Juliet, Naked (2018) Poster


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Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.
domdel3916 September 2018
Are you or have you ever been an obsessive music fan? Have you ever dived down deep into an ocean of a particular artist's musical history and eagerly wetted your ears with every last song, half-song, quarter song and brief snippet of high or sometimes even very low, low quality, barely intelligible audio both officially and unofficially available? Have you ever tracked down, with a bloodhound's determination, every book about that artist and every book in which that artist is even only briefly mentioned on page two-hundred and something and then only for a sentence or two that does nothing other than merely confirm to you something you had already had confirmed to you a hundred times before? Have you ever compulsively visited countless websites committed to that same artist's work where other, even more intensely obsessive fans than you have documented and analyzed every last lyric, note, hiccup or cough crafted ever-so-carefully by that same artist, to such an extent that you feel so close to that artist that they are practically a part of you? Well, then, do I have the film for you.

"Juliet, Naked" is a film about a very unique love triangle. The three points of that triangle are: Duncan (Chris O'Dowd), an obsessive fan of an obscure and no longer active singer-songwriter named, Tucker Crowe; Annie (Rose Byrne), Duncan's long suffering girlfriend who feels like she's in competition with Crowe for her boyfriend's attention and is losing; and the object of obsession himself, Tucker Crowe (Ethan Hawke), an easygoing dude, who long ago tossed away his music career, and who now lives in his ex-wife's garage trying to resemble a reasonable facsimile of a father for their son, Jackson (Azhy Robertson).

Based on a novel by Nick Hornby, this, mostly, light and funny, pleasant breeze of a film is a delight from start to finish.

What's mostly on the mind of the writer is the way in which these characters have chosen to lead their lives. Rose has been, and continues to be, way too cautious and, as a result, is suffering from emotional and psychological paralysis. Tucker has been way too reckless and, as a result, is the eye of a rapidly revolving hurricane of relationships that will soon swirl and crash around him with hilarious results. And in the middle, is Duncan who spends way too much of his time focusing on the emotional content of Crowe's songs and very little time focusing on the emotional content contained in the heart of his neglected girlfriend, Annie.

Rose Byrne, as Annie, is plain stuck. She's in a relationship with two men - one who is physically present, but not emotionally, and another who is emotionally present but not physically. Though she is smart and charming and attractive, she is sort of like an airplane waiting at the edge of a runway for permission to take off. Permission that never seems to come and permission she probably doesn't need after all.

Convincing as a woman who fulfills all of the requirements that her outer life demands without actually fulfilling any of the requirements that her inner life does, Byrne is all apologies and accomodations. She is a Rube Goldberg contraption made flesh - balls rolling, dominoes falling, ramps see sawing one way, then another, but, without any greater purpose other than to keep itself going, one day after another, for enjoyment of others.

As the obsessive fan, who runs a comprehensive website about everything and anything Crowe, frequently chats with other Crowe obsessives on-line and has a well maintained and more than slightly creepy shrine to the man in the basement of his and Annie's home, O'Dowd is just goofy enough to trigger the necessary laughs without being so goofy that he becomes a one note joke.

The film pays real careful attention to Duncan's emotional connection to Crowe and his songs. Sure, the film, and I assume the book, plays his obsessing for laughs, but, it also respects it, too. That is no more clear then in a pivotal scene, somewhere in the middle moving towards the end of the film, where Duncan and Crowe come face to face, sharing a dinner table with neglected girlfriend and no longer neglected son. Obsessive fan collides with the object of his obsession and the results, though predictably awkward, cringe worthy and painfully funny, also reveal each character's sensitive sore spots. The scene sticks its' landing and then some. It's wonderfully played out.

Overall, O'Dowd manages to create a memorable human being in Duncan who is, ultimately, deeply flawed, but, nonetheless, understandable and sympathetic. He sees so much in others who are far away and so little in those who are close by. He is so intensely focused on his obsession for the words and music of Tucker Crowe that he has no more energy left for his afterthought of a girlfriend. If his life could be summed up in an album's worth of tracks, the first twelve songs would be about Crowe and a thirteenth, hidden track, would be about Annie.

And Hawke? He plays casual, broken and messed up with an ease that is always charming and affecting. He does a fine job of slipping into the skin of a man who has just recently caught up to his responsibilities and is making a genuine, though clumsy, attempt to unscrew up as much of his screwed up life as he can. He's like someone walking through the rubble of a neighbourhood recently devastated by an 9.0 earthquake with all the concern of a man browsing for swim trunks at a local department store.

The direction is unobtrusive and workmanlike. The pace is steady and never lags.

A real surprise. Catch it if you can.
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Underrated romantic comedy, an utter joy
PotassiumMan20 August 2018
Rose Byrne and Chris O'Dowd are a long-time couple living in a seaside town in this winning film about music fandom and romantic rejuvenation. She's a museum curator in her local area. He's a classics professor who, in his spare time, devotes his life to discussing and extolling the music of a legendary rock star who disappeared from performing and from making albums two decades ago. O'Dowd's character has even created an online forum for the rock star's most rabid fans. The couple's relationship begins to take a turn when the rock star (Ethan Hawke, ever reliable in his charisma) attempts a career resurgence.

A film about a faded rock star coming back out of the shadows is not a new theme, but here it feels so crisp. Hawke's performance is perfect, as are Byrne and O'Dowd, a seeming odd couple whose devotion is showing signs of strain. O'Dowd's character is quite funny when he keeps finding out new information about his idol.

Although there are romantic comedies on the subject of music and midlife perspective, this one proves extra eloquent and engaging. It's not just a film about finding love. It's also about discovering the difference between a fan's rose-colored glasses and reality; a dinner scene captures this theme brilliantly. Even if the rest of the film hadn't been any good (which is not the case), I still would have recommended this film on the strength of that scene alone.

This film has gotten only lukewarm reviews so far, which is odd. I am hopeful that audiences and other critics will give it the recognition it deserves. Gladly recommended.
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A very enjoyable movie.
farleym-1944227 November 2018
Ethan Hawke's Tucker looking for the reset in life most of us wish we had. Oh to do things over and do them right. This was a wonderfully casted movie. I am in danger of becoming a Chris O'Dowd groupie. He must be so busy. I keep doing searches on him and find more gems he is in. And as a bonus, the Kink's Waterloo Sunset, on my list of top ten tunes. That song takes me to placces i have never been and love I have never known. I am not a reviewer and can only say I like what i like. I liked this movie and hop you enjoy it as much as I did.
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Nice movie for those who appreciate a good relationship story.
TxMike1 December 2018
My wife and I watched this at home on DVD from our public library. We both found it a very worthwhile movie, a bit underrated in my opinion.

It is set and filmed mostly in England, including London, with brief scenes in New York. Chris O'Dowd is Duncan Thomson who in almost all of his spare time obsesses over an American singer/songwriter who was popular 25 years earlier and has essentially disappeared. He and others frequently hold podcast discussions and speculate on where the musician might be.

He has a live-in girlfriend, Rose Byrne as Annie Platt. She feels Duncan neglects their relationship, rightly so, and on a whim posts a contrarian, somewhat negative comment to Duncan's website. Then she gets a surprise response, supportive of her views, from none other than the long-missing musician.

Ethan Hawke is that musician, Tucker Crowe. Basically he thinks all the adoration he receives is silly, himself having low regard for his early work. As fate would have it his British daughter is having a baby requiring him to travel to London where he and Annie will have a chance to meet.

The story gets a bit complicated but in a good, interesting way. Annie is approaching 40, she has no children, she is afraid life is passing her by. Tucker feels he has frittered his life away and approaching 50 wants to have another chance. Good story, authentic acting, a meaningful movie with lots of funny moments sprinkled in.
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An enjoyable, if slightly forgettable, entry into the better half of its genre.
Pjtaylor-96-1380444 November 2018
'Juliet, Naked (2018)' has some interesting themes - especially surrounding the different, but equally valid, meanings of art to the consumer and to the artist themselves, and the way that one's appreciation for something that someone else could consider 'trivial' can become an integral part of their identity and that it is in no way less legitimate because of its apparent 'triviality'. The flick also has some very well rounded characters, who are all performed excellently; Ethan Hawke's weathered singer-songwriter, in particular, always carries the weight of a tangible past with him. The film is an entertaining time throughout, too, and is a pleasant experience on the whole, one that's as predictable as it is confidently crafted. There doesn't seem to be that extra 'thing', whatever that may be, that could've set this apart from the crowd, though. Ultimately, this makes the piece a perfectly enjoyable entry into the better half of its genre, one that doesn't necessarily stand out from the others in that same category but isn't actually worse for it, just slightly less memorable. 6/10
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Enjoyably Adult Romcom That Doesn't Outstay Its Welcome
david-meldrum2 August 2020
Enjoyable adult romcom adapted from a Nick Hornby novel, which means I'm predisposed to like it Ethan Hawke is excellent as the reclusive rock star, Rose Byrne is underwritten but still does her best; Chris O'Dowd doesn't have the chance to really establish his character. But it's sensitive, funny and doesn't outstay its welcome.
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Juliet, Naked (2018)
rockman18211 September 2018
Been dying to see this since I first saw the trailer for a few reasons. One, it looked like an entertaining romantic comedy that would be worthwhile. Two, the creation of a fake musician who resurfaces years later in front of a superfan? That's creative. Three, Rose Byrne is a treasure and I'll watch her in anything. After watching, the film met the expectations it had set up and I am satisfied with the film. Ethan Hawke makes a good Tucker Crowe, yo.

The film is about the relationship of a couple whose differences cause arguments. The girlfriend has to put up with her snobbish husbands crazy obsession with a musician who released an album and disappeared decades ago. One day, while communicating on a message board, Rose Byrne's character starts actually chatting with this musician and he soon resurfaces which changes the lives of all that are involved.

I thought the film was sweet and well acted on all fronts. Dowd was impressive as a superfan who is certainly grating. Hawke was completely believable as an aging and tortured musician trying to make things right. Byrne is good in everything she does, no difference here. The "fake 90s music" created to exemplify the career of Tucker Crowe is awesome because it seems authentic. The whole mystique and rumors around the Crowe's career is amazing.

At its core, its a story we have seen many times before. However, the film is told in the scope of something interest with the unbelievable probability of a rockstar coming into the life of a superfan after a bad review was written online. Its a relatable film that is just pleasing all throughout. Its not going to make waves but its a sweet and charming effort that is worth a watch.

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Mellow Melodies
deepfrieddodo18 February 2021
Juliet, Naked is an enjoyable film, it's a good rom-com, it doesn't go much further than that. Really simplistic story (not a criticism) led by excellent casting choices, it's really just a very easy film to watch that no one can have particular quarms against. In fact, fairly relaxing.
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My favorite of Sundance 2018
carlzimmermann14 February 2018
First, you must like romantic comedies or this will fall short. I like good ones and this earned it's place with Notting Hill. Nice plot twists, great acting and a wonderful soundtrack. This part was made for Chris O'Dowd and Rose Byrne was spectacular. Ethan Hawke played such a loser I almost had trouble understanding what any woman would see in him. However, upon mentioning that to the women nearest me in the theater - including my wife, I was immediately slapped down. They all forgave him. And, it's set in England. What more could you ask for?
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I think what we got on our hands is a dead shark...
johnnyhightest3 January 2020
A famous movie character once said, "A relationship, I think, is like a shark. You know? It has to constantly move forward or it dies. And I think what we got on our hands is a dead shark."

That's why I liked the fact that cleverly buried just under the gauzy layer of whimsy and oh-so-sweet angst of this film is the story that one of the memorable features of the 'Sandcliff's Summer of '64," a celebration in the seaside town of the film's main characters, is a shark that washed ashore, referenced throughout the film by way of an eye kept in a jar of formaldehyde, and then shown briefly in a background black-and-white picture.

Anyway, Juliet, Naked was at least a little funny and interesting from the aspect of fan obsession versus real life, and I did laugh on occasion. It's too bad that one of the characters had to be such a clod.
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Really wanted to like it
schuwomann11 April 2021
This movie started out interesting but fell flat. I don't mind movies that don't seem to be about much of anything, but at least give us some intriguing characters, some humour, thoughtful dialogue, some romance, some heart, some sort of development. Disappointing to see these great actors in such a flop film. Was particularly excited to see Ethan Hawke but would much rather see him in a better movie and role. And there was little chemistry between him and Rose.
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Really underrated simplicity
amyvsings10 July 2019
This film is so simple and intelligent. Ethan Hawke is brilliant both as an actor and a real musician. He performs both roles beautifully. Rose Byrne is never less than perfect. This film has so much heart in a way that is understated and not pretentious in any way. Beautiful scenery, plus a great soundtrack that includes Ethan Hawke doing a fantastic cover of The Kinks Waterloo Sunset along with some great tunes for the film. Interesting characters and story. The type of film I will watch more than once. I really enjoyed it.
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Juliet Needs a Remix !
spookyrat126 April 2019
"Irresistible", "Delightful", "Warm", "Smart", "Funny", "Charming"! These are the adjectives used to describe Juliet, Naked on the front of its DVD box. There are moments throughout the film that do reflect such descriptive words, but in all honesty, the distributors should have also added awkward and (mildly) disappointing.

Can I say at the outset, if you've seen the trailer, which I found quite attracting, you've arguably seen the funniest parts of the movie and heard the most humorous lines. The trailer posits the movie as a kind of light-hearted romp. It's really anything but that.

Juliet Naked tells the story of a quietly appealing museum curator Annie and her relationships with 2 extremely immature, though somewhat likeable men. Chris O'Dowd plays her long term and obviously out of touch partner Duncan, a college teacher who is obsessed with Tucker Crowe played by Ethan Hawke, an obscure musician whose last work was released 25 years ago. Through the course of the narrative we see Annie spending time with both men and its pretty obvious with all their extremely well-detailed shortcomings, neither will satisfy her in the long run. She finally decides to take matters into her own hands, which I figure she had every right to do, about 80 minutes earlier the she does.

The leads give it their all and the fact that the film ultimately doesn't work is through no fault of theirs. Rose Byrne in particular is just captivating (arguably more than the character of Annie should be) and really holds the film together. Her scenes with Jackson, Tucker's 6 year old son are especially noteworthy, in gently expressing her desire to have a child of her own. Chris O' Dowd and Ethan Hawke both also have their moments, but their characters, as written, are just so disagreeable, especially the very self-absorbed Duncan. And we find that Tucker comes with enough baggage to warrant a degree in railway portering. The script based on a book by Nick Hornby, needed to be a few shades lighter in tone.

There are some pleasant moments. The locations are great especially those set on the English coast. Tucker's somewhat chaotic familial dysfunction revealed during his hospital stay is certainly amusing. And the musical highlight of Tucker agreeing to play Waterloo Sunset at the museum anniversary is well nigh enchanting for a few brief minutes.

But ironically some of the funnier scenes occur in the post credits segment (set a year later) of Duncan reviewing the latest Tucker Crowe release. For the movie itself, it hits the right notes, but it all comes too late.
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I must be dead inside.
luckyallstar13 November 2018
Looking at some of these high scores/reviews I was wondering whether we saw the same movie.

This movie is so mundane, uninteresting and boring. Nothing about it could captivate me. Yes, obviously I must be one of those people who are only interested in action/comedy. Alas, no. I find many genres captivating. But the point is, they have to captivate me one way or the other. Be it suspense, comedy, interesting topic, artistic/aesthetic cinematography or music, interesting/witty dialogues and characters. Anything can be used to captivate a viewer. And all of it is missing in this movie.
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Sweet and honest, a delightful rom-com.
JohnDeSando28 September 2018
Juliet, Naked is a rom-com with its head on straight. Neither over the top nor dark, it strikes the right tone of realism and romance despite the formulaic approach of boy meets girl, etc. Rose Byrne's protagonist, Annie, a smart and strong-willed anthropologist and curator at a small museum in a Brit seaside town, has a balanced profile of wit and realism. She's a lady not easily seduced by ancient rocker, Tucker (Ethan Hawke), who comes into her life via the Internet and her boyfriend, Duncan (Chris O'Dowd).

Typically for a romantic comedy, Annie is bored with professor/lover Duncan and finds his scholarly preoccupation with Tucker to be tedious. Until she meets Tucker, and the real romance of this comedy begins.

Director Jesse Peretz and his writers skillfully adapted the Nick Hornby novel to keep the tone light despite a heart attack and multiple progeny by different women having Tucker scramble for sanity when they all meet in the hospital. That is one of the film's fine moments of a lunatic family reunion. Contrasting the de-riled family, Annie turns out to be an anchor for Tucker, with whom she had already formed an Internet connection.

The nice thing about this budding romance is it's slow, not sex filled, and rooted in a skepticism on both sides that rings true in the face of a rom-com formula frequently demanding instant passion and commitment. Even Duncan, his scholarly interest in Tucker bordering on obsessive, comes off as in love with Annie, but not silly, just self-absorbed and oblivious to her needs.

Juliet, Naked is a fresh take on the rom-com, easy going and poignant, but infused with enough love to make the romance authentic and the comedy light enough to allow for genuine affection in the face of daunting family and professional intrusions.
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Don't go expecting the book
eloiserosas2 September 2018
Enjoyable but not as diverting as the book. The book is actually a bit slow, but has depth and character development. The movie is also a bit slow but lacks depth. I hate to say it, but the Rose Byrne is such a sad weak sack that she is not sympathetic or interesting. Ethan Hawke and Chris O'Dowd are very well cast, as are all of the children. I would have liked to have seen more of them, especially the twin boys.
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Not bad not incredible
bastos13 March 2021
Harmless romcom that has some charm but also some annoying elements which prevent it from being very good. Rose Byrne and Ethan Hawk star and do a good job as the woman in a hapless relationship and the washed up rock star respectively. Their relationship is well developed and there's a touch of nostalgia that I liked. But this brings me to one of the things I hated about this movie which is the Chris O'Dowd character, an actor I usually like. His character is so cartoonish and over the top that I couldn't connect with anything related to him. Granted he's not a huge part of the story, but has enough presence to make me dislike much of the movie. Everything else is fine and I would just like to mention Azhy Robertson that does a really good job as Ethan Hawke's son. It's not a terrible movie I just found some characters and situations very stereotypical and not very inspired, but it still earns my recommendation.
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AmazingCinema24 October 2020
Dramatic comedy pervaded from beginning to end with music and the typical English humor that accompanies its strengths and weaknesses at every level. Funny and sentimental story, two people who rebuild themselves thanks to the help of each other, this is the leitmotif of the film thanks to a story that fits perfectly one step after another even if with a certain difficulty , and to two main performers - Ethan Hawke and Rose Byrne - who give their contribution. The use of multimedia via the internet and the theme of women who want to be mothers and who are unable to do so are interesting. Not a masterpiece, but a pleasant film for a relaxing evening with your partner or friends.
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Juliet Naked
btreakle9 February 2020
Juliet naked the title is a little misleading. I love Rose Byrne. Annie and Ethan Hawke was very good in this film as well.
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One can never know everything about someone
JankiSharma26 August 2018
Juliet, Naked Based on Nick Hornby's novel and directed by Jesse Peretz is awesome. Nick Hornby's novels are very interesting and are always a treat to watch on the big screen ( An Education, Wild, Brooklyn). Rose Byrne as Annie, is very realistic as a very down-to-earth grown up in a grown up relationship with her boyfriend Duncan ( excellent acting by Chris O'Dowd). Duncan is obsessed with music and life of Tucker Crowe for more than 2 decades . Ethan Hawke is terrific as Tucker Crowe, a musician , who vanished from public eye for decades. But Duncan thinks he knows everything about Tucker. Annie is not quite as obsessed and Duncan does not like that Annie does not get his passion and he seeks love elsewhere. Annie and Tucker are now website friends. Screenplay is great. The hospital scenes with Tucker on bed after angioplasty surrounded by kids with different women and Annie in the room are hilarious. The scenes on the beach when Duncan sees Tucker face to face and has no clue why Annie was seeing an older man are done extremely well. I enjoyed the movie a lot. Great acting. Ethan Hawke has done some great roles and is great as Tucker Crowe. excellent editing.
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A charming distraction but there's not much to it
turner-wfu28 November 2021
This is a movie which is charming because the lead actors all mesh well and the plot doesn't attempt to carry more than it's designed to. The plot is fairly simplistic, there's not much movement during the movie, not much "happens", but we get to see some folks interacting in largely believable and relatable fashion, even if there is the requisite minor absurdity necessary to kick off romantic comedies. It's really not quite a romantic comedy--the comedy is pretty light and the romance is too. It's mostly in the genre of "slice of life" mixed with a little romcom spirit.
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A romance free rom com.
semmian-9334530 December 2018
A romantic comedy with very little to no romance in it. Rose Byrne was miscast - she's way too good looking to believe as so romantically hard up. Chris O'Dowd was funny but had the unfortunate role as the irritating dweeb boyfriend. And I never believed the romance between Rose and Ethan Hawke. They didn't spend enough time convincing us that they could basically fall in love through email and a short stressful visit. She acted too hard up and he obviously just wanted to sleep with her. To cap it off, as with every movie about a made up rock star we have to endure the most boring mundane tunes as the rockers music.
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What a funny, sweet and delightful movie!
gieslersue17 August 2018
Everyone was laughing in the movie theater. The jokes are subtle, clever, original. Convincing acting, real characters, none of that fake, plastic Hollywood thing. I'll even watch it again!
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liveyouradventure30 December 2018
A nice heartfelt warm movie enjoy it with a bottle of wine.
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Cliched and Disappointing
pc9519 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've liked Rose Byrne in some other movies, but this one not so much. Directed poorly by Jessie Peretz with a bit of maudlin script, the storyline of the movie is unappealing and smacks of self-satisfaction. There's hints of pretentiousness thrown in by making the Hawke character an aged rock star, but of course washed up for good measure and flawedness. The script is the main problem of this movie. Then there's the editing - following like the sheep herd with folksy soundtrack numbers littered here and there to manufacture poignancy. It's not the worst movie out there, but probably not worth watching, and certainly garnering an inexplicable number of 10/10 reviews - very overrated. 5/10 is probably is charitable .
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