Aimy in a Cage (2015) Poster

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I have no idea what this was about.
theduggan18 January 2019
Odd. Crazy. Confusing. But I had to keep watching to see what it was all about. I didn't skip anything and I watched into the credits. I have no idea. The performances were good. I've seen the odd obscure experimental theatre production (usually after a couple of beers) and this was in that realm. It was strangely enjoyable.
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I only watched this for Crispin
zandurian14 December 2020
I will be looking for more of Allisyn in future movies though. I did like the dancing through the movie. It gave me the feel of Alice in Wonderland. I cant say that I liked much of the movie though. The lighting was surreal. There was just way too much screaming through the whole movie. It really just gave me a headache by the end.
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Thirty Years Too Late
Moviesucktastic7 March 2017
This is the kind of German Expressionism meets Art-Deco Kitsch that was popular with low-budget guerrilla filmmakers and artsy porn directors in the eighties, and even then not so much. Style-over-substance without any discernible style other than pseudo-fifties-steam-punk, this is what would happen if you gave a first-year film student a six-figure budget. If you attempt to hang on through the first twenty minutes or so hoping that a semblance of structure or cohesion will begin to take hold of what loosely passes for a plot, you'll just wind up more disappointed. You'd be better off digging up an old copy of Meet the Hollowheads or Terrorvision. Even Cafe Flesh would feel like a step up from this.
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soundfx-7114026 January 2016
It's an hour and 20 minutes you'll never get back! I found myself fast forwarding over many parts as they spewed mindless dribble out of their mouths, instead of intelligent dialogue. I can't even say they over- acted, because that would imply that there was some acting going on. The costumes must have been picked by a grade 3 class who were taking mommy's medication! Just horrible. That's all I can say.

There was one thing that I liked. The old-style TV they used as a prop. It reminded me of a video game I played when I was a teenager. Other than that, please be on some major drugs if you see this. It's the only way you'll get through it without wanting to kill yourself!
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Don't watch.
acerbic-127 August 2016
If you started watching the movie, got confused and irritated and then decided to check IMDb for reviews, just in case you are missing something.

Some puzzle piece that will make this mess into a coherent experience - well, I hate to break it to you, but there isn't one.

The only way for this film to be perceived as "good" is if you genuinely want to take a dive into a delirium.

Summary: It's bad, it doesn't get better to the end, no answers or 'endings' will be happening.

P.S. I hate "10 lines minimum" policy. This sht shtick doesn't deserve 10 lines.
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Alice in Halcion Land
twotrybe1 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
i was trying to understand this quirky film but alas, I wasn't smoking any weed. to describe it as "quirky" would be describing a small house as "quaint" if you were a Realtor. You just can't quite make it work when you put your nuts into it and get nothing in return. Aimy is an artist who is sorely not communicating with her family. The grandmother is the main antagonist in the Brady Bunch of characters. And we don't fully understand why this is happening. It's just starts up and they just go at it, no rhyme, no reason. Crispin Glover's character floats in and out at will showing up in the shadows and his character is supposedly the love interest of the grandmother but that is just a ploy to get to the mother's wealth. Aimy looks as if she was created as a live action version of a Tim Burton animation. Everything happens within this apartment. You feel claustrophobic as much as Aimy does when they tie her up for a duration of the film.i wanted to like this but after a certain point, the quirkiness wore off and the ending wasn't really an ending. It;s a film that you just want to out out of your mind so I watched The Big Short, a much better film, to clear the mental palate.
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Horrible direction
sathyanarayana-8833725 June 2019
Watching this for 90 minutes was a real torture that is no less than the torture endured by Aimy in the movie. Horrible direction, no entertainment value, no educational value, not artistic, ... I just wonder what was this movie about. Looks like a high school project.
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Incredibly tacky
Leofwine_draca18 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit that I couldn't watch more than five minutes at a time of AIMY IN A CAGE, a ridiculously quirky sci-fi comedy made on zero budget. Remember those mock-TV show scenes in NATURAL BORN KILLERS, starring Juliette Lewis? Well, imagine those made up to feature length, and you have this film. It's tacky, cheesy, and extremely broad, featuring a barrage of camera effects attempting to hide the fact that there's no proper story. Crispin Glover stars, surprisingly enough, but the whole thing is still an embarrassment.
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A Beautiful Mess
travisbickle8614 January 2017
I can imagine Aimy in a Cage causing great distress to a casual audience during screenings. Not so much for the content, as it's artistic and experimental form. I pity those who don't have the imagination or capacity to dream of cinema outside of a prescribed copy & paste format. There is a lot owed to Tim Burton - with the colored lighting, gaudy sets, costumes and props reminiscent of Burton's earlier works. The theme of being a repugnant and excluded artist is also present throughout. I saw the film as a subverted allegory for a girl struggling with an eating disorder, but who knows. Like the best surrealist cinema, the film flows subconsciously, like coming in-and-out of deep sleep. The cuts don't necessarily match and the audio isn't always synced, but it only adds to the orchestrated chaos of the film. Intentionally or not, I found the film hilarious in parts, especially scenes involving the Grandmother or Crispin Glover. Unfortunately, the narrative does fall-apart around the 50-minute mark (somewhat amusing in itself) as the cast shrinks downs to a trio. No doubt due to budget constraints. Still, I commend the filmmakers for creating this nightmarish fairytale, experimenting with cinema as an art-form. Which - lets face it, in recent times has reverted to being spoon-fed warm diarrhoea by major corporations.
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Not for kids and not for all adults
I dont know how to rate it... video effects was like from 80. Even i can do better effects on video, but acting was good. The creators really tried to do their best.
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For Crispin Glover fans something completely different
stefangreen-5655427 January 2020
Now that was a completely different role for him. An understated gangster. Dangerous in the way of David Lynch, where there is this undercurrent of tension across his scenes that could explode at any point. Only thing is that I wish they utilized him more as the central villain of the movie, and let him really take over ala Dennis Hopper or Willem Dafoe. Glover is showing mastery across several of his scenes as the canonical villain, sowing psychological discord, and planning to make off with the cash.
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A fun arty film without rules
HomerErotic26 December 2016
Just a heads up, this is an art film. It's weird and unpredictable. So if you go into this expecting an easily defined setup, confrontation, and resolution, you will be bitterly disappointed.

If, however, you're the type of person who can hang with the uncomfortable, unconventional, and macabre...well you might still be disappointed, but at least you'll know why.

In this film you will find random characters and bizarre situations. You might identify metaphors or parallels with society. You might just sit and smile at the absurdity of it all. So here now is your choice. Dive in and see how you fare.
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Pro-underdog, anti-abuse movie
awkwardkoala2 February 2020
The costumes, set design, music, and acting are all superb. The film has themes of abuse, alienation, gaslighting. It's about the end of the world. Millions die while they're trapped in quarantine. We don't know who to root for after a while because everyone is the victim of everyone. The movie attempts to find the gray area in every extreme situation. At the same time there is a feeling like judge TV shows or wrestling shows that it's pure crazy fun.
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This is without a doubt the freakiest thing I've ever seen!
dickhalloran28 January 2020
"Aimy Micry, a teenage orphan and delinquent, rebels against her family against the backdrop of a global plague outbreak." After watching a few minutes of it, I realized it was a pretty good story. I liked the music a lot, too. Every character in this thing is weird as hell and the situations are outrageous! I thought it was a ton of fun. I love the whimsical nature of this movie. It is one trippy experience.
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Awww... Poor Aimy
mayitamiami30 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hahaha... Just watched this Indie Film and I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone. It has many random scenes that many would claim to "not to make a lick of sense".

Perhaps I may have seen the plot a little too deep, for what I saw, was a girl living under a lot of criticism, forced to be a "perfect little lady", bullied by her family for being different, tricked/manipulated/back-stabbed by them to make her do things she clearly does not want to do and has to put up with all of it daily. Everything in the movie (to me) was shown as over exaggerated and symbolized.

I saw Aimy as a broken spirit. Just by living with those people who judged her constantly... no wonder she's lost her mind, no wonder she felt over protective of herself and felt that she couldn't trust her own family. After all the daily torture, she was fed up by it all. Personally, throughout the entire film, I felt like reaching out to her just giving her a hug.

Aimy just wants to live her life her own way and be accepted for who she is.

And just to include, I think Allisyn A. Arm did a remarkable job in bringing out Aimy's character uniqueness and features. You rock girl <3
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Warning, this is a movie about child predation
gugsgunny17 February 2020
This is a film about child abuse, from beginning to end we are seeing her victimized, terrorized, belittled and harmed by every character in the movie. If that is what passes as modern entertainment, then so be it, but I would have liked to see an ample warning. There is not much substance here, only a little girl being targeted for system ritual abuse by her family members. If being shocked and appalled is their goal, then I suppose they succeeded.
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not for the sane
gimpchrist8 February 2016
It was absolutely perfect in every way. The lead's acting was off the chart...I was really impressed and giggling along sometimes at the character's antics and the way she just ripped right into her role, it must have been just fabulous on set... It was the very first time I'm not very impressed by Mr. Glover simply because I felt like he was doing a woody harrelson thing or something, but I love him anyway and the role could have been more well defined or rounded as a character, but overall, it fit. I loved Miss Paz, she added an extra kick, and I just loved the writing & the set design. The lighting was also absolutely perfect. Perfect movie.
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Apocalypse Gen Z
Sergey200326 January 2020
A film of contradictions. The music is upbeat and cheery. The content of a deadly plague gradually kills everyone. The colors are bright and vivid. The emotions, bleak and extreme. Is it a feminist and political 'woke' film? Sort of. But then again, everyone is a villain, even our protagonist. It's more Kafka-esque in that regard. Sometimes it's fast. Sometimes it's slow. The faster it gets, the slower it gets, the faster it gets. I have never seen anything like it. The ending? It can only end in complete and total random madness.
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One of the most psychedelic films I've ever seen.
RadicalDerickAndrews26 January 2020
The first time it was like one long fruit by the foot commercial. It is zany and freaky film. Three quotes kept popping in my head. "If you're traveling through hell, keep going." "If you are great, El Topo is great. If you are limited, El Topo is limited." "I do not take drugs, I am drugs." It is a trip.
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Made me want to scribble with crayons
elephantus-1301526 January 2020
The director had a screening for a new directors cut at our film schools midnight cinema fest. He spoke about its influences of primal scream therapy, accelerationism and a lot of other forces shaping it from art music to experimental animation.

Whatever are its influences, the movie is dark and deep, funny and bleak, full of sound and fury. Reminds me a LOT of korean and japanese cinema. Hope to watch it again when I can process it more.
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Joanna Wang!!
JennyRocho28 January 2020
Could not believe she is not only featured but has a cameo. Her songs were not written for the film, but come straight off of her albums and fit the gothic images so perfectly. The movie is fantastically Tim Burton esque.
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An underground cult film
abclee2331 January 2020
The movie is beautifully crafted with committed performances by its stars. It is a Rorschach test the way David Lynch's movies are. Is it comedy? Horror? Surrealism? Everyone I saw it with has entirely different opinions about what worked and what didn't. Terry Moore as the Grandma was my favorite part, as she is delightfuly wicked for her age. I can't wait to see what the director does next.
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