The Coed and the Zombie Stoner (2014) Poster

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Boobs, Zombies, Boobs, Nude Girls and more Boobs ;)
brooke_gaylene14 July 2014
I have to say i find movies by The Asylum are kinda amusing and for the budget they use they do OK. They have made some decent zombie movies too, but this was unexpected, not the usual Asylum movie, it worked and seems to be one of their higher rated movies so far.

The Asylum tend to mostly make their own straight to DVD version of the latest potential blockbusters usually with a budget of less than $1,000,000 and normally get their money back within a few months with channels like the Sy-Fy channel buying their stuff and of course the DVD sales.

The movie was reasonably funny, none of their usual cheesy effects, cute characters...thought the guys are dorks, with some references to other zombie movies like the flash back called 28 days earlier and a cat called Romero. ;) The lead actress is good and cute, there is some mild gore, the zombies are not your usual zombies, they are a bit lame at times and there is plenty of young female skin...if you like that sort of thing ;) (Movie starts with 2 full frontal girls and plenty of boobs to follow and more).

Anyway the story is a sorority girl who seems a bit of a nerd, starts dating a zombie....jeez she could do much better, she's hot. ;) but thankfully a zombie apocalypse breaks out and its up to our nerdy girl to save the day when she discovers a cure.

Another movie added to my ever growing list of Zombie movies... 646 titles and counting lol.

BTW nothing wrong with running zombies, if they are recently infected and not too damage then why can't they run? :p
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Below average zombie comedy...
paul_haakonsen24 June 2014
Anything zombie and I am there. And this particular movie wasn't really all that great. But by The Asylum's usual standards, then it was actually a step up the ladder.

"The Coed and the Zombie Stoner" seemed to borrow a little bit too much from "Warm Bodies", whether intentional or by random sheer luck, I have no idea. But it was also mixed in with some fairly average standard teenage college comedy. The end result, well it could have been better. And speaking of borrowing things, then the whole '28 days earlier' segment was actually one of the brighter moments in the movie, as it was a clear spoof on "28 Days Later".

The storyline was adequate, but just don't expect the movie to challenge your intellect in any possible way. This is the type of movie you just sit back and switch off your brain to while watching.

One of the flaws of the movie were the cast and their acting. It wasn't particularly great in any way, nor was it particularly convincing most of the time. And that made the movie suffer a terrible blow.

For zombie aficionados, then there is very little good stuff to find here. The zombies are mere people with basic make-up added, don't expect decayed shambling corpses or corpses with missing limbs, you will just be sorely disappointed.

There was a little bit of gore throughout the movie, and it was used in a good enough way for a comedy such as this. And while speaking of comedy, then there were awfully few times throughout the movie that I was laughing, or even just smiling for that matter.

While "The Coed and the Zombie Stoner" is hardly a noteworthy addition to the collection of any zombie fan, do take note that there are far worse and less entertaining zombie movies on the market that actually try to pass as proper zombie movies in the horror/action genre. "The Coed and the Zombie Stoner" is the type of movie that you watch one, and never make a return trip to.

And do take notice that there is a fair amount of unnecessary nudity throughout the movie. So if you are offended by such, consider this a friendly heads up warning.

"The Coed and the Zombie Stoner" scores a mere 4 out of 10 stars from me.
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Very lame often, but also has some good moments
TheLittleSongbird17 July 2014
The good news is, The Coed and the Zombie Stoner is not an irredeemable movie by all means. It at least knows what it is and what it's trying to do and be, which is always a good thing after seeing many movies recently that don't. It's very silly, but there is a simple sense of fun and charm when it doesn't get too random, at least there aren't any awkward tone shifts or a completely-different-movie feel. There were some fairly neat touches, notably the 28 Days Earlier on-screen caption(not an original one but will raise a smile) and one external review talks of Rigo's hand wiggling reminding them of Wallace and Gromit and I agree with that. Grant O'Connell is engaging and pretty likable, the best actor in the cast and Rigo is the only character we get close to caring for. The production values are not great, neither are they amateurish. Coed and the Zombie Stoner does have its fair share of problems. A lot of the script apart from some endearingly silly parts does feel and sound like a rough draft and really could have done with a few more re-writes. The story gets off to a very slow and dull first 15 minutes and while the pace picks up and there are signs of a story(and one that feels like the movie knows who it's aimed at) the structure often does feel too random and chaotic, with its fair share of repetition too; there is also some inoffensive nudity and the like that wasn't cheap as such but you did wish they toned down a bit. Apart from O'Connell the acting while eager does scream of inexperience, Catherine Annette is a very pretty girl but her constant talking/yapping got very annoying after a while. And of the characters the only one that is close to being developed is Rigo, most of them were very cardboard and others like Chrissy got on my nerves. The direction also shows some inexperience but there were glimpses of potential so it was not a hack job. The music has some nice moments but was a bit too constant and repetitive in other spots. Overall, neither a good or terrible movie, aspects are lame while other aspects were reasonable. 5/10, though in honesty the movie was not an easy one to rate without being too harsh or generous. Bethany Cox
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Somewhat entertaining.
13Funbags2 April 2020
The premise was good but the writing was bad. They tried to be funny but rarely succeeded. If I had known that this was made by the same people who made Sharknado, I wouldn't have watched it. It had some cool special effects and plenty of nudity, so it's not all bad. I have seen lots of worse zombie movies.
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Silly Asylum zombie comedy
Floated25 March 2023
The Asylum is known for their inclusions of parodies to popular Hollywood films. While a majority are low budget and not great material, there are several that are made simply for light entertainment purposes to pass time and are enjoyable enough.

Released in 2014, this film is one of the Asylum's better teen/college type comedies. It appears they have gotten better production and better actors as the years passed. This film isn't overly funny and a lot of it is repetitive but its meant to be silly and not taken serious.

As other Asylum type teen/college audience films, this does provide its share of skin (starting from the opening- used for comedy). The film does somewhat drag on and feels a little too long but ultimately it is decent for its kind.
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Coed + Zombie Stoner + Hot Girls = Softcore porn movie
chrismackey19727 September 2014
This was a wretchedly awful movie. I've seen porn films with better stories and acting than this had. It seems as if this is a movie that was made to basically make fun of itself. Some movies like that are funny, this is not one of them. It's stupid. I think the only reason the girls in this were hired is because they have no problem doing nude scenes, and there are a lot of nude scenes in this movie. I think every girl - certainly all the girls with speaking roles - got naked to some extent. Two of the girls showed absolutely everything. If you like seeing bad movies with a lot of nudity to shore up the lack of...anything else, watch this or a porn film. However, a porn film might have the edge on both acting and nudity. lol I was going to give this a 1-star rating, but the girls are hot - and I'm not against hot girls showing off their bodies - so I had to give them some credit. lol.

I gave it a 2-star rating. The people in this might be able to act better, but I haven't seen anything else they've been, and they're acting in this film is not good. However, as I said earlier, it seems like this film was made to purposely make fun of itself, so maybe the director told them to turn off their acting ability. I don't know. For their sake, I'm hoping that's what happened.

I cannot recommend at all. If you have a lust for watching everything the word "zombie" is in, do yourself a favor, as well as the genre, and skip this. I cannot say anything good about this movie, except that the girls were hot.
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Had Potential, Dropped the Ball
gavin69426 June 2015
When a nerdy sorority girl (Catherine Annette) falls in love with a zombie, it is only a matter of time before a zombie apocalypse is unleashed on campus. The sorority girl discovers that weed is the cure--now she must smoke out the entire school before it is too late.

With a title like this, and coming from the Asylum, my expectations were decidedly low. And yet, they still managed to make an even worse movie than should have been possible. There is more nudity than plot, and the biggest fail is that the film just runs too long. It goes and goes and could have ended a few times but decided to drag on anyway.

You cut ten minutes, maybe fifteen, from this picture, and you have a pretty funny movie. There were lots of great laughs, so it is not a complete failure. But when the boredom starts outweighing the humor, there is no saving it.
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A zombie movie sure to make you cringe.
xitchell13 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is like it was made by a group of obnoxious people who think they're funny, but only laugh at each others jokes. Meanwhile people sit around quietly and wonder when they'll all shut up. It's offensive, vulgar, immature, but still able to come up with the occasional laugh, as low hanging as the jokes are.

The plot revolves around (spoils ahead) the only smart girl in the movie and her discovery her teacher was involved in creating a zombie with an appropriately named machine. However this zombie is 'special' because it is a particularly relaxed zombie with no interest in snacking on brains and more focused on sparking up a joint and gaining the affection of main character Crissy. Of course the zombie virus gets around, Obviously this is by no means a traditional zombie movie, and rather focuses on the recent trend of the comedic zombie movie. Sadly, it's not very effective at being funny throughout, and seems to focus more on raunchy jokes like they wanted to be some American Pie esque, college movie with cardboard cut outs for characters. The result is a movie that begs you to turn off your brain to enjoy, lest you go out and do something productive (like make a better movie). This movie seems to have gone all out to be cheesy so it can be categorized as one of those really bad MST3K movies that is still enjoyable to make fun because it's that bad. However to me this movie couldn't even accomplish the essence of a B movie because it was painfully obvious that the filmmakers were going for that sort of tone, and ended up making a movie in the same vein as Sharknado; the movie knowingly winks at you over how terrible it is, and it comes off as annoying as opposed to amusing.

On the bright side, if you like full frontal nudity but feel pornography doesn't have enough cheap jokes or gore, this could be the movie for you. Otherwise, I'd advise people to stay away from this horrible, horrible, film.
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One of the most atrocious things I've ever seen... (Spoilers, as if anyone really cares)
professorworles-174369 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie...

This movie is going to be the death of me!

Anyway, this is one of the most atrocious things I've ever seen put to film (I call it a thing because it isn't really a film-- more like an assemblage of unfunny penis and marijuana jokes strung together by a plot dumber than any of the fake trailers in the film "Grindhouse" (an actual good intentionally bad movie)).

So, what makes this film so egregiously awful, you may be asking? Well, to do that, I'd have to spoil the entire film, but this is my review, so, yeah...

The movie opens up with a montage of naked women (because boobs are funny?) running into a sorority house from what are presumably zombies (though the film never directly states this). Insert a penis joke so that we can cut to what is ultimately a joke referencing a better zombie movie (28 Days Later), because just making a reference counts as comedy, right? Anyways, we cut to a college party where we see our protagonist Chrissy making jell-o shots, only so they can be used later in the same scene as a set-up to a period joke that ultimately isn't funny. Humiliated, Chrissy runs to the science lab where she discovers a zombie (that she's never noticed until now?), and ultimately decides to make it her boyfriend so she can stay in the sorority and keep her scholarship (what?).

Seeking revenge on Chrissy (for something that is never actually explained in the film), Bambi, the leader of the sorority, tries to get the zombie to cheat on Chrissy so that she can break them up and get her kicked out. No character development is ever established for Bambi except that she's a deplorable human being.

So, the zombie gets mad, starts biting people up, and ultimately, all hell breaks loose...

To keep a long story short, they cure the zombie infection with weed, leading to more drugs, nudity, and childish humor.

Stay as far away from this movie as possible! I love movies that are so bad, it's good, but this movie is just genuinely frustrating to watch! I implore you to watch a good zom-com like Dead Alive or Shaun of the Dead!

Whoa... That felt good to get off of my chest!

Time to go watch a good movie to cleanse my palate (inserts some pretentious art-house film into the Blu-ray player)!
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You'd have to be stoned to rate this higher than 1
theduggan17 May 2019
Some films are bad and then some films are bad on steroids. I don't know how this even got released. It's just terrible in every respect.
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Ya gotta watch it to appreciate it!
reb20142 April 2020
While I was loading this up on the DVD player, I was really expecting the worst. I figured it would be a 15 - 20 minute watch depending on how bad it was and how itchy my fast forward finger was.

What a shocker! Production values were good and the acting was pretty good. The movie had funny moments, lots of nudity and bad CGI. What more could you want? As long as you're not expecting Shakespeare, you'll be fine.

Take the zombie flick Warm Bodies, combine it with National Lampoon's Classic Animal House and The Co-Ed and the Zombie Stoner is what you'd get!

Be sure to check this one out!
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Good movie, I laughed
Trupiaar9 September 2014
Certainly not a bad movie, i got a couple of laughs.

What I really wanted to comment on though, was the performance of Jamie Noel, 'Bambi.' Honestly, she nailed it so hard, I was massively impressed. For those of you who aren't aware, her performance was clearly based on a Real Life Sorority Girl, and it was spot on.

If you've never read the letter from this sorority girl to her Sorority, you should, it's quite enlightening(and rather funny that someone like this actually exists in the world).

I'm assuming I can't post links in here, so the best I can say is it google it for yourself. Google: sorority and C*nt punch, you won't be disappointed. If you haven't watched this movie yet, google the letter first then enjoy.

Jamie Noel - good show girl, good show, you nailed it.
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Falling in love with a zombie...
biyytoo1 April 2024
Zombie, a classic of horror films and literature, one of the monsters that in my opinion is the most interesting and gives that adrenaline situation for survival. But in this film it is talked about in another pitiful zombie way and with veiled and high non-explicit sexual content.

The film is broadly about a college where there are some annoying characters including the main character who falls in love with a handsome zombie... and then things happen, it has nothing else to tell, it's pretty empty as a film.

Really a bad movie that has no solid plot and basically not worth watching, pitiful movie 1 star out of 10.
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I Kinda wish that the Coed was eaten by the zombie from the start
skullboy73176 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
this movie was pretty terrible the only reason i watched it was because it was on sale and i usually try to watch all the bad stuff before i watch anything that i would actually like watching. For example (Spoiler Alert) they took two of the most random items to undo the zombie virus. the actually turn one of the male students into a female student who later on began a relationship with a school teacher who witnessed the transformation. Like how are 5 college students that do nothing but party or do homework going to supp up a car to become a death machine. Like they had machine guns on this thing, unless someone was going to pull a columbine on the college i don't see it being possible. Anyway i do not recommend this movie to anyone unless bad movies is what you're interested
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Watch It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
arfdawg-125 June 2014
Firstly I'm not sure why that as I write MY review there is only one other review giving this movie 2 stars, but IMDb give the rating a 5.7.

Anyway, you need to go into this film knowing it's going to be stooopid. This will save a lot of time thinking you're going to see Citizen Kane.

That said, this movie is very good in a screwball dumb sort fo way.

It's surprisingly well acted and very very well directed.

In fact, so well directed that the action just keeps moving and you don't get bored.

Plus there's a real good dose of hot T&A.

So even though this film is crazy dumb, it keeps your interest. I will admit, about the halfway point (library) things get a wee bit long in the tooth...

But then it takes four weird turns and you're back in the bag.

Great twists right up till the end.

As I say, it's a goofy movie not meant to be taken seriously. And it does it really really well.

The Plot

When a nerdy sorority girl falls in love with a zombie, it's only a matter of time before a zombie apocalypse is unleashed on campus. The sorority girl discovers that weed is the cure--now she must smoke out the entire school before it's too late.
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Annoying or funny?
kosmasp13 May 2020
This is something only you can answer while viewing it ... it may depend on your mood also. Whatever the case, this is a comedy and it is therefor tough to judge how people will experience it. Watching it with friends will help - not being overly sensitive on certain issues also. If you are in the realm of PC police and all that, you will despise it for making fun of certain groups and people and/or its level of nudity.

Whatever you may think, this can be enjoyable, so just relax, sit back and take it for what it is. A simple minded and very flawed comedy take on the zombie and romantic genre - not everything is gold, but it does not have to be. You can feel how much fun they had making it ... it shows on screen - but that will not help you liking it more or less of course ...
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Eye Candy Galore!
sgdptech3 August 2016
Regardless of how stupid or idiotic this movie may have been, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. It may have to do with the fact that I'll be turning 65 in a few months and am looking at it through the eyes of a naughty old man. But, really now, whomever watched this movie for its cinematic values, is probably a middle aged aspiring movie critic with a lot of spare time on their hands. Not so for me, I watched it for all the naked female flesh being paraded throughout the entire movie. Who cares that the zombies smoke weed or that the movie is definitely very unrealistic and not an original major production. The important thing here is all the girls, girls and more girls. Long Live The Naked Flesh!
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An excellent beer and best buds movie... unless you're an idiot who doesn't understand the title..
The-Strid17 March 2024
If you read the negative reviews, this is, essentially, what you will find: My wife Priscilla and I reposed in the television viewing chamber with our two daughters, Mercedes and Porsche, to enjoy a family evening, (as is the Cunningham tradition upon the close of the week,) by partaking in the perusal of this motion picture. We were aghast, even appalled, that this cinematic endeavor titled, "The Coed and the Zombie Stoner" was far below any standard one would rightly expect of an Oscar worthy production. I wholly believe this motion picture likely failed to be even nominated for the prestigious award; for instead of providing us the slightest modicum of uplifting meditations on life and her various meanings, meanings with which one might better one's self upon the pondering there of, we were, quite contrarily, visually accosted by un-clothed bosoms (of all varieties no less, ranging from modest and perky to heaving and rotundly tumescent fun bags that swayed like uncultured desserts of alluring gelatin, so favored by the lesser individuals in the valley below; though I ruefully admit that both Mercedes and Porsche seemed rather taken in by, even entranced by, these displays of obscenely unclad bosoms - as if they had both abandoned the indescribable joy of tasting a fine wine that has been expertly paired with a delicate Foie gras and in its stead the two had somehow acquired the tastes of lesser palates that yearn for the artificially flavored raspberry jiggly-ness of vulgarity, which I assure you is what these bosoms were; oh the shame I felt on their behalves, but alas, I digress) the motion picture was, to say the very least... garish (dare I say boorish) for the crime of being over-laden with drunken shenanigans of the lowest caliber; not to mention the copious drug and drug paraphernalia references. I am deeply troubled and saddened by the realization that we most certainly live in a time, with-in which, the sanctity of one's domicile can be violated by a Trojan Horse posing as a high art family movie.

Avoid "The Coed and the Zombie Stoner" for the sake of your children - NAY! For the sake of your very sanity! - as I regret to report, the movie is not what it first appears to be! May God have mercy upon their souls...
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Just Fun!
cmincey-38-31621127 June 2014
The thing about watching a movie with the words "Coed" and " Zombie Stoner" in the title is that you have to know what to expect. I was well aware that I was not going to sit down to watch "The Godfather Part 2" or even "Shaun of the Dead". In being real with myself and my expectations the results was that I really enjoyed the movie. In a couple of words, I liked the movie. It is the perfect movie if you need a break from the humdrum of your daily life. The life of sitting at a computer, in a cubicle, under florescent lights, where the highlight of the week is getting a piece of cake from some co-worker's birthday party. A co-worker who I might add may not need to eat any more cake. No judgment! Just an observation. And by "party" I mean stopping by and getting a piece of cake.

Back to the movie: The Coed and the Zombie stoner was amusing and entertaining to watch. The ridiculous, SMH, WTF kind of humor was appealing in that just go with it kind of way. There were a couple things in the movie that were unexpected and it seemed to not dwell on any theme or scene too long, which is what a true stoner would need while watching. Also, I think it was a nice break from the traditional flesh falling, no personality, super serious zombies that we are used to seeing.

Fun Loving, weed smoking, sex-having, party-going Zomies are the way to go!
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More entertaining than I thought it would be
Ilovesports2410 August 2020
While this movie obviously won't win an Oscar, it was more entertaining than I thought it would be. If you're looking for a comedy on a night with nothing planned, this is the perfect movie to watch. The full frontal female nudity used as comedy was great. You don't often see female nudity used for laughs. This is a light hearted, silly-funny movie, and if you don't go into it looking for a work of art, it's a fun movie to watch with friends.
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Fun fun fun!
KentaroK2 October 2016
This movie is a lot better, both in production values and entertainment value, than I dared to expect.

First of all, the movie does not take itself seriously at all. Going into that with this mindset, you can just enjoy the ride.

Secondly, the movie works nudity into the plot in a way that makes the excessive female nudity seem plausible, which I can totally appreciate.

Thirdly, well, the movie is just fun. A few things work differently in the movie world than in the real world, but it is consistent. Plot holes are minor and can be forgiven for the sheer about of entertainment they produce.

I would warn people that this is not for "serious" watchers who want something that would work in real life, or what something which is politically correct, or reflecting reality.

If you think more towards "Deadpool" (a fun time) than "Hard Boiled" (a serious time) ... but actually, this movie is more out of reality than I expected.

No hints at all as to the plot in this one, just watch it for fun and you'll have a 10/10 time.

Overall due to a few minor things I'd rate it 9/10 overall as a movie.

Grade: A.
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Enjoyable and Fun!
Dark_Lord_Mark6 September 2016
No idea why people dislike this. I think I get's not Citizen Kane or Gone With the Wind.

This movie is just fun. It's about science, weed and oh yeah, ZOMBIES! It has sexy girls, awful dialogue and a fun concept.

This is very watchable and moves along at a nice pace.

You end up liking the main characters and the eye candy is a nice treat.

As of September 2016, it has a rating of 3.6. It is a much better movie than than. personally it is an 8 but on the bad movie scale, it's closer to a 5 or so.

I you are a man from the 90's or 80's, it is a must watch. It is not a bad movie, it is fun and cheesy and that's what it wants to be.
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Instant Classic :D
Jiszmo16 April 2020
I didn't watch this movie for a long time, mainly because of its low rating on here. Also, some bad reviews on here. Well, I just finished watching it, and I'm just flabbergasted that anyone could rate this badly. This is a really really great movie. It's the best thing I've seen in years. It kinda reminds me of a Troma movie, but with better production values.

It's very politically incorrect, which is so right on. I didn't even realize anyone made movies like this anymore. I thought they were all too cowardly, now days. But, it seems here we have some brave film makers.

The acting was really good, in my opinion. I mean, it's comedy acting. So, that's different than serious acting. But, it was very good for comedy acting. The main girl was especially good, and hot. :D

The humor was laugh out loud funny. The humor had a very Troma like vibe. It kind of reminded me of Terror Firmer or The Toxic Avenger. But, then mix in Not Another Teen Movie. And, there's alot of humour. This movie isn't meant to be taken seriously. But, it's not stupid at all. The story still feels important too, and you are rooting for the main characters and their necrophiliac romance. Oh yeah, this movie has necrophilia too. See, awesome!!!

Another thing that reminds me of Troma is the nudity. :D So much nudity! But, no this isn't a softcore spoof film like The Bare Wench Project . Here the nudity is humorous. It often is the joke. I get it. I love it. :D

Anyways, the movie is really fun and enjoyable. I strongly recommend it. This film has definitely earned a place in my classics collection. And, if you happen to be tokin up at the same time, well then even better. That's how I viewed it :)-~
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A Zombie Treat
mmelons127 June 2014
I am a lover of horror movies. When the movie has horror like elements plus comedy I am tickled. The Coed and Zombie Stoner is full of action and witty one liners. The cast, story line, and gore will keep anyone hooked from the first scene. I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants entertained for 90 minutes non stop. It really is a treat. The screenplay writer definitely has a sense of humor all his own. The tampon scene is PRICELESS!!There were so many scenes where you would roll on the floor laughing. I loved how the movie had a different spin on zombies. You really root for the Coed and the Zombie Stoner. The movie really takes you through many emotions. I am so happy I came across this flick. It's a must see.
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PrairieDog6928 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is essentially a zombie take on the Scream franchise, mixed with a bit of Old School and Lost Boys. It fulfills the viewers need for an escape from monotony of everyday life and into a world of absurdity. It's also skillfully chronicles some of the excesses of college drinking and nudity, with a very logical leap toward a zombie apocalypse. Life can't be taken too seriously all the time and neither should watching movies. I was also very impressed with the special effects, partially the headless zombies. That's something I never thought of, but was hoping they're rude a horse to complete the homage to the Headless Horseman. Simply brilliant!
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