Pelosi in the House (2022) Poster

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Watch this for the January 6 insurrection insights
paul-allaer27 December 2022
As "Pelosi In the House" (2022 release; 109 min) opens, Nancy Pelosi is walking through the corridors of the US Congress, as her daughter Alexandra, who is filming her, struggles to keep up. We then go to the 2017 swearing-in ceremony of Trump, as Pelosi shows her clear distain, and she is even more explicit in her feelings at Trump's first State of the Union address...

Couple of comments: this is the latest documentary from Alexandra Pelosi. Here she brings an insider's view (and ode) to her mother Nancy, the longtime leader of the House Democratic Caucus. Mixing publicly available archive and private footage collected over many years, Alexandra portrays Nancy as a tireless worker. "You can never get tired", Nancy explains. All of it culminates in the passage of ObamaCare in 2010, as Nancy works the phones to collect one vote after another of unconvinced Democrats. The documentary reveals nothing new as such, except that is when we get to the January 6 insurrection, when deranged Trump supporters do what they know best: trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power (and failing, of course). Alexandra brings never before seen footage of members of US Congress (both houses, both parties) being bunkered up in a safe location. Watch how Nancy Pelosi handles the situation... This documentary is currently rated 86% certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, which seems a little high to me. AS for the 1 and 2 star reviews on here, they are not "reviewing" this documentary, but instead are simply making a political comment about their utter disdain of Nancy Pelosi. As Nancy comments in the documentary about the increasingly personal attacks on her from Trump supporters: the only reason they do that is because I am a winner, which they hate". The truth is that this documentary falls somewhere the 86% Rotten Tomatoes rating and those 1 and 2 star ratings from Trump trolls. For a much stronger documentary by Alexandra Pelosi, check out her pervious documentary, 2020's "American Selfie: One Nation Shoots Itself".

"Pelosi In the House" premiered on HBO and HOB Max a few weeks ago, and I finally got around to seeing it. If you have an interest in politics and/or in understanding how the January 6 insurrection affected the workings of the US Congress on both sides of the aisle, I'd readily suggest you check this out and draw your own conclusion.
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Pelosi documentary
jusstpete17 December 2022
This was real, live and very opening. Nothing political about it. Pelosi stood her ground to defend the Constitution. She will go down in history to have always defended the Constitution, and we the people.

This was done in the perspective of her daughter, without bias, and the unique angel of always following her mother.

Some good home movie moments as well, but it really came down to the insurrection, and how she kept her calm and lead the congress to restore democracy.

It was not done professionally with lights, film cameras or sound equipment. Just a handheld phone. More realistic than a movie, though I'm sure there will be a movie on this.

No actors, the real people in real situations. I recommend to those not afraid to face the truth to put it on their list of must see.
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instead of a peek-a-boo
ops-5253514 December 2022
Book x-mas -Gift, why not make a documentary and put together her life from our standpoint of view, her offspring ,the lovely daughters,in laws, and grand and great(?)grand children of the speaker of the big house on the top of the hill, sitting there cause the rest of the land of district of colombia was just a rotten quagmire back then when it was constructed, NANCY PELOSI, that i as a norwegian, consider some of the best that has happened to american politics over the latter years... just a pitty shes taking the leave now after the autrocious attacks on her husband back in the sushine state of california.

Yes its a verbal race in telephones running from rooms and corridors at capitol hill, with some stiff needled indian sundance trying to reach out to her grands at home, its shows some immortal moments of her political life and sense, but also the times of headbanging when in minority in the house of representatives.

So beaware this is not a heavy biographical story, its more or less the true nancy that the daughter where able to catch on tape. I give it a five star, its allright thinks the grumpy old man.
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Safe Nepotistic puff-piece for the sychophants directed by her daughter
solarhealers16 December 2022
Shallow and sychophantic puff-piece of a war mongering industry insider profiteering from societies inequalities, with almost nothing direct to say, filmed by her daughter. Takes an amusing turn when her reactions to Trump's unpredictable, off-script rantings can't contain her own surprise "He's a nut!" Nothing is mentioned about the millions she and her husband make on confidential insider trading deals & investments she is meant to be regulating on the stock market nor of when the Democrats held the house, congress AND the senate yet were still completely ineffective at challenging SYSTEMIC corporate stranglehold of Big Pharma nor of how (aside from Obamacare) she and the majority of her party have always voted for corporate interests over the welfare rights of the Working Class who she's meant to represent. Her advice to Biden in a phonecall is revealing "Don't go too left!" she says when representing the actual Working people who voted her in. In an honest society politicians like footballers would be wearing the corporate sponsorship of their paymasters on their shirt. For Pelosi there would be no room left on her shirt to fit all her corrupt profiteering sponsors. None of this is explored in this documentary. Things do take an interesting turn in the last half hour when the behind the scenes footage of her going through secret passageways to escape the outbreak of the riots of Capitol Hill calling out for Secret service to escort her to a safe location. Her incredulous reactions to Trump on her monitors are always amusing.

Having her daughter film this bland inoffensive fluff piece is just another example of nepotism & a cash grab whilst controlling her own narrative without ever being analysed or questioned. Her lack of warmth , connection or empathy with her own daughter is also quite telling. So are her daughters inter-actions with her father who likes to keep to the periphery out of sight. There is a scene where she meets the Pope & she becomes knock-kneed with the attention he gives her whilst he spreads his hands on her grandchildren's heads that speaks alot about Catholics in power & how.grand-standing to authority has replaced anything remotely connected to spirituality.

Again what is telling through this doc is that even when the Democrats had the senate,, the house and congress they did not vote in any substantial systemic change to improve the lives or rights of Workers in relation to challenging the Trillion dollar interests of their Corporate sponsors or the bloodlust of the Military Industrial Complex.
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Love her or hate her..
realtimerealtalk14 December 2022
It should go without saying that Nancy Pelosi has been one of (if not) *the* most powerful women in American/global politics. She is a political Jedi with a mother's sense of priorities.

Admittedly I'm a left-leaning Independent-haven't always agreed with her and not here for hero worship-but this doc speaks to Pelosi's longevity, political savvy & effectiveness at *doing her job.*

Love her or hate her, the doc paints a portrait of what DC inside baseball looks like at the highest levels power - from her family's political background to trailblazing as a twice-elected woman Speaker.

What stands out the most clearly: Nancy never GAF about getting elected just to stay in office; she pushed her chips to the table multiple times over the last couple decades with ZERO regard for re-election-and that's probably why she lasted so long in Congress.
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Excellent documentary!
ted-fuller22 July 2023
This is excellent! Not as good as, say, An Inconvenient Truth or Fahrenheit 9/11, but excellent.

I find it interesting that half of the ratings are exactly zero. (At this writing, there are 566 "0" ratings, out of 1.2k reviews.) More zeros than any other rating. Makes you think these reviews were purely partisan. They don't like Pelosi, so they don't like the documentary.

Since her daughter obviously had exclusive access to Pelosi, there are a lot of scenes that would never be recorded in the life of most politicians.

Nancy Pelosi was definitely a pioneer in her career! Kudos to her and kudos to her daughter for making this documentary!
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An Absolute MUST Watch
jholland-3449614 December 2022
This is amazing, informative, gripping, funny, dramatic all in one documentary. One of the very best I have seen in years. Shows the inner workings of the Congress and shows history as it was being made. Not many things can do that.

It covers so many years you actually see two of Speaker Pelosi's grandsons grow up. The are toddlers when it begins and when it ends they are both taller than she is.

Historic comments by ex Presidents. Wonderful comments by former President George H. Bush. Shows what a class act he is.

Should me a must watch for all little girls in this country. Shows you CAN do anything you want to do and belive in. Just amazing.
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Nancy is Awesome, but the doc is not
charliemegkc27 December 2022
Disclaimers: I'm a democrat, a woman, and I respect Nancy Pelosi. This documentary had SO much potential to go behind the scenes and show what it is really like to rise to the top in DC and become the top woman in politics. I watched for the behind-the-scenes looks at what Nancy is like at home, with family, with Paul, with her other political friends. We got only the smallest glimpse of those things, which were awesome when they came, but after 20+ years of footage, Alexandra chose to focus on Trump and his insurrection. This documentary came out less than two years after January 6, 2021 and we (The People) have all seen the press coverage from that day. We were there. It hasn't even left the forefront of our minds as legal proceedings are still underway. Alexandra really could've done an entire documentary ON that day from her mother's vantage point! But alas, an incredible woman who had an incredible career of her very own... and her own daughter chose to tell it intertwined with Trump. Nancy is every bit the badass you expected, but she deserved better.
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I threw up in my mouth...
pjhender17 December 2022
What a hot mess puff piece. A true portrayal of revisionist history made to further her power, spoiled legacy, and she's a prime example of the late George Carlin's commentary on people like like her when he stated "Power does what it wants"! This was nauseating to watch the lengths to recreate a narrative about her ruthless rise to power and her abuse of the American political system and to cast her as a hero. She used her position every day of her decades in the political system to make her and her depraved husband rich beyond avarice. She used inside-trading schemes on Bills that were before the House that would put an average citizen in jail for 15 years or more. She used the housing bubble crisis to worm her an her husband's way into tens of millions more of money that ultimately came from the US taxpayers. This film ignores all her crimes, the fact that her and her husband are unapologetic drunks, and ignores how they used their power to escape justice in her husbands recent DUI where a man was severely injured. This movie is a total farce, revises the facts (lies) about her achievements, and ignores the decades long crime spree her and her husband have gotten away with. Way to go Netflix! This pap-smear of show is right up there with the Harry and Meghan disaster.
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Well Done
holarsch16 December 2022
An rare insight into the life of a truly wonderful woman who has dedicated her life to Public Service. As we follow her life behind the scenes, it becomes obvious that she is a formidable advocate for Democracy. The travails and trials that she has had to go through make it clear that she helped maintain our country through the horrors that were foisted upon us by Donald Tramp. Her experience as a lawmaker helped to fend off the nefarious actions that the previous President that would have destroyed this wonderful country. Her humanity shines through this well made documentary. Every Republican should be forced to see it.
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Is this American politics?
boboceaelena16 December 2022
As an European, I watch this ridiculous thing and I wonder if this is how American politics really are.

I understood that this documentary was done by her daughter but I start wondering if she hated her mother because for an outsider it comes more like mockumentary full of platitudes like "I didn't choose politics but politics choose me", with a woman called "strong" but who but from what they are presenting she didn't struggle with anything and it comes from a family who took a subscription to public functions.

Even Obama mocked this documentary and the still put it in. Having that face and mockingly saying "Glad tobe contributing to this great work of art" isn't a compliment but a direct characterization of this mockumentary.
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Political jiberish
tkathlina19 December 2022
Not a Democrat I was still interested to learn more about Nancy's family history and her influences, likes, dislikes, kids, etc. Documentary spent about 10 minutes on that and the rest of the time on showing extreme leftwing media clips like MSNBC (a channel nobody watches or respects) and the old Democrat affliction; Trump Derangement Syndrom. It's an embarrassing look for Nancy. Nancy is undeniably a extremely successful woman and tough opponent in the world of politics. But would of been nice to more the mom, daughter, grandmother side of Nancy, more the things that make her human and approachable to even her political opposition.
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Thank you for everything madam speaker!
simon-gomez15 December 2022
This loving portrait of an exceptional woman, shot and directed by her daughter, is a treat for all political junkies in America as well as for all the people in the world who cherish democracy and freedom.

The last chapter about the 1/6 insurrectionist violence in the US Capitol is hard to watch, but Nancy Pelosi takes the audience by the hand with the sweet reassurance and strength of her convictions and her mission.

Nancy Pelosi is a national treasure and this documentary is a faithful portrait of both the woman and the leader. Now she belongs to history.

Thank you for everything madam speaker!
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Biased Political Nonsense
spitzerj4 January 2023
This film offers very little for the educated moviegoer to embrace. It starts off my attempting to show how many years Pelosi has been in power across the numerous administrations, however makes out all the republican leaders to be monsters. The sad truth is that Pelosi and her cronies have slowly and methodically been tearing down America into shambles, which is now a crippled shadow of what it could be. The film is poorly edited, shows many scenes that have either no relevance, or are meant to shock you just for the sake of it. I would not recommend any friend to waste their life watching this left political dumpster fire of a movie.
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Good Representation of Pelosi's Career Highlights
tchriste52-807-23359014 December 2022
I've seen & enjoyed several of Alexandra Pelosi's documentaries & I can add this to one of my favs. This doc covers several ground-breaking highlights of Ms Pelosi's career in politics, giving us a peek into the hours of behind the scenes work of the Speaker of the House. Towards the end of the film, the doc deals with the illegal insurrection by Trump's supporters. This tense time in Ms Pelosi's career was amazingly captured by Alexandra & shows how close we came to our democratically elected government being overthrown. Nancy Pelosi has had a groundbreaking career & Alexandra's documentary provides a loving & insightful tribute to her decades of public service.
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Pandering at its best
joshdouglas29929 December 2022
Pathetic that no one asked for this, just trying to push the pathetic legacy of some one who has failed America. Decades in politics to only make millions for themselves and not help the people she should represent. This tries too hard to make her look like a hero of the American people when she really just panders to people to make her more wealthy. Not so much a documentary, but a piece devised to further keep her party in power. There is no documentary that actually partway anyone in politics unbiased. I wish there was a neutral position on one "documentary" that shows both sides of the coin. Even the main photo of this biased piece makes it seem like she is actually something of substance.
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A great recap of Speaker Pelosi's years in office
apereczky16 December 2022
A great recap of Speaker Pelosi's years in office: from her election to the house in 1987 all the way up to her announcement to resign as minority leader in 2023.

The footage of the attack of the United States capitol on January 6, 2021 is absolutely astounding - you can see what it was like to be there in those uncertain hours that day.

Some great reminders of past years in Washington of a time when leaders were civil to each other, even if they were on opposite sides of the aisle.

Many of the negative reviews are politically driven and not an actual critique of the documentary itself, in my opinion.
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Richie-67-48585215 December 2022
Amazing how when it comes to certain subject matter, if political, takes on a new and different meaning. It used to be that anyone who spent decades on their job performed as expected, was paid and retired. In politics, the longer one is in, the more they learn to wield and pursue power, fame with wealth following. I am reminded that half the country does not agree with Mrs. Pelosi and her wielding of power almost in an abusive way. One is reminded of a woman's scorn but what triggers it varies. Her disdain for the President in public was unprofessional. Her payback tactics despicable and she over-extended her stay. As with all, long term professional politicians, winning and buying favors comes first followed by the reason they took office. The people thought they would come through for them. As it turns out, there is not so much virtue in quantity as is found in quality. I believe that is what is lacking here. Yes, there were accomplishments but after all, that was to be expected not glorified. Perhaps other doors will open to this woman that offer her chance to discover meaning, purpose and to explore life beyond earthly successes. I hope so for her.
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It's worse than we thought
idospasjody28 December 2022
I followed politics very closely for many years and always knew that pelosi was evil pure evil. I will say this documentary does give a huge insight into how much influence and damage she has done to this country for the last 40 plus years. It's amazing to think how much better we would be right now if she had never gotten into politics. Her hand has guided every corrupt bill and has had the biggest hand in the downward spiraling of the United States. It's criminal, sad part issue will never have to pay the price of all of the corruption and illegal things that she has done throughout the year. She didn't know it but her daughter has done us a favor. Hopefully history will look back on this documentary and learn some lessons.
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Watch everyone else as well as her
crypticmoon-0308019 April 2023
Watch the documentary, and watch how things unfolded from many perspectives not just Jan 6, but for many important situations before and after and exposing what she was actually doing and what others were as well. Her daughter caught her throughout her career, not just recently.

I'm not a big Pelosi supporter, I was saddened to see when her husband was hurt, because I have instead come to know of her through listening to her brought up in far right media, since way way before 2016, fairly constantly as a top evil person. put is very mildly. Daily frothing screaming rants from every single talking head available is slightly more accurate, as it is a very pervasive sadistic hard-on that is carried for her, even by the females. It was like chalkboard scraping to hear, constantly AOC and Pelosi because they cut these clips and scream about them for 20 minutes, calmly slide into something else, and then cut right back to another stupid demeaning meme or conspiracy, and scream some more setting up for whatever next thing to invent and scream through. Ad nauseum. I remember when she said she prayed for Trump, everyone was so unbelievable. I are supposed to pray for her too, you know?! Do you know how that makes you look? Now, it is shown more and more every single day. People just brush it off, you should always listen to all sides.

Then, again, all of it unfolded through this other lens, and you can see those people screaming in the halls the same hate and fear based rhetoric those talking heads were screaming, tearing up 'Their House' tearing up OUR HOUSE all OUR HISTORY OUR RIGHTS OUR TAXES OUR CHAIRS OUR WALLS OUR DOORS OUR VOTES ALL OF OURS Pelosi in the House is on HBO Max see her, but see all the other people that it captures and what they are doing too. That is the most important part. Big players to small shadows to loud puppets.
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Portrait of a Powerhouse Woman
astrohubble-549-27277721 December 2022
The documentary of Nancy Pelosi by her daughter Alexandra gives a fascinating insight of how a powerful woman can influence politics and how reasonable decision making can be possible in the world's most powerful democracy. As European I despised president Trump, who did betray the office of president. I was impressed how ms. Pelosi did not lose her calm in dealing with this disaster called Trump, the most horrible and extreme narcissistic president the USA had. It's impressing. If you wanna know how politics in the Capitol are made look at this doc. The portrait gives an impressive image of a woman who was a positive and progressive powerhouse. She did almost never give up fighting for the good cause, inspiring for women and .... men (who want to serve democracy).

When I read the negative comments in this section I do think most commenters don't like her (do the hate (this) women?) and don't want to see the special images we can see, because her daughter can film her 'object' so closely.

The work of Pelosi consists of almost every day talking to people (much of the time by phoning them). She persuade and convince all the time politicians of both sides of the congress. She has a formidable memory and acted to everyone with respect and dignity.
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Weak film on powerful leader
ThatMonkey15 December 2022
Nancy's daughter may love her, may admire her and may have more access and insight to who she truly is, but that does not qualify her to be a documentary film maker. Not only does her lack of film making show, it comes off as a family centric historical passion piece and Nancy's legacy is deserving of more. There is so much drama and struggle that was not captured or shown.

If you are wondering why ratings for this piece is low, that is why, in the hands of a capable or qualified film maker this could have been a defining piece for female leadership.

This is the same mistake Nolan Ryan's son made in his doc last year, but at least there, you could tell he worked with an experienced crew and the gratuitous parts of that doc where clearly at the insistence of the children.

You only get one bite at the apply and unfortunately this was not a good one. This was too long, too boring and too bland. I'd say Nancy's life is in the 10 range and this movie does not reflect that. Some times family needs to get out of their own way.
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As real as she
rachelledw18 December 2022
What a wonderful tribute to a real human being with the needed energy, intelligence, compassion, and passion to do the right thing every moment with a sense of service and purpose. I loved watching her be a real citizen, mother, grandmother, wife, and woman while holding those accountable for actions that affect millions everyday. She will be greatly missed as someone who used her privilege and resources to empower the masses one decision, one vote, one phone call, one smile, one concern for those closest to her, as well as around the world, at a time. Those young, empowered new leaders can learn a lot from Speaker Pelosi through this documentary. Well-done.
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Having enjoyed Alexandra Pelosi's previous films
spinflux4 January 2023
I was not opposed to sitting through another one, regardless of subject. If you're sick of political films always pushing a viewpoint, and usually a rancid one, try one or two of A. Pelosi's documentaries. Don't get me wrong. It's fine to have an agenda (and she likely as not does have one), but don't cram it down the viewer's throat (she hasn't). Few get the access AP has had, and none as much she has had with this particular subject! Her hands off approach and humor go far in a way that makes me happy a film about Nancy P was made by a woman, and doubly so that it was Alexandra. Being not well-verses on Nancy Pelosi's life prior to Obama, it was great to realize I am inspired by her as much as I am by Hillary, and Ruth Bader. Her resume is as impressive as any, and AP captured her humanity and imperfections. When you watch the adversity she's dealt with, you can really begin wonder how she didn't give up. Uncanny she made it this far AND managed to actually get a lot accomplished. So few Republican politicians ever do any real work once elected, but Pelosi has never stopped.
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Pelosi's daughter documents her mother's history making political milestones
IronRanger8 January 2023
Regardless of your personal political beliefs or your feelings towards her, the fact is that Nancy Pelosi has made history in the United States & has served her constituents & the country for decades. She is the first woman to hold several leadership positions in the US House of Representatives - including Speaker of the House.

If you are looking for a hard-hitting investigative documentary, this isn't it. It's also not a deep dive into any of the events. It's a behind the scenes look at parts of Nancy's life in politics & touches on the milestones of her career & it's all documented by her daughter.
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