Good Witch (TV Series 2015–2021) Poster


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Sad changes
kisstamaralea19 July 2021
Good witch was one of my favorite TV shows. It was calming, soothing, the perfect place to escape from reality for a while. I am so disappointed, that they ruined the seventh season. I miss the old Cassie, her advices, the atmosphere of Bell, book and candle, even the outfits and decorations. I will rewatch time to time the previous seasons and forget what the new writers have done to it.
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I'm a newcomer to the Good Witch universe
kkincaid975 August 2018
I've been binge watching the entire series over the past few weeks and mostly enjoying it. It's nice for once to have some low-key (and completely family friendly) amusement. There's very little Drama and that's a hard thing to find these days. Recommended for light viewing.
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Has that Feel Good Factor
shfirefly5 October 2018
In a cynical world, so often filled with doom and gloom, it makes such a pleasant change to find an upbeat program. With moral tales reminiscent of the Waltons, lashings of romance and a dash of humour; Good Witch is just such a program. One of the things I really like about the storyline is that doesn't rely on the hackneyed 'Will they won't they' cliche. However, I now hear that the plot is going to take a darker turn. I hope that doesn't mean, that Cassie and Sam's relationship ends - I'd stop watching!
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Perfect for autumn afternoons
vermesandaiana17 November 2018
Beautiful small town, relaxing tv show! Heartwarming and great for autumn and winter afternoons!
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Very Pleasant to Watch
steven_o25 March 2015
I am a guy that enjoys comedies, psychological thrillers and action-packed violent movies and TV shows.

However, I am somewhat very attracted to this show. Is a bit of fresh air among all of what I am used to. I never saw any of the movies the other reviewer is talking about, hence, for my taste, all of the characters fit in nicely in this tale: Cassie with her confidence and words of wisdom always spot on, her daughter Grace always very exact on the course of action, even the mayor is a pleasant villain. It is the only show right now that I cannot wait for a few episodes to accumulate to watch them. I just download each episode and watch that same night.

How I would love to live in such a wonderful fairy tale community.

Keep up the good work.
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I really enjoy the show and would hate to see it go.
Ahlmanke21 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have read the reviews so far, and I disagree with most of them. I have been and always will be a fan of the movies, I loved every single one of them. I have been hoping that they would make it into a series and I am so glad that they have. I realize that many things have changed, but life changes so why shouldn't the stories change as well? I do wish that they could have dealt with Jake's death a little bit more, but, come on people, we all know it is a show and you can not force someone to do a series when they can't or won't so how could they have handled it better? Iam just glad that they were smart enough to not replace him with someone else, I think that would have been worse.

I am enjoying the series and look forward to it each week. As with any series they have to work on things and it will just keep getting better. I think many are not giving it enough of a chance yet. As for those who think it is overly sweet and things, I agree with the person who reviewed it and said that it is a nice change from the crap that is on TV these days. It is nice to see a show that everyone can watch and that just tries to show that acting nicely and responsibly are good things. I am so tired of reality TV and all the drama and crud that is on now days this is a very welcome change. I hope to keep watching for a long time, as I would be sad to see it go.
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Feel-good series w/o any major drama
rvdwalle4 April 2020
I enjoy watching this show as it makes me feel happy and really good when I am slightly down. Everything is good in Middleton and you start wondering if such a magical place could really exist and why you don't move there right away. One thing I don't like abt the show is how important characters just disappear and are never heard of again. Makes this warm-hearted Middleton community look a tat superficial and I am left confused and disappointed.
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Nice gentle series
dogmadthelma130 January 2020
I have been binge watching this lovely series, having got so fed up with some of the very dark and dismal series I sometimes watch I decided to watch this, it is a lovely gentle nothing nasty happens series which makes a pleasant change, i love all the characters Martha is one of my favourites, only gripe if you can call it that is Sam constantly has his hands in his bloomin' pockets.
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What About Grace?
Melusina1322 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have enjoyed Good Witch over the years as a pleasant diversion. The scenery, decorations and subtle hint of the supernatural were easy to sit back and enjoy. A year ago I would have been upset to hear that the show was cancelled. However, after the train wreck that has been Season 7, I believe it's time to put this mess out of its misery. Others have commented on many of the problems with this season but there is one thing that I haven't seen mentioned and that is WHAT ABOUT GRACE? This confusing red moon thing is affecting all of the Merriwick women but Cassie hasn't even mentioned her own daughter. After the sometimes cloyingly close relationship that they had, she apparently prefers talking to her dead parents to checking on her living child. Apparently the writers thought that after including her earlier in the season, it was now OK to banish her to the zone of forgotten relatives (Jakes' kids, George's wife, etc.). It's time for this show to go!
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Tripped at the Finish Line- Last Season FAIL!!!!
tempestatiri13 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show had it all. It was a 10/10. Good feels, people facing relevant challenges, and just a hint of mystique without being overpowering or political. While the enhanced supernatural flare up and main plot were great in the last season, the subplots went off the rails and NOT in a good way. They warped everyone in the season break. Cassie got some good plots and growth at least.

Stephanie is flighty with Adam, and hypocritical in a way that's just unrelatable. It just happens to turn out alright. It's needlessly stressful until then though.

We've spent seasons getting Abby and Donovan together and in the LAST episode they decide to break them up. Their love breaks curses. They spent the whole season proving that they could make the sacrifices that marriage requires, and then they THROW out that character growth and they just break up? AWFUL CHOICE. It made the entirety of the last few seasons pointless and empty.

And don't even get me started on Joy. Instead of being about Cassie and how she helps people, this season was so selfish. Joy was SO angsty the entire season, bringing it up even when it wasn't relevant. Me. Me. Meeee. Her relationship isn't believable, it's absolutely contrived and clearly a cheap grab for diversity points the show didn't need. Their core fanbase loved it as is. Changing it did it no favours.

This season was an absolute downer. Not only did we have Joy's shallow angsty relationship showboated down our throats at every turn, we then LOST Abby and Donovan. The spirit of this show was hollowed out, cheapened, and degraded in the last season. Just skip season 7 and write your own last season. It will be better. SO SAD THEY SOLD OUT!
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Skip season 7
filmtempest10 August 2021
I used to like this positive, family friendly, albeit cheesy, series. It was a good watch that didn't have a lot of drama and any problems were usually solved by the end of the episode. Then the kids left for school, etc. And things went really down hill. It started in season 6 and then just crashed in season 7. It seems that Cassie was always sad after that, not the happy-to -help-others attitude she used to have. Plot lines stopped going places or abruptly ended, and new characters were added that just didn't fit the show. I know the show is called Good Witch and yes, several of the characters are witches but until season 7 it was never actually said, always just implied with more good deeds than actual magic. In season 7 it's more like the show Charmed than the Good Witch and it's mostly about the magic instead of the people. Stephanie's character takes a weird turn in her dating life which seems out of character for her. George, the grandfather, seems to be more into the magic than previously ever mentioned. Abigail has several plot lines that go nowhere. And is it just me or does it seem like the characters have replaced their tea drinking with alcohol in almost every scene? There is also an addition of a Lesbian character which seems out of place in this fictitious wholesome town and has angered many viewers. Overall it was a good show but I think that they tried to take it in a new direction that just didn't work for this type of audience. If you want to watch the show I recommend watching it up until Grace leaves for school and consider that the end, because the rest of the series really just doesn't add anything to the show.
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So lovely!!!!!!
HappyChildOfGod17 March 2020
Feel-good tv show. I love it! There's almost no drama. Just good deeds. So refreshing to have a series like this one. We need good in the world.
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Slopy ultimate season
bionicboybxl20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Even if the series is a pure "sweet and sticky" moment, made for relaxing, we expected more from The last 7h season. Too much spleen from main characters, "charmed" inspired, weak stories, and poor sets/ locations. The 3 witches expecting to found problems with cast, spells, and about their past. They even loose theire intuition. . It seems that hallmark wanted to kill the show on the last season, and do anything for not renewing it. It totally goes out of the spirit of the show. Somehow, it was more interesting to "terminate" the show with a good 2hours movie, than a crappy boring 7th season with uninteresting plots!

Also, instead of really exploring "Joy" sentiments since last season, and waiting last episode for "the kiss", looks like Hallmark waited the very last minute to apply "lgbt+" quota without hurting "right side" audiences.

Do it or not...

Where is the son (and wife) of cassie, where is the older daughter of Cassie, why Stephany is playing cougars. Why Martha is not funny anymore and totally grotesque and dumb. Why, after 7 seasons, George is now central character, as he was only the "butler" in few episodes from last 6 seasons? Why Sam is always feeling annoyed, stressed and tedious? Why Cassie is thinking about death and past. Some stories take 3 espiodes and are not even have a mention after...

I watched because i was a fan. Only!

But last season could be "The Boring Witches".
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jclark19-110 July 2021
I loved this show. I still like it, but it's not as good as it used to be. But I saw it coming at the beginning of this season. I knew it would suffer with the story line. New writers trying to make something this show into something it's not. Sad sad.
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Jackbv1237 April 2017
Cassie is a magical woman. Not in the tradition of Samantha or Sabrina. It is hard to say that anything that would be considered true magic ever occurs. Cassie does have a habit of appearing out of nowhere, of knowing who is there before she sees them, and of saying just the right thing to make a "coincidence" happen where it is needed. This was true in the movies as in the TV series.

The TV series starts out rather abruptly if you didn't see any or all of the movies. Brandon, Cassie's stepson, is being separated from his wife. Lori has a background of storytelling, if not outright reporting, that leads her back to the town newspaper.

Yes, Cassie is magical in the sense of being a wise and discerning woman who is both beautiful and loving. Cassie is the definition of optimistic. She wants to give everyone a chance, even long past where others would.

The TV series is a welcome addition to the Hallmark lineup after having been a fairly regular annual TV movie tradition.
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Not normally a series watcher - But love this
ty-7547429 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of the movies, (wish Hallmark would make a while box set of all of the movies together) I was very excited that a weekly series was created.

I miss some of the old characters but have been pleasantly surprised with the new additions. I was sad to see Jake not on the show but with his character gone it leaves way for a new plot - where this is home for Cassie and a new home for a stranger. Some reviews were against the loss of Jake and feel the plot is the same as the movies. I have watched every episode and been left with cliffhangers that make me return each week. - give it a chance- its a series and will have more entertainment value weekly instead of waiting for one movie once a year.

I will miss the movies as they did have a magical charm about them, but was more focused on how Cassie was able to influence outcomes.

But..... I am glad to see a weekly show where you get to see Cassie influence people on a more long term wide-scale base.

Grace is definably a great character add to the show. It will be fun to see her grow with Cassie's guidance - or family-frenemy Abigale :) I always loved the bond Cassie and Lori had from chasing monsters away to cleaning up Abigale's "help". I am happy to see Lori came home and is a part of the family again.

The character Sam is good for Cassie - he challenges her in a way nobody has and I feel his time as her neighbor will help her grow as a person and a parent.

The series is more about the characters than the magical charms - that was the spirit of the movies, I hope they show a little more witchy-woo I cant wait to see whats next! I haven't watched a series on TV for years, but will watch every episode of this I can.
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The Good Witch is a magical series!
kelopeteguy18 April 2015
I've been watching The Good Witch movies and now the series since they came on TV. This show is a wholesome show that is great for all family members! I love all the the cast that are in this show. I was shocked that Jake wasn't going to be in the show but now I understand why. All of the cast are doing a great job and I hope others have enjoyed watching! Please continue the great work that you do from script writing to the actors! Catherine Bell you are such a wonderful actress. You the Hallmark Channel have done an excellent job giving us a wholesome show! I'm one of your biggest fans to the Hallmark Channel and encourage others to watch. I even changed cable carriers to be able to watch Hallmark channel!!
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Should have ended with a Halloween episode
staciarose203 May 2022
This show was known for it's Halloween specials. I think they should have at least ended it that way. Those were the best episodes. The last season seems rushed and not at all like seasons past that took place in the fall. A more magical season for a show called Good Witch.
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I love it!
amoremia4 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I just starting watching after Jake's death, after it started up again, and I love it. I know it's hard when you get used to a storyline, and then there is a significant change. Those of you who didn't want Jake to die, don't stop watching, keep an open mind. This is still a great show. There are so few of these types of programs on TV these days that a parent can watch with a child. This is something that I completely enjoy, and my ten year old daughter does as well. It definitely holds her interest. I love the mysterious aspect of it, and so far I love all the characters. Truly a refreshing change from a lot of the garbage on TV these days. It's sad to see how well all those Disney shows full of family dysfunction are doing. I know it's for entertainment, but come on, enough already! I would like to see more of these types of shows on TV.
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What happened to Gwen, George's wife?
laprimrose14 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy both the movies and the series. I saw the series first which prompted me to get the movies. I like the light tone in these crazy times. I believe they made the transition nicely since Chris Potter was not available for the series. I do have one complaint. They transitioned the changes nicely from the movies to the series with the exception of Gwen, George's wife. She dropped off the face of the earth with no explanation. I would like them to address as to what happened to her, if only in passing.
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Hey George, where's your wife, Gwen?
pwpj113 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Do the writers of this sappy show think viewers who have been watching since the "The Good Witch" movies have forgotten all the characters? I seem to recall George falling for Gwen and eventually getting married to her. Now that he's romancing another lady, where did he hide Gwen's body? In his garden?

Meanwhile, Cassie and Sam seem to have shed their biological and step children, Grace, Nick, Laurie, and Brendan. They conveniently no longer seem to exist.

Meanwhile, the plots keep getting sappier. You used to count on Martha, Abigail, and later Sam's ex-wife to spice things up with a little conflict.

I think my DVR is going to find something better to do on Sunday evenings.
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I have never been so confused in my entire life.
spamlb8129 April 2022
I mean its so cheesy. Unbelievably corny. And Nothing really ever happens.

The "good witch" is just this lady who smiles a lot and shuffles around going from place to place, smirking and smiling, everywhere there's smirking and smiling. It's like a disease. Everybody does it.

What in god's name is going on, i MUST LEARN MORE. Something in me says. I try to fight it, but i fail.


Anyhow i've somehow managed to get to season 4, the smile fest continues. Also the awkward naming of the person who is about to enter the room, right before they enter and being smug about it.

People aren't even surprised anymore. They just look defeated. Like "okay okay, you did it again. I wish i too could reverse sneak up on people, but alas that is not my destiny".

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The spell has been broken
janalee33 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Good Witch movies were marvelously magical, mysterious fun. The whole town of Middleton was infused in that magic and the characters were warm and interesting. And their interactions with each other were meaningful. Life was cozy and safe in these movies despite the dangers and problems that cropped up. The magic and the love seemed to fix everything at the conclusion of each one.

The TV series is unsettling because so much, too much has changed and the magic spell has been broken. Jake's death is just too depressing for the series to recover from. The addition of Bailee Madison as Cassie's now-teen-aged daughter is just jarring. She and Cassie just lack chemistry. One of the things that made the first few movies so charming was that Brandon and his sister were little kids and Cassie has such a sweet rapport with children. Perhaps this all would have worked out better had they made Grace younger and more vulnerable in this series. As it is Grace's teen-aged life is just too clichéd and uninteresting. The young man that plays the doctor's son is dour and seems to lack personality. And so many of the young men in the show seem to look alike and I had trouble telling them apart. I was confused about the real estate agent being Cassie's best friend as prior to this we had not seen him in any of the movies.

The doctor himself seems to be a boring and grim character, devoid of the sweet boy-next-door charisma that Jake had. And it was always so much fun to watch his comedic interactions with his deputy and the mayor. A lot of the humor left the series with Jake. And a lot of the heart.

Why was Brandon's character replaced with a different actor? Where is George's wonderful wife Gwen? With all the town now so steadfastly behind Cassie what will the story lines revolve around? I found that the story in this episode was weak and lackluster. Cassie had very little opportunity to show off her magic. I am more than a little sad that they have potentially ruined a really wonderful thing that appealed to so many people. Moving 10 years ahead and removing Jake put everything off-kilter and out of focus. I continue to hope that the vague way in which they described Jake's demise means that he is not really dead after all, hence the candle that re lit itself at the memorial service. I will continue to watch but with a heavy heart.
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louiefanatic14 June 2019
I love and hate this series. Mostly as it's overly dramatic and undetected at the same time. The one thing is how does cassie ever stay in business, she gives away more than she ever sells!
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The final season is extremely cringey
lotrhp9 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first few seasons were enjoyable and oh so typical of hallmark. It is a little bit of a sleepy show and there really isn't a ton of magic in the series but the final season makes me cringe. I also can't stand the character of joy. I really hate shows that do this whole will they won't they thing between guys and girls and then the girl turns out to be a lesbian. It's completely insulting to a normal person's intelligence. Also if joy was a man and she told a female that she needed to smile more all of the feminists would be furious but because she's a girl nobody bats an eye. I doubt I will even finish the season.
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