Zombeavers (2014) Poster


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The Pulp Fiction of horror spoofs
lnvicta24 May 2015
Spoof movies are becoming a lost art. Lately we've been force-fed crap like Scary Movie 5, the Haunted House movies, and even more deplorable knock-offs like Paranormal Whacktivity. Yeah, that exists. The problem with these movies is that for every one joke that hits, there are a hundred that miss. Why? Because they're doing the same sh*t over and over again. There are only so many paranormal jokes you can make before they get old.

However, schlocky old-school B- monster movies are an untapped resource in the art of spoof. Sharknado and Piranha 3D tried their best, and they did provide a few laughs, but no matter how many flying sharks or naked big-breasted swimmers you have in your movie, it doesn't help if the movie itself isn't all that funny. While Zombeavers doesn't have any flying sharks, it has virtually everything else you could possibly want in a so-bad-it's-good movie and then some.

I'll sum it up as quickly as possible. Zombeavers is to horror movies as Naked Gun is to police dramas. It's insane, it's over-the-top, hilariously gratuitous, vehemently stupid, gloriously horrendous, and infectiously entertaining. The acting is perfect for this kind of movie, the writing is surprisingly clever, and the cameos are brilliant. Bill Burr and John Mayer: sounds like a weird combo but who knew John Mayer was freakin' hilarious? I know I didn't until I saw Zombeavers.

To sum up, if you like to laugh, you are doing yourself a disservice by not watching Zombeavers. It's the quintessential horror-spoof stoner-comedy that you can watch with friends and have a blast. As far as creature satires go, Zombeavers puts Sharknado and Piranha 3D to shame.

...quite possibly the most ridiculous sentence in the history of language, which is only a testament to Zombeavers' utter greatness.
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Funny Silliness
claudio_carvalho22 January 2016
Two reckless truck drivers transporting toxic chemical products hit a deer on the road and one barrel falls off in the river and is carried to a beaver's dam. The college mates Mary (Rachel Melvin), Zoe (Cortney Palm) and Jenn (Lexi Atkins) travel to a cabin nearby the dam that belongs to Mary's aunt Myrne Gregorson (Phyllis Katz). They swim in the lake and unsuccessfully seek a beaver at the dam; however they stumble with a bear and the hunter Smyth (Rex Linn) saves them. During the night, their boyfriends Sam (Hutch Dano), Tommy (Jake Weary) and Buck (Peter Gilroy) arrive at the cabin and Mary and Zoe have sex while Jenn has an argument with her unfaithful boyfriend. When Jenn goes to the bathroom, she is attacked by a beaver but Tommy kills the animal that appears to have rabies. On the next morning, the group goes swimming in the lake and they are attacked by zombie beavers. Will they succeed to escape?

"Zombeavers" is a trash slasher that entertains. The silly story is funny and the screenplay is typical of a B-movie, with breasts, sex and original deaths. In the end of the credits, there is a hilarious scene with the "zombees". My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Zombeavers – Pânico no Lago" ("Zombeavers – Panic in the Lake")
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Why did the Beaver cross the road?
hitchcockthelegend18 June 2015
If you are sitting down to watch a film called Zombeavers - and reading any sort of synopsis out there - then you should know what you are getting into. It's going to be tacky, cheeky, bonkers, perhaps cheap and firmly aimed at a section of the horror movie faithful who enjoy such nutty and bloody delights.

Zombeavers is not a great film of course, but for the sub-genre of horror it sits in it's actually better than many bigger comedy/horror productions that have been churned out in the last three decades. Don't get me wrong, it's no Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, but there's a whole bunch of fun to be had watching the makers purposely tick of the clichés and requisite requirements for such cinematic fare. Some adroit gags exist in amongst the the booby flesh and animatronic chaos, with the dialogue often as razor sharp as the teeth on the disturbed genus Castor beings.

It is never going to be making any horror fan's best of list, and only the infected of mind would heartily recommend it as a must see. But it is a fun picture if you are in the mood to leave your brain at the Beaver Lodge. 6/10
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Oh My God! the cheesiest horror mover ever!! So much fun to watch!!!
bbickley13-921-5866421 March 2015

It was the weirdest guilty pleasure I've ever seen. It's the type of thing that you tell everyone you hate but you secretly liked.

A can of toxic waste falls off a truck, into a lake and onto a Beaver dam where the animals get infected.

At the same time a group of horny people under the age of 24, go into the woods to have sex. (just noting, nothing ever good happens to people under the age of 24 who go into the woods to have sex).

You get the idea from here where the story is going. What was laid out is not going to revolutionize the horror or zombie genre, but you got to admit the idea of Zombeavers is cleaver enough to get us to take a look.

But all you'll get from watching this movie is pure laughter, so I hope that's what the filmmakers are going for, because that's what this film is worth, a few really good laughs at how ridiculous the movie is.

In fact, the only possibly fright factor in the movie is the cheap and campy Beaver puppets which did look like, as the movie pointed out big fat rodents, and if you don't like rats, it does make your skin crawl when these things start to pop out of nowhere.

It's campy as hell but it's worth seeing for some giggles.
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It's Interesting
brandenburgi26 June 2015
This movie isn't bad, but at the same time, it isn't good. It's somewhere in-between. It's a funny movie, and the movie goes nowhere. Everyone dies, and that's that. Obviously, the budget was very low for this movie, and there's just a lot of blood. You don't really get scared. It's not that scary. It's basically making fun of scary horror movies, just like the Scary Movie series. If it was intended to be a horror movie, then it would suck, but because it is suppose to be comedic, it's not that bad. So if you're in to bloody comedy, this movie is for you. You'll be laughing your head off at some points in the movie.
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Actually better than what you might think
gohogsgocubs-278-55226221 September 2020
I know, a movie about zombie beavers with pretty college girls so it can't be good. But it really is better than you might think. The acting is I think purposely over the top and it fits perfectly for a movie about zombie beavers. Production value is quite good and the beavers are for the most part unrealistic but it's just fun.
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Love it!
Clive_W29 June 2019
This film is terrible and knows it, you get what you expect, a great b-movie, with wonderfully bad acting, and a bonkers plot. Gave me a fair share of giggles watching this, if you haven't seen it, watch honestly just to experience this. I want more b-movies just like this.
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Almost Exactly What You'd Expect
bkrauser-81-31106410 April 2015
B-Movie, laughable horror comedy, raunchy and bloody gore-fest; these are the words that many would use to describe Zombeavers. If you see those words scribbled here or there and are not turned off by the title I'm sure you'll get something out of this movie. Honestly me writing anymore would be a waste of time...yet I continue.

Zombeavers takes place near a remote cabin in the Indiana woods. Three college sorority sisters are driving up for a weekend so one can recoup from a bad breakup and the others can spend time away from their boyfriends. What the ladies don't realize however is their picturesque cabin along the lake is home to a family of mutant zombie-beavers who are out for blood. The boyfriends of course follow the women up to the lake guaranteeing a few more fresh corpses.

This may not be the best movie review to bring this up, but when did horror movies become less about making you scream and more about making you laugh? The line between the two emotions is fine, I get that but it seems that since Cabin in the Woods (2012) they don't even try anymore. There isn't any buildup in Zombeavers, there isn't any suspense, there aren't even any cheap jump scares in this movie just a decent stream of chuckles amid at a completely self-aware movie.

All this almost covers up the fact that the visuals, the draw of any good movie, aren't very good. Moments before the predictable horror clichés consist largely of characters sitting or standing around trading barbs or banter. There's no unease being brewed behind the camera, just people blocking the scene like they're doing a high school play.

The beavers themselves were not the stuff of nightmares. Is it too much to ask that a B-horror movie have monsters that look the part at least a little? I'm not scared of Muppets, and as the gag real at the end showed the arbitrary sacrificial dog wasn't scared either.

I can't believe we've gotten to this point but we need to ask more of our low-brow schlockers. Never expect that they pull off the scares and guffaws in equal measure but at least expect they try. If noise like this becomes the norm we'll never see another Sam Raimi or another Peter Jackson. Instead we'll just get a slew of big- headed film students who'll think they can make a movie out of anything.

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Well, I'll be dammed.
Hey_Sweden30 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie pretty much delivers on its promise; anybody who watches something with THIS title expecting serious genre fare is sorely misguided. As this kind of cheesy, self-spoofing entertainment goes, it's actually pretty funny, enough of the time to make it a pleasant viewing.

The characters are pretty standard issue - they're young, attractive, and horny. The girls are a little more serious minded, and their boyfriends are obnoxious. The script rarely wastes any time; once the zombeavers are introduced, the pace is effective. What is nice is seeing old school makeup effects and puppeteering where one would ordinarily see CGI nowadays.

Mary (Rachel Melvin), Zoe (Cortney Palm), and Jenn (Lexi Atkins) are sorority sisters who travel to the country for some R & R, and they're soon followed by their boyfriends Sam (Hutch Dano), Tommy (Jake Weary), and Buck (Peter Gilroy). They begin to be attacked over and over by mutated zombie beavers, who were made that way thanks to a runaway barrel of chemicals.

That's all the plot you need to know for this amiable nonsense, which the cast is able to perform with the straightest of faces. That helps the most when it comes to the movies' most memorable line of dialogue:

"We can't turn against each other. That's just what the beavers would want."

The characters are annoying at first, but soon become more endearing. Adding to the fun are Rex Linn as a friendly hunter named Smyth and Brent Briscoe as area local Winston Gregorson. Palm supplies T & A for interested viewers by baring her breasts.

Perhaps the most delicious twist occurs just before the one hour mark. This viewer certainly chuckled in appreciation. A brief assortment of outtakes run before the end credits; for those who stick it out through those end credits (which are accompanied by an uproarious Sinatra-imitation theme song), they'll be rewarded with a hilariously groan inducing coda.

Seven out of 10.
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Zombeavers (2014)
morrigan198230 October 2014
Look out for the toxic mutated zombie beavers! The ZOMBEAVERS!

When someone mentioned this movie to me, I knew I had to watch it! Zombie beavers, like the Zombie Sheep! Mentioning the movie with the Zombie Sheep, Zombeavers had a lot in common with Black Sheep (2006), although Black Sheep was funnier than this one. Actually I didn't find Zombeavers really funny. When I watched Black sheep I couldn't stop laughing. But this is just my weird sense of humor!

In general it is a decent movie with a good scenario. You won't care much about the characters though. The acting is not that good. But come on, it is a movie about ZOMBIE BEAVERS! Who cares about the other stuff, if the scenario is half decent? Even if it wasn't… come on, think about it… Zombeavers!
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How Sad IMDb! You guys took this movie serious?
Vincent_B25 May 2015
Excellent horror spoof to view with your friends. The production quality is actually rather well done using puppetry and makeup instead of resorting to low grade CGI effects. This movie is not to be taken serious at all. It has all the elements of those raunchy rowdy horror movies of the 80s that was all about guys and half naked girls getting killed in a backwoods cabin.

There was a lot of campy dialog but two of the funniest conversations is Smyth the hunter and Myrne Gregorson. I applaud Rex Linn for his over the top "creeper hunter" Smyth. His role might be a bit part but his conversation with girls was funny. I believe this should have a higher rating but some people here can't tell horror from spoof comedy.
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If the title didn't tell you enough,,,
reddiemurf811 January 2021
It's cheesy horror at it's best!! Hilarious time!

3 coeds travel to one of their cousins cabins for the weekend. Lil do they know that the local beavers have been exposed to a chemical that has turned them into ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!
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Great crooner theme song :)
osj250712 January 2016
I heard about this some time ago and searched for it, first it said that the project/film had been canceled so I didn't think much of it, until somebody mentioned it, searched again and found it had been released.

I am a sucker for b-movies, I love the originality, the bad effects, the acting and most of all the fun they have making them, that always shines through. If you are not into these kind of films, this will really not be for you, it is a bit amateurish, but has lots of effects, fun and strange things that fits perfectly into the genre. There are attractive girls off course in summer time so they don't need to have much on, stupid "sidekicks" that tries to help but doesn't do very well.

All-in-all an entertaining movie, a bit amateurish in the acting and could have had better effects, but it is an okay b-movie that delivers on the strange plot it promises, Beaver zombies :)
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Stupid but funny.
chrismackey197228 October 2014
Six college kids go to a house out by a lake that is about 30 miles from town. Almost immediately, they are harassed by beavers that have become infected by some sort of green goop that turned them into...zombeavers. lol. They can't get away from the cabin because those clever beavers have chopped down the trees, thus blocking the roads. Also, the beavers clawed and chewed their way into destroying the telephone landlines and there is no cellphone reception. Cliché, cliché, cliché. However, this movie doesn't seem to try doing anything original, except for using beavers as the monsters. The movie is stupid, but it makes a point of making fun of itself, which makes it kind of funny. Still that doesn't negate the stupidity factor. Probably the dumbest part of the movie is what happens to the people who get bitten but survive.

There is nudity in this. The girl who plays Zoe does a topless scene when she goes swimming in the lake. I gave this movie a 3-star rating. The beaver animatronics are pretty pathetic. However, it's funny how the people keep tossing them around. The best one in it (besides Zoe's boobs) is probably Smyth. lol.
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Frankly, My Dear, I Kinda Gave a Dam
thesar-27 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Nice beaver!" – Lt. Frank Drebin. "Thanks. I just had it stuffed." – Jane Spencer.

That famous (or maybe, just to me) Naked Gun joke is my contribution to a lake of more "beaver" references in Zombeavers.

There's not much to report to a film called "Zombeavers" other than: if you like When Animals Attack films like I do, you might like this. If you like zombie movies, well, eh, I guess? And if you like horror- comedies, this worked for about half the jokes. (That half actually made me laugh out loud – mainly the two truck drivers, but sadly the other fifty percent was either unfunny, overkill or missed the mark…and many opportunities.)

Someone I know compared this to a Syfy Channel movie, like that godawful Sharknado. I disagree. While the premise: "Return of the Living Dead meets The Evil Dead having Cabin Fever inside The Cabin in the Woods near The Raft" sounds suspect, it's moderately above that trashy schlock/CGI the Syfy channel spits out in seconds.

Granted, the budget didn't seem that high and some of the Zombeaver- attacks seemed either intentionally funny or not, but at least the cast was taking it dead-serious. That part, and the 50% humor that really worked, I admired.

Going by the title alone, you know what you're getting yourself into. It's not the best horror-comedy, in fact, it ranks pretty low in that subgenre, but you could do a bunch worse. Like said (ALL) Syfy Channel movies.


Final thoughts: Stay through the credits for two Marvel-esque post film/credit scenes. They're both worth it. Well, if you made it that far in the film, anyways.
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Endless Beaver jokes
MovieloverIreland26 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Surprisingly entertaining low budget blend of horror and comedy utilizing mostly practical effects such as puppetry which lends scenes some unintentional hilarity. The acting is pretty poor from everyone although writers deserve credit for at least trying to give them some arcs, although the dialogue is mostly cringe worthy. Rex Linn shows up and chews some scenery in a fun performance. Cortney Palm lends the movie some gratuitous nudity and is probably the most enjoyable character in the movie. The opening scene with two guys bantering in vehicle was funniest moment and toxic barrel escaping reminded me of Return of the living dead.
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Certain niche liking
Floated214 May 2021
This film is a relatively spoof parody of slasher B-movie horror comedy films. It does what it's intended to- provide some comedic relief and be silly and over the top. The designs of the beavers could have been better but overall Zombeavers provides a certain level of interest. With a few twists in the end and as a film that is quite short, it's a decent watch. Indicated by such a low rating (currently 4.8 IMDB) it seems many people took this film too serious.
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A Must Watch
SamLCFC9820 May 2015
This movie is one of my favourite, it contains laughs and humour throughout but maintains the scare factor widely associated with zombie films. It is definitely Avant-garde but I think it works, the beavers are terrifying and yet quixotic. I would highly recommend his funny, frightening and all round fantastic film to anyone who wishes to watch it. If you were to have a film day watch this first to get you in a good mood, it won't disappoint. Other films I would recommend is Birdemic: Shock and Terror and Rubber, both vastly greater than most recent films and not dissevering of a lower rating on this website. Watch all three for an action packed, funny, scary and all round wondrous film day.
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It's still a B-movie junk fest, but at least it's good for a few laughs.
quincytheodore26 January 2015
Expectation was low upon seeing Zombeavers for the first time. Straight from the poster, it brazenly displayed shoddy beaver monster and your ordinary bimbos trapped in a stupid situation. After watching it, I was right, although it's not necessarily that painfully bad. The movie mocks itself cynically, and most of the time this turns out to be pretty hilarious. With trashy production and poor acting, it plays what strength it has and accepts its cheesy nature.

A group of college students embarks on a weekend full of relaxation and indecent exposure in a remote cabin in the woods, only to find danger awaits them, in form of beavers, zombeavers. It's almost pulled from excerpt of 80's slasher movie, incredibly cringe worthy. It also blatantly uses stereotypical characters, from the slightly morally dubious girl to incredibly morally dubious girl. However, a couple of characters actually become interesting later on, as short of time as that may be, and even if the rest don't, take comfort in knowing that their dooms are quite pleasant.

There's barely any acting to speak of, plenty of annoying giggles and screams though. Dialogues are comically bad as well, as if they are deliberately made to resemble dumbest things college students might say. As for the gore, it's basically stuff animals with some gooey stuffing, barely passable to be called animatronic. Make-up is downright ridiculous, borderline the level of Halloween make-up of actual college kids.

Yet, despite all the horrendous production value, it's actually funny. The movie doesn't dabble or drag on its plot, in fact the length is relatively short. Rather than creating pretentious scare, or any artsy cinematography, which it has none, the movie goes on its way to make comedy out of the entire prospect. Surprisingly, this is more enjoyable than most cheap scare could be.

Zombeavers is undeniably bad, but for giving a few chuckles in time of its short stay, it deserves a pinch of merit.
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Dam good entertainment...
paul_haakonsen9 January 2016
I had waited for this movie for quite awhile and was thrilled and excited to Watch it, especially after having seen the trailer.

The story in "Zombeavers" is fairly generic as horror movies go: a group of young people go to a remote lake for some partying and things go awry. And what was supposed to be fun and games becomes a matter of life and death.

But thrown in a bunch of zombie beavers and things are turned up a notch. These zombie beavers were somewhat fake, visually, but also hilarious, which just added to the enjoyment of the movie.

Sure, the movie was predictable in every aspect, but the combination of horror and comedy worked well and I was quite entertained by this movie.

The acting in the movie was good, although I can't really claim to be overly familiar with the cast as such, aside from Rex Linn. That being said, I will go on to saying that the people did perform well enough in "Zombeavers", which was a nice thing, as it did elevate the movie experience.

And the aspect of having zombie beavers did bring about a fresh of breath air to the zombie genre. I am sure that many will not find it enjoyable, but I did, and it entertained me quite well. I think it is good when the movie-makers manage to pull off new takes on the zombie genre, especially when it works as well as it did in "Zombeavers".

If you enjoy zombie comedies such as "Dead Alive" or "Shaun of the Dead" then you will also like "Zombeavers".
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A movie that has been made before...many times
gfa407314 November 2014
Don't pay attention to any of the internet hype about this one. Its concept and execution is as tired as the fill in the blanks aspects of the script. Bad movies that are self-aware and low quality on purpose are not quirky and clever. They are lazy and don't deserve the adoration they receive. Don't indulge no talent filmmakers who are making the same "horny teenagers in the woods" movies with whatever mishmash of pop culture references they can come up with in an afternoon high on Sativa. As an audience, we need to demand more creativity. Yes, even from a silly monster movie such as this. The emotions that a comedy/horror movie like this are attempting to evoke come from not knowing what the punchline is or where the creepy-crawly is going to come from next.
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This is hilariously good fun
fluffchop25 May 2021
I love movies where a group of people go to a cabin in the woods or to a lake house and things start to happen. This has things happen pretty quickly.

There is a moment where two beavers snicker together. Right there is the spirit with which this movie is to be taken. It was like one of the Caddyshack gofer moments.
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Yes, they went there
kosmasp14 October 2014
Literally as teens going to/into a cabin and metaphorically with the movie as a whole. But you know what? It does work. I didn't think it would, but it does. Obviously you have to like the humor the movie is serving you (it doesn't take itself serious!). There is also a lot of "real" effects, so you see the "monsters" as puppets. Some might say this is cheap, but I think it adds to the charm and the joke the movie is trying to pass on.

The movie also rounds up the story very nicely, so if you liked the first couple of minutes, you'll like the movie as a whole. There is also nudity, although this movie wouldn't really need it in my eyes. Just a nice fun fest, that you can either enjoy or leave aside. Judge what side you're on after the beginning, which sets the tone
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Not to be taken seriously, it's just a stupid film
neil-douglas201023 June 2022
For about half an hour ( I won't tell you which ) this was almost a decent film. Stars, there are none, couple of semi decent gore scenes, but that's about it. I would've rated it more, but for the stupid ending, but that's the type of move it is.
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Just Sit Back and Don't Take It Too Serious
Michael_Elliott23 May 2015
Zombeavers (2014)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Three girlfriends travel out to the Indiana woods for a relaxing weekend in a cabin. They plan to layout by the lake on the property but what they don't know is that some toxic waste has fallen into the waters and has been eaten by the local beavers. Soon the mutant beavers start to attack the friends.

Obviously with a title like ZOMBEAVERS this isn't a film to take too serious and thankfully the filmmakers didn't take it too serious either. Look, if you're watching a film like this then you already know what you're going to get. This is a "B" movie that has a pretty silly plot, decent acting and plenty of gore death scenes. The movie is clearly meant to be "fun" and it doesn't got for too many scares, although there's no question that this is basically NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD only with beavers instead. The film at least keeps its running time low (77-minutes) and manages to be fun for the most part.

What I enjoyed most about the picture is its silly charm. The idea of mutant beavers is silly and the film doesn't try to make any political statement or try to throw some Global Warning jump down our throats. The film's goal is to make you laugh and there are many funny moments. The actual look of the beavers was quite funny and I thought the attack sequences were good as well. There's plenty of gore and goo going around including various beavers being ripped, beaten and bashed apart. There's plenty of human flesh being ripped up as well as one scene that will leave guys screaming and turning their heads.

Another great thing about the picture is that it constantly leaves you off guard and it's willing to not follow the typical horror film rules. We're introduced to the characters and their "attitudes" early on and if you've seen enough horror movies then you know the types that live and dies. This film breaks away from your typical rules, which is another plus. I will say that the film probably would have benefited with less of the personal human drama and went for more beaver attacks. Still, ZOMBEAVERS is a charming little gem that isn't perfect but then again it's not trying to be.
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