"Halo" Onyx (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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This should have been season 1
jk101-209-19317 March 2024
We are 5 episodes in without seeing the chief wearing the armour. I can get over that as can we all it's clearly not the direction the show is taking.

This episode was a good story telling one and leaving us on a cliff hanger which makes me think the show has legs. But this all could have happened a long time ago. We haven't got close to halo 1 which it looks like that's where we are headed. That'll be the start of season 3.

Chief does a great job acting in this episode he's truely keeping it alive. Quan's storyline I still cannot understand why she's involved.

Bring on the pillar of autumn.
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"Let Them Cook"
conoromecinski8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode we begin to see a a variety of plot threads come to a head and find some major payoff.

After a season of being imprisoned and marooned, Cortana finally reunites with Chief - the meeting feels earned, cathartic, and took me way back to the early days of Halo.

The Arbiter's storyline is very intriguing (is he the heretic?), and it seems like Makee may actually play a much more compelling/important role in finding the Halo and bringing down the Covenant. Also, is she a clone? Why can't she activate the keystone?

Kwan's plot has been woven into Halsey's, with visions of the Shaman possibly being visions sent by the Gravemind, or even the Librarian.

The confrontation between Chief and Kai was brutal and difficult to watch . . . However, we see that, in the end, Kai wants to trust Chief. Also note: Schreiber has been friggin' killing it as Chief.

We peak behind the ONI curtain and catch glimpses of Parangosky's vision for the war and Ackerson's motivations for abandoning reach and leaving Chief for dead.

The visual effects have been pretty good, the writing has been fairly strong, and this episode just clipped along. I was frustrated when it was over! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The biggest strike against the show at this point is that it follows neither the games nor books very closely. This will anger "purists," but we must remember that Halo's mainline lore is nothing like Tolkien's Silmarillion (or similar works/universes). The lore here, while fondly enjoyed and remembered by many, is not imbued with some sort of central vision. The Halo universe and its extended lore has been crafted, by committee, to sell an IP. It's a fun sandbox to play in, and that's exactly what this crew is doing (they're also trying to climb their way down the mountain with much of the rope tied during Season 1).

If you can finally stop insisting that the show must recreate the games or books, if you can stop insisting that "big green armor guy go SMASH" every episode, and instead - as the kids say - "let them cook," I think you'll find there's much to like about Season 2 generally, but 'Onyx' in particular.

There is hope for this series, and I hope it gets renewed soon.
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This ep was good
kecseszt7 March 2024
The episod was good, but at this point it is starting to be commical that we have a super soldier who is OP in his armor but we don't even see him fight in his armor.. I don't have problem with him taking off his helmet, but this whole season about Master Chief fighting without armor is starting to be boring.. We need less politics and more fighting and war.. Ohh and we need much less Kwan, she is not an interesting character at all..

What's next? Will they create a Crysis series where Prophet or Nomad have to fight without a nanosuit just to get it back at the very end of the season so we could see 1 good fight? Well thanks, but no thanks..
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A Masterpiece of Science Fiction Storytelling
nagingar7 March 2024
As someone who has been closely following "Halo" since its inception, I've seen the series evolve, but nothing prepared me for the brilliance of Season 2, Episode 6. This episode is not just a high point for the series but a pinnacle of science fiction television as a whole.

The episode masterfully balances intense action sequences with deeply personal stories, grounding the epic scale of the Halo universe in raw, human emotion. The visual effects are, as always, top-notch, but it's the way they're used to enhance the story rather than overshadow it that truly impresses. From the haunting landscapes of distant planets to the meticulously detailed interiors of spaceships and alien architecture, every frame is a feast for the eyes.

Character development takes center stage, with each main character facing their demons in ways that are both surprising and deeply satisfying. The performances are phenomenal across the board, but it's the nuanced portrayal of Master Chief that steals the show. Through a combination of subtle facial expressions and body language, we see layers of complexity and vulnerability that we haven't seen before, adding depth to an already iconic character.

The writing in this episode is nothing short of brilliant. The dialogue is sharp and meaningful, with each line serving to push the narrative forward or deepen our understanding of the characters. The story itself is a masterclass in pacing, expertly weaving together multiple plot threads to a climax that is both thrilling and emotionally charged. The twists are unexpected but feel earned, a testament to the careful plotting that has gone into the series.

Perhaps most impressively, the episode manages to expand the Halo lore in ways that will satisfy long-time fans while remaining accessible to newcomers. It's a delicate balance, but one that the episode strikes with confidence, introducing new elements that feel like natural extensions of the established universe.

In conclusion, Season 2, Episode 6 of "Halo" is a triumph in every sense of the word. It's an episode that not only pushes the boundaries of what can be achieved in science fiction television but does so while maintaining a heart and soul that is all too rare in the genre. This is not just an episode to watch; it's one to be experienced. If you haven't been watching "Halo," now is the time to start.
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An episode on a new level of Halo
illusionbox7 March 2024
From an alright scify action first season and flowing the trail with similar story line during second season I felt this episode really was something special. It really raised the story line by answering a lot of questions but as well raised more new ones. I'm impressed and look forward to the rest of the season and is expecting a third season since it will be a lot of things left unless they do a disastrous lol ast episode but I doubt that after this episode. It is not common you see this story line quality in a second season after been alright storyline until now. But I doubt they can push it past a third season unless they start a new storyline.
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Unbelievably entertaining
xvczjwpz8 March 2024
I'm a huge fan of bungie, first person shooter video games, and the entire Halo series in general. This show has proven to be way way more than I ever even imagined. Although I know the storyline quite well, including all the intricate lore involved.

Yet, every week I'm on the edge of my seat- literally, biting my nails to see what's going to happen next. And it just keeps getting better and better with each subsequent episode. It's hard to ask more from any television program. Although it began a bit slow in early season 1, I am glad I watched until like episode 3- then it's just steadily escalated in my opinion. Now I truly look forward to coming home from work on Thursdays more than any other day because that means new episode! Overall the visual quality, performances and storytelling are just outstanding.

I know Halo the games quite well, so I was honestly not expecting much beyond gussied up cutscenes and game cinematics- worth checking out at least (I thought) but this is an entity unto itself that anyone can appreciate without ever having picked up a game controller in their life (or used mouse and keyboard to play). Brilliant television on every level. Sci fi folks love The Expanse- as do I. This series can match that level of quality blow for blow- I honestly can't give either the edge right now.

The one and only thing I Hate is- I have to wait another week for more.
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It was very good
chiefspartanfan9977 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While crybabes continue to cry and think that the show must break its own logic to please their fanservice, normal viewers continue to watch the Halo TV show and enjoy every episode.

The sixth episode gave the audience a lot; Master Chief was finally reunited with Cortana, albeit temporarily. Very cool scenes at the Covenant, it will be interesting to see what the Arbiter's mission will lead to.

Kai's logic seemed not entirely clear to me, why she beat the Chief despite the fact that in the end she believed him. But it was a good scene actually. I'm happy. I'm looking forward to the final two episodes.
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This is what they've been building towards!
jonchivers-961998 March 2024
Man, this was just epic. After the slightly boring eps (barring Reach) this was back to proper awesome sci-fi!

A lot of folks have bene grumbling about this show, but as somebody who's never played the games i have to say the pacing, the character development and the overall storyline are great. And, muck like Kenobi, this season feels like it's really going to come good in the last few episodes.

Seriously, if you're reading these reviews and wondering whether to watch the show, do it. It's thrilling, at times insanely good and generally an utterly worthwhile was to spend an hour of your week!
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Extremely good
tsmrm0211 March 2024
This series finally seems to be clicking, this season has been much stronger overall than the 1st one. This episode is filled with great combat and engaging scenes. Hell, Kwan doesn't even seem all too bad right now. Ackerson has been an exceptional addition, which is unsurprising considering how great his actor was in the vampire diaries and the originals. Players of the halo games will remember parts of chiefs conversation with Cortana, it's great to see the series taking more lines from the game so I hope that continues. No joke, I actually enjoyed this episode more than reach (which was also great). Please let this continue!
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John fights his own squad as often as he does against the Covenant
vinsma8 March 2024
Tldr: badly written episode full of exposition that raises more questions, plot holes, and inconsistencies.

Why was Kwan allowed to just walk around during a stealth mission?

How did Perez suddenly become this super confident aggressive soldier? And be called a Spartan, really?

Why did Ackerson send Kai knowing John can turn her loyalty around?

Why did they just let John sit and start walking around after being beaten up?

Still never explained why Ackerson had to take the suits with him.

Are we going to see John in his suit ever again?

How do cave systems "change" in just 20 years?

Why wouldn't Kai simply trust John, someone she's fought alongside pretty much her entire life? Especially now that she doesn't have her chip and can think more for herself? What was the point of last seasons character development?
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the disappointment continues
tdsearles257 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think the biggest sin this show has committed is the diminishing of Spartans. Master Chief is a bumbling emotional brute, Kai is so easily manipulated and so naïve, Vannaks passing was ridiculous and Riz going into retirement last episode. So sad to see what they have all been reduced to. It would be like having a Batman show where Batman gets caught, doesn't have a good plan, gets all emotional like an immature child. Feels wrong. Master Chief going on his depressed little suicide mission is ridiculous only to get bailed out by Cortana

Then we get to the simulation with Marines that also act like 5 years old's. The banter during the simulation is beyond cringe. Did they just grab 10 random people and throw them in this simulation? And not once during the simulation do you see a single enemy. Cheaply done. Just like keeping Chief out of his armor all the time to save on costs.

I keep coming back because I so badly want this show to be good and so badly want to see Master Chief but instead, when honest with myself, It has been mostly disappointing. Can we please stop with the Makee storyline? And the Kwan storyline? Almost 2 full seasons and we still haven't touched HALOs surface! Such a waste. Barely get to see the Covenant too. Anyone calling this show good is clearly operating on some kind of bias or lack of critical thinking. There's such rich vast potential here that is so wasted.

Really hoping they can get past all this crap and maybe the show can actually be good once we get to the meat of the lore. But right now it sucks. How many people will still be watching by then?
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oh no
Lythas_8530 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Like another reviwer said, the show is being taken over by the girl boss nonsense.. like the mandalorian and the witcher, a show about the WITCHER turned into the Ciri and Yennefer show.. perez in the previous episode was a mumbling fool whining about losing everybody, now she is all badass thinking she is a super soldier.. but im confused.. wasnt she running away from Reach and kinda not with the group? Oh yeah.. John left with the rebel girl whereas Perez was in the shutter with the cviilians.

It made non sense them doing simulations and thinking they are spartans..

klaus telling Kai that John is in league with the covenant.. what? Lol wouldnt it be better just to ask him or is he just trying to manipulate her? Im confused.. too much mumbling and not a lot of action.. im finishing the second book.. "the flood" and my God, john is a machine.. he does not stop fighitng.. but here.. it is just ZZZzzz.

Kai whining.. john mumbling.. of course we need to see kai beating up john as per the girl boss routine. We cant have a man beating a woman up, only the other way around is fine.

The scene with the hero allowing himself to be beaten up to wake the other hero from being manipulated only works when it is a man beating another man or a woman beating a man.. never a guy ko'ing a woman.

So what was the purpose of kai beating john up and then confronting klaus about him allowing everybody to burn on Reach?

Anyway what was the story behind john touching the artifact again?

Of boy.. after episode 4, we really thought things were going to get better.. not really i guess.
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Hear me out....
godsnumber28 March 2024
Ok, I gave this a solid 2/10, I know, that's 1 too high, but I have a theory...... The writers have cunningly sucked us in with the complete bull that is Kwans story, had Master Chief beaten up by a girl, still entertaining Soren and his God awful miserable wife as an interesting storyline (really dislike Bokeem Woodbine as an actor, a permanent smirk on his face, which has no right to be there when you look at his filmography) because......there all going to die just before they get to Halo!!

Cortana will be united with MC again and all will be perfect!

Because surely, Perez and Kwan won't become Spartans because that's complete nonsense, isn't it....... On a final note, I 100% believe Master Cheif conveys just as much emotion with his helmet on, so for God's sake screw it to his head when he reaches Halo!
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Everyone's a Spartan now (SBI detected?)
sasha-449097 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Perez (actress is 5'6") is now in Spartan training, and following the "strong female character" trope so beloved of current day Hollywood, she's questioning and disobeying orders during a training combat mission.

After Kai raises serious issues of competence with all the trainee "Spartans" after the disastrous end to that training mission, Perez takes it upon herself to confront Kai and ask why she is being so hard on her in particular (she isn't, she's being hard on everyone), and then Perez asks Kai: "Is it 'cause I was on Reach and you weren't?".

Just WOW.

All this happens in the first 5 minutes of the episode, and it doesn't get any better.

Who is writing this? It has the same dismissive attitude to military discipline as Kurtzman Trek.

I do have to genuinely ask: is Sweet Baby Inc., a consultant on this show?

It's the only way to describe the decisions and directions the show has taken.

After walking around naked for much of season one and getting it on with Makee, "Master Cheeks" has now completely lost his armor!

How has it come to this? How can they keep putting up that title screen with "Halo" written across it when this series has so very little DNA to connect it to the games? Saying that this story is part of the "Silver Timeline" does not negate that.

In Star Wars, Disney bought a boy-brand that both boys and girls watched and enjoyed for $5bn, and turned it into a girl-brand that nobody watches, or cares about anymore.

Paramount is doing the same to Halo.

We can only hope that the rumours of Warner Brothers buying Star Trek from Paramount are true, so that Kurtzman Trek can be exorcised from the Star Trek canon.

Let's start a petition to get Warner Brothers to buy Halo!!! Who's with me?!!! (jogs away into the near-distanch shouting "Come On!". No-one follows...)
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Two plots of varying quality.
mikey_love8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Onyx is an episode with many flaws as it splits the show into two different story lines before reconnecting.

Positive first as always, the storyline of Kai being the instructor to the new generation of Spartan Three soldiers is solid, being the drill Sargent against a lesser trained and less disciplined cannon fodder volunteers works and matches the back story to an extent.

However the world they do it in isn't halo, the first glaring omission is the covenant carrier looks nothing like it should do a pale generic sci fi setting not the bold and beautiful purple truly alien environment of a halo covenant ship.

Now for the worst crime the show and also 343 industry's in general with their storylines around John 117 is these needless personal battles. We have John 117 as almost marvel's punisher character on a revenge spree going after ONI out of his armor and in true 343 style fighting another Spartan in Kai ... total nonsense stuff in a franchise that's around the universe and not personal storylines.
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Again and again, HALO in name only
soujourn-7556511 March 2024
I can't even begin to express my disappointment. My opinions of this episode extend the whole of seasons one and two. I'm not looking at this show as a standalone series, it is an adaptation and that's what I expect. However, outside of the names and a few of the aesthetics, everything about this "adaptation" utterly fails. 90% of the cast is completely out of character from their originals. The plot is messy and contrived, and the dialogue consistently makes me cringe. This "adaptation" is at best a complete assassination of Halo. I suppose that's what happens when show runners think they can write a better story then what we already had with one of sci-fi's most beloved franchises. Well, I think the showrunners should look for new careers, and I would be perfectly happy if they never find work in this industry again.

Started development in 2013 and couldn't be bothered to play a few of the games? The very thing that they want to adapt? Anyone with even the tinniest amount of respect for their work as an artist/writer/producer, whatever, could've at least done that, had 6 years before production, plenty of time. Instead we get generic slop that never would have made it past the pitch if not for the name "Halo" haphazardly pasted on top like a cheap slasher villain wearing the skin of one of their victims like a mask. What. A. Joke.
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Wow, turning Halo into girl boss series
zfgcjx12 March 2024
I have said it many times that people in Hollywood will take Hollywood to bankruptcy with the girl boss fantasy. I just never thought you could do that to something like Halo. Masterchief was clearly the heart of the story and just like Mandalorian's own show, Masterchief has lost his show as well. I guess that's the end for me as all girl boss shows end in one way. Cancellation. This hunk of junk hopefully gets cancelled after this season as there is no girl boss audience for this. Hollywood loves saving me money these days. Never cancelled so many things and seen so much more money in my pocket!
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Biggest Plot Whole
ethanl-617278 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so I've given this season some high review but this is not okay for anyone who is a halo fan they'll understand the absolute disrespect they did to the Spartan 3s is unbelievable. So Spartan 3s should have augments similar to the 2s however a bit different so they're not quite as powerful. Since we see Perez and she's the exact same we know they don't have any of this and there in terrible armour which is accurate and there being used as cannon fotter but there not Spartans there literally ODST's that there just renaming to Spartan 3s to be like see we did the Spartan 3 program we included it but it's not. Visually the episode was nice and everything was done okay but the complete disrespect to the Spartan 3s is terrible. Also why did PEREZ NOT TELL KAI. Boom whole episode solved Perez tells Kai what happened on reach this entire episode is solved in 2 minutes. I seriously don't understand how people can watch this with enough attention and care to write a review and just be willing to glance over that insanely huge plot whole. This isn't Halo if they want to do a halo tv show just do an ODST show with this budget. If you want to do HALO from the games to live action make it a movie that's focused on action because when they do that they do it right when they try the whole drama route they alter things and make it less and less like the source material. Again this season hasn't been bad but this episode I mean come on you CAN NOT call your self a HALO fan if you think this episode is okay.
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Not Master Chief or John 117.
reddishherring8 March 2024
A much better effort than last weeks dumpster fire of an episode but it still continues its relentless character assassination of the Master Chief while disrespecting the established lore/its fans and diluting the iconic Halo art style.

All originality has been drained from this once great IP - all thats left is a badly written, colourless imitation that all but screams to be put out of its misery.

Should have made Kai the lead protagonist while featuring MC via cameos and special episodes. Using him more sparingly would have spared us from this awful awful awful "interpretation" where he's literallt just running around moaning all the time while threatening his coegues and superiors like some rabid dog.

Though I'm glad at least the Paramount shills are still enjoying the taste and texture of Hollywood's loose and bloody stool.

Please make it stop.
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Halo - A soap opera of the future
earthcomedy8 March 2024

Feelings, nothing more than feelings Trying to forget my feelings of love Teardrops rolling down on my face Trying to forget my feelings of love

Morris Albert song from 1975.


I have mixed emotions about Halo the TV show. Like the set design and special effects, but it's following a tired script of strong women...and men dealing with their feelings. A role reversal. Halo tries too hard to represent many ethnicities...or is it just pandering to a worldwide audience? Gotta have a Korean character, an Indian character, strong African-Americans in positions of authority, a Latino character, quasi-LGBT character, etc...

The TV show (and casting) seems "too calculated" --- in a negative way.

This is the only present day TV show I watch, and someday I may just stop watching on a dime - so to speak. Coming in as a Stargate SG1/etc... series fan, Halo is overly melodramatic. Overly PC.
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More of the same
jaggill_viper7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After the first season, I was hoping they would fix the glaring holes that litter this series and hold it back in almost every way. The plot continues to march on with little change and disappoints even more. Now we have shell shocked 5 foot tall women with no muscles that are apparently Spartans who talk back to their COs. Master Chief is now warring with the Humans in Onni or whatever it is called. Seeing him harm his own people just seems wrong and out of character.

The showrunners have no idea what the show is actually about. It's as if the covenant are just a minor inconvenience to the human soap opera that the showrunners are hellbent on showcasing. The covenant are not treated as the existential threat that they are. The show is written by people that seemingly have no understanding of anything remotely related to the UNSC, military operations, space, combat or logic. Nothing is believable in this show and everything just seems out of place or completely off.

On top of that, none of these actors are believable in their roles as they don't seem to fully understand them. The acting is simply too subpar to enjoy. They are not helped by the dialogue which is profound on rare occasions but is too often pedantic and meaningless. The writing is most often what I would describe as drivel present only to move the plot forward. I am unable to really enjoy any aspect of it at this point. I am hate watching this show now.
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I really liked season 1
asterblasterth8 March 2024
...but it's becoming obvious that this is going to be another 'look at alle these strong female characters' type of series. Like Hollywood isn't already oversaturated with those kind of shows and movies. I mean just look at the cast of this show on the main page of this show. And looking at the successes of these type of shows and movies it's not a winning formula. Now even the wife of Soren has to be 'a strong female character'. Even Kai's squadron has more females than males on her team. Hell even Master Chief's squad consists of only females after they killed off Vannak. Al least last season there was more of a balance between female and male but this season has caught the Hollywood bug of 'strong female characters everywhere'. It's a formula for failure which we've seen over and over again.

Even I am starting to lose interest in this show. And that's a pity because it has the potential to be a great sci-fi action show.
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ODST than Halo
scarceak477 March 2024
In this episode, the absence of Master Chief's iconic armor and his vulnerability may indeed leave some fans feeling disappointed and disheartened. The show's decision to have Master Chief face physical and emotional setbacks without the familiar protection of his armor can create a sense of unease and disillusionment among long-time followers of the "Halo" lore. The choice to depict Master Chief in a more vulnerable light, while exploring his personal struggles, may not align with the expectations held by fans who have come to admire the character's resilience and strength we all know from the video game..
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Boring with bad writing and characters
maciej-furst29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing that was decently done in this episode was John throwing around some soldiers. That is it. The rest of it was just very, lacking tension and lacking reasoning. There are just so many plot inconsistencies that you can't help notice, it is like listening to a pathological liar if you have ever had the displeasure to know one. For example, Ackerson tells Kai that it is impossible that master chief escaped reach, while at the same time he recruited Perez, one of the thousands of people that did escape reach. Not only that she went from a comms officer to a Spartan 3's who are meant to be these elite soldiers and she just happens to become one in a matter of a week or two. Not only that, the competence level of these "elite soldiers" is that they are arguing and bickering with each like teenage delinquent rookies who have never been to a military camp before. This show is just unrelatable and not believable with it's characters. And the over all story of the silver time line is not good, it was a bad decision to choose that.
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Episode 6
bobcobb30118 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The sixth episode of the second season was titled "Onyx" and we finally got a little bit of action, we finally got a "slam" or two, to make a dated rap reference. John going bezerk and fighting for what he believes in and letting the viewer know the stakes of what is going on is what works about this show.

We do not need all the heavy emotional stuff. That is not what the video game was about, I don't think that's what the fans want, and it is not even well done.

Just give us simple storylines with clear good guys and bad guys and let them battle it out to see who wins it all in the end. Not complicated.
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