Apartment 212 (2017) Poster


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Scant on horror, but a satisfying creature movie
chadroman8222 March 2018
I'm a sucker for creature movies, and I enjoyed the creature in this movie. The special effects were sometimes quite adequate and other times a little silly (usually while stationary). The film itself never fully commits to being a horror movie, but I still found it enjoyable enough. The story was solid, more so than most of these kinds of movies.The acting was solid. The characters were solid. The logic defying stupidity that plagues characters in horror movies was fairly light. The creature was a cross between the pixies from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and the creatures from Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, and I loved it. Should you see it? I have a wall of horror films, and if I were to buy this on DVD and add it to my collection the overall quality of my collection would increase slightly. If you like creature movies, then I'd say give it a try.
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Surprisingly entertaining
sian_b_badger14 June 2018
Was expecting this to be terrible but this wasn't half bad. The special effects aren't the worst & the main actress is pretty good. Amusing approach to horror. Stick around at the end of the credits because you see extra bits.
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Just sleep in the car
almaric7778 September 2018
Acting was good across the board. Story was fine, but moved pretty slow - not much happens in the first hour. Could have used more comedy, tone was all over the place. If Gremlins only had a single gremlin and it didn't show up until the last act of the movie, it would be this. I liked the ending. Can't say it was scary at all, but it was a serviceable Creature Feature that is worth a watch.
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What a cute fake little monster
deloudelouvain6 May 2018
As soon as the movie starts, with a chick in a car nodding on real bad music, you get the feeling this is going to be a B-movie. But I've seen good B-movies before so why not giving it a shot. The first half of the movie there is some mystery and the story is entertaining enough to watch even though there is not much 'horror' going on for a horror movie. Penelope Mitchell is doing okay as the main character, as well as Kyle Gass playing the handyman. The acting is all okay aspecially for a B-movie. And that it is a B-movie became all clear at the end, the so-called horror part. They obviously didn't have the budget to create a decent monster. It's more laughable than anything else. I guess to watch once it's just about okay. Don't have too high hopes.
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It's a decent B movie
Tr-u-mpbilly16 March 2018
It's a bit slow at times, but still held our attention throughout the film. I read a review that criticized the actresses "hotness." I don't think it would be possible for any actress to keep her "hotness" in this role. Also, enjoyed the role of Terry the handyman. Good ending.
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Painfully slow.
and-8031718 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
40 minutes of nothing before things starts to happen and even then it's all just about how she keeps getting more bites with everyone around her being a imbecile, ignoring everything and how SHE IS COVERED WITH BITE MARKS. The police don't care, her neighbours don't care, the hospital doesn't care. And it keeps going back to her back story about her abusive boyfriend that I can't give a rats behind about. I watched an hour of this before I stopped because NOTHING HAPPENS. In an hour of watching, the only hint of a monster you ever get is a drawing on a wall (the poster of the movie) and the bite marks she keeps getting. I expected it'd be a buncha little bugs, like the ravenous scarabs of The Mummy or some disgusting worms or whatever. Nope. I skipped ahead to see what the monster was and... IT'S A LITTLE BAT YOU BARELY GET TO SEE. HOW IS THIS SCARY?! They even made an out of focus shot of their little ugly hand puppet bat sitting in a towel with shiny eyes, but you can't tell what it is because the shot is so out of focus. Most likely because the puppet looks bad if it were in focus.

Not scary, not interesting, not anything. In the start it even felt like a comedy due to her goofy, overly friendly neighbor. Acting is all fine, no complaints there. But as a horror movie, this fails miserably.
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Good cast & direction, underdeveloped script
jollyjumpup18 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For a low budget film shot in basically one location this has more dynamic special effects than you usually find in such fare. The cast is attractive and likeable and the lead actress delivers a meaty performance.

The only negative is lazy scripting, particularly in the first half. The writers and director didn't try very hard to map out the logic of the main character's actions which made for some head-scratching viewing.

For example, after blowing a job interview the leading lady "fortuitously" bumps into an old high school friend right outside the building, leading to a second chance at a job, But despite being tortured by large mysterious lesions and with three weeks to the next job interview, she doesn't bother to see a doctor until after her disturbing appearance blows the second interview, nor does she make any effort to cover the lesions with make-up (which again she does after the interview) or opaque stockings. She shows up looking like a diseased junkie.

It does get better. The ending is predictable but satisfying enough. Despite its flaws, the crisp direction and fresh special effects make for a fun little creature feature.
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Way better than expected
mainguetnicolas20 September 2018
A slow yet solid movie with good acting, nice production value and an excellent last act!
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Horror Films Truly Suck In The 21St Century.
LordCommandar19 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Horror films truly suck in the 21st century, and It makes me wonder how even straight to dvd films are being produced. I watched this crap yesterday, and I knew it was going to be a stupid, but I said, what the hell, and gave it a go. Let me just say that I have not gone to a movie theater in years to purchase tickets, for the simple reason of not wanting to pay for failure anymore, and this film among-st others, have not failed to prove me wrong. This movie was silly and made no sense whatsoever, especially the part when she goes on an interview with sores all over her body and covered none of the up, after being referred by a friend. Who the hell does that? But you cover sores when you go see your ex? This is how inexperienced writers write stories. Do I recommend? Hell no, but if you have a afternoon to burn, go for it. Other than that. Don't waste your time.
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You've seen this before, but not bad
Indyrod15 April 2018
"Apartment 212" is a pretty good horror story, as a young woman definitely moved into the wrong apt.. After a neighbor upstairs cries night and day, and keeps her awake, and then blows her brains out, she all at once starts breaking out in sores all over her body. She had shop lifted a mysterious box from a shop and took it home, and it ends up causing her some severe trouble. It's nothing special, but I liked the characters, and the story has been done many times. I would recommend it, just for fun, because it was well done and pretty entertaining. 3/5
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Not bad, but Fast-Forward required
incubus-09141 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to give 5 stars, but due to the tedious editing, I decided to give it 4 stars.

What is the definition of a slow movie? Too much filler? Then Yes, this is a slow movie, however I wouldn't say this is a slow paced movie. It's just it could be condenced quite a bit; it seems as if too many scenes were lengthened to make this movie a full feature. Maybe the director's intention was to build tension, but the audience doesn't want to see the same scene repeatedly. For example, when the heroine sneaked into the neighbor's apartment, so many similar shots are inserted till she finally finds the creepy thing on the walls. Even then, the director included a few cuts of different walls which look basically the same. When she is being attacked by the creature, she gets knocked out, wakes up, gets attacked, and then knocked out all over again. Those scenes are supposed to be the climax, but the editing makes the movie dull.

Another thing is that it takes wayyy too long for the heroine to go to see a doctor. A decent parson who has a job interview in the near future wouldn't overlook this kind of situation; it's a life threatening kind! The other reviewer mentioned about her lack of common sense in the interview. I totally agree with him. She doesn't even make an attempt to cover up her issues and then she puts makeup on and shows up in a pretty good condition at her ex's house. That scene blew my mind. So if she tries, she can hide bloody scars very well? What!? That's just too sloppy a story line even for a B movie.

Although I have criticized this movie so far, there were some worth mentioning good parts. The apartment super was a nice relief and I liked his acting. I also liked the creature design. It reminds me of '80s horror creatures which were created not by CG, but by the special technicians with their hands. And it was kinda cute, too. The fighting with the creature was a bit redundant, but pretty good in the end. I really liked that some small details of the heroine were used effectively in those scenes. I have my own personal taste towards a strong female lead thus I was quite happy when the heroine finally showed her guts. Some people may see it as if stupid, but this is not a movie to take it seriously.

If you watch this movie on DVD or some sort which you can fast forward, give it a try especially your liking is a creature movie. Keep your remote handy ;) but don't miss the extra scene after the credits as well.
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Cute little thing
sataniela8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When I sat down to watch this film, I clearly knew I'm doing it out of boredom and having nothing better to watch. So I was expecting to see something very silly just for the fun of it. But I was very nicely surprised that this film turned out to be decent! True, it is quite cliché but the story is coherent and develops nicely, it doesn't get too slow or boring even if at a point it reaches the verge of it. But then we get this (to me at least) cute little creature and everything and it balances very nicely.

For those that may be looking for a heavy mystery OR slasher-kind of traditional gore.. well, it won't be your thing. But for those looking to kill some time while having their curiousity maintained, entertained and are open-minded to some humor, as well as not being judgemental or expecting wow-s, it's a pretty good movie. Compared to the majority of the stereotype of "stupid teenagers running around while being chased by a monster or villain" Apartment 212 is a real jewel, it has none of that. In fact, you'll find some quality presentation and interesting elements. The characters are relatable and likeable, it's pretty simple really, and has an unexpectedly catchy atmosphere.

After I watched it, I really want to see something similar but I'm actually having difficulties finding something with equal quality - which to me means it managed to more or less impress me somehow and is better than most of the rest of cliché choices. I'd say it's a good and enjoyable watch! If you have time you don't know what to do with, give it a chance.
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Great little demon
killercharm18 August 2020
A beat-down wife runs away from her abusive marriage to start a new life. The apartment building she moves into is on the seedy side. So much so that her neighbor downstairs offs herself leaving behind a health hazard of an apartment. Once the city has cleaned the suicide apartment our heroine finds and takes a beautiful little box from the pile of stuff. Her troubles start. The box is indeed beautiful and the demon is great, too. Its look and movement both.
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blackwida20 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler - How on God's earth did Jennifer decide to go to an interview clad with short skirt and a short sleeved top covered in bites! Yet fast forward to the part where she miraculously manages to apply full coverage make up to entice her ex back at his pad and wonders why she didn't get the job. Personally the 'gremlin' got the thumbs up for me and should have clobbered her along with the ex. Dreadful dreadful and dreadful for everything. The only thing that was good was the gremlin, I'd have kept it as a pet.
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Pretty bad
Moxy91619 November 2018
My first clue should have been the very shoddy intro with the black and white freeze frame shots. Very very cheesy.
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Slow paced but eventually became worthwhile watching...
paul_haakonsen27 April 2019
I had no idea what to expect from "Gnaw" (aka "Apartment 212"), aside from it being a horror movie. Which, incidentally, was also the sole reason for me picking the movie up and deciding to give it a view.

While writers Jim Brennan, Haylar Garcia and Kathryn Gould did manage to put together an interesting enough story, then it should be said that this movie is rather slow paced at the helm of director Haylar Garcia, for better or worse. Sure, the movie was gradually setting up the atmosphere and introducing the characters, but it just took way, way too long in doing so, and the movie suffered from that, because nothing much happened throughout the first hour of the movie.

With that being said, don't get me wrong. Sure, it was somewhat of a drag and an ordeal to sit through the first hour with so little happening, but the last 30 minutes or so of the movie, well, see now that is where it got interesting and started to really pick up the pace. Just a shame it took an hour to get there. The last 30 minutes of the movie luckily managed to steer the sinking movie back on track and salvage it enough to pull it out of the generic and mundane highway, to the point where it actually was worthwhile watching.

While I can't claim to be overly familiar with Penelope Mitchell (playing Jennifer in "Gnaw"), then I must admit that she really handled the lead role quite well and lifted the movie quite nicely with her performance.

"Gnaw" is frightfully devoid of scary things actually. While it spent an hour setting the atmosphere, there was hardly nothing spooky or scary about that whole hour - aside from how long it took director Haylar Garcia to do so. And while the last 30 minutes of the movie sure was a wakening up call for the movie, it hardly was laced with much of anything scary.

I will say that the creature design in the movie was actually quite good, and I loved the way the creature looked. Just a shame that it had so little on-screen time. But the special effects and CGI team definitely also lifted up the movie quite a way with their efforts, getting the movie lifted out of the mediocre gutter.

All in all, a slow-paced movie that eventually becomes worthwhile watching, but hardly a horror classic in any way. And this is really not the type of movie that you will watch more than once, because there just isn't enough contents to the storyline to support multiple viewings.
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75 minutes boring, 10 minutes action....
kantorstoll14 September 2019
I think this movie is waisting time...you´ll wait near end for some action..,and the german speakers were outstanding bad....
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Gnaw - A cut and bite above your average creature feature!
omendata30 January 2020
Creepy as hell and quite disturbing and not for the squeamish!.

The film is very well directed for a low budget and really takes you on a hellish journey and even though it has a slow buildup I think it is done well and gives more time to building the characters and the tension!

Kyle Gass is a much underrated actor and he shines in this giving such a likeable and personable performance he almost steals the show.

The lead actress however impresses with her genuinely innocent demeanour and sizzles with a genuine unpretentious sexiness that just flows from her effortless performance and this just adds to the pleasure of watching as you really feel for her character; something most films miss the mark with every time! The mark of a good film is when you feel for the characters and the director has accomplished this with aplomb! Very rarely do I see an actress these days that has genuine sex appeal and can actually act but Penelope Mitchell is one to watch for sure.

The film plays out a lot like an episode of Tales From The Darkside and the creature is well done even if it stole a little in the design from the movie Gremlins and for a low budget horror succeeds on my scare-meter.

Was not expecting much but I came out with a lot more than I was expecting!
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Some pretty bad writing.
ronniealvaron12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so when the main character stops by her ex's house, she knows how to put on makeup and cover the open sores she's been getting but.... prior to that when she's goes into an interview... she doesn't do any of that and goes in with everything looming like a tweaker. This kind of writing makes the character look incredibly dumb and had me waiting for the movie to end. They could have just as easily had her come to terms with the little monster earlier and played out the guy getting fucked up by it while the woman played innocent, secretly helping it.

Felt like there was potential for more comedy involving the monster, gave me minor vibes reminiscent of the hand from Evil Dead 2... the movie was meh.
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Decent Creature Feature
parsonm221 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was hopeful but wasn't expecting much by this little creature feature. There are a few movies out there which are kinda along the same line (Bug, Bite & Itsy Bitsy is coming out soon too)but this is one is fairly original and I like it. It reminds me a bit of the famous Trilogy of Terror Episode with Karen Black written by Richard Matheson which all serious horror enthusiasts should be familiar with. without any spoilers, it's about a woman who after recently moving into a new apartment suffers some increasingly worse mysterious bites on her body while she sleeps. The movie has decent production and chose wisely when to spend money on effects where they needed them. A big named actress, budget and a little script tinkering could have made this an 8 or 9 in my opinion. There isn't much here that you don't see coming by the end but it was enjoyable and entertaining. If the above sounds interesting to you, you'll probably like it. It scratched my horror itch, if you'll pardon my pun.
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Somehow the critter understands english
jordan224028 July 2022
Not a lot happens for much of the movie, and the scares come mostly from the soundtrack, but the performers do a decent job. The final confrontation is a bit silly and you wonder how it even got to that point, but the very end was logical, unlike many horror films. Can't really recommend, but not a complete waste of time. The filmmaking itself was well done.
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This movie is GOOD
the_doofy29 June 2018
Acting was really good across the board, the young actress in this was amazing. The direction was well paced, characters were believable, sets, if U can call them that, were realistic.

The ending went the way i thought it would, but it was still an excellent addition to the genre.

If U like suspense and plot build up in your horror movies minus buckets of blood (but still some 'icky' is in the movie), with very good acting for most of the characters, U will enjoy this
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Not very horror, but drama, and pretty interesting
embracing_silence3 July 2019
Straight away, you should know: this movie's horror aspect only really comes in at the last 30 minutes or so of the film. This is a story about a woman who escapes her abusive ex, steals a demonic box from a shop, and finds herself waking up with sores and bite marks all over herself. Most of the plot comes from the drama and mystery, of what is doing this to her, what happened to her neighbor, and what her ex did to her to make her run away. If you enjoy storylines like that, you'll have a good time watching. If all you want to see is the horror and the creature, it doesn't come until the very end of the movie. It might be boring to some, but my interest was held. The payoff at the end was worth it. The creature was very well designed, and in my opinion, was actually kind of cute. The ending was very satisfying to me as well. It's something you don't see in many movies. Definitely worth a watch at least once.
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You will not believe this!
capoca17 June 2020
I have seen horror movies by the score and can say that this is one of the most avoidable movies you'll ever see. First of all, nobody will get scared for a second, even a baby. Then, once you understand the plot, you'll believe that this is a joke. At last, when you realize what the director really meant, you'll swear you'll not make the mistake to choose a movie like this ever again.
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Not the worst, but don't waste your time.
kevin-valudes1 November 2018
I honestly don't even know where to start with this. Good premise. Nothing super original, but good. The acting by every single actor is atrocious. The lead, Kyle Gass, the ex-husband, the landlord...all terrible. The script didn't give them much to work with, however. Every trite thing you could possibly imagine being said, is said, and by people doing a terrible job. The final 30 mins I'd probably rate a 6 or 7, the first part I'd give a 3 to. There seriously wasn't a single character that wasn't played poorly. I just cannot stress it enough. If you don't mind wasting a solid 50 mins of your life (for the first part of the film), watching piss-poor actors reading a terrible script, then this film should be okay if you've got a Wednesday evening to yourself. I was just so disappointed in the acting out a terribly written script. There are moments of suspense and stuff toward the end. The beginning is just a bore without many answers, acted poorly.
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