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This movie deserves an honest review...
rooprect26 August 2014
You may have noticed out of 26 reviewers for "Matt's Chance", nobody has reviewed more than 1 movie on IMDb. Not that this necessarily makes their opinions less valid (I mean hey, even Tibetan monks who are only allowed to watch 1 movie in their entire life have the right to post on IMDb?) But if you're like me, you might smell some review padding at work.

Well rest assured I'm a real person, not involved with this production in any way, not dating any of the cast or crew, with nothing better to do with my life than review some 500+ movies on IMDb, so you can trust that this review is legit.

"Matt's Chance" is a quirky, dark comedy which which is 1/4 love story, 1/4 revenge story, 1/4 crime story, 1/4 fantasy, and 100% original. It begins mundanely enough: a loser is in a bar whining to his buddy about some chick, and the film proceeds in flashback form as he tells his bud the story. From there it picks up speed, it ropes us in with foreshadowing of some epic disaster to come, and the vibe becomes increasingly surreal, building momentum and suspension of disbelief until the astonishing ending which requires your disbelief to be not only suspended but beaten senseless like a piñata.

Some people may hate it for that very reason, but if you like movies that run you over like a garbage truck, challenging you to grasp unconventional situations and even more unconventional morality, then this is for you.

Without ruining anything, I'll say it's an adventure of one man embarking on a journey of revenge. Not quite sure of how to proceed, he encounters bizarre characters along the way (Lee Majors as the silent barber, Gary Busey as the hilariously cynical pawn shop owner, Margot Kidder as a sexagenarian stripper "he only keeps me around because I look enough like a man to get his rocks off" haha). These characters each appear for 1 scene and are seen no more, as if they're chapters out of an Alice in Wonderland nightmare: a caterpillar, a mad hatter, a duchess.

Other characters are more established but equally bizarre: his best friend the priest who raps on the toilet in his spare time, and a charmingly disturbed individual known as Gabor who reminded me very much of John Turturro's sleazy character in "The Big Lebowski" except this guy was much more likable.

Plot aside, this is an odd morality tale for the 21st century. It definitely ain't your grandfather's morality tale. So be prepared for anything. The wacky twist at the end really makes you think hard. In that respect it reminded me of the disturbing dark comedy with Rainn Wilson & Ellen Page called "Super" which challenges us to see the moral difference between a superhero and psycho vigilante... if there is indeed a difference. Neither of these films is to be taken at face value, and the satire is so thick you can't help but be amused at how the director is playing with us.

Stylistically, the humor is subtle & snappy with funny characterizations (excellently acted all around). The awkward "tough guy" match between Gary Busey & Bill Sorice ("Gabor") had me howling. Comedy-wise it's similar to the obscure gems "Circus Maximus" and "Bunny Whipped". If you haven't heard of those, think of "Pulp Fiction" on a caffeine high. That is: offbeat, deadpan humor but at a faster pace. If you're in the mood for something like you've never seen, give "Matt's Chance" a chance.
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Should have been called Missed Chance
jlamarca13 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I borrowed this DVD from a friend who actually had a small part in this disastrous film. I honestly had to FORCE myself to sit through the whole thing because after all, my friend WAS in the movie & I wanted to be able to truthfully say I'd "watched" it in its entirety. A few 15 year old teens could have created, directed & produced a far superior film than the this dung. I actually liked what Lee Majors, Gary Busey & Margot Kidder have done in their past; but partaking in a movie of this caliber (or lack thereof) begs they are washed-up &/or desperate.

I'm @ a loss, as to where I should even begin describing this ill-conceived, convoluted mess of a movie. The flick starts off with two guys sitting on a barstool, whereby Matt recounts a demented affair with his estranged ex. Then the disgruntled dude enlists the aid of Gabor, who threatens to rape some pregnant chick & then sexually violate the newborn baby! As they say, "And the beat goes on..."

In short, the poor excuse for a film begins & ends horribly- with NOTHING gratifying in between. My caveat to anyone reading this is simply this: If, for some inexplicable reason, you feel compelled to buy this movie or even waste the $$$ downloading it, do yourself a huge favor & watch the trailer for free on YouTube. You'll certainly see what I mean & be thanking me later...
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Misogynistic in the extreme.
TurkeeVulture28 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What an utterly disgusting film, dripping with misogyny.

Summary: loser Matt catches his girlfriend cheating on him, and spends the entire film discussing with other people how he just wants to murder her. Everybody else agrees with him: women who wrong men deserve to die.

Cameos by Gary Busey and Margot Kidder involve minor characters pointing out Matt's flaws and telling him how much of his relationship's failure was his fault; the viewer keeps hoping Matt will take the hint and become a redeemed character, but he never does. Instead, at the end GOD HIMSELF gives Matt the A-OK to become the murderer of all people (especially women) who cheat.

Matt never learns a thing about how he could have bettered himself in order to attract a woman's respect and loyalty. Instead, all his feelings are confirmed, that he should always get what he wants and that women should become his slaves with no autonomy and no choice in who their partners are, and if they cross him, they deserve to die. Throw in the fact that this woman had an abortion as an ante-upper for all the male characters in the film, a reason to confirm that she deserved to die, and you have one of the most disgusting spectacles of misogyny I've ever witnessed in my life. Jessica chooses to abort the child that Matt, an enormous loser with violent tendencies, will obviously never be able to provide for, and she's the evil one for doing it? Really? Matt clearly feels that he owns Jessica, mind and body, and that she has no right to make her own decisions. Every single other male character confirms his feelings. Gross.

While I actually liked the directing, which had a gritty and disjointed feel appropriate to the film's genre, on the whole the writing was miserable. The main character was never once sympathetic, just entitled and selfish throughout with no redemption. Several opportunities for Matt to turn into a sympathetic character were presented but never taken -- I guess because it was "funny" for him to remain an entitled loser. Dialog was wooden and unrealistic, a fault which most of the more experienced actors were able to overcome beautifully. Pacing was slack, dragging scenes on much longer than they needed to go. But worst of all, the story felt unsatisfying, because the loser character remained a loser and got to fulfill all his wishes of murdering women who've wronged men. What a revolting story.

Movies for men, that celebrate reclaiming masculinity and male sexuality without turning women into evil-abortion-having murder-targets whose primary sin is to not give men everything they want, are out there, and are done much better than Matt's Chance, with far better stories and more understandable characters. Fight Club comes to mind.

In the end, this film's biggest issue was shoddy writing. From characters who never progress to plot holes to clunky dialog to a disgusting premise that never gives any glimmer of redemption, it was the script that sunk this one. Frankly, I'm shocked that this film won so many awards with such poor writing. I can only imagine it won on the strength of the directing and the actors' performances in spite of the rough script. Nicholas Gyeney's strength is directing, and my hope is that he'll stick to his strengths for his next film, and partner with a strong writer who knows his or her craft to take care of the script.
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Dreadful movie. Don't bother watching it.
whynotiamyoung9 April 2013
The overall plot of the movie is unimaginative. A guy who's girlfriend breaks up with him and he's sad.. The first thing that caught my attention as a viewer was how unbelievable it all was. The guy is this short fat ugly loser and his girlfriend is a gorgeous brunette with a promising career.. Just to see the two of them kiss didn't seem likely at all. As I watched the movie I couldn't believe how... Boring it really was. Every scene is ridiculously drawn out, and even though you get the gist of it, and want to continue on, the scene carries on and on with some sort if ominous tone.

I wanted to like this movie, I really did. I was told it was a "dark comedy" which is right up my alley. This movie is no comedy. I saw a few parts that I think were intended to be funny but they were really trying too hard. The only somewhat funny thing was the mob boss guy, he had some funny lines. However I will say, there is absolutely no way a mob boss would do a man's dirty work for him at risk of being hurt.. He'd hire someone to do it... Come on..

It was just unrealistic. As for unrealistic, if you ever have someone pretending to cut hair, at least make it seem like he's actually cutting hair! All throughout the movie the guy is getting his hair cut and you can see the "barber" opening and closing the scissors BEHIND the guy's head. It was driving me crazy! No hair on his shoulders or on the scissors.. Work on making things seem feasible I guess. Gary Busey was supposed to be in this movie, he had maybe a four minute role that didn't even matter.

The film was filled with bad actors long pointless scenes. The ending is horrible and ridiculous. I won't ruin it for you. If you waste your time watching this movie it'll ruin it for you. You're better off watching one episode of any television show on TV right now than taking the time to watch this movie.
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Seek this film out Immediately!
dmdbarrie9 April 2013
After spending a day watching films at a local film festival in my home town, it was refreshing to see an independent film with real actors, a real director, an real charm!

Matt's Chance is a quirky offbeat dark comedy with some very interesting and intense scenes, and is driven by its slew of odd character . Edward Furlong brings his classic slacker style of comedic performance to the film. It's possibly Furlong's best work in over a decade. The characters are fresh and do a great job of pulling off the humor that goes along with a dark comedy like this. I especially liked Bill Sorice as the mob boss character, he almost had the feel of a crazy Andy Garcia, and was a breath of fresh air to the Russian stereotypical gangster we see in independent films today. Lee Majors delivers some great lines as the advice giving Barber. You can't go wrong for an independent film with an icon like Lee Majors. Gary Busey, is casted perfectly for this offbeat character driven comedy, an makes a nice cameo as a pawn shop owner giving life lessons. Margret Kidder, "Louis Lane from Superman" makes an amazing cameo as an aging stripper that is a must see for any fan boy or girl out there. Edi Zanidache is spot on as the gangster wannabe best friend, an adds the perfect amount of charm thru out the film!

All in all it's a fun ride and a great independent movie from a promising director. I highly recommend this film to people who loved Martin Scorsese's "After Hours"! If you have ever fell for the wit and charm that Mr. Furlong can produce in such films as "Pecker" or "Detroit Rock City" seek this film out Immediately!
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Matt's Chance a good bet
MaximoN-740-14986917 July 2013
Saw this movie a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed the experience. I did find it a bit overwritten and under edited but with a sincere heart. The production values were first rate; especially the cinematography. However it excelled in the casting. The most challenging acting role was taken on by Bill Sorice as the Russian Mob guy. He brought humor and humanity to the part. The cameos by Lee Majors and Gary Busey were first rate but it was Margot Kidder who stole the show. I also thought the routine by the priest was very funny and novel. The entire cast did a great job of delivering a quirky story That I hope does very well in all markets. Fun Stuff!!
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Great indie gem!
gigicoquette9 April 2013
Can't wait for this movie to come out in theaters. I caught it at a film festival and the crowd loved it! My favorite part has to be when the main guy and the bank manager are having kind of an imaginary fight in the bank. So funny! Also loved the mob character. The music was really good too! Really suited the movie.

I can tell a lot of effort went into this movie. The performances were very good, especially the main guy. He was the perfect choice to play a pathetic slob whose girlfriend cheats on him.

I think the ending has a great twist. It really took my by surprise!

See this if you get the chance!
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A dark comedy reminiscent of the Coen brothers...
blueyeszz11 August 2013
When I found out Edward Furlong would be featured in "Matt's Chance" at my local Film Festival, I jumped at the chance. His role is a departure from some of his most critically acclaimed performances, but Furlong being an artist and not just an actor, makes it a memorable ride. He plays one of those pudgy, vulnerable, underdog characters you'd see in a Seth Rogen find yourself rooting for him even when he finds himself not doing the "right thing", actual or imagined.

He's supported throughout the movie by some well-meaning, if not detrimental, characters. I think we'll be seeing a lot more out there of Edi Zanidache who plays gangsta wanna-be Daddy (Father) Dave. Brilliantly energetic and funny. And Margot Kidders performance...well maybe I wasn't expecting much ...which is why she truly blew me away as Mother Mabel! Her performance was so earnest...I wish there were more of her in this film. Completely under- rated and perhaps forgotten as the artist that she is...she was just fantastic. And as quirky as Busey is in real life, there's still no mistaking, he is a Master performer.

There are some scenes that will stick with you and make you chuckle for days, like the over- dosed paranoid Bunny scene. The whole thing felt like a meth-trip ride...not just the scene, the movie itself. If you like off-kilter comedy with a dark and ballsy edge, go see this Film.
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Interesting and funny!
actormarks-253-2707859 April 2013
I like this movie! It's not your typical movie with the same old story line. I thought was shot fantastic I was taken back by the use of vibrant colors and the cinematography was fantastic!

I found humor in one scene in particular that I won't mention but I actually thought Eddie Furlong was the perfect character choice...his dry sense of humor was clearly evident.

I have to say my favorite character is Gabor he actually kept things going throughout the film and I couldn't wait to see what he was going to do next.

It was good to see all the actors from back in the day and the priest was something

This is not for your average unimaginative viewer you definitely have to think outside the box and expand your mind on this one to keep up.
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Matt's Chance is a very unique and entertaining independent- a Must See!
kevon-130-89451810 May 2013
I saw Matt's Chance at the VIFF, in Las Vegas. I was initially intrigued with the cast of the movie and wanting to check it out. Some of the cast includes Edward Furlong, Gary Busey, Margot Kidder, and Lee Majors. Recognizable faces for sure from many different diverse backgrounds and many years of experience. In what is a "very" dark, intense and edgy comedy about Furlong and his girlfriend, a cast of strange characters, and maybe even more in the humor found in the introspection, continually bouncing from reality to unreality. Somehow, all is cleverly pulled together and harnessed by a definite up-and-coming talent, in Director, Nicholas Gyeney.

With Edward Furlong in his best work to date, Furlong, naturally rides this dark and edgy vibe right out of the gate. He really finds the right right track and pulls you in and stays on course. Gary Busey, is in his natural habitat as the pawn shop owner. Margot Kidder (Louis Lane- Superman) appears out of the fog and does a very intriguing elderly stripper ... that is not routine. Lee Majors (the Six Million Dollar Man- are you kidding me!) as the Barber, and ... Brandy Kopp, plays the beautiful girlfriend to warm things up. Bill Sorice nails the mob boss and Edward Michael Scott plays the rival, Tyler Swift ... not to be confused with Taylor Swift.

I really believe we are going to see some great things from this fast, up-and-coming director, Nicholas Gyeney. On top of the cast doing a solid performances, Gyeney, does a masterful job of bringing it all together. Keep your eye on this guy.
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Day in the life of the boy from T2 grown up.
Doctor_Enigmatic26 January 2024
What to say about this movie. It's not done yet, but I definitely can empathize with John Conner on his feelings. My favorite part might when I saw the Green Goblin as a private dancer. This is the second time I've seen Dafoe in drag, but this time was a lot more horrifying to be honest.

Sure watching him suck face in Boondock Saints was very jarring, but seeing a 65 year old Lois Lane doing a show for the future of mankind, I now see why Skynet won. I don't think I'll be able to do anything adult related for a while. This is some stuff that will last a lifetime. Then again my mutant ability is to repress horrible memories. Need to go smoke a foot long joint to bury this.

This is as far as I am in the movie and I can't imagine needing to say more to sell this film to people. What a trip.
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The little Indie that could!
ricko1911 April 2013
After seeing the 2nd trailer for Matt's Chance my expectations began to rise so when I made the drive up from San Diego to the LA Indie Fest last month they were high.

The movie did not disappoint one bit.

The animated opening sequence was slick & fun and the movies music, done by Julien K perfectly paced the film.

Edward Furlong, Gary Busey and Brandy Kopp were great. Edi Zanidache and Bill Sorice were hilarious.

I enjoyed film maker Nicholas Gyeneys' last movie, The Penitent Man as well so I can't wait to see what he can do when he has the chance to work with a bigger budget and even bigger actors!

If you have the chance to see this on the festival circuit don't miss out!
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A great independent film
ZachGodswit9 April 2013
I saw this film at a festival in Florida and must say that I was pleasantly surprised. I attend festivals every year, and most films I see aren't worth the view.

I should first say that this isn't a straight comedy. Dark is definitely the right word to use, but the film also has a dramatic side that is very effective.

A couple scenes were a bit long, but overall I really enjoyed the film. It has cult movie written all over it, and I'm sure it'll be released soon.

Easily Edward Furlong's best performance in many years, and Gary Busey was hilarious as well.

One of the best things though was the writing. The film is very obviously supposed to be "out there" so if you're looking for unbridled realism, stick to documentaries. It's crude, over the top, loud, and unafraid to poke fun at several social issues.

I overheard one or two people walking out of the theater talking about how offensive it was. Honestly, this movie SHOULD offend some people. It's supposed to, and it looks like it worked.

The crowd gave a great reaction as well. I'd recommend the film to anyone who isn't afraid to make fun of themselves and doesn't take life too seriously. If you're overly religious or can't handle explicit language, you probably should skip it.
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Great Indie Film
tampagirl3510 April 2013
I had the opportunity to see this film recently and wasn't sure what to expect. Very funny at times and also has some unexpected twists. The film does have a dark side and covers a lot of subject matter, but in a comical way.

Furlong turns in a solid performance and Gary Busey and Bill Sorice provide excellent supporting roles. Margot Kidder's cameo is worth the price of admission. The entire cast is excellent and the story is very original.

Overall a very well done independent film and a very promising director. I can't wait to see what Mr. Gyeney does next.
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This Movie Rocks!
allison-610-77616110 April 2013
I am a huge fan of Julien K, the band who did the entire score. When I found out they were making the score for a movie, I knew I had to check it out as soon as I could. Lucky for me, it was playing at a festival in LA a couple months ago and I got to attend! Not only that, but I got to meet Julien K and some of the crew from the movie. So awesome!

The music has to be my favorite part of the movie. Every scene, every moment, is perfectly matched with Julien K's genius composition. It moves the scenes along really well. This is one of those movies that gives you an indescribable feeling after watching... I wanted to watch it again.

I thought Edward Furlong's performance was impressive as was most of the rest of the cast. I hope this movie continues to do well, I'd like to see it in theaters.
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Dark, dark comedy based on true events
panoise11 April 2013
Matt's Chance was a darkly fun comedic drama about the ultimate loser losing the ultimate girlfriend.

I had the pleasure of viewing it at the Canada Intl Film Festival in Vancouver and was so glad I did.

Edward Furlong's performance takes you immediately into the gloomy dreamscape of this Seattle based comedy drama.

The film was beautifully shot and the writing was excellent. The diverse cast mix of seasoned legendary actors and burgeoning new talent is a great treat.

Right when you feel bad for the protagonist he does something to immediately remind you why he's in the situation he's in. This film is dark and hilarious and guarantees both gasps and guffaws alike.

Oh and its got Gary Busey. The Busey was hysterically funny, my only wish was for more Busey!!
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Unique and original dark dramedy with plenty of laughs
samherbig12 April 2013
From the edgy and clever opening credits of Matt's Chance, you know you're in for a treat. The animation sequence is well done and set to the beginning of a great score by Julien-K, and gives a teaser of the types of shenanigans about to ensue in this dark dramedy. The cast is a fanboy's (or girl's) dream, sporting favorites such as Edward Furlong, Margot Kidder, Lee Majors, and then of course the enigmatic Gary Busey. Furlong does an excellent job as the film's protagonist, Matt, who is caught in a downward spiral after discovering his cheating girlfriend, on his birthday of all days. His journey of anguish, anger, and revenge is highlighted by hilarious chance encounters with a host of great characters, from a crazy Russian mobster to a rapping priest to a stripper with her AARP card. Each crazy turn leaves you wondering what could possibly happen next to Matt, right up to the ending you didn't see coming. The up and coming cast hold their own on screen with the slew of veterans, and deliver some of the best comedic moments of the film. Oh, and did I mention Seattle Seahawks great Marshawn Lynch makes an appearance? If you're looking for a fresh, dark comedy with character and edge, and you're not easily offended, definitely check out Matt's Chance.
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From someone who worked on the movie
MikeBoydstun-DP7 October 2013
I was the cinematographer on this movie so it seems a bit self-indulgent to write a review, but I'm doing it anyway, that is if you can call my opinion a review. The schedule of this production was short so we really had to move fast and make decisions. I have to say that the finished product is something I'm proud of. The actors were great and each brought something unique to their performance. Nicholas Gyeney new what he wanted and got it. After we shot I was on to other things so I didn't see hardly a frame until it was shown at festivals. I was blown away at how everything came together, the music, the editing, the acting, the direction...Matt's Chance is a true original American movie.
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Review for Matt's Chance
rpietras-752-42396630 July 2013
I attended the NYC premier of "Matt's Chance" and enjoyed taking a walk down memory lane with this eclectic cast. I mean where else will you find a film with Edward Furlong, Lee Majors, Margot Kidder, and Gary Busey? But one lessor-known character actor, New York City's own Bill Sorice, found a way to outshine most of the Hollywood vets with his portrayal of Russian Mobster, Gabor. Sorice has director several short works, but also was the face of "Lucky Two Fingers" in NY Lottery Take 5 Other Kinds of Luck commercials. His take on Gabor made him perhaps the most unpredictable of a very unpredictable bunch.

Overall, the dark comedy was funny and jarring at the same time, making you guess what could possibly come next.

But no one, and I mean no one, will guess how where this crazy, winding road of a film ends up. Trust me.
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Matts Chance is a humorously sordid film. I especially enjoyed Gabor played by Bill Sorice. He brought humor, severity and a candidness to the role.
davianasebastian26 September 2013
Matts chance is a humorously sordid film. It was quirky and honest in both a mundane and unearthly kind of way. The movie was funny with an interesting take on things. It reminded me a bit of the movie Dogma (Starring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck). I liked the surreal feel, dreamlike camera angles and bold use of color. The movie was even a little gritty, all the makings of a good dark comedy. Movies like this allow us to see the lighter side of human morbidity and pain. It was good to see Edward Furlong.

I especially enjoyed Gabor played by Bill Sorice. Sorice played the part seamlessly; he brought humor, severity and a candidness to the role. I was always waiting for Gabor to come back on screen. Whenever he was on, my eyes were glued.
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Great film! Don't miss this movie.
Nancyangieri5 August 2013
Excellent movie with an interesting twist ending.

Great characters and great performances by all.

Edward Furlong was great as Matt.

Lee Majors, Margot Kidder and Gary Busey were all fantastic. Especially Busey, we could have used a little more Gary Busey.

Gabor steals the show. Bill Sorice did an outstanding performance. I thought he was hilarious but he never let you forget that he was a dangerous gangster.

The Gary Busey scene with Bill Sorice as Gabor was incredible.

Don't miss this movie!
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funny, a bit dark, well put together film!
ronda_olshefski27 January 2014
I really didn't know what to expect from this movie, although I know a few of the Actors in this film I wanted to go support the film,the Actors and Director involved. I really thought the film had a great original story-line, and it was easy to follow. Matt's Chance is a little on the dark side, but it wasn't bad to a point that I couldn't watch it. There were a lot of comical parts in this movie I really enjoyed from some of the roles. I felt the quality of acting in this film was very good as well as the way the film was put together. Overall I really enjoyed this film and was happy I went to see it. I would recommend anyone to go and see this film!
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Very Entertaining Watch!!!
mr_lee-7813018 May 2017
Discovered this movie recently and was very impressed!! Edward Furlong and Bill Sorice flow well together, and the two actors make this film! I especially liked Mr. Sorice's character and he played the role to perfection...kinda reminds me of a Joker type character with all the craziness!! A fun to watch dark comedy with several twists and a surprise ending! I will definitely be sharing this one with friends in my circle!
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Take A Chance and See This Film
cmyers4119 August 2013
I am really hoping that Matt's Chance gets it's due and will have a theatrical release. Audiences deserve to see this film.

It is a quirky revenge story reminiscent of a Quentin Tarantino film - with that mix of comedy and action-packed masculine energy.

Edward Furlong is brilliant. And Bill Sorice makes an amazing turn as a mobster.

The soundtrack rocks and the film is a great representation of all that's right with independent filmmaking.

When Matt's Chance comes to a theater near year, take advantage of the chance and go see it!
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Matt's Chance - A MUST SEE MOVIE!
erin_papp15 January 2014
So, after waiting months and months to see this movie, I finally got the chance to order it, and received it today. I couldn't get it in my DVD player fast enough! Matt's Chance is not your average ooey gooey love story. It's real life, the real deal of what happens when you've been taken advantage of, in a semi twisted sort of way. There's none of that ...'and they lived happily ever after' stuff. If you've been burned before, like a lot of us have, then you know that fairy tale stuff doesn't cut it. But Matt's Chance does. I really enjoyed Eddie Furlong in a comedic role too. He did a great job, as well as Gary Busey and Margot Kidder. This movie is a MUST SEE!
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