Officer Downe (2016) Poster


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Goes Down Fast
nebk20 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Officer Downe is an action film starring Kim Coates in the title role. He is a cop who can be brought back from the dead every time that he is killed. As such he is a fighting machine taking on the criminal underworld of L.A controlled by the criminal organization known as the Fortune 500 led by the Lion, the Vulture and the Tigress.

Based on a graphic novel this film is very violent and has a lot of gore, swearing, nudity and sexual situations. There are arms dealing nuns with machine guns led by Mother Supreme as well as ninja assassins trained by a teleporting assassin known as Zen Master Flash. And all of them try and sometimes succeed in killing officer Downe. But not for long...

There are some corny one liners and some comedic moments although these tend to be flat for most of the film. At times Officer Downe has the look of a gritty graphic novel. However for most of the film it seems that the focus was on style rather than substance and the movie suffers for it. At times the violence is very excessive with heads being blown off, and limbs being removed. The levels of gore will probably not appeal to everyone.

The camera work is shaky at times and both the acting and the dialogue tend to be weak at certain times although not for the whole movie. So a mixed bag. Could have been much better if the story was more developed with better dialogue. On the plus side there are at least four members of the band Slipknot appearing in various small roles in the movie. So that might appeal to their fans.
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This Movie is Absolutely Terrible. I love it.
leeleejensen12 July 2020
The dialog, the aesthetics, the zany characters, the acting is all so brilliantly bad. The thing is, the movie leans into the horrible qualities of the film so heavily that it stops acting as a film and acts more as a performance art piece, and creates a masterclass of entertaining yet unwatchably stupid action, mental story lines and an overall shockingly great movie.
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The ultimate trash movie
kjjames819 December 2016
This film was totally trash, in a good way, so your wondering why only four out of ten, well the film's impact didn't last for the whole movie. The first hour was great. Great pace, great humour and action sequences, nudity and tons of bad language but it just seems that they had rum out of steam before the end credits. If you like your movies loud, foul and big then you will love this movie. Okay you will have to switch your mind off and just enjoy the over the top film in all it's glory. Even big breasted mother supreme gets a look in, shame we didn't see more of her. If a second one came out I would watch it. Enjoy the movie for what it is.
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The worst movie I ever viewed
malitchkowski4 December 2016
I wish there was a Negative score I can use for this movie, the worst piece of trash ever put together. Absolutely torturous suffering to watch it. What a waste of time and money. I cannot even begin to put into words how bad this movie was, looks like the pair of idiots who created it had a budget of about $500 had a lot of homemade props and no licenses to show anything else. Poor Kim Coates must have been out of his mind to get coaxed into this flaming dumpster fire. Not only is it just terrible but just really, really amateur and sad, it really looks like a couple of teenagers just threw some crap together in their basement for most scenes. I was really hoping it would eventually get better but it never did.
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Downe for the Counte
fossicle12 April 2017
My god, this is the worst movie I have attempted to watch in yonks. No acting, no plot, just grossness and sheer stupidity. Enough spent on this review but I need to write five lines for a review.

You are better spending your time trying to resuscitate a dead earthworm than watching this movie(???)
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jhr201214 April 2017
Yet another Netflix piece of crap. I made it through all of 10 minutes of this movie. The description says it's a comedy. There's nothing funny about this mess, with the possible exception of the villains and the acting. Gratuitous violence galore mixed with sex and bad dialog adds up to one bad movie. Don't waste your time with this one.
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trashgang8 June 2020
They ssaid that this was a complete out of control flick and seen it I agree. But it's so weird that i lost grip on it.

And by doing so I didn't like it that much even as it has a lot of gory moments. But by being all things like campy and cheesy and corny it's hard to watch and the editing doesn't foster the watching.

The editing is done in a flashy speedy way. And with some shaky cams it's a experience for the eye. And the kungfu man not talking in sync, well, bu know you can think what it's all about, madness. But a bit too much for me.

Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 2,5/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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A Literal Letdown
jvm03935 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the Comic Book of the same name, Officer Downe is directed by Shawn Crahan who is a member of the Heavy Metal band Slipknot, who has only directed two Music videos for Slipknot to his credit that alone should tell you everything about this movie quality. Trying to explain this film is like trying to explain a fever dream brought on by LSD and it feels like that. The film is about a Police officer who can be brought back to life using psychics at a local LA Police Station, once revived the said Officer becomes a Super Undead Cop task with bringing down Criminals in the most violence ways possible. The show how over the top this film is, the film starts with a sex scene accompanied with an orgasm count, we are not two minutes in the film and we are already off to a good start.

Later on we are introduced by leather tight nuns led by Mother Supreme, a criminal underground cult led by three people who wear animal masks and even a freaking Ninja Squad led by a very cheesy Zen Master Flash. You would think with all of those elements in this would make this film enjoyable and for the most part it is due to its Schlocky nature along with its bizarre editing, but halfway through the movie tries to be serious for some reason by making Officer Downe simplifying with the psychics in a performance that is supposed to be emotional but comes across as a bit inapposite for this type of film. It is also at this point that the film loses its comedic value slowing the pace of the film down, not to mention there are moments in the movie when the acting becomes stale. The worst offender is actor Kim Coates who plays the title character, it's clear that he isn't given any direction for his character resulting with him doing a topsy turvy performance, the film come across as a bit inept trying too hard and failing harder to take itself seriously in a film that no one will take seriously.

I haven't read the Officer Downe comic books, it seems that it took ideas from Judge Dredd and Robocop and both of which were remade at a time when superhero cop films were gaining popularity again. Officer Downe (the Movie) came out at a good time when the superhero cop trend was still relevant. It is somewhat of a shame that the movie didn't work out the way everybody wanted it to, there was a plan for a sequel but after the reception that this film got the sequel idea was immediately put down. If the film stuck with its goofiness, over the top action scene and didn't take itself seriously then the film would have work as a "so bad it's good" type of film.
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Maniac Cop meets Hobo with a Shotgun
Sam66719 April 2017
first off, this is way better than 4.6 average score. if you're into grind-house, over-the-top-violence, b-movies and/or heavy metal music, this is right up your alley. and yeah, there is some stuff which is really silly, but hey, it works within the film and for me, so, I'm okay with that. for sure, it's not for everyone, hence the bad score, but if you enjoy "Hobo with a Shotgun" or "Fathers Day" or any Troma release, go for this one. (on Netflix US now, April 2017)
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If you like Kung Fury then you'll like this
athies9 April 2017
Head Case is a cross between The Joker and Dick Tracy.

Horrible tune.

This dialog is painful.

What the hell is this?! That is the lamest retinal scan I've ever seen.

Can you arrest dialog? A Lethal Weapon reference! There goes the head. Okay, I guess this is just ridiculous.

Suddenly we're all somber.

Drunk cops charging into the scene.

I love how cops have to end their career if something doesn't work. How ridiculous. In this case, how will they even know. e.g. If this algorithm doesn't work my engineering career is over! This tech is a poor copy of Ed Rollins in Johnny Mnemonic.
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Gore greatness and so much more watch it and be surprised
dragonstar-2216627 April 2019
"a police officer who can't be stopped by death returns to the streets time and time again to fight crime" Sounds like a bad 80's exploitation movie and this movie owes a lot to those movies, but like Robocop it manages to go beyond these roots.

It is Kim Coates portayal of officer Terry Downe that elevate this movie from cheesy scifi gore fest to cult classic. He makes him both an unstoppable bad ass and a sympathetic human character that you can relate to and root for. His scenes in the 'Bull Pen' are just perfect giving an emotional connection that pushes this movie beyond the ordinary.

Is this movie perfect no, some of the CGI effects are weak, the supporting characters are poorly fleshed out. I would of liked to see more backstory for the other main character Officer Gable played well by Tyler Ross. There are times the lower budget obviously put constrains on the movie, but having said that you can see that they got the most of from their budget.

If you like this sort of movies you will love this movie and if you don't you will miss the great heart of this movie behind the slightly dodgy special effects and over the top characters.
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Planet Dredd on acid
madameminty1 March 2017
Very weird, but it seemed all purposeful and coherent. Maybe except the way how the tension was handled: wasn't much different from most movies, but something felt off. Somewhat anticlimactic, despite many climaxes indeed. It's a very healthy mixture of cliché behavior leading to deconstructive results. I like when a movie can surprise me. This was disruptive of what other movies trained me to expect. It was stupid and gory, but not grim. One more surprise here, as recent productions just have to be dark and gritty. This is like Dredd (2012), except that it's not some of the characters being on drugs, it's the movie makers. Really reminds me of Planet Terror (2007).
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Pubescant Writing at it's Best
dagon-298492 October 2018
I could only last through 10-15 minutes of this. the dialogue was that of a pre-pubescent teen that only watched sesame street as a sex ed video. the acting was horrible from actors that have been known to make a good flick here and there. this was elementary school stage play at it's worst. the dialogue, the acting, the sets, the whole story. how this ever became a comic that was agreed upon to be a movie is beyond me. the investors must've been high, drunk, dead, or all of the above.
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How on earth did this turn out so dull?
selfdestructo20 April 2023
Officer Downe has got blood, gore, sex, nudity, flailing limbs, foxy nuns with automatic weaponry, an action sequence done to "Everybody Wants You" (with blows being synced to drum beats), AND an undead cop. One thing that's missing is, oh, I don't know, a STORY?

Criminals want to kill Officer Downe, only he can't be killed. Is that a story? Someone really dropped the ball on this. I see the guy who wrote the comic also did the screenplay.

The only reason this movie gets any attention (besides its star) is the fact that one of the guys from Slipknot directed it. Keep your day job! (Or at least get a better screenplay). And where did they get the rookie cop, some kid off the street? Holy crap, talk about unconvincing. The entire final act is laughable. I'm giving this four stars because parts of it (padded by long stretches of inanity) are bonkers.
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Worst movie ever.
treyphotoslinger6 December 2021
Gratuitous sex, gratuitous gore, stupid storyline, contrived acting, predictable plot if you can even call it a plot. This movie is easily the worst movie in the history of movies.
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Middling Live-action Adult Graphic Novel
Armin_Nikkhah_Shirazi22 April 2022
OFFICER DOWNE tells the story of the tough and hypermasculine eponymous L. A. police officer who is able to be resurrected each time he is killed, and a rookie officer who eventually finds out his secret while they confront a variety of colorful villains.

At least since SIN CITY (2005) there has been a relatively new subgenre of movies one might call "live-action adult graphic novels": live-action films which are based on adult graphic novels or at least emulate that form. The form can be recognized by the cartoon representation of reality both in style and content, flashy visuals, hyperkinetic action, frequently over-the-top hyperviolence and gore, frank sexual representations, and a story which is generally some variation of the fight between good and evil.

Even if the protagonists may seem to possess superhuman abilities, they are usually not superheros as those in the Marvel Universe, which I consider a distinct but closely related subgenre (perhaps live-action graphic novels without the "adult" part).

Unfortunately, SIN CITY is also by far the best example in this subcategory, as other movies which followed it consistently turned out to be inferior in one way or another.

DOWNE is technically more accomplished than films like ADAM CHAPLIN (2011) and HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN (2011), but shares a common problem, which is that these films almost invariably suffer from a lack of tension due to the protagonist's overwhelming dominance over his enemies.

What elevates this film relative to the others is that the focus for much of the film is not on Downe, but a rookie officer who wants to be conscientious in an environment where everybody seems to have lost their conscience, and his effect on the former.

On the other hand, the cop fetishization of this film seems anachronistic in an age in which it has become evident that police brutality in real life is much more common than we imagined.

The cop fetish on display is actually multi-dimensional: on a social level, it will no doubt appeal to the "blue lives matter" crowd, but it also has a sexual dimension: Downe looks like an 80s S&M gay porn character, he literally has the biggest guns, other cops envy how freely he gets to metaphorically f*** over the criminals, and in one scene, Downe even says that bashing the criminals' heads makes his "dick hard", an organ he curiously fails to utilize when pleasuring his flame to literally dozens of orgasms. The absurdly high number of orgasms, complete with counter, seems almost like a fig leaf for the homoerotic undertones between the rookie and Downe.

Personally, I found the cop fetishization off-putting, but the biggest problem with the movie is that the caricature of the world it presents is so extreme that it becomes uninteresting. I put the blame for this squarely on the author of the graphic novel on which the film is based, and who also wrote the screenplay. I was able to see the first few pages on Amazon preview, and it seems the movie is very faithful to the graphic novel, which would mean that the shortcoming lies in the source material.
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This movie stinks..sti sti sti stinks . Warning: Spoilers
Some fight scenes between Downe and bad dudes and Nuns yes nuns ! Will have you dashing for your remote to shut this madness down da da down!!
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Officer Letdowne.
BA_Harrison1 September 2023
Whenever dedicated LA cop Officer Downe (Kim Coates) is killed in the line of duty, he is brought back to life by the combined power of a group of telekinetic invalids, returning to the streets to continue his fight against crime.

Officer Downe is based on the graphic novel by Chris Burnham and Joe Casey (who also wrote the screenplay for the film), and is directed by Shawn Crahan, otherwise known as Clown from Slipknot, whose prior experience behind the camera is in making music videos for his band.

The 2000s/2010s saw a glut of OTT, violent, grind-house comic-book movies - Kung Fury, Hobo With a Shotgun, Nude Nuns With Big Guns, Turbo Kid, Planet Terror, to name but a few. Officer Downe is cut from the same cloth, but Crahan's lack of film-making experience is glaringly obvious, his movie suffering from an excess of gimmicky visuals used to try and disguise the lack of a decent story.

While Crahan's chaotic style might work for a Slipknot video, it definitely doesn't work for an entire movie, and the result is a mess of erratic camerawork and rapid editing that quickly leads to tedium. What passes for a plot soon becomes very repetitive (Downe goes after bad guys, is killed, then resurrected. Repeat.) and the wild aesthetic makes it very hard to remain engaged.

It's hard to believe that a film featuring sexy nuns with guns, ninjas in floral outfits, gratuitous nudity and plenty of gore could be so disappointing.

3.5/10, rounded downe to 3 for idealistic Officer Gable (Tyler Ross), who doesn't look old enough to be a cop, and for The Fortune 500, a trio of stupid-looking master criminals who, for some unexplained reason, have the heads of animals.
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Great fun for what it is
Ilovemoviesalot7 March 2017
This movie is not for every one - but if you are into ultra-violent graphic novels - this is a great movie. They did not try to make a movie for the masses, they were definitely not aiming for Oscars. I have not followed these comics, but I could enjoy the movie perfectly. The main character is perfectly cast. This is a low budget movie, but that does not detract from the story. See it with an open mind and you will be surprised at how much you enjoy it. And try to beat that 'orgasm counter'! A solid 7/10.
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Definitely worth a watch. I had fun watching it for sure.
bear-0099723 November 2016
Wtf is wrong with all the D-bags who would give this movie a bad review? What more do u want in a movie? The acting is what u exapect, the director has got talent. Yeah it doesn't finish as strong as it starts but it's still worth your time for sure and it's not sapose to be 100% serious! Its sapose to be fun! And there a lot of good laughs! Let's make a rundown...

  • unstoppable cop badass with an insanely awesome sidearm... check! - weird half animal crime bosses... check! - tits and ass and an orgasm counter... check! - gun running nuns who shoot everything and everybody... check! - insane action and shootouts where people are BLASTED into next week... check - hardcore music while heads explode, and eye pop out... check!

And I'm sure u will find other things u enjoy about this movie for yourself. It's not the best movie in the world but it deserves a better rating then people are giving it! Watch it!
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Great B-movie crap
moodorf3 May 2019
It's gory, corny, campy fun so if you're expecting something that's intended to be taken seriously you're watching the wrong movie.If you like B-movies you'll probably like this.
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Violence and comedy, can't go wrong
jackmeat18 November 2016
My quick rating - 5,5/10. Get your orgasm meter running. OK, you'll get that joke when you see the movie. This movie, as I assume the graphic novel was as well, is just plain fun. A renegade cop who can heal himself, well, sorta, is out to clean up the streets of MF'n Los Angeles. The profanity part will be filled in for you in the movie. In wiping the streets of crime, he must dispatch with the local gang of nuns running guns and get to the Fortune 500. If this sounds all cheesy and silly, it is, and on purpose. Our hero, played deadpan by Kim Coates, dispatches the bad guys within extreme prejudice. The gore tally is quite high but in a comic book way. Heads will be blown off, limbs fly and eyeballs are ripped out at a frenetic pace. They attempt to sprinkle in the morality of the story somewhat like Robocop, but you will hardly notice it. Even though Officer Downe is part of the team, he is still looked at like a monster. But the streets need a monster to get rid of the likes of Zen Master Flash and his poorly dubbed (again with the humor) clan. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and actually wish they gave it a bit more time then it had. The original ideas for the bad guys was great and could've been further elaborated on if given more time. A good Friday night viewing for sure.
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Officer Downe down down Downe down down down Downe
zizin4 August 2017
Omg thank god to the crank producer they made a perfect movie based by a Violent comic book or mega violent comic book if someone hates this movie they didn't read the comic and they don't know Dredd at all between Sam Axe dudes is supposed to be awesome Kim Coates made a good job on Officer Downe and the fans of the comic were hyped if and the kills are silly but awesome and is more violent than Sin City but worth checking out this movie
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The movie is essentially a live-action graphic novel a la Sin City and pulls off its intention perfectly.
cosmo_tiger4 February 2017
"I've got the badge and I've got the will. I am LAPD, so let me show you how it's done." Office Downe (Coates) is the best cop in the force. He has no fear and is relentless in his pursuit of justice. After a new recruit (Ross) discovers his secret he isn't sure what to think. Now Gable is stuck between doing what he thinks is right, or what he thinks is best. This is a very stylized movie that is exciting, but not for everyone. The movie is based off of a graphic novel and is filmed and edited to really have the feel of that one. This movie has flashes of Sin City, Bunraku and and even Scott Pilgrim. The way it is filmed and the over the top acting and action really fit in a movie like this and actually adds to the enjoyment. This is not a movie that will make you think but it will entertain you for the entire time and that is what a movie is ultimately supposed to do. I laughed and was entertained. Do not however, expect to watch an award winning movie. Overall, the movie is essentially a live-action graphic novel a la Sin City and pulls off its intention perfectly. I give this a B.
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Orgasm Counter, 16 and Counting
asphyxion_6 February 2020
Seeing the snob-jobs at Variety and AV Club rip this movie apart with their oblivious snark and condescension absolutely tickles the hair on my low-hanging cajones. These dolts went into this film and took it seriously for it's entire running time -- something that the film itself doesn't even bother to do (take itself seriously, that is). Officer Downe isn't supposed to make you exercise your mental faculties and explore your human condition with existentialist philosophy or nihilistic dialogue; it doesn't even pretend to be some symbolic, cinematic treatise on the nature and duality of good/evil and criminality. What it DOES do is embrace it's b-movie, grindhouse graphic novel roots with effortless hilarity as it inundates the viewer with some of the most ridiculous imagery and primal behavior imaginable in a mainstream release.

Kim Coates is a cunnilingus master who spends as much time between his trophy girlfriends legs as he does playing Highlander on the streets of LA, racking up bad guys' bodies and absorbing bullets due to his immortality. The fact that critics couldn't catch on to the inherent action-movie satire dripping from every frame in this movie--especially after seeing It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia waxing criminality in an Australian accent with a pornstar nun--further proves that there's merit to the saying, 'too smart for your own good.'

If you liked Happy! With Christopher Meloni, you'll love Officer Downe (and vice versa, if you liked Officer Downe, you'll love Happy! With Christopher Meloni). I also recommend catching the single-season one-hit wonder of a show 'Blood Drive' from SyFy Network if you liked Officer Downe.

This is mindless blood, boobage and barbarism, and oh boy is it just delicious. Check it out on Netflix today if you are capable of removing the stick from your supine orifice and embrace the pandering toxic masculinity and mindless self-indulgence Officer Downe serves up on a golden platter.

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