt that this will continue to be a theme over the crossover and maybe the season of Arrow.

The best part of the episode however, is once again the pure awesome fight scene. The evil version of Oliver and Kara, as well as the Reverse Flash, reveal their identities to our trinity, and we get a massive trinity vs. trinity battle. Surprisingly, we also learn that the SS Reverse Flash is actually our Eobard Thawne from earth 1! I initially thought he was that earths version of the RF. But turns out Thawne went back in time and switched earths to join their team. Seeing Barry trying to cope with having Thawne back was a big part of the episode.

The episode ends with our main heroes being captured and brought to earth X, and the reveal that evil Supergirl is dying, and they plan to cure her with our Kara's heart. Once again a massive night of DCTV, probably the best two hours in its history. Cannot wait for part 3 & 4!

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The crossover is more than EPIC
rakeshkarmaker28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Yearly crossover of Arrowverse is now a yearly event to fans... And no doubt writers and directors are taking this seriously


The crossover add tommy in a way , who hadn't been seen for 4 season and

also seems to be a perfect Villain and I will be happy to see him as a

Villain in Arrow like black siren.....

What I think its a teaser of tommyz return in arrow as Villain which will be more than epic as his small time in the show is the best scene in arrowverse is BEST and Most EPIC so far of the crossover....

It deserves 10/10
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Felicity Crap
asif-3975113 February 2021
All was good,just they could've kept Felicity out of this crossover,we have Cisco, Caitlin for technical department.What a horrible character Felicity is,had to skip her parts.
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I am officially giving up on Arrow
adamgriffin-5913729 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can't stand any of these characters anymore. The writing for each character is so hypocritical, and complete nonsense, I wouldn't be surprised if the writers and show runners just pick up a dictionary and randomly select words to make into a script That's how bad the dialogue is in this show, along with the horrible attempts to pander to every type of fan out there. The show has no backbone whatsoever. Tommy turns out to be Prometheus?? They literally did that just because that's what the audience was thinking for last season. Sara and whatever her name is hook up? Strictly because that's what fans wanted. Captain cold coming back... i mean LEO coming back, and now he's gay?! How does that even work? He's back just because fans wanted it. Nothing in this show makes sense anymore, it's basically a Tumblr thread copy and pasted into a script. I feel so bad for the actors, this Crossover must have been a pain for all of them, and it was one of the worst things I have ever seen.
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Too much Olicity, Iris and lame fights
imakk200127 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Martin/Jax convo about Firestorm and Alex and Kara's were heartbreaking. Unfortunately, it was part of a string of relationships convos between Oliver and Felicity, Alex and Sara, and Felicity and Iris, that's too much packed in at once. Luckily Mick was there to break up the maudlin atmosphere. I like they're sorta kinda make the HeatWave/KF pairing for the lolz.

SuperArrow-X was interesting, as was their RF who turns out to be E1-Thawne. So where in the timeline did this Thawne come from?!

+ That moment where SG and Flash arrives at the scene first and they have to wait awkwardly for Arrow to show up a moment later is why I really really really want a true crossover of these 3 and not this mishmash of everyone from all 4 shows. You know, a true superhero crossover.

  • The whole dragged out fight at the warehouse as a cover-up for the attack on StarLabs was just that: dragged out and boring. And if Wally is busy protecting Joe and Cecile, why wasn't Iris with them? All she did was the same thing she does every week: she's just there. Only this time with the added Felicity convos which were the boring fillers they always are.

+ Again, Mick was there to save us from Felicity and Iris with his mustard, and it was Caitlin who made the effort to fine it for him. I won't mind a running theme of Heatwave/KF/Caitlin in future crossovers.

  • Too bad it wasn't Matt Letscher as RF. He would have made a better RF after his fantastic run on LoT. This RF was meh, they need to stop dipping to the Tom Cavanagh well so much because it's dry by now.

--- Even I know what a crock Felicity not wanting marry Oliver is and that it's nothing more than cheap melodrama. Olicity remains the screen-wasting filler it always is.

Rickhard's efforts to suppress a possible lisp and Amell's efforts to suppress his naturally high-pitched voice really makes them hard to understand most of the time. Their scenes might improve if they had subtitles.

Too much action that went on way too long, needed more Mick, heroes all defeated too easily (come on!), suffered from middle-part syndrome. Score: 7
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As bad as it gets!!
rustywho13 December 2017
Cliched story line and desperate attempts to stretch it to 4 episodes when it doesn't even deserve a single episode. Sure there are some good fights but the story is so predictable that it never holds your attention. DC/CW writers really need to level up.

P.S. Still can't understand the point of wearing the masks for the Earth X characters.
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Cool and Confusing!
lassegalsgaard-4528428 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There are some things I would like to praise about this episode. First of all, I think the writers did a very good job of carrying the feeling from the first episode over into this one. All the characters once again feel very true to their individual shows, and the interactions between the characters continues to be fun to watch. This specific episode also did something that the last episode didn't do so much of, which is progressing the storyline of each show. Mostly, it managed to move its own storyline a little further, and include the characters that wasn't in the last episode very well.

The best things about this episode is that it did something unexpected. It did something that many fans have wanted to see ever since this character first appeared in Season 5. The episode revealed that Prometheus-X is actually Tommy Merlyn, which I thought was a clever and emotional twist. Not only did it leave the way open for a great scene between Oliver and Tommy, but it showed the consequences of living on Earth-X and developed the history of that specific Earth a little bit more. It was also a great pleasure seeing Colin Donnell back on the show, as his presence has been sorely missed since his death in the Seaon 1 finale. To have him in this one scene was great and I thought they incorporated him into the story perfectly.

This is also the episode where the antagonists got some time to shine. I love the dynamic between them. They don't know how to work with each other, especially because of Reverse-Flash, who was revealed in this episode to be Eobard Thawne from Earth-1, coming in and creating some kind of split between Oliver-X and Kara-X who are revealed to be married in this episode. Some new stakes were created in this episode and I liked the development of the antagonists.

There were some great action sequences in this episode, as well. The final set piece was a visual extravaganza with a lot of explosions and Nazis. What more could anyone ask for? And as this sequence is going along, with get one of the coolest fight scenes ever with Oliver-X whooping Team Arrow's butts. That was weirdly satisfying and I loved every minute of that fight.

Unfortunately, this episode has some shortcomings. One of the biggest and most confusing reveals in the episode was that Earth-X is actually a 53rd Earth that has been kept secret because it is so horrible. This was a weak and unecessary reveal as the writers really had a valid explanation under their nose. It would have been more acceptable to just make it Earth-10, but because the writers had to be a little smart, they tried to do something different and unexpected. In the end, though, it turned out to be a confusing and unecessary explanation.

It was even more confusing, though, when it was revealed that Thawne was the Reverse-Flash working with the Nazis. The writers of "The Flash" has managed to make the various timelines so confusing, and I still don't buy the fact that Thawne is even alive. It was a confusing reveal, that I hope will have some merit in a future episode of the crossover.

I also found this episode to be very sentimental. The first half of the episode is spent on everybody being sad and not sure about what they are doing. "Arrow" has always had a thing about sentimentality, and they have never been good at handling it. For some reason, the writers keep insisting on using it to move the plot along, but when everything is said and done, it doesn't help the show nearly as much as it throws the audience off.
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Awful is accurate
joehug29 November 2017
DC needs to grow up. This is phoned in drivel. Now only are the stories getting bad, the social agendas demonstrate a disconnect with the audience. Even my kids are turned off by this crap. One would hope that a company with such history and long-loved characters would attempt to be good stewards of the legacy. These folks appear to be morons desperately trying to over-sexualize their characters to lure in basement dwellers.
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Still no depth and continues the same flaws in Part 1
asb_deutsch28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Flash is the top TV series among all superhero series and should have kept separate from the rest.

Another way to use the last dimensional Earth and making use of the Nazis is a forced and blunt way to make this episode more of an excuse. We know that the wedding won't happen as all the superheroes are called to gather at Jitters. It seems it is using the Season 2 formula of "Return from Earth 2" Why doesn't Dark Arrow do anything to Harrison Wells when he says "There is no God?". He even allowed Wells to push the panic button. Metallo was cool but finishing the superheroes again in no time wasn't thoughtful at all. Lame writing...Sheesh!

The writers seem to be interested in increasing the TV view-ship as generally view-ship decreases after Season 2.

A slight improvement from the script point of view of Part-1. I hope Part-3 generates some interest.

"And misery loves company"
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Getting worse !!!
abrahamyan-armen21 December 2017
I used to love Arrow, lately it's getting worse. Those 4 crossover episodes are total mess. Cliched storyline, brought every useless character together, mixed up all ideas. Jesus, it looked like story teller was on the weed while he was writing. Artificially stretched to 4 episodes to earn more. Overall very disappointing.

Arrow used to be much better and it was certainly better, than Flash, Legends and Super-girl. The last two are completely awful and they are dragging Arrow to their level.
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Not really feeling the storyline here
mnsmb721 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I do have a huge issue with one particular fight scene that takes place. Black Arrow enters STAR labs and fights mick rory, killer frost, Mr Terrific, Black canary and wild dog and wins. Are you telling me that black arrow is so incredibly powerful that he can defeat 5 heroes? I know they're not the strongest but that seems super improbable to me. I enjoy watching the flash but never would watch ledgends of tomorrow because that series just seemed super lame. Supergirl is an okay 5-6/10 but flash and arrow were the two decent shows and with each passing season I become less and less interested. The acting has never been great and somehow I feel like the acting has gotten worse
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