The Directive (2019) Poster


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Maybe i can produce my own movie then
kaefab19 March 2019
I got more then 1600$ saved up, i can go to a junkyard, put a toy on my back and pretend its a post apocalyptic movie...

This is how insane 2019 has become, anyone can put a movie out there no matter how bad it is.

And this one a part the cover art that seems good, is a real piece of junk.
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I Made An Account Just To Review This Movie
edoyle-0992620 March 2019
Wow, where to start.....

This is undoubtedly the worst movie I've ever seen. Having said that, I kept laughing throughout the entire film.

First off, the scenery depicted in the still for this movie is 100% misleading to how intrigued you believe the setting for this movie will be. There are two major locations for this film. The first being a scant trailer park in which the main character piddles around for half the movie. Then our "hero" journeys to an abondoned shack with some tents thrown up around it because a half of a poorly made robot convinced him to. Superbly lackluster.

The second thing I would like to bring up is the camera work. It may have you laughing at some of the director's choices. Albeit the overly long shots of the main character eating or sleeping, which can go on so long you feel like your awkwardly watching a live voyeur feed, or the shaky "a camera stand wasn't in the budget" shots. At one point it almost seems like the cameraman tripped while filming. Pretty good stuff.

Lastly I want to bring up the acting, or rather the lack thereof. They could not have picked a better person who intentionally seems like they've never even heard the word acting. $20 says it was the directors best friend. Every other character in the movie had exponentially better acting chops than this guy. Every time he ate something he had to nod in acceptance while he chewed, as if to say, "mmm, this is pretty good," and he ate a lot. My personal favorite scene is the minute plus he spent stumbling around pretending to be sick.

I will definitely be watching the sequel.
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Artificially bloated rating, DO NOT WATCH
rajiev-5833313 August 2019
At the moment the score for this mmovie is 7/10. Bu thte correc t score should be less than 2/10. I think the makers of this movie is using a click circle or a paid service to boost the ratings.

This is a horrible movie. do not waste your time watching this. There is nothing, not at least a good story
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whoever sold this movie to hulu is the world's greatest con man
jeffwithrow20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am not sure which is worse, the horrible plot, the horrible character, or the horrible acting. Sadly, if there ever is an worldwide ELE, this is probably how the survivors would

never have I wished death on a main character like the idiot in this movie
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those who rated high for this one must have been bribed by the producer
luminb7 September 2019
Seriously, the movie maker intentionally waste 1.5 hour of millions of people's time.
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One of the worst movies of 2019
CaptRon-226 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First, any positive reviews are from people associated with the film of just Rick rolling you.

A few quick hits... 1. Kyle can't act...he couldn't talk a cop out of a jaywalking ticket, he's that bad 2. The DP does not know how to pan the camera. He pauses every few degrees fearing the image will blur 3. The casting agent hired a full figure actor to play lead in an post Apocalyptic movie where food is scarce to non-existent 4. The director didn't do any research. Each time the sweep teams arrive, one is in full containment clothing and the other is bare skinned, sometimes removing his mask around an infected person 5. Do not mix paintball guns with real weapons, it looks stupid 6. If nearly everyone is dead, having the lead actor walking down a snow plowed road covered in fresh tire tracks of many different tire types might be a clue there are more survivors than you think 7. Anything I missed was just too dumb to mention

Stay away from this movie, let it die an honorable death alone in the dark
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This one was rough
track-539022 April 2019
Post Apocalyptic movies are one of my favorite genres.

But man, this was a touch watch.

So many plot holes, the gun fights are mind boggling, and the stupidity of the main character makes it completely unrealistic that this dude would survive 5 minutes in his environment.

This movie is just as bad as the video games themselves, and I'd suggest avoiding wasting your time.

As a time waster, it's a 10 star. As a Post Apocalyptic movie, it's a 0
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so big deal if it cost only $1600
luminb7 September 2019
It doesn't cover the loss of my time. when I go see a movie, I expect to be entertained, not irritated. whoever likes the movies must have nothing else to do in life!!!!
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Ebert would have rated it one middle finger up
john-304824 August 2019
Absolutely the worst written, directed and acted movie ever, and that's being charitable. Only redeeming value is the mountain setting, which reminded me of Saylor Park, Colorado where I used to hike.
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Don't waste your time watching this
AvatarAryk23 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so horrible, I had to fast forward through most of it.

25 minutes in and the kid is just playing with his imaginary friends in a junk yard...

1 hour 35 minutes in and he's wandered around with a robot in his backpack. Why is the robot breathing so heavy anyway? They should have used an actual computer voice, it's hilarious how bad it is...

The movie summary tells you the entire movie; the robot lies, it's not a safe zone when he gets there, he walks around coughing for 7 minutes... Even funnier, it reminded me of how silly the NPCs in the division are and hey surprise a division agent finds the kid at the end and saves him
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joshuacranereview20 March 2020
I played the division quite a bit this was pretty cool. I love how they got together and made a movie. We need to promote more positivity in this World. Way to go guys.
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Interesting Premise for Post-Apocalypse Movie
johnnyzmayhem3 September 2019
Because things came up, I had to watch this over two evenings, first half one night, second half the next. In between the two viewings, I found myself thinking a great deal about the scenario. A young guy named Dylan, who's not too bright, is on his own at a Red Cross station after a viral outbreak has killed off most of the country. Unsure what to do or where to go, he kills a lot of time throwing a ball against a wall, or pretending he's driving a get-a-way car in some action movie scenario, until a robot ends up on his "doorstep." To keep this spoiler free, I'll just say this robot convinces him to travel to a safe zone. Alone most of the movie, Dylan and the robot talk, and we learn more about Dylan as well as the viral outbreak and the reasons for it. In addition, a sort of "relationship" grows between the two, though not a healthy one, as you might expect from AI.

There's been quite a few mean-spirited reviews that were unnecessarily harsh. This is a low budget film from, what I gather, a new director, and it did have some problems. The writing and pacing were off, it took far too long before the "hero" set out on his journey, and in many places the action drags. Instead of Dylan just playing in the junked cars, or walking around the woods, those sections could have been shortened and additional obstacles could've been thrown up when he was walking to the safe area.

Another problem was that the lead was inexperienced, and he often mistook loudness for intensity. This might not matter in other films, but he was the only person in most of the movie, so it's important that he be compelling, and sometimes he wasn't. But, to be fair, he really did create a believable, three dimensional character. And what's unusual, is that in these movies with just one person in difficult situations, the cliche is to present a character who is intelligent, educated, and probably deep. Dylan is, to be honest, just an ordinary doofus. In addition, it's really, really hard to act against nothing. Throughout most of the film the lead was talking to a robot, a hunk of wire and metal, not to a real human being. Trying to create emotions in that kind of scenario must have been difficult and often frustrating. Even a highly experienced actor would have a hard time doing that.

This movie has flaws, and you might find it dragging in some places, but it's worth watching. I'd like to see a sequel, to see what happens to Dylan in this new world, after being separated from people for so long.
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Thumbs Waaaay Down
dncorp20 March 2019
Junior High School Weekend Project (maybe lower, Elementary School).

Post Apocalypse

Generation Y or Generation Z absolutely no brains, no survival skills.

No more Mommy and Daddy to live with to provide food, nor pay the Rent and Utilities.

No more Internet, Smartphones to "Just Google It" or watch a youtube DIY video.

Is there anyway to rate this negative stars?

How do I get a refund of an hour and fifty minutes of my life back?
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Absolutely Hands down a complete failure....
stevebarrows13 April 2019
I don't know if the producer of this film will read this review, but I signed up on IMDb just to do this so, listen up. This is your target demographic speaking here....

The first rule of a film is to get your audience to enjoy "the suspension of disbelief" so we can get caught up in your film. I found that absolutely impossible to do. A good film/ story creates the suspension of disbelief effortlessly. Meaning, it happens automatically and we easily look past anything unbelievable or past any poor production values or plot points. BUT This film was sooooo bad that I had to TRY WAY TOO HARD, to get past so many things, just to get through to the end. But since I like a good try by a film maker, I pushed past the home depot robot with a billion dollar artificial intelligence and the $50 body. - I pushed past the same hand writing style and the 2 paint colors used on all the graffiti and missing persons board. ( I guess you only had one guy and 2 cans of spray paint) - I pushed on even through the 1/3 full, taped shut,red cross boxes.

I get it! money is hard to come by for productions, and corners must be cut in order to get a film completed. In fact, I labored very hard to ignore anything that I felt was due to lack of money for production. I mean Geez, with just the cost of the one camera, audio recording and editing, music score recording and all the amount of time invested, I'm sure the money was hard to come by. So I waive ALL reasons for this film sucking that have to do with money, OK?

In fact, personally, I wouldn't judge this film poorly just because it seemed that this film was made utilizing a 1980s Sony hand-cam with a broken built in mic! Because you had a decent Idea.... Man against AI in a post apocalyptic world. OK Ill give it a try. You got me!

So Budget aside, where does that leave me (us)? It leaves us with -the writing, -acting, -editing and -directing. to tell a story that entertains. Well, the only entertainment I received, and am receiving now, is reviewing this waste of your effort!

-THE WRITING: Was there any? Yes. There must have been, because I can see the attempt to follow some kind of story arc. " Young, killer-virus survivor, lonely, and pretty stupid, acquires half a robot, and is tricked into falling into a trap devised by the evil Dr. Amherst, who plans (for some reason) to reduce the world population to 2 million. (Why not everybody?). But most of the dialog seemed like it was just poorly improvised.

-THE DIRECTING: Sooo weak. the attempt to draw us into the mind of this moron with music and sound effects and slow motion was so intentional, and distracting that it had the opposite effect on me. I was repelled. And had to force myself to continue,to see if there was anything I was missing that might be redeeming. There wasn't.

-THE EDITING: This one is a little harder. Because I'm not sure if the overly loooong boring shots of ..........walking, opening spray painted boxes, beard trimming, or the stealing from "I am Legend" in the talking to a mannequin scene (here, a cardboard woman named "Boo?"), AND, let's not forget 20 minutes of walking bent over to look sick....... was chosen by the editor or the director. Whoever made those choices committed the worst crime against an audience. you wasted our time.

-THE ACTING: YAY IM HERE! The pinnacle of my review! All of the acting by all of the actors except one, was acceptable... Who know maybe even great! I'm not sure because this was such a mess, I was disoriented. So all but ONE actor get a passing grade, (as if my opinion means anything). AND WHO WOULD THAT ACTOR BE???....... Oh. ONLY the LEAD ACTOR!!! Holy SH#t, did he SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When he was supposed to be funny. he was LAME. When he was supposed to be serious, he was the worst kind of mediocre! What a FULL toolbox of acting tools he has... Shrugging,,,looking like he was trying to look frustrated... The heart-breaking scene where he thought the robot was his friend!, I could actually FEEL the inner turmoil he was going thru while trying to dredge up any acting skills whatsoever, during that scene!

I am currently talking to lawyers to see if it is legal to SUE the film makers to get back my wasted time!

I gave the film EVERY CHANCE. I forgave EVERY mistake. Waived every possible excuse aside, that may have just been beyond your budget. And in the end, is there anything left that gives us any type of memorable feeling or reward for all our generosity in watching this abortion? I mean like anything? For instance, did you, AT LEAST, end on a predictable cliche that works, so we could have ANY type of reward??? For example... At the very end,did one of the guys in the INTEL suits, pull off his gas mask, to reveal that it actually was his father who was saving him??? NO!!! not even a tiny little payoff, for us laboring thru this steaming pile of digital dung!

This is not a future low budget cult film, its not even a good, bad film.


Q: Did I enjoy ANY of it? A: NO

Q: Would I recommend watching it? A: Cmon! YOU know!

Q: So to sum up, I give this film 5 stars and suggest you enter it in the Caans Film Festival. I personally offer 100 million to fund it.

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Wow - Save yourself and run away from this film.
stephen_skins21 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't usually write reviews but wow this film is so poor, the protagonist is a complete looser who has no discerning features. The story could have been a lot better if the writer had cut over half of the useless dialogue and wondering around an abandoned town and a drawn out death scene.

What the the writer/director should have done was clean up the dialogue, shorten/clean up the film and make the protagonist likeable as he would have never been able to survive an apocalyptic event as he is just plain thick!

If you decide to watch it good luck!
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Something Wrong
marco-franca24 October 2019
This is a very bad movie. How on earth does it have a 6.8 rating on IMDB? Totally fake reviews.
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Another worst movie of the year! Surely not an action movie! Bored to freaking death! Avoid at all cost!
kwenchow7 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with a man "Dylan" talking to a robot and searching for food scene! As turnout, this film is about Dylan make a quest to find out his father survival at a so called Safe Zone 57! Entire film full of Dylan boring daily routine scene! Take the food in and out from his bag! Playing baseball! Talking to a woman in a picture! Drinking an expired Pepsi! Brush his teeth! Actually only have one bored to freaking death action scene! Amherst people take down the Red Cross cleaner! One ridiculous scene! The robot saying he can connect to internet but just show the location of the Safe Zone 57 instead of browsing any website! GPS cannot do the job? LMFAO! The main character keep complaining the robot but still want to carry him all around! At the end, Dylan found out the robot actually want to kill him, he shot the robot one time! He runaway and save by the medic! Still have one post credit scene! The medic found the robot and carry him away! That's it! Completely wasting time to watch! Also don't know why this kind of boring film have this high rate! Give my two hours back! Mr. Director!
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Worst movie
ljsmith-8870510 October 2019
I have watched bad movies. This checks all the boxes. Bad acting Bad story line Bad characters A Successful failure
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Could have been a short film
watson-6654329 September 2019
Ugh. This is possibly the slowest film I've ever watched. The core idea wasn't bad, but the execution was terrible. Plot holes and illogical scenes are riddled through the film.
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Should have been under 1 hour runtime
Lalith_S8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Running for 1 hour 53 minutes for what? If it was for character build up then it is acceptable. But for the most part of the film one can see the main character packing bags, playing baseball, talking to a female poster, talking to himself and the robot, then wandering along the wasteland with the robot attached to his back pack searching for the Safe Zone his robot has suggested.

I am giving a generous 3 starts mainly because it was made using only $1600/- (good attempt), and the ending twist that shows the robot to be a part of a conspiracy in spreading the virus which seems to be man made inside a lab.

As the concept was okay, could have given a better rating if the film was short. But the long runtime and the unnecessary scenes made it boring.
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Acting - Horrible /Message - Coming Soon
peggyjoshop24 February 2021
The Acting was bad. The Language was worse. The Message - is coming to a town near you...soon?
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$1600? Really? Reaspect!
hunterhockey26 July 2019
I love some of you haters, review a movie knowing the budget and rip it to shreds. Also stating they could put out a better movie.........

You haters have no clue how hard it is to make a movie. If this was indeed made for $1600 dollars this movie is a 15. Look the acting needs some maturing and some of the editing and color grading could of used a little more time.

I'll give you an idea of how awesome this is and why I respect it so much. My Red cam & Lenses cost 100 times this amount and one frame hasn't even been shot yet......RESPECT AND GREAT JOB GUYS!
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Flawed, slow, low budget, but quite interesting!
dopeydinosaur4 September 2023
No doubt you've breezed through other reviews here and noticed a slew of 1's. My 6 is not to counteract this low score, but is my true assessment of this movie based on its ability to entertain. Sure, the lead actor is a bit unconvincing but who's to say what would be proper? He's doing his thing in his nerdy awkward style and I will give him that. Little things happen along the way of course (it is a movie) and enough remained to keep me curious and watching, despite the slow progression. When it was done I did not feel my time was wasted. Sometimes the little ideas make for the better movies, regardless of budget. And in this case the broken robot was believable enough, even though it looked like it was made with a meccano set and spray paint. The low budget was almost immediately obvious, so I overlooked the things that would have normally drawn me out of the narrative in a higher budget movie. For instance, there would be lots of weeds growing beside train tracks in a post-apocalyptic future. Not here! One little instance I managed to catch upon pausing the video though, a computer's boot up screen flashed a copyright date of 2035 and that made me happy. Well done, guys!
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It's bad
ahughe-5357930 October 2019
Bad movie. I think it was shot on someone's phone. Shame on you all for making this in the first place, but especially for tricking people into watching it.
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Should have been a YouTube video...
davidjdoyle-140-89233515 November 2019
I've seen YouTube video "productions" with even smaller budgets that were leaps and bounds better acted, directed and produced than this pile of garbage.

Indie? More like crappy!
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