Hollidaysburg (2014) Poster


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Good performances, good moments
merridew-228 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've been following the progress of this movie on "The Chair," read Dan Schoffer's original screenplay ("How Soon Is Now") before it was revised by the director, and was anxious to see the final product when it was shown on Starz. Of the two films shadowed in "The Chair," this one seemed the most promising, although Anna Martimucci's self-doubt was getting a little too much to bear. The prior IMDb reviews ranged from a "waste" to "awesome" -- but you never know where these reviews are coming from, pro or con. Nonetheless, my expectations were low when I sat down to watch.

I was pleasantly surprised. The acting was uniformly excellent. The directing was smooth and, at times, subtle. I missed some of the story lines and characters from the original screenplay -- but found the Philip Quinaz character and his pumpkin pies (particularly the wonderful, unfolding pie panorama), and Brian Shoaf's Mitch, excellent additions. I can't say the same for Martimucci's own character. Anna should have stayed behind the camera. I know why her Courtney character was added (more on that later), but we didn't need her.

But more than anything, I found "Hollidaysburg" real. The characters seemed real. The dialogue seemed real. The emotions seemed real. This is a millennials movie, trying to show Generation Y'ers as they are, not how Hollywood has depicted them. Whether it's accurate or not, I don't know -- but it sold me that it is. And I think that's why the Angela-Courtney relationship was added, to show the world that millennials don't bat an eye at same-sex relationships or same-sex marriage.

What the movie lacks, in my view, is more story. These characters come home from college for the long Thanksgiving weekend and return Sunday basically unchanged. Is Tori really any different on Sunday than she was on Wednesday? Even the final voice-over, quoting John Updike, suggests that each day is a rebirth, and what's past (including the just-completed holiday) is dead. Then why should we care what we saw these people experience? In an effort to eschew a "Hollywood ending," we're left fairly unsatisfied.

I felt like I witnessed a slice of these characters' lives. If, according to Hitchcock, "Drama is life with the dull bits cut out," then "Hollidaysburg" is life, dull bits and all.
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Slightly disappointing
johncg251 November 2014
I watched both this, and "Not Cool" to officially do the "Chair" experiment, and neither film was great, and neither film was terrible either.

After seeing the trailers for both I definitely had much higher hopes for "Hollidaysburg" over "Not Cool".

In the end though the film was nothing amazing as the trailer might suggest. It really wasn't that funny, I didn't feel much chemistry between the leads, and it was a little bit slow and awkward, but not in a good way.

It did have some moments though, it was shot nicely, and I did really like the music. Beyond that it was just OK. The best part about it though would be how it captured the FEELING of being home on break and some of that drama, which is the only thing the film really did well, and did better then "Not Cool" in that regard.

Beyond that though "Not Cool" was silly, but had a few jokes and actually surprised me a little after I Watched it in that I actually did care about the characters a little by the end, and that film had a few moments as well. (I also though felt no chemistry between the characters in Not Cool for the most part as well.) "Not Cool" was also not particularly funny after the first 10 minutes, and not a particularly good film either.

So, bottom line, "Not Cool" gets an OK 5, and Hollidaysburg gets a slightly better, but still "OK" 7. Thats about all I can give it, as neither film was great, but they both had some decent moments and some (occasional) laughs. Hollidaysburg's FEELING of thanksgiving break was much more authentic then "Not Cool"s though and that was the difference for me.

Definitely no masterpiece, and better then "Not Cool", but that really isn't saying much. It was OK.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Hollidaysburg
burlesonjesse518 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What is it with movies that take place in Pennsylvania? They're kind of depressing. Dreary landscapes, gloom and doom skies, snow, cheap housing. If you've seen All the Right Moves, Wonder Boys, and Out of the Furnace, you know what I'm talking about. Well add 2014's Hollidaysburg to that list. This is another bleak outing filmed entirely in the Quaker State.

Directed by first timer Anna Martemucci, well acted by a cast of virtual unknowns, and harboring two female leads that almost look too identical (this will only confuse you at first), Hollidaysburg is the Generation X next, a sort of washed out, existential version of Garden State mixed with 1998's Whatever. It's a plethora of character studies involving some college students and townies who meet up for a five day Thanksgiving weekend. Scott (played by Tobin Mitnick) is a former Prom King turned UCLA student. He flies back to his Pennsylvanian hometown with the help of money via his student loans. Heather (Scott's ex- girlfriend played by Claire Chapelli) is also in town fresh from a semester at Penn State University. Then we have Petroff (Tristan Erwin) as Scott's good friend who lives at home, works at a pizza parlor, and is hush hush about his supposedly stellar SAT scores. There's Scott's brother Phil (played by Philip Quinaz) who is heavily inebriated and loves making tons of pumpkin pies. Finally, we have Rachel Keller as Tori, Scott's outsider love interest and unlikely best friend. That's the unofficial blueprint. The rest of the proceedings involve the lives of these five young adults intersecting over periods of heavy pot- smoking, binge drinking, and bad sex. Thanksgiving is supposed to be a family holiday but in this dirtied-up town, every night's a party (the cold, sentiment-free parents of these twenty-somethings are rarely seen to begin with).

Hollidaysburg gives its novice actors plenty of raunchy, suggestive dialogue that relegates a new spin on the seven dirty words (the name "poopdick" is something I've never heard before anywhere). And the loud, coffee house-induced background music sometimes drowns out these words. There is even a scene where a seventy-year old woman runs completely naked while threatening someone with a shotgun (that's a gray area where you might wanna hit the fast forward button on the DVD player, stat). But make no mistake about it, every misunderstood character is somewhat likable and despite various flaws, empathetic. You sense that they don't want to grow up into adulthood. And as you take in "Burg's" dialogue- driven, 87 minute running time, you also sense that they're content on not wanting to leave their drab, colorless environment. The town at which they inhabit for a few sunshine-free days, sucks them in just like with every other vehicle containing a Pennsylvania backdrop. Steel mills, Primanti Brothers Sandwiches, expensive turnpikes, and Iron City Beer. Ah, who can resist.

In conclusion, Thanksgiving has always been my favorite time of the year. I mean, I don't cook so basically watching football, drinking spirits, and eating turkey all day is heaven for me. As for movies taking place on the pilgrim-themed holiday, I haven't seen many. Plains, Trains, & Automobiles would probably be right up at the top of a very short list. Is the current flick I'm reviewing in the same league as Steve Martin's classic 1987 comedy? Not quite. But it's worth a look. Its one word title is the actual name of a Central borough right outside of Altoona, PA. I've never been there so I can't tell you what it's like. I will say this though: Hollidaysburg as a lowbrow, coming-of-age yarn, is an interesting, earthy place to visit. Result: 3 Stars.
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Surprisingly good
Sergiodave19 February 2021
Watched this on Amazon Prime. A movie about college students going home for Thanksgiving and how their lives are changing. The basic scenario for this flick has been done 100 times before, but what makes this movie stand out are the well constructed characters that you can empathise with. Together with good actors, great direction and fine music this small budget Indie movie is a definite thumbs up.
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Good indy movie.
sporin-847-76641621 April 2015
Good indy movie.

I think it did a nice job of illustrating the awkward times when visiting home during your early college years. The breakups, the hookups, dealing with your parents again after a taste of freedom, and interactions with your HS friends who didn't go away to college. I remember those times vividly, even though I'm Gen X not Millennial.

I agree with an earlier reviewer that the 2 female leads looked so much alike that I frequently confused them. Seems nitpicky but it's a pet peeve of mine.

If you grew up in a similar area (rural northeast, post-industrial), I think you'll get what the writer/director were going for, and you'll enjoy it. It's very well acted and really nicely shot and certainly worth your time on Netflix Instant.
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jneff261 November 2014
Spoiled Rich kids who look like they never touched a drug in their lives sitting around getting high for no reason...all the time. The drug use in this film just did not fit the storyline that was happening. Its like they put it in just to appeal to a certain audience who would never go to see this kind of move to begin with. Plus most of the all WHITE female cast looked alike. In the beginning its confusing because you can not tell who is who. I am not a fan of Shane Dawson's version of this movie either. But this move was just as bad if not worse. I do not feel like I know these characters, I don't feel like I got to know who they were. Which means I could care less about what was going on with them. I liked the core idea of the film. That is why I gave it a 2.
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If you have the money, give it a go.
anthonygiancola2421 November 2014
This movie was good. It wasn't exactly great, but it had it's great moments. That being the casting, everyone in this movie assumes their roles well and have good chemistry with each other. The relationship between the loner Tori and the lost Scott while it takes a while to actually occur, is believable. At least to what the movie wants to serve, you aren't supposed to see these two together forever, but you are supposed to see them as a brief fling sort of relationship. One that will probably leave them in a close friendship rather than a romantic commitment. Each character is sort of unlikable in a very likable way. Tori is a bit whiny and cold but never to a point that it gets in the way. Scott has a charming arrogance, but knows when he goes too far. All the characters are like that, sort of how real people act, and it works in the films favor. If I said the film had a drawback it would be the flowing narrative. It takes a little too long for the couple to meet and even longer for the relationship to become believable. There are a few moments that feel a little too rushed, but the film as a whole is good. If you go into it expecting something spectacularly funny or amazingly deep, you might be disappointed depending on your standards. For my money though I'm glad I bought it.
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Boring, waste of time and money.
tzukishiro25 October 2014
Not only my time and money, but Anna's and the whole crew of the Chair. Should have seen it coming, as every time Anna appeared on the chair it became boring instantly, I could always tell when it came to Anna's perspective because of that. Photography and music was great, something good I guess, but overall story and how it was delivered, not good, also the actors at times seemed kinda awkward, it was just... It makes me mad. I think the biggest good thing about this movie (Besides when it ended) is that she did not write the script. That would've totally killed it, so props to the writer for doing a good job at handing his work and see it destroyed into tiny little pieces. That would've totally killed it, so props to the writer for doing a good job at handing his work and see it destroyed into tiny little pieces.
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Hollidaysburg = Winner in every way for first time director!
defconmusic13 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched both of these films "Not Cool" and "Hollidaysburg" because of The Chair documentary/ experiment on Starz.As far as talent goes, there's no question that both Anna Martemucci and Shane Dawson are very talented and IMO both deserve a real shot at making more feature films. It was obvious from the start that Anna had a much more mature attitude and vision for what she wanted her movie to be. That said I believe that Hollidaysburg definitely has heart and besides Anna's almost self destructive 2nd guessing and self doubt, She accomplished a great first time movie. IMO "Not cool" is not even in the same league as Hollidaysburg. Anna's focus was rom/com/drama and Shane's was comedy first story second.

The only real mistake made on this movie was the female lead roles not being distinctive enough, and them coming off as lookalikes. At the start of the movie its hard to tell them apart until the story really gets going. The part of this that makes me angry is that this issue was brought to Anna's attention during pre-production and casting and it was ignored or passed over as not important. This could have easily been fixed through some more character development, or even easier a change of hair color or a more stylized wardrobe besides the infamous grey hoodie that kind of makes all the female leads look plain and unattractive.

In the case of Heather (Claire Chapelli) I understand the plain depressed kind of look, it suits the Character, but maybe Tori could have been made to have a much darker or lighter hair color to really display their differences. Overall I thought the acting was great, Philip Quinaz's role as Phil was brilliant and added the perfect amount of levity to the parental situation of Scott and Phil's home life. Using Dad's recipe to make the perfect pumpkin pie was awesome! Tobin Mitnick as Scott was believable and the Chemistry between him and Tori (Rachel Keller) was well played. Tristan Erwin as Petroff was top notch and a great supporting role. The relationship between him and Heather was almost more real than Scott and Tori. I also enjoyed Anna's role in the movie as a welcomed understated addition to an already great cast.

Shanes's role in his film was nothing but destructive to his film. He cast himself in a role that he had no business playing. Sorry, no one is gonna believe that Shane was ever the coolest and most popular kid in high school. He lacks all the essentials to pull that off just from his energy and looks. To be believable in that role he needed to rely solely on acting ability and really give off a different more masculine energy. That didn't happen on screen at all, and therefore made the chemistry between him and Tori unconvincing.

The bottom line here is that For Anna's first real feature film she definitely pulled it off and made a good film. You ended up caring about the characters and what happens to them. You wonder where Tori and Scott will end up. You want to know if Heather continues to pursue Petroff. The comedy was well done and tasteful, the drama was evident, and the romance and chemistry between the characters was believable. Most importantly this film appealed to a much broader audience than Shane's Film. When people want to know about Anna Martemucci's work and look at this film, She is sure to get the opportunity to make more films.

Shane won the actual competition because of personal appearances at his showings , that gave him more box office attendance and ticket sales because his fans showed up to see him in person at the theaters.

Anna Martemucci made the better movie by far. If you have a choice on which movie to sit down and watch for 2 hours, watch Hollidaysburg so you won't walk away feeling like you just wasted time. For a first time director making her first feature film, Hollidaysburg is a great movie!
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Really falls off
MrMcMurphy1 April 2015
I really liked how it started: Quality filming, acting, and music.

But then it got a little convoluted. The main actresses looked too much alike. And the dialogue referenced too many names of characters we couldn't possibly have known well enough to follow.

As the stories unfolded, everything went downhill.

Protagonists were written to do dubious things with insufficient justification for the audience. It seemed like the drama was being "set up," as opposed to organic and justified.

Further actions taken by the characters were frustrating, and also didn't seem natural given the circumstances we'd been given (doing things that didn't make sense in the moment).

Maybe if we had been given more background for the dubious and frustrating behavior, things would have felt more understandable and appropriate, but I don't think any amount of background could have been sufficient to justify all the weird actions and reactions by the characters.
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Keep an eye out for Anna Martimucci
PsychoMichael44825 September 2014
This was such a beautiful little film about going back home and learning to let go. After having seen the trailer I was definitely more excited for this film that Shane Dawson's Not Cool. They are both in competition On Starz' The chair to win a grand prize of $250,000. I have to say I hope this wins because it deserves it.

The director has a real eye. The use of lighting and reflection is beautiful as is the framework of almost every shot. The actors are wonderful in their roles. Rachel Keller and Tobin Mitnik are charming and give very subtle performances. Very natural. The supporting characters are the same.

As for the plot, have we seen it before?


But what makes this familiar territory so fresh is the fact that its from someone new. This is Anna Mertemucci Directorial debut, and if this in any indication of whats to come she has a bright future. I know I'll be keeping an eye out for her.

The film contains some language, sexual situations, and drug use.
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Good, not great
dbernk10 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So slow and pokey at the start that I thought I would fall asleep. Having watched "The Chair," I understood the test audience's confusion regarding the two lead female characters.

But the film grew on me and I started to care what happened to folks. The emotions felt real and I have to admit, for a bit I wondered who would end up with who (even though the Hollywood rules of romantic comedies was followed in the end.

Oh, loved the running scene. very funny and sweet.

I understand how "Not Cool" won the competition. The other director's fans were always going to overwhelm this little movie. But honestly, it's not even close. This is good, but flawed movie. "Not Cool" was an occasionally funny gag reel.
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a Medium Grade version of Garden state meets Beautiful Girls
mets91097526 December 2014
I want to give this a 6.5 but they don't allow decimal point ratings and im a tough grade so not willing to step up to a 7 . This film doesn't habe quite the budget or acting or writing talent of thr above listed films ..but it most definitely captures the essence of that coming of age phase in a young adults life when they are at a lifes crossroads...searching for something with meaning , despite not knowing what meaning that may be and only caring that somehow they find something that allows them to remember how to FEEL ...some of the comedy is forced but the relationship dynamics and events are very real and close to home fkr anyone whos ever been in that place...there is a striking resemblance to Garden State here and I only wanted to post for those of you who adored that movie as I did this is a nice low budget way to scratch the surface of connecting to another group of characters in a way we haven't been able to do to too often since Garden state was released. And in fairness this is virtually a first or second run for most of this cast and in that regard they held their own absolutely fine and there is a clear light at the end of the tunnel for what looks to be several promising young careers ...if you're looking for something light and refreshing with ever so slightly slivers of introspection being offered give this one a shot ...
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Great Humor...Lots of good laughs. A modern day Breakfast Club.
bravejeb22 September 2014
Great film about college freshmen coming home for Break. A surprising number of jokes that really "hit." The humor was enjoyable and consistent throughout the movie. Highly recommended. All the actors had their funny lines, it wasn't a film that had one or two funny spots, and after that lost its track. The story is a little light in the end message on the surface, but underneath there are many mini lessons, and after all in this type of feel good, funny film its not the type of film I go to looking for a movie to tell me now to live my life. Not sure if its better to watch the Chair first or after, I had only seen two episodes before seeing this movie, but it could be good either way, I think.
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megrill23 September 2014
Hollidaysburg is HILARIOUS, honest, and beautiful!! It has been a long time since I've seen a love story/coming of age movie this good. It is SO FUNNY and it has SO MUCH HEART. Exceptional storytelling and directing by Anna Martemucci, and superb breakout performances by a young cast of unknowns... soon to be KNOWNS! The acting is a real stand out in this film. Rachel Keller and Tobin Mitnik are stunningly comfortable performers, and bring such charm to this love story...that is truly funny throughout! Tristan Erwin and Claire Chipelli have an incredible ability to command an audience to go along with the subtle pointed performances they give. Phil Quinaz, who plays Mitnik's brother, is totally impressive in his handling of the comedy in this piece as is Brian Shoaf, who plays Chipelli's step-father. Shoaf has a moment in the movie that I was shout laughing ...but I'll let you watch it for yourself. These Actors!!! They are some of the best. I laughed and listened through the entire movie, which expertly takes an audience through the growing pains of young adult life, and let's us laugh the entire time, while really feeling for their stories. Martemucci's refreshing voice is balanced and uncynical, an updated John Hughes! It also... is beautifully shot, and you really get a sense of Pennsylvania and what is so charming about it! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!! WATCH IT EVERYONE!!!!!!!!
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Should have won "The Chair"
nicolaustaylor7 January 2021
My wife and I stumbled across "The Chair" docuseries on Tubi, and- as I'm a filmmaker, found it very interesting. I thought the concept of the show was interesting but was infuriated by the final episode in which this film was not deemed the better one.

"Hollidaysburg" is, at least at the time of my writing this, available for free on Amazon Prime. I watched the film with my wife, honestly not expecting much. But it was good. Like really good. There is no indication that this was made by a young, inexperienced crew or a first time director. My only comments were a few strange cuts made to the final edit, but otherwise it was a flawless film. I loved the characters, the story, the humor- all seemed realistic and relatable. I think it's crazy that Anna, Victor and Philip didn't get a writing credit on this! I can't imagine, especially having watched the series, that this- at all resembles the original script from Drew. Aside from character names and motivations, probably.

Having seen a bit of how the sausage is made, it probably skewed my opinion a little, but all the jokes landed, all the beats were there and I felt for all the characters. It was, in the truest sense of the word- a "good" film. It was full of heart and laughs and felt like probably the truest coming-of-age story I've ever seen. We really enjoyed it and I would recommend this to everyone we know.

Congrats Anna and crew for making a much better film than Shane's crapfest. I never had more respect for Zacahry Quinto than when he walked away from the other film via principle. (You gotta watch "The Chair" on Starz or Tubi).
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An Instant Cult Classic
ChancesFoxes17 October 2014
The film is a coming of age dramedy for the ages. To me the film stands right up there with "Sixteen Candles". I would certainly consider it a modern classic. The story is one we have all seen before, but the deep heart felt characters and quirky dialogue bring the heart to this genre that no one has seen in a long time. The young actors in the film really deliver sincere performances. Tristan Erwin as petrof really gives an A-list performance, he and Claire Chapelli really bring the drama, while the other film's couple Tobin Mitnick and Rachel Keller equally provide great quirky romantic comedy. All in all you can't ask for better actors than this, nor a better film. Anything less than this film becoming a cult classic would be disappointing.
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You had to be there....or from there.
willjammer-0422921 March 2015
I'm going to keep it short.

If you're from Pennsylvania, you'll love this movie by default - especially if you're from Western PA or a coal town in Eastern part of the state.

Beautifully shot, scripted, and acted. Lots of insider stuff for the locals as well.

Sticky buns.

John Updike.

Greasy spoons and diners.

Abandoned industrial buildings that have seen better days.

Hollidaysburg is what small town America is all about. You can go home again.
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A memorable movie of that first holiday at home after heading off to college
nskyme15 November 2014
"Hollidaysburg" is a classic gem, especially for a low budget, Indie movie. The two female leads are similar enough in appearance to be confused as the same character at first. But, as the story unfolds and the characters define themselves, this confusion serves to pique the viewers interest. I found myself studying the actors more closely to set them apart as they drew me into their lives. This movie deserves to gain a following because the story is genuine, the acting is superb, the cinematography is beautiful, and the dialogue is smart. All in all, "Hollidaysburg" delivers a pleasant, memorable evening at home. I plan to watch it again and to recommend it to friends. Starz would be wise to place it permanently in its collection of holiday favorites.
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I come back to this movie often
cgdtpmqq23 November 2021
I saw this movie years ago and every so often I can't stop thinking about it and need to watch immediately. It's not perfect or anything ground breaking but it's really heartwarming and fun to watch. I love the chemistry with the main 2 character and it's a good message about how it's okay to grow away from old friends. Love this movie and I recommend.
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an indie comedy/drama/ director should be proud!
joelsnell9 November 2014
Many have this experience. For those who remain home or those that goto prestige school, this really hits home. Leaving for schoolafter graduation is one of the hardest changes in one's life.At Thanksgiving, some come back with new accents or hip phrases, but times change for everyone. This movie captures the angst, the bittersweet of a rite of passage. In some ways, you can't go home again. The fear mixed with hope make the characters come alive. We are all going to make it big. No we won't. Hollidaysburg is a movie you carry with you through the years. Its every town and every place that this movie takes you. It is a cult movie without the usual alienation.Nor is it dressed up porn. It is really solid. The director should be proud of her work.Further this movie should cover many demographics. It is like the dark night we have all experienced and stumbled through sex and drugs. Like reality and it is not going to turn out the same for everyone. Kudos!This needs a sequel of a class reunion in the years to come. Prof. Joel Snell SOCIALVIBES.NET
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Absolutely worth watching and making a sequel
JaySH783 November 2014
I'm a little short on time so, in short...I loved the film. I thought it was genuine and realistic. It was comical and touching. It was a well made film for its genre. I wish there weren't so many questions left at the end, but hope Starz considers making a sequel which would make this film even better, if done right, and tie up some loose ends left in this movie. That said, this was still a great flick, with great acting and memorable moments throughout.

As far as Not Cool....it was awful. Shane should be embarrassed. Crude and not funny....not witty....horrible acting by all but the 2 female leads...Just not a good movie.
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Made me remember the awkwardness of my first months in college
jadablade-8000725 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A good chick flick, I related to the characters. My hubby and I watched it together and both enjoyed it. Great indie movie. Very close to first loves ending. With parents moving....

Great job to a new director. Great views of Pittsburg.

Loved it.
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