Non-Transferable (2017) Poster

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Didn't get very far.
Onetrack9724 February 2020
The premise is good, unfortunately execution is poor. Couldn't finish this movie.

Production quality, writing, and directing are all poor.
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Jump in
beatpoetgord12 June 2021
My wife Coco and I enjoyed the film. Just go on a holiday and find love.
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This movie is just plain bad...
Pelowski27 February 2017
I purchased this movie to watch with my wife. I really like Romantic Comedies (more than she does in fact) and from the reviews and a quick review of the premise, I thought this would be a great movie choice for us. (At the time of this writing, it's rated 9.2/10 on IMDb.) And considering it cost $5.99 to rent and $9.99 to buy on Amazon, I thought, "It looks cute, we'll probably watch it again at some point, I should buy it!" My wife cautioned against the move. (Lesson to be learned: Trust your bride's intuition!)

I feel I've been duped. The reviews must be from friends and family of the filmmaker because this film is bad... I mean BAAAAAADDDDDDD.

1. The writing is bad. 2. The acting is beyond bad. 3. The story arc is truly worse than bad. 4. The premise is actually not bad at all. 5. But the execution is... well... you guessed it.

I really wanted to like this movie, I did. But as my wife kept making fun of it, and the fact that I chose to purchase it, I had to concede that yeah, it was terrible. I'm writing this review to save others from making this mistake. Don't believe all the 10/10 "friends and family" reviews... that is what we call "crazy-talk". My wife highly-encouraged me to write this review (after some 10 years of rating things on IMDb, it's my first review) because I think she thinks it's our duty to the Internet or something. In fact, she was legitimately upset that I gave it a 2/10. She thinks it doesn't deserve that high a rating. I could at least see where they were going with a half-way decent premise that was then shot to hell by poor execution.

Save yourself. If a 9.2 rating for this movie (on the level of a "Shawshank Redemption" or a "Godfather") seems too good to be true, it's because it absolutely and totally is.
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Fun, Cheesy and Simple
schniggityschnoogschnug15 February 2017
A cute romantic comedy set in today's social media world. Highly recommend for teenage and young adult audiences. It's not the greatest rom-com but it definitely has some fun moments and beautiful locations. Ashley and Brendan are likable and have some good chemistry. More than anything I see this movie as a great starting point for their careers.

I purchased the movie to support the creators and I don't regret it, but I would not have regretted a one-time rental from Amazon either.
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A Truly Dreadful Movie
markwoolley-6444214 September 2017
Viewer beware the swathe of positive reviews on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes that spontaneously came out when this film was released. This is truly awful. The plot is dire, the acting dreadful - there is nothing to recommend it. The film was produced in cooperation with the Turkish Ministry of Tourism and Turkish Airlines and is a shameless video postcard for the country. I got mugged by the positive reviews and we selected this as a family film to watch - we couldn't even finish it. I only hope this warning will save other people their time and money!
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It's really sweet
Gordon-1118 January 2018
This film tells the story of a woman who planned a dream holiday for her boyfriend as a surprise anniversary gift. Her boyfriend dumps her, and she decides not to waste the non transferable tickets.

The story follows the typical romantic comedy formula, but it really works. The leads are attractive and they just match each other well. The story is so sweet, and there are lots of really funny jokes. The scenery is beautiful as well. I really enjoyed it.
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Flawed but fun kitsch and charm
I_Ailurophile8 November 2021
Let's get the difficulties out of the way first: 'Non-transferable' is easily dated. It was released just a few short years after star Ashley Clements found great success as a modern vlogger variant of the 'Pride and prejudice' protagonist in 'The Lizzie Bennett Diaries,' and references here to Clements' character Amy vlogging feel like a bit of a contrivance. Other bits of dialogue speak to the "YouTuber" trend that had just exploded (blech), to the predominance of social media in framing social interactions and relationships at a time when many movies were jumping on that bandwagon (no thanks), Vine (throwback!), and other such mid-2010s peculiarities.

Moreover, the pace is blisteringly fast-paced; dialogue and scenes fly past with a swiftness that allows no shot or beat to manifest, breathe, and resolve of its own accord. As slick, stylish, smart, and snappy as the movie is in all regards, it's a little overbearing and strenuous in its construction, and too clever for its own good. And, with that said - even by the standards of the romantic comedy genre, the frequent and rapid shifts in tone for much of the length is a tad off-putting - happy and pleased one moment, dour and reflective the next, then acerbic and biting.

That's the bad news. Sure, there's a fair bit of it. If you can get past the outright forcefulness, though, and the undeniably ham-handed nature of it all - 'Non-transferable' is a romcom, yes, but it's a reasonably good one.

The frailties that present as inelegance in an otherwise dreamily graceful whimsy are unfortunate. And keep in mind the genre at hand - we get plenty of familiar tropes, a story that as a whole is unsurprising, and the expected dubious lack of authenticity. But the premise is a minor stroke of brilliance, and filmmaker and co-star Brendan Bradley demonstrates capable writing and direction in building his characters, scenes, and narrative. It's all shoved through the heavy-handed grinder of a romantic comedy, yet even so, Bradley's abilities shine through. I'm familiar with some of his other works on the web, and now that I've seen his first full-length feature - I'd like to see more.

For that matter, Clements and Bradley are great as chief characters Amy and Joshua. The two are hardly strangers to one another, and have collaborated on other projects across the Internet. Here, that same energy is poured into roles that for much of the length play off one another with a somewhat combative mentality. I've seen the range, nuance, and poise that Clements is capable of, and she exhibits it here as well. Bradley is marginally less prominent in the screenplay, but stands toe to toe with Clements while boasting a certain magnetic personality. The supporting cast is less noteworthy, but duly give life to their parts.

All aspects of the technical craft are quite fine, and I appreciate the contributions of wardrobe, hair, and makeup. What is perhaps most remarkable about 'Non-transferable' is the very fact of the production, centered around the root concept of travel: there is no major financial backing to speak of; the stars are recognizable to niche audiences, but hardly A-listers; there's no multi-million dollar production company that fronted the cash for filming on location in Turkey. This feature came into being purely from the passion and determination of those involved, successfully working with sponsors including airlines and hotels to help make the picture a reality. There's something marvelously ambitious and admirable about such an endeavor, and even if the final product is imperfect, Bradley is to be commended for taking such fantastic, daring initiative. It was a gamble - and faults aside, it's much more of a success than it's not.

Make no mistake, the movie has its problems. But I'm inclined to think that these come from a place of earnestness, and not lack of skill. The sometimes cringe-worthy camp that fills some scenes can be attributed to leaning wholly into the nature of the romantic comedy. The gracelessness of the pacing can surely be attributed to a tight budget, and filming schedule, that demanded as much content as possible be slammed through the shortest length possible. I'm not saying that this altogether absolves the feature of its flaws, but one has to keep perspective.

What it comes down to is that 'Non-transferable' is a romantic comedy, and that alone should pare down the audience - if it's not the type of film you can abide in the first place, then direct your browser elsewhere. Even for viewers who can appreciate such features, in a genre that commonly marks films' constituent parts with a measure of gawkiness, this isn't free of issues. But it nonetheless has a certain cheesy charm to it that's appealing, and the hard work that went into producing the movie adds significant value, too - we need to support independent filmmakers. Fan as I am of stars Bradley, and especially Clements, this isn't necessarily a picture to go out of your way to see. Still, if you have the opportunity - minding notable but mild shortcomings, 'Non-transferable' is a reasonably fun romcom, and not at all a bad way to spend 83 minutes.
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Truly Awful !
helen-607-13807913 August 2017
I'm being generous by giving it a 3 ! Predictable , stilted and basically a teenage girls type film. Worse still I watched it based on IMDb rating of 8.1 ...after all that's Shawshank Redemption territory .. so it must be good . What I didn't spot was there were only 94 reviews ... they must have come from the cast and crew and their families. My advice ..don't bother watching it
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So... Pretty terrible.
parkenschris18 June 2023
Not much to say. Watched this on a lack of finding something entertaining on Prime. Its an hour and 23 minutes of my life ill never get back.

Acting was awful.

Concept was good, but was poorly written and the follow through was even worse. Makes me wonder who read the script and agreed to fund it. Possibly just a hour 23 min advertisement for Turkish Airlines and the Turkey tourism board?

Other reviews rating 10/10 make me wonder if they even watched it, or used substance beforehand.

Don't waste your time. Read a book or something before turning to this for entertainment. I promise you will regret it.
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A lovely show about Romance starting off of the wrong footcivers
lippylip2622 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are several detractors who have panned the film saying that all the positive reviews are all done by the actors, directors and friends families to give the movie a good rating Well both my wife and I are none of those We been married for 45/47 years and loved the show It is a mixture of several other shows we love and like Legally Blonde (LB), Letters to Juliet (LTJ) and Just My Luck (JML) A girl who is deeply in love with her boyfriend thinks that the dinner date that was arranged was going to be a wedding proposal and had secretly bought two tickets for a surprise trip to Turkey Instead her boyfriend breaks up with her (ala LB) She is shattered and is left with four choices Cancel the trip and not go, sell the tickets or find a substitute Unfortunately for her the tickets are non transferable so she can't sell them She always wanted to see the world so cancelling the trip was a no go So that left her with finding a substitute with the same name (Ala Just my Luck) So under the persuasion of her two best friends they seek out prospective boyfriends but all they come up with are not suitable Finally they whittle it down to the last one and she has no choice but to take him along They do not get on very well in the beginning because in her eyes he's just a travel companion and not worthy of her full attention Also she finds him nerdy and boring but then she discovers his hidden talents that she and her friends had failed to pick up during their initial investigations of him She starts warming up to him and he acts a real gentleman refusing to sleep in the bed with her or taking advantage They fight and scream at each other but slowly they learn to accept each other's foibles Matters come to a head when they due to catch a ferry to their next destination but because he is late they miss the boat by minutes They try leap onto the ferry but instead land up, cases and all in the water They are picked up by another boat and taken to theor next port of call At this point the man that plucks them out of the water remarks that they must be very much in love to have both jumped into the eater From there on the budding romance blossoms and they fall in love Meantime Ami's friends discover that Joshua had another girlfriend and informs her But just before they manage to break the news to her via Skype or what ever video conference call they communicate on she finds a ring in Joshua s pocket and thinks he's going to propose to her She puts the ring on then her friends call her She's excited to tell them but they scream at her to listen and break the news to her She is shattered and their relationship sours She is coolish towards him but she had a problem She couldn't take the ring off as it was too tight so after he proposes to her with the empty ring box (he had not checked if the ring was there) the go to have the ring cut off They then go their separate ways and it looks like the end but it's far from over Joshua goes to see his other girlfriend and discovers that she had fallen out of love with him and was sleeping with someone else He leaves then travels the world jumping into different pools, waters and lakes taking photos of himself She in the meantime is not very happy but then her one friend discovers what Joshua is doing and makes Ami do a post telling her side of the story when Joshua arrives and the two of them make up Unfortunately I never saw the clip after the credits so can't really comment on what happened afterwards but from what I saw of it it looks like it was something very positive We enjoyed the show very much and would definitely watch it again Sadly it was just a one time showing on the TV channel so hopefully it will be shown again someday
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Non-Negotiable: This is bad
Prismark107 December 2017
Non-Transferable starts off well enough. Amy Tyler (Ashley Clements) is a high concept travel agent who surprises her boyfriend, Josh Merit with a surprise trip to Europe. He breaks up with her instead.

Now stuck with reservations in her ex-boyfriend's name, her friends suggest that if Amy cannot change the tickets then she should find a guy with the same name as her ex. Change the guy not the tickets. So they hit the internet and find an alternative Josh (Brendan Bradley) an easy going laid back kind of guy in contrast to Amy who has micromanaged her trip in great detail.

The moment the alternative Josh arrives things start to go downhill with the film in terms of the script and the quality of the acting. They constantly bicker, be petty, slowly fall in love as they travel through Turkey and then start to argue again. The story is the pits.

Amy is irritating, no wonder her boyfriend had enough. Her friends are annoying, it is a surprise her boyfriend did not go postal on them. Worse still when they find alternative Josh they did not even check his online profile out to find out what he does or that he speaks various languages. In fact Amy goes on a holiday with a stranger and does not even ask him basic questions when they first meet.

Brendan Bradley who plays alternative Josh also wrote and directed this mess. It is a tiresome film but at least he got the Turkey Tourism Board to invest in it.
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A great film about love, life, and the non-refundable ticket it takes to find both
cordelldyer14 March 2017
Wow, where to start. In truth I was skeptical about Non-Transferable before I saw it. I know it sounds horrible, but I've supported other friends in LA over the years by watching their films, but it was always hard for me to write honest reviews because frankly I didn't resonate with their finished products. Brendan's film, however, was such a pleasant surprise. I'm so proud of him; I can see his unique style in every part of this passion project. It's a touching film that truly entertains from start to finish.

The great thing about this film is it doesn't try to be something nostalgic or similar to rom-com's of the past, instead engaging in a new kind of story that echoes the pains and passions of millennials and beyond. Ashley Clements and Brendan Bradley have amazing chemistry; if you're like me you'll be rooting for them to wind up together even early on. The stand out character that drives everything, however, is the locations. You can see the passion felt for these places, the love of history and culture there. You feel like you're along for the ride, traveling with them, and very few films succeed in that regard.

Ashley Clements as Amy is funny, quirky and adorable. She kicks the common romance heroine to the curb in favor of someone who is layered, complicated, and tenacious. Brendan as Joshua is perfect to match her, and the film picks up momentum once he appears on screen. I've always known Brendan was talented, but he definitely challenges himself in this role and delivers a funny, appealing and at times tortured character with pure finesse. Between the two of them, their on-screen chemistry propels the film forward and the locations do the rest.

The score can placate the scenes from time to time, but truthfully that's the only qualm I can think of. This is a great film about modern love, about the way we think our lives are "supposed" to go, and what happens when it doesn't. Within the words of this script there's a love story here not just for the two main characters, but for anyone who's ever felt lost or beaten. I can't wait to see where this film goes, and what Brendan has up his sleeve for his next project. Bravo.
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I mean if you really have nothing else to watch
foxtrotmarie12 July 2019
I was in the mood for romcoms, and this sounded interesting.

The idea of a movie made in cooperation with the tourism board of the country being traveled in the movie is interesting.

The idea behind the plot was adorable.

The plot itself was cliche as can be.

The acting was forced and read from the script.

If you have absolutely nothing else to watch it's an okay time waster but it's not good.
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mcc-084452 March 2020
Poor writing, directing and acting. Waste of beautiful backdrops.
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Drama Queen Movie of the Year
docm-323048 March 2021
This movie is so overrated...plain and simple. Every actor in it is just plain bad and a drama queen regardless or orientation. Katie Wee and Matt Montgomery are over the top bad. Even the costuming is ridiculous. I wanted to like this flick and the premise was not bad, though recycled from others, but as they say, Hollywood hasn't had an original idea in decades. Terrible writing and direction and every trendy thing of the day is forced into this in a feeble attempt to appear in step with the millennials. Definitely do not recommend.
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LukeCustomer21 April 2019
Thankfully I didn't pay for this and saw it on amazon prime. The script was poor. Everything was strained. From the start the guy starts acting strangely so they have have "wacky" scenes. The acting was bad - like robots stating dialog. The execution is bad, when they finally kiss it is out of no place for no apparent reason. And my god, can we really call it a European vacation if you are just in Turkey the whole time?
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Take a leap into the ocean!
mjmazza15 February 2017
As a person with usernames like wand3rlust and mustlovemaps, who loves to travel, is an aspiring travel blogger, and watches or reads almost anything travel/travelogue related, it's practically a given that I would love Non-Transferable. It's helped by the fact that I'm nearly as much of a Jane Austen fan (and therefore a huge fan of Ashley Clements' due to the wildly popular Lizzie Bennet Diaries series) and so I found out about this little gem because of her.

What I didn't expect was for this film to really come into my life at the perfect moment with such a positive and inspirational message of hope and optimism. Sometimes as millennials we get so mentally trapped by what should happen in our lives rather than what IS happening. Or worse yet, when things are difficult, we feel so trapped by what is happening that we can't see how we might get out of it. This is not to say those fears are unfounded (they aren't) but it's nice to have a reminder that good things can still happen with bumps in the road.

As a single, childless, 33 year old woman, I know full well what it's like to be disappointed with aspects of "The Dream TM" not going the way previous generations told us it would if we just followed the road-map they set down for us. It can be hard to pick yourself back up and look at other options. But this film shows that sometimes you have to just go with the flow and let life take you on a new path, even if it's scary. As a friend of mine once told me, something that might feel like a setback now, could just be a perfect opportunity to catch your breath and re-group. And really that's the message at the heart of this movie.

I loved the fun uses of social media, the entrepreneurial spirit to this film with Amy and her creative business sense and I think it's a refreshingly nice look at millennials and how we see and interact with the world around us.

I love a good indie rom-com (or drama) with fun travel elements to them. I think it's because travel makes us more honest versions of ourselves. If you like good travel- themed films like Wild, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Chasing Liberty, Take Me Home, and Leap Year then I think you'll enjoy this fast paced and fun film. A solid film from this fresh young group of actors, directors, cinematographers, etc.

P.S. I'm curious why the delightful Brendan Bradley isn't listed as the second lead star as "Joshua Merit"? Hopefully IMDb will correct that since it seems a dis-service to not highlight Brendan's his easy charm on screen with his co-star Ashley Clements in addition to his writing and directing talents.
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No, No and No!
co-mei17 January 2018
This movie is so bad, there should be an option of giving 0 stars. Why?

The plot is awful (boring and predictable). And I know most romantic comedies are, but in this one there is not one interesting twist or moment of "hope" or longing or anything other than - "how much longer does this string of uninteresting events last". The script is.. I don't even know how to say this politely, but there is not a single line being said, that is even remotely interesting, cute or even funny. The acting is terrible! Just terrible. The lead actress is beyond annoying. The lead actor too.

Do NOT waste a minute on this movie. It's truly terrible.
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Hated it
jazz-735411 April 2018
Whining interesting characters. Really stupid story. It could have been a lot better but unfortunately it wasn't.
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crasil7 January 2024
Even if it is evident from the beginning how the plot is developed, I hoped that some irony, humor, or misunderstanding between characters could made the story exciting. But it wasn't the case.

The usual cliches, nothing new, nothing original except somehow the premise of finding someone having the same name of the former boyfriend.

The actors aren't that bad, but anyone could act decently their roles.

Maybe teenagers can appreciate.

I can't believe some people rated this film 10!! I hope cast's friend and family. I read at beginning the film was rated more than 9/10, now it is less than 6/10, that is anyway too much.
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Romantic Comedy-- must see
ibest-473307 November 2017
I have read the other reviews, and have no idea what they are talking about. Brendan, your movie is funny, entertaining, and you took me to places I would LOVED to have been to. Ashley Clements, you are adorable! Non-Transferable is a delightfully wacky, unpredictable love story. I LOVED the part when you jump in! Your silly banter with Brendan Bradley is charming, incredibly likable and I found myself truly laughing out loud. I hope more people can find this gem, and can't wait for the next sweet silly adorably delightful movie you put out. I am putting this right next to my copy of Leap Year! Good Luck -n- God Bless.
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A film as beautiful, funny, warm, and magically romantic as its setting in Turkey
ed-26315 February 2017
Non-transferable is a film that reminds me of the great romantic comedies of the 1990s, updated for the modern world of the internet and the sharing economy. Amy, having been dumped by her boyfriends after she buys a non-refundable, nontransferable romantic trip to Turkey for them both, searches for someone of the same name to bring with her, so the trip is not a total waste. Amy is played by the remarkably talented Ashley Clements, one of the finest comedic actors of her generation. The person she finds to replace her old boyfriend is played by the extremely appealing Brendan Bradley. You want to spend time with these two people, and they take you on a whirlwind tour of Turkey, from Constantinople to Ephesus to Capadoccia, as the characters find out whether life needs to be planned down to the last moment, or whether occasionally you should just live life as it happens to you. Warm, funny, at times joyous, this film is for everyone looking for love or already in love. Highly recommended.
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Such a cute film!
iceskaterlife15 February 2017
This movie is just delightful. I've been waiting for it come out for over a year, and it did not disappoint. I have a feeling I'll be re- watching it many times over. Amy and Joshua go on a whirlwind, rom com adventure to Istanbul, Cappadoccia, Ephesus, the Aegean Sea, and other hidden gems all over Turkey. It's truly a love letter to Turkey, and the entire movie is gorgeously shot. The dialogue is charming and witty, and the characters are immensely likable. This is such a cute, feel-good movie filled with banter and shenanigans and a healthy sprinkle of rom com staples. If you're interested, there are also a ton of videos on their YouTube channel showing how they managed to film this gorgeous movie with a tiny crew and plenty of moxy. Highly recommend!
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A fun viewing adventure
poohtwins23 March 2017
My friends and I watched this movie during a girls weekend, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. To be fair, we were already fans of Brendan Bradley and Ashley Clements; that notwithstanding, I really enjoyed the story line, the humor, and the chemistry. It was also really fun to see other actors who have worked with them on previous projects making cameos in this film. The story was engaging and the scenery was stunning.

I also love the concept behind partnering with local tourism boards, artisans, and businesses to make a film like this, and I am excited for how this film explores new ways of getting films made and of exposing audiences to different cultures.

I highly recommend this for when you want a fun romantic comedy to enjoy!
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A deliciously fun, indie rom-com!
imagine-7278814 March 2017
This film has been on my list ever since I saw that it would reunite some of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries cast-and it was exactly as much fun as I thought it would be! Lovely cinematography, a great script, and sublime acting make this movie a must see for rom-com fans, Lizzie Bennet fans, snow days, and nights in!
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