Man Vs. (2015) Poster


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Good until the CGI....
antonganttjr15 January 2018
Definitely a cross between Bear Grylls and Predator, but you could probably make that conclusion from the synopsis alone. I was definitely into the movie until the CGI. There is a good chance that I would have been more satisfied with traditional effects like makeup, prosthetics, a mask, or just a guy in a suit.
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Recipe for this movie.
geurtsdustin20 January 2019
Add 1 part predator (original) Add 1 part District 9 Add 1 part Bear Grills Omit half the budget and put it on the rocks

Tries to be the original Predator but is actually better than the Predator reboot.
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Stop on this one if you're not sure what to watch
kamaldeepakrana25 March 2016
A pleasant surprise. I did not have lot of expectations from this movie but yet another Canadian surprise. The movie starts out of the jungle but catches up with the theme very soon. As always the case, the main attraction arrives late. Still there is some tension which keeps the movie going and if you're anything like me, you will enjoy the jungle survival shown even though we have seen it in documentaries a lot. The direction is good and the acting could have been a little better but still the main guy have done a good job. The CGI..well.. are OK, not a lot of them but the rabbit scene will make it up for that. Overall, not the worst i have seen. I enjoyed it As i said, not sure what to watch..give this movie a try..
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Nice little surprise.
Colin-630-9358111 June 2017
I thought the basic concept of Mr TV Survivalist out in the woods facing something unknown was effective. The main actor was believable and surprisingly watchable,he pretty much carries the movie and I loved the Tom Hanks Easter eggs. The reveal would have been a lot more effective practically done and in the dark,I did find the epilogue also effective. A good effort hampered by budget,had a few terrific little scenes,and the script,concept and lead were all rather good.
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Good movie, terrible way to end it
antoniokowatsch24 October 2016
This movie was actually really good and suspenseful. Initially I wanted to give it a higher rating. Well, that was until the last 20 minutes started rolling. They totally ruined the entire movie for me. Without spoiling too much: let's just say that there were some really bad CGI VFX at play (during the aforementioned last 20 minutes).

About the movie itself: it's a typical "filming in the woods, gone wrong" type of movie. But unlike most other movies of this genre they managed to make this one cleverly educational. There are plenty of scenes where the protagonist explains exactly what he's doing. Kind of like a survival guide if you will (there is however a better/more effective way of starting a fire than was shown in the movie).

Final verdict: if it weren't for the crappy ending this movie would have been truly great. What a way to ruin a movie.
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Bear grylls never had to deal with this.
sharpjohn22 December 2018
A low budget but enjoyable film, there are some errors but nothing that would stop you watching it.
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I feel like a broken record
takato05245 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
But I couldn't wait to see him die. Sadly, he didn't. A cocky "survivalist" host of a failing series goes to the woods to survive. And of course he has everything he needs to survive, including his cell phone and a sat phone. He might as well have gone camping in an rv, as the only skills he needed was to start a fire. He had everything else, including emergency food. So I checked out at this point, but kept the movie running in case something of value happened. It didn't.

Halfway thru the movie something is stalking him. He believes it to be another hunter or camper, so he doesn't take it to heart. Until his things start being messed with. Enter the Wal-Mart discount predator. Mega yawn and mega laugh. Suddenly our main character becomes Jack Bauer (I say this because I knew Chris from 24 and it's the only reason I watched) and he's able to keep running and going even tho he was launched into the river, fell into a deep ditch, and is bleeding from the eyes and ears, literally. Oh and he manages to knock said predator into the deep ditch, believing he killed it.

Fast forward to the end, he finds his show crew stripped of their skin, finds a cabin to stock up on supplies, even tho he only takes beans, and finds out aliens are suddenly taking over the world. Why did they go in this direction? It went from semi realistic to childish imagination. I don't even understand all the positive reviews with the terrible and abrupt ending.
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Good idea, let down by the budget and poor CGI.
ibscotty-110 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*possible spoilers* Not a bad film really, I like the idea of the "Survivorman" type scenario and think it worked pretty well, Chris Diamantopoulos did a good job as the lead character.

The first 2/3rd of the film was good, and the mystery built up nicely, I was enjoying it a lot, and then the "big reveal" happened.. The CGI alien/monster thing was just sooo CGI it really spoilt it for me, it's completely unbelievable, I actually burst into laughter when I saw it as it looks like something out of World of Warcraft. Why these small film makers go with such terrible CGI when a guy in a cheap monster suit would work so much better idk.

After that the plot kind of got a bit stale until the fairly predictable finale.

I still give it a solid 6 out of 10 as it has some good ideas, just could've been much better.
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Good for what it is.
angiekazirstan1 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As far as low-budget sci-fi thrillers go, Man vs. is certainly passable, in fact, I found it rather enjoyable at times. The film opens with the main character, Doug (who's character takes obvious cues from Les Stroud and Bear Grylls), engaging in some downright cringeworthy dialogue with the rest of the cast. Luckily, the obviously forced banter is short- lived, and the film gets a lot better.

As time goes on, the suspense grows. For the majority of the film, you'll be on the edge of your seat (or peeking out from behind a pillow, like me) just waiting for Doug to discover the next inexplicable occurrence. The film is genuinely suspenseful and creepy -- and if you're weak-hearted like myself, genuinely scary -- for most of its runtime.

However, all good things must come to an end. The suspense is immediately cut when you catch sight of the monster. Poor CGI and an unoriginal design straight out of Alien vs. Predator or Battle: Los Angeles neuters the film's creepiness. The monster redeems itself slightly at the end with a satisfying death scene however. Like Jaws, the monster is a lot scarier when you can't see it.

All of this aside, Man vs. is an obvious ripoff of the Predator franchise mixed with an obvious ripoff of Les Stroud's Survivorman TV series. Together, they make something rather interesting, but throughout the film you're vaguely reminded of Predator 2010, so it ultimately feels unoriginal.

Good lead acting, interesting practical effects, and genuine creepiness are Man vs.' biggest strengths, but the film is neutered by a laughably bad CGI monster, unoriginality, and unlikeable supporting actors. Overall, not a bad way to spend an hour and a half. It's worth a watch if you see it on TV, but probably not worth your money if you're looking at renting or buying.
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The guy from season 9 of the office. Pam's savior. He did well here to
jackhanham18 February 2020
A host of a survival show meets quite a foe out in the wild wild wilderness. The main character is good enough to play a role like this. Had charisma, a kind of man's man that was humble as well.

Its science fiction that puts a twist on the educated survivalist story with decent camera work. Not great

I hope they can scrounge up enough money to make a sequel. I would watch it.
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Where's Waldo...errr... Arnold Schwarzenegger?
runcap6 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First half very enjoyable,tense & at times a scary 7...but the writers went all Alien vs. Predator or Fudd vs. Predator toward the end.

Survivalist actor dropped into the forest with a GoPro is filming his next installment of his popular survivalist Netflix series until the Predator drops in & ruins the show.

Latter at the 70 minute mark he finds a trailer at the end of a very traumatic bloody trail chased by the Predictor .Using his survivalist skills he runs toward trailer (at night) opens the door, go towards the T.V that's tuned to the emergency broadcast station & watches a news clip warning Aliens have overran all major cities, warning people to avoid the cities at all cost!

But he has to go because his wife & child are in Vancouver.

So what does are survivalist hero do? He's grabs two cans of beans, some chips & runs toward a outboard docked,starts the boat,the owner arrives, points a gun at him & says the obligatory "get out of my boat or all shoot!" Alien jumps out of the forest & kills Fudd,Hero kills Alien & Hero putt putts away into the dark night! With his two cans of beans not even taking Elmer J. Fudd's hunting rifle to battle the Aliens that have overran all major cities .

Shouldn't are survivalist wait for morning,stock up on a few weeks supply of food & ammo,re-bandage his deep wounds & maybe think of a survivalist plan of action?

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It is no blockbuster...
trans_mauro3 February 2017
... but it is a pretty decent movie.

Obviously, the budget for it was minimal. But a decent direction, good script and nice acting conspired to make "Man Vs." into a very entertaining survival film with some sci-fi elements.

The location, main actor are perfectly chosen. The story moves at a good pace, we are kept guessing (as intended by the director) and the conclusion was also interesting.

It is a lesson on how to make quality work with little money.

It is much better than I expected.

Give it a try
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Quite good
sidneygchambers2 January 2019
Not at all bad, well made well acted. Some ideas and some sound effects borrowed from Predator, but that's okay. Different enough with a clever twist. I liked it, very entertaining.
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Bored premise with decent execution. Ruined by ending.
DaBulls239 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I will admit, I somewhat enjoyed the first 3/4 of this movie. It has a slow build with a few creepy setups, in particular, a scene with a rabbit and a scene with a trap with a large rock meant to kill a human.

However, the final quarter of this movie completely ruins everything it had going for it. Once you see the monster, I PROMISE you will laugh out loud and instantly be taken out of the movie. Why not just go with practical effects?!

The best way I can compare this movie is a mix of Survivor Man, Predator, and The Blair Witch Project - mostly Predator but a much inferior version.

I feel bad for everyone who worked hard on this film (except the SFX department) because it really was 100% ruined by the CGI. If practical effects were used or they did a better job of keeping the "monster/attacker" a mystery, this could've easily been a 7/10.

Side note: I think it would've been interesting if they ditched the whole "alien/monster" direction and had one of his crew be the killer. Possibly his brother, as it was hinted at that he was fed up with the host's ego.
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Interesting addition to the genre Bear Grylls Vs The Predator
amesmonde30 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A survival documentary filmmaker runs into trouble when he comes up against more that just the local animal life.

With a major spoiler from the outset, imagine and episode of Bear Grylls mixed with the Predator (1987) and an alien design reminiscent of District 9 (2009) and you'll sort of get feel of Man Vs. Half of the fun of director Adam Massey's offering is guessing for the first half what is the main character up against.

Man Vs. echoes the likes of Exists, Blackfoot Trail, Bigfoot County (2012)  Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes (2012) Willow Creek (2013), The Hunted (2013) while not a found footage film per say, thankfully it's a mix of presenter Doug's camera views, go-pro POVs and a traditionally shot film perspective (similar to REC 3 (2012) and The Pyramid (2014).

In terms of execution Massey's film surpasses genre expectations due to traditional shot segments and well executed practical and 'monster' special effects in the last quarter. It has a very small cast ensemble. Thanks to a great performance from Chris Diamantopoulos as Doug, channelling Grylls, he single handily keeps Man Vs. interesting while he does his TV show bits for the majority of the film and believes he's being hunted by a bear, wolf or even a crazy fan of his show.

The Canadian natural forest setting framed by Miroslaw Baszak sells Massey's story. Writer Thomas Michael leaves enough clues - skinned bodies, chess boards, black goo, dead fish to keep you guessing what Doug is up against but if you've seen 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) you'll see the twist coming. That said, Michael and Massey successfully create a small scale paranoia tale on the backdrop peripheral of something larger going on. John Rowley's score is effective throughout, but especially in the closing where realisation hits Doug and rescue by his team and acquaintance are skewed.

While the genre is worn, if you like the aforementioned movies you'll get a kick out of Massey's addition to the genre. Three quarters survival show and a quarter sci-fi. Recommended.
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Definitely worth seeing
zadeereviews28 April 2018
It's a film that worth seeing in Netflix. Not a big budget film and you can understand that from the CGI but has to appalaud for the way it's done. This movie is able to keep your attention throughout. Don't expect too much but I guarantee it you won't be disappointed.
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Hey, a well-made Canadian horror movie.
thisseatofmars16 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Man Vs. is a Canadian horror movie that incorporates elements of found footage. It does this via its plot: Chris Diamantopoulos, who played Moe in the 2012 version of The Three Stooges (oh baby) has a reality TV show like Bear Grill-is-us (never seen it and can't be bothered to look up the actual spelling). He treks out into the wilderness and videos himself scraping the soot off of tree bark to use as toilet paper, foraging for nuts and berries, and hunting wascally wabbits. By and by he realizes that he's not alone in the woods and all that soot-scraping will not go to waste.

It's a good movie except for its creature effects, which are CG. Have we learned nothing from Predator, you fools?! Makeup and animatronics always beat CG, always! (Whaps film with cane.) But the creature doesn't show up so often, so I guess it's kind of okay. Man Vs. is laptop-viewing quality on an insomnia night, yknowwhatimsayin? And it's Canadian, so ding-ding-ding A+ dood!
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A cheaply made movie with lazy writing.
sneed-850332 June 2017
This movie starts off interesting enough to keep you from turning it off, but quickly becomes unwatchable. The alone journey of one character was poorly written and the cgi at the end of the movie was so bad it makes you wonder why attempt this movie. I cannot fathom how one sits through this film and feels any type of satisfaction at the end.
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Nice surprise! But don't ruin it by reading about it first
aquarius-9618628 April 2019
I thought I had watched everything on Netflix I would enjoy so just clicked on this one night. I had passed it up thinking it was a documentary! It's not. And it's not tired "found footage". I didn't know anything about it and I usually cheat by looking up movies first to get an idea of what to expect. So I was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't a documentary. Good acting and wonderful suspense that reminded me of Picnic at Hanging Rock where you're glued to the TV. Again, this movie is best if you're totally in the dark from the very beginning and don't know anything about it and don't expect anything. Just sit back and enjoy. I won't give the plot away. Surprised it had a low rating, like a 5/10. Come on! I'm real picky and I give this a 7. Canada, like Australia and New Zealand, comes up with some good quality scary movies.
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Good setting, but nonsensical and one of the cardinal sins of screenwriting
craig_rea8028 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I like the setting. That's the good stuff out of the way. Now the bad stuff.

The premise of the film is that this guy is a famous survivalist and his show has just been picked up by a network for its third season. The problem there is that the poor fella has the charisma of one of the sticks he uses in his figure-four deadfall trap, and is as convincing a survivalist as I am a molecular biologist. So, unfortunately, suspension of disbelief is immediately impossible, meaning I constantly knew I was watching a film and never got into it. I mean, this was kinda good because it meant I just laughed at the many terrible lines, ridiculous happenings, and unbelievable survival situations that even a cursory knowledge of what I'm led to believe is a 'fake' survival show - Naked and Afraid - would make you doubt as soon as you see it.

Like when he sets three deadfall traps his first night and immediately catches two rabbits. From my irregular viewings of N&A and 'Alone', it seems traps rarely catch anything, even over periods of extended time, and when they do, it's invariably mice or small birds. He also polishes the bottom of a drink can in order to focus the sun onto kindling to make a fire, and the clearly visible can is still impotently dull. I may be wrong but I don't remember him boiling his water, either. He also falls 30 feet down a hole, gets a compound fracture, then managed to climb out of the hole immediately and on the first attempt.

The worst cinematic'sin', however, is that the character constantly narrates his own thoughts. Not to camera for the show - that would at least partly make sense - just off-the-cuff remarks that if another character were there, he might tell; or that could be shown instead of told. It gets to the point where he tells a chessboard that the intruder (who has just taken the next turn in the game of chess he was playing against himself - and who turns out to be a an aggressive predator-type extraterrestrial LOL) that it was a "really good move". He later yells to the surrounding area that he likes the intruder's chess moves.

I mean, it even takes him most of the runtime to realise it might have been his crew setting him up, which surely makes a better red herring (given they've just moved to network television and actually make a point of putting Mr. Survivalist under pressure to deliver on more than one occasion) than a "psycho chess-playing lumberjack": who he believes is behind the spoooooky goings on.

By the time the very, VERY badly CGI animated alien rocks up, I'd just started taking tally of all the silliness and realised just how stunned I am that this actually got made.

In summation, if you have 90 minutes to kill and are kind of in to survival, and want to get REALLY frustrated, this one's for you. If not, I can't recommend it.
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Enjoyable for tiny budget
clegg-938-1179727 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So, had to pause and write this at the 59 minute and 43 second mark they used the wrong angle and you can see cars driving on the road behind the protagonist. Very enjoyable for small budget. Good, cheesy fun
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Not Awful
Foutainoflife18 December 2018
Low budget survival movie. This film starts out decent enough with the first two acts being engaging. It sorta fell apart for me in the final act. It wasn't that it was a bad idea. I just wasn't feeling it. This is an okay movie if you are looking to pass some time.
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Great little gem of a movie.
aampd24 January 2017
It may seem a little bit of a copycat movie version of a certain TV series that others have mentioned in previous reviews, and yes, the theory is similar and that's where it really works. Viewers love the outdoor reality shows on TV these days and this movie takes the survival reality, to the next level. I can't say much about the plot but it will play out a little bit "obviously" throughout the movie, but don't let that turn you off, it has plenty of mystery and intrigue to keep the viewer switched on... just enjoy, as its a pretty entertaining movie..Chris Diamantopoulos was excellent in the role and upon doing a bit more research on him, as I hadn't heard of him before, I was surprised to find he hasn't had many lead character movie roles at all...a pity as would like to see him cast in a few more movies.
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Easy to watch
nolan-2590812 February 2019
Gave it a 7 insted of a 5 or 6 i dont know the budget i hop it wasnt over 250,000 It was an easy to watch kindof low budget horror scifi. But you have to take into account the budget
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diablitodesigns26 January 2022
It's a lame Predator ripoff with bits of Blair Witch and various "survival" show elements. Has decent production value, but it's a shame someone didn't boot this realizing it wasn't very original. Don't waste your time. Sadly, I did,
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