Detectorists (TV Series 2014– ) Poster

(2014– )

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I don't know why.....
agnabeya9 October 2014
?..........But I love this new series. It's not a laugh out loud comedy, but it makes me smile throughout and the half hour episode is finished far too quickly. It's a gentle comedy based on the lives of a metal detectorist club and the characters in that club. There is a mad farmer with imaginary dogs who gives the two main characters permission to scan his fields, except the paddock. No one is ever to go near the paddock! I wonder why? His wife did disappear many years ago, but I have a feeling that will have nothing to do with his aversion to paddock diggers. The characters have been written so well and the direction, also by McKenzie Crook, are intriguingly watchable. Mr Crook is a talented man and after only two episodes I know this will be a favourite with me.
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Dry, Intelligent and Endearing
jemwand6 November 2014
Mackenzie Crook's Detectorist's is not your average Sitcom, over the six episodes of the first series it delivers central characters who are desperately melancholy, yet intelligent. There are very few cliché's in this series. The story evolves, as do the characters with warmth and depth. The humour is dry and the belly laughs are few and far between, but what I found was a comedy of great sensitivity, with emotional depth and was ultimately deeply rewarding.I hope that if a second series is developed that it doesn't deviate from it's path because Detectorists (there's no apostrophe in Detectorists) really is gold. Detectorists is probably the most complete comedy sit com of all time, it's gentle humour really shines.
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My faith is restored.....
nge-156-91854710 November 2014
My faith is restored that there is still at least one person out there who can not only write but direct such an intelligent, unique, and endearing piece of work

I don't know why but I was captured by the very first trailer that I saw and with much anticipation waited for the series to start...... and I was not disappointed.

It has been such a long time since I have felt so totally engaged with a television series on British TV. The fact that it was tucked away on BBC4 is likely to mean that it will be missed by many, but then again if it was shown on the more mainstream channels then many may miss the point.

Previous reviews have already mentioned the warmth and depth of the characters, the excellent writing and how you feel drawn into, and become part of, the world that has been created. But I want to add how stunning the filming has been throughout this series, with some of the shots being absolutely beautiful.

It feels like something very special happened in the production of this series and I feel privileged that I caught it on its first showing.

I only hope it gets the recognition it deserves........
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Something to look forward to
mikehoward-123-83783931 October 2014
A gentle and brilliantly written show. Rarely laugh out loud funny, but so well acted and so many chuckles, absolutely love this show.

Crook is, as always, immensely likable. The other characters are vital and so well performed. But perhaps it is Toby Jones who steals the show, a fantastic actor to watch, and such good lines delivered so well.

A refreshing change to the unfunny, badly acted dross we are usually offered - Mrs Brown's Boys, stuff like that.

I hope this runs a few series, as the characters are so good. But perhaps Crook has learned from the master that 2 series might be enough, and move on to the next project.

Thoroughly recommend.
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A diamond in the dross of TV sitcoms
carson1208 November 2014
Andy and Lance live in a rural English backwater that on the surface seems boring and uneventful. Mackenzie Crook's genius is to show us the comic gold that lies beneath. I'm not talking of the Saxon gold that our two heroes are searching for, but the ups and downs they face on their journey through life.

While gently making fun of our two under-achievers, the humour never belittles them. Their male obsessions are given a dry, melancholic and often wistful comic voice. Andy and Lance are well meaning, but they can also be naive and boring, loyal and selfish or just total dick heads. However, they are also strangely endearing.They are like us and we learn to love them despite their faults and eccentricities. Loved it!
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By far the best comedy to appear over the last couple of years or so.
fqxjj24 October 2014
I was looking forward to this show since I saw the trailers for it towards the end of the summer, and from the start of Episode 1 it has certainly exceeded my (rather high) expectations!

I may be slightly biased as I used to be a Detectorist in my college days some 20 years ago now, and so I immediately picked up on a lot of the behaviours and in-jokes that Mackenzie has scattered throughout the shows ("Are you metal detectors?" 'No, THESE are the metal detectors, WE are the metal detector-ISTs..') to little quirks of behaviour that I myself was guilty of (agreeing a mutual "Detectors Off" time at the end of a days hunting, or indicating an important find by performing an impromptu dance).

This is a comedy that everyone should enjoy though, not just detectorists, although you can tell Mackenzie does love the hobby. I've often thought one of the corner stones of a good comedy (or drama in general) is to have characters you can relate to, and that work well together on screen. Andy and Lance (Toby Jones) have this in bucket loads, and they do come across as being very close, old friends.

There's plenty of side-stories woven into the main thread, that keep you guessing and asking questions as the shows progress (Will Andy get together with Sophie, what/who lies buried in the paddock, why does Lance still hold a candle for Maggie..) but not enough to distract from the main plot.

All in all this is fantastically written/directed, original comedy with a great choice of actors (Simon Farnaby, Pearce Quigley..) and to top it all it features a brilliant soundtrack throughout by Johnny Flynn (or Johnny Piper if you're short sighted.) I find myself looking forward to Thursday Nights at 22:00, and if I'm honest I'm struggling to remember a show that I could last say that about, possibly Rev series 3, or Toast of London.
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Jorgosch9 November 2014
Congratulations to Mr. Crook to have created something that I can only describe as love at first sight. The series takes a look at key situations that most adults have been through while putting them in a context that feels fresh. Mr. Crook may be guilty of a bit of viewer manipulation by depicting the main characters as meek and sometimes naive who face bullies and mocking. This is easily forgiven, though, because of the stellar cast that makes each and every persona feel real, believable and truly likable. Apart from that each character down to the smallest role has something unique that sets them apart. There is wisdom to be found here, and peace, if you have the patience. Sometimes life tosses you a gold coin and sometimes a ring pull - just go with it, it will balance out it in the end. A true dramedy gem. 9/10.
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Laugh out loud humor, adorable cast
lionlake18 August 2015
I found this series on Acorn.TV. I love British shows anyway, but this was exceptional. This is dead-pan humor at its finest. The two main characters were lovable, funny and real. The supporting cast was great as well. This is not your typical Hollywood "Aren't we funny" predictable comedy, where you can tell what is coming next and they have to point out the humor in case you are to dumb to get it. With this show, the humor is subtle and delivered ingeniously. The situation is very believable, but delightfully silly as well. I hope this comes out for a second year, but it is great as it is as well. Well done you!!
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A perfect sitcom
debi_casey8 February 2018
The problem with shows like this is they take them off the air. No nudity, no violence, no laugh track. A person has to actually just sit and enjoy it. You smile, you laugh, you cry. You are not hit over the head by moronic jokes. The acting is superb. Not overacted but perfectly done. Quiet, subtle, honest. Please, someone out there take pity on the mature audience. Not everyone likes the 3 Stooges. Thank you for giving us this show. Don't take it away.
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Unpretentious Exellence - Simple & Beautifully Delivered
LouieInLove7 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have such high praise for this show. It is simple & heartfelt, beautifully delivered, devoid of pretence and PC twiddling (which is a near miracle to be seen on the BBC these days).

I understand Mackenzie Crook of 'The Office' fame wrote/created this, if so, well done! This show has to be a career highlight for him because it's genuinely that good.

Detectorists gives a lesson in good writing/storytelling, good casting & production. It is subtle and delicate in it's delivery & offers eccentricity but not wackiness (wackiness/quirkiness being rife in English TV comedy these days. The go to for so many Anglo middle class/upper middle class types who dominate UK television; in front & behind of camera).

The cast is outstanding, as near perfect as you could hope for. Everything about this show looks effortless, which, once again, is an example of how good this show is.

I final quick mention has to go to the music & location footage, both of which are simple & sweet, just like the show.

Mackenzie Crook, well done lad!

Uncluttered, precise & accessible storytelling at its best.
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lovefilm-5799217 November 2015
There is one uncredited star in the Detectorists, its the British summer. It does exist, and somehow they managed to film the whole thing in glorious summer.

I've just watched episode 3 of the second series, and its a bleak November day at the time of writing this review. Just seeing the warm sun & verdant greenery brings a smile of nice things remembered. Add in some brilliant writing, top notch acting, mild eccentricity and a dash of the absurd, and the result is something very special.

A great example of the humour in the Detectorists is in the episode I've just watched. Without giving away anything, Lance tells Andy about the time his bed was cut in half by an ex girl friend who used a chainsaw to do the deed. After a pause Andy asks "Lengthways or sideways?". No expression of surprise, no mention of why Lance (a very mild mannered man) has ended up with his bed being cut in half. No questions about what sort of person the ex was nor how Lance could have ever provoked her to do such a thing. Lance and Andy acted like it was a perfectly normal thing that could have happened to anyone. I laughed out loud.
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you don't have to be a male hobbyist but it helps....
pcs-153-853727 November 2014
Having said that er indoors liked this series almost as much as I did. Utterly, totally and brilliantly observed and written , and if like me you're a lapsed detectorist, this will leave you wanting to get your kit out of the loft. It's the 'casual' details, eg: "What you got ? " .... pause.. " Bikky foil "pause... " Viscount mint " . Just so true. Only complaint is 30 minutes only so was over too soon. And the very last scene is sheer magic , don't miss any of it :0))) Oh and the reference to male hobbyists in the last episode, when did you last see a female trainspotter ? Never. I totally agree with above previous comments about the utter crap that poses as 'comedy', this series is in a completely different league.
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Pleasant gentle comedy
CrazyArty21 July 2021
3 seasons following the ordinary lives of a couple of hobbying metal detectors.

Slow paced but enjoyable and pleasant, never really laugh out loud funny but the main two leads are excellent (Mackenzie Crook & Toby Jones in particular).

A high 7* but a little too much of a slow burn to make it a classic comedy.
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Middle of the road, typical British TV humour
alanpuzey3 May 2020
I thought I was being generous giving "Detectorists" 5 out of 10. I could not believe it when I saw the overall reviews.

Yes, it's a pleasant, light, series. but with scarcely any good, interesting characters. The scripts are weak with scenes being drawn out. Hardly any originality in the series at all.

The camera work is good with some very nicely edited scenes of English countryside interspersed with the routine shots.

Many of the reviews giving 9 or 10, even say that you will enjoy it if you have the patience. Hardly the recommendation of an excellent series. One reviewer even said it would not appeal to "the great unwashed". In this day and age, I thought that sort of stereotyping was not acceptable at all.
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Metal Detecting IS and IS NOT what this show is all about
vpck100-15-67265711 April 2017
Most people wouldn't even begin to watch this series due to the basic premise of this show. A couple of Brit buddies roaming around fields, looking for stuff with metal detectors. Truly, that is the LEAST of what this show is all about. The metal detector element, just enhances what is truly great TV.

This is a brilliantly written, humorous, witty show that is actually about people. And how their lives, interactions and their humanity pedal on show after show. The casting is phenomenal! The scripts are fantastic! The cinematography is amazing considering the low budget. This is a comedy in large part, but the hook is in how the weave a fine tapestry of feelings, human nature and humor into each and every show. This a Masterpiece.

Once you start, there is no turning back. I personally can't wait for a season 3....4.....5.....6......7.......8.....
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Buried treasure(s)...
poe-488337 March 2016
DETECTORISTS qualifies at once as a very dramatic Drama as well an as outstanding (and often slyly subtle) Comedy; not an easy blend, not at all. That the Star of the show is also both Writer and Director is truly amazing: one would think that, given the surprisingly superior QUALITY of the entire series, that there must've been many MORE hands involved in their production. Crook is indeed a Triple Threat. I must admit that I felt somewhat schizophrenic watching DETECTORISTS, laughing out loud at one moment and crying like a baby the next. Without a doubt, one of the finest shows I've ever happened across. I highly recommend it.
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Brilliant. The best comedy for years.
plan997 November 2014
As this has been tucked away on BBC4 at 10.00 pm on a Thursday night I have been recommending it to plenty of people who might have missed it.

It's very funny and it should be on BBC1 or BBC2 at prime time. The fact that it has no laughter track makes it even better and it's not required as we don't need to be told to laugh when there is a funny line.

This comedy deserves to win several awards but it probably won't as it's not been "dumbed down" to appeal to the great unwashed. Everyone involved should be congratulated for bring this comedy gem to our screens. It's up there with Fawlty Towers and Only Fools and Horses.

I've just watched the Christmas 2022 special and it's brilliant.
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Gentle Genius
jritchey-0665921 January 2018
Gentle, sweet, and warmly executed. From the writing to the acting, the photography to the music it is top notch in every respect. Perhaps my favorite television series!
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A Hidden Gem
garypayne87 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Fittingly I suppose, I stumbled across this delightful, gentle comedy quite by accident, whilst browsing through iPlayer. A beautifully written, superbly acted piece that will sadly never be seen by as many people as it should, unless the second series gets a well-deserved promotion to BBC1 or 2.

That said, 'The Detectorists' is like a private retreat, hidden in woodland, that you feel might be somehow diminished if everyone knows about it, all the more special because it's all yours.

I'm also not sure if I even want to see a second series. The final scene was so wonderfully done, leaving a sense that the principal characters were just on the brink of something amazing, leaving the viewer happy for them, knowing that it was there. I'm not sure that seeing it happen could be quite as satisfying; seeing it not happen would be tragic.
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Very Rewarding TV Experience
sallyradlauer9 October 2015
The writing and the directing was excellent. I was surprised to learn that the main character, Andy, played by Mackenzie Crook, also directed and wrote the entire 6 episodes. I could not find anything else he wrote or directed, so I assumed this was his first. I hope we will see more from him in the future. Every character was perfectly cast. I felt fortunate to find this show on line, since I live in the US, where we have limited access to BBC shows unfortunately. It makes me want to move to England to find out what other great shows I am missing out on! The pacing is perfect and the original music adds another quality often lacking in US television. My only problem with the show is that there was only 6 episodes. I am looking forward to the Season 2
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bocofiddleworth21 January 2018
This is surely what truly entertaining television is meant to be.
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Observational comedy at its best
anniemarshallster1 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a pearler.

Beautiful to look at, impeccably cast, with sweetly dry and sly humour, this is in the great British tradition.

The human comedy at its most endearing.

Every detail is appropriate - the sets, the music, the denouements and the characterisations.

Love it, love Mackenzie Cook, love Racheal Stirling and love Toby.

What a talented bunch.

If you loved Jam and Jerusalem you'll take to this as well. Same wavelength, just gender POV shift.
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suttonpeter14 January 2021
How many comedies can also bring a tear to the eye? The genius of this show lies in it's glorious simplicity, a true celebration of the now, and the everyday. Down to earth, yet infinitely profound. The mockery of one another that has love in it's background. The inherent loving kindness of all of humanity is exposed somehow, with all of our struggles, in this dead-pan comedy. For some reason, I feel this is one of the most mystical programs I've ever watched, and it's not easy to say why. Perhaps it is the effortless wabi sabi, unhewn log, almost Buddhist feel?! Anyway, enjoy!
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Worthwhile watch!
realdavidberry25 December 2021
It isn't the funniest, most clever, most intelligent, or greatest comedy the BBC have ever come up with.....but, it is entertaining and worth your time.

In places it is touching, it is funny several times per episode. It is a little quirky, a little different, somewhat original. It won't offend anyone.....totally safe humor.

Great comedies have to take risks, this one plays it safe. However, I watched all the episodes and considered it time well spent and enjoyed.....which is more than I can say for 90% of the nonsense now produced!
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1st season: 8, 2nd & 3rd : 0
Tyndareon14 July 2018
I must assume that all those other reviewers had just watched the 1st season which was funny in a cheeky, fresh kind of way. But 2nd and 3rd have zero laughs and to compound upon the total lack of comedic value, they present the main characters as spineless and stupid, lying all the time to their spouses like they're adolescent boys hiding from their mothers. It's even more annoying than the constant cringe-fest of american pseudo-comedies.

So, if you must, watch season 1 and for the love of god skip the others. It's almost like the first attracted a crowd and the BBC socialist suits saw their chance to turn a good show into yet another PC man-hate indoctrination session. Which would explain why it's not funny.
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