Last Sentinel (2023) Poster


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A shambling mess of wasted opportunities
Sankari_Suomi6 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's the future, and everything's gone to ****! Swamped by rising tidal waters due to global warming, the world has been reduced to just two land masses, perpetually at war with each other.

Somewhere in the middle of the vast ocean, four tired soldiers on a sea fort are waiting impatiently for their relief shift, which is now well overdue. They send regular reports to their superiors, but never receive a reply. The fort houses an insanely powerful nuclear weapon, which the soldiers are authorised to use as a last resort.

When their relief boat arrives empty and battered, the soldiers must unravel the mystery and make some difficult decisions about the feasibility of survival and escape.

I really wanted to like this movie. The premise was solid, and the tiny cast of four could have worked. But the pacing was too slow, and at 2 hours, it was at least 30 minutes too long. This could have been mitigated by a powerful ending, but lack of creative vision resulted in an anticlimactic wheeze rather than the powerful statement it could have been.

It doesn't help that the whole thing is riddled with implausible plot points and inconsistencies that detract from the immersion.

I rate Last Sentinel at 16.65 on the Haglee Scale, which works out as a mediocre 5/10 on IMDB.
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"Event Nil"
daisukereds11 May 2023
Although the few actors and locations are very good for what seems a low budget movie, the pacing and tension works very well at the start, and the developments are smooth enough to carry the film for a while... the movie lasts two hours for a plot that is not particularly worth the wait, considering it doesn't stick the landing with its disappointing ending. The best compliment I can give it : it's not particularly bad or annoying at any point (see Interceptor for comparison purposes). But there's a lack of cohesion, specially with the message (if there even is one).. a lack of action, emotion, satisfaction or anything to hang on to.
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joesabin-7666328 March 2023
The title says it all. This movie drags on from one unclear moment to the next. After spending nearly two hours with it, I think it could have made an interesting short, not a feature length movie. To its credit and the actors' credit, they were fully realized and animated people. Very good character development and done very early in the film. But to what purpose? There are movies that leave open questions that one can think about and were created to good effect. In this movie, it leaves too many open questions that one can't resolve. In the end, I didn't care about the characters, I didn't care what they did or why they did it. The movie left me completely flat and disappointed I spent money and time to see it.
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rossmcdee130 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The cinematography is very good. The acting is good. The soundtrack works well, yet none of that can compensate for boring,ponderous direction and a shallow story.

Every scene in this is stretched to exasperating length. The 'obvious' thing to do or say is evade for dramatic effect which makes the whole film too contrived to take seriously, yet it is also devoid of any humour.

The opening moments give the viewer a lot of warning of what is to come.

A storm is raging and the crew on a the oil rig/military base is fishing. There are no security railings , nor do any of the crew wear safety harnesses .

They crew have been on the rig for over two years , yet the experienced mechanic gets his hand trapped behind some water pipes while trying to fix them.

A heavy metal hook from a crane is not secured and circling around the deck, just missing one of the crews head.

A massive wave is seen heading towards them, they take no evasive action and just stare at it...

The filmworld convolutions continue as soon as this threat passes- this story is set a few decades in the future yet Radio transmissions are archived on tape which would have oxidised and be useless.

Then we get the first conversational interaction , a unreasonable tantrum and lots of whispered dialogue that is impossible to hear clearly unless you turn the volume up , then back down as soon as the conversation ends.

I'm not sure what the point of the film is. Its premise is a simple minded, fear mongering climate change fantasy, where water levels have risen until most of the planet is submerged and two opposing fractions remain.

Maybe this would have been a decent film if it was a 40minute TV thing, but at 2 hours its a endurance test to get get through, and then doesn't really provide any entertainment , or later food for thought.
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Great for flat Earth theory people
tharley-614961 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is awful. I can't believe Kate Bosworth signed up for it.

Anyway the awfulness starts before any actors are seen.

We're shown a world map with only 2 land masses left at either end of the map who are in conflict and the "sentinel" in the middle.

As a globe theorist, this would put the 2 land masses next to each other and the "sentinel" on the other side of the world with no point.

Then we're meant to believe Kate's character just slipped out one evening to hijack the relief ship?

Nobody else noticed the ship when they were desperately waiting for it 2 months late?

Then when living in close proximity with 3 people she can sneak off to kills everyone on board, move the ship and then get back on a dinghy with an outboard motor with nobody noticing?

Anyway, they continuously show this world map which becomes increasingly more annoying for a globe theorist.
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Just can't trust IMDB raters anymore
wlevyiii16 April 2023
6.7?!? Great acting but the MOST boring movie ever! I give it a 3 at best. How anyone can say this was anything but boring is amazing.

I've seen every movie there is from the 1950s through present and there is nothing here beyond the acting. Story is stupid and undeveloped. You really have zero clue what the heck is happening the entire movie.

Casting the captain is a dead giveaway as what other role has this dude EVER played?

I don't have another 100 characters off stuff to say but this BS rule makes me keep going...

Bottomline unless you are into a 109% dialogue ZERO action flick, don't waste your money 👍🏽
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Pretty good B movie
Cosmotron42O30 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty good modern B movie. Slightly above average because the acting and the story is actually decent. As is the typical casewith these movies, the ending is hanging/disappointing, but not overly so. I've seen much worse.

Dirty oversimplified and opinionated plot summary

(spoilers after this point).

In a water world type of earth, two warring continents exist between a midway point where the sentinel is stationed. An oil-rig type of military platform. A skeleton crew of 4 expects overdue relief. A derelict ship washes up empty. The captain does not wish it investigated, thereafter everyone's behavior starts to get weird and things get complicated. Turns out there is a 20mt atomic bomb in the sentinel which will destroy both continents if activated, so it's like a deterrent for total war. Both sides apparently want it. In the end, 2 of them die to stupid internal bickering and conflicts, two survive with an uncertain end, but presumably they did the 'right thing.' for humanity and the seagulls.
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Someone Had a Point to Make, But Couldn't find a Plot
SAJK0077 May 2023
So. Let's examine Apocalypse movies. Good ones usually start with the world having ended for some undefined reason before portraying survival in this new world featuring some identifiable and relatable characters. Planet of The Apes, Night of the Living Dead, The Last Man on Earth ...the list goes on, but despite some retro social commentary often used to justify sequels, the movies were initially just good yarns, well produced and designed to entertain.

Then we have bad apocalypse movies which can also be well produced and have big budgets but they have to preach at you instead of letting you just watch and enjoy. Mostly, these have such a ludicrous premise to begin with because they don't really care about believability or entertainment, they just want to hammer you with their MESSAGE. Silent Running, Don't Look Up, The Day After Tomorrow, 2012 (actually, ANY Emmerich or Devlin film should just be avoided for fear of terminal mind rot) all are examples of people trying to cash in on the current trend for How The World Will End.

In the 60's, 70's and 80's it was nuclear war. Very briefly in the 90's and early 2000's the more believable Asteroid strike. Now it is anthropogenic Climate Change. The link between the bookending trends is mankind's greed and lust for power. For some reason we are meant to hate ourselves and those evil capitalists that refused to stop whatever they were doing until it was too late.

This film begins with that premise in the narrative and combines the 60's - 80's trend of post apocalyptic movies with the current one.

All that aside, I give the film 2 stars for acting and production and 1 star for great sets and effects. Unfortunately it loses a lot of stars for just making me tired of a genre I really used to enjoy.
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Good thriller
jb_campo22 December 2023
The featured review rated this 3 and boring. I totally disagree. The film subtly tells the story of what war does to people in various ways.

4 people (2 military, 2 civilian) are aboard this sentinel tower located between the only two countries left in the world after flooding has covered all other places. Ok, somewhat unbelievable.

This tower has a device that can change the fate for the entire planet and is meant as a fail safe device if the second country attacks this first country, who constructed this sentinel tower.

The problem is that they signed up for 2 years, and their relief is well overdue. They experience all sorts of communication issues. Then something appears, and changes the dynamics of the story. If you don't like growing tension, then I guess you'd call that boring, but I took it more as a who-done-it mystery.

Imagine being out in the middle of the ocean between two warring countries, and you are the last line of defense on a rotting decrepid metal structure. That enough creates the tension.

The captain is a tough military lifer, and he plays that role well. His corporel seems less strict but still follows his orders. The two civilians just want to get paid and go back to dry land.

There's plenty of story here, enveloped in rain, fog, mystery. The acting is decent as is the story. The cinematography does a great job of depicting the isolation, along with creepy noises and screenshots to ramp up the excitement.

I suggest you give it a view. Not a bad flick.

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Solid One
Tweetienator3 May 2023
Last Sentinel is a solid B-movie entry to the post-apocalyptic genre - but only if you are interested rather in story than in action only. Last Sentinel does not provide much action, nor is the story or the scenario that "new" but the execution is well done and I like the cast and their job done. So if you dig movies a la Air (Norman Reedus), The Divide (2012), 10 Cloverfield Lane, I Am Mother and the like, this one may provide solid entertainment time to you - all those movies have in common: a small group of people are confined to a place and got to fight for survival and against their own nature and angst.
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Bleak sci-fi for fans of the quiet and brooding side of cinema
I_Ailurophile11 August 2023
Who doesn't like a little bleak apocalyptic sci-fi every now and again? Pinpricks of fading hope are all but imperceptible amidst pervasive despair, and a remote outpost of humanity grapples with the madness of their circumstances and deep conflict of personalities. The details may differ slightly, but the scenario is very familiar. And why wouldn't it be - at the increasing rate at which humans are destroying our only planet and tearing ourselves apart, it's not a question of "if" but "when" cold hard reality mirrors science fiction, with a disparity of degrees and not whole numbers. Such sad truths inherently diminish the abject "entertainment" value of pictures like this, though that's not to say they can't be well done and satisfying. And sure enough, 'Last sentinel' is very sharply made, with admirable production values befitting what we would expect of any modern feature, and a couple recognizable stars. It's not specifically remarkable in any way that will set it apart from like-minded titles, but if one is in the mood for a thoroughly depressing movie and appreciates the space this plays in, it's a compelling, absorbing film and well worth checking out.

It's Kate Bosworth and Thomas Kretschmann who carry the star power in this small cast, but co-stars Lucien Laviscount and Martin McCann are noteworthy in their own right. Everyone gives strong performance of tightly controlled nuance, range, and poise, ably bringing their characters to life with a beleaguered tenor of wilting strength befitting the dour premise. This is hardly a major studio title, yet it looks, sounds, and feels as excellent in its craft as any contemporary flick. From the sets and props, to the filming location, to the post-production digital creations that round out the setting, the world of the picture feels tangibly real; the hair, makeup, and practical effects are just as swell. I claim no familiarity with director Tanel Toom, but in my mind he illustrates a keen eye for shot composition at points, and there's otherwise a calculated precision in his orchestration of shots and scenes that at the same time allows the downcast emotions of the tableau to manifest very naturally. Mart Ratassepp's cinematography is similarly crisp and vivid, and while the use of music herein is deliberately sparing, letting resounding quiet reign supreme, it commendably lends to the tone and tension at any given point where the chords do crop up.

If there are any sticking points here, one might be some disjointed sequencing that comes late in the length as major story beats are revealed. More generally, they might be in the writing. It's not that I find any specific fault in Malachi Smyth's screenplay - on the contrary, by and large I think it's superb. The characters are complicated, with real feeling and personality; the dialogue has some punch to it; the scene writing is as firm and carefully considered as Toom's direction, rife with simmering tension as each beat shapes the whole. And once more, while 'Last sentinel' works within well-established genre territory, the scenario is primed and ready for exploration, and the narrative that Smyth lays before us is unflinching in its gloom while nevertheless keeping us invested to see where it's all going to end up. I think I take some issue with the exact form of the narrative, however. There are many directions in which Smyth could have taken his story, and one would have been just as dreary as the next. I note, however, that one element (in senses both literary and classical) that is introduced as a major component early on is not subsequently brought back; there's nothing inherently wrong with this, but in the very least it feels like a miscue, if not a missed opportunity. Alternatively, the tale could have shifted to a purposefully languid, drawn-out path that would have left uncertainty and questions to linger interminably, not to mention the most joyless and arguably impactful of feelings. There was also the choice of focusing even more heavily on conflict between the four central characters. Smyth instead chooses a more thriller-oriented formulation for the plot, one that as it presents feels marginally disordered, and perhaps a bit more common. Rest assured, the feature remains just as lightless as written - only, for my part, I'm not entirely sure that it's the most completely entrancing slow spiral of dispiriting sobriety as it could have been.

Still, while one may reasonably nitpick about one facet or another, overall I think the film is solid, with quality that handily outweighs subjective flaws. I don't think it's totally perfect, nor a must-see by any means. Personal preferences will vary, and I can understand how it won't appeal to all. I nonetheless remain a little surprised by the apparent middling reception this has gotten, because what weaknesses it might have are minor and few in comparison to its value in terms of both storytelling and film-making. To each their own, however. All I know is that I sat to watch with mixed expectations, and ultimately I'm rather pleased with just how good the end result is. Even if one is a diehard fan of someone involved I don't think this is a movie that demands viewership, but it benefits from capable, worthy contributions from all on hand, and in my opinion is a fine addition to the genre. I, for one, quite like 'Last sentinel,' and while it decidedly requires one to be in a particular mood to watch, I'm glad to give it my recommendation.
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You get immersed into the movie
okpilak7 June 2023
This is not some fast paced action movie filled with special effects. It is a rather slow paced psychological drama. In a world where two sides managed to mess up the Earth, each in a different manner, there is Us vs. Them, and between is a Sentinel in the vast ocean, containing a nuclear device, which if triggered, ends all human life on Earth. They are to make sure the sides are kept apart. The Sentinel is manned by four persons, on a two year stint, and they are three months late for the supply/relief ship. There is a no nonsense Sgt, a Cpl and two privates. A rather low ranking group to have such responsibility. They get a computer connection each day, and report back with Morse code "event nil". Because nothing is happening. But their station is falling apart, and some things are scarce. And there is a severe storm, which happens more and more. The first half of the film is all about the four, and the tensions that arise. One gets invested in each of them. It has to be very hard in such close quarters, and no outside contact other then their terse message that is never answered. Things start to unravel in the second part, so how will they manage? Tensions rise, and things seem to get more dire. And there is a twist that few may see, and the movie continues slow and thoughtful. But the movie keeps one's interest if one wants a movie that requires thought, and shows character development.
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Wasted time
kilz-010794 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a waste of time. Had promise but was confusing and the ending was very poor. Considering there was only 4 actors it could've been better. Tried to build up suspense but fell flat on its face with a confusing storyline. Had a slight twist but not enough to warrant the time spent watching the movie. Very disappointing. Only saving grace was a good looking bloke who was exploited showing off his muscular body, that was the most excitement of the movie. Will not be tuning in for a sentinel 2 that's for certain. Could've at least thrown in some massive sharks to keep us entertained, but no.
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Anti science. Plodding and slow. Would have worked perhaps as a short
random-7077831 May 2023
Firstly the earth has had no glacial, mountaintop or polar ice whatsoever, none, for 90% of its history. Including the geologically incredibly recent conditions before the current ice age. Secondly if all the ice and snow in the world melted, every ounce of it, se levels would go up less than 70 meters. 90% of the current dry and arable landmass of earth would still be here. Nothing can make just "two continents" except for continental drift creating amalgamations and super continents, and that will be over tens of millions of years, and there would be roughly the same dry land and sea covered ratio.

I just mention that because a couple of the people involved in the making of this have bizarrely claimed the set up of two small remaining patches of dry land is a "warning" due to climate change, when that is absurd.

The general human premise, of an distant rare and isolated military or colonial outpost or outposts, though would be a better premise and has served a lot of good literature. Greek poet Constantine Cavafy long form poem served as inspiration for the novel "Tartar Steppe" and the recent "Waiting for the Barbarians" with Johnny Depp, Mark Rylance and Robert Pattinson.

Those are good treatments of this idea. This dumbed down "Last Sentinel" is just mind numbingly bad. The plot twists become tedious, and in fact are so telegraphed as to be cringe. No one in the film can act. And you will be checking your watch every five minutes as more and more boring and pointless filler plods by.

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Missed opportunity
petercarlsson-9229730 April 2023
So... it's supposed to be 2063; so why are they using 1980s technology? The actress and actors are allright but the story are sooo boring, and the sets are too.

They never tell us what the story are or what has happned. It just seems like they once had an interesting idea but wasn't able to excute it the right way.

So what is left is bland sets, and rather boring characters in a boring setting doing rather boring things. I can't understand why anyone would give this a score over 2. What did I miss? A movie should be something that draws you in and make you wanna see more. This movie fails in doing that.
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Pacing very slow
rackhamuni096 July 2023
I've given this film a 5* rating because of the pacing that director instilled into the film. There needed to be more characterisation for the viewer to get behind each person. Other things that viewers needed the film to tell us A) What happened to the Earth/Continents/Countries prior to the war they are now fighting? B) Which Countries/Continents still exist? C) Which Countries/Continents are at war? D) For which side they are fighting? E) Are there any Countries/Continents not at war? Its a very bare boned film and my personal feeling is that maybe the Director was the wrong person to direct this!!
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Bland, heavy handed, preachy and dull
devonerik11 May 2023
No one writes stories anymore, just heavy-handed delivery platforms for The Message(tm).

The Message(tm), in this case:

"You are a BAD! You ate a meat today?!? You drove the gas car?!? BAD peasant BAD!! You, yes you personally, are KILLING all the horses, cats, and swallows!"

Apparently, us bad peasants living a technological lifestyle will cause so much water to melt off the polar icecaps that there will be a NEGATIVE mass of ice, releasing more water than is actually contained IN the polar icecaps in the first place, and submerging all the world's land, which did not happen the last time the polar icecaps completely melted, 34 million years ago.

This sort of lazy, phoned-in, unresearched, half-assed writing sets the tone for the whole story; the ideas behind each failed plot twist are never supposed to make sense in your head. You are just supposed to feel them with all your feels.

Perhaps "story" is a generous word here, because The Message(tm) is relied upon to justify the plot, rather than the other way around.

By this point, you may, depending on who you are, be thinking that my objection here is to the content of The Message If you live in NYC, have never left there, refuse to ride anything other than a bicycle, and think food comes from the grocery store, then you might think that possibly you would enjoy this film.

You would be wrong. Even if you agree with every single part of The Message(tm), there's still no story, no discernible character motivations or development, and no real conclusion.

The Message(tm) cannot save the story, it can never save any story, because good art requires no justification, and bad art allows none.
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Sadly, a huge missed opportunity.
Top_Dawg_Critic29 April 2023
I've been told that I'm impatient and I have... oh look, something shiny! A short attention span. And that's probably why I can't stand slowly paced films, especially when they are almost two hours long. But at least 40 mins into this film, I finally realized this was one of those very slowly paced films, but I kept wanting to watch.

The reason I found myself glued to the screen was the great directing by Tanel Toom, the excellent cinematography, the spot-on score, and the convincing performances by all the cast. All of that combined with a very intriguing screenplay, made the pacing bearable and time started to fly, as much was happening from scene to scene, so that the suspense and tension was constant, and I was hooked and curious as to what would happen next.

Up until the last half hour, I was also really impressed with Malachi Smyth's screenplay, as he kept giving only the right amount of bits of information about his four characters, their environment and their situation. I was excited to see how this film would resolve and end. Then in the last half hour of the film, it's like a fifth grade drama class stepped in and completed the screenplay instead of Smyth.

The film built-up great foundations, but ultimately it closes off with too little in the plot department, when the film's world gives ample options and opportunities to close-out in grandeur. Everything in the last half hour became convoluted, previous questions were never answered, especially the big one - what exactly was that round device and what's it supposed to do? Then the story devolves with an inane climactic twist riddled with plot holes that falls flat, made little sense with rational thought, and took away all the build-up and suspense I had in the first two acts. What a huge let down, and a waste of starting to watch this film, only to invest all that time for a ridiculous and nonsense ending. Writing doesn't get much lazier than that. It's like ordering a banana split supreme, waiting as they make it, and being handed a sour grape instead.

That's a real shame, because this was a visually stunning film, well shot, directed and performed, especially considering the small budget and fixed sets and location. It's a generous 6/10, all for the film's esthetics and performances, but could've easily been an 8/10 had the ending not been so lazily written, convoluted and unsatisfying.
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Thank god it was the last
adaplect16 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect a masterpiece but at least I expected a sci-fi mystery.

This was a soap opera, full of drama and... Incredibly stupid characters!

They wanted the ship but they didn't want to cause a mutiny.


But then they caused a mutiny AND destroyed the ship!

Talk about stupidity LOL A couple of recognisable actors couldn't save this stupid film. I don't know how it managed to get a 5-star rating.

Beyond the stupid characters it was boring. Really boring.

And why were they using Morse code in 2060 ? LOL Where was the advanced technology? What were their scientists doing all those years? Fishing?
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A Hidden Gem in a Sea of Ratings
MillennialO718 March 2024
Starting with the whole IMDB review thing - they're not the be-all and end-all for deciding if a movie's good or not. Take "The Last Sentinel" as a case in point. This movie had a decent budget and a bunch of hardworking folks behind it who really put their all into making something cool. And honestly, they did a pretty good job. It's not one of those mega-hit films, but it's clear they put a ton of effort and creativity into it.

Now, onto how I rate movies. I've got this rule where any film that keeps me interested gets a solid 7 to start. If a movie really wows me, I'll bump up the score. If it's just meh, I'll drop it down. Anything under a 5 means it's not great, but "The Last Sentinel" definitely doesn't fall into that category. I was engaged with the film from start to end, and believe me, I'm not easily impressed. If cinematic masterpieces like 'Reacher' are getting over 8 points, it's safe to say I'm a minority among the masses.

As for the movie itself, it throws us into this future world where everything's gone to heck. The movie takes place on an ocean rig. If you enjoy post-apocalyptic sci-fi drama thrillers, you'll be sure to enjoy this. However, I do believe it's a mood movie; low energy, late night film.

Wrapping it up, "The Last Sentinel" really shows what can happen when a dedicated team and some seriously talented actors come together. They managed to make a movie that's not just another drop in the ocean. It makes you think twice about relying solely on IMDB ratings and encourages you to check it out for yourself.
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[4.8] Eight degree inclination until engulfment
cjonesas11 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A movie with an incomprehensible storyline, dismally average plots, static stagnating flow & vibe, acting energy as much as the actors' bodies and presence are seen & felt, blue tempestuous or calm ocean, swallows flying in the sky and most of all poor logic flow derived from that dismal screenplay.

Repeatedly arming and disarming a spherical device that looks like a metallic candy with an operating system of the 70s doesn't make the movie brighter and the thrill spicier.

One of the weakest movies of the year so far.

  • Screenplay/story: 5
  • Development: 6
  • Realism: 4
  • Entertainment: 4
  • Acting: 5.5
  • Filming/cinematography: 6.5
  • Visual/special effects: 6.5
  • Music/score: 5
  • Depth: 5
  • Logic: 4
  • Flow: 3
  • Drama/science-fiction/thriller: 4.5
  • Ending: 3.5.
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A Marvellous Dilemma
newconceptmagazin1 May 2023
I was rather astonished to discover the intellectual depth of IMDb has reached such subterranean lows, verging on the obtuse. Additionally, I just saw one reviewer with the novel phrase, "a 100% dialogue ZERO action film," for the first time.

In the past, the term 'flick' was employed to describe action movies devoid of narrative progression. It is quite revelatory that a film abundant in dialogue now earns such a title because it is bereft of action.

As for this movie, the denouement leaves something to be desired, yet its development proved unexpected. It may not be entirely gratifying, but it seems to be one of those instances where devotees of typical Marvel movies inadvertently patronize the incorrect cinema, subsequently bestowing a less-than-favorable rating on this site. If you understand the aforementioned, you may grasp the underlying implications.

On a side note, if you find yourself inclined to lowly rate this commentary, I congratulate you. Perhaps you would be better suited to indulging in Marvel's cinematic masterpieces, those 10 out of 10 action-filled, non-flicks. Undoubtedly, your cinematic palate is exquisite, some may even say, the bestest.
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Unexpectedly engaging film
Unusual film, without much activity, backstory or action but mostly a study of characters in an increasingly tense situation.

It is 2063, and due to sea-level rise and climate change, it has become a stormy ocean planet, with remaining land masses still at war. Four crew members on 2 year contract on a remote ocean military outpost, defending some sort of weapon are waiting for a relief crew, or for the "enemy" to show up. The relief crew are months overdue, and when a ship does show up, it is empty.

However, I felt engaged with the film through to the end despite the sparse storyline, as crew members struggle with internal and external demons and behave in psychologically unhealthy ways.
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good acting wasted on an unbelievable and silly story
TomV19611230 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I recently watched a sci-fi movie called "The Last Sentinel" and was disappointed by its execution. While the acting, set design, and music were commendable, the plot was far-fetched and unbelievable. For instance, the movie is set in the year 2063 where Earth's oceans have risen to such an extent that only the mountain range for Mount Denali remains above water in North America. This degree of ocean level rise is highly improbable and detracts from the overall believability of the story. Despite its strong production values, the film ultimately falls short due to its poorly conceived narrative.
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More climate crisis fearmongering
DrMarazanvose30 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Slow and turgid it may be but the story is utterly ridiculous.

If the oceans rose that amount then I'd love to know where the water came from to do it because that is one heck of a lot of water - utterly daft climate crisis fearmongering rot.

When we learn that there is a traitor on board I simply cannot fathom the plot.

If the object of this whole exercise was to take control of Martha then simply shoot your 3 colleagues and send a signal back home to come and collect it - but no! We are going to wait for 2 years and then row out into the ocean with the beacon and shoot the relief crew and go back to the platform and act as though nothing had ever happened lol.

My first thought was perhaps she needed the boat but seeing as she just left it drift away then that's out of the window.

Casting that all aside, if you had just worked out that she had killed the relief crew and your two colleagues in cold blood you know you're next - yet he wants to trust her? What? How many does she have to kill before you grow a brain? Has he forgotten this is a war?

Let's not forget that the platform could barely function because it was so old and delapidated. Baines struggled to keep on top of repairs with barely enough parts - but these two idiots are going to turn it into a love nest and live happily ever after with Martha.

I wish it had gone off after 5 minutes of the film.
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