One by One (2014) Poster


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2020 Movie to Save your life
Skylightmovies6 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not kidding

Not hollywood

In your face

Think about your life and all the decisions you will make for your family and your self After watching this

Some people tell the truth in their ART before they go away
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Everyone Needs to Watch This
cherielynne-5200513 December 2020
Ok the sound isn't great, nor the acting. But it portrays a powerful message very well. We are being divided and turning against eachother. With all that is happening in 2020 I am very much 'awake' now. The film is truth and I think it's brilliant. It shows how people who aren't awake react to being shown the truth. Some will not understand it but if you are awake then it makes perfect sense. Shocking, scary but it's happening.
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Question everything.
traybry-8397511 February 2021
It's a well written story that touches on everything that you question in the news even today. Almost knowing that there is possible pandemic on the way...? Acting I found was good, but considering it was a low budget film I was surprised. See for yourself. Don't be guided by others.
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2020 in a nutshell
tpcarterimm16 September 2020
Must watch wake up

Rik Mayalls last movie was a warning to us all
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Be warned. If you weren't already aware 2020 is a severe warning.
lydiaferguson-0142025 December 2020
Always have been brought up to question everything. I have always been very aware of corruption and how the gov works to get results that serve their sinister agendas, whilst manipulating the masses. But 2020 came. "Waking up" as this film shows the process of, is very much like taking off a pair of rose tinted glasses. Nothing is ever the same once you "see"... your life changes and you change with it. For the better of course. I LOVED this film. Yes its low budget but the message behind it is so important. When I finished watching it I had to sit quietly and think for a while...
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Best movie I've seen.
marshallt-2255417 August 2020
Thought provoking, deeply moving with great acting. Have your tissues handy. This is a great storyline and I wish there were more movies like this.
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bodeaderly18 August 2021
In Holland it is not on Prime or Netflix and there doesn't seem to be a DVD either , am I not allowed to se it ?
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Only if you're down the rabbit hole
mckaymalcolm25 July 2022
You can view this movie on BrandNewTube as I did.

Ok, the bad stuff first. It's equivalent to a film student movie. Everything let's it down and if it wasn't for its core message it'd get a 1 star Review.

The good stuff is that the theme was scarily prescient for 2014.

If you were one of the few who experienced a full awakening in the spring of 2020 then you will, as I did, appreciate what the writer and director was attempting to convey.

Rick Mayall's appearance doesn't make it any better - he must of done this as a favour i reckon as it could not have been a paying gig; however, the fact he died soon after making it has brought some attention to a film that would likely have never been released at all.

For all the big budget Hollywood conspiracy movies out there - none come as close to this for holding a mirror up to the present moment.
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They only shadow ban a film when it exposes the truth.
morenasanguigni11 September 2020
One of the late great RIK Mayalls film... about us all being killed off one by one with food, war, medication, crime, sickness... and it didn't become famous post humanely? Weird... shadow banned not available anywhere... Reviews blocked off not visible? Why? There's obviously lots of high ratings? Watch it to understand the world today.
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Even a stopped clock can be right twice a day, but this particular clock is seemingly right on every hour at the moment.
PaulJosephWatson11 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you disregard the passible acting, average writing and really quite terrible directing, the concept is very - shall we say - intriguing.

At first you think the main character, Dion, is being inculcated into some weird cult. Her angry copper boyfriend doesn't like her being with them. He's the stereotype you MUST hate in this story, got it? (he'll be back later)

Turns out that they're not a cult, but just seemingly more informed in their beliefs.

And their belief is that the notions of climate change so pervasive around them actually masks a wider conspiracy of a New World Order plan of population reduction.

When one of their group sadly dies from a stabbing attack outside a club, they start to tell Dion what they truly think about what is going on in the world.

They talk of population reduction by means of war, surreptitious racial plans to cause internal strife, the use of man-made viruses and vaccines designed to kill even more.

They speak of ID cards, sterilization, bio-engineered pathogens to eliminate entire groups and races. Eugenics, essentially.

You'd be forgiven for thinking this was made just recently and then somehow retrofitted into 2014 to prove some kind of point.

Sadly that is not the case.

The late, great Rik Mayall died suddenly from a heart attack in 2014.

It's quite clear that Rik Mayall appears solely to add gravitas to the production as; his most popular role is Rick in The Young Ones (which ran on BBC2 on 1982 & 1984 and which I had the absolute side-splitting pleasure to watch live back then) - an Anarcho-Communist sociology student who clearly doesn't believe, or has even perused the political & philosophical writings that he pushes so childishly to his student digs mates; seems to fit the remit.

He comes across as the cult leader, who is never questioned (except by Dion) and his subjective observations on reality are always seen as "enlightening".

This is shown in an (unintentionally) laughable scene where he uses a Jenga tower falling over to refer to the 9/11 attacks. Quite insulting to the intelligence.

When he speaks on this point the music changes very abruptly to sinister tones, then back to the softer tones to prove the point.

I do not want to get into jet fuel melting steel beams.

So we move to a montage of Dion researching the NWO and 9/11 with a song by someone who was clearly slightly popular at the time. This production is clearly geared to folks far younger than I. But lets focus on content rather than style.

Seems that Dion has now been away for a few days, and the dead girls dad welcomes her back with a big cult love-bomb hug, the characters were never truly fleshed out to make any of this believable, but okay.

She's been to see a seminar or two.

"Got any questions?" "Nah, need a shower and a sleep."

Then Mr Mayall does the sinister cult man thing by reciting some Rupert Brooke. And no-one says anything about it. Unquestioned. Jarring. Laughable.

Okay, this is getting tedious now. Let's move to the end point.

As their fever-dream NWO take over starts to kick in, the ex-boyfriend copper (remember?) re-appears with what appears to be a Magnum .50 calibre (buy them down the high street, £150 mate, no questions!) and the TV shows that the world is on the brink of chaos. Because that'll be how that occurs, apparently.

Then some NWO trucks roll up outside as the NWO plan is now in full effect, angry copper goes outside, thinking he's one of them, and gets shot by random NWO goons.

Dion then has a monologue that may seem sensible for Anarcho-Communists like Rick.

The actress then looks into the camera and says "Wake up! Now!"

Then the titles roll, telling us that this production is in association with THE COMEDY COMPANY, yet I have not laughed once.

In conclusion: I fully understand the fear people are undergoing at the moment and I have looked into Event201, Agenda 2030/21 and they are REAL and TANGIBLE threats to our existence...

But this ain't it, chief.
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Appalling unwatchable nonsense
gavinrknight15 September 2021
I have a terrible secret fear that as US conspiracy theorists increasingly stumble across this revoluting stain on rik's career, that this will be his lasting legacy.

This film is poorly shot, written, directed and acted. The lighting is terrible, framing, costuming my God,just everything is terrible. I can't make it to the end.

It's a collection of mashed conspiracy theories, lots of cherry picked soundbites on Facebook saying g 'rik warned us', well no, Rik didn't warn us, he was paid to say lines in a movie. This is the only bad performance Rik gave in his career.

Appalling, revolting, dull and pointless.
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A movie for right now.
samanthagoodenssl28 September 2020
Saw a clip on YouTube channel dollar vigilante and was very intrigued so after minimal digging found this whole film to watch online and loved it so much, has a very cosy British feel to the film a small cast but totally compelling you feel as though you are a part of their group as they sit down having their discussion on the state of the world. If you are looking for high octane explosions and CGI mega effects this won't be for you but if you want a thought provoking film that even if you don't agree with all or any of the points put across still is a darn good watch then I say yay to this film.
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My First Review, but here you go!
rwarner-495515 September 2020
I was brought up watching Rik from the early eighties, a comedy genius.

Today I stumbled upon this movie via youtube side links, that is, I wasn't searching for the title, and I knew nothing of it's origins or content. Anyway, I watched it. It kept me there for the entire movie without me switching or without me browsing elswhere (NB: I was really only testing my new bluetooth JBL headphones, so to keep me hooked until the end of the movie is a big plus)

The movie seemed to preach like a junior bible story at times. The bible stories consisted of the villain establisment types - the Romans or Egyptians and the heros being the chosen few such as Moses people or Jesus disciples: both these people were enlightened and would 'spread the word' by contrast the movie's villians was the new world order, and the heros were those of the seminars who were apparently enlightened and wanted to 'spread the word'

Seems to be a bit of a cult - like all religions or fanatatical beliefs.

One quote that bothered me "no one else is responsible for anyone else's feelings" - this was said as almost one of the first doctrinations - it turned me off a little bit and reminded me of Voltaire's Candide's 'best of all possible worlds'... ...I believe we live in a connected world where everybody is responsible for everybodies feelings, and if not, then are we no better than the tyrany it tried to warn us from?

Overall it was a good attempt and an interesting watch.

Philosophy for the pop kids to ponder

Spoilers are for losers
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Rik Mayall deserved much better
markgbullen22 August 2020
We've all only watched this because sadly, it is Rik Mayall's last film, and it's a terrible legacy to leave the great man.

Perhaps the worst plot I've ever seen a film built around, poorly acted, sound is awful, characters make no sense and it doesn't even have proper sets, I cannot believe Rik agreed to do this. Only worth watching for him, and his role is rubbish too.
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Prophetic. Dramatic. I'm now wide awake
adanbrowsky20 December 2020
You know those days when you think maybe we're part of something bigger than we know? This film is that. If you're looking to open your mind, then look no further.

Rik Mayall's a childhood hero so I'd watch him in anything, but I'm glad he took me to One By One. It's his last British film and he's not playing the typical 'Rik Mayall role'. His serious character is the heart and mind of the movie and worth a watch for any Mayall fan, but I won't beat around the bush! One By One is a low-budget indie debut, so it's rough around the edges, but the message is clear - question everything!

Think you own your car? Question that! Was 9/11 an 'inside job'? Hear the debate. Climate control or population control? You tell me! In 2020, perhaps the biggest question of all, and a question posed by the late, great Rik in this film... are vaccines created to control or are they the cure? Watch this and wonder.

The film's writer and director, Diane Jessie Miller, has created a drama that's not preachy but thought-provoking; she doesn't ask you believe anything, merely question what you know and think for yourself. I love the intention and I was hooked from start to finish. Revelation; revolution; action; anarchy; a couple of hours could change your life.

Will you wake up?! Watch it and see.
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Thought provoking
clarebrown2620 September 2020
Ok so the acting isn't great BUT i enjoyed it because i love a good conspiracy theory, and given what's happening at the moment it definitely gets you thinking 'what if?'.
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Open your eyes
spidergerard1818 August 2021
Absolutely loved this movie when I 1st watched it, not expecting what I was watching when I saw Riks name to movie. Always under stood the brainwashing TV has done to society and how easy it would be to manipulate mass herds to turn on family and friends with introducing mass fear. This movie is now more relevant in 2020/21.
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Over not down
wildtalents16 August 2020
I don't think I've ever seen a film on IMDB with no reviews. Ok... one. Two now. Odd that isn't it.
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Terrible sound and acting. Rik saves it but it's not great.
projector_gadget30 December 2023
The marketing behind this low budget film was clever in that you had to find the film like it was also a secret we shouldn't know about. I bought it because it was one of Rik's last projects before he untimely passed (read into that what you will) but it's not from a link on a certain e-commerce site. I had high hopes with some trepidation. The trepidation was right. A lot of the acting is terrible. Rik is great but his character not very 3 dimensional. Not even sure if he got to see the film before it was completed? Honestly, unless you've got plenty of spare time it's not worth rushing out to watch. Some interesting ideas and a Hollywood remake might make it redeemable with a few more rewrites, but it's very much student graduation territory.
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Must See!
newfydaze15 September 2021
I thought it was a great film and to those who think this film discredited the wonderful Rik, they are very wrong! It just shows you how wonderful he can be in a movie like this as he can play any part..... and he took the role ( I heard in an interview on a radio station with the director of this film) as it very much 'interested him' ..... This film opens our eyes to waken us all up but i understand people dont want to be woken up and believes everything they hear and read on tv, I respect that...... This was made in 2014 and because he is so clever & so talented, I think this was a message to what was to come. And my god it has come home to roost. ('they' must have known something was going to happen as that's why there were no reviews or advertisements or plugs for this movie)......The acting was great, very moving and the message extremely clear and it is something for us all to think deeply about and question everything. Rik died shortly after this film which I and others found very very upsetting indeed.
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masonmacleod16 August 2020
Acting is awful, plot is even worse.Sound is off as well.

Easily one of the worst films I've ever seen.
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Ahead of it's time for 2014
Great film! We need more like this one! Depicts real life emotional dilemmas of the "waking up syndrome." Just the top of a very deep rabbit hole and the writing did a good job for helping those trying to make sense of a mad, mad world.
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A film about waking up
achanner10 May 2021
The only people who will get this film are the awakened.
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Can't find this movie anywhere
cyberroot6 December 2021
Unfortunately I can't watch this movie because I can't seem to find it anywhere. I've looked everywhere for it. It's eerie.

Where did you guys watch it? Couldn't even find other info about it.
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Absolutely amazing!
jonnettleton-6069515 March 2022
Absolutely amazing film written and starred in by one of Britain's true Patriots and one of our greatest ever comedians.. RIP Rik Mayall we lost you too early.
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