Spontaneous (2020) Poster

(II) (2020)

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Many of these reviews seem unnecessarily harsh. Fun Movie with a good message for our youth.
msweaver7 October 2020
Although its a little campy and cringy at times, its an overall very entertaining film with a good message. Tries to be too clever at times but is 100% worth the watch. Don't believe the haters and go in expecting a fun movie not Shawshank redemption and you will enjoy it!
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'We're all going to die'...
Xstal11 October 2020
Make today the first day of the rest of your life, live every day as if it's your last, seize the day, seize the moment - but does it really matter or make any difference and can you really do anything about it. That all depends on your nihilistic tendencies which, after watching this, may have become increasingly acute.
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Trying hard and constantly failing
KBritLucas14 October 2020
The premise is interesting and it could have been decent if it wasn't emotionally flat, borderline badly acted and otherwise uninventive.

They seemed to be attempting an 80's teen movie vibe but it failed on every front. Langford's performance felt forced and unnatural. She was trying to be a quirky, carefree teenager but her entire performance felt contrived.

Piper Perabo and Rob Huebel playing Mara's parents were trying for some kind of cool parent vibe which floundered into emotionless, unfunny supporting roles.

The standout was Charlie Plumber. When he was on screen there was some genuinely good acting and you could relax. If the rest of the movie was brought up to his level it would have been much better.

The soundtrack was okay, although a little too on the nose.

I found myself feeling repeatedly bored and struggling to pay attention. It also bugged me how Mara was always flawlessly made up, even when she was apparently too depressed to move or blackout drunk.

I hoped everyone (or I) would spontaneously combust so the movie would finally come to an end.
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Decent flick - horrendous conclusion
TheWordYo5 March 2022
Actually went into this with an optimist view that this was going to suck, it doesn't. It's a bit long however the story keeps you engaged.

The film is a solid 6 and could have been higher, the biggest let down is the end. It sucks so bad that it removes any real positives.

Recommendation is to watch something else.
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saylieh6 October 2020
The story itself was actually quite interesting to me and I was invested in how it will conclude until the end. It also had me giggle in quite some scenes. The characters apart from the main character were fine, nothing really worth mentioning.

The big problem I had is the main character. I get that it is a coming of age kind of story. And I presume it deals with the main characters struggles about her own future but why does she has to be so messed up. She seems to be raised well, but she constantly behaves like she was raised by drunk or neglectful parents. Turning to drugs and alcohol, not caring about anything and dragging her friend down to her level didn't fit. It felt like the writers desperately wanted to represent the funny-sad twitter-teens nowadays to a point where it just didn't make sense.

Concluded I still enjoyed about 3/4 of the movie, the last 1/4 I was just getting through it.
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Your opinion of this movie defines you, not the movie.
gaian200018 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There I was...building guitars during the day, performing with a few local rock bands at night and still dating my high school sweetheart in Nashville in late 1967. Then I got a draft notice. Didn't really want to go, but Dad served in WWII so I was not about to do anything else. 53 years ago today my platoon was wiped out in a river ambush in Vietnam. The months of May and August bring stress, confusion and shingles anniversary outbreaks even after all these decades. PTSD wreaked havoc on jobs, marriages and friendships until I finally reached out to the VA around 15 years ago. Thank you VA.

The first time I watched this movie I was stricken by Mara's beauty, humor and wisdom. When I felt terror rising in me there would be dark humor, light humor, movie references or a moment of human connection which felt real, not forced. It is a perfect balance for me.

I identified with the teacher who was a fellow combat veteran. I identified with young people not knowing who was going to die next or how to stop it. I saw the panic and blood which is part of too many young people's memories from school and mass shootings. The questions they asked were the questions which have gone unanswered in my life. I felt that I was not alone.

The politics of this movie mesh perfectly with mine. I have nothing but disgust and animosity toward the NRA. I feel the same way toward the cult which worships Trump. Thank you for speaking as I would on this sort of world platform. Everyone involved in this project has my undying love and unqualified respect. I wouldn't agree with this entire group of people on every single issue, but I don't require 100% agreement to appreciate intellect and amazing talent.

To everyone who contributed to this project, you have my undying admiration, love and respect. Keep up the good work.
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First half is fun
WermhatsWormHat11 February 2021
Fun concept, it doesn't pay off at all if you watch to the end. Well acted though and the two leads have chemistry and there are some fun scenes. Didn't go anywhere basically. I think a lot of the bad reviews are due to the shoehorned in leftist political stuff but it makes sense considering the characters are dumb high school kids. Its a perfectly average movie, could have been better, but I had enough fun with it. Didn't hurt that the main girl is pretty hot
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It's a metaphor
mmoneta7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen any reviewers note the metaphor for school shootings. Friends being there one minute, gone the next. Panic, trying to escape. Constant funerals. Survivor guilt. Ineffective government response. Dark humor. No explanation. No answers. Loss, depression, eventual recovery.
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Bonny Langford
southdavid2 March 2021
"Spontaneous" was a spontan..... impulsive . . . choice for a movie to watch of a Saturday evening, based on nothing more than the few words that sum up the plot and its availability on the Sky Planner. Ultimately, I came away a bit disappointed, as the second half of the movie doesn't quite live up to the first.

When members of their senior class begin randomly and spontaneously explode Mara (Kathrine Langford) begins a relationship with Dylan (Charlie Plummer) speared on by the understanding that, for seemingly no reason, any moment could be their last. Whilst the government and FBI struggle to provide the class with any answers Mara and Dylan try to make the most of whatever time they might have.

The first half of the movie was, I thought, really good. Langford is charming and Mara is a genuinely funny character. Her friendship with Hayley Law's Tess and relationship with Charlie Plummer's Dylan are nicely played - particularly the partnership with Plummer that seems to include a couple of improvised moments when they stayed in character, which were well done. I rooted for that couple. I don't like that I'm old enough that Piper Perabo is playing mothers with teenage daughters, but I guess there's not much I can do about that.

The second half of the movie isn't as strong though. Though there are clearly spoilery moments I could go into, I don't think it's much of one to say that no reason for the explosions is ever provided. Whilst I don't think that all movies need to be tied up in a nice bow, the lack of explanation rather left the story hanging. There are ruminations on seizing the day and the truth that our lives could end at any moment. There's a connection, however ill fitting given this is a black comedy, to high school shootings too. Ultimately though, after the midpoint it's just not as funny or interesting as it was in the first half.
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sankalp-999804 August 2022
This is one of the very few movies which I couldn't finish, thought it's going to be really interesting given unique concept, but it was just another movie which is promoting drugs, teen-s*x, disrespectful behavior and false victimhood. Lead actress is rude to everyone who he is nice to her for no reason, don't understand why writers thought it's cool to be rude.
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Sir_watch_alot16 April 2021
It had me in horror. It had me laughing out loud. It had me crying softly. It had me in awe. I felt for the main charaters. And that's what I want from a movie. I loved it. I can't compare it to any other movie. And that's good in my opinion. Go watch and enjoy.

And if you think this is the worst movie of the year, or your life, you should probably watch more movies.
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Explosive teen comedy
sgmi-535798 March 2023
I liked it. A welcome tongue in cheek high school comedy-ish (a black comedy, moreso) about seniors Mara and Dylan, who finally begin to date after their classmates randomly begin to explode. It sounds like a horror feature, but it's really not. It's more like a nod to the old hippie song "Live for Today," because the kids aren't promised a tomorrow, so why not do what you want today? I say kids, but the rest of the senior class is mere window dressing; our story is firmly about our featured couple, luckily played with great fervor by Katherine Langford and Charlie Plummer. We're not looking at great depth, but it's a sweet romance, mildly thought provoking, and nakedly honest look at young adult awakening, and life is general. We could all remember to enjoy more of today, and worry less about tomorrow. Recommended.
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It was okay but
durham10019 February 2021
I just feel it missed an opportunity. What would you do if your death could really happen at any moment? And it centered on just one thing. The most obvious thing. I think the reviewer who said it was a metaphor for school shootings gave it far too much credit - it could have been, but it wasn't that smart in that sense either. It's an okay movie at best but wow, did it miss an opportunity to be a great movie by being written without any awareness or intelligence. I wouldn't be surprised if a similar movie comes out but really takes the ball and runs with it.
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Not good!
Just-A-Girl-1430 May 2022
This isn't a comedy or a horror movie. It's a teen drama. I get what they were trying to do. This is supposed to be a metaphor for life but it doesn't really work. We get it, life is random and sad things happen and we don't know why but that's not why you watch a movie in which teens spontaneously explode. Why them? Why is it happening? Why did it suddenly stop? There's no conclusion to this movie other then the metaphor. It doesn't work and it makes no sense. Life is random and it sucks but oh, it's so great to be alive? Kind of a dumb conclusion if you ask me but whatever.

The cast is ok, they are definitely trying but unfortunately it's not funny, it's not scary and to be honest I was bored for the majority of the movie. Can't recommend it. Sorry.

Btw, Longford should stop playing the teen. She's 26 y/o and she is talented enough to take more serious roles.
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Funny, with clever dialogue yet with unused potential
jasha8922 August 2021
I liked the premise a lot, it is absurd and exciting, and I also feel that first and second act were handled very good. However, in the final act it all slows down quite a bit and drags a bit.

I also had some trouble with students reactions to what was happening. Their classmates explode right in front of them, someone they went to school for years and in the next scene they are having a party, laughing like nothing happened. That is honesty probably not the way it would go down. They would be traumatizes and wouldnt be able to get out of bed after the third explosion (when they realize it will just continue indefinitely)

Still, I have to say that I had a good time with it. Leads were funny and likable, worth watching on a lazy weekend night.
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Enjoy it while you can
gedikreverdi1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Life's not fair at all. Bad things happen to random people all the time and deserve has nothing to do with it so live it. The Covington curse explosions are somehow the metaphor for it. No matter how hard you try, things will happen or not. You won't get to know before it happens. Mara was a good character but I found Tess and Dylan more interesting. Dylan exploded while they were hugging and his jawline hit her forehead leaving a scar. It was really sad when Mara and Dylan's mother talked while they were lying down on Dylan's grave. Then she hit the road with the old ice cream truck of Dylan. He drove past her high school which was going to be torn down. And ended up smoking hookah at her beach house with Tess. It was quite dark but somehow uplifting at the same time and hilarious, too. I expected the story to take some twists and turns and it's ok as it is, as well.
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Good, but disappointing at the same time
sexyprotecgirl_177 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well I liked this movie, the main characters got away from herself a bit and behaved poorly, some understand why, other don't because it's happening to them too. I however was very upset that you never actually find out what happened! It left it unfinished, in my opinion.
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Never seen another movie like it.
bradleycarrington19 April 2021
So I'm a big fan of horror/disaster movies and I always get a kick out of the deaths/mayhem. This was the first movie I've ever seen where I was genuinely wishing for the mayhem to stop. And not because it was gratuitous or got tired, but because something about this movie felt very authentic and relatable. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time praying for the next death not to come because these kids felt real and I didn't want their story to end. Although the premise is obviously ridiculous, the characters in the movie take it seriously which is such a breath of fresh air from all the movies that know they are movies and make the dialogue consist of nothing more than snappy repartee and quotable sound bites even in the face of despair. Which is not to say there isn't any witty dialogue, in fact it has some of my favorite lines I've heard in movies, but they all feel well placed and authentic. These characters just feel genuine and so you as the viewer can't help but sympathize with them and feel the same sense of dread over their potential demise.

Overall, this is a very unique movie that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend.
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crazygamedogs29 September 2021
Okay, where to start where to start.

FIRST OF ALL. NO CLOSURE. They never explicitally told us WHY these "seventeen" yeer old teens are randomly exploding. Is it stress? Is it school? Is it the epic highs and lows of highschool football? We will never know. This has made my insomnia even worse. Not only can I not sleep now, but I worry, could this happen to me?

Always give closure. Besides that, this movie was a real dumpster fire of a love story focused around exploding people.

#StanCole #SpeakToMyLawyer #IHaveRights #Truth.
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Unnecessary political undertones
jaxgrchick6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it until they started ramming their political bill down your throat . When the movie has nothing to do whatsoever about politics they still manage to push their jabs and politics anti trump slander really shouldn't matter what side you're on adding anything political to a movie about teens exploding which is supposed to be comedy is kinda unnecessary. We get it you don't like trump who cares would've been better if they left their political agenda at home.
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I'm still shook.
vannamar15 April 2021
I was not expecting this movie to have such metaphorical depth of story, I was blindsided with emotion. The soundtrack makes it feel brilliantly real and resonating.

I watched this movie on April 13th of 2021, a day on which I couldn't muster myself out of bed, my energy and depression being mentally crippling. I saw symbolism to the stigmatic topic of suicide, and I was blown away by the courage of the creators behind this movie to hint towards that epidemic at all. Beautifully executed in my opinion. I watched it again with my 15 year old son, and he was well overcome with emotion as well. Thank you, for sharing this creation. I'm grateful. It made me feel... Alive.
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Humorous, but not funny...
0w012 October 2020
The movie is 'OK'... it's an 'OK' comedy, and an 'OK' romance, and an 'OK' drama... it's not particularly good in either of these categories and especially for the 'drama' part of the film, it could have been much much better if it explores the main aspect of the plot more: What caused it? Why does it only affect certain people? How was it cured? If the movie didn't leave these questions unanswered then it could have flushed out the story of the movie much more and also focused more on the drama portion of the film.

But those issues aside, the acting in the movie was actually impressive: Katherine Langford's performance was most impressive and Charlie Plummer as well did a very good job. I didn't expect such good performances from these two relatively unknown (and young) actors. So honestly, the acting in this movie isn't the reason why the movie was poor, it's the other aspects ie. plot, script, directing, length, etc.

Overall it's an 'OK' movie to watch once... but it absolutely won't warrant repeated viewings. It's a shame, because the movie could have been 8/10 with just a few changes.
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OK, dire predictable ending.
Brotherswan8 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great start and middle, but unfortunately this movie had to drop the most predictable & tiresome ending on us, it made me queasy.

It trundles along quite nicely, there's some good symbolism, metaphors, it gets you thinking. The love story is touching too. However, the message it's trying to portrait is so old: live for the now, grasp each moment etc.

How about an actual ending? An attempt to create a moment of wonder, an explanation? Something different? Too much thought involved in that for some filmmakers I suppose.
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Coming of age
btreakle29 March 2021
Typical coming of age movie I love Katherine Langford in this film it has a lot of spit and splatter but a decent plot. I recommend this one.
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richardwworkman18 February 2021
Many of the reviews seem to be focused on the clear link between Spontaneous and the Covid pandemic and ignoring the fact that this film was made before the global health crisis.

This film is actually about high school shootings in the US and simply asks the question, if it wasn't a kid with a gun and student simply started exploding, what would happen?

I have to say I wondered all the way through this why so many people gave it such poor reviews. Then I realised that this is in many ways social commentary and open criticism of American republican government headed by Donald Trump.

Theses a wonderful darkness to this bitter sweet tale of the senselessness of indiscriminate death in American High Schools. There's more than a couple of references to gun crime and social commentary with the direct reference to a "shooter" after the first death.

The scenes of panic in the high school as the students explode are horrific.

The impotence of government with the political speak and use of "Thoughts and prayers" was particularly relevant. Government is seen as disinterested and seeking to avert blame rather than solving the crisis.

There are some truly beautiful life affirming moments which makes the sudden deaths all the more devastating as we gradually empathise with the characters.

The impermanence of existence, the briefness of youth and the anxiety associated waiting for something terrible to happen in the height of a global pandemic has particularly relevance at the moment.

Growing up in a pandemic, surrounded by death and waiting for the worst to happen isn't the message of this film. I loved the optimism and hopefulness. The moments of comedy made this a wonderful and touching tribute to the dead.

In the future we might look back at this film and realise how important it is. It's dark, funny, horrible and deeply political.

A wonderful film.
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