Belzebuth (2017) Poster


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Quite enjoyable actually...
paul_haakonsen16 October 2019
Initially I wasn't really expecting much from the 2017 movie "Belzebuth", but still as it is a horror movie, of course I gave it a chance. I am a big fan of the horror genre after all.

Turns out that "Belzebuth" from writers Luis Carlos Fuentes and Emilio Portes actually turned out to be rather entertaining. You quickly get submerged into the story and director Emilio Portes takes you on quite a ride throughout the course of this movie.

The storyline is nicely constructed and there isn't really a dull moment to the movie. The movie quickly picked up its pacing and never really slowed down. I enjoyed how you are kept in the dark throughout most of the movie, not really knowing what is going on, which meant that the movie wasn't as predictable as you might have feared it to be.

The special effects in the movie were quite good, and that was a nice surprise. Especially since I wasn't really expecting that from a movie such as this.

There are aspects to the storyline which might not really fall in good taste with some viewers, as there is focus on child killings throughout the course of the movie. Luckily this is done rather delicately, I think, and it doesn't cross over the line where it becomes grotesque.

Joaquín Cosio really performed quite well and carried the movie phenomenally, and it was also nice to see Tobin Bell in such a role, and he definitely brought a lot of enjoyment to the movie also.

It should be said that "Belzebuth" doesn't really bring a whole lot of new material to the horror genre, or to the demonic possession movie as such, but it is still a rather enjoyable and watchable movie.

I am rating "Belzebuth" a sound and solid six, six, six out of ten stars.
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A Bit Different But In A Good Way
Foutainoflife16 January 2020
I enjoyed this far more than I expected to. I love horror and thriller films and I am a bit of a junkie. I'd rather watch stuff from these categories than any other so I've seen a lot of good and a lot of bad. I give credit where I feel it is due. This film deserves a bit of credit.

I think the best part of the film is the idea or story of it. For me, it is unique. Out of all the religious horror films I've seen, this one took me by surprise and I like that. Now, it wasn't without it's problems. It took a bit of time to get it really going but once it did, I found it interesting.

I was only familiar with actor Tobin Bell, who plays the well known sadistic madman "Jigsaw" from the SAW film franchise. His role here was as the dark priest Vasilio Canetti. He played his role well but dark, creepy and reserved are sorta his thing. The other actors did a decent job as well but as I said, I wasn't familiar with any of them.

The scripting could've used some work. It would've benefited from a bit more detail but I am willing to overlook it for the most part. It also would've benefited from more actual horror. We didn't get to see enough from the darker side but that's just my opinion.

I'd recommend it for anyone who has a fondness for religious horror. Demons, possession, end of days and fear or lack of religious understanding is all something that might lean you towards this film. So, check it out if that's your thing.
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Enjoyable enough if wholly flawed in the final half
kannibalcorpsegrinder21 June 2019
Following reports of strange activity, a police officer in Mexico begins investigating a series of tragic accidents on small children around the city and discovers a connection with a special religious prophecy about to come to pass and must confront the Satanic figures controlling the situation.

For the most part, this was an incredibly enjoyable and chilling genre effort. Among the more engaging elements featured here is the fact that it manages to mix together the rather intriguing storylines present. The idea of integrating the black magic and superstitions with a more realistic approach, with the paranormal team arriving to investigate the different areas of the city with their high-end equipment and tools alongside the need for investigating the series of strange incidents that are afflicted with. This is all handled in a rather fun manner with the different manners in how they're connected to the main cop and spreading out to the other activities around the city, adding a truly chilling storyline setup that starts the film off nicely. With that setup in place, the film begins to hit its stride with the escalating series of encounters shown throughout here. Starting with the outright shocking and brutal attack on a children's nursery and to follow it up with the aftermath of the school shooting, there are some great scenes here that establish a fine mystery to start with. Escalating from there to the children's swim meet and then the incident at the movie theater with the abduction followed by the suicide bomber attack, there are several truly chilling scenes here that showcase the initial power of the evil forces they're dealing with. With the crazy revelations that emerge with the temptation sequence in the abandoned house, there's plenty to like here as this one remains enjoyable for the most part. There are some flaws in the film. The main issue befalling the film is a serious and abrupt change of tone that emerges once the film moves into the final act. With the temptation sequence playing out in the abandoned house in the abandoned village, the idea of a Jesus statue coming to life and speaking demonic threats to the characters is just wholly silly and ludicrous compared to a more measured and vicious tone that had come before. The scene is wholly out-of-place in the film and stop it dead in its tracks away from the chilling and realistic religious work into a cliched, overblown possession film that may have plenty of strong violence and gore but feels like a tonally different movie after that point. This is massively underwhelming and really lowers this one the most. Just as bad is the final half hour which is a typically over-the-top and generic exorcism scene that runs through the generally expected scenes that are expected to be found in this kind of film. From people speaking in multiple demonic voices at once, spouting off ludicrously vague threats about their fates in the afterlife and the supernatural attacks on those helping and concluding with the levitating body and it just feels tired to include this in the film. With this section of the film making it feel far longer than it should be as the film approaches the two-hour mark because of that, it feels tacked on in the worst way and really ends up holding this one down as well.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Interesting and ably done.
jmbovan-47-1601735 April 2020
Interesting take on demon possession and the battle of the good. Mexican border setting includes some subtitles but much is in English. More straightforward presentation of he material so at times it can feel "flat", but it does maintain and captivate enough that I enjoyed the film.
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Definitely better than most...
Clearbay_32715 March 2020
Non wide-release horror films. I mean at least this one is genuinely a supernatural horror flick and not just a thriller disguised as one. Though the the "theological premise" is woefully outside the pale of orthodoxy if you chose to not try to analyze it this film is an enjoyable little diversion perfect for Saturday night on the couch.
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goes a bit over the top here and there
trashgang13 September 2020
Tobin Bell was the reason I watched this mexican horror flick. Tobin, known for the Saw franchse vanished from the screen after the franchise to pop up now and then in B-flicks.

It's all about possession and the devil. Starts off great with some slashing of new borns to move further into some weird attacks on children. Once the investigation starts the possession comes in. From that point it goes from excellent moments to laughable moments. For me the crucifix scene with Christ, won't spoil it, was a let down.

Due what happens the last part of this flick it's so filled with everything that I guess they wanted to attract every fan of the genre.

Still, not a bad movie and one to pick up but it goes as I said from here to there and back in the genre that I can't say it was messy but a bit too much.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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The third coming
This was a solid movie on many fronts. It had a surprisingly original storyline in a genre and subject matter that has been done time and time again. It was enthralling and engaging with an intricate but not overly complicated plot. The acting was pretty on point from everyone involved. It had a solid spook factor without relying on jump scares. It also had some really solid CGI like with the animated Jesus scene (which was probably my favorite scene, super cool) but also some pretty bad CGI with some awful blood splatter and unconvincing green screens. It was this and some other aspects that made it feel lightly amateurish at times but not detrimentally so. Overall it was a good plot with solid execution that provided for an entertaining, spooky experience. Would recommend.
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nickeyblack352 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert When the little boy was able to see the demon, i had wish they showed more of it. The wooden talking Jesus was great. Then it appeared, briefly, towards the end. I don't mind watching actors be possessed, but i still am a avid fan of creature creatures. Therefore, display the creature a bit more. Otherwise, this movie is crazy because it focuses on killing children. That's horror in itself. Nevertheless i enjoyed it.

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The Devil is Reel
MrsOrange18 October 2019
Maybe I just got too excited when I heard Tobin Bell's beautiful voice narrating the first scene, then saw him covered in cool tats with a metalhead beard, then an incredibly twisted opening murder scene but what followed was a little too slow and convoluted for my liking.

The performances were pretty great across the board, the cinematography was cool and there were some exciting set pieces but overall the film left me feeling quite empty and wishing for a film with tatted Tobin was the lead.
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Entertaining Mexican horror movie.
deloudelouvain27 January 2023
I think Belzebuth was my first Mexican horror movie so far, or at least I can't remember of another one that rocked my boat. I was pleasantly surprised by it. The story is well written, something different than the usual stories we normally get with possession movies. Tobin Bell is the name that attracts horror fanatics on this poster but his role is rather small. Since his character Jigsaw in the Saw movies he got famous playing villainous characters, a thing he does well. But in Belzebuth it's more about the acting of Joaquín Cosio, who I found excellent. Tate Ellington plays his American partner and together they try to solve the mysterious mass murders. It's a rollercoaster of good suspense, small but effective horror scenes and an enjoyable plot to follow. It's been a while since I was entertained by a horror movie, a genre where there are a lot of mediocre productions but this one is not one of them.
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Tried to be something it couldn't be
ksgillihan31 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The trailers for this movie are far more effective than the actual movie itself. This movie wants so badly to be scary and dreadful but just comes across as half-assed instead. For all the hoopla about exorcisms and the devil and demons this movie had no real effective atmosphere to go along with it. You can tell that the makers of the movie wanted badly for the audience to be scared by this film. Unfortunately it lacked all the ingredients to do so. It felt like a made for TV movie with f-words and blood thrown in to somehow try and elevate it beyond that. It never did. For pete's sake there's even a (very poor) CGI Jesus statue that is "possessed" by the devil and talks to the main characters. How could you take the source material and put in R-rated content only to come off feeling like a Hallmark movie? I don't know the answer to that and I don't think anyone else does either.
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charlyfeet14 January 2019
I am a fan of horror movies and something that I criticize of my country is that Mexico does not do much film in this genre and those that have been done lately have left much to be desired. belzebuth I found it very entertaining with a good script that was possibly not well achieved .... It was a great surprise to watch this movie and find it something different from the horror that is made in Mexico and so explicit and a bit blasphemous .... I recommend you take your time and look at it without waiting for a summer blockbuster .. the cinema should entertain and in my opinion this film complies.
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I sold my soul to the devil, but I am not a bad guy.
nogodnomasters21 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lt. Emmanuel Ritter (Joaquín Cosio -Mexico's John Rhys-Davies) loses as on, stabbed to death repeatedly by a nurse. Five years later he is investigating the mass killings of five-year-old kids. Clearly Rosemary's baby carriage on the cover hints at something theological, that and the old man with satanic tats. An American Paranormal investigator is summoned to the scene so the film could progress in English.

If you like the ongoing endless cage match of God V Satan in films, this one is done slightly differently. Who knew Mexico had a virgin?

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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One star added for messiah's mom
108YearsOld25 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of the movie is more atmospheric and thus far better than the second half. But with Yunuen Pardo's hot ass one star added.
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Once again...
songod-9500323 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The bible is ignored.

Anyone who knows scripture knows the second coming of Christ will not be a repeat of the first. He will not be born as a child. He will come in glory riding the clouds with four angels who will sweep the four corners of the earth. And no not to gather the faithful - to remove the unworthy (Matthew 31-35 and 37-43) Thus the Rapture folks are wrong.

Good movie otherwise!
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If your idea of entertainment is babies and little children getting randomly butchered, this is for you.
fedor820 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And I thought American and French films were depraved. Mexicans clearly have no limits either. Or perhaps the various cartel wars there have made them so hardened to extreme violence that nothing seems sacred to them anymore. If there is even the slightest risk of giving some lunatics ideas of butchering babies in a hospital, then it should not be filmed, period.

But some misfit thought it a great idea to have someone stab every infant in a nursery, to open a film. As if the success of horror is how extreme and far you're willing to go in excess and violence. Only amateurs follow this credo. That's like metalheads who believe that the faster and the more "brootal" the music, the better. Or tennis pros (admittedly few of them) who are convinced that the path to success is to hit every ball as hard as you can. The "more is always more" credo.

As expected, the plot is dumb. But it's also very slow, only mildly atmospheric - and features a talking Christ statue!

Unintentional humour should never - repeat, never - involve a Christ statue talking like Ricardo Montalban. It looks like a marionette, really goofy, to make things even sillier. To add insult to double injury, this demon (impersonating Jesus) speaks in English to the Mexican cop, which makes very little sense for several reasons:

1. This is a Mexican movie, and this statue is in Mexico.

2. The demon was addressing the Mexican cop, wanting to corrupt him. The cop would have preferred to be addressed in Spanish.

3. By talking in Spanish instead, the demon would have avoided the American investigator understanding him, hence the American would be even less likely to warn the cop to be wary of the demon's manipulation.

So Satan is a moron?

The cop's behaviour is also that of a moron, usually. Not his initial skepticism, I don't mean that: it was normal and sensible of him to doubt the supernatural. (Some reviewers seem to think he's stupid for not immediately believing in a demonic conspiracy, as if he was supposed to somehow know that he was in a supernatural horror movie! This actually reveals the audience's ineptness, not the cop's. Ironic.) His real stupidity becomes apparent later, in that scene when Satan tricks him as easily as he would a child.

No, wait... This movie doesn't trick kids, it "merely" slaughters them.

Or how about Tobin (who is such a boring actor) babbling about a "Moslem child messiah who was killed by the Crusaders in the 8th century". Now, I know that religious horrors have their own "logic" and we need to be tolerant toward some of the BS, but this is just laughable. The Christian God sent a Messiah to be born into a Moslem family? Now I've heard everything... I wouldn't be too surprised about hearing this kind of PC silliness in an American horror film, but am admittedly surprised that a Mexican script contains this kind of hooey.

The mediocre acting doesn't help much either. For example, the weak scene with the fortune-telling woman stank because it was so funny to give fortune-tellers such credibility (even in a religious horror this is a stretch), but this was made even sillier by her bad acting.

The last thing you need in a possession film is lousy acting, because the majority of all exorcism scenes in such films are anyway unconvincing, corny and lame.

Or how about the "you did it!" scene? Everyone in the audience must know that the American DIDN'T get rid of the demon at that point. It's hard to believe a horror writer (or at least a writer for horror) would actually try such a cheap trick. What is this, 1928?

Or that dumb "trick" in the last 15 minutes when Robin CHEATS the audience by grinning after the cop starts butchering everybody. Trying to make us believe the priest is a bad guy after all, but in a way that makes zero sense.

The messiah child is then assigned to the DUMB formerly POSSESSED cop to guard over. Stupid beyond belief.
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An amazing Mexican horror!
natashialw31 March 2021
I haven't seen many films based in Mexico let alone in the horror genre so this was a nice bit of change!! A bit long of a movie has some slow points but other than that it was really worth a watch!
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Quite watchable stock Antichrist/Messiah flick.
jssoncuff6 May 2021
Nothing new here but enjoyable all the same. Don't expect a challenging watch for horror buffs but I found it worthwhile as a wind-down after a long day. Passable performances all round, including from Tobin Bell who continues his MO of delivering a script as if he were reading an instruction manual.

Dialogue is largely in English despite being a Mexican production - in case you're not in the mood for a 100% subtitled feature. Incidentally, the subtitles, for Mexican Spanish and the English CC (should you choose to enable the latter) are laughable, as has become the norm with Amazon/Shudder/Netflix, etc. The video compression is predictably in the same vein and just awful in places, but don't let that put you off per se.

Give it a go with the free trial of the utterly lamentable Shudder Amazon bolt-on but otherwise, I really wouldn't advise spending more than a buck-fifty on it.
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"Ever since the holy church was founded hundreds of believers have announced the antichrist"
Clintborari4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I find it fascinating when a film delves into a different culture and goes away from traditional Hollywood roots, there more it feels like an obscure reality. The language, scenery, and characters all possess unique attributes that lend a great sense of authenticity. This approach makes the story grittier and imbues it with a profound sense of unknow terror, believability and mystery.

So far in the year 2024, I have come across some films that showcased this cultural diversity, such as "I Saw the Devil" set in South Korea, "Talk to Me" from Australia, and now "Belzebuth" set in Mexico. Each film introduced a unique style and aesthetics that kept me intrigued, breathing new life into the genre and the film industry as a whole.

The opening sequence of Belzebuth, where the nurse inhumanely stabs multiple babies, will haunt me immensely. I haven't encountered a more disturbing opening in recent times, with the closest comparison being the infamous wire scene from Ghost Ship. If this harrowing scene doesn't immediately draw you into the film, then I don't know anything more sinister in a horror film that possibly could.

Belzebuth draws inspiration from many similar possession films over the years but succeeds by showcasing them in an altered way. The scenes of slaughter among children are usually harsh and borderline taboo. From the swimming pool electrocution to the schoolroom shooting, the filmmakers tread cautiously with these scenes, and for very good reason.

The talking Jesus statue in the film was quite unnerving. While it didn't seem that special at first, the demon trapped inside gave off some truly terrifying vibes. The symbols painted all over the church and tunnels added a satanic vibe. Although the enhanced ambiance was effective, a bit more lore and backstory could have enriched the plot.

The casting of Mexican actor Joaquín Cosio as Emmanuel Ritter was a stroke of genius. His portrayal not only perfectly suited the role but also underscored the notion that physical attractiveness holds little significance when you have a compelling script and an even better story. Joaquín's transformation from being possessed was both credible and haunting, illustrating a diverse character with flaws and his journey toward closure and moving on.

Ivan Franco, playing Tate Ellington, was another complex character who shifted from otherworldly scientific practices to be seen as a priest in the Vatican. He effectively utilized his knowledge and charisma, while José Sefami as Demetrio provided Italian Mafia vibes but turned out to be one of the most loyal and reliable characters in the film.

The priest revealed by Belzebuth to have made a deal to track down the reincarnation of the Messiah. Shockingly, it is disclosed that Vasilio Canetti (Tobin Bell) attempted to break his pact to save his soul through multiple child sacrifices, adding a shock twist in the latter stages of the film.

Tehe potential ending almost hit me with what would have been one of the best psychological twists since "The Prestige" and would have been disturbingly mind-blowing. While it's fortunate the movie found a healthy balance, It held my attention intently realizing this change could have led us to a truly depressing and despicable ending.

Belzebuth jumped out of the gate with ferocity, and I never looked back. Forget cheap jump scares, gore, and cliché storytelling. This film was deliberately stark, and tempting but not with needless malice, and it could have very well ventured a little bit more into cartel or human trafficking territory. However, it kept a mysterious tale integrated with themes of immigration, corruption, and religion. Belzebuth relied on good storytelling, excellent acting, and a shocking, and suspenseful narrative, all of which it delivered in spades.

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Mediocre with a terrible & unlikeable "leading man"
victorherm543 February 2019
Seriously, how did that guy land the lead role? Im talking about the Ritter guy -who thought it would be a good idea to make your main character fat, old, ugly, stubborn, dumb, unlikeable, and totally incompetent at his job?
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How did I miss this one for so long??!!
ryan_sy10 August 2020
This was an above-average exorcism movie with good acting, an engaging plot, with the right pace. The main protagonist was in the TV show "The Strain" and does a great job portraying a protector/father figure. The supporting cast including the great Tobin Bell were not as effective as I would have liked, but they were serviceable. Also, a few cheezy CGI moments were present, but they did not take away from the overall film.

The scares were effective and some of the scenes were downright dreadful.

While the plot is nothing new, it was a great take on the demonic trope.

Well worth a watch


This film is well worth a watch
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HAD great potential
vmalast1 September 2019
The storyline was nothing new, it's been done thousands of times. It was interesting seeing a Mexican point of view on the genre. The only drawback was the lead actor which, made it almost impossible to enjoy the film. All the other actors were fine. The lead character was laughably over acted, badly acted and rarely acted. I believe another reviewer wrote the same thing. I was left pondering why was this actor put in a lead position. because of that I honestly cant give a higher rating than 3. Tons of potential, lead actor destroyed what could have been a very good film.
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Pleasantly surprised. Hell of a ride.
stephenherman18 August 2019
Saw this gem at the Lincoln center scary movie festival in NYC. I was really impressed. Very entertaining. Never slowed down & the tension kept escalating to a very dramatic finale. I've seen it all when it comes a to demon / exorcism films but this one has some new stuff that surprised me. Some very entertaining and fun scenes. The story is a bit wild I admit but it's very original and you'll never be bored. One of the wildest exorcism scenes I've ever witnessed on film. Enjoy!
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Not bad at all.
Otkon7 February 2021
It gets a little corny from time to time, especially regarding Tate Ellington's character. And I just wish the copy I saw had subtitles for all the dialogue - not just the Spanish. But otherwise it was a good ride that starts in one place and goes to someplace else.

Tobin Bell is fun to watch as always.

And what few effects it has are very convincing.
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Very boring
izzypito4 September 2019
This movie sounded interesting but stay was really boring and not scary at all..
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