Sharknado (TV Movie 2013) Poster

(2013 TV Movie)

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A film so bad that it is good
TheSeaLion1 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
From the prestige Asylum Films comes another one of their films with a bad premise and laughably simplistic characters with no depth. The difference? This film is so bad that it becomes entertaining to watch.

As a hurricane picks up sharks from the Pacific Ocean, it continues to head for California. There, a small band of survivors must try and escape and find the leader of the group's son in all of the chaos.

Using bad effects and cuts to actual sharks captured on film by other people, the sharks are jokes in this film and takes away and tension that they might bring. But whatever, it is funny to watch a bunch of sharks being tossed through windows and into streets to eat people.

There is a lot of setup with no pay off or things that just sort of happen. One of the characters (Cassie Scerbo) is in love with the main character but instead is with his son in the end without any explanation which just comes across as random.

While extremely corny and bad, you can enjoy laughing at the awful animated sharks, the bad dialog and characters, and the strange ideas that the characters have during the course of the film.
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Sharknado Teaches That Cheesy Only Works When Its Entertaining
jaredpahl15 January 2017
Sharknado, the hit SyFy Channel original has positioned itself as critic-proof, cheeseball goofiness incarnate. The entire enterprise is a joke. Sharknado knows it is a cheesy SyFy original movie, and it doesn't apologize for it. It is tongue-in-cheek, self aware, and sarcastic. "How can you criticize this movie?" some might ask, "It's supposed to be goofy!". Well goofiness is great if it is entertaining. Sharknado is not entertaining in the least.

I'll skip the credits, skip the plot and get right down to business, this movie is a crappy made-for-TV snooze-fest, starring D-list celebrities and made by inept "filmmakers" who seem to have trouble differentiating between endearingly cheesy and downright bad. Sharknado is "critic-proof" because of the assumption that viewing the movie critically would expose its cheesiness, which is intentional. However, the problem with Sharknado is not that it is silly, it's that it is boring.

The cast has no charm, the effects are in a dead zone between not bad enough to be funny, and not good enough to be convincing, the look of the film is murky and dull, and the action scenes are incomprehensible and poorly edited. Sharknado is an absolute bore. It is an example of how a critic-proof, self-aware, tongue-in-cheek cheesefest can still go horribly wrong. Yes, I "get" Sharknado. It is meant to be a dumb B-movie, I understand, but dumb fun does require more than just conscious stupidity. Sharknado is not entertaining, a flaw that will sink any movie, whether it has shark-filled tornadoes or not.

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Sharknado is a disaster movie indeed! Disasters come in many forms. But none quite like this. It was awful, but funny! It indeed jump the shark.
ironhorse_iv8 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Anthony C. Ferrante, Sharknado was a Syfy Channel made-for-television disaster horror B movie that somehow become more popular due to its outlandish concept and attention-getting title. As less, it's not a mockbuster as most Asylum productions are. After all, where else would you see a movie about a Twister that lifts sharks out of the ocean and deposits them in Los Angeles!? The movie is about Surfer and bar-owner Fin Shepherd (Ian Ziering) who sets out with his friends, Baz (Jaason Simmons) and Nova Clarke (Cassie Scerbo) to rescue his estranged wife April Wexler (Tara Reid) and teenage daughter Claudia Shepherd (Aubrey Peeples). On the way, they decide to try to stop the incoming storm by tossing bombs into them from a helicopter. Will the dumb idea work, or will the perfect storm overtake them!? Without spoiling too much, first off, I think Ian Ziering and Tara Reid might be a little too young for their characters. It's hard to believe that Matt (Chuck Hittinger) is the adult son of both April and Fin. The actor that plays Matt is only a few years younger than both Reid and Ziering. It's also a bit odd for the first half of the film trying to build up a romantic relationship between Fin and Nova. I guess, the writers were trying to do a metaphor, as Nova speak in a barely coherent rip-off Jaws monologue about being a victim of a prior shark attack of which she was the Sole Survivor and Fin just happen to have a shark name. Yes, when I think of shark hunter Quint, I think of a woman that hates her scar on her thigh, but gladly wear short shorts all the time. I find Nova's attention turned to Matt, disturbing after Fin reconciles with April. All the acting in this movie is pretty bad. At less, most of the half-been actors such as Ian Ziering got work. During the time of filming, he had another child on the way and he needed to work after not working for a long time. He wasn't that bad, but gees, half of the stuff, he did, is nearly unbelievable. Not only does Fin has improbably aiming skills, taking over several falling sharks that are several hundred feet with a pistol, but able to lit a pool on fire with kerosene. The movie jump the shark, literally when Fin manages to use a chainsaw to cut a shark in half as it falls on him. He also enters a shark's mouth and cuts his way out not only being unharmed himself. Yep, that was stupid, but epic. Even minor cameos like John Heard as George and Robert Rist as the Robbie, the bus Driver, got a paycheck by acting badly as stupid characters. The worst had to be, Tara Reid. She is just horrible in this movie. Not only does she play a bitchy character, but her deep, raspy voice is just annoying and dull reply. She can't act. She is basically useless in the film. I was really hoping she would get eaten. She even didn't wanted to help the kids on the bus. Wow! Just Wow. I can't believe how unlikeable, her character is. It's not all her fault. Most of cast had little to no emotion when anyone's death. The movie takes so many artistic license that this movie makes biologist cry! The reason why is sharks in this film seem to be able to survive on land and in the air, but also fresh water rather than salty ocean. Honestly, I don't know, how these sharks are able to survive such a huge fall from the sky in the first plan! These sharks are suicidal as hell like jumping out of water, swimming in 3 inches of rainfall or going through windows to kill people. What the hell? Why are they always hungry!? Also, this movie probably has no clue, how weather works. One minute, the surf is calm, then 20-30 foot wave crash thru windows at bars on the pier, then the ocean is calm. Streets are bone dry after a hurricane passes then, surprisingly, streets are flooded. Hurricanes pass in minutes. Did anybody bother watching the Weather Channel? Hurricanes hitting Los Angeles are very rare. The movie was trying to make a message about Global warming, but it's lost in the horrible visual effects. The CGI is just awful, both in the sharks design and others. The movie even has the guts to use badly edit stock footage of sharks in the wildlife. Honestly for a shark movie, most of the kills are from other things like getting crush by the Hollywood sign or getting run over by a rolling dismounted Ferris wheel. Lot of bad editing and horrible camera work. Anachronism will have a field day with this. The writing is pretty bad. Lots of bad dialogue with awful puns, or bad jokes. The worst is the period joke. Overall: Sharknado has become a cult film to the point that a sequel, Sharknado 2: The Second One will come out. People love a movie with an idea that is so preposterous and inconceivable that the only appropriate responses are to watch and laugh. Gloriously brainless, Sharknado redefines "so bad it's good" for a new generation. You just have to have suspension of disbelief to watch this movie. Enough Said.
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Brilliantly Awful
mafia-grim23 August 2013
While I give this one star, I strongly encourage everyone to see this movie. Not because it is good or has a single redeeming factor, but because if Ed Wood set out intentionally with an unlimited budget to make the worst movie ever, he could not have made something this bad.

The law of large numbers would seem to imply that in 86 minutes you'd have to get something right by accident, and yet this movie doesn't. A second look at Alien Apocalypse (which admittedly requires a masochistic nature to undertake) at least reveals passable cinematography and consistent lighting. And yet Sharknado rises above mathematics to give us a film that is bad in every single possible way.

Continuity is shrugged off completely. The same scene moves from daylight to dusk, rain to sunshine, storm surge to quiet beach, with every single new camera angle. It is so blatantly bad you are distracted from the more subtle inconsistencies like objects moving around, attire, wind, or quality of film from one cut to the next.

If you manage to close your eyes you are immediately taken in by the sound. How the sound editor managed to get to work on what had to be an acid-enhanced bender of epic proportions to warrant these results is beyond me. I'm reluctant to suggest using your stereo's sound-leveling technology for fear your sound system will simply melt from the strain.

One is almost loath to point a finger at suspension of disbelief when it comes to a movie whose premise is sharks in tornadoes, but whatever level you plan to come in with is almost surely going to fall far short. This movie has more WTF moments in 86 minutes than Lost could pull off in 86 seasons. And everyone gets to play, not just those with a working knowledge of wind shear or the physics that keep a helicopter in the air. If you've played pool, fished, surfed, driven a car in water deeper than two inches, been exposed to gravity, or otherwise in any way have interacted with or gained some understanding of the world around you, this movie has something for you to go "wha!?!" about.

And while you would think that once you had bad special effects, bad editing, and bad sound strung together you'd get at least one Bruce Campbell out of the cast to latch on to. Not so here, as every actor turned in a performance that shows they were more confused than the viewer about what was happening. We could guess it was because they were given the script out of order, but as a viewer of the final product I'm not sure I've seen the scenes in order, they are that disjointed.

I've tried very hard to find something that was done well or noteworthy about this movie and the only thing I can come up with is that it is the only movie I have ever seen that has failed on absolutely every level. If you tried to make a movie this bad you would inadvertently get something right purely on accident. And that is its one bright, shining point of light. That it would be almost impossible to make something this terrible ever again.
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A whirl wind into the sublimely ridiculous
MartianOctocretr512 July 2013
With a title like Sharknado, you expect weird. This movie delivers.

Grab some friends, lots of snacks, and a mammoth amount of suspension of disbelief. You're now ready for SyFy channel's latest escapade into the realm of the psychotically silly. This movie acts upon the mind like a mind altering substance, taking it to a land of shark-infested water spouts, science gone mad, absurd visuals, and movie making run amok. Riffing is optional; the movie is goofy and deranged either way.

A freak-storm turns into tornadoes/water spouts that vacuum up a zillion sharks that are swimming around and whisks them off to southern California. Some of the finny predators are pitched into local freeways and everywhere else, while other sharks continue to spin around in the hurricane. The sharks take no prisoners as they swim around soggy streets and wreak havoc with laughable CGI attacks. I did notice however that they obeyed all traffic laws while they swam through the streets.

This movie swims its way ever further into the realms of the jawbone dropping bizarre, with several key scenes to be on the lookout for. Look for the random one-in-a-million rescue near the end, and the wacky idea the heroes use to try and save the day. This sort of chaos is common throughout the entire movie.

Kudos to the movie makers for this pure unabashed nonsense.
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I've seen a peanut stand, I've heard a rubber band, I've seen a needle wink it's eye, but I ain't never seen a Shark fly
one9eighty17 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers

If you like cheesy movies with wooden acting, bad CGI, bonkers plots, no reality to scientific laws and principles... then please STEP RIGHT UP!!

When I approached this film I wasn't expecting much at all, I was even ready to press the STOP button but I was so mesmerised and baffled by what was happening that I couldn't help but watch on. Soon the people in the room were laughing along, cheering the deaths, and wondering what the hell was going to happen next.

I really don't want to include any plot details in this review because it's that shark-s**t crazy that I want you to watch it and make your mind up.

Go forth and watch this for laughs and entertainment rather than edge of the seat white knuckle thrills ride.
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We're gonna need a bigger chopper!
Let me just say that I watched this movie to be entertained—not enthralled or hanging on the edge of my seat but just distracted and carefree for a couple of hours. I got what I wanted. Only, I didn't expect to laugh so much. I'm thankful for the laughter, though, because it kept at bay any sort of aesthetic sense that might have interfered with my viewing pleasure.

Regardless of genre, most movies are a construction of thoughtfully planned scenes, each of which presenting plot points and character motivations that, together, form a plausible narrative, allowing for the proverbial "suspension of disbelief." Such careful craftsmanship is never more important than at a film's beginning. The creators of Sharknado didn't bother with any of that.

There is an opening sequence involving a fishing boat on a stormy sea. On board a greedy captain in a raincoat and an Asian man in a three- piece suit squabble about money (presumably for some nefarious service performed by the captain). Handguns are soon brandished, bullets are fired, and chomping sharks are washed on deck by the waves (à la The Perfect Storm). People are shot or eaten, and a massive water spout filled with digitally-rendered sharks stretches into the sky. Then the opening credits begin rolling, and it's as if that scene never happened. Other than the brief preview of the "sharknado" to come at the end of the second act (yes, I'm taking some liberties by using standard film vernacular to describe this storyline), it was as if this scene was jumbled together from leftover footage of some other SyFy shark movie. Did this bother me? Nope. In fact, it wasn't until after the movie's end that I even remembered the ship's captain and the shootout on the water. By then, I was still grinning too much to care.

One grin-evoking moment occurs when Nova, the leading female character played by Cassie Scerbo, stabs a shark to death with a cue stick in a bar. While this isn't the first shark encounter for the protagonists or even the first shark-on-land encounter, it does seem to set the tone for the rest of the movie. Anthony Ferrante, the director, wants everyone to realize that this is not—and does not aspire to be—Jaws.

Though he need not worry about anyone mistaking this shark movie for Steven Spielberg's classic, Ferrante repeatedly makes references to it. I won't use terms such as "allusion" or even "homage" to describe these references. Perhaps "farcical" might be more appropriate, or maybe "comic relief," but even those terms lend themselves to a more contemplative critique than I am attempting.

I think Ferrante's purpose was to preemptively counter all would-be critics who might say things like "This is no Jaws." He could have just titled the movie Another Killer Shark Film That Is Not Jaws. But that would have been too self-effacing and certainly not as much fun.

In carrying out this strategy, Ferrante doesn't waste much time. Moments after the sharks begin plopping onto the streets and docks, Fin—a bar-owner, father and former pro-surfer played by Ian Ziering of Beverly Hills, 90210 fame—makes quick work of one by shooting a diver's air tank that is jutting out of its gullet, causing it and the shark to explode. Remind you of anything? Yep, there's even a corny one-liner: "That's what you get for trying to eat me."

Later we have a quasi-touching expository scene that reveals Nova's pre-established hatred of sharks. The character of Fin's son, Matt, played by Chuck Hittinger, notices an unusual scar on Nova's thigh. To get her to talk about it, he lifts up his shirt and reveals a scar on his abdomen and explains its not-so-dramatic origin. When he asks Nova how she got her scar, she says she had a tattoo removed. Not buying it, Matt prods further and Nova tells a story about going fishing with her grandfather and his friends when she was a little girl. She says that their boat sank and sharks began to circle and attack them. The men managed to lift her out of the water and onto something floating nearby, but a shark still managed to take a hunk out of her leg. In summation, Nova says: "Six people went into the water and one little girl came out. The sharks took the rest."

The scene in Jaws in which Robert Shaw's character Quint tells the tale of the sinking of the USS Indionapolis is arguably one of the most memorable scenes in film history. Ferrante knows this. Nova's scar story, in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way, serves to again make the director's statement: "I am aware of Jaws, as is everyone in the civilized world, and this is not that movie!"

Later, this same point is made again, this time even more comically and pointedly. After fabricating some propane bombs, Nova and Matt take to the skies in a helicopter to hunt the tornadoes. Matt flies perilously close to one of the funnel clouds so that Nova can toss one of the bombs into it. She sees an enormous shark coming straight at them and declares: "We're gonna need a bigger chopper."

If you want to be moderately entertained, then I don't think you will be disappointed with Sharknado. Don't expect too much going into it—and bring with you a willingness to suspend your own sense of disbelief. Most important, keep in mind that this is not Jaws. I don't think that fact will slip you mind, however. The director made sure of it.
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Doing bad movies the wrong way
extracrap199810 August 2014
People seem to think that this is the be all end all of bad movies when in actuality the movie was made this way on purpose. The thing that separates a good bad movie from a bad bad movie is intent. Take The Room for example. When Tommy Wiseau was making that movie, he had the best intentions and really thought that it was going to be a great movie. This is what makes it so satisfying to watch this movie. Wiseau put a lot of time and effort into it and it was utter crap. Sharknado was made to be dumbed down to reach their target audience and make them feel smarter than the movie. You can't point and laugh at the director because this is what he wanted all along. What makes a film "So bad it's good" is sincerity. Movies like Machete or Sharknado or the latest Asylum Mockbuster are either intentionally shitty or crass cash-grabs. Great terrible movies like the Room, Miami Connection, and Birdemic are completely sincere and honest in there awfulness, and that's what makes them special. Sharknado is just ruining the experience of bad movies for people. All in all, if you truly are interested in bad movies, I recommend you watch something like Troll 2 or Miami Connection. Then again, what do I know? I'm just some asshole on the internet.
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Terrible...but terribly fun!
RevRonster3 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let's not be coy here, this movie just plain sucks. The acting is awful, the premise was created by a little boy on a sugar rush, the special effects give James Camron an ulcer and the writer doesn't understand the concepts of plot and story. BUT, that's why it's fun to watch.

You don't watch a film with a title like "Sharknado" for a well conceived story and human drama. You watch it for tornadoes that are carrying sharks...and this movie gives it to you in the worst, and cheapest, way possible. This movie is perfect for getting together with friends and laughing at the bad special effects, millions of continuity errors, Ian Ziering acting like this is his comeback role, Tara Reid giving about as much effort as one can give if they were paid in coupons to Subway and the fact that literally not a single character reacts properly or question why all of a sudden there are tornadoes with sharks in them forming. They actually act like they've seen this before.

It's really brilliant in how bad it is!
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bts1117 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
THIS IS STUPID. There, I think that sums it up. All this film does is introduce characters,then kill them off seconds later. It starts with Fin (Yes, he's called fin)and three other people so incredibly devoid of any character that I can't remember any of them. Then, all it does is slowly introduce redshirts for the sole purpose of killing them off. One of the characters who sadly survived is one who has no problems leaving innocent school kids to die. There's also this teacher, who's death scene is just painful. Parts of the Hollywood sign fly towards him, and he engages in this really pathetic thing were he doges them. Yeah, every single one heads towards this guy. It looks like some crappy quick time event from some bad video game. He gets crushed by some rebar that clearly landed nowhere near him.

We also get some completely pointless scene were they run through a red light for NO reason, and the police chase them. They give up chasing after 5 seconds, and it's not relevant to the plot in anyway, except it shows this nitro-boost feature, which of course comes back at the ending.

The only good thing this movie does is kill off the annoying woman who exists solely for the love plot tumour.

But then, in the finale, the protagonist is eaten by a shark, but chainsaws his way out. Oh, and the annoying woman who was eaten well over ten minutes ago? He pulls her out, and she survives.

And that is why the director of this film must be sent to hell for his crimes against the human race.
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The Perfect Storm
thestarkfist12 July 2013
When waterspouts meet sharks they form the Perfect Storm of TERROR!! Just kidding! If you're looking for terror you'll have to look someplace else. This movie is as stupid as its title implies! I don't think Syfy is even trying to make good movies anymore. This flick looks and feels like some very silly people devoted an entire weekend to producing it. It fails on almost every level possible. It's impossible to say whether the producers intended this thing to be funny or not but I guarantee that you'll find yourself laughing at what you see on the screen. The "Oh Come ON!" moments abound in this crapsterpiece! In fact, if you can lay your hands on a DVD of this thing, the last half hour is not to be missed. You literally will not believe that anyone would ever commit something this idiotic to celluloid. So, if you're looking for spine-tingling chills, then avoid this movie at all costs. If, however, MST3K-worthy crap is your cup of tea then getcha a big bowl of popcorn, settle back and enjoy!
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Like Finding Nemo but with all sharks...and tornadoes.
halen1342011 July 2013
For anyone who hasn't seen the SyFy original movie, Sharknado; it's a heart-warming, coming of age story about a ragtag group of sharks uprooted from their home by mother nature's fury. The sharks must band together and overcome adversity and strife while trying, desperately, to make their way back to the only home they've ever known. Battling chainsaw wielding humans and B-list actors trying, desperately, to throw themselves into the displaced sharks' mouths every chance they get. If you love sharks and tornadoes, you don't have to choose! Do yourself a favor and see this one before the Oscars! Sharknado is, truly, the cinematic experience of a lifetime.
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I literally passed out laughing
rschiwal20 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The scene where Fin cuts his way out of a 20,000 lb flying great white and then reaches back in to pull out the girl who was eaten in midair after falling out of a helicopter trying to throw a propane bottle into an F5 tornado had me laughing so hard the room turned black. It was the defining moment of the show. I'm supposed to write ten lines of text for this review, but I don't even think the script for the show was that long. I had to give it 7 out of ten because it was so bad it was good, then it swung to just being bad, but backed up to being so bad it was good again. My family bought snacks, beer and soda to watch this show. We laughed and groaned and made fun of it the whole way through.
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Where is the Sharknado?
andrew-732-4469213 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was extremely excited for this movie, as were a lot of other people apparently. The concept behind the movie was awesome, so much so that I doubt the creators realized it would generate so much interest. Perhaps they would have put in a little more effort otherwise. It is literally the worst-filmed movie I have ever seen. Kids in college working on school projects submit far better work to Sundance. This thing is bad! And it's so bad that it's more frustrating than funny, because the concept actually has real potential. If the concept were given to someone like Quentin Tarantino this could have been a real fun Grindhouse-style flick.

I have so many issues with this movie not sure where to start. I'll try to break it down.

  • It looks like it was filmed with a 90's home cam corder. Even in the same scene when they change angles the lighting clearly doesn't match up. It's like they had only two cameras available and they were completely different crappy models and they couldn't get the lighting to match and also didn't know how to fix it digitally afterwards.

  • Regardless of the camera quality, the cinematography is just plain bad. In a single scene the camera angle bounces all over the place and it's extremely hard to tell what the heck is going on. I think maybe this was aimed at hiding their bad graphics, but it didn't work. We still saw the bad graphics, but were totally disoriented. I mean like there would be a scene where someone is being bit by a shark, but you can't see it happening. Looks like they filmed the movie in a single day and that half of it was constructed using clips of sharks from youtube.

  • Wow, bad graphics. Kids with pirated software manage to put together way better graphics than you'll find in this film. As with the camera quality it looks like they have computers and software from the 90s.

  • Worst plot ever. With this awesome concept that is the best story they could come up with? Where is the sharknado? The Sharknado is the whole point of the movie, but there is actually very little of this. The tornado comes near the end. And this should be where we get all kinds of carnage, but instead they suspend the action to have some drama and make propane bombs and then fly a helicopter over to the tornado to deliver the bombs, which then cause the tornados to go away? What? No sharks flying around eating people. It's just stupid. I know the movie is stupid and totally unrealistic to begin with, but part of making an unrealistic movie fun and good is building up a realistic plot to support the unrealistic concept. And that means not suspending the laws of physics. Helicopters can't fly into tornados, and bombs, certainly not tiny little propane cans, can't be used to "blow up" a tornado. We wanted to see sharks flying around getting people, not this helicopter nonsense.

  • Note I didn't say anything about the acting? Of course the acting was bad, but we expected it to be bad. It was the only thing that lived up to my expectations.

  • Side note, what the heck has happened to Tara Reid? She is looking pretty worn these days.
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Enough Said!
marshagentry24 July 2013
Instead of frequently used movie adjectives such as "Riveting," or "Unbelievable," the "Sharknado" billboard uses the descriptive words, "Enough Said." I don't know why but these words make me laugh, and they set the tone for this ridiculously silly movie. I love scary movies when the enemy is not a real threat to me or any other movie watcher. Therefore, I don't watch stalker or slasher movies.

There are sharks coming from every direction when they're catapulted into the sky by a freak storm that carries them everywhere. No place is safe.

Common sense is rarely used in this type of movie. I'll admit that "The Birds" is in a different league, but I always wonder why no one thinks to wear a hat that could deter at least some of the birds for awhile, especially a construction hat or football helmet. In Sharknado the sharks are vicious and hungry. Why no one in this movie can get away from these sharks baffles me. There are so many that its easy to get pelted by one. Pelted and then chewed, even swallowed. No one seems to remember that sharks can't walk or run on the land. Once they land on the ground, they would be stuck without rushing water to move them along.. Our hero---played by Ian Ziering---and his family and friends must take a proactive approach to fight these big fish while waiting for the torrential storms to pass.

This movie has some great foreshadowing. You can predict that certain characters will not be around much longer. But who cares? If you don't mind watching people get dismembered, or even swallowed, you may enjoy this movie as much as I did.
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If only you could vote in negative...
mathew-pike5 October 2013
You have probably seen a whole bunch of reviews saying that it's so bad it's good. Well it's so bad it's worse than bad.

Do not waste your time with this movie. There is no continuity between scenes, one second it's flooding then in the next scene the streets are dry. The acting is terrible, the special effects are less than special.

Lastly, poor Tara, she had some good movies under her belt, but this is the latest in a downward spiral for her acting career. It seems like she has been taking acting lessons from the rest of the cast because her performance is no better than the rest.

Please watch something else. I beg you.
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Geeky Randy's summary
Geeky Randy7 August 2014
Is it the worst movie ever made? No. The cinematography is not half-bad, it's not afraid to kill off some key characters, and Jaason Simmons is somewhat worth rooting for. But is it awful? Absolutely. Many viewers who have assisted this garbage in attaining some sort of pathetic cult status insist the amateur CGI, bad acting and ridiculous premise is what makes this film so fun to watch. No… just… no. There are parts that really stink of effort, which completely ruins any chance of this movie having any sort of it's-so-bad-it's-good quality. There are many turkeys to choose from for Bad Movie Night, and SHAKRNADO isn't one of them. You'll make better use of your time staring at a blank wall.

* (out of four)
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Is there any possible way to give it less than 1 star?
dgattis516 July 2015
I'm going to start off by saying that this movie was absolute crap! I know that the premise is intended to be stupid but that no excuse for it's terrible casting, story structure, and character development! The actors in this movie are absolute crap! It's almost as if they aren't even human, they're cyborgs that speak very dull and have no kind of development whatsoever. It's movies like this that proves that the general public will watch whatever piece of crap is on television! If you watch this movie all the way through, I can guarantee that you will either lose a lot of brain cells, or puke at the repulsing sight of this god awful movie!
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An insult to the B-Movie genre
BrockPace15 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Due to the recent Buzz on Facebook and Twitter, I decided I would watch the SyFy special, Sharknado. Being one of the largest mistakes I have ever made, Sharknado belongs in the bottom 100 films I have ever seen. The main problem I had with the film was not the story, although it had some obvious faults that I will mention later, but the overall tone of the film. For a film under the same production company as MegaShark vs. Crocasaurus and Sherlock Meets a Velociraptor I didn't really expect an amazing plot, but I also did not expect them to take the movie seriously. I have seen several movies with a silly idea that worked because they made sure it was more of a lighthearted concept, such as Cabin in the Woods where the film verges on comedy with how ridiculous the story is. This film fails because it is trying too hard to act like a real movie. The creators even had the balls to attempt character development! The movie is about tornados that rains sharks! There is no room for character development! What makes the characters even worse is how poorly they are portrayed by the "actors." I put that word in quotes because I don't think anyone in this film is acting. My guess is that they are all this robotic in real life. Tara Reid could have gotten acting lessons from Kristen Stewart and she would have gotten better. But I don't think she was placed into this film for her "acting" skills; she does have other assets after all. The fact that the film cuts from a scene where the characters talk about the death of a loved one, to a guy with a chainsaw cutting falling sharks from the sky completely negates any tension that was being built by the previous scene. I could see an excuse for this film being made if it had decent special effects, such as Transformers, but it doesn't. Why make a film like this if they can't even make the Sharknado look realistic or interesting in the movie? Now, about an hour and twenty minutes into the film, I was almost tempted into slightly redeeming this movie due to the fact that it (Spoiler Alert!!!) kills off one of the main characters. For a standard film, that is a relatively uncommon occurrence, but since it seemed as if we were actually supposed to care about these characters, I thought it was an interesting tonal shift from the rest of the film. Unfortunately, at the very ending, as the main character plummets into the mouth of a falling shark, he cuts open the shark from the inside, only to reveal that the recently deceased character was in fact alive. Nothing about this film is redeemable! Although SyFy is known for B-movie horror cheese, this movie falls under my newly found genre of F--movie, "horror" schlock. One of the worst films I have ever seen, Sharknado fails on every level. Grade: F-
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Bad at Being Bad
tommystans22 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I know a lot of people say 'it's bad but good' but looking at this 'film' it makes 'The Room' more like a seriously bad film. Tommy Wiseau's film is hilariously bad because it tries to be dramatic and emotional but it fails badly there was no feel of intention there. This film is just intentionally bad and you just know it's going to suck because of its simple title and movies like that just gives 'Great bad movies' a bad name. The whole concept of the story is just ridiculous and the acting is bland and there's many plot holes like the mother telling the boyfriend not be rude and yet she's trying to force her ex-husband out of the house.

The movie is just a fad and although there's a sequel that will be likely to fade as well like this movie.
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Bad movie, great comic relief
Mafpmf1712 July 2013
The title should have been a heads-up for me. Sharknado is undoubtedly one of the most painfully stupid movies I have seen in a long time. The dialog is pin-headed, events and actions repeatedly defy the laws of nature and physics and some of the more dramatic moments were actually laugh-out-loud funny. A lame and overly ambitious mishmash of Jaws meets Twister meets Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Sharknado's greatest and most enduring value will likely be the comic relief it provides. Just because the movie takes itself too seriously doesn't mean YOU have to! If nothing else, it could make for an entertaining pizza-and-beer B (or C or D)-movie night with the gang.
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5/10 EXACTLY as the name suggests!
gavwan26 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Is Sharknado worth watching? Here's a typical moment:

-A helicopter flies into danger with a home made bomb to try to stop a Shark infested Tornado!

-A passenger falls from the door and straight into the open mouth of a Great White Shark!

-On the ground, a man with a chainsaw, leaps into the mouth of the offending Shark as it falls and slices it open from the inside...thus saving the day!

You decide...

(I sat through it)
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Gloriously Incompetent and Gleefully Terrible
flixspix12 July 2013
And yet with a group of pals you would be hard pressed to find a better time. Absolutely nothing make sense. Physics and natural laws are ignored. Horrible CGI and cringe-worthy dialog. Outrageous continuity exceeded only by horrible color correction and clunky editing. The all together wooden acting no doubt achieved in single takes is sincere, earnest and fails on levels that should win awards.

And you can't stop watching. My friends, yelled, laughed, joked, stomped, laughed some more and had a fine time. Now how many times can you say that watching a movie? It literally becomes an interactive experience.

It is surely a classic. Not sure exactly what kind. But it is a classic.
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It's a terrible joy.
Sleepin_Dragon7 January 2018
I can't understand why the film has such a low rating, sure it's.a shocker, but for originality and sheer audacity it's a six minimum. It's almost like a zombie film was intended but at the very last minute someone burst into the office and said let's use sharks and have tornados. It's not meant to be taken seriously, I don't think the producers looked for awards, instead they delivered ninety minutes of enjoyable nonsense. Some of the effects are ok, some are pretty poor, they do however beat the stock footage shots. Plenty of continuity errors, rain one moment, dry the next etc, but I won't knock it any more, that would be too easy. It's ridiculous, outrageous, but funny and imaginative, that line 'we're gonna need a bigger chopper' felt like a thumbs up to the greatest shark movie of all time. A guilty pleasure.
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dcsmith7912 July 2013
I only wish this movie had been released to Drive-In theaters and been promoted on a twin bill with any other low rent/grade/brow cinematic masterpiece from the ill human beings at SyFy.

To paraphrase Elvis Costello- I just don't know where to begin.. Wooden acting, special effects from a Midwestern middle school science fair, a script that veers wildly from insipid to bizarre to total nonsense, actors that should face summary execution if they made only scale and still cashed their paychecks, a director that makes Ed Wood look like Ingmar Bergman. In other words a glorious triumph of B-grade movie making..

As you take in the visceral train wreck (that could only be better if released in grainy 8mm), you are reminded of what good/bad scifi is. Absolute suspension of disbelief, pure enjoyment of the insanity of it all, and a curious thought that you could not enjoy life more if you were shotgunned Thai sticks by Godzilla himself..

It is the generic Twinkie of B movies. Made all the better by the fact that it IS a cheap, sickeningly self indulgent wad of fluff that you feel doubly guilty of consuming.

God help me I do love it so....
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