The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday (2023) Poster

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The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday - A Short but sweet Holiday Special
PeriBloxV230 November 2023
So, I just watched the new Bad Guys holiday special on Netflix, and I thought it was alright. Nothing groundbreaking or anything, but it's a solid holiday special. Here's my thoughts on it.

So first off, the animation. The animation is worse than the movie, but that's to be expected since the movie was an feature length movie released in cinemas, and this is a 25 minute special released for Netflix, but the animation is still decent. It's a bit more stiff, but it gets the job done without being too distracting.

Next up, the actors. So another thing changed was that all the actors were replaced for this one, which also makes since considering this was made on a much lower budget than the movie, so it makes sense they can't afford all those actors back for this, so do the new actors do a good job? Meh, they're alright, but they don't carry the same charm as the movie actors. Mr. Wolf is alright, but everyone else just don't carry the same charm.

Finally, the story. I don't really have much to say on the story, it was alright. Basically the whole story revolves around The Bad Guys having to save Christmas so they can pull off their big holiday heist, not the most groundbreaking thought provoking story ever but it is still fun to watch.

In conclusion, The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday is a short but sweet holiday special. It has a simple but fun story, but falls a bit flat in terms of the animation and voice acting. Overall, I'd give it a 6/10 thanks for reading!
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Bad Budget Cuts For The Good Christmas Heist
kervindonngo2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For the first movie based on the books, The Bad Guys is an absolute perfect ten for the movie just like Zootopia and both Mr. Wolf and Diane Foxington absolutely carried the movie.

However, for this very short 25-minute prequel film of this movie, this felt like Dreamworks really blew out the budget of this short. Just like in the trailer, the animation looks like it went back from the TV animation budget from old Nickelodeon shows which was a bit stiff and almost hard to look at the cast where just good but it would have been perfect if they could had brought the original cast from the movie.

What is even worse is that Mayor Diane Foxington is not even in the film. It's like this short don't even have the animation and voice budget to add her in the short and it would have absolutely made perfect sense by now. Plus it would almost bring back half of the furry bait.

But on the bright side of this short, I am glad that Dreamworks is really bringing more of The Bad Guys and content and I have a feeling that this short would make it in the TV series. It's not a perfect film but it is absolutely good enough to watch.

And bonus points of fanservice for Mr. Shark's shirtless scene just like Mr. Wolf's shirtless scene in the movie and Diane's "movements" while in her tight suit in the prison fight scene.
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A basic holiday special, ironically nothing all that special.
jonahp-083261 December 2023
The Bad Guys movie was really enjoyable and charming, plus the beautiful animation but what happens if you take the fun heist antics of the bad guys and take away the great animation? Your left with what feels like the cutscenes of a 2000s licensed bad guys video game.

The holiday special itself is a basic but enjoyable time that still has those characters and the heist fun that came from the original film. I do think that the limited animation definitely hinders the special as the original film had a unique and fun visual style that they try to emulate in this special, for the most part all the character designs do look good and match the films style but the rigid movement and somewhat choppy animation makes it a bit disappointing as a follow up/prequel to the movie. I do think this was do to the special having a lower budget which is something out of the control of the animators.

Overall I think it's a fine enough special that kids and adults can get some enjoyment out of during the holiday season, but not an instant classic like Charlie Brown or Garfield's Christmas specials.
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Why lower the standard so drastically?
jojorijs41 December 2023
Not sure why they bothered with this. Completely different voices, very sub par animation, just a b-grade budget version of the original.

Why not just make a completely different one with different characters if it's going to have nothing whatsoever to do with the original?

The story felt obvious and lazy. My child, who loves the first one, was unimpressed and asked to watch something else half way through.

I don't know if they just made this to keep the characters fresh in our minds before the second movie comes out, but if so it was a massive mistake. It just lowers the overall quality of the franchise.
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A Christmas Calamity! 😡
a34trgv126 December 2023
The Bad Guys seemingly came out of nowhere and was immediately hailed as one of DreamWorks Animation's finest films in recent memory. While everyone who saw the film was hoping for more adventures of the titular gang of thieves, no one was expecting a holiday special so soon after the film's released. While I was originally intrigued, my hopes were dashed when they first trailer dropped and it looked HORRIBLE! I was hoping to go the rest of my life never seeing this, but the insistance of my 4 year old niece convinced me to give it a watch this Christmas. Despite hoping for the very bare minimum, this was exactly as terrible as I thought it was going to be! From the atrocious writing to the abominable animation, this is what the worst case scenario would've been for The Bad Guys' debut film had things gone South during production!

Directed by Bret Haaland, this holiday special takes place before the events of the film and focuses on the Bad Guys saving Christmas in order to pull off a holiday heist. Right before the word go is uttered, the special is already off to a sour start. The beginning of this story is painfully slow, with unnatural expository dialogue, unfunny jokes and a severe lack of chemistry between the leads. It does the exact opposite of how the film starts; and what's worse is that it doesn't get much better from here! Despite being 25 minutes, it feels like 25 days with its sluggish pacing. They just go on and on with trying and failing to save Christmas, and they mostly just stand around doing and saying nothing of value. The humor is just non-existent as it's mostly lousy puns, weak slapstick, and dull visual gags. This kind of writing would give the writers a big, fat lump of coal in their stocking for how bad it is!

Good gravey, are the characters in this special complete departures from their film counterparts. Not a single on of them is likable, funny, relatable, or entertaining to watch. Starting with Wolf, he's the typical narcissistic leader of the group whose ego engulfs whatever charisma he had from the film. Snake is a grumpy curmudgeon that acts more like a co-worker to Wolf rather than his best friend. Tarantula is the tech savy hacker that says techno babble to make up for her lack of a personality. Shark is the unfunny comic relief that never once got a smirk out of me. Piranha is such a liability that he might as well not be in this special. The worst characters in the special, though, have got to be the people of L. A. who have been reduced to a flock of mindless sheep that worship a giant Santa balloon like he's baby Jesus! There's also a massive Chief of Police sized hole that makes the city feel even more barron.

I'll never understand why they couldn't bring the original actors from the film to reprise their roles for this special. The actors they got in their place are doing such bad impressions of the original actors, it just feels like a waste of their talents and a waste of resources. Michael Godere sounds very flat as Wolf, and never brings the charisma and nuisance that Sam Rockwell brought to the character. Chris Diantamopoulos really isn't doing his talents any favors putting on a phoney Marc Marron impression for Snake yet not sounding nearly as crusty or natural. Ezekiel Ajeigbe sounded less like Shark and more like a guy pretending to be Shark, which is a fools errand as Shark is a master of disguise and Craig Robinson played that brilliantly. Mallory Low doesn't do a good job voicing Taranula because Awkwafina has a very distinct voice and Tarantula doesn't sound nearly as sassy or clever with an imitator. Raul Ceballos didn't give Piranha the same unhinged energy Anthony Ramos brought and his singing just doesn't even compare. No one else left a lasting impression and just sounded as stiff as their director told them to be. All the actors felt underutilized when playing imitations of actual good actors and I can't help be feel sorry for them.

Visually, this special doesn't even look good if they were going for intentionally cheap. DreamWorks hired 88 Pictures for the animation, and it looks bad from every angle. The characters don't have that cel-shaded look from the film and instead just have the standard 3D model appearance. As such, their textures are flat, the clothes looked slapped on, and the facial expressions are very limited. The character animation is very stiff and weightless with the frame rate having to be choppy to give the illusion of movement. The backgrounds also feel very empty and the buildings look like they're made of clay. The worst of the visuals are the effects, which look unpolished and amateurish. This is especially true when the balloon Santa is destroyed in a burst of flames. The first looks very phoney and when the balloon disintegrates, it looks like its on a different plain of existence. It takes time and money to produce quality animation; this special had NEITHER of those luxuries!

I loathe this special entirely! The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday is a great disservice to the film and Christmas specials everywhere! The writing is atrocious, the characters are flanderized, the acting is terrible, and the animation is abominable. This is as notoriously bad as the Star Wars Holiday Special is for die-hard Star Wars fans. The big difference though is while their can be some ironic enjoyment out of that, I can't even thing of a good reason for anyone to spit in this special's direction. It deserves the worst fate to bestow on a piece of media this bad: to be ignored and forgotten! Do NOT watch The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday! Just watch the film or read the books. This special is NOT canon and even if the producers say it is, it's nothing but a stain on the franchise's legacy -.-
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The 'Ho-Ho-Horrible' Holiday Heist of 'The Bad Guys
natmavila14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ah, the holiday season, a time of cheer, merriment, and... apparently, subpar animated movies. "The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday" tries to sneak into our hearts but ends up more like coal in the stocking. Where do I begin? Let's start with the animation. Remember those clunky, awkwardly moving characters from old Wii video game cutscenes? Well, it seems like they've made a comeback here. The characters move with such robotic stiffness that I half expected them to start glitching on screen.

Now, onto the plot. It's like a tangled string of Christmas lights; the more you try to make sense of it, the worse it gets. Our beloved 'Bad Guys' turn into makeshift holiday saviors in a tale so convoluted, it makes fruitcake seem appealing. The idea of robbing a bank on Christmas? Classic anti-hero stuff. But then, a Santa balloon tragedy leading to Christmas being cancelled? Come on. The gang's efforts to restore the holiday spirit are as effective as a snowman in a heatwave. The Santa exoskeleton, the disastrous snow machine - it's a series of misadventures that feel more tiresome than festive.

And let's talk about that ending. The Bad Guys, now with hearts of gold and colds to match, find themselves on the nice list. It's a twist that's as predictable as overplayed holiday music. The film tries to walk this tightrope between villainy and virtue but ends up falling flat on its face. It's a heist movie that steals your time and a holiday film that lacks any real holiday spirit. So, if you're looking for a festive film to watch, maybe just stick to the classics and let "The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday" stay on the naughty list.
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Supporting this to get a Bad Guys 2
melissaruthsmith1 December 2023
I usually don't write reviews. But it is a typical bad guys adventure. Nothing wrong with it besides being not that long plot wise. The timeline is a tad off to the movie for obvious non spoiler reasons. But whatever. The animation downgrade is something my eyesight has to get use to. I have seen worse. I know some ppl type way of the og cast not returning. This ain't the first time in animation history it's happened so it is what it is. I mean sure Raul Ceballos' singing voice isn't Anthony Ramos. But why should it be? You can tell the difference with certain voices, but it's solid voice acting. If you like the movie. You might like this, or you might not. If another movie of the bad guys happens it's possible with hopefully this doing well that we'll get a tv show which I think would be dope. Either way I'm supporting this IP.
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istatflamenco17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible. What more can I say? The character, animation, plot, everything is such a downgrade from the original. The characters are completely out of character compared to the original movie. This movie is the prime example of why I hate most spinoffs, especially christmas ones. If you really want a good spinoff, watch Fiona and cake, but that's besides the point. The animation is severely lacking with choppy and rough movements. I could've and would've done better, even as a beginner animator myself. The plot was super boring and unmemorable "Oopsie we messed up now christmas is cancelled :(, now we have to fix it terribly", such a cliche low budget christmas spinoff. Don't waste 30 minutes of your life watching this when you can be watching something actually interesting.
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Christmas special
SnoopyStyle3 December 2023
The Bad Guys are eagerly waiting for Christmas. Everybody will be at home and all the stores are ready to be robbed. The guys are casing various places when they accidentally destroy the beloved Santa Claus balloon. The city is heartbroken and Christmas is canceled. The Bad Guys need to fix the problem before they can go on their robbery spree.

It's a Christmas special for this second tier animated franchise. I liked Bad Guys well enough. They have some potential and this is sort of the material that I'm expecting. I doubt this is going to become a classic. Maybe it will convince a few more to see the movie.
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Oh my this took a nosedive
ivan_dmitriev7 December 2023
The quality of animation, physics, details, the atmosphere, the "lived-in" feeling of the world, the details of the fur, the dialogues, and almost everything about this movie took a trip to the "budget" lane.

It's surprising to see the director and the studio destroy something that could have been treated better, but maybe it's also a good thing, seeing that there are too many franchise-sequel-prequel-reboot movies around.

This looks graphics-and-world-building-wise comparable to 90ies Crazy Taxi videogame but unlike it or the Star Wars Holiday special won't leave fond memories due to being terribly boring even for the children!
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A Christmas with The Bad Guys
Elvis-Del-Valle26 December 2023
Set before the events of the film, this Christmas special is a short story that shows us that The Bad Guys clearly already had their good side, no matter how much they like to be bad. We see the characters trying to get people back into the Christmas spirit just so the plan they had for a Christmas robbery doesn't get ruined. In the end the theft becomes just an excuse because it is well known that what they are trying to do is actually a good deed. In the same way, it is a very funny folly in which they end up in reverse. The Bad Guys are characters that have their charm and the animation is quite cute. The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Christmas is a sweet Christmas special to enjoy with the family during the holidays. My final rating for this special is a 9/10.
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Good Short From An AMAZING movie
dangerfox-901105 December 2023
The Bad Guys : A very Bad Holiday (2023)

The Bad guys movie is one of the Best movies by dreamworks , it made dreamworks even better , the animation style the character design the story that took from the book the movie was So Good

Now after the movie came two shorts one titled The Maraschino Ruby which was Really good .

And the other one is this one , and its kinda alright it delivers what promised but the animation style is kinda on a low budget which is understandable and i respect that they still gave us the movie with the budget cost

The story of it is great too and some scenes are well made , some jokes even landed which is good too Overall this Short is sweet and worth your time IF you loved The Bad Guys Movie.
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Disappointed movie without the original cast.
Metern-Chaao1910 December 2023
I had a really a good hope for this movie. I was so happy to see the characters i loved in the original movie. Yes they are in this one too, but the cast is different. That pluss bad animation made me so disappointed. The movie doesn't have the same feel and vibes like the original movie. The story is ok, and there was some good laughs. But since i was a fan of the original cast, and was hopeful to see theme again. I was shocked when i noticed that the cast was changed.

Yhe movie might be good xmas movie for the kids and adults that don't care for who's i the cast.

I really hope that if there is an number 2 movie in the making, that they do use the original cast.and better animators.
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Unnecessary, 3rd rate with a couple of chuckless.
reeceagland9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought oh cool a Bad Guys short, kind of what Pixar and does. But no, this is almost Star Wars Christmas bad, though won't be as memorably bad.

So first realisation this wouldn't be good was the animation. It's like some kids got together with a cheap AI using 90's animation.

2nd realisation. Voices, none of the original voice actors. Not even B or C grade, this is your local school musical level.

Then there is the story. To call it a story is stretching things, so basically bad guys love Christmas because they steal while everyone is celebrating but they accidently destroy giant Santa blow up balloon and Christmas is cancelled and so are their plans. So they have to save Christmas so they can steal, or something like that.

It then gets worse, even a pointless song.

It gets 4 because there are the odd funny bits, like their replacement balloon but not enough to make it worth your time. I actually enjoyed the movie, yeah wasn't top notch but was enjoyable. This is not. To be Frank I think AI could do just as bad a job or a bunch of primary school kids.
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Is there any way I could get back the time I wasted from my life watching this.
RandomLevi11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This Christmas special is a perfect example of a cash grab.

I have watched the first Bad Guys movie because I loved the books. I thought the movie was cool. It had great characters and a pretty ok dialogue. Some of the jokes are dumb but it's funny sometimes. That's why I like the original feature bad guys movie.

Now we get to the holiday special. This show screams cheap. The animation is not good, the original bad guys animation was very stylistic whereas this so called special has the most unsatisfying animation because one, all of the characters look very plasticity just look at their hair and you'll understand. Two, the animation is very very stiff. The animation on the characters are very jerky sometimes and it feels like they rushed the process. And finally three, there are some animation errors throughout the movie such as some of the side or background characters hair subtly vibrating. This is probably the main reason why I didn't like this movie, but that could just be me and I have high standards.

Now we get on to the voices. Observation number one they aren't the original voice actors. The voice actors in this special don't even sound like the originals, they aren't even trying. Also the majority of the voice actors don't sound very enthusiastic about being in this movie, I don't think I would be either. They just sound kind of dreary but they are trying to hide it most of the time kind of sound. I don't have a problem with them replacing the original cast but they don't fit any of the roles in my opinion.

And lastly the story. It is cringy. I'm not going to spoil the movie so I'm not going to say that much of the dialogue but this movie has some of the most awkward moments that make you die on the inside a Little. The only scene I will say is when piranha dances to Christmas music. This moment is very out of character but it somehow makes you feel awkward, cringy or even embarrassed. The jokes are all horrible (In my opinion). The jokes are mostly really straight forward so it isn't even funny. It's not like a I dint understand bad joke, it's more like a my knees hurt because my knees hurt kind of joke where it's very little effort so it's not even funny.

So in my opinion watch the original feature film the bad guys and skip this holiday special. This holiday special is a waste of my life that I will never get back. So don't watch it unless you really want to then I'll say go right ahead.
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Christmas DreamWorks special
littlecrazydinosaurandy341 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(Warning: May Contain Spoilers.)

Hi peeps. December is finally here, and new Christmas specials are coming. One of them is this one, which came out on Netflix yesterday, and I immediately watched it.

This X-Mas special is about the Bad Guys gang saving the city's mood, which was ruined after destroying a big balloon Santa Claus. But actually, they just want to continue doing their job - stealing... The animation was magical. Like it was in The Bad Guys movie, the movements and characters were amazing. I loved its style.

The story was cool as well. I loved its deep meaning - how the Bad Guys actually wanted to save the city, although they are considered to be 'the bad guys'. That was so lol and magical at the same time.

TBH, this special was pretty funny. The people's reaction to the things happening was just so lol. I think you might have sometimes the moment 'Wow, you really believe it?', but I think it's the interesting point in this world, and why the Bad Guys are so good in disguises, although they are (almost) the only animals.

I liked the ending. Something unexpected came in use, and everybody loved it. That was so cool.

I didn't have any idea about this special coming out, 'till I read a list of X-Mas specials coming out this year (which was at the end of November...). But I'm glad this came out. Last year I enjoyed The Guardians of the Galaxy: Holiday Special, and this year we can see another awesome holiday special. Plus, even more amazing it is with the fact DreamWorks already made another X-Mas specials, like Madagascar or Kung-Fu Panda.

I recommend it to watch it. It brings the true holiday spirit for this year.

I give it 8/10.
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