"The Flash" I Know Who You Are (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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I am the future flash
iampratikdevadiga3 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
**********spoiler******** -After all the wait,Savitar's identity has been finally revealed. Though many had already guessed it, that it will be Barry, I was still bit skeptical about it. But now that it is Barry, I am very shocked cause this can have so much implications on team flash.I am sure they will have a good reason as to why Barry went evil. Till then I guess everyone should calm down and try enjoy the show for what it is. Some reviews here I feel are very childish. -Other than the reveal Killer Frost stuff was cool gliding over the town -Tracy Brand is so perfect for team flash. She gelled well with team. She is perfect. -Cecile is gonna die in future episodes instead of iris, may be that's what they are building upto -Kid flash is busy with her girlfriend when Savitar and killer frost are around the city creating havoc. Get your priorities sorted kid -Overall I loved the episode unlike other nitpickers over here. Excited for the reason now for me it was 10/10 stars
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The future
dia-940444 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
**Spoilers for i know who you are

wow. this was a great episode, from killer frost riding her ice thing, Savitar reveal, and lots of action and suspense as well as a great format of the episode. some user reviews will say they don't know how to feel with that Barry Savitar reveal, but if you watch the teaser for the next episode, it shows Barry asking Savitar how he became evil, so yeah, I'm pretty sure there will be a logical explanation. the Tracy Brand looks like a character that's going to be a big part of the last 3 episodes. as usual HR is a funny legend

9.5/ 10
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Savitar revealed!
asb_deutsch23 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This season marks a different approach from previous seasons, revealing the grand villain too early, especially Zoom where the writers could be more patient.

When Savitar explains that he was a victim of Flash's usage of Zoom's trick that he got burned, then why didn't it happened to Zoom? He is the one who started the 'split' trick!

Anyway, I made three guess for the super-villain and all were wrong. I thought it was Caitlyn's mother, her technician and/or Jay Garrick. Never thought it would be the future Flash! And the suit is very cool!
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I Knew Who You Were
cobi-806203 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, Savitar is revealed and he is... Future Flash, like I thought he would be ever since the mid-season finale. It will probably not come as a huge surprise to that many given how many hints we were given throughout the season but that didn't stop the scene where Savitar reveals himself from being totally awesome. (I mean, the music in that scene was epic!)

Team Flash goes looking for Tracy Brand who supposedly created or rather will create a speed force prison. They're not alone in this interest as Savitar sends Killer Frost (with her great outfit) to kill Tracy before she manages to help Team Flash. This leads to a cool battle where Killer Frost uses her ice to sort of fly around throughout the city. I love it when villains find new ways to use their powers and this offered a really cool action scene that I hope we will get more of in the next season. Because I'm hoping they won't cure Killer Frost just yet because that would be a waste of the transformation this season. So far she hasn't even earned the name Killer Frost, I fear that the first person she will kill is Julian which would be unfortunate because Tom Felton has been doing a great job on the show during this season. At the very least they could make the scene where he dies a memorable one.

Meanwhile we get to see Joe and Cecile's relationship develop but it feels a bit frustrating to watch when you know Savitar will be revealed in this episode. However, I liked that she became integrated with the rest of the Flash Family.

Tracy Brand is quite likable, she appears to be the replacement for Caitlin but also a replacement for Harry from last season. One could say Julian is a replacement for Caitlin as well so that's why he could be staying after this season but I doubt it. Tracy and H.R. seem like an obvious pairing which will be probably be explored next season, no objections there 'cause H.R. is fun.

All in all this was a great episode with cool Killer Frost action, a not so surprising Savitar reveal but it was still a good scene. What remains to be revealed is why future Barry kills Iris. Why does he have a scar on the right side of his face? Questions for next week which I hope they will answer. We still have to reveal Savitar's identity to the rest of Team Flash and see their reactions. Will they see Barry in a different way from now on? Who knows, time will tell.

List of hints we got of Savitar's identity this season:

Ep 1: Reverse-Flash calls Barry the villain Ep 2: Jay tells Barry they're both men, not gods Ep 7: Savitar tells Barry that Barry's the past whereas Savitar is the future Ep 8: Barry from 2056 tells Rip Hunter that he should not trust Barry Ep 9: Savitar says one will suffer a fate worse than death, Barry gets trapped in the speed force and becomes Savitar Ep 15: Savitar said he created himself which means Savitar might be working on making Barry in to Savitar and Savitar keeps repeating "I am the Future Flash!" Ep 16: Savitar tells Jesse Quick that he has already lived all of this
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josifbroz6 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, we got our big revelation for the season. Savitar's identity is revealed. If I were Cisco and saw how Savitar turned himself into a human, I'd name him The Reverse Transformer. Or something like that. It sounded much better in my head.


While, IMHO, it puts too much "melo" next to "drama" for the sake of Arrowverse, I looked at the whole "Barry-becomes-Savitar" conundrum from two different points. At first, I was thinking: "No. Barry can't become evil. I mean, unlike Cisco's and Caitlin's doppelgangers, even Barry from Earth-2 is a goody!"

Then I realized that even Barry from E2 has Iris next to him. Which, to the certain extent, finally gives some sense to the existence of Iris at the first place. Without powers and scientific knowledge, she is usually as useful as a pedal on a wheel-chair to the team. I mean, what exactly does she do for The Team Flash apart from saying: "Barry, you can do it! I believe in you!"?

Well, it turns out that's exactly the point of Iris and we should have realized that in the Gorilla Grodd episodes this season. She is a voice and image of reason that reminds Barry what makes him a superhero apart from being a speedster. Without Iris, Barry would have run into a vengeful madness as the sole thought of losing her makes him both bitter and ready to do things he neither would nor should have ever done. Remove Iris from his life and you have a vengeful speedster who saw murders of both of his parents and the woman he loves or, basically, Hunter Zolomon with much bigger trauma and smaller shoulders.

One big plus is the arrival of Anne Dudek to the show. I loved her at "House M.D.".
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The Flash - S03E20 I Know Who You Are
j_forbesy2 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode needs no introduction, I'm just going to jump right into it. At this point, Savitar could have been anybody and I wouldn't be surprised because at some point during this season I've thought anyone could of been Savitar. Back when we were first introduced to Savitar, I predicted Future Barry based off the suit and what I had read in the N52. Over time I slowly started to think more and more that it was HR, however if it turned out to be Barry, I wouldn't be surprised. And then it happen. Savitar is Future Barry. Usually I don't like reveals like this going for so long, but in this case I do because up until this episode, I still wouldn't put money on who I thought it was. They heavily hinted it this episode which I thought was a nice thing to do, but it wasn't until Barry started having the flashbacks that I was definite.

I love that is it Barry and I especially like how it is a massive tie into the Reverse Flash posing the question of whose the villain now. I'm really interested to see the explanation next week on how Future Barry came to be Savitar, but for the moment I really liked how they played out the concept that Barry is up against himself. It has set up a really interesting dynamic for the last few episodes now that Barry knows he is the one responsible and he has to find a way to beat himself.

The reveal was of course the big highlight of the episode but there are still a few things I want to at least touch on. I thought the writing was outstanding this episode. We had a lot of 1 on 1 interactions and they all had really well written dialog. I thought the overall story arc was really well laid out and they managed to accomplish a lot considering that the reveal will be the highlight of this episode.

I thought the action looked really nice this episode. It has been a while since we have had some massive action set pieces and I thought we got a few really good ones, especially with Cisco and Killer Frost. I also have to mention that Killer Frost making an ice slid and seeing Barry chase after her seemed like one of the most comic book things this show has done.

Overall, I'm still coming down from the reveal so it is going to take a while for this episode to settle, but at the moment, I loved it. Take away the reveal and this was still and extremely strong character driven episode that I enjoyed a lot. I really enjoyed the new character of Tracy Brand and I'm really liking that for the moment Cecile is going to be around for a while. Another great episode and now more than ever I can't wait to see how this season ends.

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Like I told you from the Beginning....
athleticteen7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, great episode was all worth it at the end. I'm sure everyone saw it coming but man, what a reveal, the music, the intensity of present Barry speaking to his future self was a great moment. I loved when Future Flash was the villain. As to his motivations will be revealed in the later episode but Grant pulling double duty was perfect.
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Killah FROOOOOOOOOST and Barry(?!) brought home the bacon in this ep.
imakk20012 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
+ Barry is already 100% better than he's been this entire freaking season with that flash finger snap lighting torch against KF. MOAR thinking-on-his-feet-Barry please.

+ Tracy Brand intro scene was S1 level fun character interaction.

++++ KF ice-sliding through Central City while Flash chases her! The VFx never fails. This beats Flash chasing Abra Kadabra for best action sequence for this season so far.

+ AND Joe/Barry scenes?! What manner of Flashery is this?!

+ Good thing Julian was around to remind everyone that "HELLO!? Caitlin is your friend remember? And she needs help?" Needless to say, I really enjoyed KF sticking Barry in the same leg.

  • Tracy Brand as TF's Felicity? Do not want.

+/- Happy for Joe not being alone anymore. But not even he can make yet another pairing on the show interesting.

  • Evidently Barris wasn't boring enough. So the show adds Jocile and HRacy. And top that off with all 3 ladies in jeopardy. Now that's a snoozzz...

  • Sorry Cisco, but your entire reaction to Caitlin turning into KF has been more fear OF her than FOR her. And you're fine with her dying on the table but not her dying at your hands? So not feeling your issues this ep.

  • Oh goody, TWO more members added to an already bloated team flash. S4: Joanie-drama because how could her own mother LIE TO HER?!

+ I read the spoilers so I knew who Savitar was, not to mention they dragged this out so long I absolutely didn't care. But I was pumped during the reveal?! Oddly enough, the way Barry's realization played out actually got me excited for an already spoiled moment. This reveal should have been the midseason finale with the 2nd half focused on how to defeat Savitar knowing that Barry can't be trusted, and the necessary Barry-sidelining believable. Still. This was a good job from Gustin, Neely and whoever wrote that scene.

+++ Mucho belated props to Blake Neely who wraps it all up with the perfect music for whatever is needed in a pivotal scene such as KF's crazy ride and Savitar reveal.

? Since we finally get Barry = villain, season ends with his death, amiright?

Overall this was a mix bag, but Killer Frost and Barry saved this ep. Score: 9



  • CCPD AND Singh's office but no Singh?! Is this how future Joe becomes de facto Captain West?
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flash big reveal
mido_zz3 May 2017
killer frost was so good and strong but she couldn't carry the ep alone as the ep was almost a filler but was great.

Thinking wally ,HR even ronney being savitar isn't reasonable at all it is just makes no sense at all specially ronney who sacrificed himself to help barry in season 1 so why would he want revenge ?!!

if you looked at it reverse flash hate barry because he sees him as a villain " who is the villain know flash ?" savitar sees him selfless and evil and it is for good reasons

that reveal was predicted but was necessary and it was too good that they make us think of someone as ronney or wally or hr and didn't focus on barry only " agree that writers could have done better this season even could added clues to make you think more about other characters "
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Ranking/Reviewing every Flash episode: I Know Who You Are
lbramson11 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Savitar's identity is revealed! Oh yeah, and Team Flash needs to protect scientist Tracy Brand from Killer Frost who is working with Savitar. This is one of the best Season 3 episodes! The action is thrilling and nonstop awesome. Tracy Brand is a female character who isn't plagued by relationship drama. Crazy concept, I know. The main highlight of this episode, like many, is the last 10 minutes. Killer Frost claims that Savitar knows what happens since "it's all history to him." We then cut to Barry talking with Cecile, and then he daydreams and starts thinking about what Killer Frost said. He then puts two and two together and discovers that Savitar is him from the future! That reveal was predictable, but done so well and was so bonechilling, that it didn't matter. Finally, an episode with Savitar!

10/10-THE PEAK!!!👍👍👍
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"I am the future Flash"
AdamDroge2 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I just spoiled the reveal in the title of this review. But why are you coming to this page if you haven't seen the episode?

We've finally come to the big reveal of this season and the theory that future Barry is Savitar turned out to be the correct theory. Savitar told us a long time ago that he is the future Flash, but when he said that, I think we all assumed that there was a comma. Like, he was telling Barry that he is the future. In other words, he was telling Barry that he was going to defeat him and take over the world. Or something like that.

Nope. He was instead secretly revealing to Barry that he is the future version of Barry. I know a lot of you picked up on this long before they revealed it. If you are one of these people, give yourself a pat on the back. I didn't pick up on it until people started theorizing, and even then I wasn't sure I fully bought into it.

But now that it has been revealed, let's talk about it. Personally I have been annoyed with this season because of this guessing game that they've been making us play. The way to set up a good villain is not to put him in a fancy suit with strong powers and make the viewers play a guessing game for 85 percent of the season. I'd much rather know the villain from day one and spend the whole season building the villain up and setting up for an epic showdown at the end while having a lot of smaller showdowns in the meantime, much like they did in both seasons of Daredevil or in the first season of this show.

With that out of the way, having future Barry be our villain carries with it a lot of interesting questions. It's more than just your typical villain who's trying to take over the world or has decided to attack the hero for no apparent reason or for super cliché reasons that have been done time and time again. This is our hero vs. himself. And not in a mental or metaphorical way. In a literal way. Future Barry has come back to ruin the life of former Barry.

But why? What did Barry go through that was so horrific that he decided to go back in time to ruin his own life? And what timeline is this specific Barry from? Because we've set up quite a few of those.

If this ends up going the route of the old Planet of the Apes movies where they created their own destiny in a weird, confusing way that makes no sense when you think about it then this could be a complete disaster. But if this is Barry from a slightly different timeline that has somehow learned to work time travel and the speed force to jump timelines or something like that, then this could be brilliant. But we're going to need a lot of answers here soon because the idea of future Barry going back in time and trying to kill his past self has the potential of completely blowing up if they don't do it right.

Outside that, the stuff with Joe and Cecile I didn't care for. More CW romance nonsense that they overload us with in every show they've ever made. Some of us come here to watch a superhero TV show and not a giant romance drama.

The stuff with Tracy Brand was OK. Although it's kind of lazy writing to spend the whole season trying to figure out how to beat and unbeatable metahuman only to find a scientist at the end of the season that has all the answers.

What I liked most from this episode was the stuff with Caitlin/Killer Frost. She's been one of the best characters on this show, yet we've all known from the beginning that she was going to become Killer Frost, but to see it happen is emotionally traumatizing in a good way. That's how you build up a good villain. Make us care for the character, then have something happen that turns them bad that we buy into.

On that note, I am kind of annoyed that her metahuman powers automatically turn her evil without any inciting incident. That's just her powers. Evil ice woman. I'd rather have her discover her powers, then have some sort of inciting incident that turns her rogue. Something that Barry or Cisco do that push her away and cause her to lash out rather than her powers turning her evil for no reason. But as is, it's still emotionally effective. I just hope they let it play out naturally rather than having her be bad for an episode or two and dropping it. I want Killer Frost to be the season four baddie instead of a villain of the week.

Moral of the story here is that while I'm thankful we've finally revealed Savitar because it needed to happen a long time ago, I won't be able to have a solid opinion on this one way or the other until we get more answers. We've answered the big question. It's just that in doing so, we asked a whole bunch more questions, so we'll see how this turns out.
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Poor reasoning
apd828 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Cisco said he was afraid of using too much power and killing Caitlin, but he just let her harm other friends like Barry? Dude, that's really poor reasoning. He used his power SOOOOO many times before and you just start to worry now? .. On a different topic, "We will ... . I promise." said Barry quickly many times when someone has a problem. Come on, you can't just use the word every single time. It becomes meaningless. It becomes something that you just say.
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Enjoyable, yet problematic episode. Warning: Spoilers
"I Know Who You Are", seemingly the first episode to focus on Savitar fully, is actually another episode intent on pointlessly dragging out the Savitar mystery for one more episode. When the reveal does come, is it finally worth it? That remains to be seen, but for this episode, no. There were two conflicts this episode-one of which was engaging. Everything regarding Killer Frost was often engaging and fun, especially the spectacular action sequence in the middle of the episode when Caitlin goes full Iceman. Hats off to the special effects team. Though the conflict with Cisco didn't emotionally register exactly as it should have because of how underdeveloped Caitlin was as a character, but overall I'm positive on it. Joe and Cecile, though......no. It's uninteresting, melodramatic mush, that we've seen a hundred times before on this show. The writers seriously have problem with repeating themselves- it's becoming infuriating.The episode tries to convince us the two are in love. Are you kidding me? Cecile's got about 2 episodes of screen time, and they've only known each other a few months. It's just like Wally and Jesse's romance earlier in the season, once again proving The Flash is the type of show that repeats its mistakes instead of learning from them. This could be such a fun show if they focused on its strengths, instead of its weaknesses. It's as if Legends of Tomorrow sapped all the fun out of the Flash, leaving only the CW elements. Back to Joe and Cecile, who cares about these two when Savitar's out there? Of course Joe's going to tell her, and get back together by the end of the episode. Tracy and HR were more fun, thankfully, but still unnecessary.

+Killer Frost gets more interesting

+HR humor

+Spectacular action

-Reveal hasn't justified drawn-out buildup (yet)

-Unnecessary romances

-Caitlin's underdeveloped nature causes problems even after she's gone

-Keeps repeating itself

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The Future Flash
ThomasDrufke2 May 2017
So, we finally found out who's underneath the mask and armor of Savitar, the god of speed. Was it all worth it?

I don't know. On one hand, the reveal of having future Barry probably would have been more interesting if it was revealed earlier in the season. I understand they were going for a different approach considering we knew who the villains of season 1 and 2 were a whole lot earlier, but this felt weirder than it should have. I actually am a fan of the concept on paper. The idea of having Barry being the villain of the show is intriguing because he does cause a ton of unnecessary chaos while he's speeding around the city. But I really need to hear the reasoning for future Barry turning evil before I make my ultimate decision either way.

It's also interesting to think about whether or not this was always the plan from the beginning. Think about it, Savitar was once an all CGI-being without any real sign of practical effects. But mid- way though the season that was changed for a blend of CGI and a practical suit. Could it be that the show-runners once never planned on having anyone underneath the suit and then changed it to a more approachable looking appearance once they decided on Barry? I don't necessarily believe this is the case, but it doesn't totally make sense why the change was made.

Either way, the decision to have a future version of Barry is sure to be one of controversy. Ultimately, the explanation may line up with what this season has presented us. We saw Barry create flashpoint in the beginning of the season (in turn creating Savitar). Could it be that Savitar is the version of Barry that was supposed to exist if it wasn't for Barry shifting the timeline in the first place? Perhaps then, I would find the twist worth it.

It's funny, the reveal only took up a few minutes of screen time but I find myself talking about it more than the actual episode itself. Most of the episode dealt with the aftermath of having Killer Frost on the loose and Savitar's "plans" for her. The damsel in distress this week was Cecile, Joe's newly found love. If I'm being honest, I really didn't care for any of the episode aside from the ending reveal. It all felt like screen time being used up until the big reveal. The only thing that really stuck out to me was Wally's absence. That just felt like a complete copout to not have one of the two speedsters not on the same earth when Savitar and Killer Frost are still at large. But his absence really just made it more and more obvious that Wally wasn't going to be Savitar after all. And really, I guess there was never any real reasoning for him being the "Future Flash" anyway. Overall, I have a hard time commenting on my feelings for this episode without hearing the reasoning behind the big reveal, but it will sure to be something to get everyone talking.

+Ballsy reveal

-But is it ultimately the right move?

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Worst reveal ever
jojojamojo2 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So in this episode Savitar's identity was finally revealed as Barry Allen from the future. This is by far the worst reveal to ever happen in the Arrowverse, but not only because of how it was done, but because of who Savitar actually is. The fact that he is Barry Allen from the future is so disappointing and has caused me to quit the show. They could have gone for someone interesting and maybe a smaller character even but Barry Allen? He's the second character they've turned evil this season and it just makes no sense what so ever that Barry is Savitar. Barry would never turn evil no matter what.
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A bunch of horse manure
gjenevieve3 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was liking this episode until the very end where it was revealed that Savitar is Barry Allen. What a bunch of horse manure. There is no way that Barry Allen would ever kill Iris, the love of his life. There is no way that he would become the Flash. How incredibly stupid. I cannot believe that the writers are this lazy. I cannot believe that anyone else even thinks that this is a great idea. It is totally unbelievable. If this is who the writers were planning on having as Savitar from the beginning, then shame on them. I am incredibly disappointed. I am not sure how I even feel about the show now. If this is the kind of stupid writing that is going to be used in the future, I don't want any part of it. They need to somehow undo this whole bit, because this makes zero sense. I think that they need to get new writers who actually know how to write good story lines. I was prepared to give this episode a high mark like 9, but because of the ending and the reveal, I am giving it a 5. The rest of the episode was great. They just ruined it with making Barry Allen as Savitar.
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Lamest superhero ever?
DarkWolf3D2Y28 January 2021
I have never in my life have watched a more useless superhero than Flash. He is just a punching bag for villains every episode.

He never learns from his mistakes, his judgement is at least weak, he never is sure about anything and honestly his team does everything.

I like Barry Allen. But i wouldn't trust him to save a kitten , not to lead a team.

Please stop making Flash a mediocre hero.
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