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(I) (2017)

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Jigsaw: An improvement but still highly meh!
Platypuschow4 May 2018
Despite the last SAW movie being called "The Final Chapter" 2017 brought us yet another addition to the franchise and it's a real mixed bag.

I think the SAW series started off very well, they showed real promise were clever well constructed movies but alas alike so many other horror franchises it got milked into mediocrity.

The movies gradually got worse and worse and they felt desperate, blatant cash ins and it was such a shame that such a franchise had become tarnished. These things need to know when to call it a day and SAW didn't.

So here we have another game, another spate of killings in gruesome fashion but this time it looks like Jigsaw is really back from the grave!

Sprinkled with good ideas Jigsaw is certainly an improvement on other recent efforts and delivers a few twists along the way. It doesn't however come close to the dizzying heights of the first few films.

I'd advise fans of the franchise give this a go but truly believe that this should be the last. Let SAW die before it becomes another franchise whose credibility is gone because it's creators didn't know when to stop.

The Good:

Passable twist

Tobin Bell

The Bad:

Still not coming close to its origins

Essentially more of the same

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I still love Jigsaws style and struggle to see him as an antagonist
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Major spoilers, but necessary for my review
hr-3139026 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a saw geek, i thought the film was a good film for an average movie goer, but for a fan of the franchise i found it underwhelming. the "he had another apprentice all along" was lazy in my opinion. The idea Elanor was really Cortbett from saw 3 carrying on jigsaws work (she was around 11 yrs old in saw 3, so the age ties in 7 years on) - this would have been a far more inventive and plausible option than some random character that we are told was on the scene long before Hoffman and Amanda is too weak in my opinion. I also think, making you believe Jigsaw is alive again, only to find out it is scenes from 10 years ago is like giving a kid a Christmas present and taking it away again. However clever, leaves you disappointed. Frustrating. I understand the series needed re-inventing for the new audience, but to forget its old fan base and not have any mention at all of Hoffman, Amanda or Dr Gordon is like ordering Chocolate cake and getting trifle. whilst trifle is nice, its not what you wanted. There are certain rules in a saw film that jigsaw sticks too, well so should the producers.. even if those characters aren't appearing, they should have included someone, even if in name only, especially Dr Gordon as he was alive and well only 7yrs ago and would have known about Logan surely. All in all, a decent film. For a saw fan though its a little disappointing
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For better or worse, this is the 'Jurassic World' of the Saw franchise
Brandon_Walker_Robinson27 October 2017
From 2004 to 2010, we were greeted with a Saw film once every Halloween. Each film built on the foundation of the previous film, literally deeming them as iterations of one another. Now that time has past between films and new films and ideas have come out since then in the torture porn genre (I hate using that phrase, especially to describe the first film), new ground had to be broken. There are die- hard Saw fans like myself who know most every little intricacy of the first seven films, but nobody cares about the old formula anymore. It tired itself out. Instead of reiterating, it was now time to innovate. Enter co-writers Josh Stolberg & Pete Goldfinger and co-directors Michael & Peter Spierig, and in Halloween of 2017 you get Jigsaw.

All of this follows an eerily similar path to the Jurassic Park franchise. JP had sequels that, while in-name they hold their own, after a while started turn away some moviegoers and even got close to jumping the shark if it continued down the beaten path. So they created some space between themselves for some years, and came back with a re-branding. Both films (Jigsaw and Jurassic World) serve as standalone films if you so want to treat them as such or jump into them anew, play off their respective first films in terms of content and paying proper homage, modernize themselves and play more to a general casual audience (Jigsaw domestically, JW globally), can and probably will churn out its own set of sequels, and let veterans of the franchises appreciate the small bits that played off any one of the previous installments. Jurassic World lives in a PG-13 setting though and caved in to more Hollywood tropes (including CGI), plus is a much higher budget film, but Jigsaw still breaks a lot of new ground that will not play familiarly to the Saw films of old.

When Darren Lynn Bousman jumped on board to direct Saw II, he noted in the commentary track what some of the 'staples' were for the franchise, including quick-cuts. While I don't agree with that assessment, this continued for his next two films in the franchise, and directors David Hackl and Kevin Greutert followed up with a similar format. The films also found themselves in flashback haven, remained almost exclusively within interior settings, and centralized a set of characters to connect within a small universe. Jigsaw opens up to the feeling that this is taking place in a larger city and environment, letting characters in and out of the games explore more and be realer people (in that they do not just serve the purpose of the film alone, like they have lives outside of what we see). The framing of the film has changed, the color palette has widened, Charlie Clouser's score is not as in-your-face, and the production simply doesn't feel as cheap. Right steps were made in making this film much more accessible, and I see this continuing in the future.

While Jurassic World actually seems to remove the sequels from canon (we will see if that's true with Jeff Goldblum's appearance in Fallen Kingdom), Jigsaw plays strongly in the sense that if you go without seeing, recalling, or keeping in mind Saw 4-7, you will be okay. Hoffman is completely out of the picture in Jigsaw, never once mentioned or concerned about. The only traits to be aware of in those films was that John lost a child, was once in a relationship with Jill Tuck, and there was an autopsy performed on his body. In fact, you could just as easily disregard specifics about Saw II and Saw III, and you will probably be okay. Knowing that John Kramer was killed in the third film just might be enough.

This one really mostly plays off the first film to be most effective, though. Aside from the elaborateness of the traps and games being made (which could transition more smoothly seeing the other seven films first), we can leave the first film understanding that a cancer- stricken individual puts victims in life-or-death scenarios because of moral sins they have committed, and if killed get a puzzle piece cut out of their bodies. Seasoned individuals will also find some of the twists in the new film somewhat predictable simply because they know how Jigsaw thinks (or really, how the writers think). There were over a half-dozen twists, and I probably guessed or suspected the majority of them. Didn't make the film any inferior because I'm sitting and thinking about the casual moviegoer experiencing this film, and I think the best thing you can do for yourself now is at least see the first film and heck even at most know the outcome of the original trilogy. Saw IV, V, VI and The Final Chapter now all end up being fan-service flicks, unless any Jigsaw sequels end up coming back to them more than they have now.

I liked this movie. It could've been a complete garbage escapade like the seventh film was, and it wasn't. This reignites the franchise after it had stalled out and breathes fresh air. Maybe we will get a couple more within the next few Halloweens, because there is something to explore but I don't know how they'll want to do it. It is up to their creative bones now, and I like that facet of it because they can make good films if they try their darnedest in doing so.

If this film interests you enough that you want to give the first film a chance and haven't yet, go to Netflix right now to check it out, consider completing the original trilogy if you loved it enough to see what happens next, and check out this film when you're able to. I've reached my 1000-word limit, so now I'll just leave you here with my franchise ranking:

1, 3, 6, 2, J, 5, 4, 7
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Good movie, bad sequel
PersianCinephile16 March 2019
It was a good movie, thrilling, good mystery-puzzle and all that. I am a fan of the Saw series, I just don't see a reason why make a sequel to that and continue it while unnecessary and ruin the ''legacy''! And from what I can gather there will be Jigsaw 2 3 etc. It is a good movie, but not as a Saw sequel. Otherwise I recommend watching it to Saw fans. PS: The graphic works could be better.
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Unnecessary but acceptable sequel
Leofwine_draca2 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I agree that JIGSAW is an unnecessary sequel in the SAW franchise, but if I'm honest the whole series has been unnecessary, aside from the first movie. This one's a densely-plotted lukewarm rehash of previous sequels and ideas, with five characters engaging in more against-the-clock deadly traps while the detectives on the outside attempt to figure out whether the killer Jigsaw really is back and on the prowl again.

As with the sequels, this is pretty confusing stuff although it all makes sense towards the end, although I wasn't all that convinced by some of the twists. An aged Tobin Bell returns to his role (thanks to one of the aforementioned twists) and is a welcome presence, and the traps are gruesome and nasty, although not the most inventive of the franchise. All together, this is acceptable fare, although not a film you'll want to bother revisiting.
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WHAT Happened here? AWFUL
jctreasurer-684-8817084 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers

This movie is bad. There's no other way to say it. The acting is terrible, the direction is terrible, the script is terrible, the pacing is terrible and the "twist" and traps are all...you guessed it...terrible.

The original 7 SAW movies built a rich story of a man seeking a higher purpose for the relatively short time he had left on the planet. This story was woven with layer after layer of twists and turns that actually piggy-backed off of each other to leave the viewer with really good WOW moments...for instance:

When we find out that the victim with the key under his eye in SAW 2 was operated on by Dr Gordon, THAT MAKES SENSE...because Gordon WAS a surgeon. When we learn that Hoffman is also an apprentice, THAT MAKES SENSE because there is manpower required to move and hang victims that a bed ridden Jigsaw and 80 pound Amanda couldn't have.

This movie, introducing ANOTHER apprentice and giving ZERO reason why he's never mentioned in the SEVEN other movies is absolutely insane. I'm sure someone will point out "But, he was the guy who mixed up the X-rays!"...uh...OK...except, mixed up X-rays are never talked about in any of the SEVEN other movies...even in the later movies where we get the bulk of Kramer's story, we are told that he knew he had cancer and the reason he wasn't operated on is because his insurance denied him for "pre-existing conditions".

Another thing that drove me NUTS about this movie is this: when the people make it past the part where the chains are initially released from around their necks, they go right for the LOCKED DOOR...when the barn they're in is rickety as HECK and you can clearly see that the boards holding it together are quite far apart, old and could, most likely, be broken through with ANY of the farm tools that are just lying around. I mean, COME ON. They try and show, later, that old PigFace is stalking them, making sure that they finish the game but, at this point, there are THREE players still left, in relatively good shape and, if all of them grabbed an axe, Pick, shovel and broke through the side of the dang barn, they could take on whoever came at them together.

Also, the "new Jigsaw"...Jesus Christ. Please, PLEASE don't let this guy come back to the series...he's an awful actor, has a crap backstory and absolutely ZERO charisma. If he's supposed to be the guy to lead the series forward...wow. Just...wow.

Lastly...the traps are the reason that people watch these movies and the "traps" in this movie are utter trash. No originality. Not "cool". Not twisted. Just lame and more lame.

Please don't let these brothers anywhere near this franchise again. For the love of god.
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adityaaka31 August 2021
Jigsaw packs a punch like the other SAW movies.

I don't know why people are criticising the film the twist were usually what you expect from the franchise as a huge SAW fan. I really enjoyed the film also Seeing Tobin bell as jigsaw again on screen really what got me watching it in the first place. Also Charlie Clouser's Score is like a cherry on top.
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mikesnppr9 January 2018
Very disappointing. Not only they rehashed many ideas from the previous movies, but the final reveal was also done SEVERAL times in the previous saws.

I won't go into details because of spoilers, but every time some plot twist happened in the movie I was like "Wait, they already did that in Saw X". In fact, I since I saw all the Saws (pun intended) I was able to correctly guess what the final reveal will be because like I said, they already done it before.

And most of the traps were just plain dumb, some of them giving a lot of room for cheating, which broke the immersion for me, because the "gamers" were acting like idiots who for some reason switched their brains off and walked into them like sheep. Other traps required pretty much clairvoyance from the Jigsaw, because to set up them the way they went, he would have to see the fricking future.

Early Saws used to be great, but this movie, and several previous ones, are just plain bad and the franchise needs to be put to rest at this point. And if the decide to make another one, just don't rehash the same stuff over and over and over again.
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Jigsaw is back!
TheLittleSongbird30 November 2017
Prior to watching 'Jigsaw', as part of my wanting to see as many 2017 films as possible during a much needed quiet period after five years of intensive, richly rewarding but at times stressful music college studying, the previous seven 'Saw' films were watched to know what to expect and having heard so much about the franchise.

The franchise is somewhat variable in quality, the problematic but very well done first film being the best and the best sequels being the second and sixth. The third film didn't do much for me, the fourth film left me on the fence while the fifth and 'Saw 3D: The Final Chapter' were severe let downs. Will go out on a limb, and am not sure how controversial an opinion it is, saying that after seeing 'Jigsaw' that it is generally one of the series' best and perhaps the best since the first.

'Jigsaw' is not perfect certainly and the problems here are apparent in the previous films too. The editing is sloppy. The characters are one-dimensional with incomplete character arcs. The story does have logic and credulity issues (like the rest of the 'Saw' films did, including the original), with a few strands not particularly well rounded off. The script, sometimes tight and intriguing while half-baked and cheesy in others, and the acting, with a chilling Tobin Bell and an assured Laura Vandervoort coming off very well and others being bland, are uneven.

However, 'Jigsaw', editing aside, doesn't look too bad at all, to me it's one of the better-looking 'Saw' films and a far cry from the shoddiness of 'Saw 3D: The Final Chapter's' production values. It's claustrophobic, elaborate and very atmospheric, with a creepy production design and some of the series' most polished direction helping a lot. The music is suitably eerie.

Despite its ridiculousness, the story is also edge-of-your-seat and highly atmospheric. There is genuine dread, some truly imaginative traps and kills and much of it throughout is disturbing and creepy. It's gruesome but not gratuitously or over-reliantly so. While structurally it's pretty much more of the same, there is enough freshness to stop 'Jigsaw' from feeling tired and like the series had run out of juice, a vibe that a few of the previous sequels gave off. The turns the film takes are clever if not exactly bold, and the spectacularly chilling ending is one of the series' best and most memorable, saying a lot seeing as most of the films do not have good endings (with the exceptions of the first, 'Saw VI' and this). Jigsaw himself still fascinates with enough of what sets him apart as a character.

Overall, Jigsaw is back in one of the series' better outings. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Slick and stylish, but ultimately disappointing
ABCloverLane26 October 2017
Since the Saw franchise is one of my biggest guilty pleasures when it comes to horror, I've been hoping for a new installment ever since The Final Chapter was supposed to end the franchise back in 2010. Even though the movies got progressively worse, there is something about this franchise that always draws me back and makes me want to re-watch it.

I had high expectations for Jigsaw because of two reasons: one, the producers stated in an interview that they were offered more than a hundred scripts for a new movie from different writers, but had never been pleased with any of them until they discovered a script so good, which ultimately got picked to be adapted; second, the Spierig brothers, Jigsaw's directors, had previously directed Predestination, such a smart and enticing sci-fi time- travel movie that I liked quite a lot.

After seeing Jigsaw, I left the theater disappointed. I'll start with what I enjoyed:

The score by Charlie Clouser is just as fabulous as it has always been and manages to go in line perfectly with each scene.

The performances didn't bother me at all, although none of the actors really gets to shine. Laura Vandervoort and Paul Braunstein stood out here, with the latter generating some funny moments worthy of admiration.

The direction was very polished and the movie was competently filmed, but the Spierig brothers weren't given much to show their creativity on. This leads me to the negatives.

The CGI is very good. There is, however, one scene in which I was feeling as if I was watching one of the most recent Resident Evil movies and that didn't really work for me.

What I didn't like:

The ideas in this movie and its overall plot are somewhat underdeveloped. I know that this is supposed to be a new "beginning" for these movies, but as a franchise starter, I wanted more to be explored. The plot falls flat because the movie cuts from scene to scene so swiftly and tries to cram multiple narratives into 85 minutes, that ultimately none of them makes an impact.

Saw is known for its visceral traps and torture devices, so I was looking forward to seeing more of that. However, the game presented in this movie has next to no memorable traps. That is because they are a lot tamer than what we've seen before and they simply can't hold a candle to all the ingenious traps from the past movies.

The character development is another issue in this movie. The characters are so uni-dimensional, with some of them being there only to fill the screen. And I'm referring to some of the main casting here. Also, character arcs are left unfinished and the movie felt like it ended when the most important part of the story was about to happen.

The editing undermines what could've been some very suspenseful scenes because of its sloppiness, by cutting from one narrative (the game) to the other (the investigation) at random moments.

Now, it all comes down to the twist. Was it good and unexpected? Well, no, not really. It's not necessarily because you can predict it from miles away (for which the movie offers hints throughout the run-time) due to its small set of characters, but because it had no resonance for me. It didn't blow me away and you could've predicted it from the marketing of the movie alone. Just like with the traps, it just doesn't have the same visceral feel as the past movies and it doesn't really make you crave for the release of the next chapter.

Overall, Jigsaw sets itself apart from the previous movies in the series with the help of the two directors who manage to make the movie look stylish and slick, but ultimately, it doesn't succeed in creating the sense of urgency that some of the old movies had and, sadly, disappoints on almost every other level. And yes, there are fan-service moments, but as a fan of this franchise, I felt very little excitement when they happened.

Hopefully, if the movie does well in terms of box office, the sequel will improve upon this franchise "reinvention".
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"Let's Play A Game" Again! Jigsaw Pieces Story Instead Of Gore
rgkarim26 October 2017
"Let's Play A Game", those simple words haunted the theaters for years, signaling the start of yet another slasher movie in the Saw series. What started out as a unique twist to the serial killer saga was only the start to a face cringing, spine tingling, sometimes nauseating saga that hooked people in until around the sixth-seventh iteration when it finally ended. That was until this year, where the saga was to be reanimated in hopes of bringing more bucks to the theaters. Will this eighth installment have the ability to defy death like it's protagonist antihero, or is it dead like the poor victims of his games. Only one way to find out and that is read my friends, so let's get started!


Fast-Pace: With all the slow movies I have been seeing, I give props to the Saw series maintaining their consistent pace. From start to finish, the tale keeps moving, sparing no second for unnecessary details or attempts at prolonged character development. The mystery of figuring out the identity of the game master, mixed with the spread-out trials that promise a messy end are well-balanced to keep things going.

Decent Characters: A horror movie often has many brain-dead characters begging to be chainsaw fodder. Fortunately, Saw movies continue to choose players who have a little more complexity and skills than many of the Spring Break teens favored. The tradition lives on, as each player has a little more buried within, still having a few obviously destined corpses, but others who have a shot at making it out. And for those not in the game, but trying to solve the mystery, they too have some layers to them that may or may not be pertinent to the story. It's those engaging elements that are crafted in the story, making them more engaging to follow.

The Presentation: Another component I still like is the presentation of the movie. Many go for the kills, but the better component for me is how they separate the story into two settings. One is still the players trying to escape the closes thing to hell's torture chamber, while the other are the outside characters hunting down the "maniac" that continues to weave his traps. The ability to entangle these two components, balancing their timing to provide clues and hints to the story all while keeping you invested in the game. Such a dynamic presentation provides those checks and balances necessary for a slasher movie, and keeping things as fresh as possible.

Twist: As many of you know, Saw movies are all about the ability to throw that last wrench into the gears to blow your mind. Despite my experience with predicting endings, this one got me. The questions I asked were on the right path, but they were able to drop enough interfering factors to throw me off the trail. Jigsaw once again impresses me with their storytelling, and their mastery of presentation. I can't say much more, but ask the right questions and you might get the answers.


Lazy Deaths: Those first few movies were convoluted in their traps. They had designed devices that were an impressive display of imagination, horror, and engineering that gave everyone a kick in terms of design. While Jigsaw still has the impressive connections and storytelling, it unfortunately fails in the terms of the traps themselves. They are surprisingly simple for the most part, and a little more reserved than I expected in this modern era. Yes, there is still plenty of blood in this battle for moral consequences, but they didn't involve quite as much skin crawling madness.

Acting a little cheesy: Despite the engaging characters, there are times when there are a few inconsistencies in the character's intelligence, or often the case their acting. While decent for the most part, the writers hit some blocks in terms of dialogue or direction they wanted the characters to go. There are those moments the "tension" overwhelms them into hysterical messes that are cheesy rather than believable. In addition, the dialogue sometimes gets lazy, just going into expletives than conducive dialog. A weak dislike yes, but I'm drawing on straws.

The potential for a series: Like the original series, I had hoped for an ending, but then this movie showed up. While I did enjoy it, I am worried that the way this movie ends sets up the potential for a new series to start. Sure, this means more Saw goodness, but it also means the potential to dilute this movie into another run of the mill series that will become a product of lazy producing. Hopefully that won't happen, but these days series are the prize most companies seek.


Jigsaw is the piece of the puzzle that brings quality back to the lovely massacre series. Going back to the roots, the writers were able to bring back a brilliant presentation and characters you can follow. All the nostalgic qualities rush in with the deadly traps, bringing that fast-pace, twisting tale that captivated us all those years ago. While still not the first movie, especially in terms of death design and potential to revive the series, it was a welcome addition to the series. So, if you are looking for the horror movie of the month, Jigsaw is your answer for the theater my friends.

My scores:

Crime/Horror/Mystery: 8.5 Movie Overall: 7.0
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Well, I Liked It
aidanratesmovies30 April 2021
Although its potential shines brighter than what it became, and it certainly has its clunkier moments, Jigsaw manages to shine among the Saw sequels with its ambitious approach and purely entertaining storyline. I know this film certainly has a lot of haters, and I can understand their dislike for the film to a certain level. Its ambitious, and at times feels like if just a little more effort was made, it could have been great, which is certainly disappointing. However, I appreciate Jigsaw immensely for its cleverness and well crafted storyline. It's a very entertaining film, unlike 4-6 you won't feel moments of boredom throughout. Some traps can be a bit basic, but others are incredibly well done, perhaps some of the best in the franchise in general. It's full of so many twists and turns and works on so many levels it's hard to believe that they pulled it off at least somewhat at all. The cinematography is excellent, very different from the grotesque look and atmosphere of the other films, providing a much needed and refreshing point of view. Tobin Bell's performance is excellent, with Matt Passmore and Hannah Emily Anderson providing some excellent leading performances as well. In the end, Jigsaw is a flawed puzzle, but it still makes a beautiful picture.

My Rating: 7.4/10.
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Saw It All Before
thesar-227 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wait. Was this PG-13? It sure felt like it was and Expendable.

The most positive thing I could say about Part Eight of the Saw franchise is that the crew knew what made the latter part of the series' memorable: flashbacks, twists, bad acting and terrible dialogue.

Maybe it was a hindrance that I decided to spend the entire 7 days prior to Jigsaw's release watching one Saw movie a day. Maybe I was sawed out.

In a series that I originally thought got progressively worse, I found a little comfort in how closely tied the first seven were. It did feel like one long (approx.) 11-hour miniseries and, yeah, that did make the series feel complete. And when it was over, it needed to be over. I was glad it was over.

Speaking of over, this is absolute overkill, only less on the killing. It was so mild, so held-back, my original positive turns into a negative whereas the creators forgot how much blood there should be.

Basically, it's 10 years later and immediately as the movie opens, the game begins again. As in Saw-lore, the movie shifts from the cop side to a Jigsaw game.

Will there be twists? Sure, but you predict them from the start. Will there be red herrings? Of course, but like the twists, you'll know who's behind this. Will there be redemption? Well, not for the series.

The games played were enormously lame, the tired setups seem ancient and the gore factor was so dialed back, I thought I was watching the most gruesome scenes from the "vampire" movie, Twilight. Extremely minor things were updated (new technology – sort of – from the last outings,) but barely anything was new or brought in to refresh the series. Well, except laughs.

Some of the traps were so hilariously bad, I seriously couldn't figure out if that was intentional or not. Perhaps they were meant as jokes to poke fun at their own series as the characters did constantly mock the designs as well. (If this was the case, then I will give them credit for that.)

This movie did have potential, but it felt like it was written as quickly as the previously 1-per-year scripts. Only, this time they had 7 years to come up with something! They just blew it with a rehash of one of the worst in the original seven.

I wouldn't recommend seeing Saw: Legacy, er, I mean, Saw VIII, um, Jigsaw!


Final thoughts: After my Sawathon, here's how they rank:

1. Saw (★★★★/5 Stars.)

2. Saw II (★★★★/5 Stars.)

3. Saw III (★★★½/5 Stars.)

4. Saw VI (★★★/5 Stars.)

5. Saw IV (★★★/5 Stars.)

6. Saw V (★★½/5 Stars.)

7. Saw 3D (★★/5 Stars.)

8. Jigsaw (★½/5 Stars.)
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Not vastly surprising
neil-4768 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
10 years after Jigsaw killer John Kramer died, a series of killings seems to indicate that he's back. But how can he be? I saw him die! I saw him buried! I saw... hmm, saw....

The Saw franchise of horror movies gave us Jigsaw's twisted modus operandi - kidnap a number of people who have wronged others and got away with it, then put them into a series of "games" wherein they are given a choice between bloodily maiming, and thereby redeeming, themselves, or facing an inventive but gory demise. Needless to say, multiple deaths ensue.

Jigsaw, 7 years after the last Saw film but, chronologically, 10 years after the events in it, delivers more of the same, and features Tobin Bell returning as the dead - or so we thought - Jigsaw/John Cramer. This gives you what you expect from a Saw film - complicated and bloody slaughter, but it is also well-plotted with explanatory reveals which are satisfying but which don't cheat you if you have watched the series so far.

This is very much of its sort and, by that criterion, it's quite good.
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Just a couple pieces missing
Farshnoshket1 November 2017
I was a huge fan of the original series, although as more films were released the thrill lessened. The first is a Classic and may have one of the best twists of all time, and that's what makes it such a great film. It wasn't about the horror.

This one, although entertaining, same awkward acting by many characters, same grizzly traps, and most of all a twist, which I believe everyone expects, however I feel there's some major plot holes that leaves me feeling dissatisfied. Of course I won't ruin for anyone, but this film reaches far, way too far, in my humble opinion.

Very reminiscent of the original, but fails in the end. Maybe they'll do better next time because a new Saw film is always welcome to take a swing.

Note: the red headed coroner was super hot, even before she let her hair down and took her glasses off. Way too hot to be a coroner. (not being sexist, just keeping it real)
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saw this, saw that, saw everything
neobateman17 November 2017
I was never a huge fan of the Saw series. I enjoyed the first one which I thought personally was a pretty excellent horror movie. However after the first film, which did have a nice theme about life, the Saw films became more and more gore over substance. In the sequels the only major factor for these films to exist were the violent traps. We had the alleged Final Chapter in 2010, but when there is a chance for the franchise to make money again, I guess it wasn't. This installment I will say is the best Saw sequel we have had up to this point (which really doesn't say much). Years after the events of the previous chapter, the Jigsaw killer has returned. However is it John Kramer or not? This is the question that the main characters of the film try to answer. However the plot is so uninteresting but also confusing, especially when keeping in mind the other chapters. I will say though continuity has never been a strength of the Saw films. The characterizations were also unimaginative, and had nothing to say. They weren't even interesting. So we have a murder mystery without a compelling story, uninteresting characters and no interesting ideas. The film doesn't even have the luxury of offering any scares. Yea sure there were the easy jump scares, but I was never shivering when seeing this. The traps are also not that gruesome, so even in that category it fails. The only thing I will say about this film is that everyone is trying. The direction is somewhat competent, all the actors are trying (some work, some don't) and they try to take Saw back to the roots of the original.
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A nice return for die-hard "Saw" fans!
asb_deutsch29 October 2017
I have seen the first 3 movies in the series as the reviews of the successors were not good. But I am happy that they made reference to these movies. And this time no flashbacks!

The production design and visuals (gore and blood) were genuine for the viewer to believe. The traps are quite forgettable this time but the twists and turns were very good as I didn't see that coming in the end.

An attempt being made by the directors to make it comparable with the first two installments. Though there are some flaws in the middle, but the ending justified the shortcomings!

Worth your money!
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Feels more like a reboot to me, a terrible one.
mrsmiley-0359029 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I should mention that my review doesn't really have any spoilers, but when I go into the logic of the situation where people are at the barn might be considered as such, so I put spoiler tag just in case.

OK, I went to the theaters and saw Jigsaw. It was a pre-screening, so I thought it might be useful to write a review about this movie since it will be about a month before Jigsaw will be officially released in my area (Finland). A huge thanks to my friend who suggested this pre-screening (despite my dislike for the movie after seeing it).

I have seen the first two Saw movies and watched reviews of rest of them, so I do have a general idea what Saw franchise is about. I might not remember important details, but bare with me. I really liked the first movie, because it was intense without blood spilling every time. It was more like a crime-thriller than "horror" splatter/gore that rest of the Saw movies were. Some say they are torture porn, since Jigsaw and traps are the main reason why people watch it. I'll admit, most of the traps are pretty creative, but also really stupid. If not taken seriously, you might enjoy Saw movies more.

So, 8th Saw movie is now a thing, so how does it compare to previous movies? Not that much. We now have a competent directors, editor, cinematography and decent acting. These don't sound bad, but I just have a huge problem that probably is isn't a problem for you, but let me explain what I mean. Jigsaw lacks it's own identity in some ways. There is no quick editing or camera work that made you feel like you were inside the building with the characters. As much as I think that Saw's style isn't that great, but at least it feel like it had it's own thing for the most part. Too many movies feel like they are made by same people, despite having different people. Maybe it's studios fault? Best words I can use to describe all of this are: standardized and tamed.

In my country, Saw movies were rated 18, but Jigsaw is rated 16, so this is already a warning sign. While Jigsaw had some gore, it was more tame compared to rest of the Saw movies. Maybe I'm just desensitized, but if you seriously are going to make a Saw sequel, don't you think that you should go all in with the gore, since Saw movies usually have poor writing anyway (except for the first Saw). Jigsaw seem to be more focused on CGI than before. Say what ever you about the Saw films, but you have to admit that it had very good practical effects. CGI that it had were alright, but one of the shots were really bad in my opinion. Too many movies nowadays relies on computer effects, which can look so noticeable even if it's not bad.

Speaking of the writing, plot was just as convoluted and silly as the previous movies, but unfortunately not in a good (funny) way. Usually you would laugh at ridiculousness of Saw's plots, but since Jigsaw is more standardized than any other Saw movie, it doesn't create the same effect. This is disappointing, because I honestly wanted to have a laugh. This movie is much more Hollywood than Saw.

I think I shouldn't waste my time with the plot, since this is a spoiler-free review and I'm reviewing a Saw movie, but I should mention a few things. I'm not going to spoil anything, just talking about the idea and you know Jigsaw takes place in a barn. If you are trapped in a barn and you are not running out of time at all, don't you think that trying the break the wall (that is made of planks, WOOD!) could be a smart idea? I mean, it's a big building, so the odds of traps are small (not to mention, that on the outside, there simply couldn't be any complex traps), since Jigsaw simply cannot predict where the victims can escape. The movie shows that there are many tools around the barn. No timer = no hurry. So, why not spend some time trying break the wall? Saw movies usually have situations where victims should explore the area, but previous movies at least had strong walls and blocked doors. Also, if the building is full of traps, it's a stupid idea to check the places with someone, since both of them can be trapped if they trigger something. Scout the place before everyone else goes or use any tools you could have.

OK, I might unfair to this movie, but I honestly didn't enjoy it. I was most of the time bored. Sure, acting was decent, but the characters didn't have anything special or unique about them. Maybe the one character (not Jigsaw) was sort of interesting, but was still a lackluster character. Direction wasn't bad, but again it was too Hollywood like. Plot points were predictable and gore aspects were disappointing.

Bad movies can be enjoyable, but Jigsaw was just "bad" and boring. Competent movie makers can either make a really good movie or just boring ones (yes, there are exceptions too). Incompetent movie makers can make the movie hilarious in unintentional ways.

There simply isn't much to say about Jigsaw other than what I already said. The movie is forgettable. Enjoyment level were 2/10 but giving a 3/10 rating is more fitting, since the movie was "competent" but really boring. I don't recommend Jigsaw. Go watch something else. Anything else that is released in theaters is probably at least slightly better than Jigsaw.
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laurenlante14 November 2017
Tbh just a massive let down. I am a massive fan of all the saws to date except this one...even took a hot girl to it for a date so I could hold her hand when she was scared, but the movie wasn't scary at all, if anything it was funny OK. If anyone has the same intentions of taking a hot date to a scary movie so they can hold their hand when they're scared, pick another movie. But yeah, horrible film.
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Solid Sequel Even If It Misses What Saw Truly Is
adamcarter-6337228 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Jigsaw is a movie I've been waiting a long time for. After Saw 7 or Saw: "The Final Chapter" I was seriously let down. It did a terrible job bringing the series to a close and so obviously I was unsatisfied. JIgsaw doesn't necessarily cure this because we don't get to see Dr. Gordon even though he was established as an apprentice. Outside of a view small references and JIgsaw himself, of course, this new installment is made up of completely new characters.

However, I highly enjoyed this film even if it misses what Saw truly is. The filmmakers were clearly trying to go more psychological with this one but they missed the point. The plot of Saw is intertwined with its traps and psychological elements. The best example in this is with the Saw 6 health care plot. The traps were symbolic of what William was doing and what he had to go through directly correlates with the physiological elements. Most of the traps in this film were mild and didn't correlate with the psychological elements. The majority of the Saw films have great plot lines but critics and audiences alike are too grossed out to think about anything else than the gore or what the gore means. The new Saw film just simply doesn't understand that.

This film also doesn't have the look of previous Saw films. It's higher definition and while some may like that I think it makes it lose its personality and just look like any other movie. All the fast-paced editing and spinning camera has been ripped from the movie which also bothered me. If you're going to rip away all this style, replace it with something different, which they didn't.

So why am I giving this an 7 out of 10. It's still an enjoyable Saw film. I love the mystery that surrounds the film with the question if Jigsaw has somehow come back from the dead. The idea of having to confess was also genius. All of the characters did something awful and they weren't able to admit to the fact that they did it. Laura Vandervoort character is the best example of it. She did something awful and then convinced herself it was her husband's fault.

The twist, while being a bit redundant of Saw 2, was well done. Also, the key being in the bullet was cleaver. She could have saved them both but instead, wasted the bullet in fear. The same fear when she suffocated her baby. John Kramer had clearly stated to balance the situation. Two wrongs don't make a right.

I am a bit worried about the new apprentice taking over. He just doesn't seem like he's going to be that interesting. Costas Mandylor's Mark Hoffman may not have been the most fleshed out character but he had presence. This new guy doesn't seem to have that. Only time will tell if he is good or not but I can't help but feel worried.

I hope in the next installment they bring back the original look and style. Mentioning previous films would be great as well. What happened to Dr. Gordon. Why did he become an apprentice? What happened to his family? What about Hoffman? Did he escape or is he dead? I don't think ignoring the previous films is the right direction to go on. They should use them to continue to build the story.

Overall, I highly enjoyed this film even it misses what Saw truly is. It's not as good as Saw 1,2,3 or 6 but I'd say it's definitely better than the others. As a Saw fan, I am quite pleased with this film and I hope this film does well l so there will be more Saw films to come.
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"extremely disappointing" is not saying enough
aldendsouza30 November 2017
How can you guarantee that your movie will leave as many people disappointed as possible? You create a sequel to what was an amazing franchise and then create something so kitch, so tasteless, a movie that leaves the audience struggling to relate because you put no effort into making anything of the movie even a little bit believable. I strongly believe these kinds of lazy productions should be discouraged. The bar for what gets screened is already way too low as it is.
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They've still got it!
jtindahouse4 November 2017
Even though people rarely admit it, the 'Saw' series has been one of the highest quality horror series ever made. 'Jigsaw' is the eighth entry in the series and there is still yet to be a bad film made amongst them. Some are undoubtedly better than others, but I defy you to point me out one that is inherently bad. I also defy you to show me another horror series (even any type of series at all is rare) that has maintained quality across that many films. That's why I was so happy that 'Jigsaw' was a brilliant movie, because if they had come back seven years later only to put forward a bad film for the sake of making money it would have ruined everything. Luckily that was not the case though.

While this one does follow the formula used in all the past films, it also feels quite unique in a number of ways. The original seven films were all set within a very tight time-frame. This one of course is pushing ten years into the future. This adds layers of intrigue to the proceedings, because how could 'Jigsaw' be committing these crimes when he died all those years back? And you just know they're going to have a brilliant answer to that question.

As far as the traps go in this one, I'm not too sure how I feel. None of them were bad, however none of them really blew me away either. My favourite one (without giving away any spoilers) was actually the most simple one in the film involving a gun. The psychology behind that one is what I loved. I love when these films aren't afraid to be intelligent.

The twist in this one also caught me completely off-guard. I've heard people say they weren't entirely convinced by it and felt that the film cheated, however I disagree. Nothing is off limits coming in a 'Saw' movie. You have to know that going in. Altogether I absolutely loved this film and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who is in anyway interested in the genre.
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Jigsaw is back or is he ?
coreylukeh27 October 2017
The Saw franchise is back !

This year I've left the cinema disappointed more than I'd have liked I wasn't sure if Saw needed a return but I left very pleased with the result.

I think we can expect more Jigsaw films in the future.
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True SAW fans beware!
maccers-0125626 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a massive and avid SAW fan since its inception in 2004, I thought the film overall was pretty poor, which seriously pains me to say in a review. The film is lifeless and had no SAW-like qualities from the previous seven films in it.

I totally understand Lionsgate reasoning rebooting the franchise and bringing SAW to the modern world with new characters, new colour palette, direction etc; however as an avid fan I felt robbed of all the hype I had in my own mind and expectation since the film was announced last year.

Take nothing away from Charlie Clouser and his soundtrack, once again it is spot on! A very unusual take of the film to begin with, unlike previous instalments, it felt like a TV crime drama was just copied and pasted from a CBS show onto the editing software Kevin Greutert uses; at the time i'm there thinking what the hell is this i'm watching here!

100% not scary, jump scares weak. Hardly any gore or that SAW-style visceral piece of storytelling that made the franchise what it is.

I understand the reasoning and story behind the traps they produced, but it felt like the writers made them all up in the space of 2 minutes without actually thinking about how to add that violent tension which makes the trap scenes unsettling to watch.

To be fair, for me it does have one of the best twists in the franchise... but the ending was very cheap and stingy from a fans point of view. You come to expect that decent climax and the "wtf" moment like the previous seven films, but all I saw was nothing but garbage which was truly unsatisfying. The film clearly does not push itself further.

I even shook my head slightly when it ended.

I dunno, maybe i'm too hung up on the previous story/characters, and maybe I'm gonna have to watch it again to try and reap some benefits. But for me it is one, maybe the worse film in the franchise. Even after the film I kept thinking that I could have done a better job. The Spierig Brothers did an okay job with a very tacky script with only scene that stands out the most.
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Unnecessary. Unwanted. Unwarranted.
CinemaClown2 February 2018
An unnecessary, unwanted & unwarranted instalment in a series that already had a tad too many, Jigsaw lacks the stomach-churning appeal of its predecessors when it comes to scenes of torture, fails to bring anything new to the table when it comes to John Kramer's legacy, and is further ruined by the amusing vibe that dilutes the effectiveness of its gruesome moments. In short, this latest addition in the Saw series is targeted at a new generation of spectators and apart from a few homages, it's got nothing for those who stood by the infamous saga through the thick & thin.
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