Until Dawn (Video Game 2015) Poster

(2015 Video Game)

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What a ride!
heavensangel-0554825 August 2015
I literally just finished playing and logged on here because this game seriously needs all the recognition it deserves! I bought the game at 4pm, sat down and didn't get up until almost 2am. Yeah. Not even a bathroom break. I seriously forgot to eat or do anything because this game just sucks you into its world. And man did it scare the pants off me! This game scared me more than an actual horror film, believe me it'll make you jump a few times, or at least cuss under your breath. I'm super picky with games because they need to look a certain way (i.e Beyond Two Souls; The Last of Us) types. Graphics were amazing! Highly recommended!
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Started playing at 6 pm and wasn't able to stop until dawn
hakobyanhakob8131 August 2015
Been waiting for a long time for this game and it exceeded all my expectations.

Go get Until Dawn. The best thing I've played since the legendary Witcher 3.

It's obvious they took their time creating this masterpiece, because everything is top notch here - the setting in the mountains is breathtaking, characters are likable, the plot is great and plenty of thrills.

This is a fast-paced intriguing game I literally couldn't stop playing until dawn.
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One of the most underrated games of this generation.
TickReviews13 June 2019
This game has a very simple tone from the outset, it progresses nicely as a horror should through a few jump scares and quirky interactions between the characters, as you could hope for. It then proceeds to reveal a whole new story all together. This game is a masterpiece and for a British studio to hit the nail on the head, and almost perfect an American set horror game is incredible. The team at supermassive should be proud of themselves.

Everytime you think you have this games story roped in, it unties itself and leaves you desperate to continue your journey. The twists and turns in this game make it very unique, like the story. The characters have their own unique personalities but the versatility of each one of them, coupled with outstanding performances by an extremely talented cast just reflects how good this game is. The way this game makes you feel about each character is rivalled only by that of a rock star game (Red dead 2 for example). The scenary and environment are great even its not as consistent as you'd like, but it does its job in always making you feel like there is something behind you or someone watching you.

I would give this game 95/100 as I don't feel it gets the credit it deserves. If your looking for an outstanding experience for the PlayStation, then you will definitely find one here. Thank you supermassive games, I will now always look forward to your next games.
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The most atmospheric game ever?
jjalleleee2 September 2015
I have never been this intrigued by a game before. Oh man, the atmosphere is just insane... most atmospheric game ever? Until Dawn also has a great story, great graphics, great soundtrack, great action, great mystery and thrills. If you like games like Heavy Rain and horror movies you will LOVE Until Dawn, i promise you you wont regret it! Personally it might be one of the best games ever and I am normally very hard to please. A must play. Also play with your friends or wife/girlfriend, you will have a BLAST together making all the choices and seeing what happens!The all star cast is also doing a great job! I hope they make a sequel or something because oh my god, this was a lot of fun. Best game ever? It might just be...
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Teens and horror, right?
kosmasp12 May 2021
But it does not just play with the cliches we have (though no nudity in case you were wondering, but a lot of violence and death if that helps or appalls you), it builds on them and it tells quite the interesting story. A story you participate in, a story you actually play. And you play multiple characters and you have to make sure they all survive ... or if you are mad I reckon, make sure everyone dies - which by the way isn't as easy as it may sound.

I played this so many times and do not regret I did. This is not for everyone of course ... you have to love story game telling with little to no action. Yes you get FMV here, but you can control and move the characters too at certain points of the story. A rich story that takes breaks from time to time to give you psychological tests ... from a psychiatrist ... there is so much here ... so much story, so many neat and wicked twists ... I love it! I know the rating gave it away, yes?
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One of the best story games I have ever played
fuzzybunnies-789511 September 2015
Until Dawn succeeds at something many horror games fail to do. It makes you have a real fear for the characters in your game. Each character feels very real and they each have distinct personalities. The gameplay is a nice balance between story building and intense action. There are a lot of jumpscares in the game but the real fear comes from the tension that builds between scenes. The game has some jaw dropping graphics from the beautiful character's faces to the diverse settings. The game's choice system is one of the best parts. The choices you make have real consequences which keeps the pressure high and makes for more intense gameplay. Quick time events are used in a smart way to make the action scenes very difficult and stressful. Totems can be collected around the map that give you glimpses into the future to warn you about a death or give you guidance on important decisions. Your sessions with Dr. Hill feels very eerie and makes the game scarier for everyone. The game uses classic horror tropes beautifully to please the us awesome horror fans. The voice acting feels believable and helps you care about your fragile friends. This game is not going to be for everyone, but if you are a horror fan and love a good story this is one of the best out there.
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AlienRefugee1 December 2021
One of best exclusives on the PS4 if you're a fan of interactive stories / walking sims.

The story, gameplay and acting has some minor flaws at times, but overall it's a fantastic experience. You feel yourself wanting these stupid teens die all whilst hoping they make it out alive. A great game with loads of replay value.

The game animations are a bit quirky at times but for a 2015 release, it still looks stunning in 2021.
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Absolute perfection.
acedj11 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a horror movie where you get to play as almost every single character, need I say more? OK. The game opens with the unfortunate death of two sisters. Their brother Josh calls all of the friends back together one year later. They gather in his family's cabin up in the snow covered mountains. There is something or someone sinister about, trying to or succeeding in killing off the characters (results will vary depending on your choices).

This game was a blast. I am on my third trip through and let me tell you, the tension is still there. Granted it is a little less than the first trip through, but it's there. This kind of game where you do more choosing that taking part may not appeal to a lot of gamers, but if you're a fan of all things horror you would be crazy not to play it.
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Cabin in the woods... But better. WAY better.
briggnalle22 September 2015
When I was a kid I grew up hearing horror stories of the dreaded Wendigo in the mountains. And the fact that they finally made a horror story for it made my day even better than actually playing this game. The Butterfly Effect is greatly influenced in this game, and if you are a fan of TellTale games then you will love this, because the smallest choices you make really do have an effect on the story and how you play. Everything you say, do, or decide will effect how the game goes. The gameplay was simple as well to go with the Effect which makes it so much more fun. And also (and this is just something I'd like to point out to all horror movies and games) you can enjoy horror movies without the use of nudity and sex. Also, the voice acting was tremendous. The use of ALMOST every cliché in a teen slasher movie is not overdone with a few extra surprises in store. The graphics on everything from facial, hair, and environment was top-notch amazing. Now, the scares. The game kept me guessing the entire time what was real or not, which just adds to the suspense as you continue to play through the game. The monsters are terrifying, the legend behind them is disturbing, the use of psychological influence greatly affects the mood, this is one of those horror games that just nails it every single time and without mercy when it comes to the choices you make. Although it might not be as scary or gory as many horror games are, but it defiantly causes quite a stir on your heart as you are trying to find out what is going on out there in the cabin. So choose wisely, and definitely play this game. It is now considered one of my favorite horror games.
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Analog_Devotee3 August 2021
Some of these cinematic games get a lot of flack, and for good reason, but this is definitely an exception. This game BLEW me away. All the different endings and possibilities are what set this apart. The story is amazing and every decision you make feels like it matters -- in fact, you can go back and see just how much it DOES matter on each additional playthrough!

This game is amazing. Its cult status guarantees it to become a collector's item one day. Get it while you still can!
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schachtone-177-5105826 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have never played this type of game before, but my wife gave it to me for Christmas and as posted earlier this game is Awesome!! already played it through 2 times but will definitely play it 1 or more times. Game keeps changing. The attempts to get all (as many as possible) through the night, is resulting on sleepless nights at home :-) Also the game changes and the characters evolve the more clues you find. The graphics and atmosphere of the game really gets you on the edge of your seat and the nasty Wendigos does it part. I'm really looking forward to a sequel. But not to soon have to finish this one 2-4 times more :-)

Highly recommendable.
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Great game!!
Serenity30006 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Video games that feature real actors have always been a favorite of mine. The Call of Duty and Black Ops series started featuring actors in lead roles during the game, not just having voice actors. Until Dawn is an interactive game that gives the player the choice of whether some of these characters live or die. Hayden Panettiere.plays Sam and she ended up being the last one standing in my game. I'll probably play this game again to see if another character is able to be the lone survivor. I would recommend this game to all gamers. Heavy Rain, Detroit, Until Dawn are all some of the best.
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Terrible game.
specalnds3 July 2019
You can barely call this a game. The only time you interact with the game or use your controller is during QTEs and dialogue tree choices. This would be better served as a cheap Netflix series rather than a $60 game.
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A Cult Classic
rcadavidson22 July 2016
So, what do you get when a David Cage game goes wrong and turns into a horror flick? Well, you get this game. Really, these are the types of games I normally don't play, as I really view these as "interactive fiction" more than a game, even though this one is more akin to old adventure games you play on PC. In this style of game, though, I think the horror aspect of it helps it out.

One reason I think that is that controls are limited, and that's fine by me. All you really have in this game is a walking stick and an interact button. You barely have control of the camera, but the in- game camera angles aren't that bad. Just think of it as early Resident Evil with no weapons or zombies. Some places do have you ping-ponging from one wall to another, but with this game, it's not necessarily a big concern. Heck, most of the is just interacting and quick time events anyway.

Now, when it comes to story, what would you think about when you think about most horror movies? Bunch of teenagers? Check! Jumpscares? Check! A guy, or thing, just "making a killing" somewhere? Check, and I apologize for the pun. Couldn't resist! Anyway, as you can tell, this game plays a lot with horror movie tropes, but it's still a lot of fun to play through, even when you can choose, or be punished in some ways, what happens to the characters. In fact, it is possible to keep all the characters alive, at least the ones after the beginning of the game, during their return stay at a cabin, a year after a death of a few friends, gone horribly wrong, and the butterfly effect can cause for some interesting changes. Another mechanic, though playing a smaller part, is the way the game learns about your fears. After some chapters, you meet a psychologist name Dr. Alan Hill, and his involvement is pretty much asking you questions, such as how you feel for the characters. I don't want to spoil too much, but I can say that whoever plays his roll, it feels like he had some fun playing the role. In fact, all the characters were acted perfectly, even the guy from the show Mr. Show. Overall, story is just a campy horror story, but it's fun to play through. The jump scares do get tiring after a while, but it can keep you along for the ride easily.

Now, the best part of the game is the graphics, and let me tell you, if the developers tried to make it anymore realistic looking than it does now, the PlayStation 4 might've not been able to run it. It's just that good looking. What helps even more is that the faces were motion captured, and the actors did an excellent job with making the characters look real. Still better than Cole Phelps performance on L.A. Noire, which wasn't bad but just felt like the actor was nervous at some parts, and I'm glad none of the characters were like that.

While I wouldn't have recommended the game while it was at $60, this is worth at least checking out. This is the only game of it's kind I felt like buying, as I really wasn't a fan of the David Cage games, but this was the one exception I made. If you find it at a good price, get it. It's also worth noting that it does have PlayStation Camera functionality, but before you go out and buy one, just know it just record your reaction to a jump scare, which thinking about it now, that's a bit creepy.
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The best horror game I've ever played!
SamJamie23 February 2021
Until Dawn is a 2015 interactive drama horror video game developed by Supermassive Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 4. Players assume control of eight young adults who have to survive on Blackwood Mountain when their lives are threatened.

Until Dawn is a damn near perfect game, which just breathes horror on every level. The game puts you in control of a group of teens and terrifies you while doing so. The script keeps you entertained and feeling like the decisions you make matter throughout the playthrough. Thanks to some good twists, a few fake-outs, and limitless jump scare, Until Dawn would make a solid horror film. As a piece of interactive fiction, however, it's a remarkable experience that horror fans shouldn't miss. The characters are interesting and fleshed-out, the voice actors are remarkable, especially it stars Rami Malek and Hayden Panettiere. The game just seems to work on every level and that's why it'll be a future cult classic.
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How much blood would you shed to stay alive?
kluseba20 January 2019
Until Dawn is a survival horror video game developed dy Supermassive Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. This game is one of the greatest games I have played in a very long time and might even be my favorite game of all times.

The game follows eight young adults who spend a weekend in a cabin in the Canadian woods one year after two of their friends died there under mysterious circumstances. Soon, the eight friends sense that they aren't alone on that strange mountain somewhere in Alberta. Step by step, they uncover the numerous stunning mysteries of this abandoned place and their lives are soon in danger. Telling you anything more would take away from the brilliant plot that goes back to classical thrillers and horror stories somewhere between Agatha Christie and Stephen King.

Until Dawn convinces on numerous levels. First of all, the atmosphere of this game is gloomy, mysterious and uneasy from start to finish.

The challenge level is extremely elevated because there are many different possibilities related to the possible outcome of the story.

The controls are quite tough and add to the challenge level since you have to press the right buttons in a short amount of time to take the right decision and save someone's life.

The game flow is quite fluid from start to finish but I personally prefer the first half of the game that is strictly related to a sinister tale of revenge while the second part has a more supernatural twists which means that we almost get two games in one.

The graphics are stunning and add to the game's gloomy atmosphere. Especially the winter landscapes look quite realistic.

The game doesn't only have a reasonable length somewhere between eight and ten hours but can also be played over and over again because the decisions taken by the gamer have significant impacts in the future and playing the game again by taking different decisions will change the entire outcome of the game.

It's the kind of game that never gets boring and can be played over and over again which explains the elevated long-term fun factor.

The sound effects are creepy and intense. Make sure to play this game in the dark with an elevated volume to get fully absorbed by it.

The soundtrack helps creating an immersive and intense atmosphere.

The story isn't exactly new but perfectly executed.

To keep it short, if you are a young adult and like clever thrillers and gloomy horror stories, there is no way you can get around Until Dawn. The spin-off Until Dawn: Rush of Blood doesn't have anything to do with the brilliant original game presented here. However, a prequel entitled The Inpatient, which takes place in the same locations as the original game but sixty years prior to the events portrayed in Until Dawn, is going to be released in November 2017. There is no doubt that I'm going to purchase this prequel. If it's only nearly as good as Until Dawn, it's going to be a contender for game of the year.
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I didn't expect it to be this good
troy-groenewald3 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't heard of this game until earlier this year, and I was interested in it as soon as I saw the trailer. Knowing that trailers can be misleading, I bought this game without getting my hopes up. To say I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. This game was brilliant. The only glaring downside is that I'll never play it for the first time again.

I'm a huge horror fan, so one of the best things I found about this game is that you can be faced with all the typical horror situations, only you get to choose what the character does. If you've ever shouted at the TV screen for the characters not to split up, not to hide under the bed etc, you'll finally have the opportunity to make the right (or wrong) decisions for yourself.

The graphics were so superb that I felt at times I wasn't playing a game, but instead watching a Hollywood movie. The emotions the characters were feeling were so vivid on screen that I couldn't help but share them, and the transitions between cutscene and gameplay were so seamless that I hardly noticed when it happened. The "Butterfly Effect" feature is great, with even the tiniest choices affecting the game later on. A lot of your decisions are timed, so you have to act quickly, and this is great in bringing out your instinctual choices. This is more realistic, as in a life or death situation, split second decisions are a necessity. Also, you aren't limited to binary choices. You can choose to do option A, B or nothing at all. Or, maybe a choice earlier altered the entire storyline, and you only have option A available, or X and Y. The way characters interact with you changes depending on your choices, and the dialogue itself changes depending on which characters you have kept alive up to a certain point.

The game is very interactive, especially with the "Don't Move" sequences. These are times when in game your character has to remain still. The game is immersive in that you also have to remain still by not moving the controller, or risk placing your character in danger or even death. The soundtrack is chilling and very well done; the opening title song/end credit song is especially awesome.

As for the characters, they are brilliantly written and acted. They each fit into their typical slasher categories; you have your Jock, Nerd, Smart Girl, Dumb Blonde, etc. Some people may like or dislike certain characters, and the ability to kill them off or keep them alive is available to you, if you have the stomach or skill to do it. The characters are extremely well developed. I found that even characters I hated at the start, I grew to love and regretted making decisions which ended their lives, or rejoiced in decisions which saved their lives. Other characters I loved from the start and I watched as tragic events constantly broke them down to the point where I wondered if it was worth keeping them alive when everyone around them had died.

The main thing is, you grow so attached to the characters, even the ones you started out hating, that you feel every emotion they feel. I also made decisions based on what I thought the character would do. Would one character choose to save another, or let him/her die? Would a character choose to run or hide from a threat? Instead of punishing characters I hated, as I had chosen to do at the start of my playthrough, I ended up thinking like the character I was playing as and taking steps to ensure their happiness (though not necessarily succeeding.)

One of the best things is that the characters you meet at the start aren't the same as they are at the end. Traumatic events change characters, with danger bringing out in them their inner heroism or cowardice, selfishness or kindness, etc.

The game itself is fairly short, but I found myself going back to play through it a few times to see a few different versions of the story. Overall, the game is brilliant from start to finish. The freedom of choice is great. You get to decide who lives and who dies, you decide how your game plays out.
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One of the best this year
JohnB_201626 August 2015
"Until Dawn" is the second best horror game I've seen this year. Behind the highly rated PC game "Kholat", this dramatic survival horror game provides many great concepts that we don't usually see in your normal horror adventure. The game boasts amazing attention to detail, and a beautiful setting for a horror game. I also really enjoy the game's concept of the "Butterfly Effect", where the choices you make affect the overall story. However, in most cases, no matter which choice you choose, it's never really a good one. The characters fight constantly, which creates tension, but they hardly make the right decisions to solve the problem. This makes me see these characters as bad role models, as they mostly go separate ways in order to survive. Besides a these thoughts, and a few noticeable animation glitches throughout the game, this is one that I would highly recommend to anyone wanting an amazing story with great scares
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Great Game
8512229 July 2017
Greetings from Lithuania.

"Until Dawn" (2015) was one involving and superbly made adventure game. Graphics were simply amazing - one of the best i've ever seen - lightning and etc - this is one amazingly looking game.

The story was good although nothing brilliant. If this would have been a movie, it would be an pretty good one i think, but as a game it does work. Yes there are many jump scare moments in a first half of the game when i was thinking "OK i got it, another jump scare", but on the other hand i think it was intentional as it adds up in a later game sections into creating a great dread sense and mood. All in all i really liked the story overall as well as this horror type settings. And this game is like watching a good horror movie in which you are making most of the most crucial decisions.

Overall, "Until Dawn" is simply a great game. There consequences to a decisions you made which most of the you will have to make in a split second. There is also one cool and also irritating control thing - at some point (and some very crucial points) you need to don't move - you can't even barely move your controller - at the first i found to be really fun, but when one of the characters got killed at the very end because controller kinda moved i was soooo annoyed - one false move and its over... Nevertheless you can replay episodes later in order to get the end or events you want, so its not a big deal. All in all "Until Dawn" is definitely one of the very best if not the best adventure cinematic games i have ever had a pleasure to play.
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I almost cried. Not because of how scary it is, but how AMAZING it is!
guitarlegend_moe23 April 2016
Funny thing is that I played the game "Until Dawn" until dawn, and I just could not go to sleep after finishing the game from all the spectacular horrific plot twisting choices I made.

Until dawn is one of the best horror games I have played in years since Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Its the perfect game for anyone to play, by themselves so they could go cry to their mommy, or to make yourself taking a huge leap into the game with a couple of your friends in a dark room for more excitement and fun.

The way the game was created was unbelievable. For a horror-addict like myself, it was almost a dream come true expecting your favorite horror movie scenes all combined together weather which character will die first or how he/she dies. Not to mention the plot, with a rich story like this, it will keep you on a nerve that will make you sit on the edge of the seat while sweating and gripping on the controller focusing how to start and finish the game.

Supermassive games did a fantastic job on this project and hopefully keep creating more games like this.
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One of my favourite games ever on the PS4
bora_mustafa27 September 2018
I absolutely adore Until Dawn, it is easily one of my favourite games, possibly even the best. I said game, although it is more of a movie with QTE (quick time events) but I love it. The characters are great and the game is beautifully atmospheric. In all honesty, I could write forever about this but I'm sure most of you have already read the very long comments about this fantastic game. I will add to this by saying, that if you love a good horror/slasher movie, you will love playing this game.

It's been a good three years now that this game has been released and yet it upsets me that we haven't had a sequel to this (and no, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood does not count as a sequel) but hopefully one day we will get a proper sequel, I'm counting on you guys at Supermassive Games.

In total, I have completed this game at least 5 times already but guess what? I haven't been able to complete the game with all characters intact. That's the beauty of this really, the aim is to try and keep all the characters alive (that is off course, if you prefer to kill them off instead). It's been a while but I am waiting a good while before I play it again just so I can get that first time experience again!!
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It was great... just wished there was more to the ending
richard_manson17 April 2022
This was a great horror game/interactive movie with such a streller-cast! Remi Malik, Hayden Paitneirre. The actors really give it their all in this. Unless I didn't pick up much totems and clues but it seemed anti climatic and that's the only thing that was really bugging me. Didn't seem to add or link everything together in my opinion.
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UNTIL DAWN: Choose Your Own Horror
Jinxxa_Wolf18 March 2023
UNTIL DAWN was a pretty fun game, a game with many different choices and pathways to choose from, a game that sure keeps you guessing, with many twists and turns along the way. It was a fun ride.

The premise of Until Dawn takes place in the aftermath of a tragedy. Without spoiling anything, it begins with a bunch of young adults who, while staying in a remote cabin ski lodge, learn that their nasty, thoughtless prank has turned horrendously tragic in the blink of an eye. Seven youths (Chris, Sam, Ashley, Mike, Jessica, Emily and Matt) find they are invited back to the place of the mysterious tragedy (of friends' Hannah and Beth) by their friend Josh, exactly one year later, to memorialize the loss. But things take a turn for the worse and nothing is what it seems.

So...while there are jumpscares, it wasn't all that bad. As a horror game/movie fan, I'm not super big into typical jumpscares as they always come off like a cheap parlor tricks and feel more annoying than actually scary, but there was a good deal of other kinds of suspense and terror going on here as well, so it kinda smoothed out the clunkiness of the jumpscares in my opinion. It wasn't just cheesy jumpscares, but mystery, terror, suspense, gore, and creepy ambience. It gave an overall feeling of weirdness that really worked for me. I'm glad I kept going. The visuals/sounds were great, story was intriguing, characters unique and overall atmosphere spot on. And best of all, the mystery kept my wheels turning the whole time.

If you like mysteries, walking simulators, choice-driven, narrative-driven, horror thriller games, with a good throwback to the teen horror movies haydays of old...then you'll really enjoy this. You never really know till the end what is quite going on...Psychos? Monsters? Aliens? Paranormal Event? Who knows? It's all fun and games till you don't survive Until Dawn...

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I recommend it to everyone ;)
ballon9629 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Until Dawn is an interactive horror video game. The writers Graham Reznick and Larry Fessenden have made a really good job with this game. It's not a typical video game. This is like a film with elements of video games. The whole game is based upon an in-game system called The Butterfly Effect. That means: if a tiny butterfly flaps its wings today may lead to a devastating hurricane weeks from now. What has this in common with the game? The user is involved into the game and he have to make decisions. Even the smallest decisions could dramatically change the outcome of the story.

*spoiler alert* The story is about 10teenagers who are enjoying their annual winter getaway in a ski lodge at the mountains. They decide to make fun out of a girl called Hannah. Feeling humiliated she ran into the forest in the middle of the blizzard. Her twin Beth followed her. Neither of them survived. One year later Josh is organizing an honour party for the memory of his sisters. Time to time they gradually realize that they aren't alone… * * * * * * * * * * * * * The graphics of the game is absolutely amazing. When you play this game, sometimes you think you are watching a film instead of playing it. All characters are animations of real actors. While playing this game I had some serious heartbreaks. In my opinion Until Dawn is something unique. The fact that you could save or kill everyone in this game because of your decisions is really fascinating. I strongly recommend this game to everyone who would like to try out new experiences of gaming.

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heathermarie-4663015 December 2017
I'm a 25 year old female, and I have a husband who is 36 years old, he is into call of duty, I just cant get into those kind of games, FINALLY, they came out with this game, after a lot of struggling, I finally got the game back and completed it the first time. Having jump scares and unexpected twists and turns, is AWESOME!! Being off all week from work due to surgery, I made sure I took the time to go through and make the right choices. Knowing that there endless possibilities to have your ending different, EVERY SINGLE TIME, just makes it a great game. The details in the game are by far incredible. Having the characters down to the details of the actual voice overs are PHENOMENAL!! I couldn't ask for a better game to play. You can start the game at 9 am and literally time passes you by, you lose track of time, and you do forget to eat, drink, even take a break to use the bathroom. It's got you on the edge of your seat every time. I'm excited to play this game over and over to see what all changes. It's one of those games that really keep you coming back for more.

Nothing, compares to this game. I mean sure there movies out there that keep you on the edge of your seat, have jump scares etc, but there is usually never a second movie, this game changes each time you play.

Reading the others comments, and looking at facts about this game, it says over 1000 different endings. I mean who wouldn't love a game like this?
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