Britney Ever After (TV Movie 2017) Poster

(2017 TV Movie)

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Completely wasted potential; a mockumentary at best
Dragoneyed3639 April 2017
Where to begin? I feel as to not make my comment way too lengthy, as I could go on all day about this travesty, I'll briefly hit every key point:

  • Acting/Casting - The main girl looks like she's maybe heard one Britney Spears song in her life, and like she's heard even less about the stars' life and career before signing onto the movie. She acts like the bubblegum Britney for the entire film, and it is extremely infuriating almost to the point of parody, like she doesn't even give a sh!t about the story she's trying to encompass even a little. She doesn't look like Britney, she certainly doesn't dance like Britney, she's not Britney... I'll sum up this portion of my review very quickly by saying that the only person that doesn't look miscast in this and doesn't do a terribly unfortunate job at their performance is the mom, who honestly could have pulled off Britney Spears better.

  • Directing/Editing - Choppy, chop, chop mess. Everything felt so overly rushed and poorly edited. We're flying scene to scene with no time to grow any attachment to what's going on in front of us. You'd be better off watching the real life videos again of what Ms. Spears had to go through in order to get a better grasp on the situation, because along with no acting depth, there is no depth in how the director is trying to accomplish every single scene. Such poor direction.

  • Facts/New information - Aside from a few things with Justin Timberlake I was unaware of, this movie doesn't bring anything new to the spotlight that has not already been covered by the media or by Spears herself. They're all jumbled facts and info to begin with, and I know it's supposed to just be a chronicle of her life so far, but as other commentators have stated, there were big parts of her life left out, both good and bad.

  • Songs or lack thereof/Britney's own rejection - By far one of the worst factors of this movie? The shining star of the film did NOT want it being made, and it shows more than ever. The only music that it shows the woman portraying Britney singing in the film are songs that Britney covered from other artists. ("I Can't Get No Satisfaction, though it's the Rolling Stones version in this movie of course, and "I Love Rock 'n' Roll".) All the other songs? Generic, dumb, badly timed Pop written for the movie it seems that is not worthy of imitating the multiple, high-tempo, sexy Dance beat albums that have been so publicly adored and acclaimed by Ms. Spears. She did not want this movie being made, and I can see why. But aside from the fact that she knew the movie would be bad, it's just an insult altogether. Britney is a normal person like you are me. Yes, a staple icon, but a person nonetheless, who knows that if anything was going to come out documenting her life, she would want full hand in it, and she'd want it to be done with so much more care and understanding than these Neanderthals tried accomplishing.

In the end, the only reason I did not give it a 1 is because I made it all the way through it without vomiting, and surprisingly enough have seen a small handful of worse films. Britney Ever After, however, was a complete mess and useless effort on any and all levels.
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Unauthorized bio-pic doesn't make the grade
paul-allaer20 February 2017
"Britney Ever After" (2017 release; 90 min.) is a bio-pic of Britney Spears which premiered this weekend on Lifetime TV. As the movie opens, we are in 2008 and Britney is being interviewed in connection with her comeback. We then go back to "Florida 1998" when Britney is about to embark on her first tour, opening for *NSYNC. Britney soon reconnects with childhood friend Justin Timberlake and soon the two become an item. Meanwhile her mom and dad can't stop arguing about the smallest thing. At this point we are 15 min into the movie but to tell you more would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Couple of comments: first, this is an unauthorized bio-pic, made without any blessing or cooperation from the Britney camp. In and of itself this shouldn't stop the movie makers from putting together an interesting movie. Alas, they didn't. The movie heavily focuses on the Britney-Justin romance (taking more than a third of the movie), and then rushes through the rest of the material. The quickie Vegas wedding and subsequent dissolution is literally dealt with in a minute or so. Career highlights (such as VMA 2000) and lowlights (VMA 2007) flash by in no time. Worst of all is that there simply is no depth in any of the main characters, it all just happens. Not helping matters is that the movie producers don't have any original Britney music in the film, so the only and few performances we get are covers Britney did in her career (including the Stones' Satisfaction and Joan Jett's I Love Rock n Roll). All the other music is Britney-reminding club music. Natasha Bassett, the Australian actress playing Britney, does the best she can with the material given to here, but she can't save the movie from its strictly by-the-numbers feel (Bassett does the actual singing of the 2 covers mentioned earlier). Please note that, other than the very last minute of the movie, nothing beyond 2008 is covered.

As a Britney fan from the early days on, I was simply curious about this movie, and went into it without a lot of expectations. Even those low expectations weren't met. Given the tumultuous ups and downs Britney has had over the years, surely there is a great movie to be made one day about it all. Alas, "Britney Ever After" is not that movie. If you are a Britney fan, you will learn nothing new that you didn't know before. Viewer beware.
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Don't waste your time
cleonilsonjr21 February 2019
Terribly innacurate storyline, awful acting, and the caracters doesn't look like the real ones not even by far. Actually to be fair, the girl playing Britney does look a little bit like her when she smiles, and she does try hard to look like her, but she hardly gets close to it. I understand they can't use her music to it, but could at least create songs close to her style than the crap they came up with. And could dig deeper in the stories insteat of all those superficial happenings. Cleary the person who wrote it doesn't know Britney at all. Why haven't they asked a fan to write it? It definitely would be much better. Well...there goes 1 hour of my life which i'll never get back!
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What a waste of time
phojar19 February 2017
First of all, watching the movie does not give you any information or help you understand what really happened during the tough years.

Second, even though I don't know much about Britney, I do know that a lot of the movie was inaccurate.

Horrible acting.

Horrible casting - the main character does not make you feel like you are watching something about Britney's life because she does not look like her AT ALL. And the JT character -- really?? From there it only got worse - I didn't realize the guy playing Kevin was supposed to be K-Fed.

Horrible storytelling - they jumped all over the place and skipped LOTS of important things (both good and bad).
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Simply Horrible!
amjfan2320 February 2017
The movie was all over the place. The script seemed like it was written in a weekend. It never felt like a movie about the life of Britney Spears. The acting was just horrible. The casting was all wrong. The guy playing Justin Timberlake! Why?! I'm a 56 year old African American woman and would have been better cast to play Britney than Miss Bassett!
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An opportunity for greatness missed and turned into the cartoonish mess it was expected it be.
jtaveras6418 February 2017
Initially from the opening shots it felt like I was watching an SNL version of Britney's life ..From the cooky vibe, to the tacky accent to the overly hyped up 9 year old silly girl performance of the lead, I knew I was watching a joke and a disaster, but I was curious.

The girl has 0 sex appeal nor conviction nor even physical attractiveness (with all due respect to her off course) but its insulting to one the biggest pop icons in the world who's known for being sexy, sultry and physically perfect.

I assumed they could not use the real music for copy right infringement issues that could result in a law suit, and that is what happens when you make a movie about someone whose life is not even half way through being lived and does not approve of the story. That affected the story GREATLY ! Not a single Britney song lol

There are levels of bad, and I came into this with poor expectations, but it surprised me just how truly horrid it was, the acting the direction, the story layout, above all the lead, and everything in between. The amateurish direction, the poor production values and the terrible cast truly destroyed a powerful story into a messy, clichéd film.

An opportunity to recreate greatness and capture vulnerability, iconic moments of real life, style and inspiration missed.

Final Grade F-
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If I could rate this lower I would...
Duitsmanchris5 November 2017
First of all, watching the movie does not give you any information or help you understand what really happened during the tough years.

Second, even though I don't know much about Britney, I do know that a lot of the movie was inaccurate.

Horrible acting.

Horrible casting - the main character does not make you feel like you are watching something about Britney's life because she does not look like her AT ALL. And the JT character -- really?? From there it only got worse - I didn't realize the guy playing Kevin was supposed to be K-Fed.

Horrible storytelling - they jumped all over the place and skipped LOTS of important things (both good and bad).
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An unexplainable, amateurish mess
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

A made for TV biopic of the pop icon Britney Spears (Natasha Bassett), from starting out with her breakthrough single Baby One More Time in 1999, where she was shoved into the limelight by her pushy mother Lynne (Nicole Oliver) and domineering manager Larry Rudolph (Peter Benson), who both naively thought she was old and mature enough to handle such massive media exposure and pushed her to lie about her virginity to keep up an illusion, through to the trials and turbulence of her relationships with Justin Timberlake (Nathan Keyes) and Kevin Federline (Clayton Chitty), before a revealing 2008 documentary aired.

Sometimes, something can give you a really bad vibe, yet you still feel utterly compelled to see it. Your instinct can tell you it looks really bad, and you can see no end of bad reviews, and you can almost write a review before you've even seen it, but still you're still interested in the subject matter and you just have to see it yourself. While I've never been a massive fan of her music, something about Britney Spears has always captivated me and kept my attention, being such an icon of popular culture as she is. For all this, though, I've never gotten the feeling she was comfortable with this status, and so a dramatisation of her life, as inevitable as it was, was never something I thought she'd be happy about (and, from what's been said, that's definitely the case with this.)

Such a popular name is Britney, that a big studio could quite willingly have thrown its clout behind a production of her life, so why this no budget monstrosity is even in existence is ripe for question. And what little budget it must have had, as the terrible production values are in evidence from the opening credits, and from there, like a crashing plane whirling down from the sky, it just becomes an even bigger amateurish, terribly made mess. Lead star Bassett looks, and pretty much sounds, nothing like the real Britney, and her portrayal of her is just excruciating, as is Nathan Keyes's cringe-worthy performance as first love Justin. You never get the feeling you're watching a real life unfolding, just a corny, overblown childish imagining.

This is just the typical sort of thing you see on the Hallmark Channel/True Entertainment, only the worst kind of example, and one which you can really see from the outset and just trust your instincts on. NO STARS.
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A movie that not only fails Britney, her family & her fans but also decides to fail it's own cast.
patrickjames8521 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have to just say this as a loyal Britney fan. I want to do this in a way that does not disrespect all of the hard work that went into the film or speak negatively about any of the actors who portrayed their roles the best they could. In fact I'll say my positive things first. Natasha Bassett did an amazing job capturing the emotion in the scene where she portrayed Britney backstage at the 2007 VMA's hearing Justin say "tell her I said to break everything". She and the other actors also did a very good job creating the tension behind how bad the situation was when Britney was under Sam Lufti's "care" & a lot of the scenes that followed up to the moment Britney was hospitalized did really show how amazing her parents were basically saving Britney from a situation that was not going to end well. Now let's get to my issues. The movie was marketed, in large part by interviews with Natasha Bassett, as a "love letter" to Britney & an opportunity to show its audience how strong she was/is. Natasha even mentioned in a specific interview how impressed she was with the knowledge that Britney started her career with power by refusing to shoot the labels concept for the Baby One More Time video & creating the concept that went on to be one of the most iconic pop videos in history, obviously that didn't make the cut. As fans we know this & many other things like this & the movie completely FAILED Britney & us fans at telling the real story behind her fame. I think it was really a disgrace at how Britney was portrayed as this emotionally crippled shell of a person who was strung about her career by Larry & everyone around her, it's simply just not true. You guys had a real chance at doing Britney right & instead you followed a narrative that only victimized Britney's image more than the media already has. It was also a creep move to have Natasha put so much emphasis on the recreations of Britney's most iconic moments when you guys knew damn well you didn't do anything of the sort! The way the movie was hyped & described was NOTHING at all what it actually was which just feels like a slimy grab at ratings & a slap in the face to the audience that was tuning in to actually see something substantial. I really just think it's a shame that the creators of this movie & Lifetime didn't take the great opportunity they had to tell a legitimate story about one of pop music's most misunderstood stars. You guys just latched onto the same philosophy that the media took when they disgustingly mishandled Britney in 2005-2008 & did nothing to try & right that wrong. What's worse is that you lead us as an audience to believe that you were actually trying to do Britney & this story justice. Again, I do not want to take away from the actors work, whom I believe had good intentions & could've done the story a good amount of justice given the opportunity. I just can't believe Lifetime, the director & script writers had the audacity to parade this appalling movie to Britney, her family & her fans.
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Worst movie ever - Britney Spears deserves better!
timeofourlife201223 August 2020
This is seriously one of the worst, low-budget movies I have ever seen and that is saying something even with it being Lifetime movie. The actress who played Britney Spears was terrible, I'm not sure even knew who Britney Spears was because that was NEVER how Britney Spears acted. The rest of the cast was just as bad and couldn't act to save their lives. It's seriously the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen and should literally never be seen again.
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Shines a new light in Britney Spears and the media, a sad one. But definitely worth viewing!
kdenovio30 April 2017
This movie actually shows a lot about how we treat celebrities in this country.. This movie lets us see Britney Spears as a real person. She struggles with mental illness , which is common, more and then we like to believe. 30% of America is affected by mental illness in one way or another. They did a good job at portraying her struggles and her difficulties and it made me think differently about who Britney Spears is. And I am happy that this movie shows her in a true light and that the world has judged her unfairly. Her struggle with the media was tragic and she was ill but she was just trying to be a good person and a good mother. This movie gave good insight into her struggle, the acting was good, the characters are great, and overall I enjoyed the movie as a whole. In fact after watching 30 minutes I couldn't stop watching it! So I hope everyone else is enjoying it as much as I did. It is definitely worth watching. :)
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Not the best but I like it.
oliverwady15 March 2017
Britney Ever After is May have a lot of Stuff missing but I enjoyed watching it for some reason.My Favriote character is Natsha Basset who played as "Britney Spears" she may not really look like Britney But I feel Like she connected with her.Like when she said it was a love letter to Britney I truly agreed it was love letter to her a Little bit but the film did have it's issues. Too much stuff missing,Not the real songs,too much sex,the unbalance of the characters and the wrong outfits.But I truly Think the movie was pretty good and I think you should watch it.


Oliver Wady
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So any Blone off the street can play Britney?
jasoho19 February 2017
Horrible Acting Horrible script Writing, Horrible actors to play the parts. Britney, Justin and Nsync actors looked nothing like the real ones and Britney singing could not even come from worst Britney impersonator. Seemed like lifetime tried too hard to make Britney look bad in movie cause she wanted no part of the horrible cheese work behind it. Epic failure by Lifetime F------
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What even is this.
summer_wine725 February 2017
This movie is ridiculous.

The writing is atrocious. It shows all the basic facts that were incredibly obvious, doesn't hit on any of the real blank spaces about Britney's life, and fills in any small blanks around said basic facts with shallow, empty interpretations.

It's like the writers have no concept of the human soul. Because Britney has no soul in this movie.

And if I hear the actress playing Lynn say "SUGAR" in that atrocious way one more time...
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Worst Lifetime movie ever
eddieboom22 February 2017
There are no words. From the horrific acting, the actors that looked nothing like the people they portrayed, and the obviously out of whack costumes and technology gaffs (iphones didn't exist in 2000), this film was a mess from start to finish. It wasn't funny, it wasn't accurate and wasn't memorable. A total embarrassment.
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What was that?
audreycaite11 October 2020
I thought this was about Britney Spears...not a 'How to Over-Act every scene' documentary.
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johnginesi-7227814 April 2021
This is the worst movie ever to grace our screens , I feel the makers of this movie should pack up and quit, what we're they thinking, I found this an insult to the real Britney, she deserves better representation. The real Britney had talent and was a star to her fans. I knew movies are not epic like they used to be but this is repulsive trash, this is my honest opinion. I feel sorry for Britney Spears as I feel she is a wonderful person and this movie does not reflect her personality at all.
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The worst Lifetime movie ever!
amgee-8955111 August 2019
Absolutely horrible film from start to finish. The acting was laughable. Britney Spears deserves better than this. I don't blame that spears didn't want nothing to do with this lifetime movie. It didn't even have Britney songs init lol shocking bad! 1/10
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Britney ever dull
mgconlan-119 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Britney Ever After" was a heavily hyped "world premiere" on Lifetime of a film based, as one might suspect from the title, on the life and career of Britney Spears. One wonders why anybody would think the world needed a biopic of Britney Spears, but whatever management team is handling her these days has managed to create an image for her of unparalleled success, saying she's sold over 100 million records. Her Wikipedia page was obviously written by someone in her organization because it's a description of one overwhelming success after another, sort of like Donald Trump's depiction of his own business record, and there's only a passing nod to the bizarre set of acting-out behaviors in public that nearly sank her career and turned her into a national joke: "In 2007, Spears's much-publicized personal issues sent her career into hiatus. … Her erratic behavior and hospitalizations continued through the following year, at which point she was placed under a still ongoing conservatorship." Needless to say, those "much-publicized personal issues," "erratic behavior and hospitalizations" are the subject of this movie, written by Anne-Marie Hess but, alas, directed by Leslie Libman instead of her usual collaborator, Vanessa Parise.

The film begins with Britney's parents, alcoholic father James Spears (Matthew Harrison) and domineering mother Lynne Spears (Nicole Oliver), driving across country from their native Louisiana (Spears was actually born in McComb, Mississippi — and Natasha Bassett, who plays her, uses a quite strong proletarian Southern accent — but her parents moved to Kentwood, Louisiana when she was three) to Florida for what's supposed to be her big break: a chance to tour as opening act for the boy band 'NSync. There's nothing of her background before that, including her stint on the Mickey Mouse Club when Disney tried to revive that franchise in 1992; indeed, the opening is shot deliberately to make Our Britney look like just another showbiz wanna-be instead of someone with one foot already in the door and the other on its way. Britney is flabbergasted by having a whole tour bus set aside for her and her entourage, which is mainly her parents and manager Larry Rudolph (Peter Benson), who at the time the film begins had already signed her to Jive Records and sent her out on a tour of shopping malls to promote her upcoming first album. During the tour with 'NSync she meets and falls in love with their lead singer, Justin Timberlake (Nathan Keyes), but their relationship is on- and-off due to clashing schedules once she becomes big enough to headline — and also due to Britney's fierce possessiveness: when she can't get her man of the moment on the phone she mounts relentless attacks on his voicemail, becoming ever more desperate and pleading. (I remember watching a Grammy Awards telecast shortly after Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears broke up for good, and hearing him do a breakup song that was so bitter it sounded like he'd written it about her and the overall message was, "I'm glad I dumped that crazy bitch!")

The film kind of drones on and on as Britney responds to the breakup with an impulsive Las Vegas marriage to some guy (we only see him in bed with her and then in his underwear, as her parents and Rudolph tell him to go to the lobby of the hotel where they're staying so they can get the marriage annulled) and then into another marriage with one of her backup dancers, Kevin Federline (Clayton Chitty), which lasts long enough for her to give birth to twin sons — though given the ferocity of her touring schedule it's a wonder when she could have carried a pregnancy to term without it interrupting things and getting noticed by her fans and the omnipresent paparazzi (Libman and Hess are particularly good at dramatizing this plague loosed on the famous) — though almost as soon as the kids are born Kevin walks out on her. The film is framed as a documentary, supposedly being shot about Britney in 2008 and recounting her various performances at the MTV Video Music Awards — though the only people we see actually being interviewed for this film-within-the-film are Britney and her mom — and it recounts her "hell year" of 2007, in which her behavior becomes increasingly diva-ish and irresponsible.

Britney Spears always struck me as a Madonna wanna-be — though whereas Madonna was already a grown woman when she started and honed an elaborate act that included dancers and elaborate stage effects to highlight both her own sexuality and our whole society's ridiculous and contradictory attitudes towards sex in general, Britney started while she was still a teenager and her appeal was largely the pedophilic thrill of seeing someone at the cusp of the age of consent flaunt her body and her sexuality in such a precocious way. (Later Miley Cyrus, another refugee from the Disney reservation, would pull the same thing.) Britney Spears' inexplicable popularity was originally quite obviously an offshoot of the Madonna phenomenon — when I first saw her on TV I thought, "Who needs a G-rated version of Madonna?," and about her only transition was to stop trying to do a G-rated version and going all-out for the same sort of precocious sexuality and falling far short of her model. I was hoping that, even if Britney Spears the performer bores me, Britney Ever After might move me with the story of Britney Spears the human being — but it didn't because everything about that woman, including her traumas, is just dull.
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It is what it is...
Avwillfan8913 October 2017
Let's face it, if you do a lifetime TV movie about Britney Spears, without the authorization of her family or her estate, therefore not gaining permission to use any of her songs - you know how it's going to turn out.

For what it is, the actress who plays Britney was not bad. But everyone else, including the pacing, editing and directing, was as abysmal as you would expect.

Britney's live (albeit lip-synced) performances were iconic, so the lack of them due to the non-authorization of her songs is probably the worst thing.

Her meltdowns are intertwined with interviews of her feelings on it - but I had so much trouble trying to identify with her struggles that the film just got more and more annoying.

A wasted opportunity.
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What is this?
amyag23 May 2020
Totally ridiculous. TERRIBLE acting, I felt like the girl playing Britney made her come off as mentally challenged. Maybe I'm not the best person to rate this film, seeing as how I was so displeased and annoyed within the first 15 minutes that I actually shut it off, but for me it was that bad... and I have managed to sit through bad movies in the past...
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Ignore the idiotic reviews by the conspiracy morons who can't spell...
timetopooptoday11 October 2020
If you actually watch the film, you'll see that the acting isn't half bad. It's the cheesy "Lifetime Movie Network-style" production that irritates people to the core, that's all. Like with (all) LMNs you're going to notice that it's basically geared toward someone who's about 14 years-old. If you can look past that whole low-intelligence LMN thing, it really isn't a bad film. It shows how Britney was a victim; victimized by a lot of different people and situations HOWEVER she's a strong girl who became a strong woman and a great mom. The one thing she truly loves in her life is her children. It allows you to imagine if you were her, thrown into entertainment from a young age and you suddenly become the world's biggest musical icon and then everyone wants a piece of you. She's definitely a strong survivor. She's smart, she's strong and she is highly talented.
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Well..... nope
karley-chandler31 January 2022
No wonder Britney didn't endorse the film, it's fiction. It makes Britney a victim and her parents and manager the hero...... well in January 2022 we know that is not the case. Wow, just awful.
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jazzyfae-6435516 September 2019
Wow!! This was legit the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. I am a big Britney fan and this was just embarrassing. Britney Spears should honestly sue lifetime for this awful not accurate life portrayal. I mean everything from the acting to the dancing was just bad, bad, bad. Lifetime should be ashamed of themselves for this one and so should the rest of the talent and directors.
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What did I just watch
jaxgrchick9 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! I am seriously shocked. I wanted to turn off the movie but decided to watch a little more just to see how much worse it could be. The casting director actually everyone should leave the business. The actors they picked to portray every single character was horrible. This is a movie about a legend so you'd think they would pick an actual look a like but no not even close and her acting like Britney was like watching someone drank too much happy juice and don't get me started on the horrible southern accents. This is just a huge pass. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME.
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