Wounds (2019) Poster


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Unlikable characters mumble cheaply
stevelomas-694012 November 2019
Despicable characters meander through poorly structured metaphors (possibly). No one and nothing to like (and no scares) in a dull and cheap film.
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Slow paced and didn't make a a whole lot of sense
James767619 October 2019
I wonder if the actors read the script before signing up to do this movie? The dialogue was terrible and had me cringing with embarrassment listening to them trying to belt out their ridiculous lines.

I'd give this one a miss.
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What did I just watch!!!
missymc6514 December 2019
The worst movie... cockroaches and a horrible ending!!!
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Drunk aggro guy tries to cheat on his girlfriend while being haunted by a vaguely defined evil entity and there's cockroaches
parker_45210 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have provided a more accurate title for this terrible film.
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Horrible Movie!
chazzatl7319 October 2019
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I thought with this cast, this would be a great horror movie. Instead it's a literally wound to your life and time.

The storyline is so jumbled and a mess, not even Armie can save it. We honestly have no clue about the plot except there was some kind of ritual.

There was no explanation of why Rick was the portal for whatever came out of him at the end; we could barely see it because of the stupid CGI cockroaches covering the screen at the end.

No explanation why Armie's character was chose and no reason why Carrie was the only one affected by the internet tunnel of hell..I suppose?

And finally, what was the purpose of the college kids? To drop the phone and send messages with ZERO context?

When you do realize that the ritual was performed based on some books, you are never told what happened and why it happened.

This movie is garbage.
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zdog-3681019 October 2019
Had no clue what was going on throughout the whole film and the characters were so boring. The only reason I watched until the end was in hopes of finding out what it was all about- but nope didnt happen.
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Some wounds don't heal. They only get worse. Yeah, like some movies.
Desdemona_Decay19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't spoil the plot, even if i wanted to. Because i don't know what the movie is about.

The beginning was kinda good.

A bar, only a few frequent guests, a bar fight and a guy (maybe a friend of the protagonist or just a regular guest idk) is getting stabbed in the face. They find the "evil" phone (as the movie trailer hinted). I thought the evilness of the phone caused the fight and the spooky spooky first "Wound"

But then it turned into some relationship drama with roaches. He is in a relationship, his ex-girlfriend too. He wants her back, she doesn't want him back. He casually breaks up with his girlfriend sitting at the table having breakfast. The morning after she gazed into a hole thingy on her laptop looking like a corpse and peed on a chair. A couple of roaches later he eats/inhales/absorbs the moldy facial wound from the guy who got stabbed. The end.

I still don't know what's with the evil phone or the hole thingy and the roaches. I only know why the movie is called "Wounds" because it's so stupid you will get brain damage. The acting is sometimes good, dialogues are bad, and it's not scary. Maybe for people who don't like roaches. It's not body horror, it's not mind-bending, there is no ghost/demon/supernatural entity, no reality - dream confusion.

Who reads that and says "Let's make a movie" Obviously it wasn't someone who watched a horror movie before.

The only scary thing was, that he sat on the pee chair then he sat on the couch, the next morning he wears the same pee-pants, he breaks up with his girlfriend and wanders off to the bar still in pee-pants.

After reading the short story, everything became so clear. 🤣 Apparently he is such a depraved person he drinks, cheats, gets angry and works as a bartender. That he needs and eventually wants to be saved by the cockroach-angels which use decapitated and then peeled heads or wounds in general as a portal and can communicate via cell phone.

I am not a fan of the story either, the descriptions are too much sometimes borderline pretentious. blood-spattered like a psychedelic Vulcano caught in mid-explosion, a berserker canary in a sky full of hawks, stabbed guy makes a high pitched noise that seemed to signal a transition into another state of being that seemed to carve this moment from the rational world and torn it separate. All this and Will booted up his video game console not an Xbox or PS. And the roaches are a swarm of christ bound spirits.
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Please for the love of god don't waste your time!
prehartwork18 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not one to bash movies, but wtf? Absolutely no story! good actors but they should be ashamed for even taking the part. It would have been more enjoyable watching paint dry. Honesty who would make a movie with absolutely no story or substance is beyond me. I'm all for leaving things open for interpretation but come on. The only thing I got from this was evil cockroaches taking over the world? The elusive college kids that never show up? Text messages you have to pause to read for any glimmer of hope for context. Waste of money waste of time. First 1 Star I ever given and that is too much.
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Easy to watch, easy to miss the simple plot.
fluffchop5 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is a quote from Heart of Darkness at the start. There are these kids who performed a ritual and unleashed something. Their presence at the bar caused the fight and opened a wound. The wound is a portal to another world. This is outlined in the book The Translation of Wounds II. When people look at the phone they see pictures of things the kids did and it sparks an interest or attachment in the viewer to this released entity. It comes from a tunnel. It tweaks an interest and suggests something about oneself as per the quote from Heart of Darkness. He's a shell of a man filling the void with drinking. The cockroaches are the amount of entity present. Hence at the end they're everywhere and the thing comes out of the wound portal to enter him and fill his void.
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dumbest movie ever
chanin-5461618 October 2019
I don't even know why this is classified as horror. It's basically just a long drawn out drama about a loser guy who wants to cheat on his girlfriend with a few "creepy" moments thrown in out of nowhere, that seem to lead nowhere and mean nothing. The end was dumb and just made me say "seriously?????"
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This was a very good horror/thriller but the ending left me wanting more
sassy-1461320 October 2019
I'm sorry but the people rating this movie a 1/10 should not be rating movies. First off this movie had atmosphere like crazy. The production alone should put this movie at a 5/10 and another few points for the acting, which is top notch. Where it missed was not having an acceptable ending which i find is happening more and more. Especially when it's hard to bring the story together they just stop the movie. I don't want to choose my own ending and try and figure out what happened. They had the piece ther for it to be great and they hinted at there being a reason for this by the small snippets of computer scenes. Why not dive deeper into that as a means of following through the story to the end.
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Did I miss something?
PsychoBeard66618 October 2019
At the end I found myself wondering if I'd blinked and missed a vital plot point because nothing was explained (and not in a "ooh ambiguous and intelligent" way).

Good performances from all involved but as a massive fan of Under The Shadow, I found myself very disappointed.
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I can't believe I watched the whole movie...
enigma-947-33946719 October 2019
This movie was all over the place. They never explained anything. None of the relationships between the chartoonlike characters mattered in any way. It dragged on, trying to give you a little background as to what was going on and why, but only scraps. Then nothing. The ending was a pathetic joke. Then it was just over. No answers, no nothing. I'm quite literally angry that this movie wasted my time and I stayed to the end, just to see there really wasn't one. Is as if the writer had an idea, then 1/2 way through, forgot what it was, and just filled in the rest of the movie with nonsense dialog and actions.
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breakingaway2818 November 2019
Starts off ok, there's a bar fight, the bartender picks up a phone left behind. From then on, what is going on??? Anytime you think it'll start making it sense, it just gets worse. Added to that, it doesn't help that the characters are as dull as watching paint dry. Even the cockroaches had more credibility. Avoid.
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Waste of time
Dorjee_Wang18 October 2019
I've zero idea what people who're bashing Hammer for his performance are thinking because his performance was the only note worthy thing about this. The writing is abysmally disappointing to say the least. It feels like they tried to do a lot of things, but couldn't pull of even one of them. Besides the creepy bugs and Hammer's character's descent into madness it was an unremarkable, uninteresting, forgettable movie that one could do without watching. Skip this one if you have other movies in your watchlist.
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Don't waste your time
amandamiller-0272716 October 2023
So you know how you sit down to a terribly rated movie and think people must be being dramatic and rating it unfairly, you jusitfy watching it bc of who plays in it believing your opinion will be different? ...Well this is not one of those films let my save you the 1hr36mins of your life you will not get back after watching this it has absolutely no clear story line, you never find out the reasoning behind anything and I mean ANYTHING. It's sloppy, it's lazy and they should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to even make it to filming. I'm thinking someone in the film industry lost a bet and was forced to film this. I could have done a better film in my backyard.
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Such potential wasted
trish-6775222 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was very unpolished. It felt unfinished with massive plot holes in the story. What was the purpose of the rash? What was the reason behind the girlfriend zoning out staring at a tunnel on the laptop night after night? Nothing transpired behind that. Who was taking pictures on her phone and sending them to him? Why was the minors phone stolen then returned? Who stole the phone?? What exactly is this entity?? There was no explanation and the story wasn't cohesive. It started out about this entity and ended on Armie's humanity and the screen just went dark like they ran out of money or film. I also was annoyed at the millennials comment towards the teens when there's not a teenager on earth a millennial. Not now and surely not in 2019. Armie is a millennial. His character and in real life. Those children are not millennials. Every millennial can legally drink at a bar even back in 2019. Those underage kids were Gen Z. I understand millennials roll off the tongue a bit better but who cares about that if you're wrong?
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The disappointing, pointless, muddled, cop-out ending doesn't even tell us which genre this was.
fedor816 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Alternate title: "The Man Who Refused To Step On Cockroaches".

I don't know if there is a person on this planet (except for the handful of freaks to hold these awful insects as pets) who'd never step on a cockroach, even if he were surrounded and plagued by them day-in day-out. But this unexpected cockroach-tolerance - displayed by the protagonist - is the least of the movie's problems.

The first half-hour is fairly intriguing. Not much wasted screen-time on small-talk i.e. the usual boring introductory nonsense you get in 95% of horror films when little happens and characters utter mundane, meaningless (and unfunny) lines to each other. An unusual set-up too; it is unclear where the movie is heading with all this, and that's usually a good thing. (Turns out it was heading nowhere.)

Unfortunately, things start getting a little bit stupid after that. Firstly, the bartender (who looks vaguely like Greg Kinnear) doesn't go to the cops. Considering that he has good friends who are cops and who work nearby, this is fairly illogical. (Even his girlfriend later admonishes him for being reluctant about informing cops.) Nor is he in a rush to inform the phone's owner - one of his own customers - that the phone is in his possession. Then we have that silly, exaggerated scene in which he throws himself out of his car - and within seconds ten people are standing around him, filming him with mobile phones! Is this a comedy then? It wasn't until then.

Later that day the barkeep goes back to work, more-or-less as if not much had happened. The fact that he saw photos of severed heads? That he was told by anonymous people he "was chosen" for sacrifice? The fact that after this warning he had a vivid hallucination that made him throw out the phone and almost smash into a car - while thinking he was being attacked by cockroaches? He is way too chill. (His girl tells him later on that he is "too blasé" about all this, but we never find out why hence her comment is irrelevant.) Any person would have been freaking out, for days, if not weeks, months. But that's the problem with so many movies; they are not focused on keeping things even half-way realistic. This is doubly stupid, because this movie plays out as a half-drama, not as some generic formulaic teen horror - in which such idiotic characterization errors/inconsistencies are not only common but expected.

The barkeep is shown to be cunning (for example the way he figures out the password on the mysterious phone), and yet when the cops ask him for the license plate number of the car that's been following him, he stupidly responds with: "it begins with six", and without a trace of joking. The cops laugh, while the audience does a collective face-palm. So is he dumb or not? Well, he snorts cocaine, so it's probably the former.

Nevertheless, despite these minor irritations, by the time I reached the one-hour mark I was still wondering why the movie has such a low rating for a non-B-movie production. A 4.0 is fairly low for a horror film with a decent budget. (Especially since budget movies get automatically swarm-voted and fake-reviewed, more so than low-budget stinkers.) There was no obvious badness there. Not yet. This would change.

In the second hour, the movie still had plenty of mystery on its side, things were still interesting. And fairly dumb too. Despite witnessing so many weird things the night he dropped his girlfriend into the bathtub, things that would utterly freak out ANYBODY, he still had the motivation to call up his ex to find out why she told her new boyfriend about their little stint together. That'd be like being in a burning airplane, falling down rapidly while everyone around you was screaming - then deciding to phone up your girlfriend to ask her who won the Cup finale. Quite absurd. Relationship issues should be the last thing on anyone's mind while hell-demons from other dimensions are threatening to crush all of their teeth and lop off their head. It's called "emergency prioritizing". (Or at least that's how I decided to name it.)

Even sillier, the next morning instead of discussing Satan's hell-beasts and how to defend themselves from them, he calmly proposes to his girlfriend that they break up! I.e. yet more relationship nonsense, which is extremely irrelevant given their situation. It's as if this movie is desperately trying to play a romantic drama CONCURRENTLY with a hell-beast demon possession horror. Not doable. And why make that kind of movie anyway? That same day he pesters his ex, yet again, wanting to discuss relationship stuff. Did these demons possess him to become a yenta or to use his (empty) head as a vessel to enter the human realm in a weird cockroach-infested ritual? Which is it? It can't be both. Nora Roberts never had a supernatural satanic sub-plot. (Just guessing here, obviously.)

It's a pity that the film is so seriously hampered by these relationship scenes and the overall genre schizophrenia. I'd have cut them out, turn this into a proper horror film.

But wait, no. I'd still have an incomplete movie, because of those idiotic, confusing last few scenes which not only explain ZERO about what's been going on but muddle things even more. The utterly nonsensical dialog between the bartender and the Confederate thug is a scene that redefines "worthless".

This is Wikipedia's explanation: "Will (barkeep) realizes the higher being the kids summoned is inside Eric's wound. After calling Garrett again, which fills the room with the inhuman screeching, a swarm of cockroaches arrive. Will finally submits and starts to absorb the higher being in an attempt to become whole as cockroaches envelop the house." This summary is rubbish, and even if it weren't this "explanation" resolves nothing. Becoming whole? We knew he was an A-whole, but we never knew he was supposed to be whole, whatever that means.

What's with that Confederate flag crap, anyway? When will American movies finally stop insulting us with their cheap, filthy propaganda nonsense? The more they tell me to hate the Confederate flag the more I am liable to sympathize with its fans; they are just achieving the opposite with this kind of preaching, at least in my case.

Two points off for the silly ending that serves no purpose, except to tell us that the writer/director isn't competent enough to deliver a script without outside help. The movie is based on a novel; that book is either rubbish or has been butchered by a lame adaptation. Why do these millennial/Xer directors have to write as well as direct? This is just one of many reasons why (American) cinema has deteriorated so rapidly this century, this megalomania and exaggerated self-belief among so many writers and directors that they can do everything themselves. Becoming a respected "auteur" these days is a big hipster ambition, but only very few are capable of pulling it off with success. And I mean QUALITY success, not financial success.
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marmar-6978020 October 2019
It has intersting start but how it goes further it falls more and more
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Massive Potential Wasted
imabigkidnow886 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of Babak's previous film 'Under the Shadow', which was a perfect summation of what a great supernatural film can be, with investment in the characters, overall story arc and satisfying, yet open-ended ending. So, when attending Sundance Film Festival 2019 and saw his next film 'Wounds' on the list, naturally I jumped at the chance to see it.

This movie had the right mix of tension built up between the characters from the very first scene and delivered an astoundingly eerie and ominous presence throughout the film as weird events transpired. Armie Hammer's performance and reaction to everything occurring to him throughout the sequence of strange events in the film was absolutely phenomenal and really captivated my attention. However, where this film fell flat was in the story arc and ending. By the ending, you realize that nothing was explained throughout the film and you can't help but have a ton of questions only to be left without any answers. What did the original owners of the phone do that caused the chaos that spiraled out of control in the entire film? Was Armie Hammer's character possessed? If so, by what and how? What was the image that his girlfriend was compelled to stare at for hours on end on her computer screen? This left me as the viewer feeling short changed and upset at what could have been a phenomenal film.

I know that this film was based on a book called The Visible Filth that I have not yet read, but hopefully there might be answers to some of these questions in there that the movie did not provide.

Overall, this film had massive potential that was utterly wasted with an unsatisfying and in-conclusive ending. I am hoping this is just part 1 with a 2nd movie to be released that can provide some guidance into the confusion that I just watched.
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If you love horror movies avoid this one.
balearika19 October 2019
There are a lot of people involved in the production of a movie: producers, writers, actors, directors, etc and it still amazes me how some scripts with no sense or coherence end up being a movie.

This is the case of "Wounds". This movie is full of plot holes, a ridiculous ending and dumb and illogical decisions made by the main characters that after ten minutes into the movie I did not longer care what happened to them.

A waste of time.
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A wound worth picking at
allmartyrs22 October 2019
As a die hard fan of Lynch's craft to pour filth on the mundane and twist it and a fan of more underground grime like the Flowers trilogy that revolve more around exploration of a twisted, grimy setting than a by the book tale, I adored this movie. It's slow, creeping and festering piece with disorienting images strewn in between that pulled me in tighter while making me delightfully queasy. The acting is strong and so is Anvari's skilled steady hand for framing scenes and visceral imagery. It probably belongs more in the terror and surreal categories than standard horror. My main gripe is probably Armie Hammer's natural charm and the script not really emphasising Will's supposed staleness and hollowness, you often kinda feel yourself rooting for a rather average and flawed guy and his descent feels a bit like the generic sudden descent into madness trope and not like Will's lack of drive and standards being the vessel for the rotten fruit he will harvest.

On a side note, it's also fun to imagine this movie as sort of a side sequel portraying the aftermath of one of the countless "college kids mess with forces they don't understand" movies.
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Started well and then....
varun-2507199718 October 2019
My expectations for this film was very high because of the cast and that Babak Anvari's last film, "Under The Shadow" was exceptional to say the very least.

Wounds starts like a mysterious and disturbing horror film something to do with a Will (Armie Hammer) a bartender discovering a smartphone and cockroaches. He lives a normal life with his girlfriend Carrie (Dakota Johnson) and things starts to change after he witnesses a huge fight in his bar. It's first 30 minutes is very promising but once we start going to the second act it starts to fall apart and the film relies more on "holy s**t" movements rather than a convincing plot.

The film ends ambiguously and doesn't really give us an idea about Babak wanted to explore. Aside from Armie's brilliant performance there isn't a lot to take from Wounds. A run of the mill decent yet wasted potential horror film.
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So Close to being Passable
wvwriter29 November 2019
This movie had potential--you can feel it in a typical but not unpleasant way. The issue is that no thread is tied up in this film. Armie Hammer plays it well enough, but the effort is wasted on a story that doesn't know what it wants to be in the end. Is it Lovecraftian? Is it body horror? Is it straight up demonic? Sadly, the answer is that it doesn't manage to properly employ any of these horror sub-genres in any meaningful way. Unlikable characters are alright in the right setting, but here, nothing builds up or leads out from it. They aren't so much on a journey as they are being carried, and the worst part of the film is that there is no finish line. You're left with the equivilant of half-sipped, flat soda. Sure, you could have it, but you'd much prefer something full and fresh. I suggest you pass on this one.
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It's pretty bad
Gordon-1120 October 2019
This film tells the story of a bartender who encounter strange happenings after finding a phone.

Even with all the violence and gore, the film is boring. It delivers no thrill or suspense. From the extended bar fight scenes in the beginning, it can be seen the film is pretty bad already. I don't know how this film can get quite a few big names to star in it.
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