South Park: The Fractured but Whole (Video Game 2017) Poster

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Howdy Ho! I had great fun playing this game! 'South Park: The Fractured, But Whole' was Awesom-o!
ironhorse_iv12 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Developed and published by Ubisoft, in collaboration with South Park Digital Studios, 2017's 'South Park: The Fractured but Whole' is a video game in which the player controls the character of the New Kid, a silent, but deadly protagonist, taking part of a heroic live action role-playing game, involving, two competing 4th grader superhero factions fighting to create their own superhero media franchises; while also, meanwhile trying to solve, a local crime, in order to help fund their project. Along the way, the journey also brings the player into conflict with various memorable characters including the local elderly population, ninjas, the sixth graders, rednecks, the Hooters-parodying Raisins girls, and others in a turn-based combat system. Without spoiling the game, too much, while, it doesn't make much sense, why this sequel retain the turn-based combat of the last game over real-time button pushing; seeing how it not-longer, seem to parodying games like 'World of Warcraft' & 'Final Fantasies', but instead, Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. Regardless, I do have to say, the gameplay for this game has greatly improved since 2014's 'Stick of Truth'. Instead of taking place on a static plane, battles now can take place on a variable number of grid sizes on which the player and enemies can move only according to his or her respective grid and move set; all viewed from a 2.5D, third-person perspective. Alongside with that; are the encounters of avoiding environmental hazards such as exploding chemical barrels, lava, and items, blocking the path, during boss and key objectives fights. This forces the player to become more like a strategist, as he or she must position, their avatars in the right spot, so that they can cause the most maximum damage through 'knockback' or 'status effects' such as poisoning, freezing, burning, and bleeding to death to slow them down; while, also minimizing the effect of blows from their foe. Additionally, the New Kid possesses the ability to manipulate time with their farts, which can be used in battle to skip an opponent's turn, temporarily pause time to inflict damage out of turn. . If that doesn't help the player enough, the gamer can also select up to three allies from 12 different characters to accompany them in battle, each possessing three powers and a powerful ultimate attack. Certain, non-playable characters, can also be summoned during battle with powerful attacks or healing abilities, making certain game systems like crafting items to heal & artifact system to improve powers seem useless. Also, depending on what types of powers/classes (speedster, brutalist & blaster), the player picks in the beginning; the fights can range from somewhat modest in difficulty to easy pickings. Nevertheless, as the game goes on, and when other abilities such as Elementalist, Cyborg, the long-range, Psychic, Assassin, Gadgeteer, Plantmancer, and Martial Artist are accessible. The difficulty setting really does take a nosedive. Even after being able to modify the New Kid's appearance, superpowers, gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity at any time in the game as a difficulty level slider. It doesn't really add much to the fights of the turn-base combat system. Death or losing in the second half is very inconceivable, unless the player like to do stupid, suicidal or reckless things during battles. Regardless of that, at least, the player can somewhat move freely around the fictional Colorado town of South Park, outside of battles. A fast-travel system allows the character to transport between unlocked travel points. Still, there is certain areas of the town are inaccessible, until the player solve the puzzle or gains certain allies that can use the New Kid's farting power to overcome obstacles. It is also necessary to take selfies with the town residents to complete certain story missions, however, looking for Yaoi art, does little to affect gameplay. On the technical glitch side, I did hit several instances where the game became unresponsive after returning from suspend and I had to force-quit and restart it. As for the game animation; it looks and sounds so much like the show, that at a glance it could easily be mistaken for a really long episode when you're not in combat mode. Nevertheless, certain frames of animation seem to be missing voice dialogue. You can really tell, that production was rushed, a bit. As for animation, it can get tiresome at times, due to the large amount of repetitive cut scenes, playing out, while doing obstacles. Sometimes, I wish, there was skip button to speed it up. As for cringe-worthy moments. It's pretty tame, compare to the last game. After all, Nazi fetuses, depict anal probing by aliens and the player-character performing an abortion was really shocking. That said, 'South Park: Fractured, but Whole' still delivers its share. I just wish, the writing was just a little more solid. The story was all over the place. Even some key characters seem to be missing. Where was Mint Berry Crunch or Cthulhu!? Nonetheless, overall: I did like 2014's: 'South Park: The Stick of Truth', a lot better than 2017's 'South Park: The Fractured, but Whole'. Nevertheless, 'South Park: The Fracture, But Whole' is still, lots of fun!! It's certainly has more highs than lows. In the end, you just got to ask. What Would Brian Boitano Do? He would probably go play this game. So do the same! It's worth playing, even with its flaws!
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Not sure if I prefer this or Stick Of Truth
TheCorniestLemur2 October 2020
So after The Stick Of Truth was released to much skepticism, but then miraculously turned out to actually be really good, suddenly there were expectations for the sequel. Including from me, I also really liked Stick Of Truth, and after playing this is better...and it also isn't.

If we're talking gameplay, it has certainly improved the combat system. Not that there was anything wrong with the more traditional turn-based combat of the last game, but it's evolved a lot this time. You can move around and need to be in the right space for attacks to land, you need to make sure that your party isn't being blocked by anyone, you can knock enemies into each other or your teammates for extra damage, and in general it's a lot more enjoyable than it was last time. However, I still think the game is far too easy on normal difficulty, and the only times I felt even slightly challenged was some late-game boss fights.

The town is still a lot of fun to explore and find all its secrets, and they did fix one of my biggest complaints from the last game, that being that you could walk around almost the entire town at the start of the first game and discover nearly all the side quests at once. This time, there's a lot more stuff blocking your path that can't be traversed until you have some later-game powers, which is nice to see. The interactions with all the different characters are still funny as ever, as are the collectables.

The main thing that rubs me the wrong way about the gameplay is that in some ways, it's even more shallow than Stick Of Truth, which was already mostly summed up by "equip the thing with the highest number" item management. This time, you don't get different equipable weapons or perks, instead, every class has three designated moves and an ultimate, and that's it. Sure, the game's still fun like that, but it would have been nice to see the weapons system from Stick Of Truth be improved rather than just done away with.

The presentation is still as 100% authentic as it was in Stick Of Truth, so I'll spare you all the time of going on about how perfect it is and just get to the story, which is...good...but for some reason I don't find it quite as memorable or as funny as Stick Of Truth, and I don't quite know why that is. Maybe it's as simple as the novelty of playing an episode of the show has worn off a bit after the first game, but regardless, something about it didn't click with me quite as well.

I can't decide whether I prefer this game or Stick Of Truth, but if you liked the first one, you'll almost certainly like this as well despite its shortcomings. That's as much as I can say at the end of the day.
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A great game based on a great series
tonyum26 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this is it, my first videogame review ever. Now, if you want to know my history with South Park, then I´ll say that the show is great and you pretty much know why, as for the PS1 games and Tenorman´s revenge, they´re games I never played but I won´t because they don´t look like i would enjoy them, and as for The Stick of truth, that´s a game I would rate a 9.5/10 and you´ll see the reasons later. The plot of this game is about The Coon going back in time where The Stick of truth left off, he goes there to unite the other Coon friends to go on a mission to save a cat called Scrambles before the Freedome Pals get a better franchise than them, while this is going, the New Kid finds out that a crime chef has been putting drugson peoples drinks to cause crimes, and now the Coon & friends and the Freedom Pals must join forces to stop this crime chef. What more do I need to say, this game was funny, had a good story, has the best character variety in a South Park so far, the controls are fine, the animation is pretty acceptable to consoles like the Xbox One or PS4, the grid combat system was well made and I really enjoy the Time travel farting abilitie the New Kid has. Really the only issue I have with the game is that the story can make it seem like a ripoff of Stick of truth, but speaking of that, this game is not as good as The Stick of truth: 1. The fact that you can make your own team during battle can give the game more strategy and that makes combat a bit easy to win, 2. The story of the game is way too serious, unlike The Stick of truth which is silly and that´s what made it work, in here, there is no silly stuff happening and rather more action and that almost makes the game a not South Park game and that says something, 3. You can´t block any moves that give you damage, that means that you will get loads of damage and you will sooner or later die, and that makes combat infuriating because you can´t make your foe´s attack damages low because you can´t block, 4. The puzzels feel way too easy to complete because in these puzzels, you just have one thing to do and that´s really it, the only thing that improved from The Stick of truth was that it had more characters to play as but that´s just one compared to four reasons this game isn´t as good as The Stick of truth. Overall, while this isn´t both a perfect game and not the best South Park game ever, it´s still a game that you should check out even if you don´t watch South Park.
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I'm addicted to this game!
daltonjmanes18 March 2019
This game was absolutely brilliant. I have to say this is the best South Park game ever created in South Park history. Although, the game ended in a really unexpected twist. I really hope Trey Parker makes a sequel to this, because I'm really getting into this.
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Fractured Super Hero Epic
hellraiser717 July 2018
I'm a fan of the show South Park and I really loved the game "The Stick of Truth" and it was once again a dream come true they made a sequel. This sequel is of course based on the superhero arc from the show, which I felt was a logical step as it was another one of the shows big arcs but also is fitting for the times with the Marvel and DC Comics movies and TV show trend constantly on the rise.

The plot line is good as it's the usual South Park absurdist nature and as you go on it just gets more and more twisted, crazy, and funny, which will make you say what the frak. Though the plot line really isn't that important it's more a guiding line by its nature. This game is most concerned about the characters and what they do which I feel is true in most RPG's and most episodes of the show. Music is great there are plenty of memorable tracks, which is also true to the show as it's also most memorable for it's music; some of these tracks I could listen to on my iPod.

I really love the fact they changed the combat to grid based combat which makes the sequel feel fresh and slightly different, but personally I always liked this type of combat in RPGs more, there's a bit more too it, there's is a good amount of strategy involved as you think more about offence and defense, much like in Chess it depends on the positioning and how many spaces you character can occupy and cover. Each of the battles are always different which keep thinks fresh but cause you to adjust your thinking and change your strategy. You have the ability to change your skill set depending on what you think works best for the particular battle which I thought was cool as that creates variety in your abilities and strategy. You get to play as a lot more of the South Park characters, it's hard to say which ones I liked playing the most, each of them has different abilities, strengths and weaknesses. When you go into battle you can change up your character roster, depending on who works best in whatever battle you in.

Call Girl/Wendy she's a parody on "Batgirl" or "Huntress" she can strike at a distance from summoning a phone destroyer program on the enemies' phone. And for her super move create a flash mob. I always like hearing the romantic banter between both Call Girl/Wendy and Toolshed/Stan which is funny and sweet.

Toolshed/Stan he's a parody on "Nightwing" or "Batman" just like those two we see he has a utility/tool belt and a lot of tools that he gets to use hence his name. Really like his use of the drill but I really like how he's useful in taking guys out in flanking positions which means covering more ground.

Tupperware/Token is a parody on "Iron Man' makes sense since his character is a person of science. Really like summoning his super power where he gets into a mech suit which is obviously a parody on "The Hulk buster", with it you deliver an aerial assault as you launch rockets that land on several opponents and deal shock and slow down.

Mysteron/Kenny is awesome as usual as he's a parody on "Batman" his abilities are more physical as you utilize his martial arts skills and even when he dies (no surprise since he's Kenny) you become a ghost and can still be useful by using supernatural powers to slow opponents down on their tracks. Even like the opponents you get to fight which consist of most of the colorful members of "South Park" like Thong whom runs a discount Foot Clan" it's just funny whenever he keeps referring himself and the others as s.... ninjas (I know he meant City) which I agree they are. And there are some opponents that had it coming for a long time mainly Mr. Starch whom is a character I hate to the core of my being as much as Robbie from "Gravity Falls" It was so gratifying giving the guy the ass kicking he rightfully deserved and for once grounding him.

But of course, where this show really excels is in it's humor and as always with "South Park" it's at its crudest and clever best. There are a lot of memorable lines and jokes for example the origin story Cartman always gives for your tutorials in the different classes you pick, their all the same with the same so called tragic ending; it's funny because it once again displays Cartman's laziness in creativity (back to the comic book store for him) let alone a dumb ass as usual.

How there is this rivalry with both "Coon and Friends" (I know lame super team title once again Cartman's ego and laziness) and the "Freedom Pals" determining which of their proposed film and TV franchises is the best and should go out first but most of all which leader and team should be in charge of it. This is obviously a parody on the DC and Marvel franchise rivalry and how ridiculous it's gotten just has both have gotten ridiculously big. I really love the amount of in jokes, parodies on all the clenches you would see in the comics and even the comic book films and TV shows, even reference jokes there are on both companies but also just seeing the characters at their best (or worst depending on how you look at it) in their interactions with each other and rivalry which as you go on turns into something more. Heck even the nameless character you play actually has an ongoing plotline throughout the game where it's constantly hinting your character is something more; it's easy to guess what it is and if you remember the comic book arc in the show and the twist in the end you easily know what to expect, but I still found it humor and even a little intriguing all the same.

Over all I love this game I love it about the same as the first entry both I feel are good in their own way and hopefully we'll get a third entry somewhere along the line, the possibilities for that one just like a good comic book series are just about endless. So, if you're a South Park fan or if you even a fan of RPGs or comics and some of the movies and TV shows going on for them then this is a game worth playing. It's a super hero epic, well sort of.

Rating: 4 stars
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One of the funniest RPG ever
rmsplash18 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was for me an introduction to the South Park lore and holy god that was good, this game was incredible especially his super-hero scenario who mocks the system of super hero franchises but manages to use in a interesting way. A Special Mention for the soundtrack of the game who deserves to receive an award, and an other special mention for the fight against Morgan Freeman who was perfect.
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just as fun story, cumbersome unrewarding gameplay.
bumaimazak16 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I will compare this game with South Park stick of truth which I rate a 9.

  • Plot is again engaging although I personally find some of the south park material like superheroes and SJWs less funny.

  • Treasure hunting and solving puzzles suck for several reasons. 1. Every time you use your special obstacle clearing ability you will see a long cutscene which slows down the exploring. 2. Obstacles are very obvious and no challenge. 3. It takes a long time to get all the abilities so you feel like you are constantly in tutorial mode. 4. The items you find are not special at all. 5. Sidequests are unremarkable.

  • The combat system got the ability added to move in a grid. This added an insignificant amount of strategy to the game as the impact you can make with the best strategy is minimal while at the same time making combat annoyingly slow. Making it fast and funny like in stick of truth was a better route. There is simply no point in adding this grid strategy when items are identical, companions can't be customized, no leveling or any depth in customization. Ultimate attacks can't be skipped and the interactive aspects of attacks (press spacebar) are useless and no challenge at all compared to stick of truth. This diminishes the gameplay value significantly.

  • character customization. bad. When selecting a hero class you can't preview the skills, how can you decide strategically knowing nothing about the class? You can only have a combination of 3 skills and they either don't have a combo opportunity or they have a weird grid layout.

Rather than adding some convoluted underused grid I would have liked to see them expand hidden areas / puzzles / treasure for more interesting items, funny status effects and hidden bosses.
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Amazing game
danilberg5 October 2020
That's really awesome game, many opportunities and funny moments
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This makes my Big PP to even Bigger PP
redx-6888628 October 2019
This game ohh my god best thing ever!!! The gameplay and the mechanical will make you wet and the graphics will make you even more wet this game is pure genius good job Trey and Matt.
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A great game, but is it better than The Stick of Truth?
elliotrobinson-6714712 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I played both South Park: The Stick of Truth and South Park: The Fractured But Whole, and it kinda helped me get into South Park as a show, and I've seen there's been a lot of debate between people over which game is better. To be honest, I think The Fractured But Whole is better, especially if you purchase the DLC. First off, The Stick of Truth is a great game in its own right, but I feel like in terms of content, The Fractured But Whole has more. First off, The Stick of Truth has a lot of missable collectibles that can impact one of the collectibles achievements in the game. Meanwhile, The Fractured But Whole has missable collectibles, but they're cosmetic, and overall easy to find. Both games have good combat gameplay, but I am a huge fan of Fire Emblem, so I guess I prefer the tactics gameplay rather than the turn based RPG gameplay. In addition, The Fractured But Whole has more bosses and enemies to fight. In The Stick of Truth, the only enemies you can really fight against in the postgame is the Dire Wolves, Bears and Snakes in Canada, whereas in The Fractured But Whole, you get more enemies to battle, and you even get a boss whose power is recommended for the postgame, Morgan Freeman himself. The Fractured But Whole even has two additional places to go with the DLC, Casa Bonita and Lake Tardicaca, and even more challenges with the Danger Deck DLC, having to fight holograms of enemies from across the game. Overall, I feel like The Fractured But Whole is better, just because it has hours of content compared to The Stick of Truth, but both games are good in their own right.
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A great sequel, but doesn't have the 'charm' as its predecessor
SnowThatBlows6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
South Park: The Fractured but Whole is a weird game for me. It's somewhat of a sequel to South Park: The Stick of Truth but doesn't feel like it. The game definitely has a more interesting concept than the last game, but the comedy (which I consider to be the most important part of the game) seemed to be a bit alright compared to the TSOT. Other than that, what a great game this is.


The game begins with The Coon (roled by Eric Cartman) discussing to his other dressed-up superhero friends about their film franchise and how it is going to be handled. Which leads to an argument and half of the team splitting up and forming a new team (The Freedom Pals), who are in a disagreement with The Coon's decisions. They now consider each other enemies and thus creating a "civil war".

I am already on board with this plot, it seems pretty interesting even from the first view. The way they execute this plot throughout the game is really amusing and keeps the players entertained. 8.9/10. The only problem is that the writing isn't as strong as the prequel.


The graphics haven't really changed, and they are kept to be identical to the original series. The quality seemed to be higher from the last, but other than that its practically the same. 9.0/10


Now, this is the combat I'm looking for. This is perhaps the BEST thing about this game that I prefer over TSOT. It's much more clever, and you have more choices. You can not only pick attacks from so many different superhero abilities, but you have the choice to re-arrange your team so you can use other characters. I absolutely loved this, and it always made a battle intriguing to play. 9.3./10. There is still some bugs to the battle system, like being in one square and one of your team mates gets knocked out and go to your square and your stuck standing there. The only way to fix this is to restart the fight or restart the game.


This game has MUCH more playable characters, which single-handedly makes me like this more than the ones in TSOT. The characters consist of: Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, Stan, Scott, Timmy, Token, Craig, Tweek, Wendy, Butters, Bradley, and of course your own character. 10/10


I didn't have this category for my other review on TSOT, but I will do it for this one. Like I said, I didn't find it as hilarious as the prequel but its still undoubtedly funny with the most abrupt ending in both games. The writing in the comedy isn't as sharp too. 8.4/10.


The controls are fine. Nothing changed except for the fact that the commands for walking is different from the ones in the last game. It's still nice controls in a nice game. Though the only thing that bugged me out is that you can't run which is somewhat a huge thing for me because it's annoying how long it takes to get somewhere without calling Timmy. 8.7/10.


I find the soundtrack in this game to be a step up from its predecessor, but it isn't a major one. I didn't think TSOT's soundtrack was even close to being bad, but TFBW's soundtrack is definitely something I would listen to more. 9.1/10


My experience in this game is the biggest let down. While I do think the battle system in this game gave me a better experience in combat than the other, both still eventually got boring at times. There is SO many bugs in this game. I purchased and refunded this game multiple of times because I thought there was something wrong with it. The fights are extremely hard and can take up to 10-20 tries maximum which becomes stressful. I didn't find the last game to be sadly easy, but this is just stressful hard. ESPECIALLY THE MUTANT KYLE AND MITCH CONNER FIGHT. The side quests are unfortunately much weaker than the last game and there isn't even a lot of them. I did like the Tweek and Craig side quests though, it was something different from the other side quests. The game felt like a huge drag, and when I thought the game was going to be over, the game just continues. That thought that continously pops up in my head made me feel like this game is a chore (kindish). There is some aspect I still loved about this game, like the hilarious plot twists and the main quests. But I absolutely HATED the bugs that came out with the game and never got fixed, they are so annoying and sometimes makes this game unplayable for me. 7.7-7.9/10


This game is a great sequel with a few bugs but it still holds up. It isn't even close to being as fun as the prequel, but its still something I would definitely recommend you buying if you haven't.
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