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(I) (2015)

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Journalism is dying
tomsawyer-0185811 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Mainstream medias are losing sight of their only reason to exist : Truth. Looking back, this has become shockingly obvious.

The movie is brilliant in letting us into the preparing of the show, and we have the feeling all is sufficiently backed up.

Then we are confronted with the tearing apart of the story, piece by piece, first by internet users and then we realize once the power of the Neocons is upon it's victim, they won't care about truth and shout tons of lies to redirect public focus away from the topic, which was Bush's fake military service. The biggest media will surrender and sacrifice their best reporters just to keep the money flowing in.

What was it about Bush's informant, the German secret agent Curveball lying about chemical weapons in Irak? The US were told it wasn't true, but their leaders never had to pay the price to surrender the white house. Where were the medias to prevent war in Irak, Neocon's biggest lie which cost billions and thousands of lives.

The medias were the fourth power in democracies, but they are no longer a threat to governments propaganda, they have become their dogs.

This movie shows that reporters have to choose between career or truth. They can't have both, anymore. The forth power of democracies has shifted to the Internet, its unlimited communities are more effective investigators then any mainstream media on the leash.

Journalism is captured in a cage of truth. But the Internet can still use the same weapons as governments : Lies.

And while a lie is best told in between truth, reciprocity is also true.
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You make your own call.
blanbrn4 November 2015
"Truth" is one film that's not great still it's an eye opening film that makes you think as each and every viewer must inform his or her own call no matter how you see the issue or what political side of the table your on. It questions in today's modern world of media do or can we really as people believe and trust documents and phone conversations and word of mouth. It pays so much to investigate and dig and dig real deep for information for sure when it involves a president's war record and service time and it's critical to get it right just before the reelection campaign of the one in question. Anyway you know the facts and this film portrays the real life story of the newsroom drama that took place in 2004 as it involved the report on President George W. Bush's military service record and brought to light was he really present or away on some of his air national guard service and was he a draft get away guy of war was he a son of special privilege. All of this in question would bring down and cut short the jobs of CBS news producer Mary Mapes(Cate Blanchett) and CBS legend evening news anchor and reporter Dan Rather(Robert Redford). Overall a film that grips with drama and searches for answers still you the viewer make you own call about right or wrong or "Truth".
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Excellent film
blanche-212 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Cate Blanchett, Robert Redford, Dennis Quaid, and Bruce Greenwood star in "Truth" from 2015.

This is a film you can't win writing about. Just take a look at the message board.

The story concerns documents that were given to "60 Minutes" stating that Bush used family connections to get out of going to Vietnam, and that he was a national guard pilot who was rarely around and, as such, could not be evaluated.

Mary Mapes (Blanchett) attempts to verify the documents, finally getting verbal confirmation and people to talk on camera. Dan Rather reported on it.

Then information began to surface on the Internet that the documents were fakes, written, in fact, on a computer in Microsoft Word. A big thing was the appearance of a superscript. However, this was explained as well, though there were no originals.

Then people who had spoken to 60 Minutes started waffling. The powers- that-be began to get nervous. Before you know it, the careers of Dan Rather and Mary Mapes were over.

The acting by Blanchett and Redford was absolutely wonderful, both being two of my favorites. Topher Grace, Bruce Greenwood, and Elizabeth Moss also gave strong performances.

The presence of Robert Redford in a film usually signals a liberal agenda. So I'm surprised people with another point of view even watched this.

The film, to me anyway, comes down on the side of 60 Minutes, giving the impression that Mapes did all she could to verify the documents, and that ultimately she was let down because of political pressure to state the memos were untrue.

A few things, since I was alive back in the '70s: Like it or don't like it, people, not just Bush (if he did), used family connections to stay out of Vietnam. The fact that there were so many children from well-known families in this one unit was suspicious.

This seemed to me another example like the Challenger - people knew it was going to blow up but sent it up on schedule anyway. 60 Minutes had verified these documents up to a point, but given the date they wanted to broadcast, they didn't have enough time to investigate further.

Explosive information like this, I would think, has to be run down to the ground. They didn't want to wait until after the election, but the schedule was full except for a date coming up in five days.

Mapes made an excellent point when she appeared before the antagonistic investigative committee, that it would be next to impossible for someone to know the right people, have inside information, and do the research involved in creating the memos - and then, ruin it all by sitting down and typing the memos up in Microsoft Word.

Rather left the show feeling that journalism had lost its integrity, that it succumbed to pressure to kill a story.

One has to make one's own decision about all this. My own opinion is that 60 Minutes did believe these memos, they did not present them knowing they were false, but they probably needed to spend more time on them.

One of the most striking scenes occurs while Mapes is before the board and is asked: Don't you believe that some of these men from prominent families actually wanted to serve? Long silence. Mapes: No. I do not.

A tense, absorbing film. The only thing is, to see Robert Redford, Bruce Greenwood, and Dennis Quaid looking so old depressed me more than I can say. Robert Redford looked embalmed. Forty years ago...well, I can't go back, any more than 60 Minutes, Rather, and Mapes can.
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Like All the President's Men, it's a riveting story.
JohnDeSando28 October 2015
"Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism." Hunter S. Thompson

Every journalism student should see Truth, a true version of a true event that included liberal CBS; liberal anchor, Dan Rather (Robert Redford); and liberal producer for 60 minutes, Mary Mapes (Cate Blanchett). The latter two sacrificed their jobs possibly for the ideal of bringing down George W. Bush in his campaign to become president for the second time.

The journalists thought they had a story about Bush slacking in his National Guard tour, but what they had was forged documents that eventually cost them their jobs and credibility. Mapes was the prime agent of the fiasco, pushing to get a story on 60 Minutes when it was too close to deadline and more substantiation was needed for the source and his documents.

First-time director and seasoned-writer James Vanderbilt takes an almost cool approach, not quite as weighty as All the President's Men or as frenetic; the journalists young and old struggle with the profession's verity: Vet your stories and your sources until they bleed truth. Mapes and her vigilantes are up against a deadline, so more verifying of documents and sources is not possible. Thus, they should not have run with the story, but they did. Dan Rather, for all his experience as CBS news anchor, should not have trusted in Mapes' research, but he did.

Most of all they should not have trusted Lt. Colonel Bill Burkett (Stacy Keach), who provided the documents purporting to show Bush's slacking. Because Burkett was a known liar and fervent Kerry supporter, no one should have trusted him before corroborating his information. Journalism students, beware of cutting corners on the road to truth. The film is an excellent primer on best practices.

Truth is a classy, almost unbiased rendition of a true story, an entertaining thriller filled with first-rate actors. If there is one flaw, I submit for your consideration that the film is too reverent of Mapes and Rather, who made a blunder unworthy of their status and experience. They are more heroic than they deserve. As cautionary players on the big media stage, they are the finest examples of flawed human beings.

"I think journalism gets measured by the quality of information it presents, not the drama or the pyrotechnics associated with us." Bob Woodward
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Only Hollywood can take a lie and call it Truth
flyzone128 August 2016
Spoiler Alert! The movie's acting is good but I couldn't get over the story's title and message schizophrenia. In the end, I saw this story telling as mostly a big lie making excuses for Mapes. One scene during her investigation and interrogation is strung out seemingly to make a point that her credibility was unassailable and her information on the "OETR" report wellresearched. However, The forged letter with the modern fonts was incontrovertible proof of a big lie from my perspective and as someone with many years of technology experience I understand this better than most. Yet they still called the movie "Truth"? In the end, Mapes seems to be lionized by the story which adds to the confusion. What are the writers trying to tell us? Is the Truth a Lie? Did you think she was she telling the truth? My conclusion - she didn't deserve any kudos and she was nothing but a bigot. Good acting, disjointed story and, no, it's not the Truth.
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Giving CBS the middle finger
moonspinner5526 September 2017
Powerful non-fiction drama about the modern-age tactic of tearing apart someone else's news story for fear of its validity--or rather, finding a vulnerable link in that story and attacking it, dissecting it in the public eye, until nobody remembers anymore what the point of the actual story was supposed to be, only that a flaw was found and therefore it's a crock. Cate Blanchett is excellent as "60 Minutes" producer Mary Mapes who, just prior to the 2004 presidential election, thought she found a tasty piece for the television news program on CBS: questioning whether President George W. Bush received preferential treatment during his time in the military. With hard evidence in the form of letters and documents that Bush did skate by (going AWOL for one year), Mapes and her team beat a five-day clock to produce the story news-anchor Dan Rather (Robert Redford) reported on the air. All appears to be fine after the segment airs, but when pro-Bush camps go after the accuracy of the documents--perhaps smelling a liberal bias--Rather, Mapes and her crew are all called on the carpet by nervous network executives. An investigation of journalism, of television news and its ethics, of politics in the business of TV news and the internal workings of breaking a story about a story all come to the fore here, in generally grand fashion. Redford, initially, seems a curious choice for Rather; he looks nothing like the legendary television personality, though he does have Rather's cadence down and you come to believe in the performance. Blanchett and her support, Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace and Elisabeth Moss, are all terrific. Director James Vanderbilt, who also co-produced and adapted Mapes' book, "Truth and Duty: The Press, the President and the Privilege of Power", does fluid, engrossing work. While the theatrical film faded fast at the box office, it plays very strongly on cable or home video. This might have been the perfect HBO event movie, the intimate medium of television a better fit for the material. *** from ****
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There's 'Truth' in Blanchett and Redford, But Not Much Else
ClaytonDavis23 September 2015
James Vanderbilt's feature debut "Truth" assembles the likes of two- time Academy Award winner Cate Blanchett, alongside Oscar-winner Robert Redford, in a story about how Mary Mapes and Dan Rather lost their careers following a "60 Minutes" story about George W. Bush's military records. While professionally and passionately executed with the performances of its cast, Vanderbilt's film doesn't quite have a strong enough handle on the material or the story he's trying to tell. What is left by the credits, is a duo of stellar turns, alongside often forced and unnatural dialogue. If anything, it'll be the work of those two veterans that will pull you through successfully but most importantly, it does spark a needed interest on the state of modern journalism. Vanderbilt should be applauded for that at minimum.

"Truth" begins with Mary Mapes (Blanchett) producing a "60 Minutes" special, in which host Dan Rather (Redford) presented documents of George W. Bush's military records, showing that he went AWOL during his time in the military and received special treatment. After the episode airing, bloggers and experts make accusations that the records are indeed fake. As Mapes and her team try anxiously to retrace their steps, inaccuracies and possible corruption is brought to light.

Putting politics aside, I've never read Mary Mapes' "Truth and Duty," the memoir on which the film is based upon. Going by what the film shows, Mapes' account of the aftermath following the "60 Minutes" special becomes a dog chasing its tail. Unsure if they were trying to portray an incompetent producer/journalist, or a misguided woman, led astray by false information. Nevertheless, Vanderbilt's script, at times, portrays a compelling argument in favor of the accuracy but leaves the audience wondering what he or anyone firmly believes. There is some great things happening in the story, that would have made a smarter, more interesting complete film. Vanderbilt explores the relationship of Mapes and her family, which makes for an interesting perspective to see her actions. Rather's tumultuous relationship with CBS is touched upon, but little else outside of the compounds of the cameras.

Calling back to a film like "Shattered Glass," Blanchett often feels like Hayden Christiansen, desperately believing the "story" but giving everyone around her doubt. Cate Blanchett's work explodes on screen, jolting in and out of coherent thoughts and persuasion, often never letting the viewer feel secure about their how they really feel about her. In one dynamite scene, and we'll call it her "Oscar scene," Blanchett controls the screen and her cast members with a bull-like charge, invoking and bringing to life, the best written scene of the film. It's one of her very best performances ever, and something that will courageously keep her in the Oscar conversation for Best Actress.

Robert Redford's stoic and reserved take on Dan Rather is a quiet storm, and likely the unsung hero of the film. He takes on the man's mannerisms but inserts his own sensibilities about how we perceive him to be. Dennis Quaid shines as an ex-Military personnel working on the story while Topher Grace goes a little bit overboard as a manic and shrill young journalists trying to find the conspiracy theories. Elisabeth Moss is regulated in general inquiries about the players behind the documents but offers little else in her underwritten role. Bruce Greenwood, as the president of CBS, is fantastically present. David Lyons also surprises as Josh Howard, a role that boils right to the top without going over. Same goes for the always diabolical Stacy Keach.

"Truth" excels in many of its technical merits. Brian Tyler's score offers depth and suspense to certain scenes while Mandy Walker's camera work softly maneuvers through the film. Richard Francis- Bruce's editing almost nailed a perfect ending to the film, but for whatever reason, was taken to one extra scene that the viewer truly didn't need.

"Truth" may not be an all-out homerun for Vanderbilt, but its a fine example of the exceptional work that Blanchett and Redford are capable of doing in any role they're given. Though not magnificently executed, I can't help but still ponder on its findings, and the questions that it brings up in its first few moments. He gets the mind thinking, and the juices flowing, before ultimately resting on the merits of two journalists that may or may not have been duped.
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Smart movie, stunning performances
ozjosh0330 January 2016
Truth is a thoughtful, subtle, quietly powerful movie - something you don't see much of these days. Yes, it's about the rights of wrongs of a journalistic investigation, part All The President's Men, part Shattered Glass. But it is also charts what has happened to news in recent decades, in particular how it has become a game of "Gotcha!", as the real issues, arguments and truths get lost in superficialities that better lend themselves to headlines and 30-second grabs, and how the news agenda is buffeted by politics, corporate demands and entertainment values. The films chief assets are a smart, snappy screenplay and an another astoundingly nuanced performance by Cate Blanchett. If she had not won an Oscar nomination for her riveting performance in Carol, then she should surely have been nominated for Truth.
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When covering the news turns into covering your ass
thefilmlawyers3 November 2015
Cate Blanchett stars as Mary Mapes, producer of the CBS 60 minutes programme hosted by Dan Rather (Robert Redford), in Truth. The story takes place during the Killian documents scandal when allegations arose that George Bush Jr went AWOL during the Vietnam War to dodge the draft. The controversy gets out of hand causing the resignation of Dan Rather as anchor of CBS news, and the dismissal of Mapes as producer. The film is based on the book by Mapes titled Truth and Duty: The Press, the President and the Privilege of Power.

There are multiple messages the film tries to get across. One could be that people in positions of power can get away with certain things pretty easily. Another is that people can take advantage of the chaos that ensues after the outcry of a loud minority on the internet, with the help of other media outlets, to distract from the main story. The main theme, I would say, is that bullies come in all forms, and can be highly destructive.

I think that the film-makers wanted to elicit from their audience opinions about power imbalance and accountability, and maybe even sensationalism. Clearly the other news agencies depicted in the movie were guilty of sensationalist behavior. Perhaps the writers and directors and actors wanted to simply tell a true story about a brilliant journalist who had to struggle very hard to combat the gravity of hyped up nonsense. It was an insult to Mapes' professionalism to have to deal with lame bloggers who weren't accountable to anything (assuming this is even true). Maybe that's the movie's biggest flaw. I don't know what it wanted me to believe. I'm not going to think that Mapes and Rather were innocent just because Quaid whispered a cliché monologue about why they're so compatible with each other (the plane scene).

An original draft of this review had me ranting about the political landscape of 2005. I (sort of?) learned about an important part of American media history. But the focus of the film kept changing. Some themes would come and go while others would resurface in little intervals (three to be exact). For example, the movie started out strong, with high hopes about evidence of the scandal being strong and hard hitting. Then quickly the plot takes a 90-degree turn, and now we're watching Mapes struggling to resolve one measly discrepancy that's grabbing all the media attention. After that disaster subsides, we begin watching a movie about a corporate investigation into false journalism. The storytelling was incoherent, finding myself with unanswered questions as the next big event came.

Most of my questions regarded the documents. The technical military jargon in the dialogue was difficult to follow, adding to the confusion. I found myself repeatedly asking: "who's that guy? Why is he mentioned all of the sudden? John Kerry was a thing back then?" That last question speaks to my ignorance, but still, the dialogue was clunky.

If you watch the film conscious of the underlying theme, it'll be less painful. The theme whose undertones influences all of Mapes' actions is her relationship with her abusive father. She admits at one point that he's the reason she needs to stand up to bullies. And in each of the three stages described above, that is precisely her motivation. First, she "asks questions" about a possibly incriminating aspect of Bush Jr's military history. But what happens? The bully strikes her down. She fights back by proving that the stupid discrepancy wasn't a problem after all. All is good, except now everyone forgot what the story was about. The bully returns with an investigation into her conduct. She didn't do anything inherently wrong (she makes some mistakes though), but she's treated with a disproportionate level of scrutiny. Meanwhile, a man who possibly went AWOL during wartime is winning a presidential election.

When you go to watch the movie, perceive it as a series of acts, like in a play. Act one, the scandal gets out. Act two, the haters launch their attack. Act three, the investigation. On a road which begins with covering the news, and ends with covering your butt, one thing holds; bullies suck.

I'm not watching it again, C grade

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Superb in every way--Do Not Miss
rollingpix25 October 2015
This is a terrific movie. Don't listen to people with an agenda who want to steer you away from this story. Excellent in every category. They don't make 'em like this very often any more. Yet of Redford's last 6 features, at least 3 are hard-hitting, honest dramas--this one, plus All Is Lost and Lions for Lambs. I have tremendous respect for his work. Blanchett is one of the best actors working now. Entire supporting cast is first rate, and I want to mention Rachael Blake and Andrew McFarlane as turning in superb work. The only thing that surprised me about the script was that Killian's secretary was left out of the story, and she confirmed that the content of the Killian memos was exactly as she remembered them--she agreed the typeface didn't look authentic to her, but the content was precisely what she typed for Killian. I remember because I saw the original 60 Minutes II broadcasts. Rather is a giant in journalism, and I still watch the CBS Evening News. It's still good, but at one time, CBS News was the finest news-gathering organization in the world.
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The early rumblings of fake news
garylampkin19 April 2017
NO SPOILERS- The story, script and direction keep this movie moving along at a decent pace which is a good thing because it's excruciating to look at Redford(who looks 90)as Dan Rather- I think someone else should have been cast for this part. BUT(and that's a big but), watch this movie to see Cate perform, who I am becoming convinced has taken the field, and is now the best female actor in the business.
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Adding to my long list of favorite movies.
thegirlwhosellsyoupopcorn13 November 2015
Despite getting pretty crappy reviews and leaving the theater I work at in about a week without bringing in many customers I loved Truth. It is fascinating as a political commentary on journalism, the mistrust certain people have of feminists and liberals with the "bias", and the responsibility of reporters and sources to give accurate information. After seeing this movie I believe that no matter your thoughts on Dan Rather, Mary Mapes, or George Bush you will think this movie tells a great story. The question remains, were those documents false? Were they real? Does it matter? This movie doesn't care if they were real or fake, regardless they caused many problems in the lives of the journalists who reported this story. The actors do a great job. I was especially impressed with the performance of Topher Grace whose character Mike Smith is funny and relatable. "I'm eating ramen three meals a day," talk about truth! This movie is being bashed as propaganda by Bush supporters, most of whom, I assume haven't actually seen the film. I am adding Truth to my favorite movies. I am giving it a ten out of ten and wholeheartedly recommend it. Please note that this is a reflection of my personal opinion, not paid for or influenced by any company affiliated with the movie Truth and that, while I am a proud employee of a national movie theater chain the views and opinions expressed on this blog are mine and not necessarily a reflection of the company where I work. This review originally appeared on my blog.
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compelling story
SnoopyStyle10 December 2016
It's 2004. Mary Mapes (Cate Blanchett) is a producer for CBS's 60 Minutes and a longtime contributor to legendary anchor Dan Rather (Robert Redford). She is working on a story about President Bush's time in the Texas Air National Guard. She recruits Mike Smith (Topher Grace), Lucy Scott (Elisabeth Moss), and Colonel Roger Charles (Dennis Quaid) to work on the story. Bill Burkett (Stacy Keach) brings them collaborating memos. They are pushed to rush the story to air and almost immediately after the airing, bloggers are claiming that the memos are fake.

It's an important moment in journalism and the world. It certainly tells the story more in-depth than I knew during that time. Honestly, all I remember from the incident are the fake documents. It's an even more compelling story than that. In the end, it doesn't answer the glaring question in the center of storm. It needs to settle the authenticity of the memos. Mary Mapes mentions looking for the typewriter. The movie needs to find the typewriter(s) that could have made the document to wrap up the narrative. The acting is superb led by Cate Blanchett. The story is detailed and understandable. It's a brave new world.
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Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
codefool4 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very good film. The cinematography, writing, acting, pacing, and most everything else just works. Particularly satisfying is Redford's portrayal of Rather, while not an impression or imitation, treats the man with the respect which is his due. Based on Ms. Mapes's book covering the "Rathergate" scandal, it tends to cover both sides of the issue - was the story politically motivated? The film says "No!" but the words say "Yes!" It's left up to the viewer to decide - which is a welcome and refreshing movie experience in the days of Michael Moore leftist propaganda.

The problem I have with the story is the constant assertion that the CBS 60-Minutes news team did no thing other than pursue the truth. This is not the case by the film's own revelations. The team starts off with a clue that George W. Bush was AWOL during his "privileged" tour in the Texas Air National Guard, and that he was "released early" so he could attend Harvard. At times it reads like Stone's JFK with conspiracy theories flying about and fingers pointing at enlarged documents on the wall, building this "solid" case that Bush was deliberately put out of harms way because of who he is while others died in Vietnam. While the film does touch on John Kerry's "purple heart" debacle - it fails to mention stronger issues such as Bill Clinton being the beneficiary of friends in high places regarding Vietnam. The 60-Minutes crew has just one problem - they can't find any collaborating evidence to support their theory. They call everyone they can find and it isn't that no one is willing to talk about it, but they are constantly told there is no story here and getting hung up on. "No stings were pulled" they are constantly told. Suspecting that everyone is afraid of Bush, and rather than "following the facts to the truth," they continue to dig, and end up finding Bill Burkett, who has copies of two memos that seem to suggest that Bush was AWOL from the Air National Guard. They don't say that, but it's what Mapes WANTS to believe, and so they go with it. AWOL stands for "Away Without Leave" which means a soldier who has orders to be at a post at a certain time was not - in fact - there at that time and in violation of those orders. A soldier is not AWOL if he is away WITH permission - something the film glosses over. That is, we never know if Bush has permission or not - just that he was not on base to be evaluated - according to the memos.

They try to have the documents authenticated, and two of the four experts refuse to do it because they are not originals. Mapes pushes forward, backed by the belief that even if the memos themselves are fakes, the information on them is at least true, and that's good enough. They put the story together, and because 60-Minutes is being pre-emptied by - shudder, a Billy Graham crusade - they decide to push the story out in four days rather than - well - actually baking the story more before rushing it to air. According to the film, they were editing footage seconds before air time. But, it would seem, it was more important to get "the truth" out about Bush in the election year sooner than later, then say, do their jobs.

Calamity ensues after the airing, with everyone pointing out the very obvious proportional fonts used in the memos, the fact that they were copies of copies, the New Times Roman Font, and a silly stunt about the super- scripted "th" which indicate that the memos were produced using Microsoft Word. They actually dig through boxes of documents looking for a super-scripted "th" to "prove" that it was possible in 1972 to have a typewriter with such a feature. Tap-dancing and straw- grasping at its most desperate.

The film ends with an inquest, where Mapes defends the memos insisting that they must be real because of the intimate knowledge a forger would have to possess in order to create them, but then make the ridiculous mistake of creating them using Microsoft Word. That alone screams that the documents should not have been trusted, but Mapes did anyway because - well - you can't un-ring a bell and if it gets Kerry elected then it's all in being on the Right Side of History. Yet, it still doesn't excuse why the memo format wasn't questioned until it was pointed out to them. The punch line is that Mapes needed them to be true so they could smear Bush. Right or wrong, true or false, the story was run to smear Bush, which is NOT pursuance of the truth even if it should end up being the truth.

The film never takes a solid position on Bush, and I think that's the point. What is the truth here? It's left up to the viewer.
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A fascinating story
Gordon-117 February 2016
This film tells the story of a journalist who uncovers irregularities in the military service reports of President Bush. The news report she makes understandably sends shock waves through the nation, but for the wrong reasons.

"Truth" tells an intense story, and it captivates my attention throughout. Mary is passionate about her work, and yet she stumbles upon the wrong story to report. I feel so sorry for her and her colleagues for having worked on such an explosive story, that would backfire on them no matter whether the documents were true or not. Mary is right in saying that when the noise is so loud, people forget what the original purpose is about. That is the one sad truth highlighted in this fascinating and engrossing story.
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The truth (according to Mary Mapes)
paul-allaer1 November 2015
"The Truth" (2015 release; 122 min.) brings the story of the infamous CBS 60 Minutes 2004 segment on then-President George W. Bush's track record at the Texas Air National Guard, and more specifically whether he got preferential treatment from officials, allowing him to avoid having to serve in Vietnam. CBS anchor Dan Rather (played by Robert Redford) and producer Mary Mapes (played by Cate Blanchett) quickly find themselves on the hot seat, as it appears there are issues with the authenticity of certain documents used in the 60 Minutes segment. To tell you more would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Couple of comments: first, this movie is bound to be divisive. I personally don't care much one way or another. I vaguely remembered these events, but certainly not the details as they are displayed here. Whether those details are accurate is impossible to tell. Why? Because this is not an objective, independent movie. It isn't until the end credits role that we are informed that the movie's script is adapted from Mary Mapes' book "Truth and Duty: The Press, the President, and the Privilege of Power". In other words: this is the truth according to Mary Mapes. All that aside: is the movie any good? And the answer is: yes, but... It is "yes" because Cate Blanchett (as Mary Mapes) gives a towering performance, as if she WILLS the movie to be good. It is "yes, but" because the movie, while at times engaging, is not nearly as good as other investigative journalism movies (such as "All The Presidents Men", still the gold standard, or that other recent release, "Spotlight"). Bottom line, as Mapes and hew crew exclaim: FEA!!!

"Truth" opened this weekend, and the Friday evening screening where I saw this at here in Cincinnati was attended okay, although I had expected a bigger crowd, this being the first day it was showing. If you can get over the fact that this is "the world according to Mary Mapes", I'd recommend you check this out, be it in the theater, or on VOD, or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray, and draw your own conclusions.
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Try-hard but made me think
cowfeet18 October 2015
This film is very much adult fare and comes off a bit Oscar bait-y and try-hard. The first half chronicles the uncovering of the story and felt a little laid back given the nature of the information, and the second half chronicles the fall. This was the more interesting half. I thought the film did a good job of expressing both sides- that maybe the story was rushed and half-put together, but also that maybe there was some real truth to it that was being shoved to the side in the wake of the scandal. Cate and Robert were great in it, and some of the speeches towards the end of the film were incredibly powerful and really made me think.

I didn't go into this film with any political bias or any real information on the matter at hand, but I left it asking questions and wanting to know more.
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Well done, a great story about a great story.
subxerogravity27 October 2015
Truth is a movie about recent history in which a reporting team finds information about the then President's military records and does a story that's ripped apart by conspiracy.

It's weird when a story is so familiar, as this one. It only happen ten somewhat years ago, but I much prefer getting the story as a complete dramatic narrative rather than pieces of inconsistent pieces.

Robert Redford came to be the perfect choice for Dan Rather. His performance as the captain of this news team with the combination of the musical score gave this news icon, mythical status.

Cate Blanchett was great as well as the producer who leads the news team into this story and took the hardest beating when others began to attack them.

I loved how the story begins with the team investigating the reports of Bush's military record. Don't read anything into this, but the whole thing felt like a crime drama series as they followed the clues and investigated the suspects. Then the movie turns into a really intense political drama, as the internet starts to poke holes into the story and you see Mary Mapes play the bad hand that she is dealt, cause she has no choice, and how the powers that be turn ageist her for just doing her job.

Truth also tells the tale of what could be considered the end of an era. Not just the end of Dan Rather's run at 60mins, but how this is a turning point of how real news is being perceived, being corrupted, and being discredited by anyone with a blog.

It was a movie you can really get into. Drama was emotional and relatable on all levels, from those of us who remember it firsthand, to the personal struggle Mary Mapes went through with her employers.

Worth seeing.
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A good and truthful movie, Kate is wonderful
willwardnyc30 October 2015
This movie is based on true events. How CBS caved in to the George Bush administration in 2004 to discredit a true news story. A major plot point hinges on the fact that rich and "connected" sons of influential Texans were allowed to enter the National Guard rather than be drafted and serve in Vietnam. CBS's internal investigators said it couldn't be proved. I know it's true because I served in the National Guard in another state and there were several people who got placed there because of "favors." and connections. Kate Blanchett is really good and totally believable as are the other characters. Maybe there is not so much action as ideas and conversation. But the movie rings very true and deserves to be seen.
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Overblown Re-Telling of an Ill-Starred Moment in CBS's History
l_rawjalaurence6 February 2016
THE TRUTH is one of those movies that should have been much more powerful in terms of impact than it actually is. A re-telling of an ill-starred moment in CBS's media history, when the seminal program SIXTY MINUTES ran a story about George W. Bush's military service and ended up being vilified for it it, James Vanderbilt's film makes some trenchant points about the way in which commercial interests often affect the media's perception of what "truth" might be.

Yet we have heard this all before, most notably in Sidney Lumet's film NETWORK (1976), where Peter Finch gave a memorable performance as the news anchor speaking out at the end of a telecast and being judged insane as a result. In this film Robert Redford does a creditable impersonation of legendary anchor Dan Rather, whose career came to an ignoble end as a result of the scandal. In Redford's characterization, Rather comes across as a highly competent journalist, the sort of person interviewees believe they can trust, giving him the chance to get the story.

Cate Blanchett takes the other leading role as producer Mary Mapes. With her perpetually tousled hair and aggressive manner, she comes across as the stereotyped reincarnation of the Power Woman, the person who will stop at nothing to get the story. This characterization works well in the film's first half, as she puts together the piece about Bush's career, but she comes across as highly unconvincing in the more intimate scenes, especially in her exchanges with husband Robert (Conner Burke).

TRUTH includes several plot-clichés characteristic of this kind of journo-film, especially at the end, when Mary decides to go against her lawyer's recommendations and tells CBS's investigative committee precisely what she thinks of them. Nothing comes of the move, of course (except Mapes's eventual sacking), but at least viewers are left with the feelgood factor.

Throughout the movie one can't quite help feeling that commercial interests have affected its construction. Distributed by Sony Classics, a subsidiary of Columbia, which is in itself part of the same empire that includes, TRUTH is one of those films that purports to tell the truth about media censorship but actually ends up reinforcing it.
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Intelligent, Devastating, Perfection
aharmas22 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Blanchett is one of Hollywood's biggest assets, and she rarely, if ever, has disappointed. She is a true chameleon, a woman who transforms herself from the inside out. Her portrayal of psychological deterioration rivaled Leigh's "Desire" in "Blue Jasmine". She crumbled in front of our eyes. She's tremendous in "Indiana Jones IV" playing her villain with ultimate gusto. She is wonderful in "The Aviator" a movie that needed to be much better to match her talents, and she's top-notch in "Notes from a Scandal", and the little seen, "The Gift". I could go on for a while about her enormous talents, but I have to admit that I wasn't ready to see her in "Truth." Here she gathers the best of previous performances to put together a character that is based on real events and has managed to grow stronger and confident, reach professional heights that fall apart as she begins to take her investigation into places that could be a bit problematic.

The title represents a play in words because the film does deliver the truth behind certain events, and it's the truth that imprisons and basically ruins her career for she seeks to deliver it, but there are elements around that will not permit that to happen. In fact, even her prosecutors become aware of the fact that she doesn't lie. It doesn't matter because there must be a sacrificial lamb, and it's her professional life that fall victim to some of the most unethical maneuvers politicians and lawyers can design.

There are many amazing moments in the film, all of them showing her magnetic force. She gains our empathy when we discover how difficult it's for a woman to survive the constant abuse of her family. It's worse when we see that it's almost impossible to gain respect in her line of work. It's horrible to see how some people are not hesitant to destroy one person's life if it pleases some privileged members of the establishment.

In fact, her big scene, during the closing parts of her testimony will have everyone in awe for a long time. There's truth there, and we should treasure it. She is now in my top 3 actresses of all time.
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Venturing behind-the-scenes
ccorral41910 November 2015
Director, Writer, Producer James Vanderbilt is familiar with wearing numerous hats when at the helm ("The Amazing Spiderman" series, "Zodiac"). However, in this venture, featuring Cate Blanchett, Robert Redford, Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace, Elizabeth Moss and Stacy Keach (to name a few), he is less successful. Based on CBS 60 Minutes Producer Mary Mapes book "Truth and Duty: The Press, the President, and the Privilege of Power," which chronicles the 2004 experience of Mapes' and Dan Rather's report investigating then-President George W. Bush's military service, the film lacks intrigue, scenes are very segmented, several exterior shots are obvious "green screened," and the quality of acting expected from this worthy cast is inadequate. While "TRUTH" does provide a unique look into the behind-the-scenes working of how a news story makes it to the public (be it Mapes' interpretation of the events), Vanderbilt got too caught up in the investigation aspect of the story and his writing/storytelling suffered. "TRUTH" is one of those films where the sum of it's parts are not greater then the whole experience.
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This is just a great movie and reminded me of All The President's Men. I highly recommend this. Tense and anger inducing.
cosmo_tiger1 February 2016
"You're supposed to put yourself out, seek the truth, and take what comes from it." During the election of 2004, 60 minutes producer, Mary Mapes (Blanchett) uncovers a story saying that President Bush went AWOL from the national guard for a year. Thinking she has enough evidence and enough verification Dan Rather (Redford) reports it to the world. Almost immediately the report is called into question and the careers of everyone involved are in jeopardy. This movie hits all the right notes for me is is a true story, it's political and historical. I was looking forward to this movie, and was not disappointed at all. I knew most of the story that took place, but this movie deals with the behind the scenes events that no one knew about. Regardless of your political beliefs this is a hard movie to ignore the facts of. I'm not talking about the facts of the report, but the events and the "witch hunt" that essentially took place. For example, none of the events were investigated but the font of the letters were. This is just a great movie and reminded me of All The President's Men. I highly recommend this. Overall, tense and anger inducing. A movie I highly recommend. I give this an A.
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too worshipful
yoyogi25 February 2016
Kate did a good job. You care about her character. The story is interesting but obscure now. They should have made a movie about Mary Mapes making her award-winning show about Abu Grave. Dan Rather does not deserve the worshipful tone this movie takes on his career. It's hagiography. The music swells to portray 'heroic' journalists but I have always found it strange that many of them think of themselves as guardians of the truth but they are not elected to be our representatives so I'm not sure I am pleased that they think they are speaking for me. Both Bush and Kerry had funny stuff concerned with their Vietnam War era records. Anybody with any sense in those days would have done anything to avoid participating in that horrible waste of a war. Nobody was covered in glory. If Bush got his Dad to help him stay in America, well this is what you do when you have clout.

But it is always a pleasure to watch a Kate movie even when it is a bad movie. She so often seems to play somebody with an American southern accent. I guess it must be the easiest accent for Brits and Ozzies to mimic.
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Still pleading the case
ferguson-629 October 2015
Greetings again from the darkness. The film is based on the book written by Mary Mapes, "Truth and Duty: The Press, the President, and the Privilege of Power", and plays like a desperate attempt at rationalizing the actions of a TV producer, a TV news icon, their team of reporters and researchers, and the endless drive for ratings by a network news organization. Telling only your side of the story when a significant conflict is involved, does not encourage thinking people to take up your cause.

In 2004, Mary Mapes brought in her team to dig into the rumors that President George W Bush had received preferential treatment in military assignments and that his military service records were either incomplete, had been altered, or proved that he did not fulfill his service requirements. Ms. Mapes professional relationship with Dan Rather allowed her to bring him into the fold, and resulted in significant air time on CBS and "60 Minutes". Most of us know how this saga ended … Mapes and her team were let go, and Mr. Rather's time as the network news anchor was unceremoniously ended. While there may very well be substance to the story they were chasing, both the book and the movie act as Ms. Mapes defensive pleas of innocence.

In the film, Cate Blanchett plays Mary Mapes, and Robert Redford plays Dan Rather. Ms. Blanchett, as usual, is exceptional; and Redford is solid in capturing the essence of Rather (though the hair color variances are distracting). The other key players are: Topher Grace as reporter Mike Smith, Dennis Quaid as researcher and former Marine Lt. Colonel Roger Charles, Elisabeth Moss as Lucy Scott, Bruce Greenwood as Andrew Heyward (President of CBS News), Stacy Keach as Mapes source Lt. Colonel Bill Burkett, and Dermot Mulroney as CBS attorney Lawrence Lampher. The film is well cast, but it's not enough to make up for the weak script and the less-than-stellar direction from first timer James Vanderbilt (who did write the screenplay for Zodiac, and is the great-grandson of Albert G Vanderbilt).

Rather than provide any proof that the story was properly documented and confirmed, Mapes and Rather decry the loss of reporters who ask the "tough" questions. Their defense seems to be that they were brave enough to chase the story and ask questions. A sequence is included that positions these two as the last bastions for true news reporting, and that these days news organizations are more concerned with profits and ratings, than breaking a story. This argument conveniently omits the fact that information flows much more freely today than in "the good old days". The actions of politicians and industry leaders are constantly being questioned and scrutinized by the endless stream of bloggers and reporters – both amateurs and professionals. There is no shortage of questions being asked, and the ease with which accusations are leveled actually fits right in with the Mapes approach.

The frustrating part of the movie is that it's a missed opportunity to detail how "legitimate" news organizations go to extremes to document and verify their information and sources, and this is where Ms. Mapes' team fell short. Without intending to, the film plays more similar to Shattered Glass (2003) than All the President's Men (1976) … getting a story being more important than proving a story. We are left with the feeling that Ms. Mapes believes asking a question is more important than proving the facts. The cringe-inducing shot of Dan Rather's final broadcast leaves the viewers with the impression that the objective of the film was to place Mapes and Rather on a pedestal of righteousness. The only thing actually confirmed here is that heads rolling at CBS was the right (and only reasonable) call.
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