She's Gotta Have It (TV Series 2017–2019) Poster


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Poor acting and wholly unlikable characters
fannimae3 December 2017
I remember very much liking the original film but this rewrite is a total miss. None of the characters are at all likable, except maybe Mars, however, if you met that guy in real life you would probably run far, far away. I read in some other review that the biggest problem with Spike Lee films is the prevalence of amateur acting. And I think that strikes at the heart of this series too. The actress playing Nola is not compelling. There seems to be this confusion of beauty with charm and magnetism. This combined with the corny lines was just cringe-worthy.
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Fun, free and entertaining series with imperfections
jarlentjilenzi30 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The story revolves around Nola Darling who is a young black female artist living in New York. She has intimate relationships with three different guys who possess three different kinds of personalities and therefore all fulfill her in their own ways.

The series take us through all the emotional struggles that come with being an artist, being a (black) female and searching for (self)love. It also shines a light on different kinds of views of several political/social subjects.

What I thought was really fun and original was that after a lot of scenes an album cover of the background music that you just heard was shown. Also as a woman, it was easy to relate to the stuff Nola goes through. I like that the series focuses on Nola but also shows us a more in depth look into the lives of all the other characters so that we can slowly connect to all of them and appreciate the roles they each play in her life.

The story is flawed and definitely has imperfections (characters respond too fast during dialogues, some corny moments, the story line is too quick/too slow or some times too random..), but I still really enjoyed watching it. I liked the vibe it had going on and would watch a second season. I think this series is mostly for an audience below 30's and will mainly be appreciated by females.
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I liked it
marcusdavis4030 November 2017
I'm a major fan of Spike Lees work so when i read that he was rebooting She's Gotta Have It as a Netflix series i just had to check it out.On viewing it ,it has Spike Lees look and feel all over it i always loved his style of movie making Do The Right Thing ,Jungle Fever etc.I liked watching this and its only because of the way Spike Lee directs and the way he portrays and projects the characters even though the story or theme isn't my favorite topic "relationships".I still liked it though and that's because i'm a Spike Lee fan.
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Title doesn't do show justice! Incredibly good re-write.
Conscious_Content26 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's really different from the movie. It should be. Times have changed. We need this story right now as Spike Lee is (re-)telling it, unapologetically, in Nola's favor.

I read some pretty ignorant reviews. What's that saying again? "People can only meet you as far as they've met themselves." Clearly many viewers need to look a little harder inwards or into society for that matter. One review states: For a limited (African-American?) audience only." I mean, what rock have you been living under? So if you're not African-American (debatable term), as Damayor and Mars are not African American, neither is Greer.. Nola's friend is Jamaican, what's left? "A limited audience."

Limited how? So, that would be: Brooklyn natives, Puerto Rican people, Europeans, bi-racial kids, all people of color gracing NYC, war-Veterans, bi-curious people, married people, photographers, (prob SATC fans), bike fanatics, brown stone fanatics, Spike Lee fans, Nicki Minaj fans, wait let me rephrase that: people that unfortunately praise the big booty hype...#metoo movement, single moms, Black Lives Matter Movement, artists, lovers of culture, well meaning friends, wives, husbands, healers, women & men on a introspective quest, observers, trend-watchers, musicians, jazz lovers, R&B lovers, Hip Hop lovers, Sinatra fans, cheaters, confused prep kids, troubled public school kids, underprivileged youth, spiritual beings, teachers, Prince lovers, cinema lovers, Anti Trump voters, activists, vegetarians, nurses. I could on. How exactly is that limited? Statement seems invalid.

Moving on: Even if you can't identify with Nola and her world, almost all can relate to the art and artists coming out of Brooklyn. That leads to finding out and understanding what's happening there. If you have an appreciation for the music/art that came from there- you would want to comprehend what is currently going on, correct? Or are we really that shallow that we take the art and don't care WHO created it, along with their (past) significance?!

I'm from the Netherlands, born 1986, considered white but my life is intertwined with Hip Hop culture. Even though I'm half a world away this show got under my skin. The feel of Brooklyn. That obvious love of music Spike Lee portrays, is like water for the thirsty. The changes in- and the way a young woman is navigating life these days. Very relevant- because we'll birth and raise the next generation. Like it or not.

I understand the way Nola reasons and reflects. For example, all women should grant each other a little more freedom and self exploration before committing to one person or not. Exploration of the mind and soul, that is. That said, the thought of putting 3 of my lovers in a room is almost unthinkable. Made me realize I still need to trade up. We need to face that side of our ego if we want to spiritually elevate and evolve as a species. In every sense she's right; there should be no problem in joining them because she was clear about herself, her rules and the existence of others.

The portrayal of Nola's relationships are not limited to a black audience. Most, all women and men everywhere deal with the same problems when stepping into personal truth and setting boundaries with relationships- that define them. Not with societies norms and values.

Also read comments reading: the males are caricatures... really? God, I wish that was true. Doesn't seem exaggerated at all. I gravitated towards all of them because of different reasons. Jamie Overstreet is so comfortable and eloquent in expressing his feelings towards Nola. As is Mars but in a completely different way yet no less real. He looks out for her in his way. Some would say caricature; I say Mars' got flavor and Greer has...his ego. Big difference.

Casting was correct in choosing Dewanda Wise. She's so natural. No altered physicality. Miss Wise is intoxicatingly beautiful. All over the world people are bombarded with plastic representations of women. It's sickening, unhealthy. Pretty thrilling to see such an electrifying female on screen.

On the other end of that spectrum I can write, I was tormented by seeing one of the characters injecting silicone into her bottom. So brutal to see her going into a motel with unsanitary conditions; showing an entirely illegal practice. I commend Spike Lee for telling that story in a very haunting way that showed the non-sense of using our bodies as a business model. All the while inviting HUGE medical RISKS and breaking down the sanity of our souls & physical temple. Anyone who says this show is irrelevant missed the point. This subject alone makes it worthy since it's fighting one of the issues we're facing today. The show addresses more of such.

Loved the coloring of the series and the close ups of the characters. Tranquil energy in most shots. Appreciate the intro song as homage to the film and all the old pictures of Brooklyn. Showcasing of the Album covers was smart. They could have been blended (edited) in more smoothly but I AM that viewer that wants to know WHAT joint is playing without breaking the spell with shazam. It's probably a generation thing.

All topics confronted are relevant. Gentrification, discrimination, body image, treatment of war veterans, integrity + financial struggle of artists, self expression, abuse, human rights, most of all: personal TRUTH. Truth can only live where people are willing to go with their actions, words and intentions. Nola states: "Sometimes being uncomfortable is a good thing. It forces us to react, move and evolve." If we can all take of one mask after this series, stand a little stronger and more humane: then job well done. This show definitely sparks conversation. Let's confront our baggage, struggles, hopes and dreams and stand by it. Let's make sure that if we look back on ourselves 30 years from now, we can breath easily because we know our actions did the talking.
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ersbel28 September 2018
The statements are right. The script is quite tight. The women are beautiful. That last quality is not a merit of Spike.

The rest is crap. The lines are slogans. And the actors have a hard time saying them as dialogue. At times it's like they are reading headlines.

Also, given what has been published on NetFlix, Spike is dated. He can't integrate the new gadgets. Even the episode format is more like 1980s syndicated sitcom.

So for a newcomer that would be a very promising series. For Spike it's probably sign he's on his way out.
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Mixed bag...
asc8515 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The good: Spike Lee has a unique visual style that is impressive to watch. His shots of Brooklyn are gorgeous. And unlike many others, I thought the actors/actresses did a very good job, especially the actors/actresses playing Nola Darling, Mars Blackmon and Jamie Overstreet. The final episode, where they all spontaneously break into a choreographed dance to Prince's "Raspberry Beret" was the highlight of the series, and maybe the best scene of this kind since Travolta and Thurman danced to "You Never Can Tell" in "Pulp Fiction."

The bad: What has killed his career is that he can't keep his far-left political views out of his films. Episode 8 opened up with about a five minute trashing of Donald Trump that was completely unnecessary. Episode 9 showed a white woman calling the police to remove a homeless man from sitting outside her property who may have also vandalized her property by painting something on her steps. The white woman and the police were made to look like horrible monsters, and that it was wrong to remove the homeless person in this situation.

Of course, some people will probably agree with Lee's political views, so they'll probably really like this series. But I'm guessing that group will be niche. So as for me, I'm still not sure if I'm going to give Season 2 a chance when it appears on Netflix in either 2018 or 2019.
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Don't listen the the negative reviews
obi-black13 December 2017
I have been waiting for Spike to get back on his game and give us some of that good ole' "do the right thing" movie magic. This is on point he did his Netflix thing. I was captivated after first few minutes of first episode. Spread the word. . . We need a season 2 pronto Spike.

Sidenote : my dad was the first to bring spike and public enemy to Stanford University !
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Feminist, Fun and So Spike Lee
jericha-2740226 May 2019
Spike Lee's style isn't for everyone. With multiple graphic sex scenes and extreme adult situations, I can understand why people don't care for this show. However, since the world of Nola is confusing and crazy, the style seems fitting. There are times when the editing sucks and the acting falls flat, but overall, you won't be bored.
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Loving it so far!!
virtuosity5728 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First of all(for negative reviewers).....if you haven't watched the original you are doing yourself a disservice and that's why you don't understand. However, Spike's movies are for thinkers who live below the surface; there are SO many historical and cultural gems dropped throughout each episode that you honestly can't even catch them all, but if you have grown up seeing life through a "certain lens" then of course...again, one might not be able to relate.

I appreciate the review from @s_heijman bc it clearly depicts what this show is about so I won't re-hash. It is very relevant to today's climate and culture while giving homage to pieces of NY and colorful American culture that has gone before us . Spike stays true to the original plot yet allows for more character development of Nola in the newer series. DeWanda Wise is mesmerizing and clearly depicts a 2017 Nola and then some!! I read a review that the male counterparts seem caricature-ish in nature but they are actually an evolved version of the original as well and honestly, depict how they might sometimes appear to women through the character traits they embody and their actions- we've ALL met guys just like that- but Spike still shows humanity in each of them. Lastly yes there is sex; it's a show about a self-proclaimed pan-sexual 20 something juggling 3.5 relationships (shrug); still nowhere the near sex level of Power so chill out (rolls eyes), I'm sure some of the negative Nancy's did worse in college in real life Lol I believe the fact that Nola is so unique and almost unrelatable is the point. There are 'Nolas' out there who feel they are the only ones who exist.

Artistically, the show is classic Spike. Full of color with a mix of independent styled/updated cinematography. Can't wait for season 2!
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Would have loved it...
thebadgeresss2 July 2019
...but the music is just so unbelievably baaaaaad (for me) - I just couldn't stand it. I know folks nowadays like that kind of music but - - no way. I really loved the main character, a strong, independent, beautiful woman who exactly knows what she wants. What a desirable way of living - making art and having lots of sex. Sex is some kind of super power - why shouldn't she use it? It's not her fault that those guys are wankers. They could easily walk away from her, but she is just gorgeous and they know of course, that it might be quite difficult to find a woman like her again. Some people are just "too much" for monogamous relationships. Fair enough! It's not my way of living (anymore), but I totally understand that other people choose it. So, if you like this "black music" (don't know what it's called exactly) go and watch this intelligent, well scripted and acted TV-show! This review has been written after watching the first episode only.
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Digital_Underground21418 December 2017
Spike Lee plus Brooklyn plus his breakout story had the potential to be really good. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

First, the positive. The soundtrack to this series is amazing! Spike really did his thing with the song selection. Second, the shots and cinematography were great. Spike and his crew really make Brooklyn come alive in this series. Third, Dewanda Wise is gorgeous to look at. At times I was able to overlook the ridiculousness of Nola Darling because I was looking a Wise's pretty brown face.

Now the negative. The concept is dated now. Women having more sexual agency is not new in film or TV. Even worse her preaching about it so much makes her character come off as selfish and even detached from reality. In one scene she tells the therapist the men in her life are trying to control her. That made me laugh. Because up to that point in the series the only person who ever required anything of her was her female lover, Opal. The men were all content with just sex.

And the men in this series were a sore point. These guys don't exist in real life. As a result it makes Nola's character seem even more hollow. Her power is derived from "living her truth" with these men. But their characters are so weak it makes her unbelievable. Mars Blackmon is like a teenager. Asserting your sexual reality against him is no accomplishment.

Finally, the messages in the series are too heavy handed. At times it seemed like Spike wanted to preach a message about gentrification so he built a TV series around it. Also, the random monologues got in the way of the story. Nola breaking the 4th wall always seemed forced and fake deep. Shamecka was more interesting as a character than Nola.
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True to the movie!
sethompson-8077525 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well done, Mr. Lee! This is what the world needs today; a strong female character who is comfortable in her own skin and not ashamed of her sexuality! I have often wondered how women like Nora are as they mature. Do they become bored with the lifestyle and decide they want only one man or do they continue living the same way. I hope there will be more than one season so I can see what will become of Nora.
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SGHI has some episodes worth watching and some not...
athornell-003771 April 2024
Elements of each of my movie & TV reviews:

Did I enjoy it & watch to the end? Yes

Would I rewatch it completely? No

If not, are there enough good segments / episodes to watch certain scenes? Yes

Do I care for most / some of the characters?

Some of the characters grew on me; for the most part I did not like and was not invested in the characters until later; it took awhile to like or care about them

Are the movie flaws glaring or subtle enough to bypass?

Yes, glaring; however as I state below the story and acting/ dialogue got subtly better

Would I recommend to someone else?

Only if the the person likes Spike Lee movies and or stories of the African Diaspora / urban life

My Review:

I read some of the other ratings which are quite low. I disagree in most; the reviews are quite harsh.

Let's get one thing out of the way. Reboots typically are not as good as the originals. Usually it works better in action & sci-fi movies where the technology & efx are better / more expensive in the new versions. The original, "She Gotta Have It" is a classic and was pioneering in every way...

Acting, dialogue & storytelling- There are high and lows; there are some seasoned acting and some mediocre acting throughout the series. Sometimes the plot and story deliver more than the acting. Sometimes the dialogue is fast forward material.

The plot & environment- Spike Lee delivers when it comes to setting the tone, the environment, and exploring the politics of the present. It may be heavy handed but it lands.

The characters-

It's hard to like most of the characters. However because Mr. Lee takes the characters on journeys of self discovery and multiple locations of the African Diaspora- from Brooklyn, to Puerto Rico, to Martha's Vineyard.

I found myself interested in where they were going and or growing. And I also found myself growing to like the characters as they went on their journey of self discovery.

And that was worth the effort. Were there corny moments? Yes.

There was also some beautiful (people, places) and visually interesting moments as well. It was uneven, and not Spike's best work.

I'd love to see him executive produce a new young talent and give them the opportunity to shine with his guidance and 40 Acres & A Mule production support.
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Self-righteous and self-centered main character and weak male characters
meganlellman17 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this show. The music and the shots of Brooklyn are beautiful and the topics that this show focuses on such as racism, polyamory, and feminism are so important. However, Nola is such a frustrating character to care about. She keeps talking about how these men keep trying to control or define her but she continues to have relationships with them. And they could make the same argument about her. She is the one with the structure rules that the men in her life have to get on board with if they want to be with her. The other frustrating part is how everyone loves her when she is so selfish. Mars left one of Nolas friends to be with Nola and Nola doesn't even feel bad about it. She'll even talk about Mars with her friend even though it clearly still bothers her. She's so focused on living her truth that she takes other people for granted. And what's even more confusing is that the people in her life stick around for it. I could understand if she was charismatic, but she's not, so what are the people in her life getting out of having a relationship with her?
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The best show ever!
Rhonda9211 December 2017
I love this show. After watching all ten episodes, I instantly wanted more. The show could be found on Netflix. It is created by Spike Lee. Honestly, this show is one of the best creations by Spike Lee. Matter of fact, I think I'll watch season one all over again. You never know when Netflix will release another season lol.
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Beautifully directed!
brandiiipants21 August 2018
She's Gotta Have It ... felt so familiar and necessary. I enjoyed (which I noticed some people didn't) the points on body modification and gentrification and sexism. The characters were loud and bright and different and they matched Nola. I compare this to Insecure sometimes in that the lead character is beautiful and driven yet awkward and makes mistakes. I related. Loved this show, the music, the beautiful cast and the direction.
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Enjoyable & Insightful Series
lovetravel-4962028 November 2017
Thank you Spike Lee for this series! After watching the first episode, I was not sure if I was going to continue to watch as a result of the story line and some poor acting. However, the acting gets better by episode 3 as well as the story line. Moreover, episode 4 captured my interest the most and episode 5 and 6 made this series very relatable. I'm currently on episode 6 and will finish "She's Gotta Have It" this week.
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All attempts at something meaningful thwarted by extreme corniness.
Denovot28 November 2017
Corny is word I hate using but it sums up Spike Lee's attempt at- whatever it was he was trying to achieve with this reboot. Now, it was not completely terrible, it was easy to watch in the background while I worked on my laptop. However, I think I would have turned it off sooner had I been fully paying attention. The acting was overall quite bland. There weren't many fully realized characters in the cast, almost everyone was a shell of clichés. The close ups, especially towards the end were eye rolling. And that finale- I suppose I would've been disappointed if I was expecting something more.

I have a lot of respect for the arts but I didn't need to see this portrayal of another self righteous "starving" Brooklyn artist, who if they spent 5% of the time working some other job as they do pontificating about how the world NEEDS their art... give me a break. Nola is getting a steep discount from her godmother to stay in the gentrified neighborhood she grew up in, and she still doesn't manage to get the rent on time. They constantly talk about her hustle, yet she really isn't ever truly desperate or truly hustling. Now maybe that wasn't the show they wanted to make, but don't pretend putting 5 paintings on your stoop and walking some dogs to continue living solo in a gorgeous brownstone is roughing it. Gentrification is a legitimate issue, and I see the commentary Spike was going for but it fell quite short.

I'm sure some people will enjoy the show, as I said it is not all bad, just was not for me.
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Artsy and entertaining!
chriscarlisle2529 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I truly believe that most of the reviewers leaving negative reviews are missing the beauty of the show. This is a show that encompasses so much black history, music, and art that is sometimes overwhelming but always impactful at least for me. The main actress carries the show really well and is believable as a free-thinking independent black woman, and the rest of the cast is cool. Nola darling has three boyfriends in a rotation and each has their own distinctive personality that meshes well together when they finally meet. **Spoiler** I love the scene in the 10th episode of season 1 where all of her male friends meet and actually get to know each other and have fun together. All three of them with Nola dance to a Prince song and the whole scene is quite enjoyable.

This show has beautiful cinematography and great transitions that impact the overall feeling of the show. There are hidden meanings and interpretations to every shot in the show, and the use of colors is also great. You get a feel of the New York and Brooklyn lifestyle and also a bit of the Black Culture. There are many classic book references, musical referencesb poetry references, and many homages to famous people and innovators throughout history. I don't know why the show got so many bad reviews but I for one enjoy it. If you go into it with no expectations and just watch it for what it is you will enjoy it.

P.S. This is definitely for mature audiences because there are many explicit sex scenes and language.
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Comes up very short
pilgrimsean10 June 2019
Unfortunately the best thing about this show is the soundtrack. The rest of movie seems like a self-indulgent exercise by the director and whoever wrote the horrible, leaden script. Someone said it in a earlier review but the dialogue could not have been any more unnatural. What were they thinking? While he does capture some beautiful images of Brooklyn, the characters are poorly developed and Spike was clearly trying to push a narrative at the cost of the story. The lead character is interesting but she was not given opportunities to shine within this vanity project. Please spare us a third season
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Representing an entertaining and thought-provoking perspective
krichatman1 February 2018
First... Kudos to the costumers and stylists! They dress to fit the character in ways that are creative, unique, and identify. The show is not only Spike Lee at his best, but is a testament to the history many eyes have seen, reflections on a Netflix screen. It shows where we've been, how far we've come, and where we can go. It picks at the personal issues inside beyond the beauty of the diverse face, activating paths of familiarity and questioning the boundaries of conditioning through life's drama, sex, and laughs.
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Nailed it!
craigthomas9014 July 2019
Spike Lee's depiction of a young "Black" aritst attempting to traverse the many obstacles of love, paying rent, gentrification, relationships all while defining herself in an ever changing environment is amazing. It's connective; the cast is diverse and support her beautifully. Messages or race, and empowerment are never missed in a Spike Lee joint and I get it, I appreciate it, I love it. Both seasons are excellent however, I appreciate the incorporation of all her lovers more in the first season compared to the second.
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Great Job...
kwc-1813928 May 2019
It's funny because i am old enough to say i watched the original movie. Funny because i didn't run out and watch the original, because i had never been a Spike Lee fan until BlacKkKlansman. He was/is correct, it should have won best picture, not Greenbook. Back to She's Gotta Have it.

Season 2 was better than 1 for me because you see the development of most of the characters around Nola except for Nola herself. That could be on purpose, otherwise the show would be over. The music and the other types of art outside of Nola's are fabulous so i must give a shout out to all the artist being used in this program. The music is OUTSTANDING...

Looks like you model fits Netflix Spike. Keep up the good work.

Ken C.
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Brooklyn born and bred early 90s baby perspective
cyninbk14 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Im gonna keep this a buck .I like the show but some parts are straight up and down not realistic and dry .I get it they have to exaggerate and water it down to make it appeal to certain demographics because it's really certain things no one outside of the people who actually grew up in the 5 boroughs would understand.Like most dudes wouldn't be putting up with Nola's shyt only corny guys that rich dude from the VILLE with the fly wife the pretty boy n son from the projects NONE OF them would be putting up with her to rules dating in ny ain't like that its too many fish .Picture a guy from Brownsville putting up with a chick like Nola n not acting up WHERE ?? where where they bugging ..No Jamaican or any West Indian mom would ever call Apple bees downtown a good job for a grown lady with a kid she would have been flipping on sis you can't pay rent no where in Brooklyn making minimum wage so that's not realistic ..Mars that's my guy but he def act like he from Bushwick or Williamsburg not ft Greene projects he's nowhere near tough he even dress like a Williamsburg cat .Some parts is mad corny and fake .Acting is on point but the storyline is HELLLLLA watered down and only a vague depiction of life in Brooklyn .Its still real out here even with the hippies that act like they afraid when u do something as little as hold a door open for them .Yeh spike he TRIED it but he ain't been in the hood so long he don't even know wassup .
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She's Gotta Have It
philthegreatone-786-6305816 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
DeWanda Wise plays Nola Darling in this new updated version of this story set in present day. If you have seen the movie you know Nola has three lovers. Mars, Jaime and Greer. We see her navigating the art world and the three relationships she has with these three men. I personally really liked this series. I think Spike did a great job of updating the story to the present day. The series has some great dialogue and some funny and heart breaking moments. I recommend this series.
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