Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (2017) Poster

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A crushing disappointment
Mr-Fusion8 September 2017
Even I have to laugh at the #notmyrodrick uproar. It's the silver lining in all of this. "The Long Haul" is atrocious, a dumbed-down sequel that tosses out the series' charms for the cheap gags. It's got DTV written all over it, which does not do the book justice. And it was a great book!

It was about six months ago that we saw the trailer for this in the theater. Tom Everett Scott and Alicia Silverstone start jamming to The Spice Girls' "Wannabe", and a kid in the back of the theater asks, "Mommy, what are they saying?".

That moment was funnier than anything in the movie.

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None of the original cast is in this
deexsocalygal24 December 2021
Where's the handsome middle brother & the sexy older brother who plays the drums? Where's Steve Zahn who plays the Father? They make another Wimpy Kid but don't have any of the original players? That's just too harsh. Too different. Too hard to adjust to. I couldn't watch the whole thing.
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Edvis-199719 August 2018
And this supposed to be a comedy? Like serously? It didn't make me lough,sorry.
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Like when you accidentally buy Great Value chips instead of Lays.
jace_the_film_guy14 September 2021
This film is unwatchable. I suffered through the 91 minutes, which somehow felt longer than the extended edition of Fellowship of the Ring. The new cast was horrific, the script was aimed at toddlers and the acting was the worst that I have seen in recent memory. While I do not think that the original films are phenomenal, I spent the majority of the film wishing that I was watching one of them. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul lacked charm and felt like when you accidentally buy Great Value chips instead of Lays.
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A 12 year old's perspective.
ohc-2809220 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I turned on the the TV to see an ad for the new diary of a wimpy kid film I felt like I could do 200 cartwheels.I love the DOAWK films and books and was so glad for a new one. But I ended up so annoyed at the end of the film. Also I should probably mention I saw the film around a month ago but this is what as a kid I think of this film.

I tried so hard throughout the movie to like it. I wanted to like it. But I couldn't. The film is so poorly written it sounds like a skit from 2007 YouTube. Sorry to break this to you, but most kids over the age of 7 don't like lol random humour which doesn't make sense. OMG LOL HE COVERED IN CHEESE PUFFS XD. Instead of being lazy. Just make your actors look like humans. There vocabulary and voice acting is so bad they might as well be puppets that make sounds with you squeeze them. The acting is lazy and terrible. They act like there robots and are so unnatural it's creepy. I don't know what to say right now about anything else about this awful film apart from the extras. When they look into the camera it just cracks me up. And they lost 2mil from the and gained nothing. HAHAHA.
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Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Long haul - Simply put - don't waste your time on this awful attempt to resurrect the past!
donjohngone21 May 2017
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the Long Haul, simply put, is a bad Film.

Summing up The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Long haul = Predictable dialogue, predictable action, predictable repetitive jokes from the past, a lousy no-chemistry cast, and profoundly boring. The fact that everyone in the cast comes off as "acting" is just another nail in the coffin.

About 98% of the reviews on Long Haul point out how bad the movie is. Variety and Hollywood Reporter gave it some kudos. Which shows that a big studio, like Fox, can still "Pay Off" reviewers in an attempt at not making the film a "total bust", which it is.

You had an iconic cast in the first 3 movies that were excellent. The original cast had charm, chemistry, great interaction, and made 3 very entertaining movies based upon Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. This movie, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the Long Haul, just doesn't connect at all.

The Long Haul film is sort of like a stand alone idea created in an attempt to "con" the public into thinking this is a continuation of the original three movies. It is nothing of the kind. The movie is so bad on all accounts that 20th Century Fox had to go out and try and get the original cast members to say something nice about the movie. But that just came off as a "cheap hustle".

The story and performances are not funny. This movie reeks of predictable action and dialogue, as well as a cast that are, simply put - just bad, without cohesiveness or chemistry.

Our 4 kids, my wife and I really enjoyed the first 3 Wimpy Kid movies and we watch them over again, to this day. I don't think anyone could ever take the place of Zachary Gordon as Greg Heffley, even though a very weak attempt was tried. Gordon "was" Heffley and performed masterfully as the main character and kept true to the personality of Kinney's book series character. In the Wimpy Kid, Long Haul, the part of Rowley, which was so prominent in the first 3 movies and in Kinney's book series, has been completely downplayed to almost non-existence, with little screen time. Let's not even talk about the actor who they chose to play Rowley - what an amateur and not believable in any way.

The actor who plays Rodrick came out of "left field" and is a farce in that he doesn't fit the character of Roderick both in physiology and performance. He doesn't match the characterization as written by Jeff Kinney. Devon Bostick (the original Rodrick) could surely have played the part since Hollywood uses 25-35 year-old's to play Jr. High and High School kids anyway. In addition, attempting to replace Rachel Harris and Steve Zahn with Barrymore and Tom-Everet makes it all an underwhelming, futile attempt at movie making.

This is a movie that should never have been made. The original movies were fun and entertaining. Wimpy Kid, Long Haul is an empty attempt to make money as an "after-thought" and rip off the public because Fox was too stupid to make 6 back-to-back Wimpy movies, which they could have done, when they had the opportunity. Apparently, 20th Century Fox is not a pro-active or foresightful studio as, for example, Warner Brothers or Universal would have been. Ie: Warner Bros shot Harry Potter movies back to back. Fox could have easily made 6 Wimpy Kid series movies from the original cast long before they matured and everyone would have been happy.

Don't waste your time or money on this poor attempt at resurrecting the Wimpy Kid movie world. If the studio had 1/2 a brain, they would have made this an Animation Film instead, which might have garnered some interest from the fans.

Find something else to do with your own time or kids this weekend as sitting through the Wimpy Kid, Long Haul is just that - a boring long haul.
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I love this film series but this one is a STINKER
MinistryofDoom2 July 2018
First of all, let's get this out of the way. No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Yes, they did RECAST THE ENTIRE FAMILY, all of 'em, even the dorky friend. They've all been replaced. Steve Zahn? Gone. Rachel Harris? Gone. Zachary Gordon? Gone. In their place we have Tom Everett Scott and Alicia Silverstone as the parents and Jason Drucker taking on the role of Zachary Gordon. Now, I love Alicia Silverstone....or did. Way back in the 90s, she was the "it girl" and she did some pretty great films back then, Hollywood hasn't really been kind to her since then. Her last MAJOR Hollywood film was Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, alright? So other than featuring on TV shows, she hasn't really done any worthwhile work in Hollywood films. This could have been her triumphant return to the big screen but the dialogue was bad, the plot was extremely stupid, and honestly, it looks like she was trying too hard to fit the role and it wasn't working. She was over-acting in most of her scenes and it made her look like a cartoon character more than the mom that Rachel Harris spent 3 films developing. The kid that took over the role of Greg (the main character) also seemed like he was trying way too hard to imitate Zachary Gordon. I imagine the producers probably sat him down and made him watch the previous Diary of a Wimpy Kid films so that he could perfect his imitation. Instead of being the role, he seemed like he was trying to be someone else being the role. It wasn't working.

Shame on you Warner Brothers for putting out this garbage. This film should never have been made. Not without the original cast and certainly not without the hilarious writing and quirky dialogue that made the previous films what they were. Instead of re-casting the family, they SHOULD HAVE made a sequel with the same cast, playing the same roles, but older in age.....because you know.....kids grow up, right?

Too long/Didn't read: Don't waste your time on this stinker. Pretend it doesn't exist and just continue to enjoy the previous films for what they were.
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National Lampoon for a younger audience
amesmonde31 May 2017
Greg Heffley (Jason Drucker) is looking forward to a long summer of just hanging out, but his mother forces the entire family to take a road trip for a relative's birthday celebration.

Wimpy Kid veteran David Bowers directs a briskly paced family comedy in the vein of National Lampoon's (only a version for a younger audience). The cast include the familiar faces of actors Alicia Silverstone and Tom Everett Scott who are accompanied by some fresh faced new comers who play Wimpy Kid favourites Greg, Rodrick and Rowley. The players are forgivably not as settled into their roles quite yet but nonetheless are entertaining. Some editing aside Bowers offers a well made good looking film. Long Haul is a road trip where almost every outlandish gag is borrowed from another comedy but it's put together well enough to get pleasure from. It also amusingly touches on the over reliance of technology within a family.

If your child is a fan of the Wimpy Kid series, they'll no doubt enjoy this one, it's entertaining and lowbrow enough to also appease the moodiest of teens and grumpiest adults.
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This is just disappointing. Shame on Jeff for this one.
MW2120 July 2019
THIS movie is terrible. Literally. See, I'm not even gonna get into the cast cause they are people, but when I first saw the trailer I was confused on who tf these people were and why Greg went down 5 ages, but I'm not gonna talk about that. I thought if I watched the film it would override the cast, but it DIDNT.

First of all the acting makes my head hurt because it's so BAD. Not everyone, but A few. Not only is the acting bad, but the story isn't ANYTHING like the book. The only thing that's true are a few things, like the road trip and that purple family, but that's it. I get how doawk usually doesn't exactly follow its book in the movies, but at least it's more than this movie. And they use other parts from different books in their other movies, this one they just went a completely different route.

There were no video game competitions, there wasn't any "youtubers" like wtf. I could barely even finish it because it was making me angry, it was cringey, and I HATED IT. this movie is bad, they shouldn't have made it in the first place. Shame on you Jeff Kinney. Shame on the producers, shame on the casting director, and shame on whoever was the idiot to think "we should make another wimpy film but this time for follow the storyline at all!".
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Stop Complaining and Enjoy it
T-ZER027 July 2017
I don't know why people are whining so much about this film. I read the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and watch the movies. This movie was fine. I enjoyed it. Yes, people are complaining about the casting. But here's my thoughts on the matter. Jeff Kinney said in an interview if they were to make a new one, he would have no choice but to recast.

Yes, people are complaining about Charlie Wright as Rodrick, but he was fine. If there's one thing I learned from recent movies and TV shows. It's that every once in a while you won't get who you wanted casted. I can't do anything about Ben Affleck being casted as Batman, or Joan Whittaker being the next Doctor on Doctor Who.

Speaking of which, I loved the casting of Alicia Silverstone as Susan Heffley. To me it was an great move in the casting's part. It was like casting Marisa Tomnei as Aunt May. Alicia does the role well and she makes me think: "Is that Greg's mom?"

So all you haters, if you love Diary of a Wimpy Kid, watch this film. If you want to keep hating, go ahead. But I don't think the haters are giving this film a fair chance.
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So disappointing, my son and I walked out.
tanya-713-25404920 May 2017
Definitely one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The dialogue, the acting (I am embarrassed for Alicia Silverstone. It's been way too long honey. Did you need the money this badly? Maybe write another vegan cookbook?) I have only walked out of a movie theater once before in my life because it was too violent. But I tried to hold out on this, hoping it would redeem itself, or there would be some funny little tidbits, but no. My son and I were cringing throughout the entire first half of the film and I finally gave in to his requests, could we PLEASE leave?! The first three Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies were funny. We own them. We've been huge fans. WHY make this? And when I saw the budget was an estimated $20,000,000 I was aghast! Great movies have been made for less than 2M. How did this even make it to theaters!?
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WATCH the movie, you will be glad you did
the_doofy27 July 2017
I went into this w/ low expectations, given the reviews and the trailer. I came away with some decent laughs and an appreciation for a family comedy that spent a lot of time making some important points on modern American family life today.

There is real moral to this movie, and it probably sets some viewers off. There is also enough original humor to make it a movie well worth watching. Having experienced a lot of long road trips, I could relate to a lot of the movie.

The movie brings in original whimpy script in that it is not embracing the school environment or the social pressures of modern school kids in this country. INSTEAD it brings in a whole different conflict genre, the challenge of modern families being a family. I'm pretty sure the whole point to this movie has been missed by the naysayers.

In summary, a very good modern comedy that is clean (for a change) and makes some powerful points about families in today's age of on line gaming addiction.
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The Only thing bad about this movie is the ridiculous reviews
jsteele-0508127 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was laughing all the way through this movie it was really funny, obviously it wasn't going to be as good as the previous 3 movies for obvious reasons, but the reviews for this movie are Utter Tripe I loved this film great acting by the young Jason Drucker, (well done to him) the only problem would be that people were expecting it to be as good as the others but considering they had to change the entire cast for age reasons they did a pretty decent job. lets hope they do more.
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Humor only a 6 year old would laugh at
cjroosen20 May 2017
I went to this movie with very low expectations, and I was very disappointment by this movie. I am a huge fan of the Wimpy Kid book and movie series, so when I heard they were making a fourth movie I was very happy. Those feelings did not last. The acting is very bad, the humor is so gross and forced and the new actors do not capture the same likeness as the old actors. Many of the jokes revolve around poop, farts and throw up. What made these jokes worse was that they were executed poorly. The only good thing about the movie was that the ending scene was very cute and actually made me smile.

If you wish to see the movie, wait a couple of months and rent it, it is not worth the ticket prices.
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The Heffley Family Road Trip Movie
bettycjung13 October 2017
10/13.17. I enjoyed the first 3 Wimpy Kid movies and I was a bit unsure that an entire cast change could continue the series. But, surprisingly enough it did fine. It's a cross-country road trip movie with the Heffley family as they travel to Meemaw's 90th birthday party. The humor was funny and it does touch on modern-day issues like can't we all just spend time together as a family without devices? Silverstone did a great job as mom, and Scott was surprisingly good as the put-upon dad. Enjoyable, despite the total cast change.
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christopherholich19 May 2017
I got like...no words. How do you mess up this badly? I like watching movies its a thing of mine, but.....I just wasted my time watching this movie. There is no redeeming factor to this movie, absolutely none. Now look the original movies based on the books are mildly bad and are just enjoyable bad movies to watch if you're below the age of like 12. But nobody should be forced to sit through this film. NO ONE. Does anybody remember #NotMyRodrick? Well they were right as you compare this Rodrick to older Rodrick, its like comparing Justin Bieber to Whitney Houston.

This movie is full with fart and poop jokes and terrible child acting. Don't force yourself to see this movie. You have kids? Take them to see Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 instead, if you already have then save your money for Cars 3 or something. Do not waste it on this.
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Children only
Alanjackd11 June 2017
Firstly..I read reviews clearly written by adults...what on earth are you up to writing a review of a kids movie? It's not made for you so stay well alone!

If you want to review movies , review a movie made for your own age and not a kids movie.

The litmus test is how the audience re-acts. I have to say in my local theatre they loved it..that is the kids loved it...laughing all the way through at the gross and the funny..That's because it's MADE for them.

I almost enjoyed it myself as I picked up on the fun from the atmosphere. Obviously it's not a Glenngarry or a Missing( if you don't know these movies then my point has been made about you watching kids movies)!

I would hope that the adults will stay away from reviewing kids movies and stop giving it low scores...that is unfair. If kids reviewed grown up movies they would also give low scores..that too would be unfair.

This is a chirpy and silly laughfest for kids and families ...lots of laughter and mayhem with a new cast.( how dare the actors grow up and not be able to play the roles...shocking)!

Well worth a visit with the little ones !!
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Disappointment for the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies
officalfox12 October 2017
I had high hopes for this film, until I saw it. This movie could have been like the previous films that where okay and kinda good, but at everything they did right in the previous films they did wrong with this one. The problem is the movie feels rushed and trying to move to the next joke, the jokes are unfunny and childish. Not only are the jokes childish but the acting is the worst I have ever seen. Not only that but the characters are complete idiots and feel unreal, in past films they felt real and relatable. Unlike this one the movie tries to relate to the audience with references of "Mad Max" and Markiplier but fail to do so. Overall it was a big disappointment, I give it a 4/10.
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A weapon of mental torture
good-decision21 May 2017
I went to watch it using my limitless card, otherwise I would have asked for my money back. I would not be PAID to watch this movie. It is this bad! I sat through it for one reason only: to see if I have the mental strength to endure a possible future colleague or in law who is as boring, dull, and dim witted as this story line. What the heck was that?? Studios have enough money and time to write that epic bs? The good: it ends... eventually! The bad: ALL of it! Alicia Silverstone took my will to live. Why does she exaggerate her lip movements so much to the point it looks like she's suffering from an affliction? I know she's pretending but in some scenes she just talks without the circus going on on her mouth. The movie is this bad I've taken note of the director'sname for me to never watch a movie by him ever again. .
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Director David Bowers thinks you and your Children are Stupid
florindaota5 August 2017
Don't waste your time. Not funny at all.Full of Overreactions! I fell bad for Alicia Silverstone, she is trying so hard to make this thing a good movie but the director, scripts and the rest of the cast won't help. This movie looks like 4 hours long. Worst than Battman & Robin!!! It's better spend your time Watching TV or doing something together with your kids.
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Good movie I guess
mikeldurango6 September 2018
Let's first talk serious. The problem with this movie, but at the same time the problem of audience also, is that the cast has completely changed. The old Greg was already 17 or 18, just impossible to do the acting of a 12 year old boy. Same more or less with Rodrick and Manny. So they hired all new actors, no problem. What really happens is that people don't like change. That's the deal. They don't like change, it's like when you change from school to high school or university, etc... It's not likely that people feel good. Everything is new, so, in a way, it's scary. First reaction is to take away new things, hopping that somehow old will return. "While it's natural to be scared of change, you should never let that fear keep you from making changes" said once somebody. Learn how to accept change, it's good to know and learn new things, people or places, that's what makes us humans.

About the film, it's just Ok, not the best thing, but either the worst, good to see on family. Recommended for kids, also first make them read the book, it will help a lot. Thanks for reading my comment, cheers!
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Not My Heffelys
TheMysteriousReviewer9 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul is easily one of the worst reboots I have ever seen. It took its complete effort of making this a quote unquote "reboot" to the point it's pathetic, having this movie contain no charm in return due to how dreadfully made the story is. The one thing I'm surprised about this movie is its mean spirited tone. Susan wanted to make this a strict electronic free road trip and goes too far and it makes her as a jerk look like a likable character. You'll see what I mean as this review continues. The humor is also unbearable. All the movie offers is pop culture references and disgusting jokes that are out of place, especially the cringy meme it was added where Greg actually touched the diaper. The editing is pretty weak featuring unnecessary special effects. Not to mention how the characters went from being funny in the original trilogy to being hatable in this one. Especially Susan. What I mean about having a jerk look likable is after Greg met a gamer, she wasn't even proud of him. And Greg actually stepped up to her as she gave up with the strict no electronic road trip. And yet, Greg apologized to Susan a few minutes later through the movie. That is one of the most despicable thing I ever seen. It should be Susan who apologizes for all the crap she got her own family through, not Greg. And to top it all off, the biggest issue. None of the actors tried. All they ever did was overreact, and the way Charlie Wright played Roderick barely felt anything like him. Roderick is supposed to be a rocker. But what this movie did to him made him look more like a emo. Oh, I almost forgot to mention. Rowley was barely in the movie. He only appeared in the beginning and the credits scene. I get the original cast grew up, but since there wasn't any point to begin with, what made Fox think they would replace the actors and make this as a "follow up" to Diary of a Wimpy Kid? Even if you enjoy the book series, even if you enjoy the original trilogy, I highly recommend to just stay away from this movie. It was a drag to get through. It's definitely one diary I'm not gonna bother reading.
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Worth My Family's Time
sonnyismail20 May 2017
I'm a fairly tough reviewer and critic, however I don't review very often, and I wanted to contribute to this particular movie because of the ironic reviews from the media and professional critics. I have two girls - 7 and 5 years old - and the older one absolutely begged me to watch this movie. I also wanted to watch it from the trailer and from the prior movie editions I've seen in the past, however this one I was very hesitant on after reading up on the reviews. After reading one specific review right before mine, I decided to take the plunge. I felt like kicking myself afterwards since I don't like wasting my time and energy on worthless movies these days. I'll just get to the point: This movie was so awesome and family oriented. A lot of laughter and humour and just good, quality family bonding chemistry in the picture... And the positive energy transfers over to real life as well... I would honestly rate this movie between a 7 and a 8, so I rounded up because it is well-deserved. My kiddo reads the books after the series as well. I admire all the creativity and work put into these series, especially this one as well. They say this one is not the same, but I beg to differ. This one is also worth the watch - every single bit if not more. Go see it with your family if you are hesitant like I was!
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Age appropriate fun
seden-7263721 May 2017
OK, so I've seen the Godfather movies - all of them. I've read some big books too - the ones with lots of words and no pictures. I've also watched The Diary of a Wimpy Kid the Long Haul and do you know what? It's OK! I laughed, my 7 year old son laughed. We spent a pleasant hour and a half in the cinema. Does it deserve the 2/3 star reviews? Not really. Have I sat through worse kids films? - of course I have - and I'm sure most people with kids have too. I preferred Hotel Tansylvania, Flushed Away was funny the first twelve or thirteen times. This film is alright.. Watchable... Worth your time even. Give it a go. It's not long before the Emoji Movie is out so count your blessings.
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Worst of the Series
dar041718 July 2019
I have an idea change the cast and keep the plot of the last film and see if that works. They did add some new jokes but it wasn't enough to make this the worst one of the series.
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