Eli Roth Presents: The Legion of Exorcists (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

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FUN & TRASHY , the REAL horror is the ACTING!
thkavalry11 June 2023
Same old horror tropes, possessed dolls etc,, not much originality, not reinventing the horror genre.

It comes with a "Twillight Zone",William Shatner/ Jonathan Frakes intro, with Eli Roth.

Filmed in the this is a "True Story" style, re-enacted by AMATEUR "actors".

Which makes it unintentionally funny.

I enjoyed first 2 episodes, but doubt I will watch more.

My review is too short.


How many more characters do I need?

Id rather watch "Ancient Aliens" or "American Horror Story" than THIS.

For me, this is definetly below average entertainment.

Would need to be pretty desperate to watch it.

Anyone else notice Kathleen Turner looks like William Shatner in Drag??

No judgement, just an opinon, be blessed.
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kersten-1382420 June 2023
I might be jaded, I love horror movies and I don't know if this is supposed to be fun and cheesy. It feels like it is trying to take itself seriously but REALLY missing the mark.

The first few episodes have truly unreal bad acting in the "reenactments". There's also this forced intensity with the Legion of Exorcists telling the stories. This show has been fun but it is definitely something to just have on in the background while you're doing something else; like chores. I don't know. Not something I would suggest going out of your way to watch but still fine if you like watching schlocky horror.
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This is a spoof, right??
sc_mackinnon15 July 2023
This has got to be a joke, right? It must be!

Exorcism is a very serious thing that takes faith, strength, patience and time. This is almost formulaic- non-ordained "exorcists" battle demons and very quickly expel them. All live happily ever after. Yeah, not convinced.

Also, real exorcists are not allowed by the church to talk about their experiences in such a cavalier manner. This topic is closely guarded by the church, as it should be. It's not exactly something that should be considered entertainment.

Sorry, Eli, but this is very disappointing. You shouldn't have taken such a heavy handed, schlocky approach.

Skip this one, folks. There are better things out there.
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You can't be serious?
aharris698 June 2023
How can Eli Roth be allowed to get away with this rubbish?

First he tries to tell us they are true stories. Where's the physical evidence?

Then that this, so called, Legion of Exorcists are Bishops, Reverends etc. They are actors, look at the credits.

Sadly there are a lot of people who believe this rubbish and making fictional programmes and try to pass it off as real, is dangerous.

The acting is atrocious. The stories weak.

The only positive is I had a really good laugh watching it, even though I'm sure I'm not supposed to.

I don't think Eli Roth does his reputation any good with these repeated poor quality fictional programmes.
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koohii3 June 2023
The characters come across as incredible posers, and the re-enactments are about as heavy-handed and schlocky as something from the Hallmark Channel, while as blunt as a brick wall.

If they're trying to be convincing, they failed--failed utterly. You'd have to be really, really, really drunk to want to watch more than about 10 minutes at a time. You'd also have to be extremely devout to believe what's being shown. These actors do a poor job of convincing me that they're human, much less that they're portraying real people.

I have to ask: Why was this made?

Who was this show made for?

Who could possibly benefit from this?

Someone paid good money for this, and I cannot imagine why.

UPDATE: I did some research into this project. It seems the idea was to have actual exorcists (or people who believe they are) tell stories about what they've dealt with. It was originally intended as a serious interview show. Then Eli Roth was brought on board, refilmed the whole discussion board with Bishop Long and the people he picked, and scrapped everyone and everything else to make it /his/ show. In the process, of course, anything remotely interesting was lost, as was anything of substance or integrity. Also, all the "exorcists" now only tell stories that are 100% in keeping with catholic doctrine and mythology. What a load of guano!
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Would have been bad in the 80s
tedlis2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Really bad acting. Unclear if there's a script. A family member walked in while I was watching and after 2 minutes said, "This is so so baaad." But I kept thinking it was a parody.

First part of the first episode is about a little doll that is "evil." Apparently, demons can possess objects. Yeah, I loved watching Friday the 13th The Series, and this is nowhere as good as that.

After the doll inexplicably burns down a house, one of the exorcists uses it as an example in a class about cursed objects. The students plead with the exorcist to take it out of its case "for educational purposes." When he does, he sees the students as disfigured and his laptop bursts into flames.

Does live up to his title and exorcise the cursed object? Nope. Instead, he keeps it and other cursed objects and does a binding prayer periodically to keep humanity safe.

I turned it off after the same episode switched to another "chilling story" (as the show described it).
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Worse than Girlscout Campfire Stories
schomie5 June 2023
Could have at least got real priests etc with real life encounters..,oh wait they can't cause none of it is real. Horrible acting...Eric Roberts is in this for gods sake how bad can you get! Eli Roth could have at least brought the gore. It is like a bunch of girl scouts telling campfire horror stories, and weak ones at that. I forgot to switch the channel while writing this and it did not get better...Are there Razzies for fake reality shows? Don't open the box Rita!!! I highly recommend you do not waste any time on this crap. I love horror and exorcism movies (Emily Rose.,.awesome) The actors should have watched some good movies and copied the actors.
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Garbage, pure and simple!
bonniejadams10 June 2023
Super irritating actors narrating super lame stories and I *should* know better because, Eli Roth...not sure if I'm more annoyed with him, Netflix or myself for having wasted precious minutes on this pap. What never fails to baffle me is the lack of coherence the "exorcists" display. Anyone with even a modicum of exposure to the topic knows the supernatural rules of engagement and why try casting out demons when the individuals affected aren't adherents to any kind of relationship deterrent, ie. Becoming Christians = incompatibility with the demonic. What sort of "pastors" are these people? Did they get ordained online? I am decided, I am most annoyed with myself for being lured in by boredom. Eli Roth score 1, me - goose egg.
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Not bad, but not the best deal I could offer!
metaltoflesh9 July 2023
I didn't think it was bad I have definitely seen worse. A few of the stories gave me some chills and at the end of the day I guess that's what it's about. If you want it to be I can't wait for season two myself. Don't let these reviews sway you, watch it for yourself. Tons of great stories some of them are a little lame others are better. All in all I definitely think people should watch it for them self and charge it for them selves. Hopefully your Roth will make the next season. Better more interesting and believable. Definitely will leave you wanting more I believe however, the acting was horrible.
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So Bad It's...Bad
imdb-293656 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If this were a parody it would be somewhat amusing, despite the flat storytelling, laughable reenactments (seriously, walking into a burned out house with a shaky roof still attached?), the ludicrous stories (I want to see the fire department report where it shows a house completely burned, except one pristine creepy doll completely unharmed), and the overblown special effects.

However, these people seem to be real. One of them even has a LinkedIn page! So they're out there, fleecing the gullible. And now they're on my TV, telling lackluster stories in faded clown paint. Looking at you, "Bishop James Long".

If Hell is real, then this show is playing there 24/7. It's that bad.
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Loved, need more!!!
virginiaklotz6 June 2023
If you are into chilling true stories pertaining to the demonic, you will love this. Don't be swayed by the bad reviews, I got chills from both stories in episode 1. My only complaint is that I want more and I will have to wait. Cannot wait for more episodes to be released!

Btw, I found this show from Bishop James Long's page (he is featured in episode 1). He often discusses a wide range of topics including his experiences with the paranormal as an exorcist. If you're into this kind of thing, definitely check his page out. I see his livestream every Friday on tik tok.

I am so happy I'm getting my spooky scares! Looking forward to the release of the next episode.
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Demonic Episodes & Pastors/Priests Not Real ? 🤔
katanaguy24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For sometime I thought that each episode was based on a true event story...AND the Pastors & Preists were indeed real.

Apparently, no truth in either from what others say here.

It makes no difference to me....why?....it can serve to tell others who do not know that Demons & Evil in our world are Authentic!...& personally I enjoy the scripts & plots that make up these diff episodes. To each his own enjoyment of whatever they want to view on television, besides if we all were of same opinion of everything it would be a quite boring world to live in.

I know that some of us do enjoy good and scary tv shows & movies...some are both good & bad...& some are even downright stupid. For me, this show is worth the watch.
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What a fake
kristieo-6500228 June 2023
Well 1st off the Pentacles are a sign of protection that dates back befor catholicism and Christianity ever existed. And it doesn't mean witchcraft. And the upside down pentacle represents The Horn God we is father dark the 2ed half of the year when nights are longer then days.

NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DEVIL remember it pre dates before catholicism and Christianity.

People need to stop being so stupid and believe what you see in movies and hear on the news and tv shows do the research for once.

Well Blessed Be May the Gods and Goddess Protect you all and your families

As above as below.

)0( *
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abbywol-2741716 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, yuck! Yuck, yuck, yuck. Yuck! Generally speaking I love Eli Roth and think his shows are good entertainment when I'm bored. But this is just...so, so disappointing. Not even because of the ridiculous acting or costumes. But more because of the profound ignorance. This just smacks of typical ignorant religious bigotry. Talking about generational curses because a kid's mom's family had ties to voodoo or santeria. That was bad enough in and of itself, but then you're going to say the sage is bad and that crystals were an issue? Do better, Eli, do better!!! Oh! I almost forgot the episode where the one guy kissed Jesus's foot and could still taste the dried dirt and blood on his left foot. GMAFB with this nonsense.
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0 Stars
RShackelford19758 July 2023
Completely missed the mark. Bait and switch for luring viewers on Roth's name and previous work. If I could give 0 stars it would be too much. It feels like they are attempting to retell and reenact anecdotes that are assumed to be truthful and have a somewhat horror vibe. Unfortunately Father Wrong and his cast of misfits just create a mockery of a very personal and very frightening experience for the true victims!!!!! The only thing that was semi inspiring was the amount of Aquanet in Rita's hair. Go into it if you want a good laugh or you make a drinking game every time you notice the huge cyst on that bald guys forehead.
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petecook-7233026 June 2023
Basically take every every demonic possession movie trope you have ever seen, and have them delivered by a group of exorcists that look more like mentally ill out-of-work actors and you're half-way there.

The recreations of the scenes are better than average from a production standpoint, but completely unimaginitive from a storytelling perspective. Clichea. Tropes. Jump scares.. But not a single believable story in the bunch.

I usually like Eli Roth's movies, but this is the trashiest sort od trash TV. I expected slightly more from him here.

I guess the only question this series left me asking is "Why bother??"
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ricklunsford11 June 2023
This show is a slap in the face to all the real exorcist out there who have devoted their life to this Ministry. 3 of these people have never been involved with a real exorcism. They're just here for some sort of worldly celebrity. I am not familiar with the other two. However being involved with an being taught by real exorcist. These men who trained me Would Never partake! In a show that celebrates the evil in the world. What this cast is doing is making themselves the focus of their fake claims( they are the heroes) A real exorcist would never put the spotlight on their self, because it Christ who gets the credit not posser actors. My hope is that this show was made for entertainment purposes only.
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Worst Series Ever Made!
arfdawg-18 July 2023
Full disclosure: I couldn't get past the first episode.

AND, I nearly didnt make it past the opening scene. It's THAT bad.

How this program got made is beyond me. It's dismal. The first episode is about possessed trinkets. Like a doll that looks like a joker.

They assemble a bunch of phoney priests to talk about the stuff and cut in D-level actors to act out the exposition and pepper it with the worst CGI you have ever see. EVER.

The result is a complete train wreck and bore-fest.

What happened to Eli Roth? Can't get money to make his violent feature movies any more? I dunno.

But i do know you shouldnt give this garbage a minute of your time.
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Unbelievable to the point of being ridiculous
Watcher77467 July 2023
The misinformation presented in this show is ridiculous! Many groups have been targeted by the exocists including witches and even the Haitian community. Don't even get me started on crystals and sage!

The reenactments are so over the top that it negates any possible reality to the situations being presented. I question the validity of these stories to begin with so the depictions do not help the case. I am stunned every week as the stories became progressively worse.

I would beg the network to stop the bleeding and not renew the show for a second season. Use the funding to create a show that might actually have some merit and value!
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Awesome show!!!
neivyb22 June 2023
Reading other reviews tells me that people expect this to be like a movie and is not. This documentary is about something beyond that. As someone who has lived through this at a young age(family member was possessed) I believe they're doing a great job at telling us what a battle between good and evil is really about. Has nothing to do on how corney or bad the acting is but for us to understand that this is no joke. I hope this show keeps going and God bless all those who have to deal with this in a daily basis. Stay safe and don't play with things you don't understand. You never know who or what you might be inviting in.
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codygdietrich15 June 2023
I'm not sure how you make a documentary series about exorcism that ends up this dull. Although it does not seem truthful. I have seen documentaries about the history and belief of exorcism and there are a couple facts that don't line up with this show. First off exorcism is very rare in the modern world especially in the modern U. S. Yet this show makes it seem so common. An exorcism can only be preformed by an exorcist, it is special training separate from any and all other training in the Catholic church. Yet when you watch the show they are listed as pastor or bishop but none are listed as exorcist, IMDB has them listed as actor and when you go into the profile it says they have been acting for the past 20 years or however long they have been doing it. So none are actual exorcists and even if the claim is they were reading off actual files from real exorcists it's doubtful because they never got permission. An exorcism cannot be performed unless you receive authorization from the Catholic Church and I believe that authorization comes from the Vatican not your local church either way none of the stories mention contacting the Catholic Church for approval before performing an exorcism.

Even if it is all true how the stories are told is just dull, slow and mostly boring.
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zngrhcxvbt24 June 2023
Absolutely TERRIBLE!

The show has the CGI budget of a 1995 video game, the acting of some of these people is beyond terrible and you know for a fact the stories are all made up. Especially the one about the priest performing an exorcism over facetime!

Nothing i saw was remotely scary either and nothing backed up with any real footage, they show many scenes of things that were apparently recorded, why the hell wouldn't they add any of the footage to substantiate what happened?

I expected ALOT more from Eli Roth. His movies are amazing, almost looks like its a favour to a producer or something.
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Such Ridiculousness...!!!
tomtalker20003 July 2023
This is THE WORST representation of what an exorcist and exorcism are all about. These people are not even ORDAINED clergy...!!! They are actors portraying as such and they are doing an terrible job at it. Much less i find it VERY blasphemous that these people are even trying too come off as "real clerics". It makes a mockery of what is a DEADLY serious topic and spits in the faces of those who have suffered from the devil. Such as the German girl Anneliese Michel of which the movie Exorcism of Emily Rose was loosely based on. It also does no justice too ACTUAL exorcists such as father Gabriele Amorth. Point is if your going too make a mockery of the devil that's EXACTLY what he wants you too do. So in that respect this TV series accomplishes that perfectly. But if you want too actually LEARN about what really goes on. Put forth the time, effort, and research in educating the masses PROPERLY...!!! Total garbage and i HIGHLY do not recommend. Shame on you Eli Roth.
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eileenintampa-7491829 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Totally fake. Actors are just that...bad actors. I don't believe a single story portrayed. Hopefully this is the first and last season. The episode that's really funny is the demonic pact. Fake minister is 300 miles away and attempts an exorcism on the phone and tells the mother she has to do the exorcism on her daughter. Keep that holy water with you!! It fixes everything! Hilarious. I hope people do not believe this. The garb all these so-called ministers are dressed in looks like they rummaged through the set of some bad Halloween costumes. I think I'm going to look up some of these Minister names and see who they are.
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suttonusmc29 June 2023
This is completely fake and at times funny. Why take so called stories from actual horror movies and then try to pass it off as being real stories. Even the pastors, priest, and whatever else are in the show are fake. Try googling one of them and nothing comes up. They are all played by actors/actresses. Why deceive people and try to pass this off as being authentic/real. Sad. Guess they are this desperate to take from others, good job Hollywood for not being original and stealing from others. Surprised that none of the movies they are stealing from have an issue with this. Another show not original.
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