Viking (2016) Poster


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Viking review
JoeytheBrit22 June 2020
A visually sumptuous examination of the introduction of Christianity into Medieval Russia slyly disguised as a blood-and-thunder action epic. The complexities of the storyline might put off action fans seeking an adrenaline rush, but it's a rewarding watch for those looking for some thematic depth to go with their visceral battle scenes.
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A flawed grand scale epic, but still worth watching.
bryantturner-6629823 January 2017
I saw this movie in St. Petersburg, Russia last weekend. I don't know Russian history in-depth so I can only evaluate this film as entertainment (not a history lesson). This film is made on a grand scale and it shines in some of the epic battle scenes of which there are plenty. Others didn't fare as well as they were filmed in dark fog which made them tedious and hard to watch. When the battle scenes work, they work well but when they don't, they slow the film's momentum. I also felt the story left me dangling by not doing any followup on Vladimir's relationships with with his young wife Rogneda, and Anne. All in all, the movie feels redundant after a while and runs a little too long. Still, that doesn't detract from some the fantastic battles earlier in the film which make this movie worth watching.
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Russian style
kosmasp22 January 2021
If you've seen the TV show Vikings, I do understand if you feel underwhelmed after watching this. But try not to compare - although tastes are different and I imagine even those not familiar with the TV show may not like what they see here. Be it the violence in combar or in sexual situations. The former are by far more of course.

Still this is well played out, even if I was confused at times to say the least. Like when Romans come into play, but you hear them speak Greek? I might have missed something and I don't mind at all to be honest, especially since I speak it and the characters were also quite fluent (which wasn't always the case in the Vikings show, no offense). Having said all that, this may be a bit long overall, but it still is tension filled and it still can be entertaining
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Hack & slash & fail
dreenphlanger15 April 2017
It is always difficult to make a movie based on historical facts. One must do a thorough research and properly put those facts in the movie. But one should also try to make that movie interesting and entertaining. Otherwise you'll get a protracted documentary.

First of all, the title has almost nothing to do with the story. The story indeed follows the historical facts, but is told in such a messy way, full of illogical, irrational and unjustifiable events and decisions that it is tiresome to watch. You will find illogicality and complete idiocy even during the fight scenes. Moreover, this movie has no specific plot, no higher agenda and no epic moments, which all makes it difficult for the spectators to connect with the story.

The story is practically about just one person and I kept wondering why it is so. Throughout the whole movie, the main character is completely and utterly useless, failing each and every challenge in front of him. Call it a paradox, but he somehow managed to fail even when he was winning. I wonder if director's decision was to purposely make this character so weak and clumsy. If it was, it's a bad decision because no one wants to watch a 2-hour movie where the main protagonist is a weakling and an idiot. If it wasn't, then the director has totally failed at his creation. I didn't "see" the main character. I didn't believe in him for one moment. He is not strong, he is not smart, he is not a great warrior, and not a great leader. So why is he the main character?

I do not blame any of the actors, they really did their best. I blame the writers and the producers for ruining the potential this story had. Thus, I do not recommend this movie, there are far better ways to spend your time than watching this nonsense.
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F#king sh%t
alexey-perepelkin8 May 2017
Really? Spend a 1 500 000 000 RUB & 7 years to film that bullshit? What a joke, and not a piece of true with a historic moments! Seems director and writer never read a book about that time! Prince Vladimir of Novgorod seems to be an idiot with no power in hand, it is not possible to become a powerful person with such of behaviar as he!

So do not recommend to watch it, at all!
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The spent 7 years filming this trash
ignatsavkin7 May 2017
7 years and a huge pile of cash was spent to create this completely non-watchable movie. It was positioned as the most accurate historical video document. Really?! In the very beginning they show a crossbow. In Russia. In 10th century. Really?! Helmets that they wear historically never existed. And so forth. The movie is full of moments that are not understandable and not related to the story line. Complete waste of time and money.
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Worth watching
alvardecampos27 March 2020
I party can understand the low rating, it is a bit strange movie, and maybe partly inaccurate (I'm not an expert on Russian history; a Russian friend I asked wasn't very convinced about the whole Viking dominance thing depicted in the movie in that period of history, but anyway). I gave it 7 stars for something that I think needs mentioning: it is one of the very few movies out there to include Byzantium. Hollywood doesn't even know what that is. 'Historical' american movies know only: Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, and maybe some thing up until the fall of the Western part of the Roman Empire at the most. After that: the complete vacuum. Well, at least this movie shows a very historically rich period. I liked the scene where the Russians talk with the Romans regarding marriage arrangements, where the Roman envoy speaks Greek, as was the case back then (and they're correctly called Romans in the movie, thus avoiding the anachronism typical of almost all English-speaking historical movies). In summary, definite must see for those interested in Byzantium.
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A shame
ivanzipfer7 May 2017
it's not a movie it's a shame full of absurd situation and absurd dialogue. Dialogue always trying to confuse but don't give you a real story. The press said that it would be a credible film but it's not Do not watch this trash. I'm serious I'm not a hater it's just a bitter truth. Shame on Russian movie...
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Avoid the dubbed version
billteller12 June 2021
I couldn't make it past 10 minutes. The English dubbing is horrible. I'll try to find the original Russian version with subtitles. The movie looks like it has potential. Just not dubbed.
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Decent depiction of the Rus
franqieboy3 July 2019
The Russians sure have a tradition to do majestic movies and this is aiming to follow in those footsteps. It has really nice settings, costomes and armour. When it comes to the script they have really worked hard to go to the sources and depict what we know of Ruriks decendants. It´s hard to follow though, and even if I know the storys since before I lose track on who is doing what. My interest in the period probably flavours me.

But, the fighting and acting is decent, and the fact that they have put the effort to bring a cast from different countries to bring deapth to the characters and cultures is really nice. I will watch this one again when I have the chance. Kudos for trying to keep close to the sources even if the old style is hard for a modern person to comprehend.
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Anti-historic unwatchable trash
pks-520 May 2017
A - Anti-historic

Those who say it's "historically accurate" are either shills hired by the marketing or really stupid and uneducated hillbillies.

This trash has less basis in real history than movies like "Lincoln Vampire Hunter". Everything "historic" on screen is profoundly and disgustingly fake. That goes for events, personalities, lifestyle, customs, architecture, warfare, weapons & armor...

If Vladimir the Great was alive today he'd sue for slander and instantly won big time.

U - Unwatchable

From purely cinematographical point of view, this is unwatchable trash, plain and simple. Acting and directing are way below traditional trash genre standards. Screenplay is devoid of any logic, consistency, or character development.

T - Trash

I believe the real purpose behind filming it was money-laundering, or something similar to what Uwe Boll did. Except any of the worst Boll's movies are much better than this trash.
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Did I watch a different movie?
rune_of_ruin9 July 2019
I really do not understand the rating and the hate for this movie. Is it because it was made by a russian and they speak russian in the movie? I can understand if thats the case, the hate for everything russian is strong in the world, and the language can be quite off putting. I had a bit of a hard time trying to remember the russian names...

BUT, this movie is really great. Definetly looks like a lot of money has been put into it. It definetly looks very authentic and realistic. I have no idea how historically correct this movie is with the story since I dont really know anything about Vladimir, but there are so many other things that would compensate for it. The fighting scenes for example are excellent. Never seen so realistic fights in a "viking" movie, not even in the show Vikings. It is also really nice to see that they make a good use of spears in this movie, which very rarely happens in viking movies, despite being the most cammon weapon.

I found the story exciting and there were not many dull moments in this movie, despite it being quite long. As a Swede it was also really nice to hear some swedish in this movie, and to see the swedish actor Joakim Nätterqvist, who played the swedish templar Arn in the movies about Arn.

I feel this movie is a strong 8, especially when you compare it to other "viking" movies the last decade. Like "Viking Legacy", "Viking Quest", "Viking the berserkers", "Vikingdom", "Northmen - A Viking Saga" etc. Those movies are a complete joke compared to this movie. Worse acting, worse dialogs, worse story, worse realism, worse budget etc.

I would definetly recommend you to give this movie a chance instead of trusting the rating and the reviews of this movie. They are absolutely not fair against this movie according to me.
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Not too bad.
alina_wk17 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Considering that we do not know what exactly happened in those times and we can only speculate on the events written about in various chronicles, I would say this movie is not too bad, trying to depict the Rus conversion into Christianity era. Personally I think Vladimir chose the Christian religion for convenience. It united his populace and in addition he a wife of imperial blood, which would have added some prestige for him on the European political stage. I do not think he was a great warrior, being surrounded by the Varangian mercenaries or councillors like his uncle Dobrynya, who possibly did all the fighting for him, or the traitors like Blud or Anastas who gave him clues (Blud betrayed Yaropolk and Anastas sent him clue about Cherson's water pipes), but I believe he was ok strategist. Movie in general is nicely shot, as close as possible to the brutal times. I would have preferred more details on how he chose the religion, such as sending envoys to Khazaria, Constantinople, Holy Roman Empire or the land of Jews. I think the scene with pushing down the boats on the Pechenegs was total nonsense, but ah well, I suppose that is how the movie director envisioned the events.
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Total waste of 2 hours of my lifetime + couple of brain cells dead of boredom
narenersesyan4 January 2017
After watching the whole movie in cinema, I couldn't really understand what has the title in common with the movie itself. Neither history, nor drama, this movie is a total mess of illogical actions and was scenes. A bunch of bearded Slavonic men screaming out loud and struggling with obviously fake weapon, having no philosophy, moral or logical basement in their head. So what? is it enough to be called viking? Is it enough to make a movie? My biggest problem was not the fact that nothing in the movie looked realistic or solid: the weapons, helmets and ships taken from various historical and cultural environment. I am not too mad about the fact, that I don't believe the dialogues and speech 10 centuries ago were the same as I hear on contemporary Russian streets. But to have no solid and logical story-line and no any well defined character who is conscious enough ... in a 133 minute-long movie? That's totally insane. Sorry, but no more nowadays Russian filmography!
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Title does not match with the story
melinaarshakyan4 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a person who loves Nordic legends, the movie title interested me and with high expectations i decided to watch. After first 30 minutes i was completely disappointed, since the movie was not about vikings and Nordic culture. It turns about to be about Kievan Rus, and only Nordic related story was the group of vikings invited to fight for the movie Hero (Vladimir). However it is not a reason to name the movie as "Viking". The second disappointment was the movie story which was unclear and uncertain. There happened a lot of actions without a certain purpose. Now after 2-hour movie watching i can not say what particularly was this movie about, whether it was about fight between brothers or it was about Christianity. In addition to these there were several elements which were not related to either Russian or Nordic culture such as boats with Greek elements, roman legionary clothes of warriors, and of course the fact of metallic water pipeline, which was invented in Russia after 12th century. As a conclusion i would suggest movie creators to conduct a research before misrepresenting the story.
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Illogical free interpretation of history in its worst.
kornuolis1 June 2017
This movie has nothing to do with history and actually art of movie. The story told in the movie has nothing to do to Russia. The actual story is about Kyivan Rus' that existed long before Russia appeared. Briefly: Volodymyr looks like stupid monkey with AK-47. Story is illogical, torn and lifeless. Lots of stupid, unhistorical events like boats sliding from the hill. Another crap movie wasted over 200mln dollars of taxes. Despite the budget decorations are poor, 2nd plan actors lazy and pretending. God, this movie so bad that even Uve Boll would film it better.
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Cinderella story in Russia
katewings14 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film is about illegitimate son's long journey to success.

Vladimir was the first one kill his brothers (was the first one to do so in known Russian history) and simultaneously marry multiple women while having harem full of virgins. This was before, during and after his new-found Christian faith. Was there something good in him? Yeah. He "loved his mother" who was a kind of slave to his grandmother Olga.

Thanks to so-called "peacefull conversion to Christianity" it took Vladimir Lenin just a minute to say "f@ck it" 1000 years after the events - and so-called religious Russia ditched it without much regret. Good job, both Vladimirs! Another reason for me to be ashamed of my compatriots - they care more about Vladimir's myth as a saint than about the lesson Russians should've learned from it. You cannot force love in any translation of this word from Greek: love for a woman (eros), brother (philia), mother (storge) or God (agape). Vladimir only loved his mother (according to his own words in the beginning, not his actions).

Modern Russian domestic vikings in the 90s have killed and robbed their own people to become "princes", just like Vladimir did. And now they're sponsoring Russian Orthodox Church because of her all-forgiving "you're OK, but give us money" motto. Funny that history repeats itself this way.

This movie is so bad it's actually good.
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Acting Out, Wannabee Vikings, Russkie Misfire
aubie8424 December 2018
Not Terrible, but certainly Not Engaging from a story or Entertainment value. It was like there was No script and they said just go... No Soul, No Charisma with Cast- scenery was great though- 2D characters and small Russian actors make for an undeveloped buy-in for viewer. Being a Viking fan, it's worth a watch for there is not much to choose from in this genre. But I think I nailed it at around a 6.5 for 90 percent of viewers. Lots of low key talk, no big scenes or battles, and no character to really root for or against. I like the effort, but it never really drew me in. Check it out if you got 2 ½ hours, and have seen all other Vikings, Arn, etc...
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EXTSOAK23 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The russian press marked this movie as a masterpiece and every one was expecting it. It were told that it's based on History and so on. But when I got to watch it I was shocked. Right in the beginning is a hunt scene with a crossbow. Rigth were it was already over with historical facts. And the movie contains a lot of this. The logic, dialogues, history and presentaion of the old russian population is just garbage.
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apocsrevenge11 November 2017
Where, oh where can a person in the United States see this film? Or, does anyone know if this film will be released in the U.S.? And for those of you who have seen this film, where and how did you see it???? Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Many thanks to those who have taken the time to review this film regardless of your opinion.
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Viking: Why didn't they Call it 'Vladimir the Great'?
niutta-enrico13 May 2017
A beautiful movie about Vladimir I of Kiev and a fine chance to get more familiar with Eastern Europe's Medieval History.

Shot with artistic talent and historical accuracy, the movie shows the clash between Scandinavian, Rus, Greek-Roman and Turkic populations at the dawn of the second Millennium.

And Russian historians are among the finest on this period (those who have an interest in Byzantine History know very well who Georg Alexandrovič Ostrogorsky was) so I would not agree with those who complained on this matter.

Calling the movie 'Viking' shows a sophisticated knowledge of Saint Vladimir's life. But it might be deceiving for greater audiences.
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Very confusing time line?
PakistanFilmUpdates6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing cinematography and battle scenes aswell talented actors but awful script for a story plot. I was convinced the film that vikings were in Russia and met Mongolians but than the Romans. Story shows it was a battle for a village home to hundreds of people, it looked epic showing a mix dispute between Christian and Nordia gods beliefs but, the script of the story slowly getting more odd and suddenly they just leave the village to conner a roman city, suddenly there was thousands of vikings? I thought they were defending their village from other rival vikings and Mongols. In the end the film was just promoting Christian in the worse anyoneing way, this film ruined my love for historical action flicks! The script writer is a creepy goon!
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Bad dubbing.
maria_mm78929 May 2019
It's not so much the bad dubbing but the dialogues are pretty bad so I'm not sure if some things were lost in translation. I still tried to finish the movie though I had to use the fwd button a few times to speed it up coz there were dragging moments in the movie. I like the message the movie was trying to convey in the end. But it could've been written better. I don't think everyone would want to watch this til the end of the movie.
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Not good
evg-plyasova17 June 2020
Very very bad. Fantastic but not real story! Just throwing money away.
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Interesting Interpretion of Historic Events put into Modern Historic Movie
jankovskijartiom8 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this movie has not much related to vikings, but rather a story about Kievan Rus and Vladimir who moved to the North in order not to fight his brother.. However, over the influence of his brother war fighters seeking revenge, he is forced to come back and kill his brother and try to lead the region.

It's a story about Vladimir, pagonist and barbaric Russia of that century, where no one could trust each other. Over time Vladimir finds the light and truth in Christianity, which was shown to him by Fiodor and Irina and finally acknowledges his mistakes. It was filmed in the typical style of Russians adding some human touch and soul into the film, over simple Hollywood "plastic" characters in the most action movies.

Main issue if this film, is that film producers, had too much material to put into short period of time. It would be better to split the film into 2 parts and let the viewer explore all the characters in more detail. In addition, fighting scenes required many more people as for me it seemed too few people fighting and needed thousands to make it more epic and realistic.

Overall, very good try to create a new interpretation of historical events.
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