Braven (2018) Poster


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The scenic settings were better than the writing
Top_Dawg_Critic2 February 2018
Stunt coordinator Lin Oeding turned director did a fairly decent job with the camera, but lousy on the editing, as some scenes were too dragged out. The 94 min length should have been edited down and the pace picked up for a length of 75-80 mins. He also failed to direct his cast properly, as some actors looked lost in certain scenes.

But the main problem with this film was the amateur first-time writing/screenplay by both Michael Nilon and Thomas Pa'a Sibbett. You would think when there's almost as many producers for this film as there are cast members, an investment towards the writing could have been applied to re-adapt the screenplay to rid it of major plot issues and unrealistic scenes, and perhaps a better score.

The acting was clearly C+ to B grade, with Jason Momoa, Jill Wagner, Teach Grant and little Sasha Rossof being the only ones convincing in their roles.

This is by no means a big screen Hollywood production, and if you can get past the amateur writing, and take in the breathtaking Newfoundland scenery, it's a fun lazy Sunday popcorn flick.

It's a 7/10 from me.
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Momoa was a brave 'un to do this film with a straight face.
mk574 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Jason Momoa fits the bill as a beefed up Jason Statham in a cold environment. Here, he appears as a solid dependable guy whose job is logging in what appears to be Alaska. He has a wife and child and a father who is in the early stages of dementia....Into this mix is added a worker who has a sideline in transporting drugs for the bad hollowed out logs. Anyhoo, bad weather conditions create an accident to said worker's rig on a drugs run which forces bad guys to cross the path of dependable Mr Momoa. That's it...Good guy gets his hands on the drugs and then it becomes a game of cat and mouse to see who gets on top and who ends up with the merchandise. Lots of snow, running in snow, climbing and clambering through snow, fights in snow and plenty of blood the snow. As long as you switch your brain off and go with the flow, it's all pretty standard won't have to be a brave 'un to sit through this as you'll be smiling at all the "as if" moments...Enjoy.
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Except the location, nothing was exceptional
pranayjalvi4 February 2018
Jason Momoa did a decent job in this Lionsgate ventured Cold Thriller. A more tight and a good plotline and a better screenplay would have made the movie a better one, rather it just turned out to be a repetitive action genre film like we are used too watch..
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Watch when you have time
sarahdamilleo29 April 2018
While the movie lacks strong writing, the action is on point and there is a lot of suspense once the movie kicks into gear. The location this was shot in made the story more interesting. Overall, it was enjoyable in my opinion.
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Surprisingly good for a VOD actioner
shanksfilmmaker27 March 2018
Great movie. I thought it was going to be some what mediocre since it wasn't in theaters, but it was really, really good. You can't go wrong with Jason playing lead role. I thought him, the dad, and the villain had great performances.
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poor writing & several unrealistic action scenes
pmatthewk3 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie started off great, some parts were slow; however, as it started to climax, the poor & unrealistic writing left me so frustrated that I had to fast forward through a few scenes. There were just so many occasions where the protagonists could have grabbed the gun or made another extremely logical/simple decision to end the crew of bad guys. I'm surprised that none of the actors (Jason, etc.) protested of the unrealistic writing. I'm sure its difficult as an actor to be forced, by the writing, to pick up an axe over the automatic weapon sitting right next to it in a scene where you're defending your dad/wife, etc. from a bunch of guys coming at you with automatic riffles. Seriously, how does this nonsense go unchecked?
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Kind of over the top in a few scenes, but overall good. 7 stars!
liamoking2 April 2018
The film was pretty enjoyable. Even though I think a couple of the scenes were borderline outrageously out there (finale), I still enjoyed it.
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Arrows & Sticks?!! Lol
ambassadorfil7 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Outnumbered 2v10 the good guys leave all the weapons on the ground that would have given them a better leverage. The plot is weak and not based anywhere close to common sense. Sad to see that good talent was wasted on such a poor film.
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Epic fight sequences, an Ok script
flores8626 March 2018
An better than average action film. The script needed some work. The build is slow but it gets tense and doesn't let go once the baddies came in the picture. Solid indie action film.
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brilliantly bad braven
chumgriffin2 February 2018
This film gets 2 for some of the scenery and some of the ridiculous action scenes which made me laugh. The acting, the directing, the dialogue, the casting all failed miserably . It was one of those movies where you keep asking yourself,, why did he do that? or why did they not do that? or just why why why. There was a distinct lack of logic in almost every action the characters took. It is amazing that when the final edit was done and they had a screening that those involved did not think for a moment to reshoot the terrible action scenes. Some of them were embarrassingly silly . If for some unknown reason you want to watch the movie because of Jason momoa, then you would be better off just buying a poster of him and stick it on your wall and look at it. It will save you from wasting your time on a completely forgettable attempt in film making.
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Good popcorn movie
adamnorthy1 April 2018
It wasn't bad at all. This is classified as a action film so I was expecting nothing but action. It was pretty entertaining, and surprisingly touching at times. Good acting and performances, good action as well.
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Good Action Thriller
brechtjustin3 February 2018
I would really rate this a 6.5 if I had the option. The protagonist always misses the opportunity to pick up a fallen villens weapon and that bothers me. There are not one, but two, Cliff scenes that reality must be suspended in order to believe. But if you liked cliffhanger (with Stallone) and could suspend belief for that movie, then you will enjoy Braven. I will say the area they filled is beautiful and Stephen Lang ( the actor who plays Mama's father in the movie) is great and gives a good performance. It's worth the watch. The movie is worth the watch if you like action thrillers.
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Ignore fake reviews, this movie is so bad it is funny, though not in a good way.
hunterofclouds17 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is my very first review on this site, as I rarely feel sufficiently invested in a movie to take the time to write a significant piece on a movie. However, I had to speak out because I could not tolerate the fake reviews obviously meant to trick innocent spectators like myself.

The movie started out as a decent, if by no means great or even good flick. Had it continued in such a vein, it could have earned 6, perhaps even 7 stars. After all, though the plot is all too predictable, the acting itself was not abysmal. However, all sense of normality flies out the window once you get to the action sequences. None of them make any sense whatsoever.

Spoiler warning ahead.

In one such example, one of the bad guys climbs up a mountain to "snipe" the protagonist, who is riding an ATV. Moments later, we get to see a very poorly conceived and shot scene where the camera's perspective is shown over the shooter's shoulder, who is aiming towards the fleeing protagonist. What makes this utterly ridiculous is that according to this shot the protagonist is on level ground with the shooter, and not 40 or 50 feet away from him. How did the shooter manage to close the distance so quickly, ascending then descending the mountain to cut his target off? Then, after shooting the protagonist off the ATV, the shooter inexplicably radio's one of his henchment to "finish him off" when he himself is almost right on top of the target.

Now, when this henchman arrives at the scene the protagonist seems to have miraculously shrugged off his gunshot wound (a wound which strangely enough, though it managed to knock him off the ATV, is still notably absent and at no point in the movie seems to inconvenience him at all) somehow manages to sneak up on the big, gun-toting bad guy (though the trees are so sparse that one wonders how he managed to disguise his own footprints in the snow AND approach the gun-wielding bad guy without being spotted) and clocks him on the head with a branch - from the FRONT. I replayed this scene numerous times just to confirm that yes, according to the camera shot the protagonist's blow comes from the front and hits the bad guy on the temple/forehead. How a supposedly alert guy who is aware that his target is around manages to miss this is just ridiculous and immersion breaking.

A struggle over the gun ensues, which our protagonist loses yet fortunately enough when the bad guy aims the gun and fires at him from a distance of maybe 6 feet, our nimble protagonist manages to fling himself to the ground, hiding behind the nearby ATV and thus narrowly avoiding the single shot fired by the bad guy. So, after firing a single shot with his automatic assault rifle, what does the bad guy do? Surely, take this chance to take some prudent distance while firing at his helpless foe, who still lies on the ground and is clearly visible behind the non-existent cover of the tiny ATV! Nope, instead the bad guy runs over to swing his rifle like a club at our protagonist, then proceeds to kick him. After this another small fight breaks out where the bad guy has plenty of chances to grab his gun, yet he doesn't. No, the protagonist even has all the time in the world to wrap the ATV's towing wire (which has been conveniently unwound - how did that happen?) around the bad guy's waist, then proceeds to drive the ATV over a nearby cliff.

I could continue a play-by-play rundown of the endless succession of such nonsensical, immersion breaking, and just awfully planned and even more terribly shot fight scenes. I could harp on and on about the way none of the good guys seem particularly inclined to pick up any number of guns that could be easily and swiftly collected from downed enemies. They also act recklessly and foolishly, shoulder charging gun-wielding enemies while armed with nothing but a great, roaring scream that does nothing but alert the enemy of their position and intent. Yet, the very moment they momentarily overwhelm their opponent, they flee like little girls instead of taking the opportunity to finish off their downed foe or pick up the gun lying on the ground right in front of them.

Don't even get me started on the final scene, where the character uses a rope as a laughably stupid and ineffective distraction (which of course, works flawlessly), then shoulder charges the gun wielding antagonist. When the poor man lies stunned on the ground, what does our brilliant protagonist do? He picks up the heavy, unwieldly bag of drugs instead of the gun, and takes off running into the woods. Of course, for some reason the bad guy doesn't shoot him in the back while laughing incredulously at his ambusher's sheer idiocy.

In the end, this is an action movie with some of the most ridiculous, idiotic action scenes that I have witnessed. At first, they were frustrating and upsetting. As they simply kept piling on and on, however, me and my friends couldn't help but laugh at the characters' mind-boggling antics.

Avoid this movie at all costs unless you want to see an unintentionally comical series of poorly designed and shot "action" scenes, very loosely tied together by a predictable, boring plot.
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slow start gets better
SnoopyStyle3 August 2018
Joe Braven (Jason Momoa) has his family and his logging company. His father Linden (Stephen Lang) suffers from dementia. After a bar fight, pressure builds to put his Pops into a home. He resists and takes Pops out to his cabin. Unbeknownst to him, one of his log truck drivers, Weston, is transporting drugs with Hallett. They crash on a snowy road and rush to hide the drug stash in Joe's shack. The incompetent pair's drug boss Kassen (Garret Dillahunt) leads the gang to recover his drugs the next day and it becomes a deadly cat and mouse game.

The first half is a bit slow. It spends too much time with the family. Introducing Joe as a family man should not take this much screen time. His father's dementia feels like a side plot point. It could have come in handy to instigate the standoff but the ignition is more problematic than that. There are different ways for Joe to ignite the confrontation. Splitting the drug stash in half is one of the inferior options. He should probably try to give it all to Kassen hoping that he would leave on his own accord. I doubt Kassen could ever leave the cabin without securing all of his drugs. Joe's plan is an unlikely pipe dream. His father's dementia could have been used as a catalyst for everything. The daughter's jacket is too bright purple. A smart man would turn it inside out for better camouflage. Joe ends up using too many special weapons. It's a little too Home Alone. I do like Momoa, Dillahunt, and Lang. They fit the setting and the manhunt plot. The cabin is probably too nice and the production couldn't afford to do much damage. They would probably be better off with a rundown shack where the bad guys can shoot the hell up. They could burn it down for real rather than the obvious fake fires. The second half does have some cat and mouse fun. This is good enough.
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Not bad at all.
badroniaimi-351-9226114 February 2018
After reading the reviews, I thought that I will watch a very bad movie with the worse action scenes ever, so I kept my expectations very low, therefore I was suprised the action scenes aren't that bad, there are some mistakes and some illogical choices , but as we know no one is perfect, don't expect from the hero to make all the perfect choices, because even smart poeple do some stupid things time to time. In general I would say that this is a good movie to watch .
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Oh Dear
simcox19385 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well the plot is very good to be honest and the acting is also fairly good. But One thing happens in these type of movies time and time again. The good guy kills the baddie who has a big gun. What would you do to get the other baddies?..that's right pick up the dead baddied gun and go on a baddie killing spree, But this movie like most other forget the obvious and the good guy leave the gun and ops for a stick!!

The director should be REALLY ashamed..
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Definitely worth your time
cynvanity30 March 2018
It had a very common storyline, and at times you know whats coming next. Yes, It did have a few twists here and there and a nice ending. A one time watch type of movie, because of the slow beginning. Reminded me of Jasons other low budget movie, Road to Paloma. It seems like he likes those kind of slow character type scripts.
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Solid movie destroyed by insanely brainless action scenes
funnyman-4310519 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie had the makings for a solid film. Jason Momoa played a decent role but the whole movie was brought down by just the complete lack of sense in any action scene. At first I thought it was a little odd but by the end of the movie I was yelling at my TV in vain hope that I could talk some sense into the protagonist! The movie plot was straight forward where the bad guys try and kill the one bad ass main character because he unknowingly came across their evil plan. I enjoyed the movie in between every fighting scene. So so so many times I was yelling for to protagonist to pick up the gun laying at your feet and shoot your attacker! Not once did any of the protagonists feel the urge to pick up any weapon that was practically thrown at their feet. Every single antagonists also felt the urge to use their weapon as a primitive club rather than shooting the main characters. Every time the enemy was vulnerable and 99 percent finished off the protagonist would simply run off into the woods all the while stumbling over the weapons they seemingly don't have a need for. Simply put, too many insanely dumb decisions in otherwise entertaining action scenes. Wish the writing was better. I can't help but imagine this scene unfolding during the filming.

Jason-"So at this point I go ahead and pick up the gun and shoot this guy right?" Director-"Nah, we need him to fumble around for the next 30 minutes." Jason-"I at least take his gun right? I mean, i'm standing on the thing and the guy is rolling on the ground in pain completely incapacitated?" Director-"Hmmmm. Probably not, that guy needs the gun to swing like a club at you later" Jason-"......"

Or this one.

Jason-"So i'm about to go chase down this main bad guy and you want me to grab some rope? Even though I'm a good 100 yards behind the guy you wan't me to fumble around my shed for some rope? Then stuff it in a bag with a bear trap?" Director-"Ya totally. Now your getting it Jason." Jason-"Now you want me to seemingly catch up to the main guy who is running to a nearby cliff for an apparent escape, get ahead of him undetected, then lay this rope out in front on his predictable path and when he conveniently stops near it I go full cowboy and whip it to fling snow in the air 4 feet from me to serve as a distraction from the trained pistol wielding gunman?" Director-"Jason, why must you keep second guessing my screenplay genius?!?"

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Indie movies can be action packed
jtlavelle26 November 2019
Enjoyed this entertaining movie. Mamoa is cast as caring father - Joe Brazen - of his precious family. When through no fault of their own they are under threat from well armed drug dealers, he goes to super human efforts to protect them. Strong cast and good pace. Dillahunt good as lead bad guy. Nice work (as usual) from Stephen Lang as Braven's ailing father.
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What the heck?
cynicsick12 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Starts out slow and when things got a little interesting, everyone starts doing stupid weird chit. Like the hero taking down a guy holding a big gun by jumping on top of him with an axe. The guy with the big gun apparently was looking up where the hero could possibly be waiting for him, but instead of pointing his gun at that direction, ready to shoot, he as his gun pointed at the floor with a stupid look on his face with his mouth open.

After the hero takes him down, he TOOK his small axe with wooden handle and left the big a55 gun and goes about his bidness. Nothing to see here folks.
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Awesome action with a nice father/son family story
brendamiller8331 March 2018
Me and my family loved this film. This is a good old action flick that had action, emotion, courage and pure entertainment. It's a win in my books. Reminds me of some old classic films, seemed this was done intentionally, but with cool action scenes.
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I've Seen Worse.
redrobin62-321-20731120 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Braven is not a bad time waster, actually. You do get what you paid for - a fast action thriller with a medium amount of bloodletting and no ridiculous lovey-dovey scenes to slow everything down.

There were some major holes, like Dementia Dad suddenly knowing full well how to use a powerful sniper's rifle. Mrs. Braven's adept and skillful use of her bow and arrows is forgiven since they showed, at the top of the film, that she is well-practiced for this.

I thought the movie was cool. Cinematography was awesome and probably worth the ticket price alone. If you do see this movie, that's cool. If you don't, you're not really missing much.
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The scenery is great, the rest is abysmal.
GuyRand0m11 February 2018
Almost nothing any of the characters does at any point in the movie makes any sense. Any victories for the protagonists were only because of dumb luck, not skill or even planning. I don't normally leave reviews, but I really had to make an exception for this because it's almost 7 stars, which seems like a complete fabrication.
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Good action film
grahammitchell-7633326 September 2018
This was pretty decent. Good setting, good intensity. Jason did a good job and it was an easy watch. Would recommend it!
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Old school vibes
jebebi21 January 2022
While pretty straightforward it's done well. I miss movies like these where the plot is self-contained and doesn't pander to whatever is trendy. A decent thriller.
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