I Spit on Your Grave: Vengeance Is Mine (2015) Poster

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A real shame
jtindahouse2 November 2015
The first two entries in this remade series have been absolutely brilliant. So when I found out the director of the first two Steven R. Monroe wasn't going to be returning I was very disappointed. Wow what a difference a director can make. R.D. Braunstein takes over the helm for the third installment and things just completely fall apart. Admittedly he's been handed an absolute dud of a script by first time screenwriter Daniel Gilboy, but still a better effort than this would have been nice.

I was glad to see Sarah Butler returning to her role because she was absolutely perfect in the first one. I suspect she didn't read the script though (or agreed before it was even written), because all this one did was completely ruin the character originally created. The format is completely changed, which is not necessarily a bad thing, a third one done exactly the same might have been pushing it, but if this was the best alternative they could come up with then things should have just been left as they were after two.

The dialogue is terrible, especially from the police officers. At one point a female officer walks into a rape support group and starts deliberately teasing a man about the pronouncement of his name. This was absolutely shudder-worthy and unfortunately only one of many instances like it in the film. Every character is unbelievably annoying (yes even 'Jennifer Hills') and consequently where the first two films did such a good job of creating sympathy for the lead character and utter despise of the villains, that's non-existent this time around. An absolute misfire that should never have been made.
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Poor sequel.
Stevieboy6664 March 2019
Like it or loath it, the very original I Spit on Your Grave was a shocking and powerful movie. The 2010 remake, although somewhat over the top in the revenge department, was good. Part 2, nothing to do with it's predecessor, was also quite good. Part 3 picks up from the 2010 film with Sarah Butler reprising her role. This is the best thing about part 3, she plays her part well and looks good doing so. The thin plot has her day dreaming about commiting murders and actually committing them (I think!). The ending is not great and it left me feeling somewhat disappointed. Sure, the killings are brutal and bloody but there are many far better movies out there for that. Really quite a needless sequel. It lacks the amount of sexual violence of the previous movies and consequently is the only I Spit to be passed uncut in Britain by the BBFC.
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OTT this time
nancy66617 February 2017
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I really liked both 1 and 2 of Steve R. Monroe's I Spit On Your Grave movies, but this third installment directed by R.D. Braunstein turned into a bit of a joke.

Years after her abuse Jennifer Hills (Sarah Buter) is is trying to get on with her life with the help of a psychiatrist and a support group. Not sleeping, daydreaming and hating life, Jennifer soon meets Marla (Jennifer Landon) who's "stuff the world" attitude and positive outlook on justice soon helps Jennifer with her own outlook on life. The pair become BFF's and begin dishing out their own form of justice. When something happens to Marla, Jennifer seems to lose the plot and go it alone in a sadistic, I-now-love-killing manner.

In I Spit on Your Grave: Vengeance is Mine it lost the difficulty of abuse and the brutality of it that the previous movies had. It became more Saw than sad.

If you liked the first two you probably won't like this much, but if you hated the first two, this attempt might be right up your ally.
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Nothing like the other 2 movies in this series
ripsmoke11 October 2015
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I give it a 3 out of 10 for some brutal deaths and the fact that they brought back the girl from the first one. Other than that, this movie wasn't very good at all... Seems like the director is probably one of those "low budget" type of filmmakers that shoots stuff that airs at 2 am on HBO or Showtime... If you liked the first film, Then it's natural that you would want to see this, but trust me, this film has absolutely nothing to it other than very bland storytelling and a very low budget feel

I was actually bored about halfway through the movie when I realized it was going to be nothing like the other movies, sure the deaths are brutal, but so what? They spend a few scenes trying to make you dislike a guy, they show him only a few times, and then kill him expecting the audience to actually care
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Bad portrayal
LollyLaurenPop3 April 2020
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I watched this one having really liked the first remake, as sadistic as it sounds, when things like this actually happen all the time it's nice to see a woman get revenge, so I thought a film about her getting revenge for others would be equally as satisfying. Unfortunately I was wrong, while the deaths are good, they made the main character just look unhinged. Rape is a trauma you never really get over but the last ten minutes were just stupid, as if the film makers were trying to say that rape victims just turn into psychopaths who want to kill anyone and everyone, and that portrayal is just uncomfortable and upsetting, plus the leader of the group clearly hadn't a clue how to deal with victims and that made the group session scenes frustrating as hell. Very disappointed
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Sarah Butler is the best thing about this movie.
RoboRabbit8921 October 2017
Let me just get right to it. I'm not a huge fan of this series, this and the first are the only ones I've seen.

But I'll be honest, I was only seeing this for Sarah Butler. This one was sort of better than the first,

she's kind of like a vigilante which is kinda cool,

but they could of put some action scenes

in kinda like Death Wish. I mean I guess I could say some of the death scenes of her victims where alright. At least Sarah was fun to watch, speaking of fun to watch, she was super sexy in that red dress let me tell ya.

Overall, I guess a could watch this again, like on a rainy day if I have nothing else to watch.

I give it a 3/10. For me, it's just alright but I like Sarah Butler, and she's the only reason I would watch this again.
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doesn't offer a new thing but is still gory at moments
trashgang9 November 2015
This one picks in on the remake from 2010. I wasn't really satisfied with the remake because it went completely over the top. But here Jennifer Hills (Sarah Butler) is back under another name. Being in therapy with a group who all were involved in rape she slowly turns back into her bad habits, going out to kill the rapists.

It takes a while before she goes berserk and you will see the best, read gory, parts of the 2010 version. When her new girlfriend is being killed by her ex-boyfriend it's time to search the guys responsible. The first kill is the one you will remember the most because she goes for a blow but not with a happy ending for the guy. From there on it's a bit of the same as in the 2010 version. Except that we do have a little message hidden throughout the movie itself. The victims aren't the ones being helped by the authorities.

It's so weird to see Sarah turning into a sickie, especially towards the end when she thinks all men are the same, have been talking to her and in fact have seen her again the day before I watched this flick at a convention.

Does this flick offer anything towards the franchise, to be honest it doesn't but t is still worth picking up.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 25/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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Mindless and hate-filled
Leofwine_draca21 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE 3: VENGEANCE IS MINE is another mindless hate-filled addition to the series, barely any different to the two films which preceded it. Okay, the formula is slightly different this time around, as the main character isn't raped at the outset, but the grisly revenge killings are, while the self-help circle material is frankly a bit dull. The problems with this film are myriad, but the weak writing is the foremost issue, with one-dimensional characters and tepid pacing throughout.

For the sadists among us, there are some very graphic and nasty death scenes here, meted out to men who are more than deserving of their fate. Even so, this ventures into torture porn territory and would be quite disturbing if the CGI effects weren't so terrible. Elsewhere, lukewarm, occasionally histrionic acting also mars the experience, along with a cast filled with unlikeable characters, leaving this a sadistic chore for only the most hardened gore-seekers.
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Had potential.
mickeythecudder12 October 2015
Rating it 7 is too much. Let me be clear on that. The movie from the start seemed pretty good. The acting was nice, the plot was really good and I loved how it broke the whole I Spit On Your Grave movie clichés. I loved the fact that it was something different from the other movies we have seen. With some great acting and some bad acting from supporting actors and some clichés, in the middle of the film I had decided that its probably the best from the latest three movies of the franchise, not going to mention the first one though. The killings were great and brutal. But the end of the film came so quickly, it was bad and made the movie one of the biggest disappointments in recent cinema! I have no idea what the film makers were thinking! How the hell did they write such an awful ending, thinking that its going to work?! I don't know, really.. It had great potential but by the end it was plain trash like the other films. The 7 rating from me is for how much I enjoyed the whole thing, objectively it deserves a five, maybe five and a half, and if it had a better, or maybe a good, ending I would have given it a 8.
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An Honest Review
generationofswine6 May 2019
So Sarah Butler came back and that was pretty cool to do a follow up...but it almost makes Jennifer Hills into the bad guy and, though it was unsettling, it doesn't seem right. She's a little too pro-active on the vengeance thing to really sit well.

It kind of works as a continuation of a story...but it kills a lot of the overwhelming sympathy you had for Jennifer, even while she was extracting some brutal vengeance. And I kind of feel that the point of movies like this is to get the audience to sympathize with someone doing some absolutely horrible things.
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She who fights with monsters. A film series salvaged after a disappointing sequel.
nitzanhavoc15 February 2016
I must say, after my big disappointment from the sequel, I didn't think I would really take the time to watch number 3. However, as soon as I saw that the wonderful Sarah Butler was thankfully back, and that the plot actually aims to continue the first film - I figured I'd give it a chance. Boy, am I glad I decided to do that, as "Vengeance is Mine" salvages any and all damage done by the previous sequel (which wasn't bad, simply unworthy).

As the synopsis says, unlike no. 2 which was nothing more than a failing tribute (although to a certain extent fun to watch, don't rule it out yet), no. 3 is the actual sequel. Haunted by both the brutalizing gang rape and abuse she'd been through and her terrible violent acts of revenge, Jennifer (now Angela) is trying to cope with the world she believes she lives in - no friends, no altruism, always strings attached, and a blunt battle between predators and prey. Unlike the 2nd film, the acting in this one is as amazing as in the first, with terrific additions like Jennifer Landon as the neurotic Marla and Doug McKeon as the traumatized Oscar.

While the first film was all about abuse and vengeance and crime and punishment, the 3rd aims to be a lot deeper and more philosophical. The police has a very central role in the plot, after having a minor one in the sequel and being non-existent in the first. Angela finds herself having to lie and hide in order to do what she defines as right, while her rage and frustration threaten to claim the lives not only of those guilty, but of others as well. The film criticizes not only the monsters who commit the crimes and the system that pathetically fails to punish them - but also the crossing of the line between justice and injustice.

Vengeance is Mine was probably out to offer and upgraded plot. The actual acts of abuse receive no screen time, excluding Angela's flashbacks from the events of the first film. The film aims to show the conflict between the reality experienced by rape victims (a misogynistic world where men are either monsters, incompetent pawns or fathers of victims) and the reality that is actually out there, where the truth is gray and there are no absolutes. The victims who turn to violence are criticized as badly as the monsters who made them that way, and the system is criticized for its alleged successes as well as its blunt failures.

All in all, unlike the first film, this one is not a plain vengeance film, and we often find ourselves wondering who the monster really is. While having a much deeper message, it fails to deliver the pure satisfaction given by the first film (although "fails" is probably a wrong choice of words, as it obviously had no intention of doing so). After the painful plunge of the 2nd film - the 3rd offers the salvation of the series. Not as good as the first, definitely way better than the 2nd. The added value is obvious, the acts of vengeance still immense, and the overall experience definitely worthy of the time spent watching.
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Man Hating Feminist Garbage
melleer15 May 2019
They wanted to make a political statement and used the "I Spit On Your Grave" franchise as the vehicle to draw viewers in. I hope I never have to see that obnoxious Landon woman ever again. Wow she was annoying.
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This movie had what the others were lacking, a story. More of a Boondock Saints then a Hostel how-shocking-can-we-be feel
cosmo_tiger15 October 2015
"Justice isn't something you receive, its something you dish out." Years after her attack and rape Jennifer (Butler) is trying to move on with her life. She is in therapy and joins a support group where she meets Marla (Landon) who changes her outlook on life. Marla convinces her that talking isn't the way to help victims like them. When something happens to Marla and no one is held accountable Jennifer decides to unleash her own brand of justice. The previous two movies were a little hard to watch. A graphic rape scene followed by a sequence of gory revenge scenes. They weren't bad but they reminded me of the Hostel movies. Not much plot and really just an excuse to push the limits of what they can put in a movie. I went in with that expectation to this one. I have to say that this was easily the best of the three. This movie had what the others were lacking, a story. This had more of a Boondock Saints feel then a Hostel how-shocking-can-we-be feel. There are some very over the top aspects in this but the story is something that keeps you watching, strange to say for a horror movie. I surprisingly liked this much more than I expected to. Overall, easily the best of the series. I give this a B.
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I Spit On Your Grave 3 cuts through the familiar formula only for it to become bloody boring blandness.
TheMovieDiorama8 March 2018
It's a sequel people, a continuation from the first controversial instalment that had viewers looking away from screens due to the sheer amount of blood, torture and obscenity. After the previous chapter, which felt all too familiar, they changed things up slightly. Following from the events of the first film, Jennifer ditches her career aspirations to become an assault hotline operator and attend group counselling sessions in order to heal her scarring experience. She develops a bond with a girl who is then mysteriously murdered. What does Jennifer do? She lures and traps these unpunished rapists/murderers and kills them in the only way possible...brutally. Stab a neck, slice a man's "Crown Jewels" (only way I could think of politely describing it) in half and even shoving a huge pipe and hammering it up someone's...well, you get the idea. That's all well and good if you have a sadistic mind, but I'm afraid that's only 7 minutes of the film. The remaining 84 minutes are bad. Just plain bad. Firstly, I actually found this film to be the most distasteful. Not because of the vivid torture scenes, which actually are few and far between in this chapter, but due to the depiction of men. Apparently we are all rapists and only live to have sex because it's the only thing we think about constantly. Nearly every male character is depicted to be disgusting, and it's offensively unrealistic. Clearly aiming for a female empowerment thriller, yet it misses and then some due to the horrendous one sided perspective. The screenplay isn't intelligent enough to make us sympathise with Jennifer, so it's just watching a woman kill men with a minimal amount of psychological analysis of her mental stability. She becomes disillusioned with society, unable to differentiate between well-meaning men and sexual predators. But the boring plot and unexciting dialogue never fully explores this. The acting was mediocre also. For a film that breaks its own formula, it feels more familiar than ever.
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Boring & uninteresting - Nothing like the others...
bayareamike7 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie drags on & on without any payout. It follows the aftermath of the modern 'I Spit on Your Grave' where she stays in the cabin & has to deal with the corrupt sheriff & his accomplices. She spends much of the movie in a Psych chair detailing her unfortunate vacation she previously had. This film had nothing to offer - no good story line, little violence & basically focuses on the main character who at this point is 'damaged goods'. A complete waste of time - so boring I wouldn't even group this film with the others. It's just a 'PG' rated type film with a slow storyline. Disappointing would sum it up.... Well, that sums up the movie in a nutshell - but IMDb wants 10 lines of description before I submit. There really isn't any more to this film that needs discussion. A complete waste of time I think is a accurate description. If you want well-done disturbing horror movies, watch the first 3. I don't even know why they made this film - it's terrible for the reasons stated above.
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One of the worse movies ever
agostino-dallas19 February 2017
Really dull and nothing like the other two that were already worse than the original and classic version. Second tire actors and poorly-written dialogues. If you like trash, then you will have a great time watching this one. It is hard to believe that producers and the director managed to make something that bad. The plot - if I can say there is a plot - is nothing but confusing. The victim seems to be a twisted freak. Rape has been gaining momentum in many cultures and this is important to help stopping violence against women. Even some well know schools have a problem managing this but this movie will not help at all. It is pure trash covered in some attempt to make justice. So, enjoy your banana split and forget the rest.
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Descent into Debauchery
parkerrodney8 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I Spit on Your Grave 3 Third times is not a charm In I Spit on Your Grave 3, ISOYG picks up with Angela (Jennifer Hills) in recovery trying to adjust after her trauma. In this movie the rhetoric and man hating gets ratchetted up. Early on Angela teams up with a fellow therapy team member and engage in some street justice and intimidation of sex predators. When Marla is raped and killed, it sends Angela, who already has issues, over the edge. Just like in its predecessor movies, there are more male assholes. The man at the bus stop checking out her ass, the serial date seeking co-worker, the park thugs and the old asshole at the bar, to name a few. ISOYG3 has greater depth as the storyline explores rape counseling, and the feelings of trapped women the suffering of other types of people who are survivors of rape and the powerlessness of victims and ineptness of the criminal justice system. The movie moves from Angela's flashbacks of revenge killing, to fantasy killing during confrontational situations to the flat-out entrapment and predatory killing of Marla's ex-boyfriend. There is more humiliation and wetting of pants, stun gunning, rectal violation with pipes and of course, the cutting off of male genitals. As Angela moves from victim to predator, her character becomes more pathological as she seeks more and more vengeance. During this process, it now becomes difficult to continue to sympathize with Angela as other people in her therapy group are now under suspicion for two of the murders which she committed, and which she accused other for her deeds. Despite this, her revenge killing continues. Ultimately, the police home in on Angela and learn here true identity, Jennifer Hills, and now Angela is the main suspect in multiple revenge killings. This issue is not resolved but we find out towards the end of the movie that Angela was incarcerated for two years and it appears that her discussions with her therapist were while she was in a correctional or psychiatric facility. Though she's getting out, it is clear that she still has homicidal visions or fantasies. Though the movie has more depth, any sense of sympathy that she had gained was lost. Now it would appear that she is simply a psychotic killer. At this point, the genre has descended into such debauchery as to lose its initial message, that you hope that they don't make any more.
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7 out of 10... for the first hour only!
canndyman3 August 2022
This film acts as a direct sequel to the first film, and it was great to see Jennifer Hills back as Sarah Butler.

Still haunted by what happened, we find her now living in a cheap downtown apartment and attending a weekly rape counseling meeting with other victims.

At the meeting, she soon befriends the feisty Maria, and is inspired to find a new confidence in herself.

Maria encourages Sarah to be more feisty too - but Sarah is seemingly more restrained.

When Maria mentions that she believes that revenge is the best way to serve justice on the rape crimes that the police and courts fail to do, just how far will she go and will it stir up latent feelings in Sarah?

The first hour of this film was great, and I have to say I was surprised at how good it actually was.

I liked the idea of Sarah getting back on with her life with a new office job, and attending the meetings with other victims.

As it went on, I kind of had my own conclusion to the film mapped out in my head - but, unfortunately in the final half hour, that's where it all goes horribly wrong and the film goes off the rails.

Without wanting to give spoilers, let's just say that the central premise is total to overplayed and exploited to the point of stupidity. In the first film, Sarah was stealthy, clever and totally in control of her actions - but here she is totally out of character and out of control, and the silly ending will leave you feeling cheated.

7 out of 10 for the first hour - zero for the rest!
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Gore a plenty but other then that nothing else of substance
Brooklynsmagicmike19 April 2020
Not really a movie I'd watch on my own but decided to with my fiancé. Hated this movie completely and only reason I gave any stars at all were for the violent scenes even though there was very few.

First of all main character you feel mixed rooting for. On one end she was violently raped and you feel sorry for, on the other end shes incredibly obnoxious and wildly insane. While I do agree with vengeance towards men who have done unspeakable crimes. The lead automatically throws all men in one category and it becomes prejudice after awhile.

Second this movie relies to heavy on showing scenes that in real time look like there happening but turn out to be not real. I understand director is trying to let you in on how sick this womens mind is but after awhile it happens so often you cant determine whats fake and whats reality.

Third just felt this movie was very draggy overall. You actually skip solid 30 minutes in to this movie and basically miss nothing. On top of it scenes were very repeating and basically in same location every time Im assuming that was because movie was on tight budget.

Overall I just can't recommend this movie at all unless you're someone whos just heavily into gore and looking to watch something like that because this movie lacks everything else.
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Hopefully a Finale
bevanaaron25 February 2024
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This one feels very different from the first two movies, which in fairness to the movie would make us all moan either way, 'too similar to the last two movies, come up with something new'. I actually quite like what they film was trying to do, it needed an ending and I couldn't put my hand on how they were going to do it. Jennifer Hills from the first movie, now known as Angela, becomes a part of a community rape victim group and befriends a girl named Marla who together believe that the men who have committed such crimes should be brutally punished. While working on this task, such as beating up Cassies stepdad, Marla is sadly murdered. Angela has no doubt that Marla's ex-boyfriend is involved and seeks out on a revenge mission, not just for Marla but for others in the group. The police become hot on her case after suspicion is raised and the motive points strongly at her. I think it's a fitting end, not quite as much gore, but still a cut in half penis, hopefully the don't release anymore as it would spoil the trilogy.
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Ummm, k. What is this movie?
rainleaveswind15 October 2015
Another dumb blunder by people who simply do not understand genre film and have no business making them.

Apparently the geniuses who produced this said to themselves, hey, for all you fans of the original movies and the remakes before this, we thought you'd like a basic revenge drama, rather than a exploitation genre film.

Ahhh, no. No, we won't like that.

This movie will appeal to no one. Nobody. I don't even get what it is. It takes a classic exploitation genre and turns it into a boring lifetime channel revenge drama.

A complete waste of time in every way.
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Loved it!
msamy21296 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a fan of the series this one doesn't disappoint! So pop some popcorn and get ready for some Vengeance. It starts out a little slow but definitely gets going towards the middle and end. The first kill is by far the best. I had to replay the kill because I almost didn't believe what I saw the first time! Crazy! The second kill was also pretty good. It's great to see Sarah Butler back. She shows great strength and vulnerability in her acting and I find her a pleasure to watch. I also liked Jennifer Landon and Doug McKeon. I am surprisingly even a fan of the ending! I hope number 4 is in the works :) As far as revenge movies go (my favorite type) this one is high on my list.
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She's back
kosmasp18 February 2016
I haven't seen the second "Spit" movie, but this is more of a sequel to the first one. And therefor you get a character which has evolved. It's up to the viewer to decide if for the better or worse. There are issues with Butlers character in this (how she acts after all that she did in part 1 for example), but the movie kinda cheats its way around that with all those daydream flashes that happen.

You'll either like them, or think they're just a cheap trick to avoid making too much sense. It's still an interesting take on the character. And even though Ms. Butler still likes the first one better (because it put her out there, literally and metaphorically speaking), this is at least from the character perspective a much richer effort and movie ...
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The air is leaking out of the series...
paul_haakonsen14 June 2016
I must admit that I was a tad excited about a third movie in this brutal series coming out and I was thrilled when I finally got the chance to sit down and watch it. But my expectations were equally brutally cut down in size.

This third movie was nowhere near the same level of intensity, brutality and entertainment as the previous two movies. Mind you, that it is still a good enough movie to watch, just don't get your expectations up for it to follow in the same bloody footsteps as the previous two movies.

It was nice, though, to have the Angela character (played by Sarah Butler) to return to the movie, although the character did seem sort of a spoof and a parody on itself, given the events in the first movie, and how she had turned out in the third movie.

The story in "I Spit on Your Grave 3: Vengeance Is Mine" was fairly straight forward, albeit lacking a deeper content and a meaning that would be satisfying and fulfilling for the audience.

The acting in the movie was good, as it has been since the first movie. And the special effects were great, also as they had been in the previous movies. And while this third movie didn't have as much violence as the previous two movies, then the effects and presentation of the situations were right up to level with the previous movies. There are some graphic scenes which will make you squirm - especially if you are a guy.

However, the movie just lacked that special ingredient to make it a worthy third installment to the series. But isn't that the perpetual curse of sequels? They tend to drop in worth and entertainment the further the series continues on.

I am rating "I Spit on Your Grave 3: Vengeance Is Mine" a mediocre five out of ten stars, because it just wasn't living up to my expectations on any level.
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Worst film i've seen in a long time
johannesjohe11 March 2020
In contrary to the first two movies this movie was just a joke. You just have to develop a hatred against the protagonist because she just acts irrational and like a wanna be psychpath. In the first movies I felt empathy by watching the woman taking revenge but in this film I just thought her behaviour was dump and childish. Don't watch this film - it'll feed your anger in relation to feminism and the victimhood of woman.
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