"Person of Interest" If-Then-Else (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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A Game of Chess(?)
dirtylemons7 January 2015
What could have so easily been a gimmick episode is turned into a masterwork of television. The writers really have a knack for this kind of thing, but it's still amazing how they've managed to keep it up. I won't spoil the twist for anyone who hasn't watched yet, but it is incredible to behold. The format the series began with has been expanded and inverted so many times, and each time to great effect, that one begins to wonder, "How can it possibly be topped?" Well, it's been done again and again, increasingly so with each new season. The first two seasons were great, bordering on stellar, and it was the third season where I could confidently claim that 'Person of Interest' was one of the greatest series of all time. We're only about halfway thru Season 4 with this episode, but if the quality of these first eleven episodes can be maintained, then they will have topped even last season's high standard. 'If-Then-Else' is pretty much* a perfect episode. Its expansion of the beginning plot device gives a lot of room for drama, humour and action, all things the series excels at in general. We also get a flashback, excellent as ever, to provide an ethical perspective which serves as the reason behind this episode's contortion of the usual format. And of course, driving all of these things are the characters. Where would we be without our beloved and intrepid team of protagonists? Still fighting a (mostly) behind-the- scenes war with some of the greatest television villains I've ever witnessed. It all converges into a majestic 44 minutes, a highlight of the season, series and television medium.

*: In the interest of being objective, I will bring up two small items I took issue with. I. In the opening scene, Finch and Root are discussing the current situation aloud amongst a pretty quiet crowd. It's immersion-breaking for me to see these characters talk about how careful they must be, only to speak so loudly about things which are meant to be hidden. II. Similarly, Fusco is the only (human) member of the team that is still unaware of The Machine, designated with a white box. Carter's was changed to a yellow box when she deduced that Finch must be getting his number from some kind of supercomputer. Yet The Machine and Samaritan are directly referenced in open conversation with Fusco, and his white box remains. Again, just some immersion-breaking that I think needs to be addressed in future episodes. But those two little things are literally all my critical eye can come up with as flaws for this episode. Everything else is brilliance.
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Oh my god, was this episode even real??
dimitroula2127 January 2015
All I could think about at the end of the episode was that it would definitely be the highest rated one ever. I was right. Everything about it was totally amazing, despite the turn of events, it was the one episode I will remember every detail of forever! Absolutely fantastic! The plausible scenarios were a total delight and the flashbacks gave a new perspective to Harold's relationship with the Machine and the effect he had on its development. The directing was also one of a kind, the slow motion captivating and so totally memorable, especially at the final scene. Even if they repeated the same lines for about 8 times, not only wasn't it boring, but it also increased our interest and agony! Also, love seeing a new side of Shaw and the train situation was also amazing to watch! I have high hopes for the next episode, hope we don't get disappointed!
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The best episode so far
robin-587-4195068 January 2015
Outstanding episode. Others have summarized it pretty well. Very thoughtful and creative, great flashbacks and details. The final scene was heartbreaking and beautifully done, as were all special effects. We now have way more insight into how The Machine works. Root and Shaw were very sweet - Shaw always tries to pretend she doesn't care but you can just see it's not as simple as that. Or, as little Genrika said in Episode 3.05 "It's not that you don't have feelings. It's just like the volume is turned way down, like the sound of an old tape. The voices are there, you just have to listen." My favorite POI episode.

I just wanted to add something - to the reviewer who said the show was ruined because "We are not into unnatural relationships. Two girls kissing is gross." ---- Are you serious? 'Bad code', as Root would say.
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Love the pseudo dialogue!
agentcope7 January 2015
Wow! Each series gets better than the last. ...and then every now and then there's an episode that leaves me shaking my head in awe and amazement. For a series that needs one to turn off that thinking part of the brain that would otherwise ruin the pleasure of these types of shows, many of the episodes kick another thinking part of the brain into overdrive. ...This was one of them. So well written. The recently developed thread about "those two" is played so well in this episode. ...and the scenes with "her" running the sim with pseudo dialogue and emotion is amazing on so many levels. It also really gets you thinking about how the show would be "if..."

Off to watch it again!...
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POI at the top of its game
cliometrician7 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the many excellent episodes of Person of Interest, this was one of the greatest. It also just begs to be re-watched. I will not touch any of the biggest spoilers, but I just have to say that the simulations run by the machine to try and get them out of a dangerous mess was at first startling, then witty and so well put together. Like the Groundhog Day aspect of this summer's Tom Cruise movie, EDGE OF TOMORROW, the filming and editing had to be precise and choreographed, and the writers and actors pulled it off.

Samaritan has launched its greatest attack so far, a meltdown of Wall Street and possible world economic crash, but the Machine has a program to prevent it. The problem, of course, lies in breaking into the server room at Wall Street, downloading the program, and getting out alive, all while Samaritan's horde of minions are swarming the place knowing that the Machine will probably have the good guys break into the server room.

And yep, our team (the Machine's "assets") gets trapped with seemingly no escape, setting up one of the most intricate, entertaining, and dramatic episodes of this great series. Hard-core fans of the series should love it.

I have to mention the pseudo machine dialogue that accompanied one of the simulations--absolutely hilarious, as you'll see when you watch it. I had to stop and rewind at that point as it was just too funny not to watch again right then.
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Craftsmanship that we don't expect from network television
susy-71 February 2015
Kudos to Nolan, et al., the writers and actors for this episode, If-Then-Else, which competes right up there with any episode of The Americans, Homeland and other cablers whose greatness everyone knows about **because we hear it all the time**. We do not hear much about PoI from the talking heads and it is certainly no media darling, perhaps because it is a CBS show, or because Jim Cavaziel's Reece's expressionless monotone, or maybe because many critics wrote it off early in the first season. I am glad we stayed with it, as over the years this show has become not just a strong ensemble piece, but one of the most tightly crafted dramas airing on television. And those characterizations that annoyed critics the first season (Reece's grumble-like monotone, the idea of an all-knowing government spying on us) either turned into an important part of the ensemble's interplay, or was revealed as a prescient warning -- "holy crap! the Government actually IS spying on us!"

This uniquely structured episode rewards us longtime viewers with character-driven humor, with pathos and even a sly wink that comes right up the 4th Wall barrier, without truly breaking it. At the same time, If-Then-Else was filmed beautifully with the kinds of additional touches that one does not expect from cost-conscious network shows.

Just, really good job to all involved in this roller coaster of an episode and thank you for respecting the intelligence, loyalty and discrimination of your audience.
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michalklebs27 June 2017
Masterpiece of storytelling. Comparison to chess game, "if" statement used in coding languages and simulation of parallel universes makes it my favorite episode of POI and one of the best I've ever seen, comparable only to best pieces of Black Mirror. Gem in TV shows history.
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one of Nolan brother's masterpiece...well written, well played.
nalcacimurat7 January 2015
After i watched the episode i directly checked the writers and the creators. i did not know till then that this show's creator is of one of Nolan brothers. the younger brother .. the writer of Memonto... just brilliant... i watch so many maybe too many TV shows in these days but i have to admit this episode was one of the best i have ever watched. well they mixed up who is carrying the bag but that is OK i guess. the chess game lesson was great.. and we saw how Harrold thought moral values to the Machine... well written well played. big surprise at the end...i wish i can learn at least whose idea was this story... and i have to say it was brilliant. i enjoy the show. Thank you guys... i gave 10 pout of 10.
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Feature-Length Film Quality in Only 43 Minutes
laurenwood-8646421 April 2015
How anyone could rate this episode anything less than a 10/10 is beyond me.

If-Then-Else is possibly the most perfect episode of television I have ever seen. Person of Interest has achieved what most feature-length films achieve in only 43(ish) minutes.

Everything from the plot line to the way it is story-boarded, from the acting to the editing, is impeccable. PoI has once again provided something for users to really think about and reflect on: the differences and similarities between humans and machines.

Although every episode of this show (thus far) has been at least(!) above average, I-T-E showcased everything that is great about this show. In particular, the performances of Michael Emerson (Finch), Amy Acker (Root), and Sarah Shahi (Shaw), stand out as Emmy-worthy. The editing, writing and directing should also gain Emmy nods. Alas, this show will probably never be nominated for any more Emmys (PoI was nominated for one Emmy for sound editing way back in the pilot episode), as most great shows aren't, simply because they don't resemble Downton Abbey in terms of seriousness and realism.

I am coming to realise that there are no words to describe what a great episode of television this is. Nothing I write here could possibly explain the joy one has whilst watching such magnificence on the silver screen. Astounding.
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One of Many Breathtaking Episodes and Probably Best So Far
djmsek-211-59125612 January 2015
Huge fan since episode 1. Can't really add to what's already been said by others, it's my favorite series. This episode was movie theater quality - they should consider doing 2 hour shows as great as they have been. Every single episode I have watched of this show was top-notch, and the population at large that watches this show gets quite the "big brother" education along the way, not something that many action genres can lay claim to. The second you set foot outside your door in London, a camera + facial recognition software identifies you within seconds, to assume that situation doesn't exist here in America is foolhardy at best. This series may very well be the most prophetic of all in years to come. Acting is ridiculously top-notch - even from "bear" that great Belgian Malinois. It's the most solid 10 out of 10 in all of television right now, and should be defined as "required viewing."
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Great idea, plot and acting
btmfc-236-18789310 February 2015
This is another episode in this season that I re-watched for a few times (the other episode is saving Elias from Brotherhood) because it is so good and I hope to cherish every seconds of it and pick up clues from here and there throughout the entire episode. This season of POI has surprised me with its continuous strength in providing first class acting together with well enough written script that it can still attract new viewers in its fourth season (I have recommended this episode to my friends and they are starting to follow this series). This episode in particular is big screen worthy for it is perfect for all aspect in my opinion.
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This Show Gets Worse Each Week
monticellomeadow7 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A once good series has gone rapidly downhill. Finch and Reese have been marginalized. The women have taken over. But they killed off the strongest woman character in Carter. Shaw and Root are just caricatures that aren't very appealing. But it is really the writing that has gone into the tank. I suppose the writers felt they had run the "take a number" bit into the ground. And they milked HR for all they could. But who thought Samaritan was a good idea? It's terrible! Suddenly the premise of the show from its inception - that though small in numbers, our merry band had the huge advantage of The Machine - has been inverted. Now Our Gang is running for its lives, barely surviving, hardly doing good at all. At best just pinging away at Samaritan with slingshots. Ugh!

And last night's episode was among the worse. After the first 10 minutes who didn't see that there would be several unsuccessful "simulations" before Our Gang would wriggle out of the jam? Just filling up the hour with the obvious before leaving us with the false thought that Shaw is dead. (She isn't. "Next week" immediately showed she's still alive.). Again, the writers have inverted the original premise. Survival is all that our heroes can hope for. It's really in decline, rapidly.
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One of the best episodes i've seen in my life.
nacho-martinezzz9 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry for my English, I'm from Chile. Let's start saying that i'm a big fan of TV shows, and I think this one is in my top three. And in fact I think is the second one (first is obviously going to Ozymandias). This episode is the best of Person of Interest by far, the flashbacks, the simulations and that event at the end that we weren't expecting. It's just amazing the way that the writers put this on, i loved every minute of it and that includes Shaw-Root kiss. Many people give up with POI at its first season, but they don't know what they are missing. If you haven't watch this yet, go and watch it, because it's by far the best of POI. This episode made me realize why POI is my favorite TV show of all time.

Again, sorry for my English, but I HAVE to do a review on this episode.

My vote: 10/10 by far. Very well deserved 9.9/10 by IMDb users.
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TV at its peak.
matrixdukenukem26 July 2021
Beautiful writing, amazing direction, expectation subversion, great acting and superb execution overall. The background score with the glitch mob was nice little touch. Parallel with game of chess was genius and the ending was nicely done. Although, you know if you've watched what happens. And it's... You know.

Root has grown so much over the last season and Shaw hasn't been able to keep up with the pace as much as I would've liked but it was nice to see them bonding in this episode. We knew something was brewing since this season begun.

P. S. I've seen this show 3 times already and reviewing on my 4th viewing. It still is my favourite.
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Best episode yet
scottspurs10 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously this was just amazing for TV, and I can definitely see a Chris Nolan (Inception) influence on Jonathan Nolan here! Some of the scenes and shots in this are just cinema worthy, a lot of slow mo and cutting back and forward. As for the episode, I can't remember feeling so gutted after only 15-20 mins in, you'll see why. The episode just get's better and better throughout and it's difficult to keep up constantly thinking is this bit real or not!?? It was an absolute gem of an episode, and there's really no surprises as to why it's got the shows highest rated episode on here yet. As for the ending, it is just so worth waiting for! Do get prepared for a huge climax though, I struggled to catch a breath... POI deserves so much more credit than it gets, and the main issue is because it is just a network show in the U.S. If this had more exposure it could be massive all over!! Amazing...
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Simulation in Real Life
Stnwell8 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I do not know how to explain my opinion which is in my mind. I watch lots of movies and TV series but I have barely seen episodes like this. A few minutes pass I have watched, but my hand is still shaking.

First of all, the ratings of this episode, If-Then-Else, is 9.9 that is highest ratings of all time with the name of final episode, 'Felina', from Breaking Bad. I gave 10 out of 10 withal, of course they deserve it.

Secondly, I can't imagine Shaw has died. She cannot die. She is one of the most important person who is acting in Person of Interest.

In addition, the choice of music is amazing, like always, like each episodes. (The Glitch Mob - Fortune Days)

I have to say that, the conversations between Harold (Michael Emerson) and the Machine are also perfect in playing chess scenes. It was so instructive and cautionary.

Thus, This episode is also the first one of 2015. I hope they continue to make more awesome episodes that we will watch.

Edit: I have just realized that, the highest rating of all time is "Ozymandias" from Breaking Bad, season 5 episode 14.
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Just Amazing. One of the best episode in television history.
nitesh-jain39 January 2015
I cant believe what i saw. with this episode the season has raised unmatched standards. It was like watching a whole season in a single episode. The reference to chess with ethics with the current scenario was amazing and right from the slow motion scenes, to witty conversation, brilliant cinematography, twists and tales, takes this season to a next level. The root's death is the biggest disappointment as the death of the detective cater in previous season. Who will take over ? What is the war upto ? Who will gain the control ? This game is getting more and more interesting.

Looking forward to the coming episode. It was worth waiting. Thumps up POI Team.
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Great TV show that gave me the chills
SirMarvin8 January 2015
I really appreciate how they hold up the high standards of this show, I can only recommend this whole show to everybody who is into "high quality action" if such genre exists.

There is no review of who did what, because this would be a plain spoiler;

Only thing I want to say is that this episode was the best TV show I might have ever seen.

The plot is not boring straight, it gets us good several time (well me at least) and we have the usual balance of dialogue, Harold's wise-dome and action shoot outs. Awaiting the next one eagerly.
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Best of the best
rajputgorav20002 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have never written a review before in my life. However after watching If-Then-Else I was compelled to pen it down to what I think of this particular episode. In my opinion this is no ordinary TV Series and this is not an ordinary TV Episode. I understand it is not everybody's cup of tea either.

For an AI to go back to its very 'Core Precepts' and sticking to it as taught by its 'Admin' is admirable and heart-breaking at the same time. Not to value one life from the other even though if it includes the 'Admin' makes us rethink how we live our normal day to day life and compels us to re-evaluate it. Fully aware of the situation, the 'Machine' is ready to sacrifice itself in order to achieve the very objective it came into existence. Regrettably running out of options in the end means 'undesired outcome' and some sacrifice was needed by somebody. Like I said not an ordinary TV Series....
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As Fusco would say - carpe diem.
Abeterno28 October 2015
Well, this was... an outstanding episode, definitely the best so far. Whole episode felt like a movie, to be more precise, mix of movies in only 40 min. It uses well known formula, but its still working incredibly fine. I guess execution is everything... The show is going better and better every season and this episode just highlights that fact. Very good execution, with a lot of action, drama and funny parts. Almost sad to know, that this show already has its end date. Applause to creators, very well done. I hope we will see something similar in the future.

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pure genuine... disappointment - spoiler alert
golem-sense9 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert! Lame movie! I'm a big fan of this series... better said, I was, to be more specific today I've got a bucket full of ice thrown over my brains... as always I was impatient for a new episode, every week i was stunned by new ideas, overcomes, twists, always amazed... always but today, today I was disappointed from the very first 5 minutes till the end... dull, predictable, all the characters became numb, it seemed like the director was on the hall for a coffee all the time they have recorded for this episode, it was totally other style, a bit comedy "a la" home alone plus family guy with accents of bob's burgers and batman... people moving around, bullets, devilish smiles (yeaw), a very "smart" parallel with chess (cheesy!!!) and many other goods and when I have been sure there "couldn't be worse", take a sit fast, they came with the peak transforming both gals in horny lesbian couple feeling the most physically attraction in the middle of a mist of bullets... they fired the director? or the writers? fight between actors and the screenwriter? the producer has a new lover who came with new "ideas"? we'll see in the next episode...
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A gripping episode
steven1-269-8816021 March 2015
This show seemed to have lost it's way recently but redeemed itself with this amazing episode. I found this riveting viewing and the ending was very emotional. The idea that "you are being watched" is not so far fetched when you see the recent changes to meta data laws. We are not only being watched but recorded as well.

I look forward to the rest of this season and hope that the writers can keep up the high standards set by this episode.

Let's hope we see some more of "bear" in future episodes. Berhaps he could be used for surveillance of the enemy.

Let's face it, even heartless villains would fall for his charms.
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The BEST episode so far
kazelzhu16 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I had some spoiler before watch this one. (of course I was on vacation for Christmas but can't help checking twitter because the last season's negotiation gone bad). But the episode still astonished me even when I already know how things go. First of all, the way they handle this most vital step here. I mean this is like the worst time for the team ever since, they used this stimulating scenes to make it more fun and actually more vividly describe the really bad situation here. And I always love the way how the writers use details to show the characters of the roles. (like the painting part!) Secondly, the chess game was boring at the beginning, but it made perfectly sense giving the big picture here. The biggest difference between TM and Samaritan is that what Harold taught it (as a human). Every time they remind us of caring and value of life, it just make this show more meaningful. You know, telling people good stuff, not just for entertaining people. Then of course, the epical KISS. I ship Shaw and Root! Yes, they are perfect for each other not because they both love shooting people. But I feel like they actually understand each other. PS: I love writers who won't hesitate get rid of a character to make the whole story better. I am sad that shaw would be gone for a long time. But hey, this episode just kills. I couldn't think of a better way to do it.
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This is my favorite episode so far.
maryiabarakova19 December 2019
This is my favorite episode so far. I liked the dynamic storyline and the light humor. The finale was unexpected and shocking.
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One Of The Most Flawless, Innovative, and Thrilling Pieces of Television Ever Made
If-Then-Else is an episode that blew my mind the first time I watched it, and was easily the best episode so far. And even having caught up to the show it has never left my top 5 episodes. The amazing direction, mesmerizing show-motion cinematography; flawless editing, perfect usage of licensed music (Fortune Days by the Glitch Mob), incredible acting across the board, impressive attention to detail; every aspect of this episode is top notch. But I feel what really elevated this episode above and beyond was the storytelling. Not only does it feel like every decision has weight, but the unorthodox way it characterizes all the main characters along with The Machine itself was stunning; and couldn't have been done any other way. This along with one of the most emotional ending scenes I've seen cemented this episode as a classic, and deserves every bit of hype it gets.

Obviously this episode isn't literally flawless (As shown in the Goofs section), but I can think of few episodes that come as close to perfection as If-Then-Else. It's tense, intelligent, funny, heart-breaking; there's truly nothing else like it and everyone owes it to themselves to check it out.

Perfect 10/10.
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