Parallels (2015) Poster

(I) (2015)

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Like Sliders without the, you know, entire story.
howardka-0844629 March 2015
Found this on Netflix highly recommended based on my previous ratings of movies. Watched it. REALLY enjoyed it. Kind of like Sliders meets Lost. But here's the thing--what a total waste. Meant to be a pilot for an entire series, the "movie" so prematurely ended that not even a single mystery was explained. I'm guessing that FOX, once again, gave the axe to a promising series, but enough was filmed that someone just said, "screw it, make it a movie." The pilot is really really good. As a movie, it really really sucked. You can't just write a screenplay for a pilot and call it a movie, it doesn't work like that. It's too bad, because this is a series that I would really love to watch.
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RobertLThorpe15 March 2015
I have to give this a 5 because it is unfinished. Apparently it was suppose to be a TV show but didn't get picked up so they made a stand alone movie.. Well, I guess the pilot episode was turned into a movie and of course it has no closure, it just ends. No questions were answered that it poses which is a shame because it was a pretty decent flick accept for a few performance issues and some pretty cheesy dialogue. Other than that, the premise was good, inventive and much darker than Sliders. ohh well. I wondering if anyone will pick up the rest of it and I am just writing more cause it says I have to have 10 lines of review and I don't have that much cause it just ends.
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Great Premise, Poor Ending
casey-may-r5 March 2015
I saw this on Netflix. Marked as a movie. We watched this with enthusiasm. We really enjoy seeing alternate realities and how people overcome their obstetrical. But this "episode" left the viewers wanting. The end is a total cliff hanger. WITH NO QUESTIONS ANSWERED. The ending even posed more questions than not.

For a show/movie with no adverts claiming future productions, this movie left me almost feeling angry that there was no conclusion. I had to watch something else after just to get over my frustration. Some shows pull off cliff hangers perfectly, this show failed.

If they find funding and fans enough to continue, we'd love to watch it. But, without awful cliffhangers. Great plot and acting otherwise.
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Obviously a series...
Michael_Reed7 March 2015
I really liked this concept, and the cast is solid. I think the writing is a bit forced from time to time, but that's to be expected with the material, cast, etc...overall, I enjoyed the show.

I do believe, however, that this script was clearly written to be episodic. This 'movie' feels more like an extended pilot. Obviously this entire concept is open-ended to be episodic. It's set up perfectly for it. I was very let down to find it wasn't a pilot--I actually thought I was watching a pilot all the way up until my Google searching after the 'show.' Sad. I hope they continue this idea...if they don't I think the movie should have been written differently.

I think if done correctly this could continue to be a fun show with endless possibilities...or it could be totally ruined by bad writing. I hope they pick this up and run with it, and keep it somewhat hard sci-fi.
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Not a movie, but a failed pilot. Other than that, sort of enjoyable.
siderite16 January 2016
I will fail this film for on reason only: it was conceived as a TV show pilot and it failed, so they released it as a movie. That means ending with a huge cliffhanger and explaining nothing.

Not everything else was cool, either. There were some clear TV like story fixes and the classic "I am here, I have all answers, but I am going to go because I have important stuff to do" trope, as well as some poor scripting.

However, the rest was OK. Acting was reasonable, direction and special effects, too. The scripting left a little to be desired, but not much.

Bottom line: a clear rip-off of Sliders. At the end of the film you are left with the same premise: "you can't ever go home, but you can always try". The characters, though, are some kids with no training or experience (except punching people for one of them). If this would have been taken on as a series, I would have watched it, but then again, I watch all kind of crap.
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The production backstory more interesting than plot backstory?
A_Different_Drummer20 May 2015
If you have managed to find your way to this review then you already know that this film is not really a film, it is more of a indie production tied to Netflix, intended for a series, possibly orphaned, maybe not, no one knows as this review is penned.

It is hard to review "orphaned" pilots which dead-end. That is a given.

That said, I liked it.

I liked it because it belongs to what I consider the "dirty" sci-fi genre, that is, sci fi produced on such a barebones budget that all the money goes into the human elements while the sets (even in the Earth that never experienced the nuke!) look like they need Molly Maid.

In "dirty" sci fi, the actors are unknowns (which by no means suggests that they are bad) and the FX are minimal, and every now and then you get a scene where you swear that someone ad-libbed a line and they left it in anyway because that was cheaper than re-shooting.

Again, I liked it. It is a refreshing change from the "perfection" you tend to see these days in mainstream TV sci-fi, especially the stuff from Canada, where (they say) getting the lighting wrong when setting a scene is a hanging crime.

In many ways it reminds me of the British series Utopia (not the US knockoff) where interesting characters and good performances drove the show.

Watching, I made a mental note to myself that, if I ever end up in a hub to parallel universes, I would welcome a cute Asian chick popping out of a closet, with a lot of 'tude, and who generally acts like she read the script to the end and already knows how things are supposed to turn out.

Just sayin.
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stefgro13 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so three young people find a building that every 36 hrs teleports them to another, parallel universe. One of my biggest problems with the film, is that in all the other versions of Earth, everything is almost the same. I think the filmmakers should consider the huge possibility for no humans to ever have been developed on another earth, or that Earth might be gone due to a meteor crash, etc. Instead, everything is almost equal. Not likely at all. Also, the acting is very bad, and the script is very bad. Embarrassing to watch. Also, the film ends as a series episode would, like they didn't have enough money to complete the film?

All in all, a very poor production, and I don't understand how IMDb users can give this 7,4 in average. Stay clear, don't waste your time on this.
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Well that was refreshing.
thoughtninja-3465014 March 2015
I just finished this on Netflix and I must say it was very entertaining and creative. Obviously the ending is a massive cliffhanger and after reading other reviews and googling it's clear this was meant to be a series.

Well it would be great if this were picked up as an ongoing series but there is another way to complete this if that isn't an option for the creators. It's simple. Two more feature length films that complete the story arc this began.

That gives them room to flesh out the concept, story, characters, and give us some more sweet universe hopping. I specifically want to know what the triplets are all about.

I'd recommend this, buy, and stream the next films/season. I assume many others will as well.

Whoever may read this that has the ability to get the ball rolling I encourage you to do so.
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Sliders in the style of a The CW show
tantry12 March 2015
It's pretty much Sliders. Timed jumps to other worlds, no (known) way home.

Only it's been TheCW-ed up. In Sliders you had a goofy looking gangly giant, Gimli (middle-later aged bearded professor), a middle-later aged black dude and a petite woman (some replaced later). In Parallels you have four attractive twenty-somethings. In Sliders there's techno-babble and problem solving. In Parallels you just run from stuff and have dramatic moments, usually involving your family. Sliders uses a fixed camera and dolly and whatnot. Parallels uses good ole Shaky- Cam where the camera operator has to deliberately do a bad job, even on tight shots during an exposition scene because that's just the style now.

That said, it's fine. The CW model is simple and it works well enough. And I'm a sucker for a sci-fi premise. The dialogue and situations are cheesy but not cringe inducingly so. Ronan's triangle wasn't good enough to actually put someone to sleep but hey, you could tell what they were going for. It's fine. It's totally fine.
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The plot premise is very good, the characters are awful
hocheman18 April 2015
I liked the general premise of this pilot/movie very much. That said the characters' construction was incredibly bad, most of them seemed mentally challenged. If this has aspirations as a TV series (and it has the needed basal stuff) nowadays demanding audiences want more realistic characters, they have to find writers able to deliver closer to life personas. The "we have to find mommy" is far fetched giving the reality the characters are set into and also seems directed to children, but that is barely the tip of the iceberg of the many small but hurting failures it has that could've been credible for a show in the '70, nowadays IMHO is unbearably naïve.
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A tinge of Fringe
ahmen-197-9386883 March 2015
It's not perfect but it deserves my ten stars because I really want it to continue. In contrary to many other TV-series (I suppose this is a pilot of a series?) I think that "Parallels" must have been made by people that really like what they do. The main characters feels almost as Real People, not just actors doing their work. Of course this is not the Oscar league, please understand that I'm comparing to similar productions.

The plot is far from novel: We have the involuntary protagonists, a phenomenon with a vessel that uses the phenomenon, a couple of persons with unknown objectives, and an abundance of different world settings. But the ingredients are well cooked into a delicious taste. This is a "what if" story with a thriller, not a "it's like this" with BangBoom in the lead.

No mind-boggling stuff... Well, it would be if it happened to me, but as a watcher I'm carefully taken through the loops and I can forgive the few plot holes I noticed. The feeling I get is that this is made with intelligence, it has been given more than a half thought!

And it has humor! Not much but just enough.

When I left "Fringe" I felt sad for a long time. Now I'm happy again, I hope this new affair will continue!
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What a shame
staunton-gary28 September 2019
Enjoyed this series pilot. It's a shame, 5 years on, that they haven't created the series. Had lots of potential as a series, as a movie, not so much, however, watchable - you will be disappointed by the end that there's no more.
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Don't expect it to have an ending
tonyj-1424 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the entire 83 minutes of this movie. It was a great start to what ended like the 3rd season of Battle Star Galactica. Imagine watching a movie that simply leaves you hanging. A building that travels unpredictably through spacetime. A woman who has some secrets, but now some main characters who have new information she's not had access to before. She guides these guys through an intriguing premise and helps them understand what they're going through, but with a hidden motive. The final scene shows she's one of many, a la Orphan Black.


What? Someone tell me I didn't just watch a go-nowhere pilot.
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Out of the mind of a 6 y.o.
Dr_Sagan24 May 2015
This is an (unoriginal) idea about parallel universes. You know...The kind which everything is TOTALLY different but still there is another "you" out there. i.e. Extraordinary events led to a ...nuclear war but still, your mama and your papa existed and they met, and they had sex exactly the same time, where 1 out of half a billion of spermatozoids of your father merged with that specific ovum to create ..."you", looking exactly the same except a different ...haircut.

Such an incomplete and full of holes idea can't lead to anything else but an incomplete and full of holes movie.

And Parallels is exactly that. Don't expect ANY answers in the end about what is happening and why. The plot is something a 6 y.o. could think. You have a "plot device" and...that's about it. The guy who wrote, directed and produced this, is totally clueless on what is happening. Sometimes I really miss movies like the Matrix, a proper sci-fi concept where everything is explained, and make sense.

This is low budget movie. No heavy special effects here, but that is the least of this movie's problems. The actors are unknown for me, but I, kind of, enjoyed Constance Wu's performance.

As I'm reading this was supposed to be the pilot for a series. Still that's not an excuse for the lack of completion. Be aware this movie hasn't got an ending open to interpretation (which I also hate). It simply has no ending at all.
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Let's hope that they re-tool this and try again.
planktonrules7 April 2015
This film was just released to Netflix and Amazon. However, it's not exactly a film--it's the pilot for a series that the networks didn't pick up. Because of this, the show has no solution for the big mystery--and that might not set well with most viewers.

The film begins with three folks arriving at a strange office building, as they were told to be there at a certain time. However, the place looks odd inside to say the least--with no furnishings and graffiti all over the place. After the lights inside start flashing, the trio go outside--and they find a DIFFERENT Earth. It's the same place and time but it's an alternate world. And, they find that there is a woman inside the building and she has been traveling this way for some time and she joins them in surveying this alternate world. But, unfortunately, this parallel world sucks--as it's had a lot of nuclear blasts and the planet is ruled by gangs. What's next? See the show...or not.

I liked the idea of the show and a lot of cool things are revealed in this pilot. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell just how good it is since it leaves so much unanswered. Additionally, the original three often seem incredibly stupid...I mean REALLY stupid. So often, their new friend has to keep them from just blundering into new situations and common sense is NOT something any of them seem to possess. I could see that the essence of an excellent "Sliders"- like show is there but it could use a bit of a re-write and polishing. Hopefully someone who is somebody also will realize this and consider a second pilot, as the idea COULD work well.
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Fantastic movie, want more
welhof11 April 2021
Like others have said, this was just a pilot for a TV series. Such a shame. This was a really cool plot idea and very well done! I want more. I want a TV series, a sequel or even a book series. Just so many unanswered questions. Oh well.
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open end movie
maimismaiel24 September 2019
I was enjoying it but the end is very bad it actually doesn't explain anything or answer the questions inside the movie and you finally find yourself wasting your time by watching it
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Yawn, Another Sliders
nysalesman-8079027 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Just bad, just plain bad! Like Sliders this had the possibility to be great, but (also like Sliders) it was given the Gilligan's Island lost and never seem to find a rescue formula. The only time this formula ever worked (maybe it worked for LOST,but I could not stomach to watch that show) was with Gilligan's Island and Star Trek Voyager, and the only reason it worked for Voyager is because it had so many other things going for it. Sliders and Parallels are pretty much the same show, except Sliders made sense in that the device was something covert and Parallels chose the device as a building that shows up in every Multiple universe (no matter how advanced or ruined) with nobody noticing that it is so different or trying to live there/tear it down, etc. The other difference, it Parallels tries to be trendy, which pretty much sums up the target audience as a bunch of dumb kids.

Sliders, and even this movie, could have been great if they left the Gilligan's Island angle out of it. Just think how good it could be with people exploring the multi-verse and dealing with the personal and social conflict of different worlds while being able to return to their own.

Also, the ending sucks. It just ends, period. No closure, just a revelation that the annoying half-Asian chick is taking turns with her duplicates from other worlds to explore the multiverse.
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I can't wait for the next episode, if there is a next episode.
davidhpalmer7 March 2015
I'm a sci-fi junkie! Heroes, Sliders, The 4400, The Tomorrow People, Fringe, The X Files , Agents of Shield, Alphas, Eureka, The Flash, The 100, and more shows like these are what I love. My wife and I watched "Parallels" last night, and we loved it. As soon as the building took them to another Earth, we were living inside the show. The acting is good, characters are o.k., although I'd like to see a black male as a lead role ( if the director ever reads the please contact me, I'd be the perfect addition, lol, no.... but... I'm serious), and the different earths are done WELL. I'm very picky with the authenticity of any alternate world or time travel show, however I was thoroughly pleased with the 3 earths in the show.

Now, when it ended, I felt like it was cut short. I said to my self this is not a movie, this has got to be a series. Unfortunately , I haven't found any evidence to prove this is a series. I hope CW, Netflix, or some network picks up this show. I NEED TO SEE THE NEXT EPISODE, please, I NEED TO SEE OTHER EARTHS. I'm hoping the other episodes aren't in an alternate universe some where...then where all screwed and disappointed.
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Make it a series!!!
miruna-564185 October 2020
I enjoyed this so much but it only felt like a prologue, things were just getting started and then... it ended. Mind you, when I watched this I didn't know it was a pilot episode for a series, I only searched it after because the ending (as for a movie) was so unsatisfying. I really love the concept though. I want more of it! A lot of people compare it to Sliders. Guess in the meantime (while waiting and hoping for Parallels to become a series) I will give it a go.
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Wasted time of my life I will never get back!
rj-4170920 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I rate this movie this low because it was made as a TV pilot, rolled into a mini-movie. So, you are left hanging with tons of questions and wanting the next series...and there never will be one!! To just leave people hanging like that truly sucks! I actually feel like writing the suits and yelling at them for this one! The story line is great, the actors are good, and it has all the qualities of a really good sci-fi but if they are not going to let it get off the ground why torture people with this freaking teaser? Honestly when the flick ended I felt like choking someone because it left so many unanswered questions it was not even funny. This is not the way to please an audience, this is how you turn them against you and get soda and fruit thrown at you randomly in public places.
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A really good pilot... leaves you wanting more
facebook-205-26620313 March 2015
I was hoping this would become a series because there is so many possibilities.. infinite in fact, when you go with a storyline of parallel worlds.

The acting was very good. the characters were very likable and cmon you get to see constance wu from "fresh off the boat" with no accent whatsoever. :)

Ill be brief as I don't want to spoil anything but its well worth a watch.. and FOX .. please shop this to the syfy channel or something. though we may be waiting a bit now while fresh off the boat has its run...
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It's a TV Pilot
ub9220 October 2019
Not a traditional review but advice. I recommend this be watched as a TV pilot and not a movie because that's exactly what this was. Judging this as a stand alone film would make you rate it very low, but if you watch it with the idea that this was made to be marketed to some tv execs to be made in to a potential tv series later it makes much more sense. This way you'll enjoy it more and rate it higher.

The plot is pretty good. I could see this become a pretty damn good sci fi series. The actors however lack skill, and the dialogue could use a lot of improvement.
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Absolute garbage in a can
mike_brunton22 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am seriously starting to wonder, where are all these good reviews and reviewers coming from ? I mean to say, I watched 30 minutes of this awful, cheap, terribly acted, even worse dialogue sci-fi movie and was left bored and depressed. Nothing made sense, right from the start, all the characters were cheesy cardboard cut outs of who real people actually are. Lawyers and people who got into Princeton University, and then act and talk with IQ's of 70. Point a gun at someone, take them prisoner and your response ? 'I'm going to kill you !!!' You are in a parallel universe, kidnapped and taken hostage, you are with your sister, and the reaction is that ! Come on. People are gushing over this idea, many Earth's ! Not original at all, a theme explored many times before, and much better, by many films and books. I am so glad, this terrible premise for a TV series failed. It will save this Earth from yet another terrible Sci-Fi drama.
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Everyone Compares This to "Sliders"
gavin694210 March 2015
An underground MMA fighter must confront his sister and his past in an adventure through parallel universes.

Apparently this was supposed to be a television series, but was not picked up, so then got turned into a film. That, of course, leaves it without some closure. Despite that, it is still pretty decent. Everyone compares it to "Sliders", and that is a fair comparison, but it also has a different feel to it, especially given that the central character here is actually a building.

At one point someone mentions an "earth so perfect it is basically heaven", which calls to mind Leibniz and his idea of the "best of all possible worlds". Was this intentional? Probably not. But it makes an interesting concept to explore in a show / film about multiple earths.
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